Alvar |
m. |
Ulf'Hara Guardsman; PaladinNPC: Ulf'Hara Keep
Arhhdan |
m. |
King of Muspar'iNPC: Muspar'i
Bhothfin |
m. |
G'nar Pethian; shopownerNPC: Throne City
Chabalu |
m. |
owner: Chabalu's ExoticsNPC: Ratha
Chiwasha Dirr'lizz |
m. |
owner: tattoo parlorNPC: Hara'jaal
Danamishen |
m. |
Rathan king: 2053 - 2037 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Densaar ashaan'ur'Hhshni |
m. |
friend of S'zellaS'zella's Tale
Dhrakhh |
m. |
smozh who poisoned his brotherThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Disoeke |
m. |
Rathan king: 601 - 530 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Dumi Sh'aar |
m. |
owner: Sh'aar's TroveNPC: Hara'jaal
Fekoeti |
m. |
owner: The Sun ForgeNPC: Muspar'i
Gurglesnout Treego |
m. |
Hegyvyngi |
m. |
Rathan king: 240 - 230 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Herilo |
m. |
owner: Herilo's ArtifactsNPC: Crossing
Hhshal Q'slin |
m. |
Hhshal's RevengeESH-all
Hssarith |
m. |
Moon Mage; former Adan'fNPC: Ilithi
Imaar |
m. |
Trader GuildleaderNPC: Ratha
Ishh |
m. |
owner: Ishh's Used GoodsNPC: Aesry
Jharlan |
m. |
Warrior Mage GuildleaderNPC: Muspar'i
Kahtalhh |
m. |
Emperor (274-273)
Karovaas Sesvasanek |
m. |
Kherkep |
m. |
Rathan king: 941 - 889 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Khoirath |
m. |
Rathan king: 875 - 864 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Kohamiz |
m. |
Rathan king: 1885 - 1852 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Kor'yvyn Gjevik |
m. |
Cleric GuildleaderNPC: Ratha
Krelpit Charr'hzz |
m. |
owner: Dennats BayaNPC: Ratha
Krrikt'k |
m. |
owner: Krrikt'k's ForgeNPC: Ratha
Kyrhhsa |
m. |
Lasarhhtha Oshu'ehhrsk |
m. |
Bone Dancer; NecromancerNPC
Lysskava'an |
m. |
owner: tanneryNPC: Ratha
Malhhsu |
m. |
Rathan king: 1040 - 1014 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mariq Ch'oi |
m. |
famous warriorHhshal's Revenge
Masul Khar |
m. |
owner: Old Rat's TavernNPC: Ratha
Melcorek |
m. |
BarbarianNPC: Dirge
Mhalikhh |
m. |
Rathan king: 348 - 342 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mhalush |
m. |
shaman who led S'Kra Mur exiles to mainlandThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Mhhkenath |
m. |
Rathan king: 980 - 941 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Miele |
m. |
Dragon Priest scholarThe Religions of Elanthia
Nharthol |
m. |
Speaker of Sraan IndakarThe Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Nilfren |
m. |
captain: Skirr'lolasuNPC
Ogoiphhr |
m. |
Rathan king: 257 - 240 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Olgaraphhr |
m. |
Rathan king: 1014 - 1004 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ponlahk |
m. |
affiliated with World Dragon
Qahhro |
m. |
Rathan king: 1852 - 1806 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qamiphhr |
m. |
Rathan king: 530 - 496 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qhoin |
m. |
Rathan king: 1889 - 1885 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Rasaratin |
m. |
Rathan king: 612 - 601Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin |
m. |
The Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Rychre Sahr'lurah |
m. |
Outcast; Warrior MageNPC: Therengia
Sandison Silvertail |
m. |
owner: Fish Seller's HutNPC: Ratha
Sanyrsen Astoshe Zsikiel |
m. |
Moon Mage; founder of the Goldcaps
Serzyn |
m. |
Dragon Priest; NecromancerNPC: Ilithi
Sevhhro |
m. |
Rathan king: 1004 - 980 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Shaarl |
m. |
Dragon Priest; Warrior MageNPC
Shasudan |
m. |
Rathan king: 1978 - 1921 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Shehhgi |
m. |
Dragon PriestNPC
Shh'yris |
m. |
owner: Shh'yris's ForgeNPC: Aesry
Sh'kial |
m. |
first Dragon PriestThe Ways of the S'kra Mur
Sklaar'ishht |
m. |
owner: Tanning SuppliesNPC: Aesry
Srethati |
m. |
Rathan king: 2092 - 2085 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srhekelho |
m. |
Rathan king: 1152 - 1074 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srithin |
m. |
former High Priest of Ushnish; Cleric
Sroedan |
m. |
Rathan king: 1213 - 1159 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ssivo |
m. |
owner: Ssivo's Migi ShagamatNPC: Ratha
Ss'Thran |
m. |
owner: Ss'Thran's LocksNPC: Riverhaven
Svra'an |
m. |
owner: Svra'an's Fine JewelryNPC: Ratha
