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Drathrok's Duskruin 452/Incidental loot: Difference between revisions

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* ''{{sloot|w|animite war hammer with a polished head}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|blue gold-inlaid mace with a dragonwood haft}}''' - ''40 stone MB, [[Flares|sonic flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|badly rusted steel surgical saw with a simple oak haft}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|bogbirch hunter's shortbow with a tanned morgawr leather grip}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|blackwood latchbow with a steelsilk wrapped stock}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|brass-handled katar with a gleaming undulate blade}}'''
* {{sloot|w|bronze nightstick with a series of notches crudely engraved along its length}} - ''35 stone SS, [[Flares|electric flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|blowgun darts}}''
* {{sloot|w|ceremonial iron greatsword enriched with Gorbesh iconography}} - ''108 stone 2HE, [[Flares|fire flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|brass-inlaid mace with an ironwood haft}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|broad-bladed Dwarven iron voulge with a stout hickory haft}}''
* {{sloot|w|curved glaes mambeli with a wire-wrapped hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|w|broad iron staff weighted with alternating panels of black and blue gold}}''
* {{sloot|w|demonbone cudgel with a handle wrapped in crude strips of rawhide}}
* ''{{sloot|w|bronze nightstick with a series of notches crudely engraved along its length}}''
* {{sloot|w|dragon's tail flail with a firestained head of agonite}} - ''97 stone 2HB, [[Flares|fire flare]]''
* {{sloot|w|elegant spiritwood riste ringed with silversteel blades}} - ''45 stone HB/HE/2HB, [[Flares|radiant flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|ceremonial iron greatsword enriched with Gorbesh iconography}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|crimson glaes flamberge with a viperine hilt}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|finely-honed scalpel with a bloodwood handle inlay}}''' - ''sonic flare''
* ''{{sloot|w|curved glaes mambeli with a wire-wrapped hilt}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|flamewood dueling riste enwreathed with blades of forgeheart iron}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|dark steel throwing club with an eagle-shaped head}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|forester's longbow with a vibrant patch of clover around the grip}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|darkstone longsword trailing wraith-bone ringlets from the pommel}}''
* {{sloot|w|forgeheart iron war hammer with a polished and engraved head}}
* ''{{sloot|w|demonbone cudgel with a handle wrapped in crude strips}}''
* {{sloot|w|grimwood cudgel with a scarlet-dyed leather-wrapped grip}}
* ''{{sloot|w|dragon's tail flail with a firestained head of agonite}}''
* {{sloot|w|heavy agonite throwing hammer with a smokewood haft}}
* ''{{sloot|w|double-strung spiritwood latchbow with a reinforced stock}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|heavy felwood pike staff topped by a brilliant indurium phoenix}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|ebony handled greathammer with a blackened steel head}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|heavy hamster-headed hammer with a hefty hexwood handle}}''' - ''60 stone MB, [[Flares|glitter flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|elegant spiritwood riste ringed with silversteel blades}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|hefty warring axe with a pitted windsteel head}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|engraved steel war hammer with a spiraled golden handle}}''
* {{sloot|w|icesteel mace with a flanged head}}
* ''{{sloot|w|forgeheart iron war hammer with a polished and engraved head}}''
* {{sloot|w|icethorn battle crossbow with a blood-red whipcord}}
* ''{{sloot|w|grimwood cudgel with a scarlet-dyed leather-wrapped grip}}''
* {{sloot|w|improvised parry stick made from assorted construction materials}}
* ''{{sloot|w|haon arbalest with a series of small notches cut into the stock}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|rainbow-bladed scalpel with a pitch-black unicorn handle}}''' - ''glitter flare''
* ''{{sloot|w|heavy agonite throwing hammer with a smokewood haft}}''
* {{sloot|w|serrated war sword with a blade of forgeheart iron}} - ''45 stone HE/2HE, [[Flares|fire flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|heavy animite shackle engraved with intricate knotwork}}''
* {{sloot|w|silversteel needle-tipped bolt with bloodwood shafts}} - ''Stack of 5''
* ''{{sloot|w|hefty iron battle axe with a sinuous bloodwood haft}}''
