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Nilme Iondu'il Dark-haired Elven woman playing a harp
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Bard
Instance Prime
Relatives Achrennight, Izzit, Tucktayuctuc, Mieya, Eyota, Baylix, Lasaia, Raemenam, Freye

Langen Esturi Nilme Iondu'il, Dreamweaver of Fayrin's Rest, an Elven Bard (Pronunciation: NILL-mee EE-un-duel)


Nilme, Circle 151- 444 AV (1/9/2023)

You are Langen Esturi Nilme Iondu'il, Dreamweaver of Fayrin's Rest, an Elven Bard.

You have an oval face with pouting lips, slightly pointed ears and sparkling violet eyes. Your silver-streaked black hair is very long and silky, and is worn arranged in an intricate Elven braid. You have pale skin and a gracefully slender figure. You are slightly under average height for an Elf.

A smoke ruby whirlwind rests on your forehead, just above your eyes.

Your left ankle has a tattoo of a school of silver-flecked violet dancerfish swimming through a rippling musical staff.

You are wearing a silversteel pendant centered with a sparkling heartstone, a brushed silver locket, a dramatic onyx shadesatin gown with a tumultuous windstorm gossamer skirt, a translucent loveglass band set with a heartstone half note and some stormy grey slippers laced with windstorm gossamer ribbons.

Nilme and Useff, as painted by Eruwyn- 439 AV (September 16, 2021)  

The textured sheet of drawing paper is drawn with: Painted in vivid colors are a pair of Elves linked by their subtlety held hands as they stand before a grand brick fireplace. The woman on the right has a delicately curved oval face with sparkling violet eyes and hair reminiscent of a meteor shower during a moonless night. Touches of silver foil are added to the strands to create a shimmering effect. Her svelte figure is displayed appealingly by a corseted alabaster gown. The man on the left has humor-filled, mismatched eyes, one gold and the other hazel. His hair is painstakingly plaited into countless beaded braids that peek out from under his charmingly tilted bowler hat. Dressed as if to contrast the female, he wears a loose shirt and pants a few shades darker than his skin. Noted at their feet in silvery script are the words, "Starfall Dinner."

Nilme, as painted by Eruwyn- 434 AV (May 26, 2020)  

The sheet of opaque paper is drawn with: Perched at the edge of a seat is an Elven woman, her toes tucked against the cross bars of her seat. She leans forward, her expression intense, though whatever she is watching is not in the picture.

Her eyes are inked with silver and enhanced with touches of foil to give them a shimmer when the light crosses them. Lips, the lower larger to give her a faint pout, are tinged pink and are slightly parted. Hair of silver-streaked black is arranged in a smooth braid that falls down her back, contrasting against the deep emerald of her gown. Her lithe figure, though motionless, seems at the edge of movement, perhaps toward whatever her gaze is set upon. Artful use of shading hints at a certain grace to the curves of her form, while the curl of her fingers draws attention to callouses there. Tucked into the lower corner is an "E" and the date, 434 years, 261 days.

Nilme, Circle 33 (2005)  

Nilme has pouting lips, pointed ears and thick-lashed silver eyes. Her silver-streaked black hair is very long and thick, and is worn loose. She has pale skin. She is very young for an Elf.

Nilme is wearing a black leather arm quiver with silver clasps, a black leather cloak trimmed in silver, a Bardic Spirit Knot hair-clasp, a delicate ivory collar with a dangling pink heart, an ivory silk blouse with delicate embroidery, a slender silver bracelet set with dark red ruby teardrops, a woven silver hip chain adorned with polished amber beads, some flowing ivory silk pants tied at the waist with pink lace, a black suede garter with narrow silver buckles, some black thigh boots, a sturdy silver backpack, a clear blue albredine ring, an albredine crystal ring, a bronze jadeite gwethdesuan and a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan.

Nilme, as a Young Bard, abt. Circle 6- 372 AV (June 6, 2003)  

Nilme had silver eyes and long, thick, blue-black hair which she wore in an intricate Elven braid.

She typically wore some Bardic Spirit Knot earrings, a light cinnamon cloak, a crimson brocade instrument case hung from a strap of woven silk cords, a snug moss green dress, an aqua glass ocarina-shaped bracelet, and some beaded sapphire velvet slippers.



Nilme, also known as Nilly Mae, Guild Mom, or Nilmeeeeeee, strives to be kind and is easily amused, generous, insecure, forgetful, and directionally challenged. She tries to focus on gratitude and keeping a positive attitude. Nilme travels frequently and enjoys exploring and finding adventures.

