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Post:Tuesday Tidings - 98 - Scavengers - 01/04/2022 - 17:16

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Tuesday Tidings - 98 - Scavengers · on 01/04/2022 17:16 1915
Hi folks! It's Tuesday, so we did a thing! It's a small thing, but a thing that needed doing!

The scavenger trolls lurking around the abandoned Gorbesh fort near Dirge have been updated to scavenge for nicer things. In particular, they should no longer steal player weapons. Instead, they absolutely will take (destroy) any coins, gems or treasure boxes they find left lying about -- if you care about loot, don't leave it on the ground! Their skills/level were not modified -- they remain a level 35-38 creature (some variance).

Additionally, the spawn settings for some of the creatures around Dirge (madmen, ghouls and the scavenger trolls) were tweaked to be a bit better and more consistent. There's no shortage of early game hunting, but these were easy tweaks while we were there. Ghouls still have some overlap with madmen and are less common; they are similar level though so shouldn't be problematic.

These should be the last of the item-stealing creatures out there that I'm aware of. Vykathi reapers were updated last year to no longer take weapons, germish'din were also updated to no longer separate shields (they end up at your feet), and now scavenger trolls are sorted.

The scavenger troll updates should be live everywhere. If you notice anything odd, please let us know! Big thanks to Ulerith and Grejuva for the QCs on this one!

The countdown to TT100 is winding'll be something special to mark the occasion! One more release before then, though! We'll see you next week!

(for the team!)

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.