* {{sloot|w|skeletal dire mace studded with bony knobs}} - ''120 stone 2HB, [[Flares|nature flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|icesteel mace with a flanged head}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|sleek silversteel machete gaily looped with colorful featherlette tassels}}''' - ''nature flare''
* ''{{sloot|w|icethorn battle crossbow with a blood-red whipcord}}''
* {{sloot|w|steel double-headed hammer engraved with flying bats}}
* ''{{sloot|w|improvised parry stick made from assorted construction materials}}''
* {{sloot|w|steel mace with a teak haft and icesteel inlay}}
* ''{{sloot|w|kertig dagesse fitted with a pattern welded hilt guard}}''
* {{sloot|w|tel'athi elbow spikes bound with strips of Velakan linen}}
* ''{{sloot|w|lacquered white ironwood nightstick wrought in the form of a vertebral column}}''
* {{sloot|w|tel'athi knee spikes bound with strips of Velakan linen}}
* ''{{sloot|w|leather sling with a reinforced cup}}''
* {{sloot|w|tel'athi-spiked footwraps bound with strips of Velakan linen}}
* ''{{sloot|w|oak parry stick carved with an oravir-inlaid lightning pattern}}''
* {{sloot|w|tel'athi-spiked knuckles set with Heke'mhhg lazuli gemstones}}
* ''{{sloot|w|oversized kertig maul capped with a viciously sharp warklin impaler}}''
* {{sloot|w|tursa military fork}} - ''50 stone Polearms, [[Flares|glitter flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|w|rat-fang arrow}}''
* {{sloot|w|vardite-inlaid mace with an adderwood haft}}
* ''{{sloot|w|reinforced leather armguard with blackened steel riveting}}''
* {{sloot|w|windsteel halberd with a zingana haft}}
* ''{{sloot|w|ring-pommeled throwing dagger with an oblong-shaped blade}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|zombie bone-handled scalpel with a notched blade covered in black veins}}''' - ''razor flare''
* ''{{sloot|w|rockwood tanbo with polished darkstone tips}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|rosewood spear with a viciously serrated head}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|sanguine-hued recurve bow inlaid with intricate golden scrollwork}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|savage flamewood riste embedded with jagged blades of agonite}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|serrated war sword with a blade of forgeheart iron}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|silversteel needle-tipped bolt with bloodwood shafts}}'' - ''Stack of 5''
* ''{{sloot|w|skeletal dire mace studded with bony knobs}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|slender quarterstaff carved from smokewood and reinforced with audrualm tips}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|smokewood pelletbow with tarts painted along the stock}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|steel double-headed hammer engraved with flying bats}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|steel hanger embellished with engraved sharks along the blade}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|steel mace with a teak haft and icesteel inlay}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|steel-tipped ngalio with an ebony hilt}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|tarnished razaksel throwing hammer embellished with niello}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|teak parry stick carved to resemble winding ivy}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|tel'athi elbow spikes bound with strips of Velakan linen}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|tel'athi knee spikes bound with strips of Velakan linen}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|tel'athi-spiked footwraps bound with strips of Velakan linen}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|tel'athi-spiked knuckles set with Heke'mhhg lazuli gemstones}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|tursa military fork}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|vardite-inlaid mace with an adderwood haft}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|weighted haralun throwing club}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|windsteel halberd with a zingana haft}}''
* ''{{sloot|w|yew shortbow with a rawhide grip}}''

===Armor & Shields===
===Armor & Shields===
* ''{{sloot|a|coarse hiro bearskin leathers marked with dark crimson slashes}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|black leather mask with the eye holes outlined in vivid yellow}}'''
* '''{{sloot|a|black leather vambraces reinforced with silversteel rivets}}''' ''- light arm armor, [[Flares|living flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|a|crude coarse leathers fashioned from roughly stitched cave bear hides}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|darkstone great helm patterned with the visage of a snarling wolf}}''
* {{sloot|a|coarse hiro bearskin leathers marked with dark crimson slashes}} - ''[[Flares|living flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|a|heavy fluted icesteel plate marked with dark crimson slashes}}''
* {{sloot|a|heavy fluted icesteel plate marked with dark crimson slashes}}
