Hollow Eve Festival 447/Aiding the Merelew

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< Hollow Eve Festival 447
Revision as of 13:13, 2 November 2023 by TEVESHSZAT (talk | contribs) (something weird about the faction table being indented indents everything after it, too)
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Important Notes:

  • A Hollow Eve ticket is not required to participate in the tasks or earn (most) rewards.
  • Access to Hollow Eve is required to access the Seat of Unification to redeem the faction movement reward.

Unstable Ripplegates

To reach the Stone Rotunda, where Arbiter Ceryaen and the Merelew factions are, someone who has already obtained an ecosphere must RAISE it to open a gate. This will create a ripplegate that will open for 5-10 minutes that anyone can use. It takes 1 hour in Prime, 30 minutes in Plat or TF for this magic to replenish, so there may need to be some planning or coordination in these early days as others who don't yet have them acquire theirs. If you DID lose or give away your ecosphere, a replacement can be purchased from Shadow Forger Zentham for 500 plat.

Opening: With a gurgle, a pool of water quickly bubbles up from the ground and lifts into the air. It begins to spiral, like a whirlpool turned on its side, forming an unstable ripplegate.

Closing: Whatever magic held the ripplegate is no more. The cohesion is lost, and it collapses into a rapidly drying puddle.

The Stone Rotunda

[Stone Rotunda, Gathering Hall]
The circular room is massive and contains several tiered balconies reaching towards the dome overhead. Here, on the ground level, the space is open with only a rectangular stone table at its heart -- a centerpiece viewable from the countless elevated seats in the galleries above. Numerous tanks containing bioluminescent fish, corals and other sea-life line the walls, providing ample illumination for the chamber. You also see a long volcanic glass buffet table perched upon enormous staghorn coral with several things on it, a deep pool, a turbulent ripplegate, Arbiter Ceryaen, Form Shaper Vestaet, Transmuter Zaenen, Preserver of Balance Kixfa, Opportunity Broker Petret and Aluna's Protector Iaxet, a bucket of viscous gloop and a leaderboard.
Obvious exits: east.

On the buffet table
Item Price Done
sugar-rimmed glass bottles of sweetened zuoganaas 0   
bottles of crystal clear distilled water 0   
sauteed urchin wrapped in seaweed 0   
seared swordfish steak sprinkled with salt 0   
braised shrimp wrapped in kelp 0   
boiled clams drizzled with kelp wine vinegar and sea salt 0   
seaweed salad drizzled with kelp wine vinegar 0   
thinly sliced raw tuna drizzled with a kelp wine reduction 0   
salted hard cheese made from whale milk 0   

[Stone Rotunda, Alcove]
Set in a back corner of the chamber, the alcove contains a solid ripplegate that gleams with the light from the tanks set along the walls. The water spirals in an endless loop with the force of a waterfall. The mist surrounding the portal conceals whatever lies beyond it.
You also see a Trickling Sun leviathan ecologist who is sitting and a substantial watery ripplegate.
Obvious exits: west.

Ceryaen Tasks

Arbiter Ceryaen can randomly assign you the following tasks. Declining a task results in a ten minute penalty until you can ask for another one. Use TASK command to see these details anytime after you receive a task.

Perceive Aura Task

Arbiter Ceryaen leans on her trident as she says, "The great spider exploded in the seas many years ago, now, yet its effects are still lingering and corrupting our depths. Pieces of it are no doubt washing ashore in your own lands at this point and being dispersed more widely by nature's many servants."

She continues, "The Life Mages of the Trickling Sun, thanks to the resources and sway they carried after your previous efforts, have spent quite some time developing a means of sensing the patterns of this lingering corruption. I can teach this technique to you, if you are willing to assist us. It is an extension of one's attunement to the mana streams -- fear not if such skill is beyond you. Our artificers have developed a tool that can also reveal the auras."

Ceryaen asks, "This is the task set before you. Will you accept?"


Ceryaen inclines her head and says, "Our thanks." She reaches out and touches a webbed hand to your forehead. A green halo forms, making you wince at the intensity, but it quickly dissipates.

