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Trader Guildhall (Crossing)
Traders' Guild | |
Province | Zoluren |
Justice | city |
Town | The Crossing |
Map | Ranik's Map 1d |
Owner | Ansprahv |
# of Rooms | 25 |
Store Type | Trader shops |
This store only accepts Kronars
This Trader Guildhall is found in west Crossing, with the South entrance found one room east from the Guard House and the North entrance found one room south from the artificer. The Guildleader for this location is Ansprahv. This building also contains a Library, a rentable Banquet Hall, Dance floor and an auction hall thru the foyer.
Main Hall (South entrance)
[Traders' Guild, Main Hall]
Not a hint of opulence is betrayed by the modest facade of the Traders' Guild Hall. Yet opulence indeed there is within, to what some might call an excessive degree. Displays of prosperity surround you, from the marble columns to the frescoed ceiling depicting the god Kertigen.
You also see the library door, an ornate gold stand with a guild register on it, a guild butler, a winding stair, the entrance to Auction Hall's foyer, the entrance to Moot Room's foyer and a carved door.
Obvious exits: out.
- The stairs here are Trader-only to go up however non-Traders can reach the upper level by entering through the Shipment Center entrance (1 south from the artificer). The butler here can be used to ask for an escort if any Trader is upstairs, ASK BUTLER FOR ESCORT.
Mercantile Library
[Traders' Guild, Mercantile Library]
Square, leather-covered tables with brightly burning lamps line this domed-covered chamber. A stained glass skylight at the dome's center filters the light to a soothing softness. A shelf of books and manuscripts describing theories of trade and economics, cabinets full of scrolls, and racks replete with detailed maps of all known trade routes of Elanthia form the Mercantile Library's collection.
You also see a candle lamp, an elegant brass plate, a cherrywood book return desk and the hall door.
Obvious exits: none.
This room contains the Crossing Trader Guild Library.
Banquet Room
[Traders' Guild, Banquet Room]
A large seven-tiered crystal chandelier is poised high above and casts warm light throughout the room. The dining tables are draped with pure white tablecloths and adorned with centerpieces of freshly cut flowers. Carved mahogany chairs are pulled to the tables, an elegant place setting before each one. Plush gold-flecked deep green carpeting borders the inlaid wood floor that bears the image of a gilded yak and looks well-suited to dancing.
You also see a carved door.
Obvious exits: none.
This room contains a Dance floor. It may also be a banquet hall (confirmation needed).
Moot Foyer
[Traders' Guild, Moot Foyer]
The lavishly furnished guild continues its traditions with rich oak furnishings and dark, oil-stained mahogany walls. The foyer provides a place for visitors to listen in on events held in the Moot Room, without disturbing the participants.
You also see the Moot Room.
Obvious exits: out.
Moot Room
[Traders' Guild, Moot Room]
Here the Guild holds meetings and lectures for the townsfolk and interested guests. There is always some informative, cultural or public relations event scheduled to transpire in this chamber. Often, high-profile ceremonies where merchants contribute to the community fund, the Mayor's Charity Ball and other worthy causes are conducted here as well.
You also see a speaker's list, the foyer, a speaker's platform and several rows of chairs.
Obvious exits: none.
Auction Foyer
[Traders' Guild, Auction Foyer]
This newly constructed room is devoid of any furnishing. The breadth of the room is easily large enough to accommodate many potential buyers, while allowing them to converse freely without disrupting any auctions that may be underway.
You also see a veneered sideboard with several things on it, a platinum-inlaid service with several things on it and the Auction Hall.
Obvious exits: out.
On the veneered sideboard | ||
Item | Price | Done |
dainty cucumber sandwiches | 0 | |
double-nut mousse tart | 0 | No |
pickled boobrie eggs | 0 | No |
fried unyn legs | 0 | No |
treakle bars | 0 | No |
peppercorn cheese | 0 | No |
orange marmalade roll | 0 | No |
stuffed oysters | 0 | No |
On the platinum-inlaid service | ||
Item | Price | Done |
red malt bowr | 0 | |
bubbly mineral water | 0 | |
hazelnut coffee | 0 | |
mint iced-tea | 0 | |
thick buttermilk | 0 | |
taffelberry juice | 0 |
Auction Hall
[Traders' Guild, Auction Hall]
This room is in the process of being finished. The polished mahogany walls and ceiling are angled in such a way that would project the Auctioneer's voice clearly to the rear of the hall as well as to those listening in the front. In the emptiness of the room one can imagine the many items and Kronars that will one day exchange hands here.
You also see the foyer, a waiting list, a table, a sign, a storage chest, a piece of fine parchment hanging above an ornate ironwood stand and a carved side door.
Obvious exits: none.
