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Crafting is the catch-all term for a series of new creation systems that are being introduced into DragonRealms as part of the Mechanical Lore split. There will be five new crafting-specific Lore skills, each of which will control three creation disciplines.

The CRAFT command can be used to display a range of information related to crafting, both general and specific to your character.

General Notes

Not all the disciplines have been released. Currently, the following are available:

Additional notes:

  • Currently, only stage 1 of furniture making is released, which is limited to tables.
  • Impossible to identify who crafted an item that hasn't been marked with a maker's mark.


The crafting skills all work on the same fundamental concepts, though each have their own quirks and mechanics. The following crafting player guides are available:


A list of crafting bugs is being maintained on the Crafting feedback page, to assist GM Kodius in tracking them.

As with all DR bugs, the first thing to do is ASSIST or use BUG in-game, and/or post on the appropriate DR message board. After doing that, please use the Crafting feedback page to record the bug.


For a detailed list of crafting materials and their properties, see here


The final quality of an item is determined by difficulty modified by workability, with bonuses from having career/hobby, using high quality material, using high quality tools, and knowing the appropriate tech.

  • Weapons receive a bonus to durability from being masterfully-crafted.
Quality Levels from High to Low
Range Name Ordinal
99 masterfully-crafted 12
98-95 outstanding 11
94-90 exceptional 10
89-85 superior 9
84-80 finely-crafted 8
79-70 well-crafted 7
69-60 above-average 6
59-50 about average 5
49-40 mediocre 4
39-30 below-average 3
>29 poorly-crafted 2
dismal 1
0 practically worthless 0

Skills, Disciplines and Techniques

  • There will be 5 skills, each broken down into 3 disciplines, each with approximately 30 techniques.
Skill Discipline Notes
Forging skill Blacksmithing discipline crafting tools, smelting, metal containers, metal sundries
Armorsmithing discipline metal armor (including shields)
Weaponsmithing discipline metal weapons
Engineering skill Tinkering discipline caravans, crossbows and bolts, instruments, lockpicks, siege engines, toys, traps and locks/keys, metal imagery, metal assemblies (orlogs, sextants, wind chimes, etc.)
Shaping discipline wood: bows and arrows, decorative wear, furniture and containers, imagery, weapons and shields
clay: containers and accessories, decorative wear, imagery
Carving discipline bone and stone: armor and shields, tools, containers, decorative wear, furniture, imagery, weapons
Outfitting skill Jewelry Making discipline jewelry
Tailoring discipline tanning, leather and cloth armor and items
Artistry discipline embellishment, alterations, and possibly applying barbarian warpaint
Alchemy skill Remedies discipline healing potions, salves, tinctures
Reactants discipline Poisons and other substances
Cooking discipline food and drink, stat buffs
Enchanting skill Artificing discipline founts, foci, runestones, wands, and other tools (devices that require both arcana skill and mana to use); analogous to blacksmithing's role in forging
Binding discipline Constellation Jewelry. Devices that require arcana skill to use, but not mana.
Invoking discipline Devices that work automatically with no use involvement.
  • All guilds receive 3 bonus technique slots in areas selected by their guild (Note: These are currently subject to change):
Guild Bonus #1 Bonus #2 Bonus #3
Barbarian Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing
Bard Tinkering Shaping Carving
Cleric Artificing Binding Invoking
Empath Remedies Remedies Cooking
Moon Mage Artificing Binding Invoking
Necromancer Reactants Reactants Carving
Paladin Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing
Ranger Carving Tailoring Tailoring
Thief Carving Carving Reactants
Trader Blacksmithing Blacksmithing Artistry
Warrior Mage Artificing Binding Invoking


Players can specialize in a discipline by choosing careers and hobbies. To choose a career or hobby, go to the appropriate crafting society, and ASK <MASTER> ABOUT CHOOSING CAREER/HOBBY <DISCIPLINE>.

*** NOTE: Careers and hobbies are a PERMANENT choice and cannot be changed! ***
A career or a hobby is NOT required to be successful at crafting. You can train any of the skills just fine without choosing a career or hobby. It is highly recommended to try out the various crafts to see if it is something you would enjoy specializing in before choosing a career or hobby.

When you choose a Career, you will automatically receive a number of technique slots equal to the number you have already gained from skill up to 12. From then on, each technique slot you earn from skill will grant you one extra technique slot up to 12. You also get a small bonus to creating items in that discipline.

When you choose a Hobby, you will receive technique slots in the same manner as if you had chosen a career except that it caps at 6 slots. You also get a tiny bonus to creating items in that discipline.

