The First Land Herald

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The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to Zoluren current events. When possible reporters may also report on other events.

Editor in Chief: Navesi Daerthon
Reporter and Lead Archivist: Saragos Daerthon
Assistant Reporter: Klines Silvermist
Assistant Reporter: Simera Asherah
Assistant Reporter: Marcul McRee-Rhyian

Latest Issues


Today I was visited by High Temple Investigator Soraent, an advisor whose job it is to commune with the gods and ascertain the meanings of Their portents. It became clear to me during our conversation just how close a connection he has with the gods, and he bore a message to the people about the recent godly invasions.

The Investigator first contacted Assistant Reporter Klines to request passage on his ship from Ratha to the Crossing. Klines tells me that, during this journey, Father Soraent experienced strong visions with very physical effects. When praying to Drogor, his mouth opened and released a shower of bloody seawater!

When they arrived in the Crossing, Klines summoned me to meet with them. Father Soraent told me that he has been visiting the sites of the recent invasions in an attempt to commune with the Immortals there. However, he is experiencing a most unusual occurrence: Every time he communes in such a way, there is a "block" or a "shadow", "something almost seen… just out of [his] perception." He further said, "Regardless of the Immortal that I commune with, regardless of the response, it is always not quite full. It is as if something is preventing me from getting the entire message." He says that in all his years, he has never experienced this phenomenon before, and that it occurs only when he attempts to commune specifically about the recent attacks.

According to the priest, High Priestess Tallis of the Temple believes this change in visions means the attacks are connected in some way. Father Soraent calls for the faithful to come together and meet with him in order to make a stronger connection to the Divine. He plans to call this meeting within the next few days, at the High Temple itself.

Finally, he warned us that he feels "close", with visions coming to him even without his rituals. He believes this means others may experience such visions, perhaps even those not of the clergy. He asks such people to speak to him so that he may show them how to reach out fully. The Herald urges you all, denizens of Kermoria, to do as he asks. As well, if such a vision takes you, the Herald wants to report on it! Contact myself or one of the staff.

At the end of our meeting, I witnessed a most unusual Divine event. Father Soraent suddenly began to glow with pale golden light. His mouth flew open, and from it flew a wren, a dove, and a raven! They quickly disappeared in a shower of multihued light. He also moved his arm, as if wiping something away. This experience was clearly very taxing for him, as he collapsed at the end of it.

Our gods are reaching out to us. It is time to listen.

Navesi Daerthon Editor in Chief, The First Land Herald


The Asketian attack previously reported by the Herald has now been duplicated in Ilithi, centralized in the capital city of Shard. Once again adders and hags led the charge, supported from the shadows by harbingers. Banshees were seen in force near the end of the battle, bringing with them their deadly Icebound Heart curse. Thankfully good awareness of the curse kept its effects to a minimum, with most deaths occurring due to the banshees’ brutal spirit attack.

Triage took place in the city’s Triage Building, one block south of the east gate. Fortunately, defense of the city was rallied quickly, thanks to a warning from the Moon Mages’ Guild. Their shared vision is detailed below:

The world suddenly faded to shadow around the mage. A tiny mote of sickly green light emerged from the darkness, hovering eerily in a self-repeating, circular pattern. The mage’s perspective rapidly expanded, as if being shot into the air, and the image of a four-pointed crystal star surrounded by a ring of water was visible below, circumscribed by the ominous green nova. The light exploded into four snaking lines that streaked toward each tip of the star. A piercing wail echoed in the mage’s mind as vision returned to the here and now.

Discussion of the event still leads defenders to believe dark aspects of the divine are in some way displeased. At this time, the Herald is actively seeking interviews with Clerics who specialize in the darker side of divinity. If you or someone you know fits such a description, please get in touch with any Herald reporter for a brief interview: Navesi or Saragos Daerthon, Klines Silvermist, Marcul McRee-Rhyian, or Simera Asherah.

Perhaps most troublesome about these events is the preceding feeling that fate is being manipulated in some fashion. During both battles, I experienced a pervading sense of actions being taken directly against Fate. Could this feeling be a warning? A blessing? Might this feeling be a light aspect looking to aid the defenders? Or are we still beset with an impenetrable darkness, borne of a darker aspects disappointment? Unfortunately, we have only speculation to guide us at the moment.

