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S'Kra Mur naming conventions

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There is no official source describing S'Kra Mur naming conventions. The following observations are based on names from books and NPCs.


There is very little official information about the pronunciation of S'Kra words. Moreover, each GM often has his own way of transcribing pronunciation, and that method may not be internally consistent.

The primary sources on pronunciation are two books: The Language of the S'Kra Mur and The Ways of the S'kra Mur.


In compound words, stress is placed on the second syllable. For example, q'alri is pronounced as "kuh'AHL-ree." An exception to this rule is when the pishra (denoted by the apostrophe) appears near the end of the word. In those words, the stress shifts to the final syllable.

This convention may be limited to compound words. It does not always apply to other polysyllabic words. For example, in the name Hhshal (pronounced "ESH-ahl"), the stress falls on the first syllable.

The pishra ("little stop") is a short intake of air that is denoted by an apostrophe. It is often used to form compound words and to separate long sequences (as in the formal naming tradition). It may be used to separate syllables (when part of a word might otherwise appear to be monosyllabic).


A is most likely the broad A of "father." It's possible that the A becomes obscure (as in "final") when it is unstressed, as in the name Hhshal (ESH-ahl).

HH is a vowel. When stressed, it is often pronounced like a short E (as in "let"). When unstressed, it is an obscure E (as in "item" and "novel").

The vowel I is sometimes an obscure vowel (as in "edible") and sometimes a long EE sound (as in "see").


The diphthong TH -- at least when it appears as a final syllable -- appears to be a subtle W sound. (In The Ways of the S'kra Mur, the author said that the approximate pronunciation of Mhhrikath is "MURR-ah-kaw.")