Arbiter Ceryaen says, "PERCEIVE the mana streams around you, and seek the <color> patterns revealed through this technique. When you locate one, SEARCH the area until you uncover the corruption and see to its disposal. Return to me when you have purged <number> or more of these. You may yet find them upon Andreshlew's shores or your own, or even the depths between us."


You must walk around to different rooms using PERC to perceive different colors of aura in each room. When you find a room that has the aura color you have been tasked with finding, simply SEARCH until you successfully find the debris. This may take several search attempts. If you PERC and are told that you are unlikely to learn anything further here, it's because you have already PERC'd that area, and need to move a few rooms away to try again. You can look at rooms through the task ripplegate, or you can leave the task area completely and search around areas with lots of rooms, like Crossing.

Example result from PERC: Employing the technique Ceryaen imparted, you perceive blotchy white mists here and blotchy pink mists below you.

Completing this task will occasionally also reward you with a glassy ebon gedirdavu amulet.

Each 10% of the game population sees each room as a different color. It's a combination of character info (unique) + room info.

Dolphin Training Task

Arbiter Ceryaen observes the coming and going of adventurers of all walks of life as she shifts her weight from foot to foot. At last, she says, "There are many of you, and no doubt most will be visiting Andreshlew proper in the days and weeks to come. The Trickling Sun members have been occupied with the lingering corruption issue, and few have been able to prepare the dolphins for their great travels. The waters between you and us are vast, and only the best should be trusted to carry you landwalkers to us."

Ceryaen continues, "If you are agreeable, I am certain we can advise you in the necessary techniques to train and prepare one of the dolphins for what's to come."


Arbiter Ceryaen nods to a pool nearby. "When you are ready, enter the pool and the training shall begin. The dolphins are eager to show you the seas, and they can be quite swift. Guide them to steer them far away from obstacles that could pose a threat to them or their passengers. 8 obstacles should suffice for the dolphin we've selected for you. If you prove particularly inept, we shall recall you and the dolphin and you may try again with a new pairing."

Ceryaen leans in and whispers quietly, "Pay no mind to the onlookers. They may be taking bets on your success or failure, but we have no doubt you'll survive the trials ahead. If you wish to give up, however, you may SNAP at any point, and you will be returned here."


From the room with Arbiter Ceryean, GO POOL to begin this task. The task will begin automatically. You will be given a series of messages about what to do to help your dolphin avoid various obstacles. Once you have avoided the correct number of obstacles, you can SNAP to be taken out of the task area, or you can continue to avoid obstacles to attempt a personal high score. Your score will be given to you when you emerge from the task. If you fail enough obstacles in a row, you will automatically be removed from the task.

Message Command
A series of colored rings comes into view to the right up ahead. Encourage the dolphin away from them by leaning to adjust its course! LEAN LEFT
A series of colored rings comes into view to the right up ahead. Encourage the dolphin towards them by leaning to adjust its course! LEAN RIGHT
A series of colored rings comes into view to the left up ahead. Encourage the dolphin away from them by leaning to adjust its course! LEAN RIGHT
A series of colored rings comes into view to the left up ahead. Encourage the dolphin towards them by leaning to adjust its course! LEAN LEFT
Without warning, a clump of algae slams into the youthful dolphin, and gets caught in its fins! You're certain you can recover if you can brush it away. BRUSH
A mass of kelp appears out of nowhere and wraps around you and the dolphin! You're certain you can recover if you can brush it away. BRUSH
You jump as a tangle of seaweed flies up out of the water and momentarily blinds you! Rubbing it aside quickly may let you recover before it's too late! RUB
You jump as a tangle of seaweed flies up out of the water and momentarily blinds you! If you don't rub it soon, greater disasters will surely loom! RUB
Without warning, a clump of algae slams into the nomlas-pink dolphin, and gets caught in its fins! Rubbing it aside quickly may let you recover before it's too late! RUB
A large ship is crossing your path ahead. At this speed, you'll almost certainly slam into the rudder! Duck! DUCK
A sea mammoth is swimming nearby, but her tail is in your path! Ducking now may just give you a chance! DUCK
Another adventurer on her own dolphin is racing towards you! Duck! DUCK
Another adventurer on her own dolphin is racing towards you! Ducking now may just give you a chance! DUCK
A fishing net is stretched between two ships ahead! You should duck to avoid it! DUCK
A fishing net is stretched between two ships ahead! Duck! DUCK
A large ship is crossing your path ahead. At this speed, you'll almost certainly slam into the rudder! Duck! DUCK
A fishing net is stretched between two ships ahead! Jumping now may just give you a chance!​ JUMP
A sea mammoth is swimming nearby, but her tail is in your path! Jump! JUMP
A large ship is crossing your path ahead. At this speed, you'll almost certainly slam into the rudder! You should jump to avoid it! JUMP
The youthful dolphin is swiftly heading towards a rocky outcrop! Your youthful dolphin must adjust her path before she collides with the obstacle! ADJUST
During a dive, you catch a glimpse of a dense kelp forest in your path! Your glittered dolphin must adjust her path before she collides with the obstacle! ADJUST
During a dive, you catch a glimpse of a dense kelp forest in your path! Careful adjustment now can help you avoid the danger. ADJUST
A field of dangerous algae blankets the surface ahead! Adjust your heading to steer clear of the obstacle. ADJUST
You jump as a tangle of seaweed flies up out of the water and momentarily blinds you! If you don't clean it soon, greater disasters will surely loom! CLEAN
A mass of kelp appears out of nowhere and wraps around you and the dolphin! Cleaning it aside quickly may let you recover before it's too late! CLEAN

