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Paladin Guild

Image copyright of Simutronics Corporation

Primary Skillset: Armor
Secondary Skillsets: Lore, Weapon
Tertiary Skillsets: Magic, Survival
Special Abilities: Lead, Glyph, Protect, Smite
Mana Type: Holy
Barbarian - Bard - Cleric - Commoner - Empath - Moon Mage

Necromancer - Paladin - Ranger - Thief - Trader - Warrior Mage

A Paladin is a Holy Warrior, touched and graced by the gods themselves. Through a path of righteous dedication to the guild's teachings and through service to the Immortals, the worthy are rewarded for their valor and honor with abilities blessed from the deities and emerge into an extreme force to reckon with. Woe to the villain who stands before the Paladin submerged in deceit and evil ways!

Founded by Dreldan, then sometime later taken over by Beren, the Guild Hall in the Crossing is where most new members receive their training. Beren took on the guild in a fatherly fashion and is still thought of highly by many senior guild members. However, the Paladin Council believed the guild members had grown too slack in their training and that the morality had deteriorated over time. Beren was subsequently removed, replaced by a more strict and harsh leader, Darius. Though the youngest guild leader in recorded history, Darius has maintained a stringent hold on not only the provincial guild, but the path of the Paladin itself.

Official Information

Guild crest: A roaring lion over a set of scales weighing a sword and an olive laurel

Information courtesy of Dragonrealms Website.

Guild Hall Locations

The original Guildhall, under the tutelage of Lady Verika. (You can type DIR PALADIN for directions.)
This Guildhall is steeped in the proud heritage of Therengia, under the watchful eye of Sir Cleworth.
Guild Representative Remen has taken over Lady Verika's old office in the Noble Inn to mentor the guild's pages and squires up to their 20th circle. (You can type DIR PALADIN for directions.)
This Guildhall, in the Tower of Honor, is guided by the hand of Lady Snow.
This Guildhall is on the highest tier of the city, under the instruction of the formidable Sir Eamonn.
In a majestic Guildhall on Shell Circle, guided by the noble and resplendent Lady Avant.
Guildleader Darius, formerly of The Crossing guildhall, took up the Guildhall post here.

Skillsets and Common Races

A Paladin's primary skillset is Armor. Lore and Weapon are secondary skillsets, with Magic and Survival as tertiary skills.

Paladins break down into the following races:

Human 45%
Kaldar 12%
Elven 10%
Gor'Tog 10%
S'Kra Mur 9%
Prydaen 9%
Dwarven 1%
Elothean 1%
Rakash 1%
Halfling 1%
Gnome 1%

Crafting Affiliation

Guilded Paladins receive three free technique slots in the Armorsmithing discipline of the Forging skill.

See: Crafting

Guild Abilities

Code of Honor

Paladins have a strict code of honor they must adhere to. By stealing, having any skill in the stealing skill, using cowardly or devious tactics in battle, or striking first in combat with another player a Paladin will lose standing in the guild, and take a massive hit to the state of his soul. This will affect his ability to perform various special abilities and, depending on the severity of the offense, may require a special quest to re-instate himself into the guild.

Armor Proficiency

Every 10 circles, a Paladin gains the ability to negate the mixing penalty for one armor type, so that by 30th circle, they can wear all four armors without a mixing penalty.


A Paladin may protect his money, protect himself, or intercept the dangers directed against those whom he wishes to PROTECT.


By LEADing in a battle, a Paladin can inspire people within his party to greater feats while in combat. A Paladin receives the Lead ability at circle 2.


Paladin glyphs are a non-mana-using ability unique to Paladins. The use of glyphs is limited by the state of a Paladin's soul, as well as the level of his soul pool. The strength of the glyph and its duration can also be affected by the level of his charisma stat. To acquire each glyph, a Paladin must be of a certain circle, then must complete a holy quest.


A Paladin's soul is awoken by the Immortals when they call him to duty. This awakening allows, in Paladins who follow the tenets of the guild faithfully, to shine with brightness, powering many of their abilities. Conversely, for those Paladins who do not serve faithfully and violate certain rules, the state of their souls will plummet to a level of darkness not attainable by the uncalled. A Paladin's soul also acts as a confound for Paladin holy magic. The current state of a Paladin's soul can be measured with soulstone.

For more information, see Soul system.


Drawing upon their soul or the strength of their conviction, Paladins can execute a powerful strike against their foes.

