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Tieheq is a god worshipped by the Gorbesh and the Kaldar, which are an offshoot of mainstream Gorbesh society.

Master of the Domain of Iron, Tieheq is the fiercest of the gods. Wielding in one hand the greatsword Ixiusks and in the other Namivy, the spear of glistening metal and ice, Tieheq leads the forces of the Gorbesh in battle. It is the Iron Lord that delivers strength and courage to the hearts of the people, and it is Tieheq, with his wife, that gives victory. It is believed that it was Tieheq that went to Xin'Alaudas and trained the Founder, and set him upon the path that led to the Gorbesh Empire -- many say Tieheq stood at the Emperor-God's side in the Battle of Coevoe, where the Gorbesh dealt the death knell to the Luethra Nation; they say Tieheq cheered on the Founder in his battle with Xosiurion and Tieheq's cheers filled Xin'Alaudas with strength. The Iron Lord is never to be angered, for his wrath will rend the earth itself, and bring cities to ruin. Tieheq's planet is Tliij.

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