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Ru'atin Peri'el

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Originally formed in Reshalia by High Priest of Peri'el Maligen Shanati, the Ru'atin Peri'el are comprised entirely of female S'Kra Mur. The group is sometimes referred to as the Sisterhood, the Sisters of Peri'el, the Daughters of Peri'el, the Singers of Peri'el, and the Circle of Peri'el. Note - There is no direct Common translation of the word ru'at, nor the word for those within it (ru'atin). The Sisters are primarily Clerics and Bards, though there are historic notes proving that others are accepted as well. The group's purpose is to strengthen and aid Peri'el in her eternal task of keeping the World Dragon asleep. Entry into the sisterhood is noted to be difficult, even more so in modern days due to their reclusive nature.


The first Reshalian King, Sarkhhl Smoneh is noted to have ordered the creation of the Ru'atin Peri'el after he sought answers from the High Priest of Hav'roth and was told that the earthquakes plaguing Reshalia were due to the World Dragon. The priest told the king that Peri'el must be weakening from her thousands of years spent keeping the creature captive. When the priest returned to his order to confer over a way to stop the earthquakes, it was High Priest Maligen that suggested the mortals help.

Maligen commanded the Clerics to seek out other female S'Kra Mur of the priestly and bardic persuasions that venerated Peri'el. Once they had been gathered, Maligen resigned from her positions as High Priestess of Peri'el and became instead, the First Singer or Ur'Kapo(First Song). Thus, the group was formed around a singular purpose: strengthen and aid the goddess Peri'el in her efforts to keep the World Dragon asleep. The sisters utilized their divine inner strength and powerful voices to sing the songs of the goddess and enhance and supplement her powers.

Once the tale was returned to King Sarkhhl, Maligen and the first of the Ru'atin Peri'el went to Reshalia Island and formed the first Great Sanctuary.


For many ages, the Sisters had Great Sanctuaries located throughout Kermoria. This changed when the Dragon Priests of the Dragon Priest Empire and their leader, Dzree sought to eradicate them. (Dzree herself had in her youth, failed to pass the entry examination to become one of the singers.) As a result of the persecution, the only surviving enclave of the singers is found in Aesry Surlaenis'a.

Positions and Septs

Ur'Kapo Peri'el (First Song Peri'el)

The Sisters are led by the First Singer of Peri'el. She is responsible for cultivating the order and serves as the lifeline between the Sisters and Peri'el.

The Ur'Kapo leads the most challenging rituals and the most powerful songs.

Sara'pon Peri'el (Voice Peri'el)

The Voice of Peri'el are those that have earned the Ru'atin the vaunted reputation as the greatest singers. Entry requirements into the Voice are much more daunting.

Most of the rituals of the Sisters are performed by this division, such as The Songs of Renewal and Sustaining are carried out by the Voice of Peri'el.

Shh'oi Pohokapo (Great Lady Song)

The Great Lady of the Song is both a title used to reference Peri'el herself and a distinguished and devout Daughter of her Sept. The Shh'oi Pohokapo is seen as a leader and model for the Sept.

The Shh'oi Pohokapo play a part in the ritual communes of prospective members.

Pohokapo (Lady of Song)

Those within a Sept that have risen above the rank of Kapo.

Kapo Peri'el (Song Peri'el)

The general members of the group are known as Song of Peri'el. The Kapo are both the initiates and those who attend to the most basic chores and tasks. They deal with the society outside the Sisters, provide aid and comfort to the sick and the poor, take in and raise lost orphans, and seek to gain information from the outside.

This division of the Sisters also performs many lower level rituals, such as those songs which do not require the greatest level of skill.

Qi Peri'el (Soul Peri'el)

A subgroup only rumored to exist within the order, this group is said to be mixed into the other groups. The Soul of Peri'el are supposedly charged with the duty of stopping anyone who would seek to wake the World Dragon or harm Peri'el.

The Four Septs

Tuul (Silver)

Often quiet and shy, the gentlest of the Ru'atin hold the soprano. They wear robes of silver bordered in black and a circlet of violets.

The Pohokapo of Tuul wears a coiled kingsnake circlet of silver.

Tan'yi (Copper)

The most devoted to Peri'el's music, they play a wide variety of instruments and are singer of the alto line. Those of Tan'yi that are most devoted are rumored to hear the Voice of the goddess more than others. hey wear robes of copper bordered in black and a circlet of violets.

The Pohokapo of Tan'yi wears a coiled kingsnake circlet of copper.

Malk (Gold)

Embodying Peri'el's legendary honor, they revere most the virtues of the tail. Singing the powerful tenor line, they are the proudest of the Ru'atin, and often serve as lawmakers. They wear robes of gold bordered in black and a circlet of violets.

The Pohokapo of Tuul wears a coiled kingsnake circlet of gold.

Dai (Steel)

Valorous warriors, they hold the bass line with a low, rhythmic chant. These warriors have figured in to many battles and their valor is unmatched. They wear robes of steel grey bordered in black and a circlet of violets.

The Pohokapo of Tuul wears a coiled kingsnake circlet of steel.

Joining the Ru'atin

There are four ways in which to join the Ru'atin Peri'el:

  • Be personally selected by the Ur'Kapo. Those who demonstrate utterly remarkable talents or a strong devotion will often be offered a place.
  • Pass the First Test. The first test is only available to a daughter of a member of the Ru'atin Peri'el. This test is known to be the easiest and any daughter will be granted admission should she possess even the slightest aptitude, especially if they are the fourth daughter of a fourth daughter. These daughters are thought of as a divine sign and generally possess the greatest talents.
  • Pass the Second Test. This test is only available to orphans who were taken in and raised by the Sisters. It is more difficult than the first, but slightly less strenuous than the final test.
  • Pass the Third Test. This test is for those outside of the Ru'atin Peri'el and lacking connection to it, their test is the most difficult of all.