Career and Hobby Slots:

  • Lore Primaries get 2 careers and 1 hobby
  • Lore Secondaries get 1 career and 2 hobbies
  • Lore Tertiaries get 1 career and 1 hobby.

At any time, you can check what careers & hobbies you have chosen, how many techniques you have available, etc. with the CRAFT command.

NOTE: You can never rechoose a hobby or career, but can forget a technique by talking to a crafting instructor. It currently costs 10 25 50 platinum lirums, but is temporary while the system is getting set up - eventually it will be on some sort of timer like forgetting spells.


With rare exception (like stamps), and unless specifically stated, techniques are not required to perform a task, but instead give a skill bonus to it. However, enhancements (tempering, reinforcing, lightening, ect.) require techniques to perform.

Technique Slots

  • Up to 13 general technique slots per crafting skill are earned based on skill. These can be spent on any discipline within their respective skill.
  • Careers and hobbies provide up to 12 and 6 bonus technique slots respectively and are also earned based on skill. These can only be spent within their specific discipline.
  • Guilds provide 3 bonus technique slots, up to 3 within a single discipline depending on your guild, and are also earned based on skill. These too can only be spent within their specific disciplines.
Rank Technique Slots
General Career Hobby Guild Bonus
25 1 1 1 1
50 2 2 2 2 (if applicable)
75 3 3 3 3 (if applicable)
100 4 4 4
150 5 5 5
200 6 6 6
250 7 7
300 8 8
400 9 9
500 10 10
700 11 11
900 12 12
1200 13

Syntax Help

Players can STUDY crafting society masters for help.

[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT <discipline> to learn more about that crafting Discipline]
[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT <career/hobby> to learn more about those]
[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT CHOOSING <career/hobby> <discipline> to pick that as your own]
[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT LEARNING <technique> to learn that technique]
[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT FORGETTING <technique> to forget that technique]
[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT TECHNIQUE <technique name> to learn more about that technique]
[You can ASK <NPC> FOR <difficulty> <discipline> WORK while holding a logbook]
[You can ASK <NPC> ABOUT MINING for instructions on how to do that]


See the Work Orders page for more information on them and their relative difficulty.

Difficulty[1] Base Ranks With Techs
Tier 1 Extremely Easy 25 ~18
Tier 2 Very Easy 50 ~36
Tier 3 Easy 100 ~71
Tier 4 Simple 200 ~143
Tier 5 Basic 300 ~214
Tier 6 Somewhat Challenging 425 ~304
Tier 7 Challenging 550 ~368
Tier 8 Complicated 700 ~500
Tier 9 Intricate 850 ~607
Tier 10 Difficult 1175 ~839
Tier 11 Very Difficult 1400 850-950
Tier 12 Extremely Difficult +1500 900-1200

Instruction Understanding

Your understanding of the instructions shows how well you are capable of crafting a masterful item based on skill and career/tech bonuses alone when using 70 quality / 50 workability material and neutral-bonused tools. Barring poor tool quality and crafting errors, once you completely understand all facets of design you should be able to create masterful items under those previously mentioned conditions.

When you can "comprehend all but several minor details" you can generally create masterful items when using properly bonused tools and refined metals at 50 quality and above.

  • You scan the X instructions with a glance and completely understand all facets of the design.
  • You scan the X instructions with a glance and comprehend all but several minor details in the text.
  • You scan the X instructions with a glance and confidently discern most of the design's minutiae.
  • You scan the X instructions with a glance and interpret many of the design's finer points.
  • You review the X instructions and completely understand all facets of the design.
  • You review the X instructions and interpret many of the design's finer points.
  • You peruse the X instructions and completely understand all facets of the design.
  • You review the X instructions and comprehend all but several minor details in the text.
  • You peruse the X instructions and comprehend all but several minor details in the text.
  • You peruse the X instructions and confidently discern most of the design's minutiae.
  • You peruse the X instructions and interpret many of the design's finer points.
  • You peruse the X instructions and fail to grasp all but the simplest diagrams on the page.
  • You scan the X instructions with a glance and quickly realize the design is far beyond your abilities.
  • You review the X instructions and quickly realize the design is far beyond your abilities.

Work Orders & Prestige

Each Society Master within the crafting halls can help you determine what items are at your skill level through the issue of a work orders. Completing the work order will help increase your prestige within that crafting discipline. Prestige does not affect the quality of your work, but will enable you to earn a maker mark.


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