Tuesday Tidings

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A voluntary development strike team composed of GameMasters Zadraes, Koror, Ulerith, Cordulia, and Haros. Their goal is to push out regular small updates each week, usually on Tuesdays.

GM Tullie was an founding member of this team, but has stepped back to focus on some other awesome projects for a while.


Tuesday Tidings Releases: #1 - #45

February 2020

March 2020

  • Tuesday Tidings 5: New BADNAME command to flag potentially policy violating names for staff review.[5]
  • Tuesday Tidings 6:
  • Junkyard mechanics were updated to include a few more verbs to help those of you who end up visiting it. APPRAISE, BREAK, COUNT, LOWER and UNTIE should now be usable!
  • An update to the FLAGS verb to help with the custom login/logout messages. There are two options here. First, the FLAG verb now has an option to let you toggle your personal custom messaging completely off or on -- this affects what is seen by those in the same area as you as well as the arrivals window. There's also an option for you to disable seeing others' custom messaging for the arrivals window only. You'll still see the area messaging if you're with someone.[6]

April 2020

  • Elder Adan'f blademasters and sorcerers are now skinnable.[10]
  • The Whistling Wood is now boreal.[11]
  • Fang Cove's rotating shops are also reset to rotate on Tuesdays (although this will drift over time).

May 2020

June 2020

  • Facial Hair RTs have been lowered considerably and there are now STUDY mechanics to explain verbs, tools, and more.
  • PUT command update with a new warning message when you try to put an item in/on/under/behind a container in the room that also matches to something you're wearing.[20]

July 2020

  1. Shrapnel boxes have been updated to remove their PvP and mech abuse aspects. When such a box detonates, it will only harm the person who blew it; it will no longer lodge shards in others nearby. Additionally, the wounds were changed from external wounds to internal.
  2. Anatomy charts and textbooks have been added as valid APPRAISE FOCUS targets for First Aid.
  3. Tembeg's Armory in Crossing has three new metal masks (chain, scale, and plate).[23]
  • Tuesday Tidings 22: A new brush-choked pathway near Leth Deriel's NW gate, in the Northern Reaches of Bosque Deriel for premium Rangers at level 50+ leads to a nature-friendly clearing within the surrounding woods. A mix of cabins and tree-type homes are available to be claimed by those eligible.[24]
  • Tuesday Tidings 23: [25]
  1. ATMOS verb has new options.
  2. Group window is more reliable [but in Test only for a few days]!

August 2020

  • Tuesday Tidings 24:[26]
  1. A new weapon shop, The Art of Attack, added into the rotation in Fang Cove.
  2. The number of rotating shops in Fang Cove has increased. Now three shops will be open at a time (up from two).

September 2020

  1. HOME CATALOG NEARBY command option release to help you find unclaimed homes in neighborhoods near you.
  2. URCHIN GUIDES expanded to include the URCHIN GUIDE HOME command to guide you to your own home. As with all urchin commands; requires being in a justice area, having an urchin guide contract, and being in the same province as your home.
  1. Two new TOGGLEs have been added to provide numeric values, in APPRAISE messages as well as mana levels via PERCEIVE.
  2. The base armor hindrance rankings have been expanded to 15 visible values, up from 8. The stats of items did NOT change; this is a cosmetic change to provide more granularity when comparing items.

October 2020

  1. The debt listing in the INFO and WEALTH verbs now includes a reminder about URCHIN runners to remotely pay your debts.
  2. The PAY verb has been updated with a PAY ALL option for debt offices.
  3. The TEST verb was updated to give you potency crystals and infuser stones to assist in testing items that use them.
CLIMBING roundtime/travel time can be reduced to 1 second with skill.
Fatigue cost during climbing on Aesry is reduced with skill.

November 2020

TOGGLE ATTRIBUTES adds support for numeric ratings for Luck. Future updates will apply to other INFO command attributes.
Picking and Disarming trapped boxes will now reflect numerical ratings for difficulty tied to TOGGLE APPRAISAL when using IDENTIFY.
  • Tuesday Tidings 38: Four new LTBs -- a fluff bonder, an armor bonder, and empty wallets (stackers) for potency crystals and infuser stones added to the Squat Bungalow in Fang Cove.[42]
  • Tuesday Tidings 39: Changes to the special drop attack from adult and bone wyverns. It now uses the core utility to handle the damage applied instead of custom handling, and should now be less punishing.[43]
  • Tuesday Tidings 40: Zoluren housing expansion, with the addition of Steelpine Circle in Knife Clan. 24 new lower class rural homes added.[44]