Marcul McRee-Rhyian
Assistant Reporter, The First Land Herald

Recent Issues


This afternoon the Crossing experienced a chilling onslaught from a host of assorted Asketian creatures. These beings beset the city from all sides and included wind hags, adders, wretches, banshees, and harbingers.

Crude pencil sketches of the aforementioned invasion force detail their specific physical makeup.

  • Hags/Wretches: Clad in the holy vestments, ancient in appearance, frail and emaciated. Crystal beads clatter with every moment from a silver chain at the belt.
  • Adders: Snakes nearly fifteen feet in length and the width of a fully grown human.
  • Harbingers: Stealth combatants armed with bone-tipped arrows, incredibly agile, covered in black tattoos. Gleaming amber eyes. Will attack from range.
  • Banshees: Spectres of the North Wind, disheveled ice-white hair, fading form. Require a Blessed weapon or Holy magic to harm. Two deadly attacks: a piercing wail that drains the spirit and a touch to the heart that delivers the Icebound Heart curse.
  • Note that these creatures ranged in difficulty but those other than the adders were considered quite difficult. Herald Navesi reported that they were often more difficult than warklins, likely in the range of storm bulls or higher.

Brave adventures set to the task of city-wide defense, many falling to a strange form of icy curse. The Herald witnessed this curse appearing as the result of an attack by the North Wind banshee. She reaches one spectral hand into the chest of her victim and squeezes the heart. Those stricken with the curse exhibit signs of fear, fatigue, pain, and cold. Their eyes frequently dart about, they may have a weary expression, frosty blue mist may expel from their nostrils, and their eyes or chest may glow blue. Citizens Skaen and Xionara reported that the attack was physical in nature, causing harm to the heart until death, upon which time an icy statue would appear next to the body. Witness Sophrona also told tales of Empaths contracting the curse from healing patients, and Mistanna reported contracting it from touching one of the statues, though she also stated that she was able to move bodies without harm, regardless of the statue creation. Cleric Azante reported that Resurrection of those who died of the curse did not present any issue, and afterward they were no longer cursed.

As far as the Herald can tell, there is no way to prevent the curse. Protection from Evil did not protect Herald Navesi from contracting the curse, and no witnesses came forward claiming to have resisted it once touched. The only known method to cure it at this time is the Uncurse spell.

Furthermore, this curse should not be mistaken for the second deadly attack of the Banshee: her wail. This wail tears at the spirit and may cause significant damage. Take special care here, as those dying a spirit death have great difficulty with the resurrection process and are forced to depart. Soul Shield can provide some reprieve from this dangerous scream, as can retreat to the safety of triage, where gentle music may soothe the soul.

To say the response to the invasion was chaotic would be a touch of understatement. While the attack did finally subside, a few notable lessons could be gleaned from the experience. Most notably, it remains important for healers and warriors alike to keep an active awareness of their health. More than once, Empaths sadly fell victim to the curse after having transferred it from a patient. At this time, it is advised that adventures take stock of their favor counts and seek guidance of the divine when finding that count lacking. Bards are requested in triage for their spirit-healing Hodierna's Lilt and their gentle minuets. Clerics may find it wise to offer Blessing, Soul Shield, and Uncurse services near to main triage. During this invasion, triage was located in the Empath Guild courtyard, and the Herald recommends a Clerical station be situated in the infirmary nearby. Keep watch, dear readers. I leave you with the words of a dying wretch, "Fear...the Night of Glory."

Marcul McRee-Rhyian
Assistant Reporter, The First Land Herald


For the first time since the defeat eleven years hence of the First of the Akul'tiz, Xitoccanemun, Umbral moths have darkened the skies rather than remaining hidden from the light within the bowels of the earth.

These creatures originally darkened our lands following the opening of the Chrysalis, and were known to serve the goddess Dergati in her plot to blot out the light of the sun, wake the World Dragon, and indeed even kill the goddess Peri'el. It was only through the combined efforts of people everywhere using music to bring sunlight to Peri’el that she was healed. A final brave confrontation in the Wicked Burrow Mine saw the First defeated and these plans fully thwarted.

The first of these recent attacks was in the fair city of Shard, where both the umbral moths and the humanoid Akul'tiz were spotted. In a separate incident, the moths alone were sighted in Hibarnhvidar. In both cases, the forces were defeated and dispersed by the cities’ defenders.

