Hollow Eve Festival 414 Map: Difference between revisions

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Shops that are brand new (or have new inventory) are indicated in '''bold'''.
Shops that are brand new (or have new inventory) are indicated in '''bold'''.

A [[Festival Greeters|Greeter]] will be seen wandering throughout the festival periodically, offering help with where to find things and handing out gifts.
I am in the process of creating a shop list. --[[User:ISHARON|ISHARON]] ([[User talk:ISHARON|talk]]) 20:37, 31 October 2014 (CDT)

==Main Level==
==Main Level==
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!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
{{fest|1|fake '''placeholder door'''|Not A Real Shop|Not A Real Shop!|none||}}
{{fest|1|carved '''walnut door'''|Cookie Emporium|Cookie Emporium|aprons||}}
{{fest|2|bronze and copper '''arched doorway''' shaped into twisting branches|Damsel In This Dress (3)|'''Damsel In This Dress'''|clothing; jewelry (rare materials)||Limited}}
{{fest|2|'''iron door''' engraved with a circular symbol|Nectar of the Wisp (3)|Nectar of the Wisp|glowstick lights||Yes}}
{{fest|2|'''mildewed canvas'''|Odiferous Ornaments|Odiferous Ornaments|smelly clothing (atmospheric); containers||Yes}}
{{fest|2|'''rusty door'''|Slings and Things|Slings and Things|weapons (slings and ammo); containers (ammo pouches)||Yes}}
{{fest|3|thick '''leather flap'''|Scabbards 'n' Sheaths (2)|Scabbards 'n' Sheaths|containers (weapons)||Yes}}
{{fest|3|'''silk-draped entrance'''|Simply Essential (2)|Simply Essential|utility knives; flint; gem pouches; hair brushes||Yes}}
{{fest|3|dark '''pine door''' hung with silver rattles and warding beads|Misenseor Goods (4)|Misenseor Goods|weapons; scrolls; pilgrim's badges; containers; clerical clothing||Yes}}
{{fest|3|'''small door'''|Smaller Side of Life|The Smaller Side of Life|Gnome-themed weapons; shields; armor; containers; clothing; jewelry; food||}}
{{fest|4|tall '''metal arch'''|Glythtide's Gifts and Gags|Glythtide's Gifts and Gags|toys; gag gifts||Yes}}
{{fest|4|'''purple door''' painted with lavender blossoms|Lavender and Lace (3)|'''Lavender and Lace'''|purple and white clothing; jewelry||}}
{{fest|4|'''wooden door''' displaying the image of a pair of hands folded in prayer|Forever Faithful (2)|Forever Faithful|god-themed cambrinth jewelry and containers||Yes}}
{{fest|4|'''canvas drape'''|Stuff It|Stuff It|containers; pocketed clothing||Yes}}
{{fest|5|heavy '''steel door''' covered in a myriad of locks|Sputkin's (3)|Sputkin's|weapons; containers; jewelry; prayer mats; icons; chimes||}}
{{fest|5|'''driftwood door'''|Mind of Sdai (5)|The Mind of Sdai|gift bags||}}
{{fest|5|carved '''wooden door''' decorated with animal caricatures|Your Inner Animal (2)|Your Inner Animal|animal-themed costumes||}}
{{fest|6|'''mask-shaped door'''|Creepy Costumes|Creepy Costumes|guildleader costumes||}}
{{fest|6|'''steel doorway''' leading to a makeshift tunnel|Witchery|Witchery|magical stat/skill boosters|light source|Yes}}
{{fest|6|frosted '''crystal door'''|Diamond Deities (3)|Diamond Deities|souvenirs||}}
{{fest|6|rusting '''metal door'''|Funny Bones (2)|Funny Bones|dice||}}
{{fest|7|'''web-covered doorway'''|Accents for the Arachnophile (2)|Accents for the Arachnophile|spider-themed jewelry; clothing; quiver; and wrist knives||}}
{{fest|7|narrow '''wooden door'''|Cultured Attire (3)|A Cultured Attire|weapons; shields; armor; instruments; clothing and things for the elven clans||Yes}}
{{fest|8|'''velvet-trimmed door'''|Elahkti's Metal Arts (2)|Elahkti's Metal Arts|metal armor; tabards||Yes}}
{{fest|8|'''boot-shaped doorway'''|Give 'Em the Boot (3)|'''Give 'Em the Boot'''|boots||Yes}}
{{fest|8|tarnished '''metal door''' with wooden supports riveted to it|Jubby's Tattoos (2)|'''Jubby's Tattoos'''|tattoos||}}
{{fest|9|'''ocean''' blue '''door''' painted with colorful fish|Glass Bubble|The Glass Bubble|aquariums|closed|}}
{{fest|9|'''shrouded doorway'''|Blanve's Bounty (4)|Blanve's Bounty|rare-gem jewelry|Estate Holders|}}
{{fest|9|'''black door''' with a painted fuzzy white sheep|Naked Sheep (2)|The Naked Sheep|wool clothing; finger puppets|closed|}}
{{fest|10|'''ornate door'''|Krobble's Karavan|Krobble's Karavan|Trader shop surfaces||}}
{{fest|10|'''oilcloth stall'''|Fall's Harvest|Fall's Harvest|game; apple-themed items||}}
{{fest|10|'''birch door'''|Delicate Creations (1)|Delicate Creations|clothing||Yes}}
{{fest|10|'''wide archway'''|Turialo's Haven (8)|Turialo's Haven|season-themed clothing; jewelry; containers||}}
{{fest|10|'''silk-trimmed entrance'''|Perfect Rose (2)|The Perfect Rose|clothing; jewelry||Yes}}
{{fest|11|stark white '''canvas-draped entrance''' painted with a large red eye|Eye of Power|The Eye of Power|cambrinth body parts||Yes}}
{{fest|11|smoke-damaged '''aquamarine door'''|Fishy's Pants Mart (3)|Fishy's Pants Mart|exploding clothing||}}
{{fest|11|'''plank door'''|Whimsies|Whimsies|color-themed clothing||Yes}}
{{fest|12|large '''purple door'''|Terrific Turnip (3)|The Terrific Turnip|turnip-themed items||}}
{{fest|12|simple red '''oak door'''|Sketchy By Design (4)|'''Sketchy By Design'''|portraits; writing tools|Thief*|Yes}}
{{fest|12|'''crooked shed'''|In The Hollow|In The Hollow|pinatas||}}
{{fest|12|flimsy '''wooden stall'''|Signs of the Times (3)|Signs of the Times|signs||}}
{{fest|12|'''modest door'''|Everything in Moderation (2)|Everything in Moderation|women's clothing||}}
{{fest|13|'''curtained archway'''|Sable's (2)|Sable's|costumes; masks; wings; tabards||}}
{{fest|13|dented '''iron door'''|Tricky Treats (2)|Tricky Treats|special ticket items|closed|}}
{{fest|13|billowing '''black curtain'''|Asketi's Stop (4)|'''Asketi's Stop'''|cloaks, clothing||}}
{{fest|13|'''makeshift curtain''' over a battered doorway|Yarrel's Varmint Vittles (2)|Yarrel's Varmint Vittles|meat; alcoholic beverages||Yes}}
{{fest|14|menacing '''steel arch'''|Musical Chairs of Doom|Musical Chairs of Doom|game||}}
{{fest|14|low '''steel door'''|Fangs For the Memory (2)|Fangs For The Memory|verby fangs; claws; whips; clothing||}}
{{fest|14|large '''chicken-shaped arch'''|Game of Chicken|A Game of Chicken|game||}}
{{fest|15|'''dilapidated door'''|Mob Mentality (2)|Mob Mentality|improvised weapons; armor; clothing; magical items; housing items||Yes}}
{{fest|15|'''red door''' with "Wicked Windows" set on it in stained glass|Wicked Windows (3)|Wicked Windows|housing: windows||Yes}}
{{fest|16|polished '''brass door'''|Outrageous Fortune|Outrageous Fortune|weapons||}}
{{fest|16|wildly '''curvy door''' made up of S-shaped boards|Bobbin' For Bolts|Bobbin' For Bolts|game||}}
{{fest|16|ironwood '''double doors'''|Tending the Fold (2)|Tending the Fold|origami supplies; tabards||}}
{{fest|17|bright '''yellow door'''|See The Light (2)|See The Light|[[Shield of Light]] alteration scrolls|Clerics|}}
{{fest|17|ebon '''friezed archway'''|Relief in the Dark (3)|Relief in the Dark|housing: items|Estate Holders|}}
{{fest|18|velvet '''draped entrance'''|Jewelry in Phases (2)|Jewelry in Phases|moon-themed jewelry||}}
{{fest|18|'''thin curtain''' leading into a wide stall|Made for Walking|Made for Walking|armored boots||Yes}}
{{fest|18|'''brass-studded door'''|Cutting Edge (2)|The Cutting Edge|weapons||Yes}}
{{fest|19|'''bright door''' with a fanciful mask painted on it|Masquer Aid|Masquer Aid|dark god costumes||}}
{{fest|20|'''plain door'''|Gearanimals|Gearanimals|housing: mechanical pets||Yes}}
{{fest|20|grave earth pile|grave earth pile|grave earth pile|game: dig for treasure||}}
{{fest|20|'''white door''' with a picture of a badger in a cloak and hat|Beastly Behavior (4)|Beastly Behavior|cloaks made of whole skins/furs||Yes}}
{{fest|20|'''bright''' blue '''door'''|Heikea|Heikea|IKEA-style housing items; food||Yes}}
{{fest|21|large '''ornate door'''|Behind the Mask (2)|Behind the Mask|masks||}}
{{fest|21|'''narrow hallway'''|Entrail Toss Arena (3)|Entrail Toss Arena|game||}}
{{fest|21|pale '''canvas flap'''|Natural Selections|Natural Selections|brawling weapons||Yes}}
{{fest|roaming|mechanical fortuneteller|Metalory Mongeria|Metalory Mongeria|fortuneteller||}}