December 2020


Tuesday Tidings Releases: #1 - #97

January 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 46: Reorganization of creatures in the Crossing sewers. There are now 3 tiers of silverfish and 3 tiers of ruffians in the sewers, including a Premium-only hunting area.[51]
  • Tuesday Tidings 47: Expansion of TOGGLE APPRAISAL, adding numerical ratings when APPRAISING creatures.[52][53]
  • Tuesday Tidings 48: Expansion of the FORAGE command, adding a RECALL option to evaluate the area you're in for the items intended to be found there.[54]
  • Tuesday Tidings 49: Adjustments to Xala'shar special attacks, specifically the vindicators' wail and vanquishers' blinding sparks.[55]

February 2021

March 2021

  1. Appraising a shield will now show both the held and worn appraisal.
  2. Differentiation with INV SLOTS between items worn "tied to the hair" and items "placed in the hair". Additionally, items worn on the upper arm will now appraise as "upper arm" (two words) instead of "upperarm" (one word).
  3. All worn skinning knives -- regardless of adjective -- can now be used as Skinning foci (for APPRAISE FOCUS) for non-Necromancers.

April 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 59: The remaining Xala'shar warriors (non-casters), commonly referred to as "Tier 4" (overseers, shredders, and archers) as well as the slayers, have had their special attacks reviewed and their damage adjusted. Their specials still have a bite, but they shouldn't end you in just a hit or two.[66]
  • Tuesday Tidings 60: Expansion of the news stand locations for The First Land Herald. The imps are now selling copies of the newsletter in Hibarnhvidar (by the inn), Aesry (by the Crystal Wave), and Fang Cove (by the bank). The imps are also more chatty. Prime only.[67]
  • Tuesday Tidings 61: Reshuffling of the Vineyards hunting area outside of Crossing's northeast gate (like Baearholt's and connected areas). Lower-level creatures have be split into smaller more distinct tiered areas with better spawning. Also included are some equipment and messaging upgrades.[68]
  • Tuesday Tidings 62: Two new housing areas located in Crossing: Tatting Street and Riverlace Lane, with lovely views of the Oxenwaithe and High Temple, are now available! It's primarily a middle/upperclass homes, which can only be claimed by Estate Holders.[69]

May 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 63: Vaults can be pre-paid up to 12 platinum kronars at a time, covering vault access for 2 real life years. Multiple payments can be made to pay your rent even longer.[70]
  • Tuesday Tidings 64: Forager ghouls (level 130ish) have surfaced within the Zaulfung. These (undead) ghouls are a little different; good luck with them![71]
  • Tuesday Tidings 65: A dozen or so common gathering places have been updated with seating, snacks and perhaps a firepit for tiring adventures. A few of the locations are seasonal, and a few have some surprises.[72]
  • Tuesday Tidings 66: Major revamp of Baearholt's Farm. New creatures! New layouts! Basically, everything has changed.[73]

June 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 67: When you APPRAISE a sling, bow, or crossbow, you will now see the base load time (before any stat, skill, or other modifications).[74]
  • Tuesday Tidings 68: Enhancements to the Rumor system. You can now STUDY NPCs and see if they're a part of the rumor system as well as their biases.[75]
  • Tuesday Tidings 69: Release of the TITLE FIND command, allowing players to look up a title and its requirements.[76]
  • Tuesday Tidings 70: The Zaulfung swamp got even more undeadlier with forager wights! They are stronger, faster, and more aggressive than their forager ghoul relatives, spawning between levels 139-145 and use ranged weapons.[77]
  • Tuesday Tidings 71: Flaming dinnsehenchas (levels 147-153) released. Found in the upper caverns of Hibarnhvidar and not for the faint of heart. There is a large cavern that's for everyone and then a smaller grotto that's premie only.[78]

July 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 72: The Negotiants' nest has been poked and new deals have been stirred up for Traders. Overall, this should give you a little more flexibility with managing your aura. And the new deals are not without some risks.[79]
  • Tuesday Tidings 73: New TIME DATE command that tells you the in-game dates for a real world date. And a new system check to avoid death while you're in the dying state. If you have no actively bleeding wounds (they must be fully tended!) and you have at least 10% of your max vitality, you'll survive the death check.[80]
  • Tuesday Tidings 74: The Wilderness creatures north of Crossing (Inkhornes, vipers, leucros, rock guardians, and forest geni) were shuffled around and condensed a bit (also hello new Premium areas!) to make room for a high level meanie coming in a future update![81]
  • Tuesday Tidings 75: Telga orek appear in a small cave on Basalt Isle. They spawn at creature level 151, with a -3/+3 range (i.e., 148-154).[82]

