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RanikMap1: Difference between revisions

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(Fixed link to sewer map)
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Line 91: Line 91:
* [[Jadewater Mansion]]
* [[Jadewater Mansion]]
* [[Silvermist Estate]]
* [[RanikMap1b | Crossing Communal Center (premium area)]]
* [[RanikMap1b | Crossing Communal Center (premium area)]]

Revision as of 13:43, 14 July 2020

RanikMap3Elmod CloseSwithen's CourtSand Spit TavernWindows to the UniverseExterior MotivesCormyn's House of HeirloomsVipers Nest InnSewerHerilo's ArtifactsDintacui, Korhege, and Merchant ApartmentsBurning DesiresRanikMap1iDintacui, Korhege, and Merchant ApartmentsRanikMap60RanikMap2Thin VeneerRanikMap90RanikMap1cRanikMap1eRanikMap1eRanikMap1eRanikMap1eRanikMap1fRanikMap1dRanikMap1dRanikMap1dMarket PlazaRagge's LocksmithingCrossing HousingCrossing HousingBrisson's HaberdasheryCrossing HousingFalken's TanneryRanikMap1gRanikMap6Taelbert's InnRickety WagonThe Strand, Tower SouthOrem's BathhouseRanikMap1aRanikMap1bTrue Bard D'OrCrossing HousingSaranna's Sweet ToothElite ArchitectureHalf Pint InnChizili's Alchemical GoodsTembeg's ArmoryBrother Durantine's ShopMilgrym's WeaponsBerolt's Dry GoodsBottom LineMauriga's BotanicalsOrielda's BlossomsRanikMap1aMAMAS Company, CrossingRanikMap1aYalda's ForgeSupply StandGrisgonda's Gems and JewelsStreet Vendor's Cart (1)Baguthnu's ForgeExcavation SiteMarcipur's StitcheryRiverpine CircleImmortals' WalkCatrox's ForgeRanikMap1aTower EastTalmai's CobbleryRanikMap8RanikMap7Crossing Engineering SocietyCrossing Forging SocietyCrossing Outfitting SocietyRanikMap0RanikMap1eRanikMap1eCrossing Alchemy SocietyGrey Raven CommissaryMap1.gif
The Crossing
Zoluren Province
Notable People: Nearby Unlinked Maps:
Shops: ... further results
Creatures (level): none
Return to map index
Ranik's Map Key
Standard Room RanikMapStandard.gif
Point of Interest RanikMapInterest.gif
Store / Shop RanikMapShop.gif
Train Stats RanikMapStats.gif
Throughpoint / Portal RanikMapPortal.gif
Homes RanikMapHomes.gif
Water Room RanikMapWater.gif
Underwater RanikMapUnderwater.gif
Minable RanikMapMine.gif
Lumber RanikMapLumber.gif
Start of Ranger Trail RanikMapTrailHead.gif
End of Ranger Trail RanikMapTrailEnd.gif
Multiple purpose (example) RanikMapShare.gif
Unidirectional Movement Ranikkey unidir.gif
Swing to <Direction> Ranikkey swing.gif


This map is incorrect, the apostles HQ is one east of where it is on the map. The directions to it from the empath's guild are south, west, west, go archway.