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*[[RanikMap91|Everild's Temple, Ratha]].
*[[RanikMap91|Everild's Temple, Ratha]].
:Central western portion of the Third Tier. Go door, Go cave.
:Central western portion of the Third Tier. Go door, Go cave.
:[Everild's Temple, Inside the Cave]
:[ [[Everild]]'s Temple, Inside the Cave]
::The small cave provides a rustic setting for the boar statue, which is made of cold bronze. Although poised as if sleeping, its body is tense and a single open eye appears to watch every movement. You also see a rough stone '''altar'''.
::The small cave provides a rustic setting for the boar statue, which is made of cold bronze. Although poised as if sleeping, its body is tense and a single open eye appears to watch every movement. You also see a rough stone '''altar'''.

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::The scent of pine resin and decaying wood permeates this dark stand of trees. The sky is completely blocked from view by the overhanging boughs, and the air is still and suffocating. There is a sense of being watched, by something. You also see a cold metal '''altar'''.
::The scent of pine resin and decaying wood permeates this dark stand of trees. The sky is completely blocked from view by the overhanging boughs, and the air is still and suffocating. There is a sense of being watched, by something. You also see a cold metal '''altar'''.

*The main altar in Halasa Temple, Aesry Surlaenis'a.
*[[RanikMap99a|The main altar in Halasa Temple, Aesry Surlaenis'a]].
:Board a currach at any of 3 docks marked on the [[RanikMap99|map of Aesry]]. UNTIE Currach, then ROW ROCK until you get close to the rock (close enough to touch it), TIE CURRACH TO ROCK, Go Rock. Head up to the temple to the southern most room of the temple.
*The shrine of Drogor, Aesry Surlaenis'a.
*The shrine to Lemicus in Halasa Temple.
:[Halasa Temple]
::This enclosed chamber is a safe harbor, sturdily protected from the wind and weather, unlike the lower levels of the temple. A small arching window to the south looks out over Cha'walkas, its shape a miniature replica of the pointed arches of the walls and ceiling. An '''altar''' placed in the center of the room is unadorned but for a low dish of incense that burns with a faint pleasant scent. You also see a nautilus stairway.
*The shrine to Eluned in Halasa Temple.

*[[RanikMap99a|The shrine to Eluned in Halasa Temple]].
:Follow the above direction to get to the temple. This image is in the north room on the lower floor.
:[Halasa Temple, North Porch]
::The floor of the temple's northern wing is inlaid with a magnificent '''albatross''' -- shells, pebbles and smooth pieces of glass form the shape, feathers and details of Lemicus in her symbolic form. As the open sea air gusts through the temple and fingers of mist twine about the columns, one can imagine flying aloft with the great bird among the clouds. You also see a nautilus stairway.

*[[RanikMap99a|The shrine to Lemicus in Halasa Temple]].
:Follow the above direction to get to the temple. This image is in the south room on the lower floor. Head up and RING the bell to get back to Aesry.
:[Halasa Temple, South Porch]
::The black polished floor reflects the image of a large, azurite carving of a '''dolphin''' as it emerges upwards from the surface of the stone. Tendrils and wisps of cloudy mist cling to the columns and swirl through the temple and finally drift southwards out over the waves to blanket the surface of the lake. You also see a nautilus stairway.

*[[RanikMap98a|The shrine of Drogor, Aesry Surlaenis'a]]].
:SEARCH for the opening to get in, be prepared to cast [[Divine Radiance|DR]] or bring a light source. The altar is marked on the map.
:[Shrine of Drogor]
::The top of the pile of rubble is just out of reach of the ceiling of the chamber, where the image of a ferocious shark is clear on a barren circle of stone. Small bones litter the top of the rubble pile, and offerings lie scattered about the loose stone. You also see a crude '''altar''' of rock slabs.

===Unverified altars:===
===Unverified altars:===

Revision as of 21:43, 24 November 2007

A pilgrim's badge is an item used most often by Clerics and Paladins for, respectively, improving their devotion and soul states.


Pilgrim's badges can be 'badged' at altars and shrines to increase the devotion/soul benefits they confer. Badges are bonded to the first user to kiss the badge, and will keep a lifetime record of holy sites visited by its owner.



Whenever possible the noun of the badge-linked item as been bolded in the room text.


There are at least 48 altars for which this is possible. The following list of altars, organized by province, names some of them.