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!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
{{fest|1|fake '''placeholder door'''|Not A Real Shop|Not A Real Shop!|none||}}
{{fest|-|'''outside alteration lounge'''|Weevil Basket|'''Weevil Basket'''|spell or death giving weevils||Yes}}
{{fest|C|'''gear-covered door'''|Ratchet Shack|Ratchet Shack|crossbows; arbalests||Yes}}
{{fest|C|'''wood door'''|Hunka's Burning Love (2)|Hunka's Burning Love|coal products||}}
{{fest|C|'''grease-stained door'''|Holey Warez (2)|Holey Warez|containers||Yes}}
{{fest|E|'''curtained doorway'''|Ang'hhsmus|Ang'hhsmus|uaro's'sugis (S'Kra head scarves)||Yes}}
{{fest|E|weathered '''barn door'''|Stylish Stallion|The Stylish Stallion|horses: saddles; bridles||Yes}}
{{fest|E|ornate '''metal arch'''|Archivist (shop) (4)|The Archivist|game: scroll grabbag||}}
{{fest|E|'''round door''' with two small holes in it|Cute as a Button (2)|'''Cute as a Button'''|clothing; walking sticks; dolls||}}
{{fest|F|'''scaly door'''|Nest o' Snakes (2)|Nest o' Snakes|snake-themed bolas; belts; boas||Yes}}
{{fest|F|carved '''oak door'''|Silken Seams (2)|Silken Seams|clothing; feature-hiding robes||Yes}}
{{fest|F|'''vine-covered door'''|Silken Garden|Silken Garden|plant-themed jewelry; clothing||Yes}}
{{fest|X|'''oval door''' beneath a painting of a toy box|Toy Box (2)|The Toy Box|toys; lockable book containers||}}
{{fest|X|'''metal arch'''|Acaph's Acquisitions|Acaph's Acquisitions|armor; shields (Trader appraisals)||Yes}}
{{fest|X|'''mud-brown flap'''|Bobbing for Leeches|'''Bobbing for Leeches'''|game (free with timer)||}}
{{fest|22|battered '''oak shelf'''|Kaleidoscopes|Kaleidoscopes|kaleidoscopes||Yes}}
{{fest|56|'''wooden door'''|Eagle Eye|Eagle Eye|eagle-themed clothing; canes||Yes}}
{{fest|56|'''oak doorway'''|Creature Comforts|Creature Comforts|housing: animal-themed furniture||Yes}}
{{fest|56|dented '''iron door'''|Birds of a Feather (3)|'''Birds of a Feather'''|bird-themed clothing; jewelry; jugglies; containers||}}
{{fest|57|'''leather-covered door''' hung with several silver chains|Vatari's Ritual Addiction (2)|'''Vatari's Ritual Addiction'''|foci||Yes}}
{{fest|57|smooth black '''marble door'''|Knightly Attire (2)|Knightly Attire|men's formal clothing||}}
{{fest|57|'''sea-green door'''|Something's Fishy|Something's Fishy|fish-themed weapons; armor; clothing; jewelry||}}
{{fest|57|steel-banded '''bronze door'''|Hollow Eve Festival 414 Auction|The Owirvald Auction Company|rare items|closed|}}
{{fest|57|large '''dragon-shaped door'''|Magical Minions (2)|'''Magical Minions'''|stuffed magical pets||Yes}}
{{fest|57|polished '''brass entrance'''|Future is Now (2)|The Future is Now|prediction tools||Yes}}
{{fest|58|'''painted door'''|Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2)|Gersvinda's Natural Studies|anatomy charts; compendiums|Empaths|Yes}}
{{fest|58|polished '''steel door''' with an ornate shield on it|Faithful Defender (2)|The Faithful Defender|shields||Yes}}
{{fest|58|stately '''bronzed arch'''|Famous Last Words (3)|Famous Last Words|word-themed ranged weapons||}}
{{fest|59|'''colorful curtain''' embroidered with prancing animals|All Wound Up (2)|All Wound Up|toys||}}
{{fest|59|'''narrow door'''|Eye Spy|Eye Spy|eye-worn armor; eye-wear||Yes}}
{{fest|59|'''tall door''' beneath a painting of a sword wreathed in musical notes|Slay It With Music|Slay It With Music|noisy weapons||}}
{{fest|green room|large '''iron arch'''|Hollow Eve 414 Raffle Center|'''Raffle Center'''|raffles||}}