Syikhhl |
m. |
Rathan king: 2085 - 2053 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
S'zella |
m. |
legendary BardS'zella's Tale
Tenebraus Stlinathal |
m. |
former Dragon High Priest
Thorrick Tamim |
m. |
former Moon Mage CouncilNPC
Tysehhn |
m. |
Rathan king: 1218 - 1213 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ur |
m. |
Histories of the Lohogi'hhs'ur
Urhhsu |
m. |
Rathan king: 1625 - 1586 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ushikhh |
m. |
owner: Ushikhh's TanneryNPC: Muspar'i
Valthyrz |
m. |
leader of the Dragon Priest Intercessors
Varsyth |
m. |
Thief GuildleaderNPC: Crossing
Vhess Shh'oir'n |
m. |
mercenary hired by Sskivreis
Xerasyth |
m. |
Necromancer; former Adan'f Spirit DancerNPC: Ilithi
Zaarin |
m. |
The History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Zayoikhhl |
m. |
Rathan king: 2037 - 2008 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhaaqir |
m. |
Outcast; Moon MageNPC: Velaka
Zhakran |
m. |
member of Farn's CompanyA Study of the Zaulfung Stones
Zhoez |
m. |
Rathan king: 1291 - 1279 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhoez |
m. |
Rathan king: 496 - 474 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zsehhdu |
m. |
Rathan king: 889 - 875 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Aarshna tal'Hhnth |
f. |
Ru'atin Peri'el, founding memberThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Anhh'shre |
f. |
Barbarian GuildleaderNPC: Ratha
Ashalhh |
f. |
Book of Lovers
Calabria |
f. |
owner: Calabria's DaggersNPC: Muspar'i
Dzree |
f. |
High Priestess, Dragon PriestsThe Ways of the S'kra Mur
Hhkranis |
f. |
Indakar First ShamanThe Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Hhrsaraa |
f. |
Dragon Priest EmpressNPC
Hhtuassa |
f. |
seamstress; merchantNPC
Innu |
f. |
Cleric GuildleaderNPC: Aesry
Isharra ersa'dan'Nerhi |
f. |
Ru'atin Peri'el; betrothed to S'zellaS'zella's Tale; The Ru'atin Peri'el
Isna'le |
f. |
daughter of SarkhhlHhshal's Revenge
Kaiva Q'Ral |
f. |
Empath; martyrNPC: Crossing
Karazhil |
f. |
Warrior Mage GuildleaderNPC: Riverhaven
Ktrini |
f. |
owner: Sisters-in-LoreNPC: Ratha
Ktzini |
f. |
owner: Sisters-in-LoreNPC: Ratha
Lanasupi |
f. |
Rathan queen: 1159 - 1152 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Larshh |
f. |
Ru'atin Peri'el; RangerThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Latasuke |
f. |
Rathan queen: 1921 - 1889 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Maligen Shanati |
f. |
Ru'atin Peri'el, founderThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Malkuaro |
f. |
epithet of Rasha'hhshekepiHistories of the Lohogi'hhs'urgold head
Meek |
f. |
owner: Meek's StitcheryNPC: Shard
Merthamone Vanaya |
f. |
Empress (409-402 BL)
Norayaz |
f. |
maiden of Peri'elThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Pohehhlho |
f. |
Rathan queen: 1091 - 1040 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qoemeth |
f. |
Empress (600-593 BL)
Rasha'hhshekepi |
f. |
Histories of the Lohogi'hhs'urflower of the little sea
Renrosali |
f. |
Ur'Kapo Peri'el; BardNPC: Aesry
Ro'saali Red Hand |
f. |
Ru'atin Peri'elThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Sahhri ner'hhs'Tladin |
f. |
wife of NhartholThe Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Saishla Sharfino |
f. |
Thief GuildleaderNPC: Ilithi
Salhari |
f. |
Ru'atin Peri'el; ThiefThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Sarilotha |
f. |
Rathan queen: 2008 - 1978 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Selinthesa Saar'pon |
f. |
Bard GuildleaderNPC: Muspar'i
Shhneri aar'Lanth |
f. |
The Wedding of Rothnar ner'hhs'Tladin and Shhneri aar'Lanth
Shorka |
f. |
Lanival's companion; founder of Muspar'i
Shrada |
f. |
Cleric; Kapo Peri'elNPC: Aesry
Smokethi |
f. |
owner: Facepainter SmokethiNPC: Muspar'i
Sskivreis Ssa'ania |
f. |
Dragon PriestNPC: Ilithi
Ssthin'lao |
f. |
employee: Krrikt'k's ForgeNPC: Ratha
Turialo Shala'mer |
f. |
merchant, altererNPC
Vithhanami |
f. |
Sara'pon Peri'el; BardNPC: Aesry
Zhakhh Lisska'Vran |
f. |
member of Ratha's ruling houseNPC: Ratha
Arhekesaar |
Rathan monarch: 183 - 173 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Basikha |
Emperor (316-309 BL)
Draami'phhr |
Rathan monarch: 750 - 728 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Fekahhgi |
