DragonRealms Updates (2022): Difference between revisions
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* {{com|PERCEIVE}} updated to display the remaining duration of the [[:Category:Heavy offensive abilities|Heavy TM]] cooldown.<ref>GM [[Grejuva]], via the official discord. ([https://discord.com/channels/619301383451181075/819304062545559562/1029996947995643915 link])</ref> |
* {{com|PERCEIVE}} updated to display the remaining duration of the [[:Category:Heavy offensive abilities|Heavy TM]] cooldown.<ref>GM [[Grejuva]], via the official discord. ([https://discord.com/channels/619301383451181075/819304062545559562/1029996947995643915 link])</ref> |
* [[Tuesday Tidings]] 139: New {{com|LIFT}} verb to help you better manage the items at your feet.<ref>[[Post:Tuesday Tidings - 139 - LIFT - 10/18/2022 - 19:56]]</ref> |
* [[Tuesday Tidings]] 139: New {{com|LIFT}} verb to help you better manage the items at your feet.<ref>[[Post:Tuesday Tidings - 139 - LIFT - 10/18/2022 - 19:56]]</ref> |
* Tuesday Tidings 140: Introduction of a yearly [[crafting]] reset. Once per year (assuming no recent warnings) a crafting trainer will, for 100 platinum Kronars, wipe all [[career]], [[hobby]] and [[:Category:Techniques|technique]] choices in one go.<ref>[[Post:Tuesday Tidings - |
* Tuesday Tidings 140: Introduction of a yearly [[crafting]] reset. Once per year (assuming no recent warnings) a crafting trainer will, for 100 platinum Kronars, wipe all [[career]], [[hobby]] and [[:Category:Techniques|technique]] choices in one go.<ref>[[Post:Tuesday Tidings - 140 - Careers and Hobbies - 10/25/2022 - 16:01]]</ref> |
==November== |
==November== |
Revision as of 17:51, 2 November 2022
1998 • 2009 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024 • 2025 |
Changes to the game during the 2022 calendar year.
- Alteration scroll notifications will now go every character on the account. If you're playing an alt other than the one who picked up a scroll, you will get a message stating there's an update pending on a particular character's scroll.[1]
- Tuesday Tidings 98: Scavenger trolls lurking around the abandoned Gorbesh fort near Dirge will no longer steal player weapons. Instead, they absolutely will take (destroy) any coins, gems or treasure boxes they find left lying about. Additionally, the spawn settings for some of the creatures around Dirge (madmen, ghouls and the scavenger trolls) were tweaked to be a bit better and more consistent.[2]
- Tuesday Tidings 99: AUTOLOOT mechs were updated to try and stack ammo as its placed into a lootsack/pouch/etc. Stacked ammo should only count as a single item against an autoloot container's limit. To support this, the previously mentioned updates to ammo weights when stacked are a part of this release as well.[3]
- Tuesday Tidings 100: Release of the Taffelberry Faire, a small yearly (automated) festival in Arthe Dale to celebrate the harvest and the Holy Week of Glythtide.[4]
- Su Helmas: Entrapped 440 microtransaction event.
- Energy Bows can be loaded while remaining hidden/invisible.[5]
- Tuesday Tidings 101: The Abandoned Farmhouse near Steelclaw Clan now has a spooky house to explore, and it's full of frostcrones![6]
- StormFront front end rebranded as Wrayth.[7]
- Tuesday Tidings 102: Over 50 new spots for lumberjacking and 9 more spots for mining added across parts of Forfedhdar and Ilithi.[8]
- Tuesday Tidings 103: [9]
- REGISTER CHECK FULL added to get a full inventory listing, and show what's registered and what's not.
- INV SLOTS FULL now includes a counter of how many items you're wearing per inventory slot, for easier at-a-glance consumption.
- Rewrite of Barbarian masteries deployed into the Test instance.[10]
- Release of two new tattoo shops: Castaways' Tattoo Parlor (Fang Cove) and Skin Deep (Outer Hibarnhvidar). In addition, the existing four LTB tattoo shops have been updated with new designs.[11]
- Tuesday Tidings 104: Urchin runners can be used to REGISTER items remotely.[12]
- Tuesday Tidings 105: A notice has been posted in the Crossing Traders' Guild tracking the Ilaya Taipa merchant barges.[13]
- Tuesday Tidings 106: Discovery of Gale Drake lair behind a roadblock near Pivilho Volcano on Ratha.[14]
- Thief ambushes updated so they are no longer hybrid attacks and SvS. Ignite is now an attack only, while the rest of the ambushes are now solely SvS contests.[15]
- Auto-charge is a thing of the past. You can CHARGE to do it if you want, but regular combat maneuvers will just tell you you're out of range. IZ, which also supported auto-charge will still auto-charge via TOUCH as CHARGE doesn't work with IZ.[16]
- Barbarian's Eagle Form[17] and Thieves' Khri Steady[18] abilities both had slot cost reductions, to bring them in line with other augmentation abilities that are +Missle and +Thrown.
