Post:Tuesday Tidings - 125 - More Deed Sorting Potential - 07/12/2022 - 19:29

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Tuesday Tidings - 125 - More Deed Sorting Potential · on 07/12/2022 19:29 1955
Happy Tuesday!

This week, we revisited the deed registers to see about additional sort options for those who want finer control than the alphabetical ADJUST we added last time. There are two new options:

  1. FLIP the pages of your register to sort by material first (bone, stone, wood, etc), and then alphabetically within each category. This has additional RT associated since it needs to view the deed contents rather than just reading info from the deed itself.
  2. MIX the pages of your register to sort by the custom notes you set on the deeds. Items with notes appear at the top of the list while those without are at the bottom. There is no further sorting for those without notes. For those who want full control over the sorting, this should allow you to create whatever sorts you prefer!

Big thanks to Paklin for grabbing the QC on this. It's now live everywhere.

(for the team!)

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.