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!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
{{fest|1|fake '''placeholder door'''|Not A Real Shop|Not A Real Shop!|none||}}
{{fest|H|'''stately door'''|Finer Things (2)|The Finer Things|clothing; jewelry||}}
{{fest|H|grand '''mahogany door''' with fluttering gold pennants|Rugged Appeal|Rugged Appeal|housing: animal rugs||Yes}}
{{fest|H|'''wicker-paneled door'''|Riding The Range (2)|Riding The Range|horses: tack||}}
{{fest|H|tall '''mahogany arch'''|Male Persuasion (2)|'''The Male Persuasion'''|men's clothing||}}
{{fest|23|'''painted door'''|Walk on the Wild Side (2)|A Walk on the Wild Side|footwear||}}
{{fest|23|'''low arch''' filled with dark blue drapery|Pi'botuk Pel'arsharra|Pi'botuk Pel'arsharra|S'Kra clothing (verby); jewelry|light source*|Yes}}
{{fest|23|black '''iron gate''' with a sign reading RISSAN ROULETTE hanging from it|Rissan Roulette|Rissan Roulette|game||}}
{{fest|23|heavy '''ironwood door''' inlaid with a sinuous golden serpent|Shh'oi Mhhg|Shh'oi Mhhg|S'Kra wedding clothing; jewelry; and instruments||}}
{{fest|24|'''mottled door'''|Packrat's Piece of Paradise (3)|Packrat's Piece of Paradise|containers||}}
{{fest|24|scuffed '''metal door''' painted with a variety of healing herbs|On the Mend|On the Mend|(old) alchemy tools||}}
{{fest|24|fine '''mahogany door'''|Spikan's Sporrans (3)|Spikan's Sporrans|sporrans||}}
{{fest|25|'''wooden door''' covered in fabric swatches|Fabric Fantasies (3)|Fabric Fantasies|rare fabrics (alteration fodder)||Yes}}
{{fest|25|'''glass door''' painted with the image of a handbag|Excess Baggage|Excess Baggage|handbags||}}
{{fest|25|pale '''red door''' bearing a wreath of colorful dried flowers|Town and Country (2)|Town and Country|housing: exterior decorations||Yes}}
{{fest|26|''outdoors''|Engine Room Roasting Pit (2)|Engine Room Roasting Pit|food for roasting||}}
{{fest|26|''outdoors''|Drogor Shrine|barnacle covered Drogor shrine|Return point for escaped fish game||}}
{{fest|27|'''round door''' painted with a spiral|Spiraling Out of Control|Spiraling Out of Control|weapons; clothing; jewelry; toys||}}
{{fest|27|'''plain door'''|This 'N' That (4)|'''This 'N' That'''|weapons; containers; clothing; jewelry; books||}}
{{fest|27|'''metal door''' edged with a silk and leather braid|Hide and Silk (3)|Hide and Silk|housing: furniture; containers; clothing||}}
{{fest|28|'''grey door''' painted to resemble a gravestone|Grieving Grave (2)|Grieving Grave|grave-themed clothing; jewelry; and fluff||Yes}}
{{fest|28|'''wooden door'''|Cowsmoopolitan|Cowsmoopolitan (3)|cow-themed weapons; clothing; containers||}}
{{fest|28|deep '''blue door''' carved with a subtle pattern resembling water ripples|Liquid Assets (2)|Liquid Assets|glass jewelry||}}
{{fest|29|'''dark door'''|Blythe Spirits (2)|Blythe Spirits|housing: ghostly pets||Yes}}
{{fest|29|'''black door''' set with a red steel horseshoe|NightMares (3)|NightMares|horses: tack; barding||}}
{{fest|29|rusted '''metal door''' set with bones|Dry Bones (2)|'''Dry Bones'''|alchemy tools||Yes}}
{{fest|29|heavy '''pine door'''|Country Style|Country Style|clothing||}}
{{fest|30|'''colorful door'''|Cuddly Creations|Cuddly Creations|stuffed animals||}}
{{fest|30|scarred '''ebonwood door'''|Jhanine Dering Cloaks (2)|Jhanine Dering Cloaks|cloaks||Yes}}
{{fest|30|knotty '''pine door'''|Bones (2)|'''Bones'''|housing: bone furniture||Yes}}
{{fest|31|'''banner-draped doorway'''|Huffenclaw's Wondrous Wares (2)|Huffenclaw's Wondrous Wares|Trader storage books and chocolate (Decadent Delights Parlor)||}}
{{fest|31|'''dark door''' strung with an assortment of dried appendages|Bizarre Bazaar|Bizarre Bazaar|clothing; nasty food||Yes}}
{{fest|31|blackened '''steel door''' painted with various weapons|Dark Defenders|Dark Defenders|weapons||Yes}}
{{fest|31|white '''oakwood door'''|Obscured Visions|Obscured Visions|cambrinth- and gweth-hiding items||Yes}}
{{fest|31|'''flannel curtain'''|Sleepwalkers (4)|Sleepwalkers|pajamas||}}
{{fest|32|stained '''glass archway'''|Clear Visions|Clear Visions|glass items; telescopes; "tyrium" blades||Yes}}
{{fest|32|elegantly '''carved door''' inlaid with polished cedar panels|Eternal Moments (2)|Eternal Moments|housing: paintings; statues|Estate Holders|}}
{{fest|32|'''wooden door'''|Tweets (4)|Tweets|bird-themed clothing||}}
{{fest|33|patchwork '''door flap''' cobbled together from scraps of leather|Shenneshwi's Stockpile (2)|Shenneshwi's Stockpile|clothing; whips; wearable drinking vessels||}}
{{fest|33|'''baize door''' with a picture of a cane with a golden knob|Walk This Way|Walk This Way|cane and walking stick weapons||Yes}}
{{fest|33|'''horseshoe'''-shaped '''entrance'''|Force of Habit|Force of Habit|boots; spurs; riding crops||Yes}}
{{fest|34|large '''round door'''|Dark Delights|Dark Delights|chocolates; candy||}}
{{fest|34|many-layered '''gossamer curtain'''|Ilithian Heritage|Ilithian Heritage|Elven and Elothean items|Elves/Elotheans|}}
{{fest|34|thin '''iron door'''|PrEcIouS DeLigHtS (2)|PrEcIouS DeLigHtS|dolls||}}
{{fest|34|arched '''silver-banded door'''|Ahreusse's Atelier|Ahreusse's Atelier|gem flowers; containers||Yes}}
{{fest|35|polished '''ebony door''' inlaid with an ivory spider web|Spider's Web (2)|The Spider's Web|game: gambling||}}
{{fest|35|'''metal door''' engraved with a glaring pumpkin|Blood and Gourd|Blood and Gourd|game: bobbing for pumpkins||}}
{{fest|35|swinging '''bamboo doors'''|Joys of Noise (3)|'''The Joys of Noise'''|percussion instruments||Yes}}
{{fest|36|iron-bound '''oaken door'''|Basimah's (3)|Basimah's|weapons; quivers; sheaths||Yes}}
{{fest|36|'''brass door'''|Exaltation Tintinnabulum|Exaltation Tintinnabulum|bells||}}
{{fest|37|'''velvet-draped arch'''|Empty Settings|Empty Settings|gem-holding jewelry||Yes}}
{{fest|37|dark '''iron door'''|Abandoned Dragon (2)|Abandoned Dragon|gem-holding weapons; shields; jewelry||}}
{{fest|37|'''wide arch'''|Armadillo Crush (2)|'''Armadillo Crush'''|game: strength||Yes}}
{{fest|37|gleaming '''metal door''' draped with garlands of fresh roses|Top Notch (2)|Top Notch|award jewelry||}}
{{fest|38|'''wheel-shaped door'''|Reinventing the Wheel (2)|Reinventing the Wheel|custom caravans||Yes}}
{{fest|38|large '''pumpkin-hued arch'''|Boggle Blast|Boggle Blast|game: shooting||}}
{{fest|38|decoratively '''enameled door'''|Dark Symphony (2)|Dark Symphony|instruments and cambrinth|Bards|}}
{{fest|39|'''steel door'''|Quick Bite (2)|A Quick Bite|meat storage containers||}}