Near the northern most part of the city, marked on the map.
[Muspar'i, Golden Heights]
Several twisting passages meet in a labyrinthine tangle at the crest of the hill, where a steep cliff drops away into empty darkness, prohibiting further progress to the south. Mournful gusts of wind sweep showers of fine sand across the crumbling remains of buildings lying shrouded in shadows. One ancient stone construct, alone maintaining some semblance of its former glory, stands apart at the edge of the precipice.
The Temple is marked on the map, once inside keep heading Northwest.
[Temple of Hav'roth, Altar of Hav'roth]
Sacred icons and ancient gold triptychs adorn the polished sandalwood shelves behind the ruby and gold altar of Hav'roth. Smoky strands of pungent incense drift out of censers placed around the altar to hang lazily in mid-air. Lofty tracery windows climb up the wall behind the iconic stands to the base of the semidome above, letting light flood across the altar.

North Road

Marked on the map directly below El'Bain's Stop.
[Forest, Path's End]
The trees round out the path, ending it with a thick stand of tender maple, spinebrush, and aspen. Bowing silently in homage to the small altar set up at the spot where the path terminates, the trees nod in a gentle breeze, reaffirming their faith to the entity that guards and protects them from harm.
At the very southern end of the Kelpie and Wood Troll, hunting area SEARCH for the trail. You will need ~35 percepion.
[Dark Thicket, Shrouded Clearing]
The trees form a horseshoe around the dark green clearing, the heavy foliage from the various oaks and ash that grow abundantly here weaving a tangled canopy which blocks light with the completeness of death. Pushed up against the very center of the "shoe" is a magnificent statue of a proud-faced woman holding a basin in her hands. A faint forest trail leads off from where the grove opens up, slicing neatly through a second growth of trees before vanishing into the woods.

The altar in Ker'Leor, Zindalyi Lyba.

At the very northern end of the Dark Spirit hunting area.
[Ker'Leor, Zindalyi Lyba]
A rough chunk of stone rises from the floor as though it grew from the mountains themselves. Closer inspection reveals careful chiseling and subtle carving to create a flat-topped altar. This part of the tunnel is hushed, the stone floor clean, the walls spotless, but thrums with power. Someone -- or something -- keeps the altar in good repair. Small bits of bone and feathers are arranged behind the altar, holding meaning known only to those who laid them there.


The central room of the Chapel on the southwest side of Therenborough.
[Therenborough Chapel, Interior]
The city's tiny chapel is a simple square room furnished with polished oak pews facing a raised altar. The small stained-glass window over the entry door sparkles with candle light and casts a subdued light upon the altar, causing the embroidery on the altar cloth to glow with a silky bluish tint. A single brass candlestick rests in the middle of the cloth. You also see a marble bier with a brilliantly polished suit of full plate armor engraved with the seal of Therengia on it, a curtained opening, and a small birch door.

Rossman's Landing

The church is marked on the map.
[Rossman's Landing, Church]
A stained glass window fills the eastern wall, situated to catch the rising sun. Beneath it, the altar is covered by a grass-green velvet cloth embroidered with images of cows and grain to honor the goddess Berengaria. Sheaves of wheat bound with ribbons decorate the walls of this simple village church.


  • The shrine of Urrem'tier, where the void brushes the Plane of Abiding.
From the Temple gate go NW, go trail, go curtain.
[Temple, Dark Shrine]
A faint whiff of corruption rises from piles of old rotting leaves covering the ground you stand on. The spreading foliage overhead casts deep shadows over the area, and you glance warily into the darkened recesses trying to find some source for the unease you feel. Towering thorn hedges all about you seem to creep closer as you watch. You also see a worm-eaten wooden statue standing astride a dark opening into the ground.
From the Temple gate go E, N, NW, go path.
[Temple, Shrine]
Strong marble columns stand at the four corners of the shrine supporting an intricate latticework roof covered in flowering vines. A simple marble altar stands at the far end of the shrine before a brilliant tapestry in black and gold. The ground is strewn with fresh rose petals which give off a sweet perfume as you walk. You also see an ash and plaster gazebo that is set off to one side of the garden.

