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Enchanting skill
Enchanting is the crafting skill related to the creation of magical devices and adding enchantments to other items. This differs from Arcana as that skill deals with the use of magical items only.
Enchanting will be separated into three disciplines:
- Artificing: the creation of runestones, cambrinth, or other magical devices that require active participation and control.
- Binding: the binding of magical enchantments to existing items that will require the Arcana skill to invoke/use.
- Invoking: the creation of magical enchantments that are passively active with no Arcana skill requirement.
There are currently Enchanting Society halls in Crossing, Riverhaven, Shard, Hibarnhvidar, Fang Cove, Muspar'i and Ratha. Additionally, braziers can be crafted within the Artificing discipline and used to do enchanting outside the society halls. Work orders within the released disciplines can be obtained from a Trainer within each Enchanting Society, giving players the option of being compensated for their work in this skill.
The Enchanting Guide introduces and describes processes related to Enchanting.
The basis of enchantments will be sigils, primarily gathered using PERCEIVE SIGIL.
See the crafting materials page for further information about sigils.
See the Category:Crafting tools page for further information about tools.
Enchantment Qualities
Note: This information is still in flux and may change, or be better explained/defined. Along with this, not every enchantment will have all of these stats.
The quality of the enchantment made. Determines magnitude of effect. More verbs, higher proc chance, etc. Similar to "masterfully-crafted" for other crafted goods.
Potency level, low to high | |
Name | Tier |
almost no potency | 1 |
terrible potency | 2 |
dismal potency | 3 |
poor potency | 4 |
low potency | 5 |
decent potency | 6 |
moderate potency | 7 |
good potency | 8 |
great potency | 9 |
excellent potency | 10 |
Indicates how hard something was to make.
Complexity level, low to high | |
Name | Tier |
very simple | 1 |
simple | 2 |
not very complex | 3 |
somewhat complex | 4 |
rather complex | 5 |
quite complex | 6 |
very complex | 7 |
exceptionally complex | 8 |
incredibly complex | 9 |
Note: There's also a (GM-exclusive?) central complexity value.
Determines the enchantment's "tier". Based on the sigils used to create the enchantment. For sigil precision, think of it as the hardness or physical material stats for enchanting.
Precision level, low to high | |
Name | Tier |
completely abstract | 1 |
abstract | 2 |
slightly abstract | 3 |
somewhat precise | 4 |
rather precise | 5 |
quite precise | 6 |
very precise | 7 |
exceptionally precise | 8 |
incredibly precise | 9 |
amazingly precise | 10 |
fantastically precise | 11 |
Determines how difficult it is to activate with Arcana, and influences how effective the enchantment functions. For flares, each grade adds a small increase to the % chance to proc and the magnitude of the effect (if you can pass the skill contest), and for some glamours additional visual effects are unlocked.
Grade quality, low to high | ||
Name | Tier | Arcana Required to Reliably Activate |
Minor | 1 | 200 |
Lesser | 2 | 500 |
Greater | 3 | 1,000 |
Major | 4 | 1,500 |
- There are 18 variations for durability/damage resistance
- Enchantment durability. Thickness determines damage resistance, and clarity determines current condition.
The current damage/condition. Indicates how many charges remain.
the lines are...
Clarity level, low to high | |
Name | Tier |
impossible to make out | 1 |
nearly translucent | 2 |
growing indistinct | 3 |
somewhat fuzzy | 4 |
clear | 5 |
extremely clear | 6 |
perfectly clear | 7 |
Fount: Enchantment's battery/engine.
- Color: Influences an enchantment's effect. Different colors provide different effects.
- Red = Magnitude (bonus effect)
- Yellow = Reduced activation time
- Grey = durability (bonus charges)
- Size/Type: Has a connection to the materials used on the item.
- Surface: Modifies difficulty and magnitude of the enchantment.
See Flares for details on weapon, armor, and shield flares.
Glamour enchantments provide a visual effect when activated and, sometimes, a small (and brief) boost to a skill.
- You rub your thumb across the grove, sprouting tiny gold blossoms in your hand.
- You rub your thumb across the bead, igniting a ball of flickering orange flames in your hand.
- You rub your thumb across the spectacles, causing an intense black radiance to erupt from your eyes!