Canon Names

Name Gender Identity
Alvar m. Ulf'Hara Guardsman; PaladinNPC: Ulf'Hara Keep
Arhhdan m. King of Muspar'iNPC: Muspar'i
Bhothfin m. G'nar Pethian; shopownerNPC: Throne City
Chabalu m. owner: Chabalu's ExoticsNPC: Ratha
Chiwasha Dirr'lizz m. owner: tattoo parlorNPC: Hara'jaal
Danamishen m. Rathan king: 2053 - 2037 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Densaar ashaan'ur'Hhshni m. friend of S'zellaS'zella's Tale
Dhrakhh m. smozh who poisoned his brotherThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Disoeke m. Rathan king: 601 - 530 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Dumi Sh'aar m. owner: Sh'aar's TroveNPC: Hara'jaal
Fekoeti m. owner: The Sun ForgeNPC: Muspar'i
Gurglesnout Treego m. NecromancerNPC
Hegyvyngi m. Rathan king: 240 - 230 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Herilo m. owner: Herilo's ArtifactsNPC: Crossing
Hhshal Q'slin m. Hhshal's RevengeESH-all
Hssarith m. Moon Mage; former Adan'fNPC: Ilithi
Imaar m. Trader GuildleaderNPC: Ratha
Ishh m. owner: Ishh's Used GoodsNPC: Aesry
Jharlan m. Warrior Mage GuildleaderNPC: Muspar'i
Kahtalhh m. Emperor (274-273)
Karovaas Sesvasanek m. BardNPC
Kherkep m. Rathan king: 941 - 889 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Khoirath m. Rathan king: 875 - 864 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Kohamiz m. Rathan king: 1885 - 1852 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Kor'yvyn Gjevik m. Cleric GuildleaderNPC: Ratha
Krelpit Charr'hzz m. owner: Dennats BayaNPC: Ratha
Krrikt'k m. owner: Krrikt'k's ForgeNPC: Ratha
Kyrhhsa m. merchantNPC
Lasarhhtha Oshu'ehhrsk m. Bone Dancer; NecromancerNPC
Lysskava'an m. owner: tanneryNPC: Ratha
Malhhsu m. Rathan king: 1040 - 1014 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mariq Ch'oi m. famous warriorHhshal's Revenge
Masul Khar m. owner: Old Rat's TavernNPC: Ratha
Melcorek m. BarbarianNPC: Dirge
Mhalikhh m. Rathan king: 348 - 342 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mhalush m. shaman who led S'Kra Mur exiles to mainlandThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Mhhkenath m. Rathan king: 980 - 941 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Miele m. Dragon Priest scholarThe Religions of Elanthia
Nharthol m. Speaker of Sraan IndakarThe Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Nilfren m. captain: Skirr'lolasuNPC
Ogoiphhr m. Rathan king: 257 - 240 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Olgaraphhr m. Rathan king: 1014 - 1004 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ponlahk m. affiliated with World Dragon
Qahhro m. Rathan king: 1852 - 1806 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qamiphhr m. Rathan king: 530 - 496 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qhoin m. Rathan king: 1889 - 1885 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Rasaratin m. Rathan king: 612 - 601Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin m. The Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Rychre Sahr'lurah m. Outcast; Warrior MageNPC: Therengia
Sandison Silvertail m. owner: Fish Seller's HutNPC: Ratha
Sanyrsen Astoshe Zsikiel m. Moon Mage; founder of the Goldcaps
Serzyn m. Dragon Priest; NecromancerNPC: Ilithi
Sevhhro m. Rathan king: 1004 - 980 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Shaarl m. Dragon Priest; Warrior MageNPC
Shasudan m. Rathan king: 1978 - 1921 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Shehhgi m. Dragon PriestNPC
Shh'yris m. owner: Shh'yris's ForgeNPC: Aesry
Sh'kial m. first Dragon PriestThe Ways of the S'kra Mur
Sklaar'ishht m. owner: Tanning SuppliesNPC: Aesry
Srethati m. Rathan king: 2092 - 2085 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srhekelho m. Rathan king: 1152 - 1074 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srithin m. former High Priest of Ushnish; Cleric
Sroedan m. Rathan king: 1213 - 1159 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ssivo m. owner: Ssivo's Migi ShagamatNPC: Ratha
Ss'Thran m. owner: Ss'Thran's LocksNPC: Riverhaven
Svra'an m. owner: Svra'an's Fine JewelryNPC: Ratha
Syikhhl m. Rathan king: 2085 - 2053 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
S'zella m. legendary BardS'zella's Tale
Tenebraus Stlinathal m. former Dragon High Priest
Thorrick Tamim m. former Moon Mage CouncilNPC
Tysehhn m. Rathan king: 1218 - 1213 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ur m. Histories of the Lohogi'hhs'ur
Urhhsu m. Rathan king: 1625 - 1586 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ushikhh m. owner: Ushikhh's TanneryNPC: Muspar'i
Valthyrz m. leader of the Dragon Priest Intercessors
Varsyth m. Thief GuildleaderNPC: Crossing
Vhess Shh'oir'n m. mercenary hired by Sskivreis
Xerasyth m. Necromancer; former Adan'f Spirit DancerNPC: Ilithi
Zaarin m. The History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Zayoikhhl m. Rathan king: 2037 - 2008 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhaaqir m. Outcast; Moon MageNPC: Velaka
Zhakran m. member of Farn's CompanyA Study of the Zaulfung Stones
Zhoez m. Rathan king: 1291 - 1279 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhoez m. Rathan king: 496 - 474 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zsehhdu m. Rathan king: 889 - 875 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Aarshna tal'Hhnth f. Ru'atin Peri'el, founding memberThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Anhh'shre f. Barbarian GuildleaderNPC: Ratha
Ashalhh f. Book of Lovers
Calabria f. owner: Calabria's DaggersNPC: Muspar'i
Dzree f. High Priestess, Dragon PriestsThe Ways of the S'kra Mur
Hhkranis f. Indakar First ShamanThe Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Hhrsaraa f. Dragon Priest EmpressNPC
Hhtuassa f. seamstress; merchantNPC
Innu f. Cleric GuildleaderNPC: Aesry
Isharra ersa'dan'Nerhi f. Ru'atin Peri'el; betrothed to S'zellaS'zella's Tale; The Ru'atin Peri'el
Isna'le f. daughter of SarkhhlHhshal's Revenge
Kaiva Q'Ral f. Empath; martyrNPC: Crossing
Karazhil f. Warrior Mage GuildleaderNPC: Riverhaven
Ktrini f. owner: Sisters-in-LoreNPC: Ratha
Ktzini f. owner: Sisters-in-LoreNPC: Ratha