Crossing & Immediate Surroundings

From bank : East, South, South, Go Shrine
[ Tamsine's Rest]
A shady clump of sicle saplings cluster around a large, moss-encrusted fragment of pink coral. Carved into a hollow in the center of the coral landmark is a crude yet moving image of Tamsine, one of the patron goddesses of the town. Before the simple shrine is a low limestone bench, where the weary traveler might take some rest in the shade, leave offerings of flowers or food, and contemplate matters of the soul and spirit. You also see a flat rock and a low gate.
Marked on map.
[Clerics' Guild, Chapel]
The roof of this small, quaint chapel reaches a steep peak above, its end eventually lost in the shadows. Candles help to lift the veil of darkness, their silent flames sustaining the tranquility that engulfs the snug chamber. A square altar, located against the western wall, is fitted in front of a window of multi-colored stained glass. Although its colors are dimmed by night, the images fitted into it are illuminated by the burning tapers, rendering them clear enough for viewing. You also see a stained glass window.
Marked on map near Trader's Guild.
[Shrine of Kertigen ]
The shrine here consists of a small rock garden with several stone benches placed at odd angles for meditation. It is a cool and quiet respite that so delights you that you do not at first notice something most remarkable. The miniature landscapes of tiny mountains and dwarf trees are not of stone and twig, but are actually fashioned out of precious metals and minerals. You also see a jade statue.
Marked on map near West Gate.
[Shrine of Ushnish ]
In a dark, fetid alley, hard behind the Viper's Nest Inn, you happen upon a small shrine. Kicking away what appears to be rubbish from around it, you reveal a sculpted granite image of the serpent god Ushnish. Seeing that, you realize with a shudder that it is not rubbish you just pushed aside, but offerings of dead rats, uncured, fresh skins and other offal left by devotees of the viper-headed deity.
The central green block in the left diamond on the map.
[Ve Aevan Gaenan, The High Altar]
High above, the temple's great iris skylight ushers in the stars' cool illumination, bathing the large metallic altar in pale light. Drawn as if to a lodestone, soft glints of color from the domed Eyes far overhead lend their prismatic overtones to the clarity of starlight. Sweeping majestically upwards from this raised platform, the stairways and benches lining the massive chamber dwindle into deepest shadow as they climb to meet the vague outlines of archways arrayed in a surrounding ring far above.
Bottom right of map.
[Handfaster's Glade, Shrine to Saemaus]
Soft-scented air fills the glade where patches of blooming tulips splash color against velvety grass tailor-made for bare feet. A lattice arch, covered with the pink blooms of jasmine honeysuckle, embraces and frames a small altar created from a living plant. Benches of polished wood invite couples to stop and bask in the beauty of the area and the warmth of heart's devotion.
  • The ruins of The Crossing's High Temple.
This altar is no longer available

Greater Zoluren

  • The altar to Albreda at Tiger Clan's church.
In the church in Tiger Clan.
[Tiger Clan Home, Old Church]
Some rows of wooden pews are set before a simple altar. A symbol carved in the shape of a dove rests on a dais, and a quiet peace fills the space in tribute to Albreda's blessing. Light filters through a high window with dust motes dancing in the tranquil beams. You also see Father Karjon who is sitting and a wobbly ladder.
Near swimming hole.
[Arthe Dale, Shrine]
A simple shrine has been erected in the niche of a large stony outcrop. Moonflower vines climb the column, twining their way around the opening, their brilliant white blossoms providing a festive border. A carved figure of Glythtide has been set inside the niche.
Outside Kaerna's North Gate through the shack as marked on the Map.
[Near Kaerna Village, A Dark Grove]
Around you grow trees in a circle so even and perfect they warrant suspicion. In the center of the grove is a deep pool, its surface smooth and glassy, undisturbed by the wind. Peering into it, it takes you a moment to realize that your face is not reflected in the pool and another to realize that neither are the trees. In fact, the only thing that can be seen are stars -- thousands and thousands of endless stars, some of which you know you have never seen in the sky above you. You also see a black obsidian altar with a rough obsidian bowl on it and a dirt path.
In the pool, MEDITATE, wait to get to the shrine.
[Crystal Cavern]
This tiny cavern inside the stone outcropping is alive with the sparkle of a thousand tiny crystals embedded into every facet of rock. The deep, cool waters of the hidden pool surround you, brushing against your skin and lapping at the base of a polished limestone statue of a dolphin emerging from the water. The pleasant echo of dripping water rolls through the cave. You also see some deeper water.
First room inside the Abbey proper.
[ Misenseor Abbey, High Altar Chamber]
Wavering light produced by several glowing braziers offers enough illumination to make out discernible shapes. A series of thirteen stone columns thrusts up from the black marble floor, the tops lost in the inky darkness high above. Arrayed in a sweeping arc, these great columns stand like a ring of guardians, bringing focus to the high altar that rests upon a raised dais. As if tended by unseen servants, this place of power has remained in pristine condition despite the passage of time. You also see an ironbound door.