- QoL updates to the Necromancers' PERFORM CUT ritual, adding messaging when the effect expires and allowed further uses to refresh the duration instead of fail.[19]
- Tuesday Tidings 107: Release of gigantic lachmates, found along a newly descovered path between Leth and the Gondola. These are constructs. There's a standard area with level 80 +/- 2 (78-82) variants, and an estate holder area with level 84 +/- 2 (82-86) variants.[20]
- Changes from the Barrier Review finalized. The Throne City NPC has had the platinum cost and timer removed for now, which means you should be able to forget any spell except quest spells and pre-requisites for spells you still have memorized (including said quest spells).[21]
- Release of new Ranger barrier spell Embed the Cycle. Additionally, tweaks were made to the prerequisites (and the addition of the wilderness difficulty modifier) for both River in the Sky and Bloodthorns.[22]
- Release of a new Bardic scream, "Dissonance". It was written years ago, and found (and subsequently released) while answering a player question about scream mechanics.[23]
- Tuesday Tidings 108: Moon Mages with Shadow Servants will now be able to get a full listing of the contents (in vault book list format) by casting Piercing Gaze on their shadow servant.[24]
- Droughtman's Challenge 441 microtransaction event.
- Release of two new (non-crafting) quest-level design materials, stoneskin tweed and demon gaze agates.[25]
- Tuesday Tidings 109: Near Fayrin's Rest a House of the Silk Strings compound (the Kiora'ylen Storehouse) was unearthed, containing Empath-friendly construct hunting. Within the storehouse, there are 4 distinct spawn areas with the 3 new creatures (+variants): snippets (18, +/-1), sylphs (27, +/-1), greater sylphs (42, +/-2), normal windbags (42, +/-2) and greater/elder windbags (50, +/-2).[26]
- Tuesday Tidings 110: New permanent shop in Inner Hibarnhvidar -- Many Sign of Many Savage -- with signs, stones and more to help mark an area (for events or whatnot). The area markers are designed to be left in a spot, will automatically clean up after X days, and have some degree of janitor protection (no guarantees).[27]
- Dira'ela Lloriena's Beauty Salon in Leth will now remove Hair Quirks.[28]
- Protections added to player owned shops to defend against rollover issues. Transactions (deposits and sales) are blocked if they would push a shop's bank account into an overflow situation.[29]
- Tuesday Tidings 111: Release of hurricane drakes (creature level 175), now found on the upper cliffs of the Pivilho volcano on Ratha.[30]
- Updates to the Trader spells Trabe Chalice and Iridius Rod. Neither spell requires full preparation, both can be RELEASEd if the ward is undamaged, and Traders and Moon Mages can now REPAIR the hitpoints of either ward.[31]
- Release of the Lay Necromancy spell Sidhlot's Flaying. It is scroll-only, and cannot be permanently memorized.
- Tuesday Tidings 112: Zand's Exotic Pets in Fang Cove has expanded their inventory, and now sells feline house pets.[32]
- Tuesday Tidings 113:[33]
- The roundtime for READing spell scrolls now reduces based on Arcana skill.
- DROPing an alteration scroll (which deletes the alteration request and destroys the scroll) now requires a confirmation step.
- Tuesday Tidings 114: Personal forges are now available to rent in the Crossing Forging Society.[34]
- Tuesday Tidings 115: The ASSESS verb has been updated for Wrayth with an auto-refresh and more![35]
- Updates to Thief wards Khri Sagacity, Khri Adaptation and Khri Evanescence.
- Release of new Empath spell Calculated Rage.
- Tuesday Tidings 116: Introduction of fearsome magma cobras (level 187-193), an extremely dangerous creature in an extremely dangerous area on the Pivilho Volcano of Ratha.[36]
- Tuesday Tidings 117: A new forging society has been established in Aesry! It has six rooms of crafting areas, the usual supplies, and two sets of rent-a-forge options for your crafting pleasure.[37]
- Aesthene's Close 441 microtransaction event.
