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{{#ask: [[page type is::item]][[noun is::stylus||quill]]
{{#ask: [[page type is::bestiary]][[Rare::false]]
|?creature has special defenses=Special defense
|?source is=Source

Revision as of 06:22, 5 January 2016

 Special defense
Adan'f blood warrior
Adan'f shadow mage
Adan'f shadowmancer
Adan'f spirit dancer
Adept Adan'f blood warrior
Adept Adan'f shadow mage
Adult desert armadillo (1)
Adult desert armadillo (2)
Adult razortusk boar
Adult razortusk sow
Adult wyvernfalse
Albino cave fish
Alley thugfalse
Angiswaerd hatchlingfalse
Armored shalswar
Armored warklin
Arthelun cabalist
Asaren celpeze (1)
Asaren celpeze (2)
Asaren celpeze (3)
Asaren celpeze (4)false
Asaren celpeze (5)
Ashu hhinvi
Avtalia scuttler
Baby forest gryphon
Bawdy swain
Beltunumshi (2)false
Birdcatcher Spidertrue
Black apefalse
Black bearfalse
Black goblinfalse
Black marble gargoyletrue
Blacktip shark
Blood dryadfalse
Blood nyadfalse
Blood wolf (1)false
Blood wolf (2)
Blue-belly crocodile (1)
Blue-belly crocodile (2)
Blue-dappled prereni (1)false
Blue-dappled prereni (2)false
Blue-green pivuh
Blueclaw sand crab
Bone wolffalse
Bone wyvern
Bony wind wretch
Bristle-backed peccary
Bronze leucro
Brown bearfalse
Brown burrower
Brown tree snakefalse
Bull shark
Cadaverous blue-belly crocodilefalse
Cadaverous yeehartrue
Cave bear
Cave trollfalse
Clay slayer (creature)
Clockwork assistantfalse
Cloud rat
Clouded arzumos
Copperhead viper
Corpse grubtrue
Crauyarin scuttler
Crazed madmanfalse
Croff pothanitfalse
Crypt fiendtrue
Cutthroat (1)false
Cutthroat (2)false
Cutthroat (3)false
Cutthroat (4)false
Damaska boar
Dark fiend
Dark spirit (1)
Dark spirit (2)
Dark spirit (3)
Dark sprite (1)true
Dark sprite (2)
Dark sprite (3)
Decaying blightwater nyad
Dire bearfalse
Dobek morurynfalse
Dragon Priest assassin
Dragon Priest crone
Dragon Priest fanaticfalse
Dragon Priest intercessor
Dragon Priest juggernaut
Dragon Priest purifier
Dragon Priest sentinel
Dragon Priest zealotfalse
Drowned one
Dryad priestesstrue
Dusk ogre
Dusky scythewing moth
Eidolon steed
Elba Darvager
Elder Adan'f blademaster
Elder Adan'f sorcerer
Elder blue-dappled prereni (1)false
Elder blue-dappled prereni (2)false
Elder desert armadillo (1)
Elder desert armadillo (2)true
Elder hardened silverfish
Elder razortusk boarfalse
Elder red brocket deer
Elder storm geesefalse
Elite Adan'f spirit dancerfalse
Emaciated umbramagus
Ember bulltrue
Ember bull (2)true
Endrus serpenttrue
Enraged tusky
Faenrae assassin
Faenrae reaverfalse
Faenrae stalkertrue
Fell hog
Feral banyakeafalse
Feral bone mastiff
Fibrous clay slayer
Field goblin (1)
Field goblin (2)
Fire maidentrue
Fire spritetrue
Fledgling forest gryphon (1)
Fledgling forest gryphon (2)
Footpad (creature1)false
Footpad (creature2)false
Footpad (creature3)false
Footpad (creature4)false
Forager ghoulfalse
Forager goblin
Forager wightfalse
