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Look command

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Reshows the room description as well as a basic verb used to describe the target's appearance in greater detail if any. Can also be used to look in, on, under, and behind objects in a room.

Options for the LOOK verb are: ALL/FEATURES/WOUNDS/ITEMS. Syntax is: LOOK DEFAULT <option>

LOOK DEFAULT FEATURE: You will now default to seeing only a player's features when you look at them. You can override this by providing an option when you look at someone. EX: LOOK JOHN WOUNDS.

LOOK DEFAULT ITEMS: You will now default to seeing only a player's items when you look at them. You can override this by providing an option when you look at someone. EX: LOOK JOHN ALL.

LOOK DEFAULT WOUNDS: You will now default to seeing only a player's wounds when you look at them. You can override this by providing an option when you look at someone. EX: LOOK JOHN ITEMS.

LOOK PEOPLE: Will show you all the people in a room. Example: You take a moment to look for everybody in the area and see Person. When you are alone, you see: You look around and notice that you're the only one in the area.

LOOK ITEM(S): Will show you all the items in a room (if there are any). Example: You take a moment to look for all the items in the area and see some braided vines, a ladder to the top of the wall, a red moonbeam, the Sentinel Kureta and a prominent warning sign. When nothing is there, you will see: You look around and notice that there is nothing here.

LOOK JUNK: Shows junk items in the room. Example: Junk items in the room: a sky-blue imnera runestone, some sufil sap, a vial of naphtha, a vial of naphtha, and a warhead arrowhead.