August 2021

  1. All non-crafting repair shops were updated to accept all weapons and armor, regardless of material. You may notice some changes to room names, messaging, and ticket printouts.
  2. Calendars have been added to all banks, typically near the teller or entry, with the current date in a user-friendly format, such as "Havrandu, 19 Akroeg 439."
  • Tuesday Tidings 78: Release of the VAULT verb, allowing you to remotely handle your vault-related needs. Some of the options are only available to paying subscribers, and a few are free to premium subscribers while requiring urchin runner contracts if you're on a standard account.[85]
  • Tuesday Tidings 79: Two updates to the AUTOLOOT mechanics that should make scroll collectors and box openers happy! There's now a dedicated SCROLLS toggle and an AUTOBOX option to loot a picked chest when it's OPENed the first time.[86]
  • Tuesday Tidings 80: Release of the DISSECT verb to gain insights to First Aid! It will feel familiar to those of you acquainted with the Necromancers' dissection ritual.[87]

September 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 81: Cloud rats (level 63 to 67) appear in a new area in Ilithi, near Wyvern Mountain.[88]
  • Tuesday Tidings 82: The snowbeasts and granite gargoyles found in the Dragon's Spine of Ilithi have been split into their own non-overlapping zones. Additionally, there have been some improvements to their spawning behavior.[89]
  • Tuesday Tidings 83: HUNT is now a little friendlier with regards to water areas. You can now SEE nearby targets to help find creatures to hunt when they're in swimming rooms, and with ankle deep water and a little bit of athletics (25 ranks), you can also HUNT to a target.[90]
  • Tuesday Tidings 84: Expansion of the VAULT verb, tweaking the existing STANDARD and FAMILY listing options (how they consume urchin runners) and adding VAULT STORE, VAULT REMOVE and VAULT TRANSFER options. Updates work with both standard and family vaults.[91]

October 2021

November 2021

  • Tiger Clan's new Oak Tree Loop neighborhood has a number of middle-class rural homes restricted to Gor'Togs.
  • Wolf Clan has a new Wolverine Ward area with middle-class rural homes restricted to Humans.

December 2021

  • Tuesday Tidings 94: The SEPARATE command can remove single objects from a stack, split stacks in half, and remove a specific number of objects from a stack.[101]
  • Tuesday Tidings 95: With sufficient First Aid skill, internal bleeders can now be TENDed. Additionally, damage to your hands and arms is no longer binary. A completely severed arm or hand will still prevent tending, but with enough skill, your (potentially very) damaged limbs can still provide life saving first aid to both the self and others![102]
  • Tuesday Tidings 96: Four new sets of harveting locations, two mining sets (in Ratha and Hibarnhvidar) and two new lumberjacking sets (in Siksraja and Hara'Jaal). All together, there's more than 35 new spots for harvesting spread across these four areas.[103]
  • Tuesday Tidings 97: The shield protection messaging in the COMPARE verb has been updated to be consistent with the revised messaging released as Tuesday Tidings #92.[104][105]


January 2022

  • Tuesday Tidings 98: Scavenger trolls lurking around the abandoned Gorbesh fort near Dirge will no longer steal player weapons. Instead, they absolutely will take (destroy) any coins, gems or treasure boxes they find left lying about. Additionally, the spawn settings for some of the creatures around Dirge (madmen, ghouls and the scavenger trolls) were tweaked to be a bit better and more consistent.[106]
  • Tuesday Tidings 99: AUTOLOOT mechs were updated to try and stack ammo as its placed into a lootsack/pouch/etc. Stacked ammo should only count as a single item against an autoloot container's limit. To support this, the previously mentioned updates to ammo weights when stacked are a part of this release as well.[107]
  • Tuesday Tidings 100: Release of the Taffelberry Faire, a small yearly (automated) festival in Arthe Dale to celebrate the harvest and the Holy Week of Glythtide.[108]
  • Tuesday Tidings 101: The Abandoned Farmhouse near Steelclaw Clan now has a spooky house to explore, and it's full of frostcrones![109]

February 2022

  • Tuesday Tidings 102: Over 50 new spots for lumberjacking and 9 more spots for mining added across parts of Forfedhdar and Ilithi.[110]
  • Tuesday Tidings 103: [111]
  1. REGISTER CHECK FULL added to get a full inventory listing, and show what's registered and what's not.
  2. INV SLOTS FULL now includes a counter of how many items you're wearing per inventory slot, for easier at-a-glance consumption.


