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Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels

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Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels
Province Zoluren
Justice city
Town The Crossing
Map Ranik's Map 1
Owner Grisgonda
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Gem shops, Jewelry shops, Wedding shops
This store only accepts Kronars

Note: To sell your gems or get a gem pouch, see below.

[Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels]
As you step into the room, your feet sink into plush carpets. The walls are set with numerous locked display cases. A well-dressed guard gives you a polite visual once over and steps aside so you may enter. Gems of every sort and size, from slivers of plain looking crystal to a massive heart-shaped gem the size of a Gor'Tog's fist are displayed. Grisgonda herself sits at a plain black marble desk with a bright lamp upon it inspecting gems that have been brought in for sale by other adventurers. You also see a side room and a gold easel with a leather-bound catalog on it.
Obvious exits: out.

Note: You may be able to haggle for lower prices depending on your Charisma.

Page 1: Rings
Item Price Done
ring 375   
band 375   !!
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 2: Necklaces
Item Price Done
Pendant 500   !!
Lavaliere 562   !!
Necklace 437   !!
Chain 375   !!
Choker 312   
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 3: Head and Hair Accessories
Item Price Done
Barrette 125   !!
Circlet 375   !!
Crown 562   !!
Hairpin 100   !!
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 4: Arm and Leg Accessories
Item Price Done
Bracelet 375   !!
Armbands 437   !!
Anklet 275   
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 5: Pins
Item Price Done
Brooch 375   !!
Clasp 312   !!
Pin 112   !!
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 6: Earrings
Item Price Done
Earrings 250   !!
Stud 200   !!
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 7: Special Occasions
Item Price Done
Wedding ring 562   !!
Engagement ring 625   !!
See page 8 for custom metals and gems.
Page 8: Custom Gems and Metals
Item Price Done
Agate +375   
Amethyst +625   
Bloodstone +625   
Coral +500   
Diamond +1,250   
Emerald +1,125   
Jade +1,000   
Moonstone +437   
Onyx +625   
Opal +562   
Pearl +750   
Peridot +437   
Ruby +1,125   
Sapphire +1,187   
Topaz +437   
Turquoise +625   
Bronze +625   
Copper +500   
Red gold +1,125   
Platinum +12,500   
Silver +1,000   
White gold +1,125   
Oravir +1,375   
Covellite +1,250   
Gold +1,062   

[Grisgonda's, Appraisal Room]
This small room is filled with the subdued glimmer of many gems. Locked cases of heavy crystal line the walls, each containing a staggering array of precious stones and gems of endless variety, cut, color and shape. A soft white light falls upon a small table covered with black velvet. It radiates from a curious lamp set in the center of the table.
You also see a display case with several things on it, a Dwarven appraiser and a silver bucket.
Obvious exits: out.


  • GET MY <GEM> IN MY GEM POUCH (where <gem> is the noun of the specific gem you want to sell):
To get a single gem out of your gem pouch.
  • ASK APPRAISER TO APPRAISE MY <GEM>:(where <gem> is the noun of the specific gem you want to have appraised)
To get an estimated appraisal of the gem you're holding.
  • SELL MY <GEM>: (where <gem> is the noun of the specific gem you want to sell)
To sell the gem you're holding (one at a time) to the appraiser.
  • SELL MY GEM POUCH (Trader-only):
To sell a gem pouch in bulk.
Anyone, regardless of guild may sell gems in bulk at Trader-financed gem shops.

A regular style gem pouch can be acquired for free.

On the display case
Item Price Done
intricate red gold wristcuff 40,000   !!
gleaming electrum wristcuff 38,750   !!
narrow platinum wristcuff 38,750   !!
thin silver ring 13,750   !!
watered steel ring 12,500   !!
braided rose gold ring 15,000   !!
delicate oravir necklace embellished with an openwork pendant 61,250   !!
palladium necklace embellished with an openwork pendant 62,500   !!
copper necklace embellished with an openwork pendant 56,250   !!
gold anklet 12,500   !!
blackened steel anklet 12,500   !!
silver anklet 12,500   !!
These contain empty gem settings.