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Category:Lunar magic

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Moon Mages and Traders use Lunar mana to cast their spells

Summary of Spell Information

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Contest Prep
Duration Slots Difficulty Guild Spellbook
Arbiter's Stylus (ARS) Slice damage, Cold damage cyclic targeted 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 1 intermediate Trader Fabrication
Artificer's Eye (ART) +Arcana skill, +Enchanting skill standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Moon Mage Perception
Aura Sight (AUS) +Astrology skill, +Attunement skill standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Moon Mage Perception
Avren Aevareae (AVA) +Thievery skill, +Stealth skill, +Light, -Thievery skill, -Stealth skill standard augmentation, debilitation, area of effect magic \ fortitude 10-66 80-800 2-10 2 intermediate Trader Illusion
Avtalia Array (AVTA) Passively charges worn cambrinth/gaethzen when outdoors while Noumena is active. metamagic 2 Trader Fabrication
Bespoke Regalia Allows CAST {armor type} {area of coverage} metamagic 1 Trader Fabrication
Blur +Tactics, +Evasion standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 3 basic Trader Illusion
Braun's Conjecture (BC) Makes teleportation spells easier to cast, reduces the difficulty of using ALIGN Transmogrify and Split, reduces the roundtime of Predict State, removes the penalty for targeting specific skills with predictions. ritual utility 150-700 80-800 30-90 2 intermediate Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Burn Puncture damage, Fire damage, Single target DFA. battle targeted, shield ignoring 7-50 80-800 Instant 2 intermediate Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Cage of Light (COL) Physical damage reduction, Elemental damage reduction/absorption standard warding 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Calm Single target calm battle debilitation charm \ willpower 1-33 0-400 Instant 1 intro Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Clear Vision (CV) +Perception skill standard augmentation 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 intro Moon Mage Perception
Contingency Triggered Teleport standard utility 15-100 80-800 30-90 3 intermediate Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Crystal Dart (CRD) Puncture damage, Slice damage battle targeted 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 basic Trader Fabrication
Dazzle Stuns target battle debilitation magic \ fortitude 1-33 10-600 Instant 2 basic Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Destiny Cipher (DC) Increases potency of visions, removes sect preference penalty for divination tools, and increases tool bonding rate. ritual utility 50-600 10-600 30-90 2 basic Moon Mage Perception
Dinazen Olkar (DO) Slice damage, Cold damage, Single target. battle targeted 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 basic Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Distant Gaze (DG) Scry on moonbeam (continuous), Project message through moonbeam standard utility 15-100 80-800 60-180 1 intermediate Moon Mage Perception
Elision (ELI) Prevents opponent attacks at the cost of Starlight Aura. ritual warding 400-900 400-1,250 30-90 3 esoteric Trader Illusion
Empower Moonblade (EMMO) Store fully prepared spells in moonblade metamagic 2 Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Enrichment Buffs Trabe Chalice, Regalia, Arbiter's Stylus, Starcrash, and Avtalia Array battle augmentation 30-100 250-1,000 2-10 4 advanced Trader Fabrication
Finesse (FIN) +Charisma (stat), +Agility (stat), +Trader Bonus standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Trader Noematics
Fluoresce (FLU) Damage Enhancer battle debilitation, area of effect spirit \ reflexes 1-66 0-400 Instant 1 intro Trader Illusion
Focus Moonbeam (FM) Create anchor for other spells standard utility 1-100 0-400 45-210 0 intro Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Hypnotize Allows calm creatures to be commanded metamagic 1 Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Invocation of the Spheres (IOTS) +Agility (stat), +Charisma (stat), +Discipline (stat), +Intelligence (stat), +Reflex (stat), +Wisdom (stat), Only two from specific stat pairings. ritual augmentation 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 2 advanced Moon Mage Stellar Magic
Iridius Rod (IR) Elemental damage reduction. Ablative barrier. standard warding 5-100 10-600 0- 1 basic Trader Fabrication
Iyqaromos Fire-Lens (IFL) Increased Burn accuracy and damage based on moons/sun metamagic 1 Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Last Gift of Vithwok IV (LGV) +Shield Usage skill standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 basic Trader Noematics
Locate Locate a PC or GMNPC. standard utility 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 intermediate Moon Mage Perception
Machinist's Touch (MT) +Engineering skill, +Locksmithing skill standard augmentation 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Moon Mage Perception
Mask of the Moons (MOM) Spells cast at you will sometimes go awry cyclic warding 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 advanced Trader Illusion
Membrach's Greed (MEG) +Outdoorsmanship skill, +Skinning skill standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Trader Noematics
Mental Blast (MB) Nerve damage, Stun, sleep, disarm. Single target. battle debilitation mind \ willpower 20-66 250-1,000 Instant 3 advanced Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Mind Shout (MS) Nerve damage, AoE stun, sleep, disarm. battle debilitation, heavy offensive, area of effect mind \ willpower 20-66 250-1,000 Instant 3 advanced Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Moonblade Creates temporary Small Edged weapon battle utility 15-100 80-800 12-41 1 intermediate Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Moongate (MG) Creates a portal to your moonbeam. cyclic utility 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 intermediate Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Nonchalance (NON) Ward against Charm and Fear spells standard warding 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 basic Trader Noematics
Noumena (NOU) Allows Starlight Aura regeneration under cloud cover or in daylight.