  1. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_1_-_02/25/2020_-_21:00
  2. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_2_-_03/03/2020_-_20:11
  3. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_3_-_03/10/2020_-_20:20
  4. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_-_4_-_03/17/2020_-_16:47
  5. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_5_-_03/24/2020_-_19:27
  6. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_6_-_03/31/2020_-_22:57
  7. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_-_7_-_04/07/2020_-_19:23
  8. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_8_-_04/14/2020_-_21:24
  9. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_9_-_04/21/2020_-_22:23
  10. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_9_-_04/27/2020_-_21:17
  11. Post:Whistling_Woods_-_04/27/2020_-_21:20
  12. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_10_-_04/28/2020_-_19:47
  13. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_11_-_05/05/2020_-_20:37
  14. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_12_-_05/12/2020_-_18:07
  15. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 13 - 05/19/2020 - 23:59
  16. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_14_-_05/26/2020_-_19:26
  17. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 15 - 06/02/2020 - 20:52
  18. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 16 - 06/09/2020 - 19:32
  19. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_17_-_06/16/2020_-_20:03
  20. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_18_-_06/23/2020_-_20:10
  21. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_19_-_06/30/2020_-_19:52
  22. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_20_-_07/07/2020_-_17:19
  23. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_21_-_07/14/2020_-_18:17
  24. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_22_-_07/21/2020_-_20:29
  25. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_-_23_-_07/28/2020_-_17:43
  26. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 24 - 08/04/2020 - 18:41
  27. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_25_-_Onyx_Gargoyles_-_08/11/2020_-_17:25
  28. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_26_More_Account_Vaults_-_08/18/2020_-_20:23
  29. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_27_-_Premium_Juvenile_Wyverns_-_08/25/2020_-_21:33
  30. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_28_-_Bronze_Leucros_-_09/01/2020_-_20:37
  31. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_-_29_-_Home_Catalog_and_Urchin_Guide_Updates_-_09/08/2020_-_18:21
  32. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_30_-_New_Shard_Home_Shop_-_09/15/2020_-_19:28
  33. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_-_31_-_Premium_Verb_Update_-_09/22/2020_-_19:20
  34. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_28_-_Bronze_Leucros_-_09/24/2020_-_23:43
  35. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 32 - New Numerical Toggles and Expanded Armor Hindrance Scale - 09/29/2020 - 19:33
  36. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 33 - Scavenger Giants - 10/06/2020 - 23:22
  37. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 34 - Debt and TEST Verb Updates - 10/13/2020 - 19:36
  38. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_35_-_New_Breaking_and_Entering_Loot_-_10/20/2020_-_21:01
  39. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_36_-_Aesry_Surlaenis'a_Update_-_10/27/2020_-_19:34
  40. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_36_-_Aesry_Surlaenis'a_Update_-_10/28/2020_-_23:06
  41. Post:Tuesday_Tidings_37_-_More_Toggles_-_11/03/2020_-_20:32
  42. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 38 - New LTBs - 11/10/2020 - 23:34
  43. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 39 - Wyvern Update - 11/17/2020 - 20:45
  44. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 40 - Knife Clan Housing - 11/24/2020 - 21:10
  45. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 41 - New Fang Cove Shop - 12/01/2020 - 18:05
  46. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 42 - Numerical Toggle for Comparing Weapons, Shields, and Armor - 12/08/2020 - 21:33
  47. Post:Comparison Scales for Weapons, Shields, and Armor - 12/08/2020 - 21:34
  48. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 43 - Forest Bandits - 12/16/2020 - 00:32
  49. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 44 - Shard Hunting - 12/22/2020 - 18:53
  50. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 45 - Hibarnhvidar Tables - 12/29/2020 - 19:17
  51. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 46 - Crossing Sewers - 01/05/2021 - 20:15
  52. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 47 - Numerical Toggle for Appraising Creatures - 01/12/2021 - 18:43
  53. Post:Scales for Appraising Creatures - 01/12/2021 - 18:43
  54. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 48 - Forage Verb Update - 01/19/2021 - 20:54
  55. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 49 - Xala'Shar - 01/26/2021 - 19:05
  56. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 50 - New Breaking and Entering Loot - 02/02/2021 - 18:03
  57. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 51 - Eidolon Steeds - 02/09/2021 - 21:03
  58. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 52 - Shift - 02/16/2021 - 21:58
