Post:Estate Holder Mini-Festival - New Materials - 06/17/2022 - 13:16

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Estate Holder Mini-Festival - New Materials · on 06/17/2022 13:16 4157
We also have three new non-crafting, auction-level design materials being introduced at the Estate Holder Auction.

Rumored to have been created as tribute to Dergati to avoid incurring her ire, abyssium is a dark black metal that is unable to hold any shine or luster. Thin grey lines mark the matte surface with shadowy whorls that twist and unfurl, occasionally resembling the shapes of nightmarish creatures.

Common Description: Displaying no hint of shine or luster, the matte surface of the dark black metal is marked with shifting whorls of thin grey lines, occasionally forming the image of <thing>.

Most commonly found in vivid hues, chaosknit is extremely stretchy and has a tendency to cling to its wearer. Feathers, sequins, and beads are integrated into the knitted fabric to create a distinctive appearance.

Common Description: Clinging to its wearer, the tensile <color> fabric is boldly distinctive with plumy <color> feathers, <color> sequins, and <color> beads all vying for visual dominance.

Only found growing where veins of gold are abundant, the elusive cloudbark trees are silvery grey with wispy cloud-like whorls in their gold-flecked grain pattern.

Common Description: Like a blazing sun reflecting off of dreamy white clouds, the gold-flecked grain pattern of the silvery grey wood shimmers amongst its wispy cloud-like whorls.

Happy Designing!


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia / Festivals / Merchants, by DR-LAWLITE on the forums.