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Hagiography of Elanthian Saints Vol.1

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Introduction And Overview

My research started innocently enough. A mention of Saint Gyoir in an old manuscript I was looking over for High Priestess Tallis. When I mentioned Gyoir to her, she had little information as well. You see, I like you dear reader, grew up without mention of the Elanthian Saints. I did not learn it in my cloister, or when I took up a research post in the Temple. Diligently, I set out to see why Gyoir had disappeared from memory. Were there more like him I wondered, and have found indeed the answer is yes.

The best reason for the Saints of Elanthia fading into the background that I have been able to discern is that during the reign of Vithwok IV (246BL-243BL) the regent, Selyan generally frowned on reverence of the saints and within a short time it fell out of fashion at Court, and this trickled down a bit slower to the general populace and became even more a disused practice during the Dragon Priest war, that by 160BL it was generally unheard of, and the last saints elevated by the Temple council was in 170BL (the saints of Zoluren and Theren respectively). In fact, it fell so out of favor very few remnants remain. Shrines were destroyed in the war or dismantled, reliquaries were hidden away, broken up or sold to private parties and disappeared into family vaults. One of the most prominent remaining piece of the puzzle is a stained-glass tympanum in Catherine's Court in Shard of Saint Ilysia.

Some of you may question, why are there no Prydaen, Rakash, Kaldar or Gnomes listed. And to this, I tell you quite frankly, they have their own pantheon of which I am not versed. If they have saints, I am unaware of it nor would their saints belong here, in a book about the Elanthian Saints as our saints are chosen by a council of the High Temple based on various merits, miracles and other such things I will not bore you with. Curiously, the process for selecting a saint survived the purge... the council itself does not always decide where a saint is placed. For example, I personally have never seen a thieves guild, but my research tells me that thieves revere Kvirinus. Thus, it has been included here in the interest of completeness.
Please note that the saints listed here not do represent the fullness of the hagiography of Elanthian Saints. From my research I am led to believe at one time there were over a hundred saints some covering the same expertise and area, the ones included here are but a few. In this book are only initial saints of Guilds and of Provinces. Perhaps as research sheds more light on the subject we will see more documentation on saints of cities, immortals, and other subjects.

-By my hand, Ayoe Pengetahuantuhan, hagiographer of the High Temple

Guild Patrons


Gyoir (324BL - Unknown)
Several stories have been attached to Saint Gyoir, the best known of which Gyoir faces a dragon that lived in Lake Gwenalion. Whole armies had gone up against this fierce creature, and had gone down in painful defeat. The monster ate two sheep each day and when mutton was scarce, lots were drawn, and maidens were substituted for sheep. Into this fiasco came Saint Gyoir. Hearing the story on a day when a nobleman's daughter was to be eaten, he genuflected while giving a fierce prayer to Everild for steadfastness in battle, and then rode out against the monster, and killed it with a single blow with his lance. Gyoir then held forth with a magnificent sermon, converting many of the locals to the fierceness of Everild. Given a large reward by the nobleman, Gyoir distributed it to the poor, then rode away -- never to be heard from again.

Gyoir is represented by a serpentine creature forming a half-circle that has been pierced by a lance.
Gyoir is remembered as the patron saint of Barbarians and as the patron saint of skin rash, which prayer to him has been known to cure.
Gyoir is often depicted as a rugged, good looking Elven man with black hair and green eyes.


Rikarour (the Stammerer) (302BL - 276BL)
Plagued from early childhood with a nearly unintelligible stammer, Rikarour felt he was destined for a mundane existence on the family farm. However, the young man lost his stammer when singing and had clear treble voice in childhood that deepened into a vibrantly rich contrabass -- a talent that was not lost on a passing bard who happened past the family plot one day and heard Rikarour's song as he toiled in the fields. At first unbelieving, the bard eventually came to realize that Rikarour was not deceiving him and that he could sing without the same hesitation that plagued his speech. After arriving in Zoluren, Rikarour began his career. However, his inability to speak clearly prevented him from gaining much work as an entertainer so he eventually left the guild and attached himself as a cantor in a local temple to Faenella. His songs and hymns were renown all through the province, and he was highly sought after as word of his talents grew. He rejected all work, however except for that in devotion to Faenella, whom he credited with gifting him his ability to sing. Rikarour took ill and died in 276BL, and shortly after his burial, reports of miracles for those who prayed to him began to spring up.

