Category:Utility abilities: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 00:31, 10 August 2021

A Utility ability or spell is one that has at least one purpose unrelated to buffing or combat. (This definition is not canon and its accuracy is questioned.)

Currently Utility Abilities

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Avalanche Fatigue heal, Pulsing utility, berserk 1
Dispel Attempts to remove all magic on self. utility, meditation 2
Famine Vitality heal, Pulsing utility, berserk 2
Prediction When disabled (stun/immobilize/web/knockdown), you dive-roll out of the room. utility, meditation 3
Staunch Stops all bleeding for a time. utility, meditation 2
Tsunami Increases Balance and primary weapon stat of held weapon. utility, berserk 2
Wolverine Form Advancing speed boost. utility, form 1
Albreda's Balm (ALB) AOE calm. cyclic debilitation, utility, area of effect Creature, Area charm \ willpower 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 Elemental Magic
Aura of Tongues (AOT) Understand but not speak other languages. standard utility, area of effect Group, Area 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 Elemental Magic
Caress of the Sun (CARE) Dries you off and prevents weather from affecting you. Protects instruments and other items from damage. standard utility Self 1-100 0-400 10-40 0 Elemental Magic
Eye of Kertigen (EYE) Periodically searches, with an enhanced perception to the search. Caster sees in dark rooms. cyclic utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Hodierna's Lilt (HODI) Vitality heal, Fatigue heal, Spirit heal cyclic utility Group, Area 5-25 10-600 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Nexus +Mana level, More powerful when more people are in the room. standard utility, area of effect Area 30-100 250-1,000 10-40 2 Elemental Magic
Resonance Enhances the top two physical damage stats of a weapon. standard utility Item 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Elemental Magic
Sanctuary Prevents clairvoyance, creatures spawning and entering, hiding, and invisibility. cyclic utility, area of effect Area 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Aspects of the All-God (ALL) +Augmentation skill, +Debilitation skill, +Sorcery skill, +Targeted Magic skill, +Utility skill, +Warding skill, -Primary Magic skill, -Augmentation skill, -Debilitation skill, -Targeted Magic skill, -Utility skill, -Warding skill, Rapid alignment change. Nonstandard alignments. ritual augmentation, utility Special 50-600 10-600 Instant 2 Holy Magic
Bitter Feast (BF) Replaces Eylhaar's Feast's addiction drawback with a short stun. metamagic utility 1 Holy Magic
Bless +damage to undead/cursed. Ability to hit incorporeal. standard utility Self, PC 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 Holy Magic
Divine Radiance (DR) -Balance, Knock-down. Holy damage amplification. Light source. standard, battle targeted, utility PC, Creature 2-50 10-600 10-40 3 Holy Magic
Eylhaar's Feast (EF) Spirit damage, Vitality heal, Attunement heal, Fatigue heal, Converts spirit health to attunement, vitality, or fatigue. battle utility Self 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 Holy Magic
Idon's Theft (IT) Steal a spell from target allowing you to cast it. battle debilitation, utility Self mind \ willpower 20-66 250-1,000 2-10 3 Holy Magic
Mass Rejuvenation (MRE) Creates cloud that gradually restores memories to dead bodies in the area. standard utility, area of effect Area 15-100 80-800 2-10 1 Holy Magic
Murrula's Flames (MF) Self-resurrection provided it's cast before death. ritual utility Self 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 2 Holy Magic
Osrel Meraud (OM) Creates an orb to store cleric buff spells. standard utility Item 30-200 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Holy Magic
Rejuvenation (REJUV) Restores the lost experience due to death. standard utility PC 5-100 10-600 Instant 1 Holy Magic
Resurrection (REZZ) Brings a dead player back to life. cyclic utility PC 5-50 80-800 Indefinite 1 Holy Magic
Revelation (REV) +Perception skill, Pulses to do a magical search that reveals names and allows you to POINT if you find their source. cyclic augmentation, utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 3 Holy Magic
Shield of Light (SOL) +Shield Usage skill, Conjures a shield battle augmentation, utility Self 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 Holy Magic