When she is composing and performing through song, story, and acting, she is truly in her element. She is a current member, and on the council of, the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, is the council chair and a member of The Arthe Repertory Team (TART), and is frequently commissioned to write original songs specific to a person or event. She was an original member of the Theren Theatre Players, which has since been irreversibly changed, prompting her decision to disassociate herself from the group. She loves participating in the always-fun Tavern Troupe events, is thrilled that the arts are extending through the Realms, and is excited when she has the opportunity to perform on stage.

Daerlynn Soulmyste resurrected The Arthe Dale Concert Series in 439 AV. After Daerlynn went on hiatus, Nilme took on the responsibility for arranging and hosting the event. It is one of Nilme's great joys and a tradition she is very proud to be continuing.

Helping those who are new or returning to the guild, is one of her passions. She believes very strongly in the importance of those established in the guild taking the time to welcome new bards, encouraging them, and letting them know they are vital members of a widespread, yet closely-knit family.



  • has advanced to 151st circle in her Guild
  • is a Celestial Elf
  • will teach/listen to anything but Sorcery and Thievery
  • is fascinated by and loves learning about History
  • is a romantic
  • is a soprano
  • spends a lot of time writing poetry and songs, and enjoys the challenge of using different poetic forms
  • loves shopping
  • adores the color purple
  • collects forehead gems/bindi, hair combs, and chokers
  • prefers Amethysts, Alexandrites, Emeralds, Songsilk, Steelsilk, Elven Silver, and Silversteel.
  • attempts to make Unicorn and Pixie smoke images, but they are very questionable.
  • has studied Enchanting, so she can supply Almarius with bubble wands.
  • has been trying her hand at painting


  • Jarrod is named after our favorite Bowyer. She is a lop-eared chestnut puppy, a large-pawed youngster that combines an oversized head with a short body. Her fur is a glossy red shade, slightly wavy, that lies close to her skin along the body, longer along the ears and tail. A white bib marks her chest, bright against the deep chestnut of the rest of her coat.
  • Snowball is a long-haired pure white cat who looks more like a fluffy pure white ball than a real animal. He has a slim feline head and large slitted eyes that reflect light. With a bottle-brush tail and a solid-colored body, he holds a rather regal bearing, as if knowing who is really in charge of the household.
  • Eshret, which means 'Comfort' in Ilithic, is a rose-beige Rissan cat, known to be lithe, hard and muscular. She is colorful, with a distinctly ticked coat, medium in size and regal in appearance. Her eyes are almond-shaped, large, brilliant, and expressive.
  • Beebee is a blue-eyed ebony kitten (Tier 3) who was gifted by Hoshii and Wintidal.
Miscellaneous Pets  
  • Turtle
  • Various Fish
  • Various Creatures left by Nilme's son, Tucktayuctuc, in a Terrarium


Other Orders  
  • The Order of the Crystal Wolf (Disbanded), Former Member

Rewards and Honors

Tavern Troupe: Know-It-All Trivia - 8th day of the 5th month, 444 AV (1-28-2023)  

1st Place - Shavay's Team, The Sassy Salamanders: Nilme, Kaedan and Kaelie

  • Prize: 125 plat kronar
Tavern Troupe: Night of Frights Storytelling Contest - 443 years, 192 days AV (10-26-2022)  

1st Place - Shared with Useff, for their duet, "The Gardener Singer"

  • Prize: a rotund frog-shaped teapot of carved jade
    • Description: Whimsical carving of the rounded teapot portrays chubby limbs bent beneath the creature's body, while one arm forms the handle. The amphibian's wide mouth swoops across the glossy stone surface, the corners tilted up in a mischievous smirk. A pair of bulbous eyes crown the piece and provide a secure grip to the teapot's lid. A small inscription is detailed along the bottom. A rotund frog-shaped teapot reads: "Tavern Troupe Performing Order -- Night of Frights Storytelling Contest -- 443 AV"
Order of the Iron Circle and the Fancy Pants Adventure Club: Paint the Town Event and Contest - 442 years, 297 days AV (8-13-2022)  

1st Place for the "Our Cottage" painting

  • Prize: a sensational seasilk skirt
    • Description: Spurning simplicity, the sumptuous skirt seems swarmed by a spattered series of striking scarlets, salmons, siennas, saffrons, sages, sapphires, and sangrias. Showcasing a singular signature of the special silk, a subtle sheen shrouds the slew of splattered splotches, soft as the shimmer of a summer sunrise scattered across the sea.
Tavern Troupe Surprise Birthday Celebration for Nilme- 439 AV (10-2021)  