Forest banditfalse
Forest geni (1)true
Forest geni (2)true
Frail darkened silhouette
Frost angiswaerd
Frostweyr beartrue
Fuligin umbral moth (1)false
Fuligin umbral moth (2)false
Gale draketrue
Gam chaga
Gargantuan bone golem
Gatekeeper skeletontrue
Gaunt shadow master
Ghoul crow
Ghoul ravenfalse
Giant bearfalse
Giant black leucro (1)
Giant black leucro (2)
Giant blade spider
Giant blight battrue
Giant blight ogre
Giant gatekeeper skeletontrue
Giant mechanical mousetrue
Giant snow hawk
Giant thicket viper (1)false
Giant thicket viper (2)false
Giant wasp
Giant wolf spider
Gigantic lachmate (1)true
Gigantic lachmate (2)true
Glazed clay slayer
Glistening scythewing larvafalse
Glutinous lipopodfalse
Gnarled fendryad (1)
Gnarled fendryad (2)
Goblin shaman
Goblin zombiefalse
Gold-taloned elder forest gryphon
Golden pard
Golden scaled atik'ettrue
Granite gargoyletrue
Grass eel
Grave worm
Graverobber (1)
Graverobber (2)false
Greater ghoul raven
Greater shadow hound
Greater sluagh
Greater water spritefalse
Grey and tan mottled westanuryntrue
Grey clay archer
Grey clay mage
Grey clay soldiertrue
Grizzled red leucrofalse
Gypsy marauder
Heggarangi boarfalse
Heggarangi frog
Horse (creature)
Hulking black barghest
Hurricane drakefalse
Ice archon
Icy blue ghastfalse
Immature firecat
Isundjen conjurer
Jackal (creature)
Jeol moradu
Juvenile desert armadillo (1)true
Juvenile desert armadillo (2)true
Juvenile wyvern
Kra'hei hatchling
Lanky grey lachfalse
Large brown spider
Large musk hog
Lava draketrue
Lesser North Wind bansheefalse
Lesser dusky-scaled basilisk
Lesser shadow hound
Lesser skeletontrue
Lesser sluagh (1)
Lesser sluagh (2)false
Lesser sluagh (3)
Lesser voltaic custodianfalse
Lightning selrek
Lithe blight ogre
Long-fanged warcat
Lun'Shele hunter
Lun'Shele trekhalo
Maelshyvean cinder beastfalse
Maelshyvean shadow beast
Magma cobratrue
Maiden's tress
Malodorous buccafalse
Marbled angiswaerd
Matron's tress
Meadow ram
Minuscule animated itemsfalse
Misenseor resuscitanttrue
Miserly Moneygrubber
Misshapen germish'dintrue
Misty black zephyrfalse
Morah creeper
Morah vine
Moss mey
Moss spirit
Mottled westanuryntrue
Mountain giantfalse
Muscular firecat
Musk hogfalse
Mutant togballfalse
Nightreaver unynfalse
Nightstalker unyn
Nightweaver unynfalse
Nipoh oshu (1)true
Nipoh oshu (2)
Nipoh oshu (3)
Ochre la'heke
Onyx gargoyletrue
Orc banditfalse
Orc clan-chief
Orc raider
Orc reiverfalse
Orc scoutfalse
Origami creaturefalse
Pale grey death spiritfalse
Pale grey death squirrel (creature)false
Pirate (1)
Piruati serpentfalse
Pugnacious pinchfist
Quartz gargoyletrue
Ragged wind hag
Red brocket deer
Red-Gold scaled atik'et (1)
Red-Gold scaled atik'et (2)
Red-bristled gremlinfalse
Retan dolomar
Retch fiendfalse
Revenant conscript
Revenant zombie
Rhoat moda
Ring-necked Gidii
River boa
River caiman
River sprite
Robed Dragon Priest(ess)
Robed banyakeafalse
Rock guardian (1)true