Dolphins (fat, tattooed, etc) are based on your login time + the # of obstacles you're asked to overcome. Just flavor, no performance change.


For HE 447 there is a "Drylander Training" leaderboard showing high scores.

Prime Leaderboard

last updated EST

Purge Horrors

Arbiter Ceryaen says, "Much progress was made during previous landwalker visits, and yet more still by our own kind in the years since, in putting down the beasts angered and corrupted by the great spider's passing. Still, there are horrors in the depths that must be dealt with, if you are willing. Be cautious of the Voidgazers should you encounter them."


Arbiter Ceryaen taps her trident upon the stone floor for no reason you can discern. At last, she says, "This is a simple task, and you need no special training or knowledge. Seek 7 of the horrors that yet remain and put them to rest."


Move east from Ceryaen to the [Stone Rotunda, Alcove]. There, you can TURN the substantial watery ripplegate to the zone with the creatures you'd like to hunt. Once in that hunting zone, kill the number of creatures required, and return to Ceryaen.

Zone options:

Zone Mobs
Escarpment deeplight fish, decomposing Merelew
Tidal Flats deeplight fish, rockclaw lobster covered with algae tufts
Kelp Forest deeplight fish, nacre-plated Torbisan decapod
Abyssal Depths deeplight fish, rockclaw lobster covered with algae tufts, nacre-plated Torbisan decapod, decomposing Merelew
Leviathan's Rest ambulatory coral reef with labyrinthine grooves
Note: Only one spawns in this zone at a time.

Please note: The starting rooms appears to all be above water, but all rooms following that are underwater, so be sure to have Air Bubble or a strong lung capacity to survive in those depths! (Air Bubble wands are sold in Fang Cove, at Ocan's Bait and Tackle.)

When completing this task, you will get a barnacled metal box, which is trapped/locked and contains some extra gems/coins, and the occasional glassy ebon gedirdavu amulet.

Ecologist Tasks



The leviathan ecologist says, "The leviathans are ancient beyond our ken, even young Zemmunhu. They are naturally steadfast explorers, and though it's hard to imagine they've left anywhere unvisited, Elanthia is ever-changing. Furthermore, there are places in the depths that might stymie and distress even a leviathan! We Merelew already do what we can to help, but we're stretched thin, and you may have better luck. Accompany a leviathan and remove any obstacles from its path. Ask me again if you wish your party to go."


