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Hollow Eve Festival 425/Raffles

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< Hollow Eve Festival 425(Redirected from Hollow Eve 425 Raffle Center)
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[The Massive Metal Arachnid, Raffle Center]
The polished bronze walls of the room easily reflect the light of the hanging lanterns. A wide granite counter sits on this side of a canvas curtain dividing the interior space into two rooms, preventing the casual peruser from seeing the cache of prizes beyond. You also see Raffle Attendant Kentikatili, a bucket of viscous gloop, a raffle result board, a large iron arch and a sign.
Obvious exits: none.

A sign reads:

"Containers may have been filled using extraordinary measures.
If you take something out, it may or may not go back.
We will not put it back. Remove things at your own risk!"


  • There is a 12 hour timer after you win a prize before you can buy another ticket
  • There is also a 5-prize total over the course of the festival.
  • When picking up a ticket, GET TICKET FROM COUNTER or BUY TICKETS to avoid picking up a ticket from the bucket.
  • If you are the winner of a prize, PUT TICKET ON COUNTER to claim it.
  • If you did not win a prize, PUT TICKET IN BUCKET to discard it.

Raffle 1

Item Winner Notes
aquamarine oceanmist satin gem pouch clasped with an ivory ship Tirsten
blue hawkseye Aleyden
claret-hued silk parasol trimmed with black fringe Belea
treasure map Tetsey
chubby-cheeked brown chipmunk costume with a wide curved tail Vrallux

Raffle 2

Item Winner Notes
puffy metallic periwinkle tutu with strips of white ribbons Vashthe
green archer's thumbguard Delani
copper spectacles with cog-shaped peach lenses Aterri
stained glass calling card dispenser decorated with a pear motif Max
silver-shot purple silk belt clasped with an intricate filigree spider Maxwelinski

Raffle 3

Item Winner Notes
handsome black wallet stitched with a silver-hued spider Aarlon contains 10k tickets
pair of tan felt pants with pale silver accent embroidery Sarkranis
gold mesh choker prominently showcasing a C-shaped trinket Annandale
platinum filigree box with a lacy agate lid Fillius contains a small lace-winged katydid
enveloping shroud of dark zibeline Anuind robe-style hider

Raffle 4

Item Winner Notes
green silk lizard costume with a whip-like tail Lovasus
potency crystal Eoworfinia
raspberry-hued gem pouch trimmed in heartstring lace Kythryn
infuser stone Kaelie
pale green khaddar mask accented with tiny golden herons Qiyan

Raffle 5

Item Winner Notes
black-bladed knife on a flannel-lined wristband Lydaiva
blood ruby Coeur
garish red velvet cloak trimmed with heavy gold fringe Sianilas
ghost-white sanowret crystal Calde
burlap thigh pouch with bright yellow ties and straps Nazdan

Raffle 6

Item Winner Notes
small porcelain sheep with a bright orange collar Melx
scarlet leather cloak set with a Katamba's spire clasp Cappiam
simple folio of white satin clasped with a glitter-clad butterfly Raggard
indigo loimic spectacles with chocolate-brown lenses Takka
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Khaelyn

Raffle 7

Item Winner Notes
silver silk eyepatch edged with beads of jet Vixonia
brilliant green dress pinned with a complex serpentine charm Bhaalgorn
glamorous black purse stitched with a tyrium-hued spider Elizzibiana Contained 100,000 hollow eve tickets
blue silk shirt with fine grey pinstriping Elec
black socks embroidered with silvery spiderwebs Faehlan

Raffle 8

Item Winner Notes
covellite wristlet dangling a single bloodmist garnet bead Serryana
silver-framed spectacles with grey lenses Agodius
form-fitting maggot-white meditation pants Thires
sea blue silk belt clasped with an intricate filigree shark Oshten
engraved blackwood siege arbalest with a steel recurve prod Orphne

Raffle 9

Item Winner Notes
small wire sculpture of a whirlwind carrying a tiny goblin shaman Veela
troll-skin blacksmith's belt trimmed with Dwarven iron rivets Malykai
bright green gem pouch embroidered with "It's a Thing" in bright pink thread Thundra
Heke'mhhg lazuli Rezzian
tarnished silver spectacles with cracked rose-tinted lenses Chelinde

Raffle 10

Item Winner Notes
brown leather sandals Tranon
grey raccoon costume with a large poufed striped tail Rottenzeal
gold silk eyepatch edged with beads of ruby Larienna
bronze silk eyepatch edged with beads of red glass Pormithius
raven-black sanowret crystal Zymi

Raffle 11

Item Winner Notes
pale primrose silk parasol patterned with purple petunias Narash
sky-blue robe appliqued with a golden sequin dragon Serryana
boar bristle hairbrush with a carved bogbirch handle Silvryn
copper mesh choker prominently showcasing a Q-shaped trinket Sarvatt
blue woolen greatcloak clasped with a dove of carved crystal Malykai

Raffle 12

Game crash created a blank raffle.