Shipment Center (North entrance)
[Traders' Guild, Shipment Center]
A sense of chaos mingled with urgency pervades the scene before you. Harried stock clerks rush about, gathering orders and directing sweating laborers in assembling the contents of endless caravans. The cavernous room echoes with grunts and banging and voices all shouting conflicting commands, each trying to drown the other out to be heard first. Impatient traders try to catch the fleeting attention of the clerks and give vent to a varied array of oaths in many tongues when ignored.
You also see a shipment clerk and a sturdy cart with several things on it.
Obvious exits: north, east, south, out.
- This room has the clerk for provincial Trader caravan work.
On the sturdy cart | ||
Item | Price | Done |
plate of carefully arranged sugar lumps | 50 | No |
bag overflowing with sunflower seeds | 50 | No |
bushel of bright-orange crunchy carrots | 50 | No |
handful of raisins | 50 | |
platter piled high with juicy dates | 50 | No |
Foreign Trade Office
[Traders' Guild, Foreign Trade Office]
This cramped office, a former broom closet, is a close definition of chaos. An old desk, cluttered with orders awaiting delivery to other provinces, occupies most of this room. A mottled carpet covers the floor except in the few spots it is burned through from carelessly dropped cigars butts. What wall space is available is covered with hastily drawn charts tracking the movement of goods between provinces.
You also see the interprovince broker.
Obvious exits: south.
- This room has the broker for interprovincial Trader caravan work.
The Pit
[Traders' Guild, The Pit]
Several short steps lead to a sunken floor, where a handful of frazzled clerks scramble about in an attempt to deal with a constant flow of tiny parchments. Traders from all parts of the province are gathered here, awaiting word on trade opportunities or seeking information on purchasing goods.
You also see a pit clerk, a counter, the storage cellars, some large swinging doors and a commodities board.
Obvious exits: north.
- This room has the clerk for commodity trading. The counter here is a Donation rack.
Pure's Feed Emporium
[Traders' Guild, Pure's Feed Emporium]
The scent of grains and cut grass permeates the room. A broad straw broom and long-handled dustpan are propped against sacks of grain that have been neatly arranged along the back wall. The worn mahogany floors show signs of frequent use. A faint chirping emanates from somewhere inside the grass bin.
You also see a hand-painted sign nailed to a grain bin and some large swinging doors.
Obvious exits: none.
A hand-printed sign reads: Pure Feed Grain will be temporarily sold at the Traders' Guild pending the opening of our Feed Stores.
In the grain bin | ||
Item | Price | Done |
grain | 3,812 |
[Traders' Guild, Cellars]
Giant bins, huge wooden barrels and piles of overstuffed hogsheads all await distribution to their final retail destination or to warehouses and shippers around town for export to far corners of Elanthia.
Obvious exits: up.
Hall of Records
[Traders' Guild, Hall of Records]
This is the nerve center of the Traders' Guild, a long narrow hall plunged into a state of utter chaos. While harried clerks run to and fro collecting paperwork to assist the guild's members, others are busily calculating the ever-fluctuating exchange rates of nearby towns. As your senses assimilate the free-flying information, you begin to notice a kind of method to this room's insatiable madness.
You also see an Ilaya Taipa notice, the commerce minister, a large sign which says, "TRADER SUPPLIES HERE", a brass-edged doorway, a winding stair, an ornate desk, a cluttered counter with several things on it and an investment board.
Obvious exits: east, west.
- This room has the minister for provincial Trader caravan work. The Ilaya Taipa notice will show the merchant ships currently in dock along with what surfaces they are offering. The doorway is Trader-only access to the Crossing Trader Shop. The investment board indicates which player financed shops are available. The counter & desk here are Donation racks.
A large sign reads: "Any nearby clerk will be more than happy to help you obtain a pricing ledger. Simply order one -- you'll be amazed at how quickly they respond!"
Narrow Corridor
[Traders' Guild, Narrow Corridor]
This seldom used corridor has become a favorite temporary storage room for excessive stock. Stacks of various wares make quick passage through here difficult. You notice a thick, steel door just peeking out from behind some wooden pallets. A Gor'Tog guard leans against it, nonchalant and vigilant at the same time.
You also see a carved side door.
Obvious exits: west.
- The steel door here takes you to the Vault, the side door takes you to the Auction Hall (one way-only for non-Traders).
[Traders' Guild, Vault]
The vault walls are clad in thick steel plates, one of which has been engraved "commissioned from Catrox the Smith". Locked chests of various sizes, with members' names on them, are neatly stacked in metal racks. You are being watched by the Gor'Tog guard through a narrow, almost imperceptible gap between two of the plates.
You also see the Negotiants and a thick steel door.
Obvious exits: none.
- This is where Traders can learn about magic.
West Hallway
[Traders' Guild, West Hallway]
The faint outline of your image is blurred on the sheen of the highly polished mahogany walls. Short red carpeting, maintained in pristine condition, cushions the hardwood floors. Hand-carved cherrywood cuts horizontally across the paneling halfway from the ceiling in a decorative trim.