{{fest|39|'''rusted door'''|Quiver In Fear (2)|Quiver In Fear|quivers; fletching pouches||}}
{{fest|39|'''white door'''|Flower Power (2)|Flower Power|weapons; 3.0-friendly armor||}}
{{fest|39|'''pink''' and purple '''door'''|Tastelessly Tacky (5)|'''Tastelessly Tacky'''|clothing; containers||}}
{{fest|40|small '''metal door'''|Puffindor's Professional Pieces (2)|Puffindor's Professional Pieces|guildleader dolls; container & Taffy!||}}
{{fest|40|gaudy '''golden door'''|One Man's Trash (2)|One Man's Trash|clothing; jewelry; dolls; and other toys||}}
{{fest|40|'''steel door''' painted in colorful swirls|Sindah's Silk Sensations (3)|'''Sindah's Silk Sensations'''|clothing; rare fabrics (alteration fodder)||}}
{{fest|41|'''rainbow-hued door'''|Pretty Pony|The Pretty Pony|horses: tack; toy ponies||}}
{{fest|41|'''paper-covered door'''|Below the Fold|Below the Fold|origami supplies||}}
{{fest|41|'''silver door''' painted with an image of the heavens|Treasures of the Spirit|Treasures of the Spirit|god-themed gem pouches||}}
{{fest|42|bluefire velvet '''draped door'''|Idon Abide the Ten (3)|Idon Abide the Ten|Kaldaran versions of the Thirteen: prayer mats; huge cambrinth; other god-themed items||Yes}}
{{fest|42|large '''metal door''' reinforced with riveted steel strips|Findorslyth's Fortifiers|Findorslyth's Fortifiers|shields; guild-themed pouches||Yes}}
{{fest|42|rusted '''metal door''' draped in purple silk|Ravetherin's Fabulous Fruits|Ravetherin's Fabulous Fruits|food: desserts||Yes}}
{{fest|43|stained '''glass door'''|Shimmers of Silver|Shimmers of Silver|gweth; container-hiding gear||}}
{{fest|43|'''canvas-covered booth'''|Snookie's Divine Spoons (2)|Snookie's Divine Spoons|souvenir spoons||}}
{{fest|43|warped '''wood door'''|Amylia's Attic (2)|Amylia's Attic|battered armor; weapons; clothing; furniture||Yes}}
{{fest|44|'''boot-shaped door'''|Nigeyi's|Nigeyi's|footwear||}}
{{fest|44|'''opulent booth''' screened off by a beaded curtain|Q'tahhl's Place (2)|Q'tahhl's Place|tailband weapons||Yes}}
{{fest|44|polished '''black door'''|Disenchantments (3)|Disenchantments|breakup fluff; food||}}
{{fest|45|starlight velvet '''draped door'''|Tieheq with the Thirteen (2)|Tieheq with the Thirteen|Alaudian pantheon; huge cambrinth||Yes}}
{{fest|45|carved '''iron door'''|Gear Shop (3)|'''The Gear Shop'''|verby; expensive clothing; jewelry; and props||}}
{{fest|45|'''ebonwood door'''|Visions of Holiness (2)|Visions of Holiness|god-themed weapons; items||}}
{{fest|46|'''shabby door''' painted with skeletal figures|Once Possessed (2)|Once Possessed|armor; clothing; toys; housing||Yes}}
{{fest|46|'''dark door'''|Crafty Cloaks (2)|Crafty Cloaks|cloaks||}}
{{fest|46|'''glass door''' decorated with a fan of tobacco leaves|Cloudwalker's Smoke Shop|Cloudwalker's Smoke Shop|smoking accessories; tobacco||}}
{{fest|47|'''hairy door'''|Ready to Were|Ready to Were|mechanical toys||Yes}}
{{fest|47|multicolored '''beaded doorway'''|Eclectic Eccentric (2)|The Eclectic Eccentric|housing; clothing||}}
{{fest|47|'''door''' draped with colorful pennants|Hollow Bellies (2)|Hollow Bellies|food||Yes}}
{{fest|48|'''metal door'''|Heavenly Entrances|Heavenly Entrances|housing: door ornaments||Yes}}
{{fest|48|carved '''ebony door'''|Frisky Portraits|Frisky Portraits|housing: moving paintings||Yes}}
{{fest|48|deep '''black door''' painted with silvery cobwebs|Obscure Memories (3)|Obscure Memories|weapons; containers; clothing; jewelry; fire-starting materials|light source*|}}
{{fest|49|'''sugar-coated door'''|I'll Eat My Hat (2)|I'll Eat My Hat|clothing (yes, it's all edible)||}}
{{fest|49|'''metal door'''|Amulets by Liathe (4)|Amulets by Liathe|god-themed amulets||}}
{{fest|49|'''rusted doorway'''|Darsam's Drifters (3)|'''Darsam's Drifters'''|atmospheric jewelry ("floaters")||Yes}}
{{fest|50|'''steel archway''' draped with a beaded curtain|Sumptuous Silks (2)|Sumptuous Silks|Elothean clothing and jewelry (rare metals)||}}
{{fest|50|squat rusty '''metal door'''|Thee Mottl'd Teoy Shoppe|Thee Mottl'd Teoy Shoppe|moon-themed weapons; telescopes; toys||Yes}}
{{fest|50|white '''cloth-covered doorway'''|Photash School of Butlery|The Photash School of Butlery|housing: (pet) butlers||Yes}}
{{fest|50|'''arched door'''|Dark Dalliance|Dark Dalliance|cloaks; jewelry||Yes}}
{{fest|51|'''steel door''' draped with white silk|Peaceful Intentions (2)|Peaceful Intentions|weapons; sheaths; scabbards||}}
{{fest|51|branded '''mahogany door'''|All Aquiver|All Aquiver|quivers||}}
{{fest|51|'''brown door''' painted to resemble a gingerbread cookie|Suite of Sweets|Suite of Sweets|candy; candy-shaped items||}}
{{fest|51|'''door''' with "Tookes' Nook" scrawled across the front|Tookes' Nook (2)|Tookes' Nook|containers; jugglies; compendiums||}}
{{fest|52|simple '''metal door''' painted with a pink rabbit|Just a Slice|Just a Slice|weapons; shields||Yes}}
{{fest|52|narrow '''rosewood door'''|Just Desserts (2)|Just Desserts|cooking attire; kitchen utensils; cakes|Thief*|}}
{{fest|52|'''steel door''' inlaid with swirls of anloral|Soulful Trinkets|Soulful Trinkets|anloral pins||Yes}}
{{fest|53|'''doorway curtained''' with colorful glass beads|Pi'rasha's Pins (2)|Pi'rasha's Pins|cloaks; cloak pins||}}
{{fest|53|'''small booth''' draped with braided yarn|Snacky Happiness (2)|'''Snacky Happiness'''|knitted clothing; comfort food||}}
{{fest|53|black '''iron door'''|Haunted House (3)|The Haunted House|housing: spooky items||Yes}}
{{fest|53|'''rough opening'''|Leftovers (3)|Leftovers|bone weapons and armor; horse barding and grooming kits||Yes}}
{{fest|54|'''mural-painted door'''|Hero to Go|Hero to Go|weapons; armor; lanterns||Yes}}
{{fest|54|'''beaded curtain'''|House of Bones (2)|The House of Bones|housing: furniture||Yes}}
{{fest|54|broad '''iron doorframe''' with large rusted rivets|Smokes 'n' Spirits|Smokes 'n' Spirits|clothing; smoking and drinking accessories|closed|}}
{{fest|roaming|Daelus|Daelus's Entrances and Exits (3)|'''Daelus's Entrances and Exits'''|stylish log-in; log-out text||Yes}}
<nowiki>*</nowiki>This restriction does not apply to all rooms.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>This restriction does not apply to all rooms.
Line 66: Line 273:
*'''Please''' check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
*'''Please''' check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
*'''Bolded''' shops have new and/or updated inventory.
*'''Bolded''' shops have new and/or updated inventory.

