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Disarm Traps skill: Difference between revisions

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Line 20: Line 20:
*1: An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep.
*1: An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep.
*2: This trap is a laughable matter, you could do it blindfolded!
*2: This trap is a laughable matter, you could do it blindfolded!
*3: The trap is a trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time.
*3: The <material> <box>'s trap is a trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time.
*4: will be a simple matter for you to disarm.
*4: The <material> <box> will be a simple matter for you to disarm.
*5: should not take long with your skills.
*5: The <material> <box> should not take long with your skills.
*6: with only minor troubles.
*6: You can disarm the <material> <box> with only minor troubles.
*7: You think this trap is precisely at your skill level.
*7: You think this trap is precisely at your skill level.
*8: The trap has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at disarming
*8: The trap has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at disarming the <material> <box>.
*9: The odds are against you, but with persistence you believe you could disarm
*9: The odds are against you, but with persistence you believe you could disarm the <material> <box>.
*10: You have some chance of being able to disarm
*10: You have some chance of being able to disarm the <material> <box>.
*11: would be a longshot.
*11: Disarming the <material> <box> would be a longshot.
*12: You really don't have any chance at disarming
*12: Prayer would be a good start for any attempt of yours at disarming the <material> <box>.
*13: You have an amazingly minimal chance at disarming
*13: You have an amazingly minimal chance at disarming the <material> <box>.
*14: You really don't have any chance at disarming this <material> <box>.
*14: Prayer would be a good start for any attempt of yours at disarming
*15: You could just jump off a cliff and save yourself the frustration of attempting
*15: You probably have the same shot as a snowball does crossing the desert.
*16: You could just jump off a cliff and save yourself the frustration of attempting this <material> <box>.
*16: You probably have the same shot as a snowball does crossing the desert.
*17: A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames of Ushnish would fare better than you.
*17: A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames of Ushnish would fare better than you.

==Ranks Required==
==Ranks Required==

Revision as of 07:18, 29 September 2012

Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.

The Disarm Traps skill is used to disarm traps safely and quickly. It is trained, as one might expect, by disarming challenging traps. Traps are most commonly found on treasure boxes dropped by creatures, but may also be found in fixed locations, for example when passing through a room (like in the Undershard Gallery) or on an entryway (such as the door to the Baron's office in Theren Keep).


See DISARM command article.


As a general statement, the more difficult the maneuver, the more you can expect to learn from the risk you take. Likewise, a more difficult trap relative to your skill level will present a greater potential to learn from the risk.

For the maximum amount of experience, a person should do the following:

  • DISARM IDENTIFY Teaches perception and disarm. Further, the appraised difficulty using this command takes into account Khri, but does not take into account urban bonus or armor. For example, wearing HP and not wearing HP, a box would identify as the same, but using khri safe it would identify easier than not using khri safe. This was tested by Zihnj by ID a box 100 times under each scenario with armor, without armor, in town, out of town, with khri, without khri. He then compared the average appraised difficulties.
  • DISARM (BLIND, QUICK, NORMAL, CAREFUL) Disarm at the quickest speed possible for the highest amount of experience gain. Teaches only disarm.
  • DISARM ANALYZE Teaches perception and disarm. <optional>
  • DISARM HARVEST Teaches only disarm. <optional>

Trap Types

See the Box Trap List for help with trap identification.

Identified Trap Difficulty

  • 1: An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep.
  • 2: This trap is a laughable matter, you could do it blindfolded!
  • 3: The <material> <box>'s trap is a trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time.
  • 4: The <material> <box> will be a simple matter for you to disarm.
  • 5: The <material> <box> should not take long with your skills.
  • 6: You can disarm the <material> <box> with only minor troubles.
  • 7: You think this trap is precisely at your skill level.
  • 8: The trap has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at disarming the <material> <box>.
  • 9: The odds are against you, but with persistence you believe you could disarm the <material> <box>.
  • 10: You have some chance of being able to disarm the <material> <box>.
  • 11: Disarming the <material> <box> would be a longshot.
  • 12: Prayer would be a good start for any attempt of yours at disarming the <material> <box>.
  • 13: You have an amazingly minimal chance at disarming the <material> <box>.
  • 14: You really don't have any chance at disarming this <material> <box>.
  • 15: You probably have the same shot as a snowball does crossing the desert.
  • 16: You could just jump off a cliff and save yourself the frustration of attempting this <material> <box>.
  • 17: A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames of Ushnish would fare better than you.

