Post:Estate Holder Mini-Festival - New Materials - 06/17/2022 - 13:16
Estate Holder Mini-Festival - New Materials · on 06/17/2022 13:16 | 4157 |
We also have three new non-crafting, auction-level design materials being introduced at the Estate Holder Auction.
abyssium Common Description: Displaying no hint of shine or luster, the matte surface of the dark black metal is marked with shifting whorls of thin grey lines, occasionally forming the image of <thing>. chaosknit Common Description: Clinging to its wearer, the tensile <color> fabric is boldly distinctive with plumy <color> feathers, <color> sequins, and <color> beads all vying for visual dominance. cloudbark Common Description: Like a blazing sun reflecting off of dreamy white clouds, the gold-flecked grain pattern of the silvery grey wood shimmers amongst its wispy cloud-like whorls.
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This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia / Festivals / Merchants, by DR-LAWLITE on the forums. |