Rock guardian (2)true
Rock troll (1)true
Rock troll (2)
Rotting deadwood dryad
Ruby-crested adult forest gryphon
Ruffian (creature1)false
Ruffian (creature2)false
Ruffian (creature3)false
Ruffian (creature4)false
S'lai scout
S'sugi malchatatrue
Sabre-toothed warcatfalse
Sailfin lizard
Salt crab
Salt golemfalse
Sand spider
Sand sprite
Scaly seordmaor
Scarlet crayfish
Scavenger giantfalse
Scavenger goblin
Scavenger trolltrue
Scout ogre
Seordhevor kartaistrue
Shadefield eviscerator
Shadowfrost mothfalse
Shaggy black barghestfalse
Shifty-eyed skinflint
Sickly blightwater nyad
Silver leucrofalse
Silver-backed bearfalse
Silver-tipped mature forest gryphon
Sinister Maelshyvean hierophantfalse
Sinuous elsralael
Sinuous ice adder
Skeletal kobold headhunterfalse
Skeletal kobold savagefalse
Skeletal sailor
Sky giantfalse
Sleazy loutfalse
Sleek hele'la
Small birdcatcher spiderfalse
Small boggle
Small grendel
Small peccary (1)
Small peccary (2)
Snaer hafwatrue
Snow goblin (1)
Snow goblin (2)
Snow goblin (3)
Spectral pirate
Spider crab
Spiny bloodfish (1)
Spiny bloodfish (2)
Spiny dyrachis
Spotted bobcat
Spotted kashika serpentfalse
Spotted shark
Stone-throwing imp
Storm bull (1)true
Storm bull (2)true
Storm bull (3)true
Striped badgerfalse
Stumpy blight ogre
Stunted undead gerbilfalse
Sun vulture
Supple firecat
Suw bizar
Swamp troll (1)false
Swamp troll (2)true
Swamp troll (3)false
Sylph (1)
Sylph (2)
Telga moradu
Telga orek (1)
Telga orek (2)
Thug (creature1)false
Thug (creature2)false
Thug (creature3)false
Thug (creature4)false
Thunder ram
Tiger shark
Tortured soul (1)
Tortured soul (2)
Transparent shylvic
Tree Snake
Treehopper toadtrue
Troublesome tightwad
Twisted dryadtrue
Twisted fendryad (1)
Twisted fendryad (2)
Undead gerbilfalse
Ur hhrki'izh (1)false
Ur hhrki'izh (2)false
Vaporous blood wraith
Vela'tohr bloodvinefalse
Velakan slaver
Vicious Dragon Priest intercessor
Vicious warcatfalse
Vile plague wraithfalse
Void black umbral moth (1)
Void black umbral moth (2)
Voidspawn (2)
Vykathi buildertrue
Vykathi excavatortrue
Vykathi harvestertrue
Vykathi reapertrue
Vykathi soldiertrue
Warklin mauler
Water sprite
Wild boar
Wildland goblin
Wind hound
Windbag (1)
Windbag (2)
Wir dinego
Wood Troll (1)
Wood Troll (2)false
Wormwood vine
Xala'shar archer
Xala'shar archimagefalse
Xala'shar conjurertrue
Xala'shar magusfalse
Xala'shar overseerfalse
Xala'shar shredderfalse
Xala'shar slayerfalse
Xala'shar thrallfalse
Xala'shar vanquisherfalse
Xala'shar vindicatorfalse
Yellow bristled gremlin
Young blue-dappled prereni (1)false
Young blue-dappled prereni (2)false
Young cave troll
Young firecattrue
Young forest gryphonfalse
Young ogre
Young red brocket deerfalse
Young wyvernfalse
Yvhh la'tamifalse
Zombie boarfalse
Zombie goblin
Zombie head-splitter
Zombie kobold headhunterfalse
Zombie kobold savagefalse
Zombie mauler
Zombie nomad
Zombie red leucrofalse
Zombie ruffianfalse
Zombie stomperfalse