Raffle 13

Item Winner Notes
cambrinth clipped nightmare-black bowtie accented with ruby-red lips Amala
handsome black wallet stitched with a platinum-hued spider Kulvar
blue-grey archer's thumbguard Veela
handsome black wallet stitched with a silver-hued spider Shellyrose
folding chair of plain maple slats Ezzra

Raffle 14

Item Winner Notes
maggot-white sanowret crystal Gwenddolyn
crimson-bladed knife on a flannel-lined wristband Vieira
emerald parchment scroll Anachron
inky-black sanowret crystal Lamrick
frayed hemp nuptial noose Mazrian

Raffle 15

Item Winner Notes
cordovan leather tailor's belt trimmed with golden accent stitching Kaynta
silvery glass cube framed in narrow bands of gloomwood Takya
dragon's eye ruby Warchyld
puffy metallic sapphire tutu with strips of white ribbons Cined
fluffy cotton bath towel dyed with a flexing Gor'Tog strongman Myya

Raffle 16

Item Winner Notes
burlap thigh pouch with bright red ties and straps Oshten
varnished vedda wood voulge vivified with variegated violets Lagury
black silk shirt with a high collar and deep cuffs Malakye
cherrywood Elothean web lyre inlaid with a ring of silver cicadas Weensie
puffy metallic lime-green tutu with strips of white ribbons Ephrym

Raffle 17

Item Winner Notes
bloodmist garnet Aequendis
blue leather sandals Hitz
bronze filigree box with a brown onyx lid Miskton contained a small brown katydid
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Maltris
pale yellow gingham gloves embellished with white lace Steinnar

Raffle 18

Item Winner Notes
tangerine taffeta gown with a poufy skirt Sylveryfox
treasure map Binadas
glamorous black purse stitched with a platinum-hued spider Kelneth
niveous spidersilk cloak Vyraen Living spidersilk cloak
small wire sculpture of a whirlwind carrying a tiny chicken Calde

Raffle 19

Item Winner Notes
silver mesh choker prominently showcasing a T-shaped trinket Yndass
treasure map Shaeun
potency crystal Seva
stack of cambrinth pancakes topped with a pat of yellow jade butter Narash
blush pink turbaurs shawl edged in raspberry satin Elec

Raffle 20

Item Winner Notes
grey-green archer's thumbguard Garlinen
silver mesh choker prominently showcasing an I-shaped trinket Raggard
cambrinth croissant with interspersed brown jade layers Jadyce
off-white spiritwood humidor with a gear-shaped copper latch Enwah
treasure map Parned

Raffle 21

Item Winner Notes
acicular tomiek fascinator swathed in twilight purple Elven lace Coeur
handsome black wallet stitched with a gold-hued spider Elec
silver-framed spectacles with azure lenses Saragos
potency crystal Arimane
grey ring-tailed lemur costume with a long black-ringed tail Sophrona

Raffle 22

Item Winner Notes
thornweave-clad box buttoned with smoke-grey crystal teardrops Lijek
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Zagyab
dull iron knife on a flannel-lined wristband Gwenddolyn
stand of dendritic green and brown jasper beads Kingdok
elegant clay pipe stamped with a repeating pattern of lace-winged mosquitoes Veela

Raffle 23

Item Winner Notes
silver mesh choker prominently showcasing an E-shaped trinket Firekast
potency crystal Kerizon
cambrinth clipped purple bowtie accented with subtle pink stripes Chynna
Gemfire ruby Tarlov
orange organdy gown embroidered with pansies Ruven

Raffle 24

Item Winner Notes
sunkissed chiffon duck Caele
white socks embroidered with sleeping black cats Mammonoch
infuser stone Vieira
begrimed messenger bag made of heavily repaired faille Raeyel
icesteel dagger shaped like a jagged shard of glass Eoworfinia

Raffle 30

Item Winner Notes
carved mistglass bell shaped like a spider arced over a cloud ruby clapper Ahneya
ghostly white negerat tie pin Agodius
potency crystal Kuklin
taffelberry-hued gem pouch trimmed in heartstring lace Aterri
iron parry stick shaped like Ushnish's viper Inkin