* ''{{sloot|a|heavy icesteel plate gauntlets interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|heavy icesteel plate gauntlets interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather}}
* ''{{sloot|a|hiro bearskin cowl layered with dark crimson wool and ice-veined leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|hiro bearskin cowl layered with dark crimson wool and ice-veined leather}}
* ''{{sloot|a|hiro bearskin gloves interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|hiro bearskin gloves interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather}}
* ''{{sloot|a|icesteel great helm layered with dark crimson wool and ice-veined leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|icesteel great helm layered with dark crimson wool and ice-veined leather}}
* ''{{sloot|s|icesteel shield emblazoned in black with a rearing dragon}}''
* {{sloot|s|iron shield painted with a fluffy cloud}}
* ''{{sloot|s|iron shield painted with a fluffy cloud}}''
* {{sloot|s|lacquered wooden shield adorned with a brass hound's head}}
* ''{{sloot|s|lacquered wooden shield adorned with a brass hound's head}}''
* '''{{sloot|s|large Grahzir-white ironwood bulwark inlaid with a coiled darkstone World Dragon}}''' ''- large, [[Flares|fire flare]]''
* ''{{sloot|s|polished agonite ceremonial shield embellished with eventide moonstone chips}}''
* {{sloot|a|segmented bone gloves reinforced with gravecloth padding}}
* ''{{sloot|a|rusty chain balaclava lined with stained leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|segmented bone helm fastened to a gravecloth hood}}
* ''{{sloot|a|rusty chain gloves lined with stained leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|segmented bone mask reinforced with a vardite bridge}}
* ''{{sloot|a|rusty chain greaves with tattered leather ties}}''
* {{sloot|a|striking kuwinite-plated dome helm embellished with baroque silverwork}}
* ''{{sloot|a|rusty chain shirt backed with tattered and stained leather}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|supple black leather gloves reinforced with rows of silversteel rivets}}'''
* ''{{sloot|a|segmented bone gloves reinforced with gravecloth padding}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|supple black leather greaves}}'''
* ''{{sloot|a|segmented bone helm fastened to a gravecloth hood}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|supple black leather helm crowned by long shreds of silvery-white silk}}'''
* ''{{sloot|a|segmented bone mask reinforced with a vardite bridge}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|supple black leather jerkin reinforced with rows of silversteel rivets}}'''
* ''{{sloot|a|stained leather cowl with a braid of rat tails affixed to the back}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|stained leather gloves lined in grey fur}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|stained leather greaves embedded with rat teeth}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|stained leather mask trimmed with grey fur}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|steel half plate engraved with a trio of moons}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|steel plate gauntlets etched with faint stars}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|steel plate greaves etched with comets}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|steel plate helm etched with a stylized sun}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|striking kuwinite-plated dome helm embellished with baroque silverwork}}''
* ''{{sloot|a|zeltfish bone hauberk painted with a full moon}}''

===Clothing & Jewelry===
===Clothing & Jewelry===
* ''{{sloot|i|black leather gladiator's tunic}}''
* {{sloot|i|blue-grey knarn fur headband with a silver pin}}
* ''{{sloot|i|blue-grey knarn fur headband with a silver pin}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|brilliant blue camlet cloak trimmed with gold braid}}''' - ''3x3x3 200 stone shoulder-worn, verby''
* ''{{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a violet-shaped enameled clasp}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cherry-red candysatin corset trimmed with dainty black lace}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|cowl-necked crimson gown of layered zenganne}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a parrot-shaped enameled clasp}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|cream-colored flannel shirt with carved felwood buttons}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth-of-gold cloak embroidered across the back with a dragon breathing flames}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|dark leather fighting pants fastened with ebony studs}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth-of-gold cloak with a rose-shaped enameled clasp}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|deeply-cowled black samite mantle with a tenebrous crimson velvet lining}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a violet-shaped enameled