Rikarour is represented by three wrens each clasping a quill.
Rikarour is remembered as the patron saint of Bards, and as the patron saint of spinsters.
Rikarour is often depicted as a hulking olive-green Gor'Tog male with benevolent brown eyes.


Ilysia (249BL - 205BL )
Depicted in glorious form on a stained-glass window in Catherine's Court in Shard, Ilysia was an Elven cleric (some say of great beauty) who rejected all in order to please Idon. Despite her reverence to Idon himself, she also helped beautify the area that would eventually become Shard, sometime after her death by cultivating wildflowers, and other plant life in the area.

Ilysia is remembered as the patron saint of Clerics, and of gardens.
Ilysia is often represented by the Cleric Guild symbol of two clasped hands intertwined with rose vines.
Ilysia is depicted as a dark haired Elven woman with green eyes.


Kinnochenka (405BL - 375BL)
Born into a wealthy Therengian family Kinnochenka's story is simple. She rejected the life she was born to, much to the dismay of her parents who expected her to marry well and bring more wealth and prestige to them. She entered a cloister of nuns who were devoted to service to Hodierna, and there she gave her life to public works, particularly medical pursuits, in and around the area of Therengia. She died tragically when a beam from a nearby hospital construction crashed and hit her in the head.

Kinnochenka is remembered as the patron saint of Empaths and the patron saint of lumber.
Kinnochenka is often represented by an emblem of a bleeding heart pierced by billets.
Kinnochenka is depicted as a lithe blonde Human woman, with bright blue eyes.

Moon Mage

Detlef the Blind (423BL - 376BL)
History is unclear if Detlef was always blind, became blind through illness or some other ailment or if he rendered himself so. Regardless of this, Detlef spent his adult life blind. He worked closely with the Moon Mage guild in Throne City itself particularly during the time of the Bloodworm Comet during the reign of Empress Merthamone. Detlefs visions and prophecies are all attributed to Phelim. From fragments of letters available, it seems Detlef believed that Phelim had singled him out for his devout nature and had given him access to visions "beyond the ken of others". Detlef himself did not press his gifts, but instead tried to use them to the best ability he could to further the guild. His devotion to Phelim in particular, as well as his visionary gifts earned him great praise with his contemporaries as well as in the years that followed his death. The phrase "By Detlef's eyes!" gained some use among the young immediately following his death, but seems to have fallen into disuse after it was deemed disrespectful.

Detlef is remembered as the patron saint of Moon Mages and the patron saint of ophidiophobics.
Detlef is often represented by an inky starred sky behind the outline of a nightingale in flight.
Detlef is often depicted as a S'Kra Mur man, with his eyes either milky white or covered by a grey blindfold, with red-gold scales and a long tail.


Yalvache Ruahen (467BL - 380BL)
Already renown for her work as a strategist during the reign of Empress Merthamone, Yalvache also helped to raise the Zaulfung Stones as a part of Farn's Company. Her unorthodox ways, such as her discomfort at court and pet monkey, Floki caused some raised eyebrows, but as she was a brilliant scholar and strategist, this was often overlooked. Her knowledge and work with battle contingencies helped the Imperial armies win many battles, often when the tides were turned against them. On her retirement, and later on her death, older soldiers and commanders could be heard to remark phrases such as "By Yalvache!" or would find themselves wondering what the woman would do in their place. Prayers to her quickly became commonplace, asking her for divine intervention of her knowledge to help the Empire.

Yalvache is remembered as the patron saint of Paladins, and the patron saint of monkeys.
Yalvache is represented by a monkey paw closed over a gleaming broadsword.
Yalvache is often depicted as a disheveled Elothean woman with an abundance of blonde hair pulled back in an utilitarian bun, and inquisitive violet eyes.


Lirisa (897BL - 237BL?)
Fabled daughter of Sable, Lirisa was renowned for defending the Empire from traitors with her silvered bow, Zuzazt. As one of the older saints in the Elanthian pantheon, there is very little information about her. She revered Kuniyo, and disappeared after her last target, an Elven warlord died in 237BL. Some believe she chose to end her days in quiet revelation, or in disguise as a companion of Arhat. So well-known was she that when the Elanthian calendar was reordered, one of the months was named in her honor.