Allows spells that use Starlight to be cast during inclement weather.

standard utility 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 intro Trader Noematics
Partial Displacement (PD) Puncture damage, Impact damage, armor piercing, single target. battle targeted, armor piercing 2-50 10-600 Instant 2 basic Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Piercing Gaze (PG) "X-ray" vision standard utility 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 basic Moon Mage Perception
Platinum Hands of Kertigen (PHK) +Forging skill, +Outfitting skill, +Engineering skill standard augmentation 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 intermediate Trader Noematics
Psychic Shield (PSY) Ablative ward against vs. will contested abilities. battle warding 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 basic Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Read the Ripples (RTR) Add prophetic insight, bypass astrological observation timers, and bypass telescope checks for selected random constellations. ritual utility 300-800 250-1,000 2-10 2 advanced Moon Mage Stellar Magic
Refractive Field (RF) instant (then pulsing) invisibility standard utility 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Regalia (REGA) Creates crystal armor battle utility 15-100 80-800 11-40 2 intermediate Trader Fabrication
Rend dispel 2 effects, self-cast or targeted battle debilitation, utility mind \ willpower 5-100 10-600 Instant 2 basic Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Resumption (RESUM) Preserves memories after death metamagic 1 Trader Noematics
Riftal Summons (RS) teleport PC to your location standard utility 40-120 400-1,250 Instant 2 esoteric Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Ripplegate Theory (RT) Allows the caster to designate a room. The caster can then teleport back to this room even when there are no moons in the sky. metamagic 1 Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Saesordian Compass (SCO) Chance to instantly fully targeted spells, chance for SLS to proc an additional attack when targeting a spell standard augmentation 30-100 250-1,000 10-40 2 advanced Moon Mage Teleologic Sorcery
Seer's Sense (SEER) +Evasion skill, mental link to PC standard augmentation, utility 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Moon Mage Perception
Sever Thread (SET) latent triggered immobilization, mental link to PC standard debilitation 3-66 10-600 Instant 2 basic Moon Mage Teleologic Sorcery
Shadewatch Mirror (SHM) Creates a mirror that scries on a PC (continuous) standard utility 30-100 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 advanced Moon Mage Stellar Magic
Shadow Servant (SS) living vault standard utility 30-100 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 advanced Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Shadow Web (SHW) AOE webbing battle, cyclic debilitation, area of effect magic \ reflexes 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 1 intermediate Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Shadowling +Attunement pool, Attunement heal, Lunar magic users only standard utility, area of effect 15-100 80-800 Indefinite 2 intermediate Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Shadows +Stealth skill standard augmentation 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 intro Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Shape Moonblade (SHMO) shape moonblade to Small Edged, Large Edged, Twohanded Edged, or Staves forms metamagic 1 Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Shear stunning ward vs. all spells including caster's battle warding 30-100 250-1,000 10-40 3 advanced Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Shift Moonbeam (SM) moves moonbeam standard utility 15-100 80-800 2-10 2 intermediate Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Sleep single target sleep battle debilitation mind \ willpower 1-33 10-600 Instant 2 basic Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Sorrow (spell) (SORROW) -Balance, Cold damage, Electrical damage battle targeted 15-100 80-800 Instant 3 intermediate Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Sovereign Destiny (SOD) -Discipline (stat), -Intelligence (stat), -Wisdom (stat), removes predictions, blocks access to Plane of Probability battle debilitation spirit \ willpower 5-33 80-800 Instant 2 intermediate Moon Mage Teleologic Sorcery
Starcrash (STAR) Impact damage, Cold damage battle targeted, pulse damage 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 2 advanced Trader Fabrication
Starlight Sphere (SLS) Impact damage, Cold damage, pulsing single target. battle, cyclic targeted 6-33 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 advanced Moon Mage Stellar Magic
Stellar Collector (STC) Allows collection and storage of starlight energy standard utility 30-100 250-1,000 61-0 2 advanced Trader Fabrication
Steps of Vuan (SOV) group pulsing invisibility cyclic utility, pulse to group 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 intermediate Moon Mage Moonlight Manipulation
Tangled Fate (TF) alters single prediction (stuns if more than one) standard debilitation, utility 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Moon Mage Teleologic Sorcery
Telekinetic Shield (TKSH) Percentage-based damage resistance; reduce target time of Telekinetic Storm standard warding 30-100 250-1,000 10-35 2 advanced Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Telekinetic Storm (TKS) Puncture damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Multi-strike AoE. Damage type varies with object used. battle targeted, multistrike, area of effect 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 intermediate Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Telekinetic Throw (TKT) Puncture damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, multi-shot single target, damage type varies with object used. battle targeted, multistrike 1-50 0-400 Instant 1 intro Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Teleport Teleport self to moonbeam standard utility 5-100 10-600 Instant 2 basic Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry
Tenebrous Sense (TS) +Outdoorsmanship skill, darkvision standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 basic Moon Mage Perception
Tezirah's Veil (TV) gives random predictions; fills prediction pools. battle augmentation, debilitation spirit \ willpower 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 intermediate Moon Mage Teleologic Sorcery
Thoughtcast (TH) sends thought to target, connects to gweth network standard utility 15-100 80-800 30-90 2 intermediate Moon Mage Psychic Projection
Trabe Chalice (TRC) Damage reduction: Slicing and Puncture protection. Ablative barrier. Impact damage can shatter it temporarily. Vitality barrier. standard warding 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 intro Trader Fabrication
Turmar Illumination (TURI) +Intelligence (stat), +Perception skill standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Trader Noematics
Unleash prepares scroll spell with chance to not destroy it standard utility 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 intermediate Moon Mage Perception
Whole Displacement (WD) pulsing teleport out of combat battle warding 6-100 10-600 2-10 2 basic Moon Mage Enlightened Geometry


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