clasp}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|demonscale ice skates with diacan blades}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dainty blue gold anklet adorned with carved Alavern charms}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|dewdrop diopside pendant}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dainty cupcake-shaped pendant made of blue gold and colorful gemstones}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|duskbloom sapphire pendant}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dainty ka'hurst bracelet inset with watermelon tourmalines}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|dusky grey silk tabard embroidered with a series of frolicking rats}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dark leather utility belt with blackened steel studs}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|ebony-dyed helei leather gloves trimmed with undyed knarn fur}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|deep blue moonspun silk bodice embroidered with silvery threads}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|embossed combatant medal (2)|embossed combatant medal}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dendritic opal pendant suspended from a braided onyx hide cord}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|embossed goat medal}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dergatine dancing skirt}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|embossed rat medal (2)|embossed rat medal}}''
* {{sloot|i|dewdrop diopside pendant}}
* ''{{sloot|i|furred mask}}''
* {{sloot|i|duskbloom sapphire pendant}}
* {{sloot|i|dusky grey silk tabard embroidered with a series of frolicking rats}}
* ''{{sloot|i|godsmarked turquoise pendant}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|green striped vest-clad monkey costume with a long curved tail}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dusky grey skull carved out of tidal bloodstone}}''' ''- [[:Category:Drifter|drifter]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|dusty dark grey armwraps dangling lengths of coiled rope}}''' ''- [[:Category:Morph items|color morphing]]''
* ''{{sloot|i|heartname leather cloak trimmed in vibrantly colored feathers}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|heavy cloak of layered animal furs with a gnarled grimwood clasp}}''
* {{sloot|i|ebony-dyed helei leather gloves trimmed with undyed knarn fur}}
* ''{{sloot|i|heavy woolen greatkilt bearing a silver-shot blue-on-grey tartan pattern}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|elegantly draped halter-neck gown of cobalt blue witchweft}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|kadepa nose stud}}''
* {{sloot|i|embossed combatant medal}}
* ''{{sloot|i|leathery mask}}''
* {{sloot|i|embossed goat medal}}
* {{sloot|i|embossed rat medal}}
* ''{{sloot|i|lustrous truegold ferroniere flaunting a faceted winter emerald}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|nomlas-hued faesilk cravat with black polka dots}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|everdusk damite earring dangling a viper's eye sapphire dagger}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|onyx-hide gladiator's sandals}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|faded black gravecloth dancing skirt with a dagged hem}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|pair of brown boots caked in dried mud}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|fae-weave silk pajamas adorned with tiny Elamiri sapphire buttons}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|pair of ruazin wool pantaloons tied with a scarlet silk cord}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|fire-scorched leather hat}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|pale grey steelsilk gown with a flower-embellished bodice}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|glaes nose hoop}}'''
* {{sloot|i|godsmarked turquoise pendant}}
* ''{{sloot|i|pale grey wool skirt embroidered with black ravens along the hemline}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|polished green gold signet ring suspended from a matching chain}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|green gold teardrop bracelet with malachite beads and lapis lazuli teardrops}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|scrimshawed ivory hairbeads inlaid with blood rubies}}''
* {{sloot|i|heartname leather cloak trimmed in vibrantly colored feathers}}
* ''{{sloot|i|segmented grey-brown armadillo costume with a whiplike scaled tail}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|heavily patched morgawr leather shirt laced with jute}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|silversteel elongated teardrop bracelet strung with jet and ebony dangles}}''
* {{sloot|i|heavy cloak of layered animal furs with a gnarled grimwood clasp}}
* ''{{sloot|i|silverweave gown trimmed with Albarian lace}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|heavy windsteel chainmail wristband woven with crystal bells}}'''
