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Travel map

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This is an overview of the major travel routes throughout Elanthia. It is not to scale. See the Zone map for a map which shows the actual direction and distance between locations.


  • Line - You can walk around fairly normally, although there may be some very minor athleticism checks that even novice travellers should be able to succeed at.
  • Blue - Requires some considerable amount of athleticism to bypass.
  • Yellow - Travelling vessel required, usually in the form of paid transportation.
  • Grey - Time-based choke point. E.g. an icy road that you must slowly travel through.
City of Muspar'iVelaka Desert Trail and Sand BargesVelaka Desert Trail and Sand BargesVelaka Desert Trail and Sand BargesTown of Hvaral and the Road to FornstedFornsted VillageOne travel that takes a substantial amount of time, not RT, but not capable of doing much elseThe City of TherenboroughSiksraja VillageCity of LangenfirthThis rope has been replaced by a bridge with no athletics check.Mistwood Forest to Rossman's LandingVelaka Desert Trail and Sand BargesVelaka Desert Trail and Sand BargesBalloon to M'riss in LangenfirthBoat rental service that can travel to Langenfirth, Riverhave, and Rossman's LandingJantspyre River (~150 Athleticism)Ferry between Riverhaven and LangenfirthThe City of RiverhavenZaulfang swamps and path to Maelshyve's FortressBoats to Ratha and Aesry from RiverhavenFerry from Riverhaven across the Faldesu to Greater FistFaldesu River (~120 Athleticism)Ferry from Riverhaven down the Faldesu to Throne CityThrone CityAesry Surlaenis'a has a lot of climbing as soon as you get off the dock, and regular movement around the island is very fatiguing.Greater FistIsland of RathaBoat between Ratha and AesryNTR near Caravansary and DirgeDirgeBoat and Moongate bewtween Ratha and Taisgath, the Moongate requires at least one moon be up.Boat between Ratha and Hara'jaalVillage of Sunfall HubTaisgath IslandHara'jaal IslandKaerna VillageStone ClanBoat between Mer'kresh and Hara'jaalKnife ClanMer'kresh City and M'riss IslandWolf ClanBrook to Knife Clan and Wold ClanThe CrossingArthe DaleTiger ClanSwimming the Selgotha River between Crossing/Tiger Clan and Leth Deriel(~350 Athleticism)Ferry across Selgotha River between Crossing and Leth DerielBoat between crossing and RathaRanger Trails T26 / F52Wizened rangerTravelMap.png
About this image


The following list can be cross-referenced with the above graphic to help get a handle on travel from city to city. There are a few specialized travel methods that will not be included, as these are not commonly available to most players at any given time:

To get to...
Acenamacra Village * Road from the NE Leth Deriel gate
* Public transport ship Degan (M'Riss citizen-only) from M'Riss
* Public transport mammoth from Fang Cove
Aesry Surlaenis'a * Public transport ship Lybadel from Riverhaven
* Public transport ship Halasa Selhin from Ratha
* Public transport dirigible from Shard
Ain Ghazal Isle * Public transport skiff from River Clan (Ilaya Taipa)
* Public transport ferry from Hibarnhvidar/Raven's Point
Arthe Dale * Road from the NTR between Crossing & Kaerna Village
Blackthorn Canyon/Shadow's Reach * Road south from Shard
Boar Clan * Road west from Hibarnhvidar
* Road south thru the Hunter's Glade
* Zip lines from the Hunter's Glade
* Wizened ranger from Siksraja
* Ranger Trail T26 from Siksraja (Ranger Only)
Chyolvea Tayeu'a * Recite the access poem from the road thru the Dragon's Spine
Crossing * 1st entry into the Realms from the Character Manager to Jadewater Mansion
* Carriage from the Riverhaven ferry dock
* Road south from Arthe Dale/Kaerna Village
* Road east from Tiger Clan
* Road south from the north road
* Public transport ferry from Leth Deriel
* Swim across the Segoltha River from Leth Deriel
* Public transport ship Skirr'lolasu from Ratha
* Public transport airship from Muspar'i
Dirge * Road from the NTR between Kaerna Village & the Riverhaven ferry
El'Bain's Stop * Just off the North Road between Langenfirth & Therenborough
Fang Cove
(Estate Holder area)
* Public transport mammoth from Acenamacra Village
* Public transport mammoth from Ratha
* When open, via the Meeting portals (Estate Holder-only)
* Use of the Estate Holder rings
Fayrin's Rest * On the STR between the Dragon's Spine (gondola) & Steelclaw Clan
Fornsted Village
(get a passport in Theren to pass thru)
* On the road between the wall route outside the Therenborough gate & Hvaral
Hara'jaal * Public transport ship Tasia'zaul from Ratha (access quest spoiler)
* Public transport ship Jolas from Mer'Kresh
Hibarnhvidar * Road from the Ain Ghazal Isle ferry/Raven's Point
* Road from Boar Clan
Horse Clan (Zaldi Taipa) * Road from Shard/Raven's Point
(get a passport in Theren to pass Fornsted if walking)
* Road from Fornsted Village/Therenborough
* Sand barge from Muspar'i
* Travel across the Velaka desert (high Athletics check) from Sand Clan (Heru Taipa/Haizen Cugis)
Kaerna Village * On the road between Crossing and Stone Clan
Knife Clan (Trefan Iltesh) * Road north from the cougar hunting area outside of Wolf Clan
Langenfirth * Road from El'Bain's Stop/Therenborough
* Barge from Riverhaven
* Rented boat across Lake Gwenalion
* Public transport balloon from M'Riss
* Road from Siksraja
Leth Deriel * Road from the Crossing ferry
* Road from the Dragon's Spine (gondola)
* Road from River Clan (Ilaya Taipa)
* Road from Acenamacra Village
M'Riss * Ferry from Mer'Kresh
* Public transport ship Degan (M'Riss citizen-only) from Acenamacra Village
* Public transport balloon from Langenfirth
* Auto-transport to the Penal Colony when convicted of a crime in Mer'Kresh
Mer'Kresh * Ferry from M'Riss
* Public transport ship Jolas from Hara'jaal
(get a passport in Theren to pass Fornsted if walking)
* Sand barge from Hvaral
* Public transport airship from Crossing
* Travel across the Velaka desert (high Athletics check) from Sand Clan (Heru Taipa/Haizen Cugis)
Pokekehekepi Beach * Road from Ratha
* Public transport ship Halasa Selhin from Aesry Surlaenis'a & Ratha
Ratha * Public transport ship Skirr'lolasu from Crossing
* Public transport ship Kree'la from Riverhaven
* Public transport ship Halasa Selhin from Aesry Surlaenis'a
* Public transport ship Night Sky from Taisgath Island
* Public transport ship Tasia'zaul from Hara'jaal (access quest spoiler)
* Road from Pokekehekepi Beach
* Stable Moongate from Taisgath Island (any moon must be in the sky)
* Public transport mammoth from Fang Cove
Raven's Point * Road from Shard/Horse Clan (Zaldi Taipa)
* Road from the Ain Ghazal Isle ferry/Hibarnhvidar
Riverhaven * 1st entry into the Realms from the Character Manager to Aldamus House (NW part of the city)
* Carriage from Crossing (to the Haven ferry)
* Public transport ferry from the north road
* Swim the Faldesu River
* Barge from Langenfirth
* Rented boat across Lake Gwenalion
* Road from Rossman's Landing
* Public transport ferry from Throne City
* Public transport ship Kree'la from Ratha
* Public transport ship Lybadel from Aesry Surlaenis'a
River Clan (Ilaya Taipa) * Road from Leth Deriel
* Public transport skiff from Ain Ghazal Isle
Rossman's Landing * Road from Riverhaven
* Road and bridge from Therenborough/El'Bain's Stop
* Rented boat across Lake Gwenalion
Sand Clan (Heru Taipa/Haizen Cugis) * Road from the Oasis stop along the route of the public transport sand barge between Hvaral & Muspar'i
* Travel across the Velaka desert (high Athletics check) from Muspar'i
* Travel across the Velaka desert (high Athletics check) from Hvaral
Shard * Road south from the Dragon's Spine (gondola) & Fayrin's Rest
* Road east from Raven's Point/Horse Clan (Zaldi Taipa)
* Road north from Blackthorn Canyon/Shadow's Reach
* Public transport dirigible from Aesry Surlaenis'a
Siksraja * Road from Langenfirth
* Public transport Ranger trail from Hag's Crag in Forfedhdar
* Wizened ranger from Boar Clan
* Ranger Trail F52 from Boar Clan (Ranger Only)
Silverclaw Hub * Road through the Forest of Night off the STR between the ferry to Crossing & Leth Deriel
Steelclaw Clan * Road off the STR between Shard & Fayrin's Rest
Stone Clan (Lariocatt Brach) * Road off the STR outside Kaerna Village
* Road through Sorrow's Reach from Sunfall Hub
Sunfall Hub * Road off the STR outside Kaerna Village and thru Sorrow's Reach
Taisgath Island * Public transport ship Night Sky from Ratha
* Stable Moongate from Ratha (any moon must be in the sky)
Therenborough * Road north from Langenfirth/El'Bain's Stop
* Road and bridge from Rossman's Landing
* Road from Hvaral/Fornsted Village
* Moon Mage-activated turtle from Throne City
Throne City * Public transport ferry from Riverhaven
* Moon Mage-activated turtle from Therenborough
Tiger Clan * Just off the road between Crossing & Wolf Clan
* Swim across the Segoltha River from Leth Deriel
Wolf Clan * Road from Crossing/Tiger Clan
* Road south from Knife Clan