Lirisa is remembered as the patron saint of Rangers, and the patron saint of alchemists.
Lirisa is often represented by a silver bow over a stylized green sanrisi tree.
Lirisa is depicted as an Elven woman with dark hair that is usually pulled back in a ponytail and alert grey eyes.


Kvirinus (612BL - 566BL)
Included here not because I believe there is any organized guild of thieves, but I do recognize that thieves themselves exist, and I am told that they look up to Kvirinus. Kvirinus was a thief who started his career during the reign of Krael, and ended it during the reign of Mamni Timbleton. Curiously, both Halflings, as Kvirinus himself was. Kvirinus was well known in the underworld for his black-market trading, but particularly well known (and we have records of this) for his dealing and trading in goods that were required for the building of the Ponthilas Imperial Observatory. It is not recorded, but heavily hinted at, that Kvirinus' withholding of materials that he obtained in a less than honest fashion contributed to the halted construction of the Observatory in 589BL. Kvirinus was arrested and detained during the insurrections and riots that broke out in Throne City in 567 and 566BL respectively. He died in prison, but not before various thugs and street rats began to use his name as a sort of byword for success and the thrill of duping their betters.

Kvirinus is remembered as the patron saint of Thieves and the patron saint of boatmen.
Kvirinus is often represented by three stacks of gold coins in alternating heights.
Kvirinus is depicted as a jovial looking Halfling man, with a shock of red hair and freckles. He is almost always smiling in all portrayals.


Yrsa (423BL - 383BL)
Yrsa was a powerful Human trader who worked with the Empire during the reign of Tobias Redthorne (402BL-390BL) and helped to pool resources into strengthening the Imperial fleet which led to victory against one of the pirate clans. Yrsa was also instrumental assisting with the regulations of lifting the trade sanctions against Morganae in 389BL. Yrsa died peacefully, after living long and fulfilling life. She began to be actively remembered within a year of her death, with traders themselves finding themselves sending a quick prayer to Yrsa for her knowledge, or asking themselves what Yrsa would do in a specific situation.

Yrsa is remembered as the patron saint of Traders and the patron saint of silversmiths.
Yrsa is often represented by a set of perfectly balanced scales.
Yrsa is depicted as a S'Kra Mur woman with slitted gold eyes and silvery-olive scales.

Warrior Mage

Kigutaarnaq (342BL - 270BL)
Alive during a time of relative peace in the Imperial empire, Kigutaarnaq is nonetheless remembered for her drive and determination. Kigutaarnaq has been noted to be a scholar of fire having first been a mage of that element. However, her focus shifted during the discovery of blackfire. Several mentions have been made of her papers and other works deriding blackfire -- as yet however, these papers have not been found. Regardless, she was well known for her work with water magic and praised for her patience with younger mages. Her death is recorded as a tragic accident, where a wave of her own summoned water washed her out to the Segoltha where she drowned. However, other sources list her not as have being drowned, but as the goddess Eluned having taken Kigutaarnaq for her own for having mastered such control over water.

Kigutaarnaq is remembered as the patron saint of Warrior Mages and the patron saint against slander.
Kigutaarnaq is often represented by a flame on top of a cresting wave of water.
Kigutaarnaq is depicted as a proud Gor'Tog woman with a gleaming bald head and pale green skin.

Provincial Saints


Aesetani Guemos (229BL - 193BL)
One might remember Aesetani from history books. He was the leader of Zoluren after his father, Blaeduan Guemos and ruled during the Dragon Priest incursions lead by Dzree. Aesetani himself died in battle with the forces of Dzree and the entire Guemos family was rounded up a year later and executed in a brutal manner publicly. Aesetani's perseverance and military excursions were remembered with pride throughout Zoluren for years afterwards during the theocracy of the Dragon Priest empire when the city was under its thumb. People looked to Aesetani and the Guemos family as having made a valiant sacrifice. Like his counterpart in Therengia, Aesetani is said to have been a presence felt by the armies during the defeat of the Dragon Priests in 1BL.