{|class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
Line 72: Line 278:
!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
!Room!!Entrance!!Shop Name!!Inventory!!Restrictions!!Shop<br />Done!!Items<br />Done
{{fest|1|fake '''placeholder door'''|Not A Real Shop|Not A Real Shop!|none||}}
{{fest|55|'''table'''|Left ForeLeg - Table|'''Left ForeLeg - Table'''|Sacks of crafting items for tickets||Yes}}
{{fest|56|huge blackened '''steel arch''' draped with colorful banners|unknown shop|''unknown shop''||closed||nl=y}}
{{fest|57|'''deep-blue shop'''|Skyward Crafting (2)|'''Skyward Crafting'''|crafting supplies||}}
{{fest|58|bright '''purple door'''|Whimsical Winds (3)|'''Whimsical Winds'''|wind instruments||Yes}}
{{fest|59|'''silversteel archway''' covered in flowering vines|Tildi's Blooms (1)|'''Tildi's Blooms'''|flowers made of rare materials||Yes}}
{{fest|59|woven '''bamboo arch'''|Fashionable Panda|The Fashionable Panda|clothing; jewelry; toy pandas||Yes}}
{{fest|60|wide '''metal arch'''|Clerks' Collections (2)|'''The Clerks' Collections'''|Trader shop gear||}}
{{fest|61|painted '''metal door'''|Laughing Nomlas|'''The Laughing Nomlas'''|containers; instruments; jewelry; fishing||Yes}}
{{fest|62|white '''alerce arch'''|Natural Beauty (2)|'''Natural Beauty'''|dresses; accessories||}}
{{fest|63|ornate '''gold door'''|Musiceum (2)|'''The Musiceum'''|instruments; limited quantity; very; very high quality||}}
{{fest|63|'''ironwood door''' carved with battling figures|Siegery Shop|'''Siegery Shop'''|siege game sets and figures (limited)||Limited}}
{{fest|64|barnacle-encrusted driftwood treasure chest with rusted hinges|Item:small iron shark|small iron shark|Hollow Eve gift||}}
{{fest|65|arched '''wooden door'''|Chizelli's Charms (4)|'''Chizelli's Charms'''|customizable charm bracelets||Yes}}
{{fest|66|'''plain door'''|Women at Arms Annex|Women at Arms Annex|weapons; women's armor; women's clothing||}}
{{fest|67|The Baby Metal Arachnid, Spinneret|Clockwork Spinneret|Clockwork Spinneret|game||}}
{{fest|68|immaculately polished '''steel door'''|Shiny's Shinies|Shiny's Shinies|shiny weapons; armor||}}
{{fest|69|a wide '''metal arch'''|Item Registrar|Item Registrar|Register your items!|||nl=y}}
{{fest|70|The Baby Metal Arachnid, Back Abdomen|peddler's cart|'''peddler's cart'''|scalp wax (for Gor'Togs)||}}
{{fest|70|''heavy iron door'''|Other Siegery Shop|'''The Other Siegery Shop'''|siege game sets and figures (common)||}}
{{fest|71|'''arched entryway'''|Hair Apparent (2)|'''Hair Apparent'''|hair decorations||Yes}}
{{fest|72|'''counter'''|Right ForeLeg - Counter|'''Right ForeLeg - Counter'''|Sacks by Seamstress Zasele for tickets||Yes}}
{{fest|roaming|Mechanic Bradyn|Bradyn|'''Mechanic Bradyn'''|task master||}}
{{fest|roaming|Undertaker Chaen|Chaen|'''Undertaker Chaen'''|stylish depart messaging||}}
{{fest|roaming|Attendant Golyaem|Golyaem|'''Attendant Golyaem'''|task contest||}}
{{fest|roaming|Dealer Poltu|Poltu|'''Dealer Poltu'''|task master||}}
{{fest|roaming|High Enchanter Rothov|Rothov|High Enchanter Rothov|enchants weapons to produce food or beverages||}}
{{fest|roaming|Fisherman Worran|Worran|Fisherman Worran|task master||}}
{{fest|roaming|Seamstress Zasele|Zasele|Seamstress Zasele|task master||}}

