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Forging Society (Ratha)

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Forging Society (Ratha)
Province Qi'Reshalia
Justice city
Town Ratha
Map Ranik's Map 90
Owner Grimbly
# of Rooms 4
Store Type Crafting shops, Forging shops
This store only accepts Lirums

Also referred to as the Rissan Forging Society, the Rathan Forging Society is a place to practice the forging disciplines of Blacksmithing, Armorsmithing, and Weaponsmithing.

Forging Society Mistress Grimbly is on hand to issue workorders, teach techniques, and grant a career or hobby if you choose.

This building can be found on the 1st Tier along the western edge of the city, south a few rooms from the Barbarian Guild.



[Forging Society, Book Store]
A large iron door stands at the back of the room, acting as a barricade between the forge and the front shop. An assortment of books and crafting instructions wait to be ordered. You also see an arch leading out to the street and a large sign.
Obvious exits: none.

A large sign reads:
"Welcome to our store!  We specialize in selling Forging instruction books.  Please ANALYZE and STUDY the 
books before asking for help.  You may ORDER merchandise at any time!"
Item Price Done
1). an apprentice blacksmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 500   !!
2). a journeyman blacksmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 120,000   !!
3). a master blacksmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 500,000   !!
4). an apprentice armorsmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 500   !!
5). a journeyman armorsmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 120,000   !!
6). a master armorsmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 500,000   !!
7). an apprentice weaponsmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 500   !!
8). a journeyman weaponsmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 120,000   !!
9). a master weaponsmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 500,000   !!
10). a forging work order logbook - With this logbook, you can ask the crafting trainers for work. 500   
[You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #]

Tool Shop

[Forging Society, Tool Shop and Entryway]
This passage acts as an entryway in and out of the forge. Stifling heat marches up from a large hall to the south, nearly destroying a subtle cross-breeze heading east and west. Sweat-soaked merchants offer assistance to crafters needing to resupply tools and materials. To the north, a thick iron door protects the outside office from the smothering heat.
You also see a steel crate, a large sign, a sturdy low counter and a Prydaen clerk.
Obvious exits: east, south, west.

The placard reads...

  You can place your crafting tools on this counter, and
  a Prydaen clerk will store it for you.  You can
  also ASK a Prydaen clerk for the item that is in
  storage, and he will return it to you.  Finally, you can 
  ASK a Prydaen clerk for a LIST of the items you
  have in storage, or for a REGISTER to allow you to store
  deeds easily.

  If you have multiple tools of the same name,
  a Prydaen clerk will give you a sack with all of those
  tools.  If you ask for TOOLS, he will give you all of your
  tools that are currently in storage.  If you hold on to the
  sack you get from him, you can place that on the counter and
  a Prydaen clerk will store everything inside for you.
A large sign reads:
"Welcome to our store!  We specialize in selling all manner of Forging tools.  Please ANALYZE all purchased 
tools before asking for help.  You may ORDER merchandise at any time, or BUY it from the crate!"
Item Price Done
1). a diagonal-peen hammer - A fundamental tool used to pound metal on an anvil. 500   
2). some straight iron tongs - These sturdy tongs help grip metal being pounded on with a smith's hammer. 500   
3). a curved iron shovel - Basic tool for shoveling fuel into the forges, and mining. 500   
4). some plain iron pliers - Pliers are useful for bending wire and weaving armor links into place. 500   
5). a leather bellows - A handy tool for stoking forge fires. 1,200   
6). a flask of oil - A thick and syrupy substance that easily coats and lubricates metal. 50 uses 800   
7). a stirring rod - A stone rod used to stir crucibles full of molten metal. 500   
8). a pouch of aerated salts - Useful for cleaning and repairing crucibles. 1 use 100   
9). a flask of flux - A flask of borax flux useful for refining metals in a crucible. 50 uses 250   
10). an iron wire brush - A thick brush used to clean and repair metal tools. 50 uses 400   
11). a cleaning cloth - Used to clean and bring out new appearances of crafted items. 400   
[You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #]
In the steel crate (SHOP)
Item Price Done
small leather backing 120   !!
large leather backing 250   !!
bone backer 80   No
small cloth padding 50   !!
large cloth padding 120   !!
simple oak hilt 100   !!
simple oak haft 100   !!
short leather cord 120   !!
long leather cord 120   !!
short oak pole 80   !!
long oak pole 250   !!
iron shield handle 170   !!
iron shield boss 250   !!
leather strips 500   !!

Maker's Mark Hall

[Forging Society, Maker's Mark Hall]
Attendants offer maker's mark design services to eligible crafters here, and the sound of bubbling metal echoes through passageways to the south. You also see a large sign.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, south, southwest.

A large sign reads:
Welcome to the Maker's Mark Shop!  Crafters of some renown can ORDER BASIC specialized marking stamps for 
their designs here.  Crafters with great prestige can ORDER ADVANCED marks.  These marks are permanent, and 
will span all Crafting Disciplines.
Item Price Done
Basic Maker Mark 100,000   No
Advanced Maker Mark -   

Supply Depot

[Forging Society, Western Passage and Supply Depot]
This expanded passage offers some protection from the heat and contains pallets of materials for crafters to order. Passages continue to the west, one streaked with oily handprints and two that have been haphazardly scrubbed down. You also see a large sign.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, west, northwest.

A large sign reads:
"Welcome to our store!  Materials, ingredients and packets for deeding items used in the forging process are 
sold here.  Not all mining locations are civilized enough to offer immediate deeding of resources.  To 
accommodate the fearless miner, deed packets are available for purchase here.  Crafters may also use these to 
deed finished goods.  Please STUDY them for instructions, and ORDER them at any time!"
Item Price Done
1). a tiny coal nugget 25   No
2). a massive coal nugget 170   No
3). a tiny oravir nugget 50   No
4). a tiny tin nugget 40   !!
5). a tiny zinc nugget 100   !!
6). a tiny iron nugget 105   No
7). a massive iron nugget 1,000   No
8). a tiny steel ingot - medium carbon 180   !!
9). a massive steel ingot - medium carbon 1,600   !!
10). a tiny nickel nugget 100   No
11). a huge bronze ingot 450   No
12). a tiny copper nugget 65   No
13). a tiny lead nugget 45   No
14). a small packet of deed claim forms 1,000   !!
15). a packet of deed claim forms 5,000   !!
16). a large packet of deed claim forms 25,000   !!
tiny is 1 volume, huge is 5 volume, massive is 10 volume
See Crafting Materials for more details.

Break Room

[Forging Society, Break Room]
This is a small, simple room set up to act as a break room for people working in the forge. Above, a small slitted window lets in some fresh air, helping to take a bite out of the heat. A rickety table made from salt-stained planks lies in the center of the room, offering simple snacks. Nearby on the floor is an open barrel with a tin ladle chained to it. Several crates line the floor as well, acting as chairs. You also see a prestige board.
Obvious exits: north.

On the rickety table
Item Price Done
some rat jerky 0   !!
some mostly-clean water - In the large jug. 0   !!
some day-old bread 0   !!
some dried fruit 0   !!
This table also acts as one of the local Donation Racks, so other items may be on the table as well.
In the Ughla barrel
Item Price Done
some cheap Ughla 0   !!
This barrel also acts as one of the local Donation Racks, so other items may be in the barrel as well.

Crafting Equipment

Equipment List
Item Name Quality
Crucible Exceptional quality (10/13)
Anvil well-crafted (7/13)
Slack Tub Exceptional quality (10/13)
Forge Exceptional quality (10/13)
Grindstone Exceptional quality (10/13)