- Release of five new quest-level design materials: bitterweave, heartname leather, icethorn wood, temptress beryl, and truegold.[38]
- Tuesday Tidings 118: A new forging society has been established on Ratha! It has all of the usual supply shops and four workrooms. Additionally, some missing tools were added to the Muspar'i Enchanting Society.[39]
- Tuesday Tidings 119: You can now set defaults for the LOOT command.[40]
- Tuesday Tidings 120: SPELL verb updated to offer a new, column-formatted output (via SPELL ALTERNATE). A corresponding option was added to the TOGGLE verb to make it the default, if so inclined.[41]
- Tuesday Tidings 121: Adjustments to the Adan'f in the ice caves near Shard. The Adan'f spirit dancers now spawn at 81-85 (versus 83 previously), and some of their older code was tweaked. Joining them are adept mages and adept warriors, spawning at 79-81 and bringing them more in line with the dancers. Spawning mechanics were also adjusted.[42]
- Estate Holder Mini-Fest 442
- Release of two new (non-crafting) materials: loveglass and ribbon-stripe.[43]
- Release of three new (non-crafting) auction-level design materials: abyssium, chaosknit, and cloudbark.[44]
- Tuesday Tidings 122: Reorganization of the Gwenalion Fens hunting area near Langenfirth.[45]
- Tuesday Tidings 123: There are now rent-a-forges in Hib and Haven.[46]
- Tuesday Tidings 124: There's now an /SC option for RUMMAGE to search your containers for scrolls.[47]
- Tuesday Tidings 125: Two new sorting options (including a custom one!) added to deed registers.[48]
- Tuesday Tidings 126: Release of Crauyarin Scuttlers, a clvl 100 construct. They are not planar life, use magic, and have a few unique interactions with various Lunar spells. Additionally, the Trader spell Enrichment now grants a large damage bonus to the next Crystal Dart cast, after which the bonus will recharge over a minute as long as Enrichment is up.[49]
- Drathrok's Duskruin 442 microtransaction event.
- Release of four new (non-crafting) quest-level design materials: forgeheart iron, godsmarked turquoise, gravecloth, and grimwood.[50]
- Release of Nets (single-use items) and Whips (weapons).[51]
- Tuesday Tidings 127: Rework of the Adder's Coil in P5. Now split into two different "zones", with the maiden's tresses in one area and a slightly amped-up variety of them - matron's tresses - in the other zone. Maiden tresses will remain at level 31, with the matron version at level 35.[52]
- Tuesday Tidings 128: Out near Boar Clan, head-splitters and tuskies have been separated into their own areas. Tuskies also got some modernization tweaks, to be more in line with modern creature design.[53]
- SimuCon 2022
- Blend updated to be more like a regular invisibility ability, with much fewer "gotchas" attached. You can move around with it, and use it in cities with some additional difficulty and increased pulse length. In addition, as an experimental change this remains cost as a 1 slot ability. [54]
- Expansion of the premium section of Dragon Priest Intercessors (level 171), including a new climbing obstacle.[55]
- Tuesday Tidings 129: Two updates to MAMAS shops.[56]
- Two new locations: Fang Cove and Therenborough!
- There are two new weighing options, both designed to answer the question, "Where is all this burden coming from?" You can ASK {CLERK} ABOUT WEIGHT to get an ordered list of your 25 heaviest items, or you can ASK {CLERK} ABOUT TOTAL to get a report of your entire inventory ordered by weight.
- Release of new pet collection system, Little Ephemera.[57]
- Tuesday Tidings 130: Ten (10) new climbables have been added to Ratha, allowing adventurers with suitable athleticism to scale the cliffs and tunnels of Ratha to go from one tier to any other![58]
- Tuesday Tidings 131: Secondary sigils added to all enchanting society supply shops. Additionally, being hidden or invisible no longer bars you from attempting to PERCEIVE SIGILs. Instead, it will reveal you as you make the attempt. (If you are using pulsing invisibility, this will not prevent the next pulse from concealing you.)[59]
- Tuesday Tidings 132: rework of the Blighted Tangle in P5, splitting the area into three distinct "zones". The rotting deadwood dryads (36) are in the north part, the sickly blightwater nyads (39) are in the southwestern section, and the new decaying blightwater nyads (41) are in the southeastern section.[60]
- Release of Login Rewards![61]
- Tuesday Tidings 133: Estate Holders (Premium) can now pay a fee to upgrade (or downgrade) their home's class designation. If you want to change your lowerclass hut in the Middens into an upperclass manor, well now you may be able to do just that![62]
- Tuesday Tidings 134: Magical feat trainers can apply fees to your debt instead of requiring coin on hand. Additionally, a new trainer (Unshoba) is now wandering around Shard![63]
- The penalties/consequences from THROWing tiny glass orbs (glass constructs) have been adjusted, so they're no longer severely punitive to the user. While still risky it's no longer a virtual death sentence.[64]
- Risen can now be taught how to sell gem pouches and bundles.[65]
- Taisidon Mystery 443 microtransaction event.