Leth & The STR

Top right of map, before the green block
[An Ancient Tree]
Silvery beams of moonlight stream through irregular stained-glass windows, illuminating the intricate carvings which adorn the walls and dome of this cylindrical living chapel. A single, ornately engraved column grows from the center of the room and rises to meet the delicate arched ceiling. You also see a fragile-looking book on a simple stand and a circular staircase.
This altar is currently not functioning, I submitted a bug report on 11/22/07
[Kilth Aldiyaus, Prayer Branch]
Vaulted beams are carved into the grain of the wooden walls. Echoes of mumbled prayers and heartfelt supplications are amplified by the room's curvature. In the reverberating din, the names of all the deities mingle, then merge as one. A polished Sana'ati wood altar is surrounded by hooded figures kneeling on the bare floor.
A green room marked altar directly above the word snowbeast on the map. This is a non-combat safe room.
[The Gash, Small Copse]
Strangely, the ravages of day and night, which affect the other parts of The Gash, do not invade this secluded sanctuary. A sense of calm pervades this peaceful thicket. You also see a small stone altar with a small statue on it.

Greater Ilithi

Past the bridge over the Jademist river, look under rock, go stairs, east, search, go arch. Look behind the tapestry to get out.
[Shrine to the Dragon, Central Chamber]
This chamber is carved directly into the stone of the caverns. The walls are a dark green jade, encircling a stained altar that rests in the very center. Statues, shattered and smashed by time and angry mortal hands alike, stand forever frozen in broken dances. Elegant brass sconces still flicker with mystic lights, dim but bright enough to illuminate the area. You also see a stained jade altar, some twisted stone stairs, and some tattered silk tapestries.
The green room marked altar in the middle of the crag, moth, and larva hunting grounds. This is a non-combat safe room.
[Darkmist Moor, Secluded Shrine]
Shrouded in dark purple mist, a tall ebony altar rises from the overgrown grass. A collection of hideous gargoyles stands sentry in a macabre circle around the shrine, sneering inward at the scarred monolith.
The chapel is marked on the map.
[ Steelclaw Clan, Chapel]
Leaded glass windows fill the eastern wall, allowing the first light of day to illuminate the intricate mosaic that covers the chapel floor from wall to wall. At each of the other three cardinal points an altar stands - the southern one formed of living wood, the northern of a roughly hewn slab of basalt and the western carved from bone. Dozens of candles, guttering nubs and brightly burning pillars, adorn each altar yet the surfaces and facings are clean, without wax drip or scorch mark.
The altar is a few rooms before the gate to Horse Clan, marked on the map.
[Gilen Otso Steppes, Prairie Grove]
The altar does not appear in the changing room description.