Latest revision as of 23:41, 30 October 2015

Shops that are brand new (or have new inventory) are indicated in bold.

A Greeter will be seen wandering throughout the festival periodically, offering help with where to find things and handing out gifts.

Main Level

  • See instructions below before editing this table.
  • Please check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
  • Bolded shops have new and/or updated inventory.
Room Entrance Shop Name Inventory Restrictions Shop
1 carved walnut door Cookie Emporium aprons No
2 bronze and copper arched doorway shaped into twisting branches Damsel In This Dress clothing; jewelry (rare materials) Limited No
2 iron door engraved with a circular symbol Nectar of the Wisp glowstick lights Yes No
2 mildewed canvas Odiferous Ornaments smelly clothing (atmospheric); containers Yes No
2 rusty door Slings and Things weapons (slings and ammo); containers (ammo pouches) Yes Yes
3 thick leather flap Scabbards 'n' Sheaths containers (weapons) Yes No
3 silk-draped entrance Simply Essential utility knives; flint; gem pouches; hair brushes Yes No
3 dark pine door hung with silver rattles and warding beads Misenseor Goods weapons; scrolls; pilgrim's badges; containers; clerical clothing Yes No
3 small door The Smaller Side of Life Gnome-themed weapons; shields; armor; containers; clothing; jewelry; food Yes
4 tall metal arch Glythtide's Gifts and Gags toys; gag gifts Yes No
4 purple door painted with lavender blossoms Lavender and Lace purple and white clothing; jewelry No
4 wooden door displaying the image of a pair of hands folded in prayer Forever Faithful god-themed cambrinth jewelry and containers Yes No
4 canvas drape Stuff It containers; pocketed clothing Yes Yes
5 heavy steel door covered in a myriad of locks Sputkin's weapons; containers; jewelry; prayer mats; icons; chimes Yes
5 driftwood door The Mind of Sdai gift bags No
5 carved wooden door decorated with animal caricatures Your Inner Animal animal-themed costumes No
6 mask-shaped door Creepy Costumes guildleader costumes No
6 steel doorway leading to a makeshift tunnel Witchery magical stat/skill boosters light source Yes Yes
6 frosted crystal door Diamond Deities souvenirs No
6 rusting metal door Funny Bones dice No
7 web-covered doorway Accents for the Arachnophile spider-themed jewelry; clothing; quiver; and wrist knives No
7 narrow wooden door A Cultured Attire weapons; shields; armor; instruments; clothing and things for the elven clans Yes No
8 velvet-trimmed door Elahkti's Metal Arts metal armor; tabards Yes No
8 boot-shaped doorway Give 'Em the Boot boots Yes No
8 tarnished metal door with wooden supports riveted to it Jubby's Tattoos tattoos Yes
9 ocean blue door painted with colorful fish The Glass Bubble aquariums closed No
9 shrouded doorway Blanve's Bounty rare-gem jewelry Estate Holders No
9 black door with a painted fuzzy white sheep The Naked Sheep wool clothing; finger puppets closed No
10 ornate door Krobble's Karavan Trader shop surfaces Yes
10 oilcloth stall Fall's Harvest game; apple-themed items Yes
10 birch door Delicate Creations clothing Yes No
10 wide archway Turialo's Haven season-themed clothing; jewelry; containers No
10 silk-trimmed entrance The Perfect Rose clothing; jewelry Yes No
11 stark white canvas-draped entrance painted with a large red eye The Eye of Power cambrinth body parts Yes Yes
11 smoke-damaged aquamarine door Fishy's Pants Mart exploding clothing Yes
11 plank door Whimsies color-themed clothing Yes Yes
12 large purple door The Terrific Turnip turnip-themed items No
12 simple red oak door Sketchy By Design portraits; writing tools Thief* Yes No
12 crooked shed In The Hollow pinatas Yes
12 flimsy wooden stall Signs of the Times signs No
12 modest door Everything in Moderation women's clothing No
13 curtained archway Sable's costumes; masks; wings; tabards No
13 dented iron door Tricky Treats special ticket items closed No
13 billowing black curtain Asketi's Stop cloaks, clothing No
13 makeshift curtain over a battered doorway Yarrel's Varmint Vittles meat; alcoholic beverages Yes No
14 menacing steel arch Musical Chairs of Doom game Yes
14 low steel door Fangs For The Memory verby fangs; claws; whips; clothing No
14 large chicken-shaped arch A Game of Chicken game No
15 dilapidated door Mob Mentality improvised weapons; armor; clothing; magical items; housing items Yes No
15 red door with "Wicked Windows" set on it in stained glass Wicked Windows housing: windows Yes No
16 polished brass door Outrageous Fortune weapons No
16 wildly curvy door made up of S-shaped boards Bobbin' For Bolts game Yes
16 ironwood double doors Tending the Fold origami supplies; tabards No
17 bright yellow door See The Light Shield of Light alteration scrolls Clerics No
17 ebon friezed archway Relief in the Dark housing: items Estate Holders No
18 velvet draped entrance Jewelry in Phases moon-themed jewelry No
18 thin curtain leading into a wide stall Made for Walking armored boots Yes Yes
18 brass-studded door The Cutting Edge weapons Yes No
19 bright door with a fanciful mask painted on it Masquer Aid dark god costumes Yes
20 plain door Gearanimals housing: mechanical pets Yes Yes
20 grave earth pile grave earth pile game: dig for treasure Yes
20 white door with a picture of a badger in a cloak and hat Beastly Behavior cloaks made of whole skins/furs Yes No
20 bright blue door Heikea IKEA-style housing items; food Yes Yes
21 large ornate door Behind the Mask masks No
21 narrow hallway Entrail Toss Arena game No
21 pale canvas flap Natural Selections brawling weapons Yes Yes
roaming mechanical fortuneteller Metalory Mongeria fortuneteller Yes

*This restriction does not apply to all rooms.

Upper Level

  • See instructions below before editing this table.
  • Please check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
  • Bolded shops have new and/or updated inventory.
Room Entrance Shop Name Inventory Restrictions Shop
- outside alteration lounge Weevil Basket spell or death giving weevils Yes No
C gear-covered door Ratchet Shack crossbows; arbalests Yes No
C wood door Hunka's Burning Love coal products No
C grease-stained door Holey Warez containers Yes No
E curtained doorway Ang'hhsmus uaro's'sugis (S'Kra head scarves) Yes No
E weathered barn door The Stylish Stallion horses: saddles; bridles Yes Yes
E ornate metal arch The Archivist game: scroll grabbag Yes
E round door with two small holes in it Cute as a Button clothing; walking sticks; dolls No
F scaly door Nest o' Snakes snake-themed bolas; belts; boas Yes No
F carved oak door Silken Seams clothing; feature-hiding robes Yes No
F vine-covered door Silken Garden plant-themed jewelry; clothing Yes No
F sandbox Sandbox game Yes
X oval door beneath a painting of a toy box The Toy Box toys; lockable book containers No
X metal arch Acaph's Acquisitions armor; shields (Trader appraisals) Yes No
X mud-brown flap Bobbing for Leeches game (free with timer) Yes
22 battered oak shelf Kaleidoscopes kaleidoscopes Yes No
55 outdoors Lounge concessions No
56 wooden door Eagle Eye eagle-themed clothing; canes Yes Yes
56 oak doorway Creature Comforts housing: animal-themed furniture Yes No
56 dented iron door Birds of a Feather bird-themed clothing; jewelry; jugglies; containers No
57 leather-covered door hung with several silver chains Vatari's Ritual Addiction foci Yes No
57 smooth black marble door Knightly Attire men's formal clothing No
57 sea-green door Something's Fishy fish-themed weapons; armor; clothing; jewelry No
57 steel-banded bronze door The Owirvald Auction Company rare items closed Yes
57 large dragon-shaped door Magical Minions stuffed magical pets Yes No
57 polished brass entrance The Future is Now prediction tools Yes No
58 painted door Gersvinda's Natural Studies anatomy charts; compendiums Empaths Yes No
58 polished steel door with an ornate shield on it The Faithful Defender shields Yes No
58 stately bronzed arch Famous Last Words word-themed ranged weapons No
59 colorful curtain embroidered with prancing animals All Wound Up toys No
59 narrow door Eye Spy eye-worn armor; eye-wear Yes Yes
59 tall door beneath a painting of a sword wreathed in musical notes Slay It With Music noisy weapons Yes
green room large iron arch Raffle Center raffles Yes
roaming Darkbox Darkbox game Yes