Present to Nilme from The Tavern Troupe

  • An overlay of translucent vellum atop a sheet of glittered paper
    • The paper reads: This certificate signifies that Langen Esturi Nilme Iondu'il, Dreamweaver of Fayrin's Rest, has been named to the Songbird Constellation. The scattered grouping of seventeen stars soars through the summer sky, wings stretching across the horizon from Phelim's Vigil until just after Starwatch, and an eighteenth star blossoms from the center of the celestial avian -- an amethystine heart that becomes visible at the onset of Revelfae. Lovingly offered to our dearest Nilme, these stars have been gifted to you from every person touched by your kindness and inspired by the exquisite melody of your songs. Should you ever find yourself in doubt, look to the southern sky, and the heavenly perch of this, your lovely songbird.

      (Time Reference: Summer Sunset until the beginning of Summer Sunrise, with the onset of Revelfae about 30 roisaen after Summer Sunset.)

Gift for Everyone

  • Gift: A deep amethyst pouch beautifully embroidered with a wren pattern in silver-colored thread
    • Description: A small plump wren perches on a flowered branch, mouth open in song.
Tavern Troupe event, Summer Gala: Enchanted by the Sea- 438 AV (6-2021)  

1st Place- Dance Contest, shared with Useff, for their Tango

  • Prize: some black enameled toe-bells scattered with sunstone fireflies
    • Description: Set upon backings of bright gold, the translucent gems gleam against the dark hue of the bells as they catch the light, reminiscent of fireflies dancing in the dusk of summer.

      Reads: Tavern Troupe Performing Order -- Summer Gala -- 438 AV

First Anniversary of the Theren Theatre- 385 AV (12-2006)  

Performance in Nissa's Choice

  • Gift from Baron Gyfford: An ebony actor's case inset with a pair of jeweled masks linked over a Therengian rose.
    • Description: Smudges of makeup are prevalent on the surface of the ebony case. The facial features on each caricature are outlined in colorful gems, from the smile on comedy to the frown on tragedy. A delicate bloom carved from white jade links the two images at their base, its pattern of petals reminiscent of a flower grown just outside the Theren Keep.

      Reads: Therenborough Theatre, 1st Anniversary

Member of the Theren Theatre Players

  • Gift from Baron Gyfford: A gold pin engraved with "Theren_Theatre_(group)|Theren Theatre Players" in flowing script.
    • Description: Polished to a mirror finish, the precious metal has been intricately carved to depict a pair of linked drama masks. There appears to be something written on it.

      Reads: Therenborough Theatre, 1st Anniversary

Therenborough Theatre Debut- 381 AV (10-2005)  

1st place in Best Performance about Therengia, for "The Langenfirth Bard Guild"

  • Prize: A large silverwood harp engraved with winding rose vines.
    • Description: Mother-of-pearl inlaid blossoms peek out from among the twisting vines. At the base, tendrils curl around pearl masks of comedy and tragedy, over a banner displaying silver gilt script. There appears to be something written on it.

      A large silverwood harp reads: Therenborough Theater Debut - Best Performance about Therengia

2nd place in Best Song, for "The Langenfirth Bard Guild"

  • Prize: A wide gold ring with a pair of jeweled theatrical masks linked over a Therengian rose.
    • Description: The facial features on each caricature are outlined in sparkling diamonds, from the smile on comedy to the frown on tragedy. Carved from white jade, a delicate bloom links the two images at their base, its pattern of petals reminiscent of a flower grown just outside the Theren Keep.

      Engraved along the polished inner side of the band are the words, "Therenborough Theatre Debut, Second Place Winner."

