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Donation racks

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This is a list of donation racks (places where PCs can leave and retrieve items) in DragonRealms.


  • Noun: the preposition and noun that are used to interact with the donation rack (for example, "on rack")
  • Area: the town or area where the rack is found with a link to the appropriate Ranik map
  • Room Name: self-explanatory
  • Restrictions: what restrictions, if any, there are to the people who can retrieve items from the rack or the types of items that can be placed there
  • Italics: data needs to be verified

If you're on the mainland but aren't sure which province you're in, APPRAISE an item. If the value is given in kronars, you're in Zoluren. If you get lirums, you're in Therengia. If you get dokoras, you're in Ilithi or Forfedhdar.

If you aren't comfortable that you can edit the table without breaking something, post your contribution on the discussion page, and someone who is more wiki-savvy will add it.


  • LOOK ON <SURFACE>: To see a limited set of items stored on a donation <surface>.
  • RUMMAGE <SURFACE>: To see every item stored on a donation <surface>.
  • RUMMAGE ON <SURFACE>: To see every item stored on a donation <surface>.(where RUMMAGE <SURFACE> alone does not work)
  • PUT <ITEM> <ON> <SURFACE>: To put an item on the donation <surface>.
  • GET <ITEM> <ON> <SURFACE>: To get an item from the donation <surface>.

All Provinces

  • In every Carousel building, in the room where you pay your fee, there is a desk that will accept donations.

Zoluren (P1)

  • In addition to the racks below, players can donate items at the Jadewater Mansion. Mentors can distribute these donated items to new players.
  3. PUT <item> IN CHUTE to donate.
Noun Area Room Name Restrictions
on table The Crossing First Provincial Bank, Lobby
in strongbox The Crossing The Crossing, Town Green Pond not in Prime
on table The Crossing Thieves' Guild, Den Thief-only room
on rack The Crossing Barbarian Guild, Antechamber Barbarian-only room;
young Barbarians
in armoire The Crossing Traders' Guild, Gathering Room young Traders
on rack The Crossing Warrior Mage Guild, Chamber of Steel Warrior Mages
in chest The Crossing Clerics' Guild, Sanctorum
in cabinet The Crossing Empaths' Guild, Infirmary herbs
on shelf The Crossing Empaths' Guild, Main Room Empaths
on rack The Crossing Paladins' Guild, Armory Paladins
on rack The Crossing Paladins' Guild, Chambers
on rack The Crossing Paladins' Guild, Training Room Paladin-only room
in shrubbery The Crossing Wilds, Pine Needle Path (North Room)
on rack The Crossing Ranger's Guild, Storeroom Ranger-only
in cabinet The Crossing Ranger's Guild, Storeroom Ranger-only
on table The Crossing Ragge's Locksmithing, Back Room $roomid 762
on shelf The Crossing Observatory, Third Level Moon Mages
in wheelbarrow The Crossing Elmod Close $roomid 108, 3 west of Ulven's Warehouse
in basket Northeast Wilds Northeast Wilds, Outside Northeast Gate Platinum instance
on table south of Kaerna Village Ruined Tollhouse

Therengia (P2)