*This restriction does not apply to all rooms.

Lower Level

  • See instructions below before editing this table.
  • Please check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
  • Bolded shops have new and/or updated inventory.
Room Entrance Shop Name Inventory Restrictions Shop
H stately door The Finer Things clothing; jewelry No
H grand mahogany door with fluttering gold pennants Rugged Appeal housing: animal rugs Yes No
H wicker-paneled door Riding The Range horses: tack No
H tall mahogany arch The Male Persuasion men's clothing No
23 painted door A Walk on the Wild Side footwear No
23 low arch filled with dark blue drapery Pi'botuk Pel'arsharra S'Kra clothing (verby); jewelry light source* Yes No
23 black iron gate with a sign reading RISSAN ROULETTE hanging from it Rissan Roulette game Yes
23 heavy ironwood door inlaid with a sinuous golden serpent Shh'oi Mhhg S'Kra wedding clothing; jewelry; and instruments No
24 mottled door Packrat's Piece of Paradise containers No
24 scuffed metal door painted with a variety of healing herbs On the Mend (old) alchemy tools Yes
24 fine mahogany door Spikan's Sporrans sporrans No
25 wooden door covered in fabric swatches Fabric Fantasies rare fabrics (alteration fodder) Yes No
25 glass door painted with the image of a handbag Excess Baggage handbags Yes
25 pale red door bearing a wreath of colorful dried flowers Town and Country housing: exterior decorations Yes No
26 outdoors Engine Room Roasting Pit food for roasting No
26 outdoors barnacle covered Drogor shrine Return point for escaped fish game Yes
27 round door painted with a spiral Spiraling Out of Control weapons; clothing; jewelry; toys No
27 plain door This 'N' That weapons; containers; clothing; jewelry; books No
27 metal door edged with a silk and leather braid Hide and Silk housing: furniture; containers; clothing No
28 grey door painted to resemble a gravestone Grieving Grave grave-themed clothing; jewelry; and fluff Yes No
28 wooden door Cowsmoopolitan (3) cow-themed weapons; clothing; containers Yes
28 deep blue door carved with a subtle pattern resembling water ripples Liquid Assets glass jewelry No
29 dark door Blythe Spirits housing: ghostly pets Yes No
29 black door set with a red steel horseshoe NightMares horses: tack; barding No
29 rusted metal door set with bones Dry Bones alchemy tools Yes No
29 heavy pine door Country Style clothing Yes
30 colorful door Cuddly Creations stuffed animals Yes
30 scarred ebonwood door Jhanine Dering Cloaks cloaks Yes No
30 knotty pine door Bones housing: bone furniture Yes No
31 banner-draped doorway Huffenclaw's Wondrous Wares Trader storage books and chocolate (Decadent Delights Parlor) No
31 dark door strung with an assortment of dried appendages Bizarre Bazaar clothing; nasty food Yes No
31 blackened steel door painted with various weapons Dark Defenders weapons Yes Yes
31 white oakwood door Obscured Visions cambrinth- and gweth-hiding items Yes No
31 flannel curtain Sleepwalkers pajamas No
32 stained glass archway Clear Visions glass items; telescopes; "tyrium" blades Yes Yes
32 elegantly carved door inlaid with polished cedar panels Eternal Moments housing: paintings; statues Estate Holders No
32 wooden door Tweets bird-themed clothing No
33 patchwork door flap cobbled together from scraps of leather Shenneshwi's Stockpile clothing; whips; wearable drinking vessels No
33 baize door with a picture of a cane with a golden knob Walk This Way cane and walking stick weapons Yes Yes
33 horseshoe-shaped entrance Force of Habit boots; spurs; riding crops Yes Yes
34 large round door Dark Delights chocolates; candy No
34 many-layered gossamer curtain Ilithian Heritage Elven and Elothean items Elves/Elotheans No
34 thin iron door PrEcIouS DeLigHtS dolls No
34 arched silver-banded door Ahreusse's Atelier gem flowers; containers Yes Yes
35 polished ebony door inlaid with an ivory spider web The Spider's Web game: gambling No
35 metal door engraved with a glaring pumpkin Blood and Gourd game: bobbing for pumpkins Yes
35 swinging bamboo doors The Joys of Noise percussion instruments Yes No
36 iron-bound oaken door Basimah's weapons; quivers; sheaths Yes No
36 brass door Exaltation Tintinnabulum bells Yes
37 velvet-draped arch Empty Settings gem-holding jewelry Yes Yes
37 dark iron door Abandoned Dragon gem-holding weapons; shields; jewelry No
37 wide arch Armadillo Crush game: strength Yes No
37 gleaming metal door draped with garlands of fresh roses Top Notch award jewelry No
38 wheel-shaped door Reinventing the Wheel custom caravans Yes Yes
38 large pumpkin-hued arch Boggle Blast game: shooting Yes
38 decoratively enameled door Dark Symphony instruments and cambrinth Bards No
39 steel door A Quick Bite meat storage containers No
39 rusted door Quiver In Fear quivers; fletching pouches No
39 white door Flower Power weapons; 3.0-friendly armor No
39 pink and purple door Tastelessly Tacky clothing; containers No
40 small metal door Puffindor's Professional Pieces guildleader dolls; container & Taffy! No
40 gaudy golden door One Man's Trash clothing; jewelry; dolls; and other toys No
40 steel door painted in colorful swirls Sindah's Silk Sensations clothing; rare fabrics (alteration fodder) No
41 rainbow-hued door The Pretty Pony horses: tack; toy ponies Yes
41 paper-covered door Below the Fold origami supplies No
41 silver door painted with an image of the heavens Treasures of the Spirit god-themed gem pouches Yes
42 bluefire velvet draped door Idon Abide the Ten Kaldaran versions of the Thirteen: prayer mats; huge cambrinth; other god-themed items Yes No
42 large metal door reinforced with riveted steel strips Findorslyth's Fortifiers shields; guild-themed pouches Yes Yes
42 rusted metal door draped in purple silk Ravetherin's Fabulous Fruits food: desserts Yes No
43 stained glass door Shimmers of Silver gweth; container-hiding gear Yes
43 canvas-covered booth Snookie's Divine Spoons souvenir spoons No
43 warped wood door Amylia's Attic battered armor; weapons; clothing; furniture Yes No
44 boot-shaped door Nigeyi's footwear Yes
44 opulent booth screened off by a beaded curtain Q'tahhl's Place tailband weapons Yes No
44 polished black door Disenchantments breakup fluff; food No
45 starlight velvet draped door Tieheq with the Thirteen Alaudian pantheon; huge cambrinth Yes No
45 carved iron door The Gear Shop verby; expensive clothing; jewelry; and props No
45 ebonwood door Visions of Holiness god-themed weapons; items No
46 shabby door painted with skeletal figures Once Possessed armor; clothing; toys; housing Yes No
46 dark door Crafty Cloaks cloaks No
46 glass door decorated with a fan of tobacco leaves Cloudwalker's Smoke Shop smoking accessories; tobacco No
47 hairy door Ready to Were mechanical toys Yes No
47 multicolored beaded doorway The Eclectic Eccentric housing; clothing No
47 door draped with colorful pennants Hollow Bellies food Yes No
48 metal door Heavenly Entrances housing: door ornaments Yes Yes
48 carved ebony door Frisky Portraits housing: moving paintings Yes No
48 deep black door painted with silvery cobwebs Obscure Memories weapons; containers; clothing; jewelry; fire-starting materials light source* No
49 sugar-coated door I'll Eat My Hat clothing (yes, it's all edible) No
49 metal door Amulets by Liathe god-themed amulets No
49 rusted doorway Darsam's Drifters atmospheric jewelry ("floaters") Yes No
50 steel archway draped with a beaded curtain Sumptuous Silks Elothean clothing and jewelry (rare metals) No
50 squat rusty metal door Thee Mottl'd Teoy Shoppe moon-themed weapons; telescopes; toys Yes No
50 white cloth-covered doorway The Photash School of Butlery housing: (pet) butlers Yes Yes
50 arched door Dark Dalliance cloaks; jewelry Yes Yes
51 steel door draped with white silk Peaceful Intentions weapons; sheaths; scabbards No
51 branded mahogany door All Aquiver quivers No
51 brown door painted to resemble a gingerbread cookie Suite of Sweets candy; candy-shaped items Yes
51 door with "Tookes' Nook" scrawled across the front Tookes' Nook containers; jugglies; compendiums No
52 simple metal door painted with a pink rabbit Just a Slice weapons; shields Yes Yes
52 narrow rosewood door Just Desserts cooking attire; kitchen utensils; cakes Thief* No
52 steel door inlaid with swirls of anloral Soulful Trinkets anloral pins Yes Yes
53 doorway curtained with colorful glass beads Pi'rasha's Pins cloaks; cloak pins No
53 small booth draped with braided yarn Snacky Happiness knitted clothing; comfort food No
53 black iron door The Haunted House housing: spooky items Yes Yes
53 rough opening Leftovers bone weapons and armor; horse barding and grooming kits Yes No
54 mural-painted door Hero to Go weapons; armor; lanterns Yes Yes
54 beaded curtain The House of Bones housing: furniture Yes No
54 broad iron doorframe with large rusted rivets Smokes 'n' Spirits clothing; smoking and drinking accessories closed No
roaming Daelus Daelus's Entrances and Exits stylish log-in; log-out text Yes Yes