In the Paper

Articles from The First Land Herald that mention Nilme  


  • Kuniyo, to honor her adoptive Father, Izzit Myadow, a Ranger
  • Faenella, to honor her chosen Guild, in addition to honoring both her birth parents and her adoptive Mother, Achrennight Filanti, all of whom were Bards.
  • a translucent loveglass band set with a heartstone half note (Gift from Useff to match the one I gave him.)
    • Five slender rings of polished loveglass are bonded together to form an infinite, circular music staff, inlaid with a sparkling melody of tiny diamond eighth notes. A stunning heartstone half note rests over center staff, the radiant gem a counterpoint to the brightly-hued metal that gleams like expertly blown glass. A stylized 'N' nestled within the arms of a 'U' is delicately carved in intaglio relief on the surface of the stone.
      • There appears to be something written on it: "To my sweet, bard girl - yours forever, Useff."
  • A silversteel pendant centered with a sparkling heartstone (Gift from Useff)
    • Covered in tiny diamonds, a diminutive "U" and "N" are bonded together between a stunning heartstone, the symbolic duet reflecting their combined light in all directions. The letters are fused at the waist, giving the impression that they are holding hands, while the stone appears to float above. Engravings in tiny script adorn the back.
      • There appears to be something written on it: "To my Dazzling Duet partner -- all my love, Useff"
  • Stargazer Nights, From Scentsations (a fluted perfume bottle engraved with stargazer lilies)
    • The heady scent of stargazer lilies fills your nose with an almost overwhelming aroma. Subtle hints of sandalwood cut through the flowery perfume to soften its intensity.
  • Desert Night Perfume, by Perfumer Uramih, of Muspar'i (a black quartz bottle)
    • You smell like a sultry night with a hint of spiced wine.
    • You smell like a velvety night embracing sweet promises and the scent of blooming jasmine.
    • You smell like a star-swept night filled with the hot passion of.... hey! Are you old enough for this?
  • An opalescent glass perfume bottle engraved with delicate jasmine petals, from The Parfumerie
    • The sensual scent of delicate jasmine petals blended with sweet roses fills your nose. Hints of sandalwood and leather oil add a smoky touch to the hedonistic aroma.


  • An e'erdream lap harp in the shape of a wren with a single outstretched wing, (Designed by Kaedan)
    • The body of the wren emerges from the base of the resonator as if taking flight, its head pointing straight up towards the heavens. One of the wren's wings is folded tightly against its body, while the other stretches to the top of the harp's resonator, forming the other arm of the well-crafted instrument. An image of an e'erdream tree, its lacy foliage and flowers spilling across the surface of the finely grained wood, has been inlaid in Elven silver into the resonator's surface.
  • An elegant sana'ati khurmary depicting the singers of the Ru'atin Peri'el
    • This modest harp, 'Breath's Journey,' is favored by the Ru'atin Peri'el. Detailed in high-relief carving upon the curved neck, two women are portrayed mid-song. A lustrous nacre of tiny music notes and shar'nath blossoms, arranged as if floating on an unseen musical staff, drift down the slender body to the image of a woman singing over a sleeping dragon. Crescentic scales of kertig, draconic opal, and diacan scintillate with iridescence on the slumbering creature.
      • There appears to be something written on it. "Aiding Peri'el as she sings to the World Dragon".


  • A luminous silvery flute engraved with spiraling songbirds
    • From the meticulously polished embouchure to the platinum open-hole keys, fine details are evident in the artistry of the instrument. Swirling around the keys, a series of wrens and nightingales have been carefully engraved, subtly accentuating the flute's extraordinary craftsmanship.


  • A black ironwood tapani inlaid with ivory knotwork chains
    • The tapani is a double-sided drum formed of a circle of polished black ironwood stretched across with two pieces of hide. The hide is laced in place with lengths of stiffly braided blue and ivory white cord. Running parallel down the middle of the tapani is a single chain of elaborate knotwork fashioned from slivers of ivory inlay.
  • Blosu Lorel Wine: (Elves) Highly impressive! The delicate mix of flavors is subtle and crisp, bringing ecstasy to your lips and tongue. The work of a professional Elven winemaker.
  • Talan Sathra Wine: Unbelievable! The scent is ever so delicate, like a fresh spring day. It has an intensely rich flavor, yet not overwhelming, with just a hint of sweetness. A true masterpiece.
  • Blackberry Stout: Quite sweet and delicious!
  • Bardic Blue Wine: Mellow and fragrant bouquet
Weapons, Armor, and Shields  

Large Edge

  • A silversteel longsword embellished with knotwork and the Bard guild crest
    • The fatally-sharp blade stretches out from the curved crossguard that houses a stylized mistglass treble clef among raised Elven silver knotwork. Below the handle's songsilk-wrapped, leather grip shows indentations from frequent use. Counterbalancing the lengthy blade is a disk-shaped pommel inset with a shield-shaped medallion enameled with the image of a wren perched upon a fisted gauntlet over a lute of gold. Encircling the medallion an engraving reads "Here comes Treble."