* {{sloot|i|kadepa nose stud}}
* ''{{sloot|i|somber gravecloth kimono belted with a swathe of dusky grey nightsilk}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|supple wyvern hide thigh boots side-laced through burnished palladium eyelets}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|long nightsilk cloak with various faces swirling across its surface}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|tall bitterweave top hat with various faces swirling across its surface}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|long-sleeved khaddar shirt with simple threading}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|tawny-colored cotton shirt with carved lirisan buttons}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|mud-covered wooden locket dangling from a length of jute}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|thick earthen brown armband set with a trio of fire whirl rubies}}''
* {{sloot|i|nomlas-hued faesilk cravat with black polka dots}}
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of peach-hued kirmiko pantaloons accented with a leather belt}}''' ''- 3x1x1, 10 stone, verby''
* ''{{sloot|i|tiger lily carnelian pendant}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|trio of purple gold anklets threaded with lightning amethysts}}''
* {{sloot|i|pair of ruazin wool pantaloons tied with a scarlet silk cord}}
* ''{{sloot|i|velvety white spectral mask set with a godsmarked turquoise}}''
* {{sloot|i|pale grey steelsilk gown with a flower-embellished bodice}}
* ''{{sloot|i|watery blue bitterweave robes spangled with crystalline teardrops}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|pale rose silk dress embellished with embroidered roses}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|zoetia worry beads carved into colorful flowers}}''
* {{sloot|i|polished green gold signet ring suspended from a matching chain}}
* '''{{sloot|i|pristine white armwraps dangling lengths of coiled rope}}''' - ''[[:Category:Morph items|color morphing]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|pullover sweater of marshmallow-white doegan wool with chocolate-brown trim}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|pumpkin-orange misiumosette shirt with carved oxyx buttons}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|quilted goldweave doublet lined with midnight-black silk}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|raspberry-hued berrybomb bast skirt layered over white petticoats}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|rich emerald witchweft cloak fixed with an absinthe emerald teardrop}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|short-sleeved jaspe gown with an elongated bodice}}'''
* {{sloot|i|silversteel elongated teardrop bracelet strung with jet and ebony dangles}}
* {{sloot|i|silverweave gown trimmed with Albarian lace}}
* '''{{sloot|i|simple heart-shaped locket slung from a twisted gold-link chain}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|sleeveless gown of shimmering gilt velvet with a plunging neckline}}''' ''- 3x2x2, 10 stone, verby''
* '''{{sloot|i|small glass vial filled with pink and yellow glitter}}''' - ''shows in features; 1 use''
* '''{{sloot|i|small glass vial filled with purple and pink glitter}}''' - ''shows in features; 1 use''
* {{sloot|i|somber gravecloth kimono belted with a swathe of dusky grey nightsilk}}
* {{sloot|i|striking worry beads carved out of demon gaze agates}}
* '''{{sloot|i|tailored berrybomb bast cassock the color of cloudberries}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|tailored camlet cassock with appliqued cardinals along the hem}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|tailored cassock of camlet with embroidered puppies along the hem}}'''
* {{sloot|i|tall bitterweave top hat with various faces swirling across its surface}}
* '''{{sloot|i|taupe velvet robe belted with a midnight-black cord}}''' - ''3x3x3 200 stone pockets''
* {{sloot|i|tawny-colored cotton shirt with carved lirisan buttons}}
* {{sloot|i|thick earthen brown armband set with a trio of fire whirl rubies}}
* {{sloot|i|tiger lily carnelian pendant}}
* {{sloot|i|trio of purple gold anklets threaded with lightning amethysts}}
* '''{{sloot|i|twisted hexwood ring braided with black hair}}'''
* {{sloot|i|watery blue bitterweave robes spangled with crystalline teardrops}}
* '''{{sloot|i|woven girdle formed from platinum wire with blackwater jet beads}}''' - ''3x1x1 10 stone belt, verby''
* '''{{sloot|i|woven girdle formed from purple gold wire with dewdrop diopside beads}}'''
* {{sloot|i|zoetia worry beads carved into colorful flowers}}

* ''{{sloot|i|absinthe emerald-eyed seordmaor skull with electroweave straps}}'' - ''tail worn''
* {{sloot|i|absinthe emerald-eyed seordmaor skull with electroweave straps}} - ''tail worn''
* ''{{sloot|i|avia belt frog}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|black roll-top rucksack with stalker bone buckles}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|azure-scale sword belt with reinforced titanese stitching}}'' - ''verbed''