While in a group of 2 people, the group leader has to ASK ECOLOGIST ABOUT PROBLEM twice to begin the mission. You will be escorted as a group to one of several locations of about 5-6 rooms each. TAP/RUB/INVOKE/TOUCH the ball to have Air Bubble cast on you. You may need to return here to refresh the spell. After some intro text, you will hear the ecologist say "Merciful Aluna..." This is your cue to move around the area and find either the shark or the Drogor avatar (it is the same mob, but it can swap between the two). Fight and kill the avatar, and make sure to loot it. This task rewards 50+ renown.


The maximum amount of faction standing you can earn per task is 15, and the maximum amount of Kronars is 75,000. (7.5 plat). The amount you earn is based on how much work you do for the task, even if you're not explicitly asked for that amount. For example, you will earn 7.5 plat Kronar if you complete 25 obstacles on the dolphin course, even if you're only asked to complete 10 obstacles.

Actions Needed for Max Rewards

Even though you'll be asked to perform fewer actions than these per task, you can continue your task to reach the maximum amount of coin and standing rewards.

  • Aura Task: 15 auras purged
  • Dolphin Task: 25 obstacles cleared
  • Kill Task: 20 mobs killed

Standing Rewards

After completing some tasks (you will need 25 standing), ASK CERYAEN ABOUT ECOSPHERE.

  • You will only be given one ecosphere: do not lose it.
    (A replacement can be purchased from Shadow Forger Zentham for 500 platinum Kronars.)
  • As you continue completing tasks, ASK CERYAEN ABOUT ECOSPHERE again to 'upgrade' it, until she tells you it can no longer be upgraded.
  • Once you have standing stored in your ecosphere, you can SHOW ECOSPHERE to the Merelew representative for the faction of your choosing. Your faction choice will determine the title you earn from completing tasks.
  • You can also ASK CERYAEN ABOUT STANDING to learn about your unpledged and pledged standing.

If you show your ecosphere to a second faction, your standing with your current faction will be reduced by half. This makes it impossible to max your standing with more than a single faction at a time.

Faction Merelew NPC Title
Depth Shapers Form Shaper Vestaet Initiate Shaper
Inverted Crucible Transmuter Zaenen Tidal Mixer
Trickling Sun Preserver of Balance Kixfa Depth Preserver
Red Fan Traders Opportunity Broker Petret Tidal Broker
Supplicants of the Tide Aluna's Protector Iaxet Tidal Adherent

Once you have enough standing with your faction, ASK <FACTION LEADER> ABOUT STANDING and you will be given a pendant of chitin scrimshawed with the symbol of your faction.

<Merelew representative> hands you a pendant of chitin scrimshawed with the symbol of the <faction name>. She solemnly says, "This is a great gift, <name>. It is a gift of the seas, but also unique to you and a symbol of the respect the members of the <faction> have for you. It may seem simple, but it may also be of use to you in future visits. Treasure it if you might return to us some day. Do not ask for another if you lose it, for it is equally as disrespectful as asking for another ecosphere."

A scrimshawed pendant reads:
"Earned by <name>, visitor to Andreshlew and friend of the <faction name>. 439 A.V."

  • 300 rep in a single faction is enough for the title.
  • 600 rep in a single faction is enough for the pendant.
  • 900 rep in a single faction is enough for the last ecosphere unlock & to gain access to your faction arch in the Seat of Unification. May not need to put 900 points in just one faction, vs all factions total if you're splitting your faction gain.

Ecologist Rewards

In addition to the rewards earned from gaining standing with the Merelew, the leviathan ecologist hanging out in the Stone Rotunda will offer three additional rewards to anyone who has completed the leviathan mission at least once, recently.

Though you can gain more standing from the leviathan mission than from Ceryaen's tasks, you can mostly stick with the latter if you're afraid of leviathans!

The additional rewards:

  1. The title Leviathan Friend, unlocked after reaching 1,200 standing.
  2. A tiny cage containing a coralite-armored guardian cuttlefish ephemeron, which is earned at 1,500 standing.
  3. An Ecosphere unlock for faction-specific movement messages.
    • This has a dual requirement of a shared standing of 1,800 (the sum of all the standing you have ever earned, regardless of where it is pledged), and faction-specific standing (as you need to be able to access each faction's room at the Seat of Unification).
    • You can collect all five of these movement styles if you want! (This requires access to the Seat of Unification area which is on Andreshlew inside the Hollow Eve festival grounds. It takes 900 standing in a faction to be able to access it.)