Raffle 31

Item Winner Notes
small porcelain vial shaped like a white rose Myya perfume
Katamba-black moonspun silk gem pouch set with a silver-infused Gnomish kocho Apte
puffy metallic gold tutu with strips of white ribbons Ceindrech
ruddy steel nightstick set with jagged lumps of loimic Qiyan
brown leather cloak set with a Katamba's spire clasp Auraopia

Raffle 32

Item Winner Notes
Demantoid garnet Shellyrose
strand of luscious green jade beads Kiritan
cobalt seaglass worry stone Nekhebett
polished bronze eyebrow ring set with a crystal turtle Schekter
Dalaeji black sapphire Felicini

Raffle 33

Item Winner Notes
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Rhoslyn
dark brown pillow embroidered with "Give me the coffee and nobody gets hurt!" Larasyl
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Larienna
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Amala
pair of black leather pants with bright red ribbon ties Jiah

Raffle 34

Item Winner Notes
form-fitting pumpkin-hued meditation pants Stoneheart
puffy metallic pomegranate tutu with strips of white ribbons Umbas
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Heartsfyre
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Eoworfinia
elegant Ilithic applewood case fitted with silversteel hinges Ascot

Raffle 35

Item Winner Notes
simple folio of sunshine-yellow cotton tied with a bit of black twine Raggard
crimson cashmere gown with silver-clad blue sapphires along the scoop neckline Atazai
emerald parchment scroll Jherrisali
platinum mesh choker prominently showcasing a J-shaped trinket Wulftooth
small porcelain sheep wearing bright green slippers Zymi

Raffle 36

Item Winner Notes
banana-hued parchment scroll Maelith
handsome black wallet stitched with a platinum-hued spider Unzew
treasure map Ascot
strand of perfectly clear crystal beads Oshten
peach sanowret crystal Kuklin

Raffle 37

Item Winner Notes
milky white sanowret crystal Cayde
shiny gold spectacles with flower-shaped spring green lenses Kiashandra
gold mesh choker prominently showcasing a B-shaped trinket Tirost
dark brown pillow embroidered with "Coffee is life!" Lemb
wicker picnic basket Kerizon

Raffle 38

Item Winner Notes
brown silk greatcloak shaped like the wings of an owl Xeran
platinum-framed spectacles with purple lenses Stoneheart
enveloping shroud of dark cotton Vieira
handsome black wallet stitched with a platinum-hued spider Ezzra
dull brass spectacles with circular orange lenses Zook

Raffle 39

Item Winner Notes
silver-framed spectacles with tangerine lenses Grakraw
cambrinth clipped banana yellow bowtie accented with tiny palm trees Jadrax
carved mistglass bell shaped like a spider arced over a stura atulave clapper Wenwick
massive iron bracer shaped into the form of a beetle shell Narash
nightmare black sanowret crystal Rogure

Raffle 40

Item Winner Notes
small tel'athi shield molded to resemble a tortoise shell Aucella
small porcelain sheep with bright orange hooves Hedarya
glossy steel knife on a flannel-lined wristband Klausette
copper silk eyepatch edged with beads of green glass Vindiciti
glossy ocean-hued pony with a steely mane and tail Sweetsolace

Raffle 41

Item Winner Notes
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Cliaria
dark steel nightstick set with jagged lumps of loimic Qiyan
frosted glass vase set with narrow bands of aldamdin Cristalyn
steel scale vest interspersed with sections of tomiek Triesti
azure parchment scroll Ternith

Raffle 42

Item Winner Notes
pumpkin-orange sanowret crystal Heatherwind
handsome black wallet stitched with a gold-hued spider Anjinson
emerald parchment scroll Everics
black gem pouch embroidered with "NO" in bright red thread Grakraw
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Warchyld

Raffle 43

Item Winner Notes
enveloping shroud of dark thornweave Ruea
stained messenger bag made of heavily repaired faille Whiteburn
ornately gilded halberd with a white ironwood haft Melx
form-fitting night-black meditation pants Anuind
emerald parchment scroll Nuvalli

Raffle 44

Item Winner Notes
ice sapphire Riverlynn
animite-hued cashmere tweed cape lined with shadesatin Meantermel
burlap thigh pouch with bright orange ties and straps Casimira
simple folio of white satin clasped with a glitter-clad weasel Shellyrose
midnight-blue leather cloak set with a Katamba's spire clasp Elec