* '''{{sloot|i|dark leather sack with a scratched rencate lock}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|braided nightsilk harness with a black onyx clasp}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dark leather tobacco pouch with various faces swirling across its surface}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|blackened steel axe harness}}'' - ''5 of any item''
* ''' {{sloot|i|demonsbane leather quiver secured by polished bone buckles}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|dark purple farandine bag with a polished purple gold clasp}}'' - ''{{ilink|i|monkey}}'' home''
* {{sloot|i|dergatine locksmith's strand fastened with a black diamond solitaire}}
* ''{{sloot|i|dergatine locksmith's strand fastened with a black diamond solitaire}}''
* {{sloot|i|firesilk baldric clad in agonite plates}}
* ''{{sloot|i|elegantly pleated peony-shaped parcel of pale pink silk}}'' - ''[[mail]] system''
* '''{{sloot|i|fractalline enchanter's toolbelt augmented with a kuwinite buckle}}''' ''- has 5 ties for brazier, burin, fount, loop, rod''
* ''{{sloot|i|firesilk baldric clad in agonite plates}}''
* {{sloot|i|gladiator's battle kit fabricated from dark leather and asini fittings}}
* ''{{sloot|i|gladiator's battle kit fabricated from dark leather and asini fittings}}'' - ''back worn; verbed''
* {{sloot|i|gladiator's combat kit of hardened leather with carved dragonwood toggles}}
* ''{{sloot|i|gladiator's combat kit of hardened leather with carved dragonwood toggles}}'' - ''back worn, verbed''
* '''{{sloot|i|gravecloth pack with a rotted zombie-skin flap}}''' - ''has ties hatchet and shovel''
* ''{{sloot|i|green pouch embroidered with flowing grass}}'' - ''generates {{ilink|i|grass}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|hefty demonsbane leather fighter's rucksack buckled with agonite}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|heavily scarred warrior's belt fit with a blackened silver buckle}}'' - ''5 of any item''
* {{sloot|i|imbricated demonscale thigh quiver secured with a gryphon talon}}
* ''{{sloot|i|imbricated demonscale thigh quiver secured with a gryphon talon}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|improvised thigh quiver made from braided leather straps}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|iron-bound dragon's blood crystal box shaped like an anatomical heart}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|narrow faelight leather archer's quiver adorned with knarn fur}}''' ''- 10x2x2 150 stone thigh quiver''
* ''{{sloot|i|juvenile wyvern skull}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|onyx-hide back harness}}''' - ''13x4x1 200 stone back-worn, hang 2 weapons''
* ''{{sloot|i|kau leather bota resembling a desiccated ghoul}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|polished pouch of glossy leather with a small jar toggle}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|royal blue saddlebag clasped with an Imperial star}}''' - ''17x10x5 1100 stone shoulder, includes {{ilink|i|royal blue saddle pad graced with Imperial stars|saddle pad}}, {{ilink|i|high war saddle clad in plates of Adamantia steel|saddle}}, {{ilink|i|diamond-hide war bridle set with gilded plates of silversteel|bridle}}, and {{ilink|i|royal blue caparison emblazoned with Imperial imagery|caparison}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|metallic foil scroll bundle bound in smoi leather straps}}'' - ''[[scroll stacker]]''
* ''{{sloot|i|rat-pelt gem pouch clasped with a yellowed fang}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|scrivener's silk utility belt inked with flowing calligraphy}}''' - ''holds 5 any sized item''
* {{sloot|i|small armure ankle pouch with a simple knotted drawstring}} - ''dirt stacker''
* ''{{sloot|i|serpentine-hide bota}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|shimmering strip of faeweave dusted with sky opal faeries}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|small doeskin pouch covered in basalt beading}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|silver-chased scabbard with a skull-and-crossbones buckle}}''
* {{sloot|i|small pink faesilk package tied with a glittered purple bow}} - ''[[mail]] container''
* ''{{sloot|i|small armure ankle pouch with a simple knotted drawstring}}'' - ''dirt stacker''
* '''{{sloot|i|stained pouch of mahogany-brown leather}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|small pink faesilk package tied with a glittered purple bow}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|storm-scale leather cylinder branded with forked lightning}}''' ''- shoulder-worn, holds 5 any sized item''
* ''{{sloot|i|warrior's duffel bag}}'' - ''shoulder worn; verbed''
* '''{{sloot|i|sturdy oilskin canister strung on a simple black belt}}''' ''- dirt stacker''
* ''{{sloot|i|white waterskin embroidered with a crashing wave}}'' - ''generates {{ilink|i|water}}''