Uncurse Dispels offensive spell, curse, or Death's Sting on target. battle utility PC, Creature, Item 5-100 10-600 Instant 1 Holy Magic
Vigil Spirit damage, Spirit heal, Equalizes the spirit health of two linked players. standard utility PC 5-100 10-600 Indefinite 1 Holy Magic
Absolution -Empathy skill, -Stamina (stat), allows Empath to attack the undead without shock ritual utility Self 150-700 80-800 30-90 2 Life Magic
Aesandry Darlaeth (AD) +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, recovery from immobilization/webbing cyclic augmentation, utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Life Magic
Awaken (spell) (AWAKEN) -stuns/unconsciousness battle utility Self, PC 15-100 80-800 2-10 2 Life Magic
Blood Staunching (BS) prevents blood loss standard utility Self 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 Life Magic
Circle of Sympathy (COS) Creates a tree that allows Empaths to share attunement ritual utility Special 150-700 80-800 30-90 1 Life Magic
Cure Disease (CD) Disease heal standard utility Self 15-100 80-800 10-40 1 Life Magic
Embrace of the Vela'tohr (EV) Wound heal, allows Empath to heal remotely via a conjured vela'tohr plant ritual utility Special 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 2 Life Magic
Flush Poisons (FP) Poison heal standard utility Self 15-100 80-800 15-40 1 Life Magic
Fountain of Creation (FOC) Wound heal, heals all wounds/scars standard utility Self 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 3 Life Magic
Guardian Spirit (GS) summons combat "pet" cyclic utility Special 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Heal Wound heal, periodically heals your worst wounds standard utility Self 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 Life Magic
Heal Scars (HS) Wound heal, heals scars standard utility Self 1-100 0-400 Instant 1 Life Magic
Heal Wounds (HW) Wound heal standard utility Self 1-100 0-400 Instant 1 Life Magic
Heart Link (HL) Vitality damage, Vitality heal, Equalizes the vitality of two linked players, Slows bleeding, poison, disease. standard utility PC 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Life Magic
Innocence forces target to disengage; prevents facing/advancing standard utility PC, Creature charm \ willpower 5-100 10-600 2-10 1 Life Magic
Raise Power (RP) +Mana level, Fatigue damage, self damage, life mana only standard utility, area of effect Area 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Life Magic
Regenerate Wound heal, gradually heals wounds/scars cyclic utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Vitality Healing (VH) Vitality heal standard utility Self 5-100 10-600 Instant 2 Life Magic
Braun's Conjecture (BC) Makes teleportation spells easier to cast, reduces the difficulty of using ALIGN Transmogrify and Split, reduces the roundtime of Predict State, removes the penalty for targeting specific skills with predictions. ritual utility Self 150-700 80-800 30-90 2 Lunar Magic
Contingency Triggered Teleport standard utility Special 15-100 80-800 30-90 3 Lunar Magic
Destiny Cipher (DC) Increases potency of visions, removes sect preference penalty for divination tools, and increases tool bonding rate. ritual utility Self 50-600 10-600 30-90 2 Lunar Magic
Distant Gaze (DG) Scry on moonbeam (continuous), Project message through moonbeam standard utility Special 15-100 80-800 60-180 1 Lunar Magic
Focus Moonbeam (FM) Create anchor for other spells standard utility Special 1-100 0-400 45-210 0 Lunar Magic
Locate Locate a PC or GMNPC. standard utility PC 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 Lunar Magic
Moonblade Creates temporary Small Edged weapon battle utility Self, Special 15-100 80-800 12-41 1 Lunar Magic
Moongate (MG) Creates a portal to your moonbeam. cyclic utility Self, Special 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Piercing Gaze (PG) "X-ray" vision standard utility Self, PC, Item 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 Lunar Magic
Read the Ripples (RTR) Add prophetic insight, bypass astrological observation timers, and bypass telescope checks for selected random constellations. ritual utility Self 300-800 250-1,000 2-10 2 Lunar Magic
Refractive Field (RF) instant (then pulsing) invisibility standard utility Self 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 Lunar Magic
Rend dispel 2 effects, self-cast or targeted battle debilitation, utility Self, PC, Creature mind \ willpower 5-100 10-600 Instant 2 Lunar Magic
