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Post:Tuesday Tidings - 55 - Rakash - 03/09/2021 - 21:30

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Tuesday Tidings - 55 - Rakash · on 03/09/2021 21:30 1832
Katamba rises above the horizon.

Your eyes are instinctively drawn in its direction. A sense of longing for home, for the Great Pack, like a distant howl, tugs at your consciousness.

The rattling of some crinkled paper draws your attention from the sky. Picking it up, you clearly recognize the Rakash scrawled upon it:

"The Clerics of Siksraja are supplying us with a new bit of jewelry. They claim Mrod has gifted their enchanters with a powerful new implement to help bring our brothers and sisters together. Supplies are expected s..."

The paper is torn, and the rest of the message is lost. Your eyes drift skyward once more.

Happy Tuesday, Elanthians!

This week, Koror picked up a special project that Persida had wanted for the Rakash. Garidznawk Cehs within Siksraja has a new tray with a special necklace -- be sure to review the notecard!

This is the introduction of a new Rakash item, and it's limited to a single item in the shop. In time, we'll see shops with other options, and they could certainly be altered! The necklace put out for this release will allow Rakash to teleport to Siksraja once per day. F2P characters will need a passport to use it. Katamba must be visible, you must be outside, and Necromancers who have gone too far cannot use them at all. They bond to the first Rakash to RUB them (not the INVOKE BOND kind, but the nobody-else-can-use-it kind), and having more than one doesn't let you bypass the cooldown. These items only work for Rakash.

They have some nice themed messaging around the pack and Mrod -- big thanks to Koror and Armifer for that! Thanks, too, to Paklin for QC'ing the mechs and the shop addition!

(for the team!)
(also Katamba just set, sorry!)

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.