Noun Area Room Name Restrictions
on cot Riverhaven Aldamus House, Aldamus Guesthouse, Dormitory Realms starting point
on table Riverhaven Aldamus House, Aldamus Guesthouse, Dining Room
on shelves Riverhaven Bards' Guild, Hallway Bard-only room
in basket Riverhaven Riverhaven, Theren Way (the crate) Platinum instance
on table Riverhaven Noble Inn, Dining Hall also the bench
on tree Riverhaven Armiger's Mansion, Foyer Estate Holder-only
on bench Riverhaven Riverhaven Engineering Society, Main Hall also the pedestal
on desk Riverhaven Riverhaven Engineering Society, Paarupensteen's Office also the workbench
on table Riverhaven Riverhaven Outfitting Society, Weaving Room also the hook & shelf
on workbench Riverhaven Riverhaven Outfitting Society, Spinning Room
on counter Riverhaven Crin's Herbal Shop
on bar Riverhaven Saltfisher Inn also the desk in Harwell's Office
on bench Riverhaven Town Jail, Judgement Chamber
on counter Riverhaven Elamir's Bakery
on table Riverhaven Small House, Main Room also the chair
on table Riverhaven Small House, Kitchen
on bench Riverhaven Rookery, Gristle Grove
in wagon Riverhaven Riverhaven, Warehouse also in the box and on the lumber
in chest Riverhaven Cleric Guildhall (Riverhaven)
on table Riverhaven Cleric Shop (Riverhaven)
on pillow Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues, Wayfarer's Den
on table Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues, Secluded Courtyard all 5 tables in the room
on table Riverhaven Bank of Riverhaven, Foreign Exchange
on bench Riverhaven Riverhaven, Town Square
on counter Riverhaven Town Hall, Debt Office
on desk Riverhaven Town Hall, Mayor's Office
on counter Riverhaven Pierless Inn, Quiet Bar also on the table
on shelf Riverhaven Pierless Inn, Cloakroom also on the table
on table Riverhaven Pierless Inn, Quiet Corner also on the settee
on bench Riverhaven Traders' Guild, Auction Hall also the table in the library
on counter Riverhaven Clothiers
on counter Riverhaven Lokthal's Bakery Shop
on counter Riverhaven Enfermine's Dry Goods
on bar Riverhaven Dead Bird's Paradise
on shelf Riverhaven Ss'Thran's Locks
on counter Riverhaven Zanthron's Artificer Shop
on table Riverhaven Unspiek's Repair Shop also a bin, in the back-room a table and bed
on counter Riverhaven Noot's Teahouse also each of the tables in the 3 off-shoot rooms
on counter Riverhaven Smaragdaus' Joy
on table Riverhaven Fine Leaf's End
on counter Riverhaven Thringol's Weapon Shop
on heavily-stained bar Riverhaven Tepid Faldesu, Bar Room
on bed Riverhaven Tepid Faldesu, Dimly Lit Room last room on the top floor
on counter Riverhaven Noel's Arms
on case Riverhaven Anthelorm's Gems and Curios
on counter Riverhaven Cecelia's Blossoms
on bar Riverhaven Dunkard's Tavern
in pot Magnolia Corner Blossom Circle, NE from the southern gate
on bench Magnolia Corner Commons, center room of the area
on bench Riverhaven Barbarian Guild, Lower Amphitheatre
on table Riverhaven Riverhaven Barbarian Guild housing also a chair, bench & bale
on shelf Riverhaven Moon Mage Guildhall, Roof also on the wall
in stones Riverhaven Wildlands, Hollow Tree (Zombie goblin hunting), ring of stones
on log Riverhaven Pine Woods Housing housing, outside the west gate
in fountain Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Flower Garden
on chair Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Underground Passage
on table Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Kitchen
on table Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Dining Room also on the chair, table & sideboard
on swing Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Porch
in fireplace Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Reception Room
on beadstead Riverhaven Dunshade Manor, Master Bedroom also on the dresser
on shelf Wildlands Obsidian Spire, Roof
on shelves Wildlands Ranger Guild, Back Room Shelves do not show up in room description
on table Rossman's Landing Rossman's Landing Guard Barracks
on table Rossman's Landing Portman's Tavern
on table El'Bain's Stop El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area
in footlocker El'Bain's Stop El'Bain's Stop, Small Cabin
in chest El'Bain's Stop Beech Glade, Sleeping Bower Estate Holder-only
on table Gorbesh Fortress Gorbesh Fortress, Mess Hall
on table Gorbesh Fortress Gorbesh Fortress, Meeting Room
on worktable Langenfirth Calliana Leather Goods, Work Room
on shelf Langenfirth Brother Yorgi, Herbalist
on table Langenfirth Bowyer Shop, Jarrod's Quarters
in bin Langenfirth Tinker's End, Repair Shop
in barrel Langenfirth Net and Bait, Fish Market
on chair Langenfirth Shalan's Peltry, Showroom
on table Langenfirth Shalan's Peltry, Tannery
on shelf Langenfirth Langenfirth Town Hall Also on both chairs
on table Langenfirth Cabin that is NE, E from Telgar Inn
in fireplace Langenfirth Cabin that is off the trail heading north out of town also on the chair
on desk Langenfirth Cabin that is NE, E from Telgar Inn
on shelves Siksraja Cietums (Jail)
on cot Therenborough Church, Cleric's Room
on table Therenborough Therenborough Inn, Common Room
on table Therenborough Midwife's Cottage, Front Room
on table Therenborough Midwife's Cottage, Kitchen
on table Therenborough Tarsha's Emporium
on table Therenborough Theren Guard Headquarters, The Lion's Den Lounge also on the bar (Currently Closed)
on rock Therenborough Chanters' Retreat (housing outside the gate)
on stump Fornsted stumps in Valner's Gulch and the Ascent down to Ker'leor
on bench Hvaral Ale 'n Axe entry room
on bench Muspar'i Sho'hhs Migendaniis (Warrior Mage Guild), Meditation Room
on rack Muspar'i Sho'hhs Migendaniis (Warrior Mage Guild), Armory
on table Muspar'i Old Lata'arna Keep (bank), Main Hall
on table Muspar'i Muspar'i Traders' Guild, West Wing Recreation Room
on table Muspar'i Silver Coin Inn, Gaming Room
on worktable Muspar'i Enchanting Society, in each of the Workrooms

Ilithi (P3)

