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Maligen ShanatiMaligen Shanati
Status: Historical Figure
Aliases: Ur'Kapo (First Singer)
Guild: Cleric
Race: S'Kra Mur
Gender: Female

Maligen held the position of High Priest of Peri'el during the reign of Sarkhhl Smoneh (Longtail), the first Reshalian King. She is most known for being the first leader of the Ru'atin Peri'el.

Formation of the Ru'atin Peri'el

The first Reshalian King, Sarkhhl Smoneh is noted to have ordered the creation of the Ru'atin Peri'el after he sought answers from the High Priest of Hav'roth and was told that the earthquakes plaguing Reshalia were due to the World Dragon. The priest told the king that Peri'el must be weakening from her thousands of years spent keeping the creature captive. When the priest returned to his order to confer over a way to stop the earthquakes, it was High Priest Maligen that suggested the mortals help.

Maligen commanded the Clerics to seek out other female S'Kra Mur of the priestly and bardic persuasions that venerated Peri'el. Once they had been gathered, Maligen resigned from her positions as High Priestess of Peri'el and became instead, the First Singer or Ur'Kapo(First Song). Thus, the group was formed around a singular purpose: strengthen and aid the goddess Peri'el in her efforts to keep the World Dragon asleep. The sisters utilized their divine inner strength and powerful voices to sing the songs of the goddess and enhance and supplement her powers.

Once the tale was returned to King Sarkhhl, Maligen and the first of the Ru'atin Peri'el went to Reshalia Island and formed the first Great Sanctuary.

Related Reading

Ru'atin Peri'el
S'Kra Mur Religious Beliefs and Practices


History of the Ru'atin Peri'el
The Ru'atin Peri'el
S'Kra Mur Lexicon