Small Edge/Staff


  • a Nisha Shortbow ('Useff, the Canon Dux', from Dreamheart's Legends of Elanthia Collection, received as a gift)
    • This Mistwood Nisha is finished to a soft sheen. Delicate accents of jade, traced by minute silvery strains, meander the length of the limbs, expressing their own visual counterpoint. It is named for Useff Budna, a born leader of a bard; who also knew when it was wise to follow. He was extraordinary in combat and a fiercely loyal friend. 37 Nissa 436


  • A violet-washed shield inlaid with silversteel and mistglass wrens ( Designed by Kaedan Nethrel)
    • A chime of ghostly mistglass wrens is cunningly inset within the deep violet surface of the shield. Their wings outstretched, the wrens take flight as if startled by a sudden noise. The central boss of the shield is a clenched gauntlet wrought of Elven silver, which has been placed above a lute of gold. A single silversteel wren, eyes focused outward, perches proudly on the gauntlet, seemingly unafraid of that which has scattered its comrades.
  • "The meteor of a poem is how hard it smacks you in the face." -Useff Budna
  • Kaedan says, "I replaced the chairs with thrones.""
    Kaedan says, "Goes well with my breathtaking arrogance."
  • "It's a large world, Iondu'il." -Shavay Silvamon
  • "Blind Squirrels!" (Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.) -Nilme's Da
  • Kaedan says, "If you irked me, I would want to fight you."
    Nilme asks, "How am I walking around??"
    Kaedan says, "Noblesse oblige."

Performances: 381 - 389 AV

  • 381 AV: Therenborough Theatre Opening performance/contest, singing "Langenfirth Bard Guild" **1st place- Best Performance about Therengia & 2nd place- Best Song (October 2005)
  • 381 AV: The Elven Party event, singing "The Elven Lovers" (2005)
  • 382 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "The Sea Drake", as Member of Targel's Crew (January 2006)
  • 382 AV: Arthe Dale Concert Series, singing "My Beloved", (February 2006)
  • 382 AV: Kittrinna Muffkin's, Memorial Service, singing "The Ballad of Kittrinna Muffkin" (Commissioned by her Mother-in-Law to write and sing at her sister-in-law, Kittrinna Muffkin's, Memorial Service. (The player of Kittrinna died IRL 3-6-2006.)
  • 383 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "The Barrier Play", as A Young Empath (April 2006)
  • 383 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "The Rose of Therengia", as Lady Arielle (June 2006)
  • 384 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "Bardic Endeavors", as The Empath. (July 2006)
  • 384 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "Chadatru", as Faenella (October 2006)
  • 385 AV: Theren Theatre Players' First Anniversary of the Theren Theatre, performance of "Nissa's Choice", as Shorka (December 2006)
  • 385 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "The Corpse", as Herself (January 2007)
  • 386 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance of "The Queen of M'Judraki", as Dronja (February 2007)
  • 389 AV: Theren Theatre Players' "Variety Show", singing "Theren Choo Choo" & acting in the "Public Service Announcement from the 'Keep Theren Beautiful' Campaign", as The Juggler. (January 2008)
  • 389 AV: Theren Theatre Players' performance in "Variety Show II", singing "Theren Choo Choo" (January 2008)

Performances: 434 - 436 AV

  • 434 AV: The Ilithi Events Task Force's event, "The Second Ilithi Concert Series", singing "The Mountain" (5/13/2020)
  • 434 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Super Adventurer Day", as Super Barmaid, singing "Barmaid's Tale" (5/19/2020)
  • 434 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle Sing-Along", singing "Neithrel" (5/26/2020)
  • 434 AV: The Ilithi Events Task Force's event, "Ilithi Open Stage night", singing "Lament for a Bottle of Wine" (6/25/2020)
  • 435 AV: The Fancy Pants Adventure Club's event, "A Fancy Murder Mystery", as The Retired Healer (6/30/2020)
  • 435 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle Sing-Along", singing "Gambling" and "The Inn" (7/15/2020)
  • 435 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle Sing-Along", singing "Da" (9/19/2020)
  • 436 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Live-Action Siegery- Ghostly Galleon vs. Denizens of the Deep", as Undead Chef viciously brandishing a rotten gherkin. (10/25/2020)
  • 436 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Sad Songs Squared", singing "Long Days" (11/22/2020)
  • 436 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Concert in the Corner", singing "The Elven Lovers", "Inspiration", and "Reunion" (12/28/2020)
  • 436 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle Sing-Along", singing "Passerby" (1/10/2021)