Noun Area Room Name Restrictions
on stand Road to Shard Jademist River, A Flowered Path Platinum instance
on bed Fayrin's Rest Stone Inn, Ironwood Room
in lockers Fayrin's Rest Stone Inn, Dappled Camel Locker Room
Stone Inn, Shaggy Dromedary Locker Room
Trader-only area
on stand Undergondola Undergondola, Canvas Tent
on shelf prereni hunting Almalne Alolan, Treehouse
on shelves Shard Aelik's Pawn, Backroom
on table Shard Brickwell Tower, The Crystal Sparrow
on table Shard Golden Phoenix, Front Desk
on table Shard Golden Phoenix, North Booth
on bar Shard Liani's Heaven, Taproom
on table Shard Liani's Heaven, Quiet Booth
under table Shard Liani's Heaven, Quiet Booth
on table Shard Milene's Rose, Private Booth
on desk Shard Shard, Carousel Desk
on shelf Shard Shard, Outfitting Society, Material Depot
on table Shard Shard, Outfitting Society, Material Depot
on workbench Shard Shard, Outfitting Society, Spinning Room (3 total)
in cabinet Shard Triage Building herbs
on cloth Shard Triage Building food and drinks
on rack Shard Triage Building weapons and armor
in chest Shard Triage Building
on bench Shard Zerek's General Store
in cabinet Shard Stormwill Tower, Infirmary
on cabinet Shard Stormwill Tower, Infirmary
on table South of Shard Gorbesh Fortress, Mess Hall
on cot South of Shard Gorbesh Fortress, Officers' Quarters
in crate South of Shard Gorbesh Fortress, Storage
on rack South of Shard Gorbesh Fortress, Storage
on table Fang Cove Fang Cove, Beach Estate Holders
in basket Fang Cove Fang Cove, Walkway Platinum instance

Qi'Reshalia (P4)

Noun Area Room Name Restrictions
on couch Ratha Golden Heron Inn, Parlor
on table Ratha Lower Bank of Ratha, Auction Bourse
on table Ratha Old Rat's Tavern, NW room
on table Ratha Jack Tarr's Rest, Private Parlor
in barrel Ratha Rissan Forging Society, Break Room
on table Ratha Rissan Forging Society, Break Room
on desk Ratha Ratha Carousel Desk
on table Ratha Kygar's Pub, Common Room
on hook Ratha Ratha Outfitting Society, Weaving Halls
on shelf Ratha Ratha Outfitting Society, Weaving Halls
on workbench Ratha Ratha Outfitting Society, Spinning Parlors
on table Ratha Ratha Empath Guild, Meeting Room
on table Ratha Ratha Empath Guild, Empty Guild Office
in basket Ratha Truffenyi's Green, "meeting" spot on the 3rd Tier herbs only
on shelves Ratha Ratha Bard Guild, Lileyew's Workshop, Parlor Bard-only
on shelf Ratha Hotagi'rath Theater, Backstage Bard-only
on table Ratha Paladins' Guild, Grand Hall of Light
on desk Ratha Sshoi-sson Palace, Office of the Exchequer
on table Ratha Deadman's Confide, Dining Hall, Spectral Pirates hunting area
on table Aesry Inn of the Crystal Wave, both corner areas
on table Aesry Tribunal Building, table in the Home Permits room
on table Mer'Kresh Harti Clemois Bank, Conference Room 'A', 'B' and 'X'
in skippet Mer'Kresh Clerics' Guild, Meeting Room
on shelf Mer'Kresh Lanternside Inn, Front Desk
on rack Mer'Kresh Paladins' Guild, Armory
on rack Mer'Kresh Warrior Mage Guild, Hall of Fire
on desk Mer'Kresh Torbis Sanhalas Hospital, Reception Area
on shelf Mer'Kresh Torbis Sanhalas Hospital, Waiting Room
in pool Sandsprite Lair pool in the safe room

Forfedhdar (P5)

Noun Area Room Name Restrictions
on rack Outer Hibarnhvidar Barbarian Guild, Elding Gwilt, Sarv Stof young Barbarians
in cabinet Hibarnhvidar Hibarnhvidar Hospital, Volunteer Room
on pillar Hibarnhvidar Hibarnhvidar, Carousel Desk
on rack Upper Hibarnhvidar Bard Guild, Meeting Hall young Bards
on shelf Upper Hibarnhvidar Bard Guild, Meeting Hall young Bards
on cabinet Upper Hibarnhvidar Empath Guild, Hall of Research
in cabinet Upper Hibarnhvidar Empath Guild, Infirmary
on cabinet Upper Hibarnhvidar Paladin Guild, Training Room (2 cabinets)
on shelf Boar Clan Ranger Guild, Longhouse young Rangers
on shelf Boar Clan Ranger Guild, Shed Ranger-only area
on table Pilgrimage Trail Pilgrimage Trail, Clerics' Guild, Gathering Room
on shelves Pilgrimage Trail Pilgrimage Trail, Clerics' Guild, Infirmary
on worktable Pilgrimage Trail Pilgrimage Trail, Clerics' Guild, Infirmary

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