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Dissection ritual

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Necromancer thumb.jpgNecromancer Guild
Dissection ritual
Requirements: 10th Circle
Difficulty: None
Type / Skill: ritual / thanatology
Use Cost: -
Description: The Dissection ritual is purely an educational and training tool performed on corpses which have not yet been SKINned or otherwise ritualized.
Effect: Teaches Thanatology and First Aid.
Messaging: Success (Default):

You carefully position the corpse and make a cut across its length, opening up the viscera for your inspection. Using your knife as a probe, you trace the lines of the corpse, cutting into where vital fluids once flowed. You learn something both of the <creature> and the Great Work through the examination.

Success (Perverse):
You carefully position the corpse and make a cut across its length, opening up the viscera for your inspection. Using your knife as a probe, you trace the lines of the corpse, cutting into where vital fluids once flowed. You learn something both of the <creature> and the secrets of necromancy through the examination.

Success (Undead):
With less concern than you'd give a fresh corpse, you plunge your knife into the <creature>. You feel a tingle play along your fingers as you pierce into the pattern of unnatural life that animated this entity. Using the tingling as a guide, you trace the pattern with your knife, intuiting something of the creature's creation.

Success (Redeemed):
With a moment's hesitation, you reflect on the Immortals and Their will, and you respectfully use your knife to lay bare the innards of the <creature>. In the arrangement of organ and viscera, you feel a faint connection to the divine, a tainted glimpse into their plan filtered through the vile lens of your knife. Tracing the connection, you learn something of Them and Their designs.

Success (Undead, Redeemed):
With a moment's hesitation, you reflect on the Immortals and Their will, and you plunge your knife into the <creature>. You feel Their grace behind what the <creature> used to be, sense Their patterns crudely imitated to animate this entity. Filtered through the vile lens of your knife, you learn something of Them and their designs, and why They do not approve of this false life.

You realize after a few seconds that you don't have enough thanatological expertise to trace the lines of this corpse's former life force.


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