Rathan monarch: 1508 - 1460 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Gratarratin |
Rathan monarch: 1721 - 1708 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Grathhkep |
Emperor (505-498 BL)
Gratoemigen |
Rathan monarch: 414 - 348Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Gratyvyshen |
Rathan monarch: 1074 - 1072 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Hhsnoraal |
Ratha ArchivistHistories of the Lohogi'hhs'ur
Hhstin |
child of Kalestraum
Hrranake |
Rathan monarch: 1723 - 1721 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Hrrarrav |
Rathan monarch: 1662 - 1625 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Hrrirath |
Rathan monarch: 1235 - 1218 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Indoirhh |
Rathan monarch: 262 - 257 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Irarakiel |
Rathan monarch: 1308 - 1291 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ishilomigen |
Rathan monarch: 1391 - 1308 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ithevwe Zsikiel |
Emperor (825-818 BL)
Kahanakar |
Rathan monarch: 690 - 669 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Khyvyshen |
Rathan monarch: 1448 - 1391 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Lanahh'sa dan'Inhhri |
author of The Ru'atin Peri'elThe Ru'atin Peri'el
Lohehhn |
Rathan monarch: 342 - 306 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mala'mishen |
Rathan monarch: 1571 - 1508 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Malasurath Ratoepus |
author of The History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's EggThe History of Muspar'i -- The Sun's Egg
Mekhhtha |
Rathan monarch: 272 - 267 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mhalduum |
Emperor (693-686 BL)
Mharhhdu |
Rathan monarch: 1757 - 1723 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Mhhrikath Alazh'na |
author of The Ways of the S'kra MurThe Ways of the S'kra MurMURR-ah-kaw
Mhoitha |
Rathan monarch: 474 - 447 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Olgethalho |
Rathan monarch: 1279 - 1235 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Opyur |
Emperor (362-358 BL)
Pivamirdu |
Rathan monarch: 635 - 614Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Poharara |
Rathan monarch: 1586 - 1571 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qarapak |
Rathan monarch: 1806 - 1780 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qethakem |
Rathan monarch: 190 - 183 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Qoekhh |
Rathan monarch: 823 - 796 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Rashali dan'Nhhral |
author of The Language of the S'Kra MurThe Language of the S'Kra Mur
Renshala tal'Mhhra |
parent of S'zellaS'zella's Tale
Ruahhgi |
Rathan monarch: 230 - 190 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Salzhnor ren'Shaltari |
parent of S'zella
Sarahhnath |
Rathan monarch: 306 - 272 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Sarasupi |
Rathan monarch: 614 - 612Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Sarkhhl Smo'neh |
Rathan monarch: 2140 - 2092 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings; The Ways of the S'kra Mur
Saryvytaph |
Rathan monarch: 1708 - 1662 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Skrissin |
Dragon Priest
Smeketei |
Rathan monarch: 711 - 690 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srarrarsk |
Rathan monarch: 447 - 414 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Srehhro |
Rathan monarch: 267 - 262 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Szoengi |
Rathan monarch: 847 - 823 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Uroikem |
Rathan monarch: 669 - 635Chronology of the Rathan Kings
Ushamitei |
Rathan monarch: 1780 - 1757 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Ushnegi |
Emperor (866-859 BL)
Ushoishuk |
Rathan monarch: 1460 - 1448 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Yudathki |
Emperor (742-735 BL)
Zayoshsa |
Emperor (458-451 BL)
Zhhhngi |
Rathan monarch: 728 - 711 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhyvynys |
Rathan monarch: 796 - 750 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings
Zhyvyshuk |
Rathan monarch: 864 - 847 BLChronology of the Rathan Kings