*This restriction does not apply to all rooms.

Baby Spider

Baby Spider HE.gif
  • See instructions below before editing this table.
  • Please check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
  • Bolded shops have new and/or updated inventory.
Room Entrance Shop Name Inventory Restrictions Shop
55 table Left ForeLeg - Table Sacks of crafting items for tickets Yes No
56 huge blackened steel arch draped with colorful banners unknown shop closed Yes
57 deep-blue shop Skyward Crafting crafting supplies No
58 bright purple door Whimsical Winds wind instruments Yes No
59 silversteel archway covered in flowering vines Tildi's Blooms flowers made of rare materials Yes No
59 woven bamboo arch The Fashionable Panda clothing; jewelry; toy pandas Yes Yes
60 wide metal arch The Clerks' Collections Trader shop gear No
61 painted metal door The Laughing Nomlas containers; instruments; jewelry; fishing Yes Yes
62 white alerce arch Natural Beauty dresses; accessories No
63 ornate gold door The Musiceum instruments; limited quantity; very; very high quality No
63 ironwood door carved with battling figures Siegery Shop siege game sets and figures (limited) Limited Yes
64 barnacle-encrusted driftwood treasure chest with rusted hinges small iron shark Hollow Eve gift Yes
65 arched wooden door Chizelli's Charms customizable charm bracelets Yes No
66 plain door Women at Arms Annex weapons; women's armor; women's clothing Yes
67 The Baby Metal Arachnid, Spinneret Clockwork Spinneret game Yes
68 immaculately polished steel door Shiny's Shinies shiny weapons; armor Yes
69 a wide metal arch Item Registrar Register your items! Yes
70 The Baby Metal Arachnid, Back Abdomen peddler's cart scalp wax (for Gor'Togs) Yes
70 heavy iron door' The Other Siegery Shop siege game sets and figures (common) Yes
71 arched entryway Hair Apparent hair decorations Yes No
72 counter Right ForeLeg - Counter Sacks by Seamstress Zasele for tickets Yes No
roaming Mechanic Bradyn Mechanic Bradyn task master Yes
roaming Undertaker Chaen Undertaker Chaen stylish depart messaging Yes
roaming Attendant Golyaem Attendant Golyaem task contest Yes
roaming Dealer Poltu Dealer Poltu task master Yes
roaming High Enchanter Rothov High Enchanter Rothov enchants weapons to produce food or beverages Yes
roaming Fisherman Worran Fisherman Worran task master Yes
roaming Seamstress Zasele Seamstress Zasele task master Yes

*This restriction does not apply to all rooms.

Instructions for Editing Shop Tables

Please do not check these columns unless you have personally verified the information.

"Shop Done" means:

  • All of the inventory and prices are listed
  • Inventory and prices are for the current version (some shops have more than one version with different inventory or prices)
  • Store At A Glance has been completely filled out (including the item types)
  • All items have at least a basic link.
  • Rotating: This shop has rotating stock that may be missing.
  • Limited: This shop has limited stock that may have sold out before archiving.

"Items Done" means:

  • Every item in the shop has been blue-linked and completed fully. This is now handled automatically by the template.

Use the following code for the shop list:

{{fest|room|entrance|shop name (true name)|shop name (display)|inventory|restrictions|done?}}

Genie Automap

Genie users can download the current map from the map repository. They can navigate to specific shops by typing #GOTO followed by the shop name. (If the shop's name begins with The or A, omit that.)