Raffle 45

Item Winner Notes
infuser stone Jhesili
black silk shirt with a double row of pale amethyst buttons Maxwelinski
heavy leather bracer reinforced by thick iron plates Enwah
sardonically grinning plush orange pumpkin with large triangle eyes Kingdok
sea-blue sanowret crystal Nuela

Raffle 69

Item Winner Notes
crystalline glass globe with a slightly rippled texture Kythryn
braided heartstring lace nuptial noose Calde
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Oshten
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Aleyden
small porcelain sheep with a stubby black tail Abselom

Raffle 70

Item Winner Notes
peacock-blue sanowret crystal Cappiam
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Khaelyn
watermelon red sanowret crystal Veela
infuser stone Annandale
lime-green sanowret crystal Myya

Raffle 71

Item Winner Notes
straight-bladed aldamdin razor with a pale silverwillow handle Qiyan
treasure map Cined
silk kimono of gold-spangled azure with a sand-hued underrobe Narash
enveloping shroud of dark jadeleaf cloth Agodius
tall-tined tomiek trident with twisted triangular tips Ceindrech

Raffle 72

Item Winner Notes
green-tinted glass egg trapped in a web of braided thornweave Ephrym
glamorous black purse stitched with a platinum-hued spider Hitz
purple gem pouch shaped like a grape Lovasus Contained a sanowret crystal
emerald parchment scroll Poloth
burlap thigh pouch with bright green ties and straps Anuind Contained a sanowret crystal

Raffle 73

Item Winner Notes
tall blue glass bottle labeled "~Blosu Lorel LV 112~" in curly gold script Rogure
single cambrinth sausage link interspersed with brown ignimbrite Jezerey
treasure map Charlize
potency crystal Syngolith
simple folio of blue linen clasped with a crystal daisy Kilan

Raffle 74

Item Winner Notes
glossy aldamin spectacles with star-shaped carmine lenses Miskton
small spun rainbow arm pouch embroidered with dancing bears Parned
glamorous black purse stitched with a gold-hued spider Sevona
polished cambrinth lemon dusted with silver glitter Shunasazi
grey archer's thumbguard Aruthas

Raffle 75

Item Winner Notes
heavy steel gauntlets set with zigzagging loimic stars Cristalyn
red gem pouch shaped like a strawberry Amala
rugged punka gem pouch clasped with a turnip-shaped button Casimira
rugged punka gem pouch clasped with a potato-shaped button Abselom
puffy metallic strawberry-pink tutu with strips of white ribbons Mestoph

Raffle 76

Item Winner Notes
puffy metallic blood-red tutu with strips of white ribbons Bhaalgorn
gold-framed spectacles with grey lenses Zufti
black silk belt clasped with an intricate filigree owl Syngolith
handsome black wallet stitched with a silver-hued spider Agodius
ruffled green gem pouch shaped like a cabbage Thoman

Raffle 77

Item Winner Notes
crimson parchment scroll Everics
gold mesh choker prominently showcasing an A-shaped trinket Lemb
glamorous black purse stitched with a platinum-hued spider Zaherli
treasure map Gabellia
infuser stone Warchyld

Raffle 78

Item Winner Notes
soft black robe appliqued with silvery sequin spiders Vyraen
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Fillius Contained 100 Hollow Eve tickets
tall brown glass bottle labeled "~Blosu Lorel LV 112~" in curly orange script Kavett
simple folio of pale pink silk clasped with a crystal gerbil Gwenddolyn
purple silk gem pouch clasped with an articulated golden spider Xohariel

Raffle 106

Item Winner Notes
soft lipka cotton gem pouch clasped with a goldenoak cat Nimeesha
handsome black wallet stitched with a gold-hued spider Obolwasht
handsome black wallet stitched with a gold-hued spider Sabua
rugged punka gem pouch clasped with a rutabaga-shaped button Ederick
close-wrapped fighting shirt fastened with maggot white punka straps Halsstor

Raffle 131

Item Winner Notes
copper mesh choker prominently showcasing an X-shaped trinket Drunstan
handsome black wallet stitched with a silver-hued spider Morlen
golden parry stick shaped like Hav'roth's cobra Kasto
ecru westan wool bandana patterned with blue-green cacti Ianhanse
small porcelain sheep holding an empty feedbag in its mouth Morren