Entry into the Ru'atin begins with a ritual commune. The prospective acolyte travels to a cave deep below the surface of the earth. There, she is cleansed and blessed by the Shh'oi Pohokapo and garbed in robes of white. The petitioner will begin to sing, placing her passion and will into the song. If Peri'el accepts her, she colors the robes, simultaneously accepting her as Ru'atin and placing her into a Sept.



Brown velvet ribbon or small leather bag filled with earth.
Many Ru'atin carry or wear these to retain their connections to Hav'roth.
Small velvet pouch holding the saran'pon'hhs Peri'el
Pendant with three beads
Beads of gold, ivory, and iron to represent Hav'roth, Peri'el, and Ushnish are commonly carried by all septs and ranks. It is also common to include a contemplation bag with this pendant.
Contemplation bag
A small soft leather satchel filled with sand, sage leaves, dried cactus, and cinnamon. When inhaled, this compound is thought to enhance meditation.
Commonly kept in a leather satchel.
Kingsnake ring
The most noticeable of the accoutrements, it is a slender golden snake that coils around the second largest finger of the right hand. It is presented by the Ur'Kapo upon entry.
Gold tail jewelry
The jewelry may be gifts from the devotee's family, while others are given as awards of prestige and become part of everyday wear. The Dai often forgoes jewelry and will instead only wear a wide, flat band of gold unless an affair requires ceremony.
Other accessories
Circlet of violets, herb bag, bone-beaded sandals.


  • Peri'el is said to appreciate sage leaves, which are burned on a cleansed brazier and dedicated to her with prayer.
  • She also accepts sacrifice from successful hunts and these offerings are often created into a meal and used to feed the poor. A portion of herbs used in the meal is then sacrificed upon an altar. The Ru'atin do not approve of sacrificing an animal or solid food to the goddess, instead holding the belief that Peri'el would wish any food to go to the hungry and not be burned on her altars.

Ograth Smo'kku'par (Hand Together)

A unique form of ceremonial singing, "hands together" is a duet performed by a main singer called syo'kapo (main song and a companion singer called fe'kapo (companion song). The singers will sit closely side by side or facing each other such that their bodies remain in contact and they are able to clasp each others hands. Often, the pair will sit close enough that their knees will touch. While singing, they will move their heads in a swaying motion, as if wanting to touch them together as well.

The singing is shared in such as way that when the main singer has brought a verse to about the third syllable from the end, or last measure, and the supporting singer comes in with her voice, and thus both complete the phrase. Then the second singer repeats the verse alone in a slightly varied way and tone. The main singer alone adds the next text, similarly repeated by the supporting singer, and so on until the song's conclusion


Songs of Renewal and Sustaining
Powerful songs that resound with those of Peri'el.
Praise Song
An ancient tradition and the founding force of the Ru'atin, this rite is performed at dawn on the Day of Praise by twenty-four total priestesses - six from each of the sept. It is a four-part harmony that can be performed in a smaller group if the faith is great and the parts are divided evenly.
The Praise Song serves as a conduit to the uninitiated and is not among the most sacred rituals, thus is not performed in the ograth smo'kku'par style.


Khurmary (Breath's journey)
The Breath's journey is a small five-stringed lap harp. It is the most common form of communion and is both traditional and the most used instrument for Ru'atin rituals.
Saran'pon'hhs Peri'el (Goddess Voice)
The Goddess Voice is a steel flute roughly a handspan in length. It possesses a high, mellow sound with a celestial roundness. Use of this flute has grown in popularity. The Tan'yi shun the use of the more modern instrument as untraditional and even somewhat vulgar, at least as performed in a ritual; the sweetness of the instrument is nearly universally revered.

Current Members

Name Notes
Ur'Kapo Peri'el Renrosali First Singer of Peri'el. Current leader of the Ru'atin.
Kapo Peri'el Shrada Member.
Dai Ru'atin Tasrhhsu Member.
Sara'pon Peri'el Vithhanami Voice of Peri'el.

Historic Members

Name Sept Notes
Isharra ersa'dan'Nerhi Tuul Betrothed of S'zella the Satirist.
Larsh Wolftamer Dai Ranger that was the lone survivor of a Human attack on her family. Dedicated herself to Dai Sept after gaining revenge and known for her terrific disdain for Humans. Her nickname came from an altercation in which she sung a wolf away from a group of children.
Maligen Shanati High Priest of Peri'el that formed the Ru'atin Peri'el.
Ro'saali Red Hand Dai, Malk Great warrior that changed Septs after communing with Peri'el. Famous for the phrase "Change comes to us all."
Salhari, the Lark Tan'yi From the underside of society, Peri'el called to her from a life of shadows after being blinded by acid.

Additional Reading

Dragon Priest
Dragon Priest Empire
S'Kra Mur Religious Beliefs and Practices
Isth'hhtaw'hhs Shh'oiyvh-ur - (The Traditions/Ways of the Dragon)
The Ways of the S'Kra Mur

First Land Herald Articles

S'Kra Mur Investigate the Kra'Hei
Dergatian Chrysalis Awakens - The 'First' Attacks Crossing and Ru'atin Sister


Elanthian Timeline
The First Land Herald
History of the Ru'atin Peri'el
Legend of the World Dragon
Religions of Elanthia
The Ru'atin Peri'el
The Singers of Aesry Surlaenis'a

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