Ranks Required

These Ranks are based on unbonused Disarm Traps and Lockpicking ranks needed to successfully open boxes, They do NOT reflect combat ranks required

Minimum Ranks being described as the amount you need to never see the "jump off a cliff" message when you identify


Creature Approx. Min. Ranks Approx. Cap
Goblin 0 40+
Sleazy Lout 0 35
Trollkin 0 35
Goblin Zombie 0 35
Ghoul 0 35
Crazed Madmen 0 35
Blood Nyad 0 35
Blood Dryad 0 35
Kobold 30 55
Goblin Shaman 30 55
Boggle 30 55
Revenant Zombie 30 55
Wood Troll 30 55
Grendel 30 55
S'lai Scout 30(?) ??
Faenrae Reaver 35 75
Sand Sprite 40 100+
Rock Troll 40 85
Dusk Ogre 50 85
Fire Sprite 55 85(?)
Fire Maiden 55 85(?)
Skeletal Kobold Savage, Skeletal Kobold Headhunter 55 85(?)
Zombie Kobold Savage, Zombie Kobold Headhunter 55 85(?)
Arbelog 60 ??
Dark Fiend 60(?) ??
Lesser Sluagh 60 ??
Moss Mey 70 105(?)
Gypsy Marauder 75(?) 105(?)
Young Ogre 75(?) 105(?)
Scout Ogre 75(?) 110(?)
Bawdy Swain 75(?) 150(?)
Swamp Troll (Haven) 80 ??
Snow Goblins, 1st Tier 85(?) 135(?)
Young Cave Troll 85(?) 135(?)
Undershard, 1st Tier 85(?) 135(?)
Miserly Moneygrubber, Pugnacious Pinchfist, Shifty-eyed Skinflint, Troublesome Tightwad 90(?)
Granite Gargoyle 80 ??
Crossing Thug, Cutthroat, Ruffian, Footpad 100 ??
River Sprite 100(?) ??
Snow Goblins, 2nd Tier 120 190
Undershard, 2nd Tier 120 190
Kra'hei Hatchling 130 ??
Writhing Maiden's Tress 130(?) ??
Dark Spirit 130 ??
Scavenger Troll 140 ]]
Pale Grey Death Spirit 140?? ??
Undershard, 3rd Tier 150 210
Rotting Deadwood Dryad 150(?) ??
Alley Thug 130(?) ??
Frostweaver 150 ??
Lanky Grey Lach 150 ??
Pirates on the Lybadel//Kree'la 110 220
Shadoweaver 150(?) ??
Snow Goblins, 3rd Tier 150 210
Orc Scout 150?? ??
Forest Geni 150 210??
Ur Hhrki'izh, 1st Tier 160(?) 230(?)
Orc Bandit 180?? ??
Adan'f Shadow Mage 200 ??
Adan'f Blood Warrior 200 ??
Orc Reiver 200?? ??
Red-bristled Gremlin 205(?) ??
Velakan Slaver 210(?) ??
Zombie Nomad 210(?) ??
Armored Shalswar 245 ??
Misshapen Germish'din 260(?) ??
Orc Raider 276+ ??
Adan'f Spirit Dancer 276 ??
Greater Sluagh 280(?) ??
Sky Giant 350?? ??
Crypt Fiend ?? ??
Blight Ogre ?? ??
Super Rock Troll ?? ??
Swamp Troll (Lang) ?? ??
Merrows 115 I was popping no problem at 130, but exp was slow
Corsairs ?? ??
Plain Atik'et ?? ??
Fendryad 150(?) ??
Temple Atik'et ?? ??
Spectral Pirate ?? ??
Skeletal Sailor ?? ??
Lava field Atik'et ?? ??
Dragon Priest/Priestess 245 (similar level to Armored Shalswar)
Faenrae Stalker ?? ??
Lun'Shele Hunter ?? ??
Lun'Shele Trekhalo ?? ??
Wir Dinego ?? ??
Kra'hei ?? ??
Telga Moradu ?? ??
Maelshyvean Shadow Beast 350(?) ??
Orc Clan-Chief ?? ??
Shadow Master ?? ??
S'sugi Malchata ?? ??
Black Goblin ?? ??
Dragon Priest Assassin 850 ??
Dragon Priest Intercessor 1100(??) ??

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