Riftal Summons (RS) teleport PC to your location standard utility PC 40-120 400-1,250 Instant 2 Lunar Magic
Seer's Sense (SEER) +Evasion skill, mental link to PC standard augmentation, utility Self, PC 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Lunar Magic
Shadewatch Mirror (SHM) Creates a mirror that scries on a PC (continuous) standard utility PC 30-100 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Shadow Servant (SS) living vault standard utility Self 30-100 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Lunar Magic
Shadowling +Attunement pool, Attunement heal, Lunar magic users only standard utility, area of effect Self, Area 15-100 80-800 Indefinite 2 Lunar Magic
Shift Moonbeam (SM) moves moonbeam standard utility Self 15-100 80-800 2-10 2 Lunar Magic
Steps of Vuan (SOV) group pulsing invisibility cyclic utility, pulse to group Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Tangled Fate (TF) alters single prediction (stuns if more than one) standard debilitation, utility Self, PC 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 Lunar Magic
Teleport Teleport self to moonbeam standard utility Special 5-100 10-600 Instant 2 Lunar Magic
Thoughtcast (TH) sends thought to target, connects to gweth network standard utility Self, PC 15-100 80-800 30-90 2 Lunar Magic
Unleash prepares scroll spell with chance to not destroy it standard utility Item 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 Lunar Magic
Book Burning (BB) Impact damage, Fire damage, Summon a wearable torch that may attack targets you cast an offensive spell on. Light source. ritual targeted, utility Self 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 3 Arcane Magic
Call from Beyond (CFB) Makes a zombie! standard utility Special 15-100 80-800 60-180 3 Arcane Magic
Call from Within (CFW) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, summons a stealthy spell casting undead bug cyclic utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Arcane Magic
Consume Flesh (CF) Wound heal, Destroy body parts of a corpse. standard utility Self, Special 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 Arcane Magic
Devour Wound heal standard utility Self, Special 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 3 Arcane Magic
Eyes of the Blind (EOTB) Pulsing self-invisibility. standard utility Self 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 Arcane Magic
Necrotic Reconstruction (NR) Wound heal, only heals corpses, zombies, or constructs standard utility Special 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 Arcane Magic
Quicken the Earth (QE) Creates construct. standard utility Special 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 Arcane Magic
Resection Removes poison/disease at the cost of wounds. standard utility Self 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 Arcane Magic
Rite of Contrition (ROC) Reduces visible Divine Outrage. Removes Transcendental Necromancy spells while in effect. cyclic utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Arcane Magic
Rite of Forbearance (ROF) Reduced attunement when casting, freezes attunement regen, spells pierce integrity barriers cyclic debilitation, utility Self 5-5 80-80 Indefinite 1 Arcane Magic
Rite of Grace (ROG) Hides 1-7 Transcendental Necromancy buffs. cyclic utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Arcane Magic
Dispel (spell) dispels one magical effect battle utility Self, PC, Creature mind \ willpower 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 Analogous Patterns
Gauge Flow (GAF) allows magical research standard utility Self 5-100 10-600 30-90 2 Analogous Patterns
Imbue enables an item to be enchanted standard utility Item 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 Analogous Patterns
Seal Cambrinth (SEC) increases capacity by 30%, prevents stored mana from leaking ritual utility Item 50-600 10-600 30-90 1 Analogous Patterns
Alamhif's Gift (AG) -death's sting or +soul pool (costs 1 favor) ritual utility Self, PC 300-800 250-1,000 Instant 1 Holy Magic
Anti-Stun (AS) +stun resistance/recovery battle utility Self, PC 15-100 80-800 2-10 2 Holy Magic
Banner of Truce (BOT) prevents combat in room standard utility, area of effect Area mind \ willpower 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Holy Magic
Bond Armaments (BA) bonds weapon/shield to hand standard utility Item 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Holy Magic
Crusader's Challenge (CRC) +Tactics skill, taunt prevents retreating/fleeing battle augmentation, utility Self, Special charm \ willpower 30-100 250-1,000 2-10 2 Holy Magic