Central western portion of the Third Tier, Climb steps, Go temple.
[ Phelim's Temple, Planetarium]
The domed roof of Phelim's temple is open to the night sky with a large telescope pointed towards the heavens. You also see a cage of nightingales, a doorway, a black marble altar, and a shimmering moongate.
Central western portion of the Third Tier, Go arch twice to reach the altar.
[Temple of Hodierna, Holy Sanctuary]
The main part of the temple is dedicated to the goddess herself. Entering through the arch, the first thing your eyes rest upon is the wall directly opposite the entrance. An awe-inspiring mural of Hodierna, made out of thousands of tiny colored tiles, covers the entire length of the sanctuary. Each tile is carefully placed, detailing the goddess' features, giving her an almost life-like appearance. The altar is made of a pure white marble and polished to a lustrous shine. You also see a carved ivory arch.
Central western portion of the Third Tier. Go door, Go cave.
[ Everild's Temple, Inside the Cave]
The small cave provides a rustic setting for the boar statue, which is made of cold bronze. Although poised as if sleeping, its body is tense and a single open eye appears to watch every movement. You also see a rough stone altar.
In the central eastern part of the Third Tier, in the same area for training Charisma.
[ Faenella's Temple, Sanctum]
Smooth, dark wooden walls curve around this tall narrow room. The only window is a skylight above a pale statue of Faenella, sculpted kneeling before a basin of water placed in the center of the space. One half of the room is strung with golden wires that run from the floor to the ceiling, and sound in the chamber vibrates them to a pleasing tone.
From the sewer entrance, Southwest, West, West, Northwest.
[ Damaris' Temple, Altar Hall]
A long narrow hall focuses attention on an altar at the western end. The only ornament is the floor, an image of an elongated panther created from black marble floor tiles set against white shimmering stone. The paws of the panther embrace the altar, and its tail curves around to the door leading outside the temple.
From the sewer entrance, Southwest, Southeast, East, Go courtyard.
[ Chadatru's Temple, Forecourt]
A row of columns frames the tall, broad temple building that rises ahead. Hundreds of burning candles rest on the low courtyard walls, illuminating this small forecourt and brightening the white pebbles underfoot. A fountain above the altar on the western wall spills fresh water over its surface, keeping the altar glistening softly in the candle light. You also see the temple entrance.
Located in the Southwestern most portion of the Third Tier.
[Kertigen's Temple, Apse]
Although there are no pews for worshippers to rest on, here at the front of the temple are several long wooden benches. A curved railing shaped much like the bow of a ship encloses the altar, protecting and framing it splendidly. You also see a doorway.
From the Green, East, North, Northeast, Go doorway, Go arch.
[ Urrem'tier's Temple, Dark Alcove]
Snickering noises echo in the alcove, or maybe it is the unknown breeze that chills the air even colder here than in the outer room. Shadows dance on the walls yet there is no light source visible to cause them. A larger than life onyx scorpion statue stands menacingly in the middle of the room.
On the third tier just Southwest of the sewer entrance.
[Glythtide's Shrine]
The shrine room is shaped like a burrow, all corners rounded and smooth. Mown grasses and meadowsweet stems cover the floor in a fragrant strewing, but the main focus of the shrine remains the statue honoring the god Glythtide. You also see a wall hanging.
East and north of the Green.
[A Pine Thicket]
The scent of pine resin and decaying wood permeates this dark stand of trees. The sky is completely blocked from view by the overhanging boughs, and the air is still and suffocating. There is a sense of being watched, by something. You also see a cold metal altar.


Board a currach at any of 3 docks marked on the map of Aesry. UNTIE Currach, then ROW ROCK until you get close to the rock (close enough to touch it), TIE CURRACH TO ROCK, Go Rock. Head up to the temple to the southern most room of the temple.
[Halasa Temple]
This enclosed chamber is a safe harbor, sturdily protected from the wind and weather, unlike the lower levels of the temple. A small arching window to the south looks out over Cha'walkas, its shape a miniature replica of the pointed arches of the walls and ceiling. An altar placed in the center of the room is unadorned but for a low dish of incense that burns with a faint pleasant scent. You also see a nautilus stairway.
Follow the above direction to get to the temple. This image is in the north room on the lower floor.
[Halasa Temple, North Porch]
The floor of the temple's northern wing is inlaid with a magnificent albatross -- shells, pebbles and smooth pieces of glass form the shape, feathers and details of Lemicus in her symbolic form. As the open sea air gusts through the temple and fingers of mist twine about the columns, one can imagine flying aloft with the great bird among the clouds. You also see a nautilus stairway.
Follow the above direction to get to the temple. This image is in the south room on the lower floor. Head up and RING the bell to get back to Aesry.
[Halasa Temple, South Porch]
The black polished floor reflects the image of a large, azurite carving of a dolphin as it emerges upwards from the surface of the stone. Tendrils and wisps of cloudy mist cling to the columns and swirl through the temple and finally drift southwards out over the waves to blanket the surface of the lake. You also see a nautilus stairway.
SEARCH for the opening to get in, be prepared to cast DR or bring a light source. The altar is marked on the map.
[Shrine of Drogor]
The top of the pile of rubble is just out of reach of the ceiling of the chamber, where the image of a ferocious shark is clear on a barren circle of stone. Small bones litter the top of the rubble pile, and offerings lie scattered about the loose stone. You also see a crude altar of rock slabs.

Unverified altars:

  • Gltythide's Garden - Leth (?)
  • The tongue-shaped altar of Aldauth in the Vulture's Maw, Kweld Gelvdael.