This means that, while non-festgoers can obtain the title and the ephemeron, the final reward is only available to those with a Hollow Eve ticket.


The leviathan ecologist peers at you keenly, as if trying to remember you. She reaches for your hemispherical ecosphere and closely inspects it. At last, she says, "Ceryaen has tallied your deeds in service of the Merelew at [number]."

The ecologist says, "We shall know you as a Leviathan Friend, [name]. It is no small thing." She chortles to herself.
[You've unlocked a new title! It can be found in the EVENT2 category!]


The ecologist hands you a tiny ayabere cage. She says, "Here's a little friend for you, [name]. Take good care of it. You will not get another."

Faction Movement

The ecologist says, "The touch of the leviathans opens the way to one more gift. Take your ecosphere to the Seat of Unification. INVOKE it in the places of the factions you support."

Faction Movement Message
Depth Shapers
First Person You (move type) (direction), leaving a trail of nacre curlicues which rise from the ground and soon crumble to pearly powder.
Third Person Leaving Player (move type)s (direction), leaving a trail of nacre curlicues which rise from the ground and soon crumble to pearly powder.
Third Person Entering Player just arrived, brief-lived nacre curlicues rising daintily around him/her.
Third Person Following You follow Player (direction), your footsteps crunching on the pearly powder he/she is strewing.
Inverted Crucible
First Person You (move type) (direction), a seething foam growing from your footsteps. Vivid azure and orange bubbles hiss, crackle, and pop in rapid sequence as you move.
Third Person Leaving Player (move type)s (direction), a seething foam growing from (his/her) footsteps. Vivid azure and orange bubbles hiss, crackle, and pop in rapid sequence as (he/she) leaves.
Third Person Entering Player just arrived, a bluish orange foam boiling beneath (his/her) feet.
Third Person Following You follow Player (direction), taking care to avoid the seething foam growing from his/her footsteps.
Trickling Sun
First Person You (move type) (direction), trailing a wake of quickly evaporating sea spray alight with ghostly blue-green mareel.
Third Person Leaving Player (move type)s (direction), trailing a wake of quickly evaporating sea spray alight with ghostly blue-green mareel.
Third Person Entering Player just arrived, alight with ghostly blue-green wisps.
Third Person Following You follow Player (direction), spluttering at the inexplicable sea spray coming from his direction.
Red Fan Traders
First Person You (move type) (direction), wafting a briny aroma of exotic fragrances amidst the trill of a mechanical music box.
Third Person Leaving Player (move type)s (direction), though a sea-salt scent lingers.
Third Person Entering Player just arrived, wafting a briny aroma of exotic fragrances amidst the trill of a mechanical music box.
Third Person Following You follow Player (direction), humming alongside a music box that is trilling nearby.
Supplicants of the Tide
First Person You (move type) (direction), followed by the gentle whoosh of an ocean and (glimmers of golden sunlight / glimmers of cold white starlight / glimmers of sapphire moonlight / writhing tendrils of moonshadow / glimmers of ruby moonlight).
Third Person Leaving Player (move type)s (direction), followed by the gentle whoosh of an ocean and (glimmers of golden sunlight / glimmers of cold white starlight / glimmers of sapphire moonlight / writhing tendrils of moonshadow / glimmers of ruby moonlight).
Third Person Entering Player just arrived. You hear a distant ocean whoosh as <he/she> walks by.
Third Person Following You follow Player (direction), mesmerized by his/her (glimmers of golden sunlight / glimmers of cold white starlight / glimmers of sapphire moonlight / writhing tendrils of moonshadow / glimmers of ruby moonlight).

The type of light is independently determined for each move action, and is randomly selected from currently available light sources. E.g. Daytime with Katamba up will result in a random mix of sunlight and moonshadow messaging.


  • TURN ECOSPHERE TO <FACTION NAME>: selects custom movement from available selections
  • INVOKE ECOSPHERE: activates custom movement for selected faction
  • REMOVE ECOSPHERE: deactivates custom movement

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