- Release of three new quest-level design materials: starshine, night sky citrine, and fractalline.[66]
- Tuesday Tidings 135: Four new BONUS events have been added into the pool for staff to use from time-to-time. New options include bonus (general) experience, bonus crafting experience, bonus payouts from work orders, and bonus crafting prestige.[67]
- Mantle of Flame spell updated so Brawling attacks enhanced by this spell will now deal primarily fire damage. (Previously, it was a token amount of fire damage just to ignite naphtha.)[68]
- Updates to the Ranger spell Syamelyo Kuniyo, including messaging tweaks, a lower cooldown to help with prolonged fights, and compatibility with dual load. An issue with bows dealing less elemental damage than intended has been corrected.[69]
- Release of a new 2-slot Ranger metaspell, Electrogenesis, with two effects:[70]
- Increases Brawling damage and converts its damage type to be primarily electric.
- Converts the Syamelyo Kuniyo spell's cold damage to electric. (If the target creature is immune to electric damage, base SK's cold damage will be used instead.) Subsequently, the spell's elemental damage has been reduced.[71]
- Tuesday Tidings 136: Release of the newest construct, the clay slayer. Located near Siksraja, these guys are a variant of the other clay creations in the area, though are significantly tougher, at clvl 125 +/- 2.[72]
- Tuesday Tidings 137: Two more rent a forges - this time it's Shard and Fang Cove![73]
- Tuesday Tidings 138:[74]
- The trader plaza boards now have an ANALYZE option to list shops alphabetically.
- There's a new TOGGLE so you can hide your tattoo from others.
- Updates to the Bard spell Beckon the Naga.[75]
- PERCEIVE updated to display the remaining duration of the Heavy TM cooldown.[76]
- Tuesday Tidings 139: New LIFT verb to help you better manage the items at your feet.[77]
- Tuesday Tidings 140: Introduction of a yearly crafting reset. Once per year (assuming no recent warnings) a crafting trainer will, for 100 platinum Kronars, wipe all career, hobby and technique choices in one go.[78]
- Tuesday Tidings 141: Expanded P2's Noladet Ala, where a weaker version of the clay slayers roam (clvl 100).[79]
- Hollow Eve Festival 443
- Release of new cosmetic alteration materials: sandstrike crystal, fathomstone, Elamiri pearl, goldenglow glaes, oceanic orichalcum, star-kissed kertig, and deathfiber.[80]
- ↑ Post:Alteration Scroll Update - 01/03/2022 - 19:39
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 98 - Scavengers - 01/04/2022 - 17:16
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 99 - Ammo Stacking for Autoloot - 01/11/2022 - 20:43
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 100 - Let's Celebrate the Harvest - 01/18/2022 - 19:29
- ↑ Post:Energy Bows - Stealth Loading - 01/23/2022 - 14:51
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 101 - Spoooooky Scary Farmhouse - 01/25/2022 - 17:33
- ↑ Post:Update: StormFront to Wrayth - 02/01/2022 - 09:44
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 102 - More Mining and Lumberjacking - 02/01/2022 - 20:46
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 103 - Verb Updates - 02/08/2022 - 19:02
- ↑ Post:Barbarian Mastery Rewrite - 02/09/2022 - 23:21
- ↑ Post:New Premium Tattoo Shops! - 02/13/2022 - 17:00
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 104 - More Urchins, More Registrations - 02/15/2022 - 20:57
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 105 - Ilaya Taipa Barges - 02/22/2022 - 20:28
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 106 - Wind Drakes on Ratha - 03/01/2022 - 13:41
- ↑ Post:Ambush Updates - 03/01/2022 - 18:49
- ↑ Javac, via the official discord.
