Skeleton Recipes

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These recipes are to be used in conjunction with an Animal Skeleton.


After activating your skeleton, you may FEED it up to four items and then activate it by RUBbing it. Feeding your skeleton the appropriate items may result in a produced item or effect, the discovered recipes for which are listed further below. Not all items can be fed to the skeleton, and it seems to crush some of them at random. Physical size of the items seem to play a part in what it will eat (ie light edge/blunt weapons but not larger).

  • Bonuses from the skeleton are self-cast only [1]
  • Cool-down time seems to be one RL hour.
  • Stat bonuses last 30 minutes.

Solving the Recipes

There are 106 recipes as of Nov 16th. (55/105 found) Confirmed: SGM Lyneya
Click here to see failed attempts.
Click here to see what items the skeleton will and will not eat.

There seems to be an issue with the LX/HX formulas. Specifically HX isn't working (likely the LX formula is suppose to be the HX formula.)

Skillset Bonus Recipes

Armor Skillset Bonuses

Shield Usage skill -- shield(?) + gem + gem(?) (may be bugged)

Ingredient Ingredient Ingredient Ingredient
Shield Usage skill shield gem gem
Light Armor skill skin skin gem
Chain Armor skill chain chain gem
Brigandine Armor skill helm helm metal gem
Plate Armor skill plate plate gem
Plate Armor skill plate plate metal gem
Light Armor skill cloth cloth gem
Light Armor skill bone bone gem

Lore Skillset Bonuses

Magic Skillset Bonuses

Survival Skillset Bonuses

Weapon Skillset Bonuses

LE is a light edged weapon, LB is a light blunt weapon.

Other Recipes

Stat Bonuses

Stat Bonuses range from +2 to +6 for each stat bonus recipe discovered so far. From Hanryu's forge testing, it seems the strength bonus is either +2 or +3 per feeding.
Note - The crystal minds do NOT need to be completed (with the 1 hour psyche cool down.)

<Non enchanting Alternate> -- wood + runestone +sage
<Non enchanting Alternate> -- ??(not on list)
<Non enchanting Alternate> -- 2 rock + paper + stylus

Other Recipes

  • hard cider -- 2 apples + ale
  • fried rinds -- critter skin + oil + naphtha
  • severe neck wounds -- drink + peppers
  • a spiral <gem name> charm -- <metal>bar/nugget or Imperial coin + gem
  • bundling rope -- 3 vines
  • a gem pouch -- 2 skinned items + 2 gems
  • a torch -- 2 stick + oil + cloth
  • a lockpick -- metal + closed box + item
  • apple juice -- 2 apples + water
  • orange juice -- 2 oranges + water
  • lemonade -- 2 lemons + water
  • pies -- 2 of the same food + 2 specific foods(cherry/apple/meat/fish/chocolate/lemon/cream(2milk)/)
  • almond butter sandwich -- almond butter + bread + item
  • almond butter -- almond + almond + sugar + sugar
  • ritual bread -- holy water + bread + item (must be cleric)
  • odd casserole -- 3 food items + water
  • Shard of translucent crystal -- ??(not on list)
  • Health regeneration-(15% or so) -- 4 sprigs of lavender
  • Mana regeneration -- ??(Has been made)(not on list)
  • ?? -- charcoal + naphtha(not on list)

Unsolved hints

I'll say this...the Shield bonus recipe is slightly off of the "2 items + gem" pattern. It's definitely not 2 shields and 1 gem. That should help.

  • Two food items of a few different types, along with two certain specific food items, will make pies.

Solomon's 11/30 Recipe Update Post [2]

1) The recipes for a the Magics have changed to be a little more consistent with the Magical Devices recipe and to be a little more obvious from a common sense standpoint:

Primary Magic, Harness Ability, Power Perceive, Targeted Magic

The Magical Devices recipe, as you already know, is runestone, runestone, ring. The other four all follow the pattern "runestone, gem, and X", where "X" is something that should (hopefully) make conceptual sense for the skill being trained.

2) The recipe for Hiding has changed. It now makes infinitely more sense and doesn't make my head hurt trying to figure out why a fish was the fourth ingredient. The recipe now has three items, one of which is a gem, and the other two of which someone actually already figured out and just didn't know it. It makes sense when you think of Hiding.

3) The recipe for Charisma has changed. The item that was removed from the recipe was "robes", as they were apparently too big to be fed to the skeletons after some changes to prevent people from feeding large items were made. The first item is a gem, the other two make sense in a "Oh I'm so pretty! Look at me! Why, I think I'll do just that!" frame of mind.