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Vrallux | |
Status | Active |
Race | Elf |
Gender | Male |
Guild | Ranger |
Instance | Prime |
You see Hermit Vrallux, an Elf.
Massive ivory goat horns tipped in gold curl backwards from the crown of Vrallux's head, their slightly furry bases blending in with the untamed mass of whiskey brown curls tumbling loosely around his shoulders. Horizontally slitted eyes of smoky lilac sit below thick bushy eyebrows, their impish gaze taking in everything around them.
As Vrallux goes to scratch an annoying itch on his nose, you catch a glimpse of his face under the mask...
He has a set of mischievously twitching whiskers accenting an angular face, pointed ears, large, hawkish yellow eyes and a straight nose. His opalescent hair is very long and straight, and is worn in a tousled arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a pair of wooden antlers. He has pearlescent skin contoured with glittering swipes of translucent crystal dust and a willowy build.
He is very tall for an Elf.
A gleaming tree-shaped jade rests on his forehead, just above his eyes.
He is young.
He has a long goatee forming a single braid lashed with an undyed leather cord dangling a striped owl feather.
His forehead has a tattoo of a stylized symbol of a slashed double hex enclosed within a circle.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a textured and padded bodysuit painted to resemble tree bark, a hooded black robe garishly decorated with red eyes of varying shapes and sizes, a segmented demonbone hauberk, a set of elongated wooden claws resembling twisted branches, an engraved belt knife bearing a defaced Ranger's Guild crest, a silver key with a spider-web design on the grip and some earthen brown boots twined with dead vines.
Unique Items
- a silver key with a spider-web design on the grip
Received as a gift to signify account was a part of the transition from AOL to the web.
- a twisting eddy with tangled vines and sticks bound around a whirling crimson light
HE 2023 Alteration.
- a mahogany-hued thigh bag artfully embroidered with a battlefield of dead ravens
HE 2023 Alteration.
- a stuffed raven with Xs for eyes
HE 2023 Alteration.
- a gleaming tree-shaped jade rests on his forehead
(Standard forehead gem but with atmospheric alteration added to display crawling dead vines along the skin occasionally.)
- a brown mesh sack covered in green moss (boar's sack)
Look: A wooden bead hangs from a leather cord around the opening, carved with a crude image of the the Zaulfung stones. (Altered pet pig home from Bacon Man's Birthday Bash, 419 AV.)
- a Zaulfungian wild boar
Look: Coarse, short brown fur covers the beast's body while a forest green mohawk runs from its head down the center of its back and ends in a tuft on its short tail. Just below its sunken eyes, two large tusks curl out of the boar's mouth, each carved with tiny geometric symbols. It isn't wearing anything special. A groomed pet pig from Bacon Man's Birthday Bash, 419 AV. (Alteration)
- a leaf-strewn neck pouch strung on braided vines
Look: Scattered with leaves that follow no discernible pattern, the soft suede of the pouch is nearly obscured by the foliage. (Alteration)
- a pair of wooden antlers
Look: Nearly hidden at the base of the antlers, are a pair of hair combs, upon which the appendages are jauntily perched. Marking the antlers are various esoteric symbols that seemingly form an accentuating knotwork across their surface. (Small Alteration)
- the Black Plague
First Mate on the galleon ship, the Black Plague.
- a set of elongated wooden claws resembling twisted branches
Look: Tapered to an array of sharply pointed ends, the claws are designed to slip comfortably over the wearer's fingers and contort into spindly crooked digits. Tiny cuts and gouges on the otherwise barren fingers suggest an unhealthy tree or one suffering from the natural loses of winter. (Alteration)
- a hooded black robe garishly decorated with red eyes of varying shapes and sizes
Look: Chiseled rubies create a violently-shimmering iris within each of the haphazard eyes covering the entire length of this heavy garment. Tailored to enshroud the wearer in deep folds, the shiny satin material is offset by patches of velvet in the shape of weeping ichor dripping down in the background. The extra fabric is strategically placed to focus mainly on the shoulder region, constructing a deep hood for the wearer, thinning down as it reaches the hem. (Alteration)
- an engraved belt knife bearing a defaced Ranger's Guild crest
Look: Rough chiseling over the crest creates a slashed double hex enclosed within a circle. (Alteration)
Natural Weapons Collection
Vrallux acheived the Weapon Master title and currently collecting weapons, one for each weapon type, that are nature themed.
Large Blunt
- a petrified piece of mantrap stalk
Heavy Thrown
- a twisted bricklebranch spear sporting a leaf-bladed rencate head
Two-handed Edge
- enormous calcified leaf with sharp-looking edges
- masterfully engraved bloodwood crossbow dyed in varying shades of green and brown flora (lost in battle)