Performances: 437 AV

437 AV  
  • 437 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Elanthia in Love/Wedding", singing "Together", and serving as a Bridesmaid during the Surprise Wedding (2/9/2021)
  • 437 AV: Empath Guild's event, Alfar Warrior Appreciation, singing "The Guardian", commissioned by Dantia and accompaniment for Daerlynn Soulmyste, Iryta, and Dantia during Daerlynn's original work, entitled, "Guardian Spirit" (2/22/2021)
  • 437 AV: Tavern Troupe's "The Arts in Elanthia-Songwriting" Workshop, Co-presenter with Daerlynn Soulmyste (2/16/2021)
  • 437 AV: Bard Guild Meeting, singing "Guildhall" (3/8/2021)
  • 437 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle Sing-Along", singing "Inspiration" (3/11/2021)
  • 437 AV: Bard Guild Meeting, Co-presenter with Daerlynn Soulmyste, "History of the Crossing Bard Guild" (3/22/2021)
  • 437 AV: Commissioned by Lillietta to write and sing "Scenes from the Bin"
  • 437 AV: Commissioned by Emyrose Dane to write and sing "The Elements" (4/12/2021)
  • 437 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Live-Action Siegery- Miserly Merchants vs. Suspicious Shoppers", as Harried Shopkeeper brandishing a broom as they try to clean up after the shoppers who keep leaving a mess near their wares. (4/13/2021)
  • 437 AV: Tavern Troupe's "The Arts in Elanthia-Storytelling" Workshop, Co-presenter, with Daerlynn Soulmyste (4/20/2021)
  • 437 AV: Composition for a friend, on the occasion of her Wedding. (4/25/2021)

Performances: 438 AV

  • 438 AV: Theren Guard's "Songs for Therengia" event (Held at Theren Theatre), singing "Ode to Langenfirth" (5/15/2021)
  • 438 AV: Commissioned by Baylix to write and sing "Bacon is Better"
  • 438 AV: Tavern Troupe's "Ballroom Dancing" Workshop, Co-presenter with Emyrose Dane and Tiarmo (6/15/2021)
  • 438 AV: The Arthe Repertory Team (TART)'s performance "Inaugural Historical Romp: A Concert" event, singing the song by her Mother, Achrennight Filanti, "Life's Flame" (6/22/2021)
  • 438 AV: Tavern Troupe's "Summer Gala: Enchanted by the Sea" event, dancing with Useff Budna, "Tango" (6/30/2021)
  • 438 AV: The Arthe Repertory Team (TART)'s performance of "The Immortal Bard", as Hametta (7/15/2021)
  • 438 AV: Bard Guild Meeting/ Surprise Celebration for Mendira's 100th Circle, singing "100 Circles Strong" (7/26/2021)
  • 438 AV: Tavern Troupe's performance of "The Spectacular Sunbeam Circus", as Irritating Audience Commentator (7/29/2021)

Performances: 439 AV

  • 439 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Sous Pirates and the Tartar Sauce", singing "Jack the Pirate" (8/12/2021)
  • 439 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle- Garden Theme", singing a solo, "In the Garden", and performing a duet with Useff Budna, "The Gardener Singer", an original composition by Useff Budna (9/9/2021).
  • 439 AV: TruthSeekers' Meeting, Presenter, "The Life Wheel and Bardic Visions in Emille's Tomb".(9/14/2021)
  • 439 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Live Action Siegery- Sweet Treats vs. Savory Snacks", as Harried waitress laden with a topped-off tray of tasty tarts (9/21/2021)
  • 439 AV: Paladin Guild Meeting, Presenter, "The Life Wheel and Bardic Visions in Emille's Tomb", prior to the TruthSeekers' visit to The Dark Hand. (10/13/2021)
  • 439 AV: Bard Guild Meeting, singing "The Life Wheel" and presenting an updated version of "The Life Wheel and Bardic Visions in Emille's Tomb" (10/14/2021)
  • 439 AV: Order of the Apostles' "Dazzling Dream Party" Event, performing a duet with Useff Budna, "Phelim" (10/15/2021)
  • 439 AV: Bard Guild Meeting, singing "Neithrel", and presenting a talk, "Bardic Alterations" (10/25/2021)
  • 439 AV: Elurora's Knighting Ceremony, performing a duet with Useff Budna, "Now That You're A Knight" (10/28/2021)
  • 439 AV: Autumn Ball, hosted by Allye and Tirost, performing a duet with Useff Budna, "Grateful Harvest" (10/29/2021)
  • 439 AV: Anniversary Vow Renewal for Hebion and Eruwyn, performing a duet with Useff Budna, "A Love Unquestioned" (11/11/2021)

