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Category:Event 2 titles

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All Event 2 Titles

TitleTitle requirement
AltruistSimuCon 2017 Indiegogo title
Arcane GuardianTitle available from Corn Maze.
Archaeologist of Su HelmasSu Helmas title.
Archivist of Su HelmasSu Helmas title.
Barrow WardenFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Blight PreserverFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Blight SealerFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
Brine's StingTitle available from Corn Maze.
Clockwork SlayerSu Helmas title.
Crashing SteelTitle available from Corn Maze.
Demon's BaneTitle available from Corn Maze.
Entropy's BaneSu Helmas title.
Epoch's InevitabilityTitle available from Aesthene's Close.
Exile's BaneFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
Explorer of Su HelmasSu Helmas title.
Far ShotTitle available from Corn Maze.
HexbreakerTitle available from Corn Maze.
KachlemnFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Leviathan FriendTitle available from Aiding the Merelew during Hollow Eve.
MerrymakerSimuCon 2014 Indiegogo title
MistwalkerTitle available from Corn Maze.
Party BenefactorSimuCon 2015 Indiegogo title
Penucaran DuitTitle available from Corn Maze.
Refraction's FuryTitle available from Corn Maze.
Reshalian BlightFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Reshalian BulwarkFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
Ruins Crawler (Event2)Su Helmas title.
Sanyu AesFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
Storm ForgedTitle available from Corn Maze.
Striking WindTitle available from Corn Maze.
Time WardenTitle available from Aesthene's Close.
Zill BreakerSimuCon 2018 Indiegogo title

Aesthene's Close Titles

TitleTitle requirement
Epoch's InevitabilityTitle available from Aesthene's Close.
Time WardenTitle available from Aesthene's Close.

Basalt Isle Raid Titles

TitleTitle requirement
Barrow WardenFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Blight PreserverFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Blight SealerFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
Exile's BaneFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
KachlemnFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Reshalian BlightFrom participation in the defense of Basalt Isle
Reshalian BulwarkFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle
Sanyu AesFrom participation in the assault on Basalt Isle

Simucon Titles

TitleTitle requirement
AltruistSimuCon 2017 Indiegogo title
MerrymakerSimuCon 2014 Indiegogo title
Party BenefactorSimuCon 2015 Indiegogo title
Zill BreakerSimuCon 2018 Indiegogo title

Su Helmas Titles

TitleTitle requirement
Archaeologist of Su HelmasSu Helmas title.
Archivist of Su HelmasSu Helmas title.
Clockwork SlayerSu Helmas title.
Entropy's BaneSu Helmas title.
Explorer of Su HelmasSu Helmas title.
Ruins Crawler (Event2)Su Helmas title.

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