- ↑ Eagle change, via Discord
- ↑ Khri Steady change, via Discord
- ↑ Post:QoL updates to PERFORM CUT ritual - 03/08/2022 - 10:15
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 107 - Something slimy this way comes.... - 03/08/2022 - 14:27
- ↑ Post:Barrier Review Live - Concluded! - 03/09/2022 - 15:12
- ↑ Post:New Barrier Spell - Embed the Circle - 03/14/2022 - 14:16
- ↑ Post:Bardic Screams - 03/14/2022 - 22:11
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 108 - X-raying Servants - 03/15/2022 - 00:10
- ↑ Post:Droughtman's Challenge - New Materials - 03/18/2022 - 12:02
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 109 - Kiora'ylen - 03/22/2022 - 19:14
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 110 - Many Sign of Many Savage - 03/29/2022 - 21:01
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 15 - 04/02/2022 - 14:04
- ↑ Zadraes, via the official discord.
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 111 - Rumbling atop the volcano, woooosh wooosh! - 04/05/2022 - 18:19
- ↑ Post:Trabe Chalice and Iridius Rod - Updates - 04/06/2022 - 18:46
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 112 - Fluffy-Cuddly Things! - 04/12/2022 - 14:14
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 113 - Scroll Updates: Spells and Alterations - 04/19/2022 - 19:18
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 114 - Rent A Forge - 04/26/2022 - 18:38
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 115 - Assessing the Situation - 05/03/2022 - 21:43
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 116 - Hav'roth's Wroth and Ushnish's Hisses - 05/10/2022 - 11:19
- ↑ Post:TT 117 - Something Crafting this way comes to Aesry.... - 05/17/2022 - 14:49
- ↑ Post:Aesthene's Close - New Design Materials - 05/20/2022 - 16:28
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 118 - Enchanting Ratha - 05/24/2022 - 19:44
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 119 - Loot As You Please - 05/31/2022 - 19:32
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 120 - Spells - 06/07/2022 - 18:34
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 121 - Adan'f Dancers - 06/14/2022 - 20:23
- ↑ Post:Estate Holder Mini-Festival - New Materials - 06/15/2022 - 19:21
- ↑ Post:Estate Holder Mini-Festival - New Materials - 06/17/2022 - 13:16
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 122 - Swamps and piggies and nasty things, oh my! - 06/21/2022 - 09:02
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 123 - More ways to spend money at the forge! - 06/28/2022 - 15:14
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 124 - Rummaging for Scrolls - 07/05/2022 - 20:05
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 125 - More Deed Sorting Potential - 07/12/2022 - 19:29
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 126 - Plane of Probability Creature, Crayaurin Scuttler - 07/19/2022 - 18:36
- ↑ Post:Duskruin - New Design Materials - 07/22/2022 - 07:20
- ↑ Post:New at Duskruin: Nets and Whips! - 07/22/2022 - 17:41
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 127 - Things that go ... twist? ... in the night (and day!) - 07/26/2022 - 13:25
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 128 - A sty of their own! - 08/02/2022 - 16:25
- ↑ GM Armifer, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ GM Ulerith, via the official discord (link)
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 129 - MAMAS Calling - 08/09/2022 - 18:32
- ↑ Lyneya, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 130 - Ratha Climbing - 08/16/2022 - 19:15
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 131 - Enchanting QoL Tweaks (Sigils) - 08/23/2022 - 18:52
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 132 - Something decaying this way comes.... - 08/30/2022 - 10:39
- ↑ Post:Login Rewards Are Here! - 08/30/2022 - 13:45
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 133 - Renovating and Demolishing - 09/06/2022 - 13:09
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 134 - Feats for Ilithi - 09/13/2022 - 21:17
- ↑ Koror, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ Haros, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ Post:Taisidon Mystery - New Design Materials - 09/16/2022 - 05:10
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 135 - New Bonuses - 09/20/2022 - 15:08
- ↑ Grejuva, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ Post:Updates to the Syamelyo Kuniyo spell - 09/25/2022 - 21:57
- ↑ Post:New Ranger spell - Electrogenesis - 09/25/2022 - 22:27
- ↑ GM Grejuva, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 136 - Noladet Ala expansion and clay slayers - 09/27/2022 - 18:08
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings 137 - to a sound of clashing metal.... - 10/04/2022 - 09:14
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 138 - Plazas and Tattoos - 10/11/2022 - 14:46
- ↑ Post:Updates to the Beckon the Naga spell - 10/13/2022 - 00:36
- ↑ GM Grejuva, via the official discord. (link)
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 139 - LIFT - 10/18/2022 - 19:56
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 140 - Careers and Hobbies - 10/25/2022 - 16:01
- ↑ Post:Tuesday Tidings - 140 - Noladet Ala expansion, weaker Clay Slayers - 11/01/2022 - 10:26
- ↑ Post:Hollow Eve - New Design Materials - 11/02/2022 - 05:33