- You touch the buckle and a haze of lustrous gold sparkles hover over your hand.
- You shake the pin, causing some light shaking deep in the ground and a cloud of dust billowing behind you.
Glamour Colors
While new colors for enchantments may have been added, flare and glamour colors were initially based on dye colors.
Note: This list has iterations of colors that are not part of the flare system. It is due for a cleanup. Please use this list as a guide and be comfortable asking for a different color if one of the colors listed is incorrectly flagged as a flare/glamour color.
- alabaster
- amaranth
- amber
- amethyst
- amethystine
- apple
- apricot
- aqua
- aquamarine
- auburn
- azure
- beige
- bisque
- bistre
- black
- blood-red
- blue
- blue-green
- blue-violet
- brass-colored
- brick-red
- bronze
- brown
- burgundy
- carmine
- cerise
- cerulean
- charcoal-grey
- chartreuse
- cherry
- chestnut
- chocolate
- cinnamon
- cobalt
- copper
- coral
- cornflower-blue
- cream
- crimson
- cyan
- daffodil-yellow
- ebon
- ecru
- eggshell-white
- Elothean-red
- emerald
- flax
- forest-green
- fuchsia
- ghost-white
- gold-colored
- goldenrod
- green
- grey
- heliotrope
- hunter-green
- ichor-green
- icy-blue
- indigo
- jade-green
- jaundice-yellow
- lavender
- lilac
- lime-green
- magenta
- maroon
- mauve
- midnight-blue
- molten-red
- nomlas
- off-white
- olive
- olive-green
- onyx
- orange
- orchid
- peach
- pearl
- periwinkle
- pink
- plum
- puce
- pumpkin
- purple
- red
- Rissan-orange
- rose
- rot-brown
- russet
- rust
- sable
- saffron
- salmon
- sapphire
- scarlet
- sea-green
- sepia
- silver-colored
- steel-blue
- sunny-yellow
- sunset-orange
- swamp-green
- taffelberry-black
- tan
- tangerine
- taupe
- teal
- turquoise
- twilight-purple
- umber
- violet
- violet-red
- viridian
- white
- wine
- wisteria
- yellow
Enchantment Examples
Weapon Flares
Corn Maze (450 kernel weapons): The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has poor potency, is very simple, and is somewhat precise. The matrix appears to be somewhat thick and the lines are perfectly clear.
Corn Maze (5,000 kernel weapons): The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has terrible potency, is very simple, and is abstract. The matrix appears to be nominally thick and the lines are perfectly clear.
Targeted Magic Foci
Drathrok's Assemblage: The enchantment is exceptionally precise. You sense it was enchanted using a yellow heavy fount with a rough surface making it minor grade with enhanced activation. You perceive nominally thick and perfectly clear lines empowering the enchantment. This enchantment was tuned to provide a reduced activation time and a large damage increase to targeted spells.
Keishalae Alteration: The enchantment is exceptionally precise. You sense it was enchanted using a red heavy fount with a rough surface making it minor grade with enhanced magnitude. You perceive somewhat thick and perfectly clear lines empowering the enchantment. This enchantment was tuned to provide additional magnitude and a moderate damage and accuracy increase to targeted spells.
Vurvitar Alteration: The enchantment is incredibly precise. You sense it was enchanted using a yellow heavy fount with a rough surface making it minor grade with enhanced activation. You perceive rather thick and perfectly clear lines empowering the enchantment. This enchantment was tuned to provide a reduced activation time and a large bonus to accuracy with targeted spells.
Mana Glamours
The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has good potency, is very simple, and is abstract.
Spells and abilities that boost Enchanting
Enchanting Formulas
>>Is the formula as straightforward as this makes it sound? (Final precision) = min[ (material capacity), (sigil1 precision) + (sigil2 percision) + ... ]
- STEP 1: Look at base material enchantment capacity. Let's say it is 60.
- STEP 2: Look at Fount. If Fount Cap < Material Cap, possible explosion/bad things.
- STEP 3: Average all Sigil Precision. Let's say you had 40, 50, 80 = 170 / 3 = 56 precision total.
- STEP 4: If Sigil Precision > Cap, reduce to Cap. 56 < 60, so we keep all 56 precision.