Aesetani is remembered as the patron saint of the province of Zoluren.
Aesetani is often represented by an emblem of a blooming apple tree in front of two crossed spears.
Aesetani is depicted as a man verging on middle age with slightly greying brown hair and blue eyes, with his face set in a stern expression.


Bamiec Theren (234BL - 186BL)
The tragic second Baron of Therengia, executed after the Dragon Priests marched through Therenborough and captured it. Like his Zoluren counterpart, Bamiec is remembered for his steadfastness and his perseverance during the military excursions that he carried out with his troops during this time. Though the town was captured, the citizens of Therenborough never lost hope, especially when word got out that Bamiec's young song Kerehald (I) had escaped. Bamiec was revered after his death by his citizens who loved him, and many secret shrines were erected in his honor in homes during the Dragon Priest occupation. It is said that his presence was felt during the final defeat of the Dragon Priest armies.

Bamiec is remembered as the patron saint of the province of Therengia.
Bamiec is often represented by a version of the crest of House Theren -- a black background with a golden seven-pointed star outlined in royal blue in the center.
Bamiec is depicted as a ruggedly handsome Human male with silver-streaked dark blonde hair and grey eyes, his mouth set in a firm line.


Isleivur Uspenoken (the Toad -- sometimes called St. Toad) (360BL - 302BL)
We wish we could say we know the most about Isleivur, because we know his family name and that which should lead us to roots, has only led to dead ends. It is this author's speculation that his last name was a moniker or false name. Called the Toad because of a predilection to water, and a later ailment that left him bloated, bilious and somewhat jaundiced, Isleivur devoted his time and veneration to Drogor. His work took him to coastal cities, cleaning up river ways, waterways and assisting fishermen in ensuring longer productivity for their catches. He was known to pray to Drogor, however, to destroy the same fishermen he helped when they over-hunted their quarry, prayers which would sometimes be met with the furor of a tsunami or violent sea storm. Isleivur was lost at sea, a fate that all who knew him agreed he would find appropriate and fitting, and a shrine in his name on Ratha was established where local seamen would offer prayers and assure Isleivur that they were not hunting their prey into oblivion. Several miracles of an unknown nature are said to have occurred at this site before it was lost, quite fittingly, to the sea.

Isleivur is remembered as the patron saint of the province of Qi.
Isleivur is often represented by an emblem of a crashing wave interposed behind a raging shark.
Isleivur is depicted either as a bilious green Human with slicked down black hair or as a web-fingered Human that looks suspiciously like a Merelew.


Sakarias (1167BL - 1006BL)
Was the last standing member of the House of the Marching Lotus during the Elven-Human War. Sakarias is reported as having taken up the banner for the House of the Marching Lotus and remembered and revered chiefly because of his staunch resolution and steadfastness to see Ilithi victorious in her battle, and was long used as a reminder not only of the needlessness of war but of the constancy of the Elothean people themselves.

Sakarias is remembered as the patron saint of the province Ilithi.
Sakarias is often represented by the crest of the House of the Marching Lotus -- three rows of five black lotus blossoms on a purple field, with the edges of the lotus blossoms having been tinged a blood red.
Sakarias is depicted as a stalwart Elothean man with short ash-blonde hair and piercing grey eyes.


Garrock (1176BL - 986BL)
King of Kwarlog during both the Elven-Human War and during the Long Winter. Garrock brought stability to the kingdom with the contract signed with the Gor'Togs who came into Forfedhdar during the Long Winter. Gor'Togs particularly felt affinity for Garrock for his taking the Togs in without prejudice or a hint of slavery as such they experienced under the hands of the S'Kra Mur. Unreliable stories also state that Garrock, having experienced bitter disappointment with the fickleness of the Humans during the Elven-Human War lost his beard and the hair would not regrow. Regardless of the truth in this, Garrock is known for having a brass beard covered in chips of various gems either as a false beard or an ostentatious status symbol.

Garrock is remembered as the patron saint of Forfedhdar.
Garrock is often represented by a golden shield bearing five Dwarven hammers turned inward in a circle formation.
Garrock is depicted as a stout Dwarf with brown hair, and a glittering brass beard. He is also shown occasionally wearing a crown.