Sacred Insight

Paladins can use their sacred insight to help recover grave goods. They can discern the owner of an item, identify grave robbers, and discern which stolen items the grave robber is carrying.

Holy Weapon

One of the Paladin's weapons can be blessed with extra power. A holy weapon is especially effective against the undead.

Holy Magic

Paladins use Holy mana, and can learn spells from the Justice, Inspiration, and Sacrifice spell books to aid in their quest to uphold justice, and combat evil within the realm. See Paladin spells.

RebukeBond ArmamentsSoldier's PrayerBanner of TruceClarityRutilor's EdgeMarshal OrderAnti-StunDivine ArmorTamsine's KissShatterFootman's StrikeVeteran InsightHaltVessel of SalvationHands of JusticeDivine GuidanceRighteous WrathCourageSentinel's ResolveAspirant's AegisStun FoeHeroic StrengthHoly WarriorSmite HordeAlamhif's GiftTruffenyi's RallyCrusader's ChallengeSidasas SedraPaladin Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
About this image

Paladin spell slots

Circle Requirements

Skillset Skill 1-10 11-30 31-70 71-100 101-150 151-200
armor Conviction 3 4 4 5 5 13
armor Defending 3 3 4 4 5 13
armor Shield Usage 2 2 3 3 4 10
armor 1st Armor 4 5 5 5 6 15
armor 2nd Armor 2 3 3 4 5 13
weapon Parry Ability 3 3 4 4 5 13
weapon 1st Weapon 3 4 4 5 5 13
weapon 2nd Weapon 0 2 3 4 4 10
lore Tactics 1 2 3 3 4 10
lore Scholarship 1 2 2 3 3 8
lore 1st Lore 2 3 3 4 4 10
lore 2nd Lore 1 2 3 3 4 10
lore 3rd Lore 1 1 2 2 3 8
magic 1st Magic 1 2 2 3 3 8
magic 2nd Magic 1 1 2 2 3 8
magic 3rd Magic 1 1 1 2 2 5
survival Evasion 2 3 3 4 4 10
survival 1st Survival 1 2 2 3 3 8
survival 2nd Survival 1 1 2 2 3 8
survival 3rd Survival 1 1 1 2 2 5
survival 4th Survival 1 1 1 2 2 5

Hard skill requirements ( Conviction, Defending, Parry Ability, and Evasion) are listed in bold. These skills cannot count toward Nth skills, such as 1st Armor or 2nd Survival.

Soft skill requirements ( Shield Usage, Tactics, and Scholarship) can also count toward your Nth skills.

Note: The following "mastery" skills never count toward Nth skill requirements, since they affect all or most of the skillset: Defending, Offhand Weapon, Melee Mastery, Missile Mastery, and Holy Magic.

Nth skill requirements are met with your top-ranked skills out of the following list of eligible skills:


Skillset Skill 10 30 70 100 150 200
armor Conviction 30 110 270 420 670 1,320
armor Defending 30 90 250 370 620 1,270
armor Shield Usage 20 60 180 270 470 970
armor 1st Armor 40 140 340 490 790 1,540
armor 2nd Armor 20 80 200 320 570 1,220
armor Total Armor 120 420 1,060 1,600 2,650 5,350
weapon Parry Ability 30 90 250 370 620 1,270
weapon 1st Weapon 30 110 270 420 670 1,320
weapon 2nd Weapon 0 40 160 280 480 980
weapon Total Weapon 60 240 680 1,070 1,770 3,570
lore Tactics 10 50 170 260 460 960
lore Scholarship 10 50 130 220 370 770
lore 1st Lore 20 80 200 320 520 1,020
lore 2nd Lore 10 50 170 260 460 960
lore 3rd Lore 10 30 110 170 320 720
lore Total Lore 40 160 480 750 1,300 2,700
magic 1st Magic 10 50 130 220 370 770
magic 2nd Magic 10 30 110 170 320 720
magic 3rd Magic 10 30 70 130 230 480
magic Total Magic 30 110 310 520 920 1,970
survival Evasion 20 80 200 320 520 1,020
survival 1st Survival 10 50 130 220 370 770
survival 2nd Survival 10 30 110 170 320 720
survival 3rd Survival 10 30 70 130 230 480
survival 4th Survival 10 30 70 130 230 480
survival Total Survival 60 220 580 970 1,670 3,470
all Total 310 1,150 3,110 4,910 8,310 17,060

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