Lanasupi f. Rathan queen: 1159 - 1152 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Larshh f. Ru'atin Peri'el; RangerThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Latasuke f. Rathan queen: 1921 - 1889 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Maligen Shanati f. Ru'atin Peri'el, founderThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Malkuaro f. epithet of Rasha'hhshekepiHistories of the Lohogi'hhs'urgold head
Meek f. owner: Meek's StitcheryNPC: Shard
Merthamone Vanaya f. Empress (409-402 BL)
Norayaz f. maiden of Peri'elThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Pohehhlho f. Rathan queen: 1091 - 1040 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qoemeth f. Empress (600-593 BL)
Rasha'hhshekepi f. Histories of the Lohogi'hhs'urflower of the little sea
Renrosali f. Ur'Kapo Peri'el; BardNPC: Aesry
Ro'saali Red Hand f. Ru'atin Peri'elThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Sahhri ner'hhs'Tladin f. wife of NhartholThe Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Saishla Sharfino f. Thief GuildleaderNPC: Ilithi
Salhari f. Ru'atin Peri'el; ThiefThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Sarilotha f. Rathan queen: 2008 - 1978 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Selinthesa Saar'pon f. Bard GuildleaderNPC: Muspar'i
Shhneri aar'Lanth f. The Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Shorka f. Lanival's companion; founder of Muspar'i
Shrada f. Cleric; Kapo Peri'elNPC: Aesry
Smokethi f. owner: Facepainter SmokethiNPC: Muspar'i
Sskivreis Ssa'ania f. Dragon PriestNPC: Ilithi
Ssthin'lao f. employee: Krrikt'k's ForgeNPC: Ratha
Turialo Shala'mer f. merchant, altererNPC
Vithhanami f. Sara'pon Peri'el; BardNPC: Aesry
Zhakhh Lisska'Vran f. member of Ratha's ruling houseNPC: Ratha
Arhekesaar Rathan monarch: 183 - 173 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Basikha Emperor (316-309 BL)
Draami'phhr Rathan monarch: 750 - 728 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Fekahhgi Rathan monarch: 1508 - 1460 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Gratarratin Rathan monarch: 1721 - 1708 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Grathhkep Emperor (505-498 BL)
Gratoemigen Rathan monarch: 414 - 348Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Gratyvyshen Rathan monarch: 1074 - 1072 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Hhsnoraal Ratha ArchivistHistories of the Lohogi'hhs'ur
Hhstin child of Kalestraum
Hrranake Rathan monarch: 1723 - 1721 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Hrrarrav Rathan monarch: 1662 - 1625 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Hrrirath Rathan monarch: 1235 - 1218 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Indoirhh Rathan monarch: 262 - 257 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Irarakiel Rathan monarch: 1308 - 1291 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ishilomigen Rathan monarch: 1391 - 1308 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ithevwe Zsikiel Emperor (825-818 BL)
Kahanakar Rathan monarch: 690 - 669 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Khyvyshen Rathan monarch: 1448 - 1391 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Lanahh'sa dan'Inhhri author of The Ru'atin Peri'elThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Lohehhn Rathan monarch: 342 - 306 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mala'mishen Rathan monarch: 1571 - 1508 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Malasurath Ratoepus author of The History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's EggThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Mekhhtha Rathan monarch: 272 - 267 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mhalduum Emperor (693-686 BL)
Mharhhdu Rathan monarch: 1757 - 1723 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mhhrikath Alazh'na author of The Ways of the S'kra MurThe Ways of the S'kra MurMURR-ah-kaw
Mhoitha Rathan monarch: 474 - 447 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Olgethalho Rathan monarch: 1279 - 1235 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Opyur Emperor (362-358 BL)
Pivamirdu Rathan monarch: 635 - 614Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Poharara Rathan monarch: 1586 - 1571 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qarapak Rathan monarch: 1806 - 1780 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qethakem Rathan monarch: 190 - 183 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qoekhh Rathan monarch: 823 - 796 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Rashali dan'Nhhral author of The Language of the S'Kra MurThe Language of the S'Kra Mur
Renshala tal'Mhhra parent of S'zellaS'zella's Tale
Ruahhgi Rathan monarch: 230 - 190 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Salzhnor ren'Shaltari parent of S'zella
Sarahhnath Rathan monarch: 306 - 272 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Sarasupi Rathan monarch: 614 - 612Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Sarkhhl Smo'neh Rathan monarch: 2140 - 2092 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings; The Ways of the S'kra Mur
Saryvytaph Rathan monarch: 1708 - 1662 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Skrissin Dragon Priest
Smeketei Rathan monarch: 711 - 690 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srarrarsk Rathan monarch: 447 - 414 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srehhro Rathan monarch: 267 - 262 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Szoengi Rathan monarch: 847 - 823 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Uroikem Rathan monarch: 669 - 635Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Ushamitei Rathan monarch: 1780 - 1757 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ushnegi Emperor (866-859 BL)
Ushoishuk Rathan monarch: 1460 - 1448 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Yudathki Emperor (742-735 BL)
Zayoshsa Emperor (458-451 BL)
Zhhhngi Rathan monarch: 728 - 711 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhyvynys Rathan monarch: 796 - 750 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhyvyshuk Rathan monarch: 864 - 847 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings

See Also