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Item:Simple ecosphere

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simple ecosphere
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 0 Kronars0 Lirums <br />0 Dokoras <br />0 LTBpoints <br />0 Tickets <br />0 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an item.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 450/Aiding the Merelew, Hollow Eve Festival 447/Aiding the Merelew, Hollow Eve Festival 443/Aiding the Merelew, Hollow Eve Festival 439/Aiding the Merelew, Hollow Eve Festival 436/Aiding the Merelew, Ceryaen

Ceryaen nods and says, "It is time, [name]. You have taken the first steps to gaining our trust, and in turn, we shall convey a gift. Know this: this offering is special, and it is unique to you. It may seem simple, but it will grow as you continue to assist us. Do not lose it. You will not be given another -- asking for such would be a great dishonor, and no Merelew would do so."

Arbiter Ceryaen reverently places a simple ecosphere in your right hand. "Guard it well, [name]. You will not get another."


The simple ecosphere is a special gift earned, not given, by helping the Merelew during a time of need. The lifeforms within, both plant and animal alike, are given special blessings for a long, healthful life. The blessings depend on the one who earned it, and the Merelew consider it a great dishonor to lose or give away the ecosphere.

Added for HE 439: You believe you could RAISE the spherical ecosphere to summon an unstable ripplegate to visit Ceryaen, though this magic is fleeting and only persists when Andreshlew is near.

While the Merelew welcome visitors to Andreshlew, the hemispherical ecosphere serves as a vessel of honor and a record of deeds. Representatives from the major factions would appreciate you SHOWing it to them to support their cause.

[While you can convey your support to any representative, your standing with all others will be reduced by half the amount when you do so. It is advised that you choose a single faction to support this visit. Support will not be taken back or undone by staff. Use care.]

Verb Actions
RAISE (when ready) First Person: With a gurgle, a pool of water quickly bubbles up from the ground and lifts into the air. It begins to spiral, like a whirlpool turned on its side, forming an unstable ripplegate.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: With a gurgle, a pool of water quickly bubbles up from the ground and lifts into the air. It begins to spiral, like a whirlpool turned on its side, forming an unstable ripplegate.
RAISE (when on cooldown) First Person: You lift the <shape> ecosphere, and a faint glow surrounds it, but nothing further happens.

[You've used this recently and must wait before summoning another ripplegate.]

No messaging for second person.
No messaging for third person.

Note: Base cooldown is 1 hour in Prime, 30 minutes in Platinum and Fallen. For every tier unlocked, time is reduced by another 5 minutes, with a floor of 25 minutes for Prime, and 10 minutes for Platinum/Fallen.


Tier 0 (25 Standing)

After earning standing, ASK Ceryaen about ecosphere to obtain a simple ecosphere.

Tier 1 (50 Standing)

After earning additional standing, ASK Ceryaen about ecosphere again to have a look description added.

Tier 2+ (100+ Standing)

After earning additional standing, ASK Ceryaen about ecosphere to have converted into an ecosphere dangling from a braided chain allowing the ecosphere to be worn around the neck. Additional tiers listed on that item's page.