You also see a carved mahogany door.
Obvious exits: east, down.
Guest Suite
[Traders' Guild, Guest Suite]
The suite is reserved for the elite of the Traders' Guild governing hierarchy, particularly those outlanders visiting the Guild headquarters on business. The walls are paneled with rich, dark huljik wood, oiled to a fine sheen. A mahogany writing table, decked with a silver inkwell and eagle quill stands before a tall bay window which affords a panoramic view of the town's commercial district. A high, carved sleigh bed faces the window, flanked by nightstands holding books on trade and travel.
You also see a carved mahogany door.
Obvious exits: none.
[Traders' Guild, Reception]
The reception desk is stacked with letters, invoices, purchase requests, and a general stream of bizarre visitors, yet still maintains a sense of orderliness, due mainly to the young Prydaen man behind it. He seems the sort who can keep control of even the most stressful of situations without blinking.
You also see Melark, the Trader Guru Office door, the Guildleader's Office and the dormer to the Guild Liaison's office.
Obvious exits: south, west.
- The Trader Guru Office door & dormer to the Guild Liaison's office are both Trader-only. The desk here contains an appointment book for Adera & Arnimas along with being a Donation rack.
Office of the Guildleader
[Traders' Guild, Office of the Guildleader]
Long imported silk drapes extend from ceiling to floor and are gathered on either side of a large area window that spans several paces in length. From this vantage point the bank, gates and various guilds and merchants can be seen throughout Crossing. An exceptional hand-spun silk carpet nearly covers the entire floor. Positioned directly opposite the guildleader's desk is a large map of the province mounted high up on the wall.
You also see the Trader Guildleader Ansprahv and an exquisite onyx desk with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: out.
- The desk here has the Crossing Trader of Renown register.
South Hallway
[Traders' Guild, South Hallway]
The faint outline of your image is blurred on the sheen of the highly polished mahogany walls. Short red carpeting, maintained in pristine condition, cushions the hardwood floors. Hand-carved cherrywood cuts horizontally across the paneling halfway from the ceiling in a decorative trim.
You also see a carved mahogany door.
Obvious exits: north, west, down.
- The down direction here takes you to the Main Hall (one way-only for non-Traders).
Conference Room
[Traders' Guild, Conference Room]
An air of formality can be felt throughout this stately room where conclaves are welcome to gather and collaborate on various guild matters. The Crossing Traders' Guild crest is proudly displayed on the rear wall and next to it, in the corner, is a superbly stitched flag bearing the emblem of the Traders' Guild. A large oval mahogany conference table dominates the room and is surrounded on all sides by finely crafted leather wingback chairs.
You also see a carved mahogany door.
Obvious exits: none.
- The table & chair here are Donation racks.
Gathering Room
[Traders' Guild, Gathering Room]
This room serves as a social hub for the cherished members of the guild to gather and share their adventures and exploits with one another. Highly polished mahogany walls open up to a large bay window overlooking the River Oxenwaithe. The guild staff keeps fresh treats available on the serving cart.
You also see a crystal-topped cart with several things on it, an elaborate armoire with a length of linen fabric on it, a candy jar sitting on a low marble pedestal and a shiny golden bucket.
Obvious exits: north, east.
- The armoire here is a Donation rack. The bucket is a trash bin.
Gold Key Club
[Traders' Guild, Gold Key Club]
The smoke in this room is thicker and more cloying than any encountered at Catrox's Forge, but its source is entirely different. The finest cigars, the most expensive pipeweed, and imported maugwort weed are being puffed on by the prosperous merchants gathered in this inner sanctum of commerce. Rotund Halflings in fancy vests, grey-bearded Humans in elegant, fur-trimmed jerkins, Elves in shimmering raiment, all are among the land's elite traders who form the heart of the Guild.
You also see a semicircular bar with a finely scripted menu on it and a stool.
Obvious exits: south, west.
- The full menu for this bar can be found here. The stool here is a Donation rack.
[Traders' Guild, Gallery]
Immaculate partitions with carefully hung works of art are interspersed throughout the stark gallery. Crushed velvet roping imposes several feet of distance from these treasured pieces. Hand-carved sconces are discreetly positioned to cast soft ambient light to accentuate each masterpiece.
You also see a narrow hallway.
Obvious exits: east.
Hall of Awards
[Traders' Guild, Hall of Awards]
The sheen of polished mahogany floors vanishes into dimness at the far end of the long hall. As your eyes follow the length of the flooring, you notice a series of niches set into the walls. Nearby, a delicate rope of fine silk stretches across the hallway.
You also see an intricately carved, stained black walnut plaque with panels of silverwood inlay engraved with flowing script and a carved marble pedestal with a porcelain vase on it.
Obvious exits: out.
- The plaque here is also a Trader of Renown scroll but it may be outdated. A BUG was submitted Jan 2025.