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Disarm Traps skill
- This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
- Please see Category:Incomplete articles for more articles that are incomplete.
The Disarm Traps skill is used to disarm traps safely and quickly. It is trained, as one might expect, by disarming challenging traps. Traps are most commonly found on treasure boxes dropped by creatures, but may also be found in fixed locations, for example when passing through a room (like in the Undershard Gallery) or on an entryway (such as the door to the Baron's office in Theren Keep).
In DR 3.0, The Disarm Traps skill has been merged with Lockpicking and is now known as the Locksmithing skill.
See DISARM command article.
As a general statement, the more difficult the maneuver, the more you can expect to learn from the risk you take. Likewise, a more difficult trap relative to your skill level will present a greater potential to learn from the risk.
For the maximum amount of experience, a person should do the following:
- DISARM IDENTIFY Teaches perception and disarm. Further, the appraised difficulty using this command takes into account Khri, but does not take into account urban bonus or armor. For example, wearing HP and not wearing HP, a box would identify as the same, but using khri safe it would identify easier than not using khri safe. This was tested by Zihnj by ID a box 100 times under each scenario with armor, without armor, in town, out of town, with khri, without khri. He then compared the average appraised difficulties.
- DISARM (BLIND, QUICK, NORMAL, CAREFUL) Disarm at the quickest speed possible for the highest amount of experience gain. Teaches only disarm.
- DISARM ANALYZE Teaches perception and disarm. <optional>
- DISARM HARVEST Teaches only disarm. <optional>
Creatures drop different treasure, such as boxes, at different rates. As a result some creatures which drop boxes may drop boxes at a much slower rate than creatures of a similar level. This is important to note for anyone trying to gather boxes for training, as you can easily spend hours in some locations while finding a few boxes, while in others you will have dozens per hour.
The creatures below have been reported to drop boxes at an "above average" or high rate.
- Sleazy Lout (0-30)
- Field Goblins (0-40)
- Trollkin (0-35)
- Dusk Ogres (50-85)
- Sand Sprites (40-100)
- Granite Gargoyles (75-150)
- Bawdy Swains (80-155)
- Thugs (90-160)
- Kra'hei Hatchling (130-?)
- Quartz Gargoyle (130-?)
- Snow Goblins (85-135), (120-190), (150-210)
- Forest Geni (150-210)
- Orc Scouts (150-?)
- Orc Reivers (200-?)
- Ain Ghazal Graverobbers (250-?)
- Orc Raiders (275-?)
- Maelshyvean Shadow Beast (350-?)
- Zombie Stompers (460-?)
- Zombie Head-splitters (575-?)
- Yellow Bristled Gremlin (?-?)
- Sky Giants (?-?)
- Misenseor Resuscitants (?-?)
Trap Types
See the Box Trap List for help with trap identification.
Identified Trap Difficulty
- 1: An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep.
- 2: This trap is a laughable matter, you could do it blindfolded!
- 3: The <material> <box>'s trap is a trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time.
- 4: The <material> <box> will be a simple matter for you to disarm.
- 5: The <material> <box> should not take long with your skills.
- 6: You can disarm the <material> <box> with only minor troubles.
- 7: You think this trap is precisely at your skill level.
- 8: The trap has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at disarming the <material> <box>.
- 9: The odds are against you, but with persistence you believe you could disarm the <material> <box>.
- 10: You have some chance of being able to disarm the <material> <box>.
- 11: Disarming the <material> <box> would be a longshot.
- 12: Prayer would be a good start for any attempt of yours at disarming the <material> <box>.
- 13: You have an amazingly minimal chance at disarming the <material> <box>.
- 14: You really don't have any chance at disarming this <material> <box>.
- 15: You probably have the same shot as a snowball does crossing the desert.
- 16: You could just jump off a cliff and save yourself the frustration of attempting this <material> <box>.
- 17: A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames of Ushnish would fare better than you.
Ranks Required
These Ranks are based on unbonused Disarm Traps and Lockpicking ranks needed to successfully open boxes, They do NOT reflect combat ranks required
Minimum Ranks being described as the amount you need to never see the "jump off a cliff" message when you identify
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