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RanikMap1: Difference between revisions

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(partial image map complete)
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Line 4: Line 4:
rect 1 325 30 404 [[RanikMap3]]
rect 1 325 47 412 [[RanikMap3]]
rect 7 728 72 741 [[Crossing Housing|Elmod Close]]
rect 7 728 72 741 [[Crossing Housing|Elmod Close]]
rect 32 664 72 677 [[Crossing Housing|Swithen's Court]]
rect 32 664 72 677 [[Crossing Housing|Swithen's Court]]
Line 16: Line 16:
rect 113 897 126 903 [[Crossing Housing|Dintacui, Korhege, and Merchant Apartments]]
rect 113 897 126 903 [[Crossing Housing|Dintacui, Korhege, and Merchant Apartments]]
rect 136 890 149 903 [[Burning Desires]]
rect 136 890 149 903 [[Burning Desires]]
rect 143 696 156 709 [[Raven's Court]]
rect 143 696 156 709 [[RanikMap1i]]
rect 161 890 174 903 [[Crossing Housing|Dintacui, Korhege, and Merchant Apartments]]
rect 161 890 174 903 [[Crossing Housing|Dintacui, Korhege, and Merchant Apartments]]
rect 183 917 234 1021 [[RanikMap60]]
rect 183 917 234 1021 [[RanikMap60]]
Line 26: Line 26:
rect 171 125 296 138 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 171 125 296 138 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 171 139 184 182 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 171 139 184 182 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 245 445 258 458 [[Brisson's Haberdashery]]
rect 283 139 296 183 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 283 139 296 183 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 315 291 328 304 [[Falken's Tannery]]
rect 315 291 328 304 [[Falken's Tannery]]
Line 31: Line 32:
rect 340 93 419 139 [[RanikMap6]]
rect 340 93 419 139 [[RanikMap6]]
rect 345 322 358 335 [[Taelbert's Inn]]
rect 345 322 358 335 [[Taelbert's Inn]]
rect 364 891 377 904 [[Rickety Wagon]]
rect 365 942 378 955 [[Crossing Housing|The Strand, Tower South]]
rect 376 635 389 648 [[Orem's Bathhouse]]
rect 376 635 389 648 [[Orem's Bathhouse]]
rect 385 148 456 210 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 385 148 456 210 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 393 962 476 1006 [[RanikMap1b]]
rect 409 557 422 570 [[True Bard D'Or]]
rect 409 557 422 570 [[True Bard D'Or]]
rect 425 382 500 481 [[Crossing Housing]]
rect 426 321 439 334 [[Saranna's Sweet Tooth]]
rect 428 232 439 245 [[Elite Architecture]]
rect 428 232 439 245 [[Elite Architecture]]
rect 449 664 462 677 [[Half Pint Inn]]
rect 449 664 462 677 [[Half Pint Inn]]
rect 467 508 480 521 [[Tembeg's Armory]]
rect 465 258 478 271 [[Chizili's Alchemical Goods]]
rect 466 509 479 522 [[Tembeg's Armory]]
rect 468 106 588 203 [[RanikMap0]]
rect 481 635 494 648 [[Brother Durantine's Shop]]
rect 481 635 494 648 [[Brother Durantine's Shop]]
rect 514 509 527 522 [[Milgrym's Weapons]]
rect 514 509 527 522 [[Milgrym's Weapons]]
rect 514 609 527 622 [[Berolt's Dry Goods]]
rect 514 609 527 622 [[Berolt's Dry Goods]]
rect 545 231 558 244 [[Bottom Line]]
rect 545 321 558 334 [[Mauriga's Botanicals]]
rect 563 379 576 392 [[Orielda's Blossoms]]
rect 564 241 618 281 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 585 635 598 648 [[MAMAS Company, Crossing]]
rect 587 484 657 527 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 589 390 602 403 [[Yalda's Forge]]
rect 603 543 610 550 [[Supply Stand]]
rect 613 609 626 622 [[Grisgonda's Jewelry Shop]]
rect 613 725 626 738 [[Street Vendor's Cart (1)]]
rect 622 528 659 565 [[Excavation Site]]
rect 644 570 657 583 [[Marcipur's Stitchery]]
rect 644 725 791 806 [[Crossing Housing#Riverpine Circle|Riverpine Circle]]
rect 657 688 670 691 [[Catrox's Forge]]
rect 658 499 682 514 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 678 635 691 648 [[Crossing Housing|Tower East]]
rect 744 321 757 334 [[Talmai's Cobblery]]
rect 765 634 810 722 [[RanikMap8]]
rect 785 210 824 321 [[RanikMap7]]

rect 799 217 824 321 [[RanikMap7]]
rect 766 642 795 711 [[RanikMap8]]
rect 469 107 588 183 [[RanikMap0]]
rect 588 485 682 527 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 588 241 618 281 [[RanikMap1a]]
rect 393 962 476 1006 [[RanikMap1b]]
rect 142 695 157 711 [[RanikMap1i]]
rect 365 939 379 956 [[Crossing Housing|The Strand, Tower South]]
desc none
desc none

Revision as of 23:14, 21 February 2011

RanikMap3Elmod CloseSwithen's CourtSand Spit TavernWindows to the UniverseExterior MotivesCormyn's House of HeirloomsVipers Nest InnSewerHerilo's ArtifactsDintacui, Korhege, and Merchant ApartmentsBurning DesiresRanikMap1iDintacui, Korhege, and Merchant ApartmentsRanikMap60Thin VeneerRanikMap90RanikMap1cRanikMap1fRagge's LocksmithingCrossing HousingCrossing HousingBrisson's HaberdasheryCrossing HousingFalken's TanneryRanikMap1gRanikMap6Taelbert's InnRickety WagonThe Strand, Tower SouthOrem's BathhouseRanikMap1aRanikMap1bTrue Bard D'OrCrossing HousingSaranna's Sweet ToothElite ArchitectureHalf Pint InnChizili's Alchemical GoodsTembeg's ArmoryRanikMap0Brother Durantine's ShopMilgrym's WeaponsBerolt's Dry GoodsBottom LineMauriga's BotanicalsOrielda's BlossomsRanikMap1aMAMAS Company, CrossingRanikMap1aYalda's ForgeSupply StandGrisgonda's Jewelry ShopStreet Vendor's Cart (1)Excavation SiteMarcipur's StitcheryRiverpine CircleCatrox's ForgeRanikMap1aTower EastTalmai's CobbleryRanikMap8RanikMap7Map1.gif
The Crossing
Zoluren Province
Notable People: Nearby Unlinked Maps:
Shops: ... further results
Creatures (level): none
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Ranik's Map Key
Standard Room RanikMapStandard.gif
Point of Interest RanikMapInterest.gif
Store / Shop RanikMapShop.gif
Train Stats RanikMapStats.gif
Throughpoint / Portal RanikMapPortal.gif
Homes RanikMapHomes.gif
Water Room RanikMapWater.gif
Underwater RanikMapUnderwater.gif
Minable RanikMapMine.gif
Lumber RanikMapLumber.gif
Start of Ranger Trail RanikMapTrailHead.gif
End of Ranger Trail RanikMapTrailEnd.gif
Multiple purpose (example) RanikMapShare.gif
Unidirectional Movement Ranikkey unidir.gif
Swing to <Direction> Ranikkey swing.gif