In this second encounter, several Moon Mages reported seeing visions. According to one source:

My vision blurred for a moment and the light of Xibar was diminished by countless fluttering wings.  A gust of wind dispersed them and left my skin feeling frostbitten.  A voice as bitter as the cold whispered, "Soon, Khal Gwaerd."

What can these incursions mean? Might Dergati be stirring again once more to wreak havoc upon the lands? Keep your eyes open and pray that we are spared Her wrath.

  • Please see the Herald’s archives for previous coverage of these events.

Saragos Daerthon,
Reporter, The First Land Herald


Today the northeast section of the Crossing was overrun by creatures of the Fae. Boggles, spriggans, banshees, and faenrae reavers and assassins were all present and wrought havoc upon the Ranger's guild, the Warrior Mage's guild, and many of the streets in between the two. Citizens Pfanston and Dulan claimed at the start, they heard a wind, followed by a chiming sound, like the laughter of children.

At the center of the page are detailed sketches of the creatures mentioned, light penstrokes revealing the monstrous creations in meticulous detail. Beneath each is a caption.

Boggle — Body composed of sticks and stones, with a round, bulbous head. Known for malicious mischief. Created by Idon.
Spriggan — Also called changelings. About the size of an Olvi with black eyes, gnarled limbs, and bark-like skin. Known for highly malicious mischief, affinity for manipulating wind. Created by Idon.
Banshee — A spectral female, torn and tattered, bearing sharp claws. She will moan and cry, calling out in chaos and despair as she attempts to eat her victims' very life and spirit. Requires a Blessed weapon or Holy magic to harm.
Faenrae reaver — This 5-foot tall creature has glowing green eyes, tangled black hair, and withered grey flesh, with sharp fangs and claws. It floats a few inches above the ground. Created by Huldah.
Faenrae assassin — As the reaver, but moving with more swiftness and calculation. Stealthy. Created by Huldah.

Warrior Mage and Inspector Munchausen claims that, during the chaos, he spotted a Heron and Wren, "tumbling... conflicting, but not necessarily fighting... at odds somehow."

Pfanston also claimed that, at the conclusion of the invasion, he felt "the air become calmer, though not as calm as it should be, and yet he still felt the stare of thousands of tiny eyes on him." Saragos added, "The wind whistled one last time, a sharp, keening sound. As if sadness from its very soul had escaped."*

The Herald asked local Drogorian Priestess Whiteburn for her interpretation of the events, in particular the creatures summoned and the Holy Birds sighted. She theorized, "Lord Idon - perhaps in some sort of collaborative effort with Lord Huldah - sought to weave chaos amongst mortals. Perhaps for Their own amusement, perhaps for some other reason. They are the more... capricious of the Dark Gods when it comes to wanton destruction and death." Further, she said, "When death comes to mortals, it is wise not to discount Huldah's influence. He detests the creatures of Truffenyi and revels in chaos."

With regard to the birds: "...if they were fighting or quarrelling, then it is likely to be a sign that Faenella perhaps acted in some way to soften the blow against the children of Elanthia."

Vahrek added a second theory. He said, "Faenella and Idon [may have been] squabbling over whether or not to get involved in Huldah's song'n dance." In response, Priestess Whiteburn agreed it might be a good theory.

The Herald further asked the Priestess what the populace might do if indeed another Immortal (or two) are displeased. "Turn your eyes to the Heavens and keep your senses alert for other signs or portents. Pray to the Dark Ones that we may be spared Their anger." She also agreed that those inclined might pray to Faenella Herself for guidance and protection.

Take to your prayers once again, Zoluren.

  • The First Land Herald does not attempt interpret the more poetic quotations of its witnesses.

Navesi Daerthon
Editor in Chief, The First Land Herald

Notable Issues

416-02-32 - A Brief Guide to Current Events in Zoluren

410-07-28 — The First Defeated, Sky Clears — Spider Festival Arrives
410-07-17 — A Light of Hope is Found — Music to Bring Sunlight to Peri'el
410-07-09 — Sister Tasrhhsu Sacrificed, Recovering — Fists Continue to Erupt — Vigil for Peri'el Brings Visions
410-06-37 — Both Fists Erupt — Sister Tasrhhsu Says Peri'el Not Dead
410-06-29 — The First Claims Peri'el Slain
410-06-09 — Dergatian Chrysalis Awakens — The 'First' Attacks Crossing and Ru'atin Sister


First Land Herald Archives