Performances: 440 AV

  • 440 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Tarty Party", singing, "Tart Attack" (11/23/2021)
  • 440 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle", performing a duet with Useff Budna, "Windhovers", an original song by Useff Budna (11/29/2021)
  • 440 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Flights of Fancy: Wine and Strawberry Lemonade", Co-presenter with Allye Karayilma (12/14/2021)
  • 440 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Live Action Siegery- A Seasonal Skirmish: Beach Bunnies vs. Snow Slingers", as Grumpy Granny Busily Knitting Warm Winter Wear (1/11/2022)
  • 440 AV: Private Event, "Birthday Party", collaborating with Almarius to compose songs for her to perform. (2/2/2022)
  • 440 AV: The Truthseekers' event, "Fete of Banishment", singing, "Fete of Banishment" (2/8/2022)
  • 440 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle- Love Song Theme", performing a duet with Useff Budna, "At Least We Were Together" (2/13/2022)

Performances: 441 AV

  • 441 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Heartbreaker's Club", singing, "Unrequited" (2/20/2022)
  • 441 AV: Rakash Pack and Tavern Troupe's event, "Puppy Love Moot", dancing with Useff Budna, "Tango" (2/24/2022)
  • 441 AV: Bard Guild Meeting, "Songwriting Workshop: Romance/Love Songs", Co-presenter with Vixonia Toryan, (2/28/2022)
  • 441 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Elanthia in Love", singing a duet with Useff Budna, " At Least We Were Together", (3/30/2022)
  • 441 AV: Theren Guard's event, "Delights of the Desert", writing a performance piece for Cote to present, " Proud Desert Rose", (4/19/2022)
  • 441 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "A Midsummer Night's Masquerade", co-hosting with Allye and singing a duet with Allye, "Fae Ball", (4/20/2022)
  • 441 AV: Private event, "Celebration of Circles", in honor of her sister-in-law, Faunamae, singing "Ranger of the Skies", (4/22/2022)
  • 441 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Song Circle", singing a duet with Useff Budna, "A Summer Dream", (4/26/2022)
  • 441 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "The Starry-Eyed Tart Variety Circus", performing a duet with Useff Budna, aided by Aetheline and Almarius, "Red Herring- Circus Version", (5/19/2022)
  • 441 AV: Private event, "200th Circle", singing a duet with Useff Budna, "Whispers of the Immortals", (5/25/2022)
  • 441 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Wild Masquerade Moot", singing "Masquerade", (5/26/2022)

Performances: 442 AV

  • 442 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Splendiferous Spring Song Circle", singing a solo, "Spring", and a duet with Useff Budna, "Spring Springs"(6/15/2022)
  • 442 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Art Walk with the Fancy Pants Adventure Club", singing, "Sithsia" (6/22/2022)
  • 442 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Rakash Moot", singing, "Anniversary Moot" (7/14/2022)
  • 442 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Art Fellowship - Writer's Workshop", Co-presenter with Vixonia Toryan and Tirost Armagna (7/20/2022)
  • 442 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Live Action Siegery: Artists vs. Scientists", as Preoccupied Poet Brandishing a Preposterously Perky Feather Quill (August 10, 2022)

Performances: 443 AV

  • 443 AV: Tavern Troupe's event, "Night of Frights Storytelling Contest", singing a duet with Useff Budna, "The Gardener Singer", by Useff Budna (10/26/2022)

Performances: 444 AV

  • 444 AV: Anuril and Kethrai's Wedding", singing All We Are" (1-7-2023)

Upcoming Performances

  • February 2023

Nilme writes solos and frequently collaborates on duets with Useff Budna. Contact one of them or the Tavern Troupe to discuss composing/performing personalized/thematic songs on commission. Please note that Nilme will not perform in Therengia, without exception.


Nilme shares several homes throughout the Realms with Useff Budna, and rents several to friends.

(See Nilme's Homes for descriptions of each.)



See Nilme's Alterations for descriptions.

