Zone map

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The Zone Map is a tool that can be used to calculate direction and distance between two different rooms. It is of primary use to Moon Mages, but has application for other systems that work over a distance like familiars, gwething, the BEFRIEND verb, and viewing the physical scale of the world. See the Travel map for a not-to-scale overview of the major travel routes between locations.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 A B
9 C D
8 E F G
2 LL T U V
1 W OO
0 X

L. Knife Clan
M. Dirge, Leucros
N. Promado Village
O. Wolf Clan, Tiger Clan
P. Crossing (Rolagi), Arthe Dale, Kaerna, Stone Clan
Q. Leth Deriel
R. Acenamacra
S. Manor Grounds (Asharshpar'i), Tamsine's Rest, Ilaya Taipa, STR

A. Muspar'i (Tabelrem), Velaka Desert
B. Hvaral, Fornsted, Seordmaors, Muspar'i Dock
C. Marauders
D. Therenborough (Dinegavren), Rossman's Landing, El Bain's Stop
E. Langenfirth
F. Kweld Andu, Mistwood Forest, Woodlands
G. Deer Trail, Kuniyo's Altar
H. Gwenalion Fens
I. Riverhaven (Taniendar), Throne City Dock
J. Zaulfung, North of Caravansary
K. Throne City (Mintais)
MM. Rakash Village
NN. Svesinek Cels

T. Horse Clan, Gryphons
U. Gondola, Undergondola, Fayrin's Rest, Darkmist Moor
V. Chyolvea Tayeu'a
W. Shard (Marendin), Steel Claw Clan, Adan'f
X. Corik's Wall, Darkling Wood
OO. Fang Cove (Vellano)

Y. Aesry Surlaenis'a (Auilusi)
Z. Ratha
AA. Taisgath (Erekinzil)
BB. Mer'Kresh (Besoge), M'riss
CC. Hara'jaal

DD. Hunter's Glade
EE. Cleric Guild, Vela'tohr Wood, Hag's Crag
FF. Boar Clan, North Hawkstaal
GG. Middle Hawkstaal
HH. Archer's Ford, South Hawkstaal
II. Hibarnhvidar, Himineldar Shel
JJ. Trabe Plateau (Dor'na'torna)
KK. Ain Ghazal, Ilaya Taipa Dock, Himineldar Dock
LL. Raven's Point (Tamigen), Black Spire


Basic Concepts

  • Each room in the game is designated as part of a "zone." These zones have been said to represent about 100 miles of distance.
  • This zone designation is what is used to calculate distance and direction between any two rooms in the game.
  • Everything on this page is based on player observation about how the system works. As such it is only an approximation, albeit a good one, of how distance and direction between two rooms is determined. Most of the information was gleaned from the Coordinate Chart program.
  • The zones were determined primarily by triangulation using two characters and the BEFRIEND list. Confirmation of distance in many cases was done by using Locate based shifts and Moon Gating.
Note: Ocean squares are not included in the above map since the normal methods of finding direction and distance do not work while on ships.


Visual Representation of Distance Calculation
10 10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9 9 10 10
8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10
7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10
6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10
5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10
4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10
3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Primarily used by the BEFRIEND, treasure map, and severe weather systems.
  • Any zones in the same row or column as a given zone are said to be due north, east, south, or west of that zone.
  • Any zones not in the same row or column as a given zone are said to be either northwest, northeast, southwest, or southeast of that zone.


  • Distance between any two given zones is calculated by using the Pythagorean Theorum.
  • Since the game deals in integers, the result is rounded down.
d = floor [ sqrt ( x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ) ] , where x is the horizontal displacement and y is the vertical displacement between the zones.
  • For those who don't wish to do the math, the table on the right shows the distances in a visual format.

Specific Uses

Telepathic Range

  • Telepathic items and abilities all have a maximum range given in numbers of zones:
Ability Max Range
Jadeite Gweth 0
Kyanite Gweth Unlimited
Albredine Crystal Ring Unlimited
Colorless Albredine Ring 3
Thoughtcast Unlimited based on Skill and Mana

Shift Moonbeam

With Locate

  • This feat is limited to a a fairly short distance. At 620 utility and 90 mana (out of 100 possible) I have shifted from Ratha to Throne City. This is two zones across the ocean. It is unclear how much the oceans affect shifing.
  • Distance is calculated between your location and that of your Locate target. Your moonbeam's location does not factor in at all.
Shifting Oddities
  • Shortcut: Ilaya Taipa <---> Hibarnhvidar <---> Ain Ghazal
  • Both the dock in Ilaya Taipa and the dock in the Himineldar just east of Hibarnvidar are in the same zone as Ain Ghazal, allowing a locate shift of effectively 2 to 4 zones.
  • Shortcut: Throne City <---> Riverhaven, Knife Clan
  • The dock just outside Throne City is in the same zone as Riverhaven making it possible to reach these two areas via a Locate shift without needing to use the turtle and running down to Langenfirth.
  • Shortcut: Muspar'i <---> Hvaral, Fornsted, Therenborough, Rossman's Landing, El'Bains Stop, Marauders
  • The docks on the Muspar'i side are in the same zone as Hvaral and Fornsted making it possible to Locate shift to and from all the listed zones.
  • Shortcut: Rakash Village <---> P5 Cleric Guild, Hag's Crag, Vela'tohr Wood
  • These two zones create a quick shortcut between P2 and P5 if you can find someone to Locate-shift to.
  • Shortcut: Dirge <---> Throne City
  • Easy shifting access from Throne City proper to the Crossing area.
  • Shortcut: Ratha <---> Mer'kresh, M'riss, Hara'jaal
  • The permanent Moongate in Phelim's Temple on Ratha takes you directly to Taisgath putting you within Locate shift range of the above islands. Handy way to avoid a long boat trip.
  • Shortcut: Knife Clan <---> Gwenalion Fens
  • Easy shifting access between Langenfirth/Therenborough and the Crossing area.
  • An alternate option is to travel to the south side of the Riverhaven Ferry.
  • Barrier: Road between Shard Ranger Guild and Gryphons
  • There is a 2 zone break along this road just before arriving in gryphons that makes it harder to Locate shift across it.
  • This barrier is there even if you and your target are right at the breakpoint and can peer at eachother in the next room over.