Raffle 132

Item Winner Notes
simple folio of pale pink silk clasped with a crystal squirrel Arandrowse
small porcelain sheep with vivid blue eyes Larasyl
milk-white sanowret crystal Aliselyn
handsome black wallet stitched with a silver-hued spider Seva
bright yellow gem pouch shaped like a lemon Aruthas

Raffle 133

Item Winner Notes
ebony leather gem pouch clasped with a carved ivory dragon Kalliste
enveloping shroud of dark khaddar Firekast
banana-hued parchment scroll Nineve
orange gem pouch shaped like a pumpkin Bellicia
elegant clay pipe impressed with the outlines of long-legged starfish Thires

Raffle 134

Item Winner Notes
silver mesh choker prominently showcasing a P-shaped trinket Mammonoch
piece of cambrinth toast splattered with pink beryl jam Xillix
simple folio of green canvas clasped with a rusty iron toad Klausette
strand of translucent blue mistglass beads Exoduss
ocean-blue sanowret crystal Fillius

Raffle 135

Item Winner Notes
A dragonwood plank Baelor
simple folio of white satin clasped with a glitter-clad skunk Falthrice
crimson parchment scroll Whiteburn
mocha-brown sanowret crystal Zoggrogg
spring-green sanowret crystal Vorare

Raffle 136

Item Winner Notes
platinum-framed spectacles with grey lenses Aurayn
small porcelain sheep with bright green eyes Ruldir
small porcelain vial shaped like a jadice flower Stoneheart
flimsy silk cassock patterned in azure fish scales Hedarya
small wire sculpture of a whirlwind carrying a tiny ox Meganlique

Raffle 137

Item Winner Notes
dirty-dishwater brown sanowret crystal Kidrick
puffy metallic rainbow-hued tutu with strips of white ribbons Binu
puffy metallic rainbow-hued tutu with strips of white ribbons Padhg
frosted glass vase set with narrow bands of aldamdin Giulietta
tall black glass bottle labeled "~Blosu Lorel LV 112~" in curly gold script Calabra

Raffle 138

Item Winner Notes
bone-rimmed spectacles with silver lenses Teloc
circle of blue-green rivertear Lydaiva
tattered messenger bag made of heavily repaired faille Edryd
bright sunshine-hued pony with a white mane and tail Zymi
rainbow-hued sanowret crystal Aashja

Raffle 139

Item Winner Notes
treasure map Hazelnut
rugged punka gem pouch clasped with a yam-shaped button Weensie
marine blue zenganne wand belt embroidered with fluid scrollwork Riverlynn
green leather sandals Mazrian
Yavash-red moonspun silk gem pouch studded with a copper-infused Gnomish kocho Kintalia

Raffle 140

Item Winner Notes
dragon's heart ruby Nimeesha
orange gem pouch shaped like a tangerine Tikatok
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Nuela
platinum-framed spectacles with blue lenses Orphne
pink gem pouch shaped like a grapefruit Karsite

Raffle 141

Item Winner Notes
handsome black wallet stitched with a silver-hued spider Chelinde
tomato-orange sanowret crystal Jhesili
close-wrapped fighting shirt fastened with sanguine punka straps Thoman
folding chair of plain willow slats Takka
steel targe painted with a potato Anachron

Raffle 142

Item Winner Notes
twisted nuptial noose embellished with beads of aldamdin Linessa
glamorous black purse stitched with a silver-hued spider Brennarose
sea-green sanowret crystal Derrohn
swamp-hued canvas gem pouch clasped with a tarnished brass crocodile Nazdan
triple-looped bracelet of sea green glass beads Malykai

Raffle 143

Item Winner Notes
azure parchment scroll Annais
soft grey chinchilla costume with a long tail Vrallux
folding chair of plain elm slats Nithhogr
pumpkin-orange sanowret crystal Annieka
carmine gem pouch embroidered with "MINE" in black thread Rhra

Raffle 144

Item Winner Notes
close-wrapped fighting shirt fastened with pumpkin-hued punka straps Aislynn
smoke-grey sanowret crystal Leilanie
small wire sculpture of a whirlwind carrying a tiny goat Nekhebett
elegant clay pipe embossed with the outline of stylized spiders Rhystal
frosted glass vase set with narrow bands of aldamdin Ceindrech

Raffle 145

Item Winner Notes
bright red gem pouch shaped like a tomato Grakraw
handsome black wallet stitched with a gold-hued spider Nitsuga
black willow circlet twined around a carved opal dove Luff
colorful Musparan silk dance veil dangling a fringe of copper Lirum charms Frantz
cornflower blue gem pouch edged in heartstring lace Lileath