  59. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 53 - Citizenship - 02/23/2021 - 20:28
  60. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 53 - Citizenship - 02/26/2021 - 00:20
  61. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 54 - Abandoned Mine - 03/02/2021 - 18:01
  62. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 55 - Rakash - 03/09/2021 - 21:30
  63. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 56 - Wyvern Plateau - 03/16/2021 - 17:51
  64. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 57 - QoL Improvements for Appraisal - 03/23/2021 - 19:35
  65. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 58 - Shadow's Reach - 03/30/2021 - 19:38
  66. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 59 - Xala'shar (Part 2) - 04/06/2021 - 07:50
  67. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 60 - News - 04/13/2021 - 20:35
  68. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 61 - Vineyards - 04/20/2021 - 16:51
  69. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 62 - Housing - 04/27/2021 - 19:14
  70. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 63 - Greedy Vaults - 05/04/2021 - 20:02
  71. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 64 - Ghouls - 05/11/2021 - 20:21
  72. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 65 - Stay A While, and Eat, and Share - 05/18/2021 - 15:52
  73. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 66 - Baearholt's Proper - 05/25/2021 - 16:13
  74. Post:Tuesday Tidings 67 - Appraisal of Base Load Times for Ranged Weapons - 06/01/2021 - 19:11
  75. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 68 - Rumor System Enhancement - 06/08/2021 - 21:44
  76. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 69 - Titles - 06/15/2021 - 18:45
  77. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 70 - Wights - 06/22/2021 - 18:29
  78. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 71 - Hibarnhvidar gets smoky! - 06/29/2021 - 14:05
  79. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 72 - Tessera Deals - 07/06/2021 - 20:36
  80. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 73 - Time and Death - 07/13/2021 - 19:46
  81. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 74 - Wilderness Shuffle - 07/20/2021 - 20:04
  82. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 75 - Watcher's Cave - 07/27/2021 - 10:35
  83. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 76 - Hunting expansion - 08/03/2021 - 17:56
  84. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 77 - Repair Shops and Bank Calendars - 08/10/2021 - 20:09
  85. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 78 - Vault Verb - 08/17/2021 - 20:03
  86. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 79 - Autoloot - 08/24/2021 - 14:27
  87. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 80 - Dissection - 08/31/2021 - 17:57
  88. Post:Tuesday Tidings 81 - Fog and vermin.... - 09/07/2021 - 16:50
  89. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 82 - Snowbeasts and Granite Gargoyles (Ilithi: Dragon's Spine) - 09/14/2021 - 15:58
  90. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 83 - Hunting - 09/21/2021 - 20:47
  91. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 84 - Vault Verb Updates - 09/28/2021 - 20:13
  92. Post:Tuesday Tidings 85 - New stuffs in P3 - 10/05/2021 - 17:59
  93. Post:Tuesday Tidings 86 - Spooky Scary Farm! - 10/12/2021 - 15:58
  94. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 87 - Deed Register Adjustments - 10/19/2021 - 17:14
  95. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 88 - What's Under That Rock? - 10/26/2021 - 20:10
  96. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 89 - Housing - 11/02/2021 - 17:24
  97. Post:Tuesday Tidings 90 - What luuuuuuuuuurks beneath? - 11/09/2021 - 12:28
  98. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 91 - Forests - 11/16/2021 - 18:46
  99. Post:Tuesday Tidings 92 - Appraisal of Shield Protection - 11/23/2021 - 19:06
  100. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 93 - Showing Off - 11/30/2021 - 21:15
  101. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 94 - Separating - 12/07/2021 - 11:08
  102. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 95 - First Aid Update - 12/14/2021 - 21:47
  103. Post:Tuesday Tidings 96 - More things to bash and chop! - 12/21/2021 - 17:32
  104. Post:Tuesday Tidings 97 - Comparison of Shield Protection - 12/28/2021 - 14:56
  105. Post:Comparison Scales for Shield Protection - 12/28/2021 - 14:57
  106. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 98 - Scavengers - 01/04/2022 - 17:16
  107. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 99 - Ammo Stacking for Autoloot - 01/11/2022 - 20:43
  108. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 100 - Let's Celebrate the Harvest - 01/18/2022 - 19:29
  109. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 101 - Spoooooky Scary Farmhouse - 01/25/2022 - 17:33
  110. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 102 - More Mining and Lumberjacking - 02/01/2022 - 20:46
  111. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 103 - Verb Updates - 02/08/2022 - 19:02
  112. Post:Tuesday Tidings - 104 - More Urchins, More Registrations - 02/15/2022 - 20:57

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