  • An alluring corset of emerald songsilk with subtle onyx stitching (Designed by Tiarmo, Altered by Urdesas)
  • A sensuously draped gown of Elven silk graced with glittering amethyst swirls (Designed by Tiarmo, Altered by Urdesas)
Instruments and Instrument Cases  
  • An e'erdream lap harp in the shape of a wren with a single outstretched wing (Designed by Kaedan Nethral, Altered by Kouzan Teirtu)
  • A luminous silvery flute engraved with spiraling songbirds (Premium Cabana, 387 AV, Altered by True Bard Esmaril)
  • A songsilk musician's case with an artfully engraved silversteel and glaes panel (HE 436, Designed by Nilme Iondu'il, Altered by Urdesas)
  • A silversteel pendant centered with a sparkling heartstone (Gift from Useff Budna, 440 AV, Designed by Useff Budna, Altered by Urdesas)
  • A polished Elven silver neithrel band with an amethyst wren caught in mid-song (Cornmaze Scroll, 436 AV, Designed by Nilme Iondu'il, Altered by Scarecrow)
  • A delicate pendant of a nightingale and wren perched upon a Bardic Spirit Knot (HE 436 AV, Designed by Kaedan Nethral, Altered by Eludia)
Miscellaneous Items  
  • A tempestuous eddy centered in an intricate frame of songsilk-lined Elven silver (Designed by Kaedan Nethral, Altered by Sindah)
Weapons and Shields  
  • A violet-washed shield inlaid with silversteel and mistglass wrens ( Designed by Kaedan Nethrel)
  • A silversteel longsword embellished with knotwork and the Bard guild crest (HE 439 AV, Altered by Halvon)

Original Songs and Stories by Nilme

See Nilme's Songs and Stories for lyrics.

  • 100 Circles Strong (Commissioned by Ahneya, for Mendira's 100th Circle Celebration)
  • Alma (For Almarius)
  • Alteration Waitin'
  • Ancient
  • A Love Unquestioned- Duet (Collaboration with Useff Budna)
  • A Place I Used To Live
  • A New Page (Autobiography)
  • Apple Brandy
  • At Least We Were Together- Duet (Collaboration with Useff Budna)
  • Bacon is Better (Commissioned by Baylix)
  • Barmaid
  • Blindsided
  • Burden
  • Da (For Izzit Myadow)
  • Desire
  • Elements (Commissioned by Emyrose)
  • Empty
  • Faeries Wheel (For Useff Budna)
  • Falling
  • Gambling (Commissioned for Kobmand)
  • Gorbesh
  • Gor'Tog (Commissioned by Rawtubby)
  • Grateful Harvest (Collaboration with Useff Budna)
  • Half a World Away
  • Happy Day (Unfinished)
  • Heart (Unfinished)
  • I'd Know You (For Useff Budna)
  • Idyllic
  • Inspiration
  • In the Garden
  • Jack the Pirate
  • Kaedan's Birthday (For Kaedan Nethrel)
  • Lament for a Bottle of Wine
  • Light
  • Long Days
  • Menu
  • Mountain
  • My Beloved (Unfinished)
  • My Friend (For Rawtubby)
  • Neithrel
  • Nilme's Tale (Autobiography)
  • Now That You're A Knight- Duet (Collaboration with Useff Budna)
  • Ode to Langenfirth (Commissioned by The Theren Guard
  • One of Our Own (Unfinished)
  • Outside the Bank
  • Passerby
  • Phelim- Duet (Collaboration with Useff Budna)
  • Ranger Love (For Garelith and Samum)
  • Regret
  • Reunion
  • Scenes from the Bin (Commissioned by Lillietta)
  • Sleep
  • Sleepy Lullaby (Commissioned by Unen)
  • Songs of Love (For Useff Budna)
  • Tart Attack
  • Tavern Troupe Audition Piece
  • Temmel, the Bard of Clanthew Blvd (For Temmel)
  • The Ballad of Bay (For Baylix)
  • The Ballad of Kittrinna Muffkins (Commissioned by Falcra for Kittrinna's Memorial Service)
  • The Bar Sees It All
  • The Bay
  • The Boat
  • The Elven Lovers
  • The End
  • The Fallen Knight (Unfinished)
  • The Forge
  • The Gift
  • The Gorgeous City of Aesry- Duet (Collaboration with Hendursar)
  • The Guardian (Commissioned by Dantia)
  • The Guildhall
  • The Hunt
  • The Inn
  • The Langenfirth Bard Guild
  • The Ledge
  • The Life Wheel (Commissioned by Claribel)
  • The Muse
  • The One Who Leads
  • The Paragon and His Love
  • The Prodigal (Autobiography)
  • The Quill
  • The Tartmaker's Son
  • The Trail
  • Therenlethgenfirth, The Musical (For Fenlyn)
  • To Someone Unknown (Unfinished)
  • Together (Wedding Song for a Friend)
  • Trader
  • Treasure
  • Two
  • Unrequited
  • Untrue
  • Violin
  • Waterfall (Unfinished)
  • Write You Well (For Useff Budna)
  • Untitled Wedding Song for a Friend
  • Toy Solider

Find out More!


  • Roleplay Stance: Heavy
  • PvP Stance: Closed
  • Discord: Nilme Iondu'il#2122