Divine Armor (DA) +protection/absorption for armor and shield standard utility Self, PC 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 Holy Magic
Hands of Justice (HOJ) +theft detection/protection standard utility, area of effect Group, Area 5-100 10-600 2-10 1 Holy Magic
Holy Warrior (HOW) blesses held weapon, sometimes stuns attacker cyclic warding, utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Rutilor's Edge (RUE) +primary physical damage type/balance/power of held weapon battle utility Item 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Holy Magic
Truffenyi's Rally (TR) Balance heal, dispels negative effects and some positive effects cyclic augmentation, utility, area of effect, pulse to group Group, Area 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Vessel of Salvation (VOS) Vitality damage, Vitality heal, use own vitality to create vitality "battery" that others can use standard utility Special 5-100 10-600 30-90 2 Holy Magic
Awaken Forest (AF) Spawn that fights alongside Ranger. High threat index (agro tank) with natural "plate" armor. Normal spawn will only fight living, when Plague Spawn (cast in city or with PLS) will only fight corp. undead. cyclic utility Special 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Bear Strength (BES) +Stamina (stat), +Strength (stat), pulsing status protection cyclic augmentation, utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Life Magic
Blend Pulsing self-invisibility. standard utility Self 15-100 80-800 10-40 1 Life Magic
Compost decays items on ground (does not boost life mana) standard utility, area of effect Area 1-100 0-400 Instant 0 Life Magic
Earth Meld (EM) +Stealth skill, auto-hide effect standard augmentation, utility Self, PC 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 Life Magic
Memory of Nature (MON) Maintain your ranger bonus while in non-wilderness areas ritual utility Self, PC 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 2 Life Magic
Skein of Shadows (SKS) +Brigandine skill, +Chain Armor skill, +Light Armor skill, reduces stealth hindrance standard augmentation, utility Self 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Life Magic
Calm Indiscriminate self dispel. utility, khri 2
Cunning +Tactics skill, +Charisma (stat), pulsing anti-web/immobilization augmentation, utility, khri 3
Dampen Decrease stealth hindrance, anti-locate barrier, blocks hunt utility, warding, khri 2
Endure +Stamina (stat) augmentation, utility, khri 2
Evanescence Invisibility on receiving a sufficiently damaging strike utility, warding, khri 2
Hasten Chance for a -1/-2 second reduction of roundtime for melee and thrown attacks, disarming traps, picking locks (creature boxes only), and removing/wearing armor in combat utility, khri 1
Sensing remote view of neighboring room, passive spot on hidden utility, khri 3
Shadowstep decrease advance time while hidden, 0RT sneaking in town utility, khri 2
Silence Pulsing invisibility. utility, khri 2
Slight Reduces chance of getting caught shoplifting (can reduce to zero) utility, khri 2
Vanish Instant invisibility and retreat utility, khri 2
Noumena (NOU) Allows Starlight Aura regeneration under cloud cover or in daylight.

Allows spells that use Starlight to be cast during inclement weather.

standard utility Self 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 Lunar Magic
Regalia (REGA) Creates crystal armor battle utility Self 15-100 80-800 11-40 2 Lunar Magic
Stellar Collector (STC) Allows collection and storage of starlight energy standard utility Self 30-100 250-1,000 61-0 2 Lunar Magic
Air Bubble (AB) breathe underwater standard utility Self, PC 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 Elemental Magic
Ethereal Fissure (ETF) +Mana level, Room-wide elemental only. standard utility, area of effect Self 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 Elemental Magic
Fortress of Ice (FOI) Creates a private room. standard utility PC, Group, Area 30-100 250-1,000 3 Elemental Magic
Ignite Adds fire damage proportional to the highest physical damage stat of the weapon standard utility Item 5-100 10-600 4-20 2 Elemental Magic
Rising Mists (RM) +Stealth skill, obscures exits standard utility, area of effect Area 15-100 80-800 10-40 1 Elemental Magic
Zephyr Fatigue heal battle utility, area of effect Area 5-100 10-600 2-10 2 Elemental Magic

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