WIth gestures

  • Shifting by using GESTURE <direction/portal> can be done at any range.
  • The distance is calculated between your location and your moonbeam's location.
  • The distance is also modified by the same island factor that modifies Moongating.


Below are the minimum mana costs required for specific distances with moon gate.

Distance MG Mainland MG Islands MG Island-Mainland
0 5 mana 9 mana -
1 5 mana 9 mana -
2 6 mana 12 mana 20 Mana
3 7 mana 14 Mana 24 Mana
4 8 mana - 28 Mana
5 10 mana - 31 Mana
6 12 mana - >35 Mana
7 15 mana - >35 Mana
8 17 mana - >35 Mana
9 20 mana - >35 Mana
10 24 mana - >35 Mana
11 28 mana - -
12 32 mana - -

Astral Plane

  • Grazhir shards are marked on the Zone Map by dark backgrounds.
  • The name of each Grazhir shard is surrounded by parenthesis and is located directly after the area it is in for easy identification.


  • The distance a familiar will be able to travel is based on both its type and the Warrior Mage's circle.
Circle Small Large Dark Fir
1 1? --- --- ---
10 1? 2? --- ---
20 2? 2? 3? ---
50 3? 3? 3? 5
60 4? 4? 4? 5
75 5 5 5 5
90 6 6 6 6
105 7 7 7 7
120 8 8 8 8
135 9 9 9 9
150 10 10 10 10

Note: The numbers pre-75 for non-fir familiars need to be verified and are missing a few circles where they step up.

Zone Details

A. Muspar'i

B. Hvaral

  • Major Landmarks: Hvaral, Fornsted, Arnshal Keep, Seordmaors
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

C. Marauders

  • Major Landmarks: Ker'Leor, Gypsy Marauders,
  • Maps contained in this Zone:
  • Map 43 - Gypsy Marauders. Gotta love 'em

D. Therenborough

E. Langenfirth

  • Major Landmarks: Langenfirth
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

F. Mistwood Forest

  • Major Landmarks: Mistwood Forest, Kweld Andu, Bloodwolves
  • Maps contained in this Zone:
  • Portions of Map 34 - Mistwood Forest
  • Map 34c - Sky Giants and Trail to Theren
  • Portions of Map 41 - The road from Lang to Theren (El'Bain's Stop)
  • Map 41a - Vultures and bone wolves

G. Deer Trail

  • Major Landmarks: Deer Trail, Kuniyo's Altar
  • Maps contained in this Zone:
  • Portions of Map 34 - Mistwood Forest
  • Portions of Map 41 - The road from Lang to Theren (El'Bain's Stop)

H. Gwenalion Fens

  • Major Landmarks:
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

I. Riverhaven

  • Major Landmarks: Riverhaven, Tiv's Guild
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

J. Zaulfung

  • Major Landmarks: Zaulfung Swamp, North of Caravansary
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

K. Throne City

  • Major Landmarks: Throne City
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

L. Knife Clan

  • Major Landmarks: Knife Clan
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

M. Dirge

  • Major Landmarks: Dirge
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

N. Promado Village

O. Wolf Clan

P. Crossing

Q. Leth Deriel

R. Acenamacra

  • Major Landmarks: Acenamacra
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

S. Ilaya Taipa

T. Horse Clan

  • Major Landmarks: Horse Clan, Gryphons
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

U. Fayrin's Rest

  • Major Landmarks: Fayrin's Rest, Gondola, Undergondola
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

V. Chyolvea Tayeu'a

W. Shard

X. Corik's Wall

Y. Aesry

  • Major Landmarks: Aesry
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

Z. Ratha

  • Major Landmarks: Ratha
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

AA. Taisgath

  • Major Landmarks: Taisgath
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

BB. Mer'Kresh, M'riss

CC. Hara'jaal

  • Major Landmarks: Hara'jaal
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

DD. Hunter's Glade

  • Major Landmarks: Hunter's Glade
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

EE. Vela'tohr Wood

  • Major Landmarks: Cleric's Monastery, Vela'tohr Wood, Hag's Crag
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

FF. Boar Clan

  • Major Landmarks: Boar Clan, Northen section of Hawkstaal Road
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

GG. Middle Hawkstaal

  • Major Landmarks: Middle section of Hawkstaal Road
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

HH. Archer's Ford

  • Major Landmarks: Archer's Ford, Southern section of Hawkstaal Road
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

II. Hibarnhvidar

  • Major Landmarks: Hibarnhvidar, Himineldar Shel
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

JJ. Trabe Plateau

  • Major Landmarks: Trabe Plateau
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

KK. Ain Ghazal

  • Major Landmarks: Ain Ghazal
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

LL. Raven's Point

  • Major Landmarks: Raven's Point, Black Spire
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

MM. Rakash Village

NN. Svesinek Cels

  • Major Landmarks: Road to Rakash Village
  • Maps contained in this Zone:

OO. Fang Cove

  • Major Landmarks:
  • Maps contained in this Zone: