Kertigen (Raven)
Divyaush (Welkin)
Zachriedek (Raccoon)
- Patron of Dwarves
- Metal-working, gems, plastic arts
- "Stern, but loving father"
- Associated with common sense, impartiality, fair mediation
- Merry, bearded man; twinkling blue eyes
- Grants good favor, money, gifts
- Send welkins to help craftsmen
- Paternal, kind, beloved by children; "indulgent grandfather"
- Nasty and cruel
- Associated with misfortune
- Send gremlins to plague craftsmen
Hodierna (Unicorn)
Berengaria (Cow)
Asketi (Adder)
- Life, morning, light
- Springtime, harvest, crops
- Farmers, herbalists, healers and Empaths
- Granter of life and favor (ressurections & healing)
- Plump and cheerful woman
- Finder of lost children
- Bringer of dawn
- Earth is renewed where she treads
- "The hag"; stealer of children
- Wild mistress of barren fields and the midnight hunt
- Delights in causing pain and terror
- Stealer of life; carries souls in a sack
Meraud (Wolf)
Firulf (Owl)
Kerenhappuch (Shrew)
- God of magic and foresight, dark side of arcane arts
- Dark stranger, rarely shows face
- Ruthless pursuit of knowledge
- Admired by Elotheans for aloofness
- Creator of written language
- God of elemental magic
- Kinder than Meraud but stern and crafty
- Unerring foresight revered by Elothean Moon Mages
- Legendary staff of lightning
- Mad mage; blackmail, extortion and murder
- Beautiful seductress and schemer
- Ruthless and unscrupulous
- Legendary skirt
Damaris (Panther)
Phelim (Nightingale)
Dergati (Shrike)
- God of night and dreams
- Patron of Thieves, cutthroats, assassins and spies
- "Voice in the shadows"
- Soft spot for children
- God of sweet dreams and unbroken promises
- God of rightful vengence and honorable Thieves
- Worshipped by Moon Mages
- Goddess of nightmares
- The "all-seeing"; third eye in center of forehead
- Hates the sun and would destroy it
- Unraveler of souls; kills with slow efficiency and no ressurection
Everild (Boar)
Kuniyo (Wolverine)
Trothfang (Centaur)
- Wild lord of warriors, amazons, barbarians, berserkers and those who die in battle
- Attended by wild youths and maidens who aid favored warriors and ensure proper burial of warriors
- Does not wander far from sound of battle
- Enjoys wilderness; favorite of rangers
- Stubborn and vicious in battle
- God of cannibalism, debauchery and primitive life; anti-civiliization
- Delights in torture and slow, messy death
- Devour flesh of enemies in front of them as they die
Truffenyi (Ox)
Alamhif (Magpie)
Huldah (Weasel)
- God of mortal man, mercy and forgiveness
- Blesses ressurections, health, stamina and magical power
- Like a father to Elanthians; indulgent but stern
- "The kind father"; firm guidance
- Special care for misled or mistreated children
- With Berengaria, created capability for ressurection
- Trickster, imp, bedeviler, fouler up of best laid plans
- Despises mortals
- Delights in seeing that which is pure become despoiled
Hav'roth (Cobra)
Peri'el (Kingsnake)
Ushnish (Viper)
- God of spirits of rock, stone, and earth; deserts
- Chief deity of S'kra Mur
- Creator of precious metals and gems
- Goddess of the inner earth
- Sings to to World Dragon to keep it asleep
- Stills earthquakes, stops flows of lava
- Patroness of war veterans; crippled during fight with World Dragon
- The "Serpent of Discord"
- Brings disease, old age, ice ages, floods, and famines
- Causes earthquakes and lava flows
Eluned (Dolphin)
Lemicus (Albatross)
Drogor (Shark)
- Goddess of seas and water; keeps oceans moving and guides sailors at night
- Patron of learning and knowledge; master of arcane and ancient wisdom
- Chief deity of Elothians
- Creator of speech
- Goddess of inland (fresh) waters
- Protector of lost sailors
- Her dance and laughter cause favorable winds for sea-bound merchants
- Patron of librarians, dancers, Elves, wives of sailors and life of the ocean
- God of the angry oceans
- Creator of hurricanes and tsunamis
- Drowner of children and destroyer of knowledge / libraries
Glythtide (Ram)
Saemaus (Donkey)
Be'ort (Coyote)
- God of joy, mirth, merriment, wine, song and good fellowship
- Patron of bards, poets, troubadors and musicians
- Patron of loafers, gourmands and drunks
- Chief deity of Halflings
- God of love and festivities; toasted at weddings
- Patron of lovers, pregnant mothers, expecting fathers, maids of honor and male counterparts
- Credited as inventor of the tart
- God of bitter partings, love lost, opportunities wasted and insanity
- Despises revelry; wallows in melancholy
- Specializes in wars of attrition
Tamsine (Cat)
Albreda (Dove)
Harawep (Spider)
- Patron of all civilization, hearth and home
- Goddess of the peaceful household and domestic skills like cooking, weaving and brewing
- Seek blessing before constructions of temples, houses and public buildings
- Patroness of orphans and fosterlings, alliances and marriages
- Bringer of peace; despises war and bloodshed, but followed by some Paladins
- Protects mothers with difficult childbirth, and fathers if her aid is not enough
- Often worshipped by Empaths
- Patron of murderers and assassins
- "The Widowmaker"; lightning-wielding hag who fights with twin swords
- Disrupter of peace treaties among races and nations, destroyer of families
- Weaves disloyalty, deception and destruction
Faenella (Wren)
Murrula (Phoenix)
Idon (Heron)
- "The Fair Bard"; performer and muse of poetry
- The Fae and spirits of nature (dryads, sprites, nyads) considered her children
- Patron of Bards and adventure-seeking youth
- Protector of caravans
- Created harps and stringed instruments
- Goddess of beauty and gifted youngsters
- Trainer of young bards
- Can't stand bad singing; will gift good singer and "silence" bad singer
- Protector of travelers
- Kiss remedies hangovers
- Creator of flute and woodwinds
- God of roving bands of Thieves, rakish rogues and mothers who abandon their children
- "The reaver" is obsessed with own good looks; turns rivals into pig
- Charismatic, charming, lustful, and excellent at catching people unawares
- Music is loud and annoying with outrageous melodies; percussion instruments
Chadatru (Lion)
Rutilor (Mongoose)
Botolf (Goshawk)
- Lord of Justice; sword in right hand and olive laurel in left
- Blind, but fights as if gifted with sight
- Patron of kings, rulers and judges
- Word is bond; compelled to speak truth
- Defender of the gods; judges kindly and even-handedly
- A god of truth; cannot lie
- Patron of Paladins
- Collector of swords, some enchanted
- Legendary hounds unleashed on those who escape his judgement
- God of dishonesty and deceit, and fallen Paladins
- Symbol of corruption and bribery
- Causes thieves and murderers to go free
- Patron of Knife Clan and Thieves Guild; loves Dirge
Urrem'tier (Scorpion)
Eylhaar (Jackal)
Aldauth (Vulture)
- Of the gods, has least amount of Substance and largest amount of the Void
- Embodiment of Death, neither evil nor good
- The beckoner, the promise of peace from a world of pain
- Her deaths are without pain, and her allure is insurmountable
- Faceless god of agony, worshipped and feared by sadists
- Will taunt and trick people out of their lives; deaths are always painful
- Battlefield scavenger