* {{sloot|i|warrior's duffel bag}} - ''shoulder worn; verbed''
* ''{{sloot|i|yellow pouch embroidered with many ears of corn}}'' - ''generates {{ilink|i|wild corn}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|wyvern-hide morawen}}''' - ''shoulder-worn, hang 2 weapons''

===Crafting & Instructions===
===Crafting & Instructions===
* ''{{sloot|i|agonite forging hammer firestained with knotwork ravens}}''
* {{sloot|i|agonite forging hammer firestained with knotwork ravens}}
* ''{{sloot|i|awl carved of burnished ebony}}''
* {{sloot|i|awl carved of burnished ebony}}
* ''{{sloot|i|bone saw with a blade edged in audrualm}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|bent imbuement rod resembling a damaged fencepost}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|calfskin leather bellows with platinum accents}}''
* {{sloot|i|bone saw with a blade edged in audrualm}}
* ''{{sloot|i|curved wood shaper with an osage grip}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|blue canvas deed register cover stamped with a sigil}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|curving pickaxe edged in glaes}}''
* {{sloot|i|calfskin leather bellows with platinum accents}}
* ''{{sloot|i|demonbone blade mounted on a tentacle-shaped hilt}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|curved ebony hide scraper with a Siksrajan applewood handle}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|design codex bound with grey sharkskin leather}}''
* {{sloot|i|curved wood shaper with an osage grip}}
* ''{{sloot|i|dwarven iron skinning knife with a mikkhalbamar hilt}}''
* {{sloot|i|curving pickaxe edged in glaes}}
* ''{{sloot|i|fine muracite knitting needles capped with blue sapphire dolphins}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|deeply curved skinning knife with an engraved blade}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|forging hammer with platinum accents}}''
* {{sloot|i|design codex bound with grey sharkskin leather}}
* ''{{sloot|i|glaes-edged shovel with an azurelle grip}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|diacan mixing stick topped with a heart-shaped temptress beryl}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|glaes wrist blade etched with a triple-tined claw}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dull iron wrist knife with a braided crone's hair moss grip}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|heavy cauldron with twisted Dwarven iron handles}}''
* {{sloot|i|Dwarven iron skinning knife with a mikkhalbamar hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|i|hide scraper of burnished ebony}}''
* {{sloot|i|fine muracite knitting needles capped with blue sapphire dolphins}}
* ''{{sloot|i|hooked pliers with calfskin grips}}''
* {{sloot|i|forging hammer with platinum accents}}
* ''{{sloot|i|icesteel wrist knife set into a slim hilt}}''
* {{sloot|i|glaes-edged shovel with an azurelle grip}}
* ''{{sloot|i|khor'vela yardstick with notched rules}}''
* {{sloot|i|heavy cauldron with twisted Dwarven iron handles}}
* ''{{sloot|i|large purpleheart bowl edged with ivory}}''
* {{sloot|i|hide scraper of burnished ebony}}
* ''{{sloot|i|metal drawknife edged in glaes}}''
* {{sloot|i|hooked pliers with calfskin grips}}
* ''{{sloot|i|moonshine jug with five painted X's}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|keenly edged skinning knife wrapped in cloudlake leather}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|muracite clamps with Elven gold jaws}}''
* {{sloot|i|khor'vela yardstick with notched rules}}
* ''{{sloot|i|muracite tongs with icesteel clamps}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|large diacan bowl atop an umbral-bone base}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|neck strap for a crafting instruction book}}''
* {{sloot|i|large purpleheart bowl edged with ivory}}
* ''{{sloot|i|polished belzune stone mortar}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|lava drake-bone burin set with a brilliant Gemfire ruby}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|polished Sunderstone slickstone}}''
* {{sloot|i|metal drawknife edged in glaes}}
* ''{{sloot|i|rasp with an azurelle grip}}''
* {{sloot|i|muracite clamps with Elven gold jaws}}
* ''{{sloot|i|rifflers with azurelle handles}}''
* {{sloot|i|muracite tongs with icesteel clamps}}
* ''{{sloot|i|scissors with glaes cutting edges and decorative finger rings}}''
* {{sloot|i|neck strap for a crafting instruction book}}
* ''{{sloot|i|sewing needles inlaid with lustrous shell}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|niniam awl with a ribbon-stripe handle}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|shadowy ka'hurst carving knife with a midnight onyx hilt}}''
* {{sloot|i|polished belzune stone mortar}}
* ''{{sloot|i|sharpened chisels with azurelle handles}}''
* {{sloot|i|polished Sunderstone slickstone}}
* ''{{sloot|i|silversteel forging mallet adorned with fire opals}}''
* {{sloot|i|purpleheart mixing stick inlaid with ivory}}
* ''{{sloot|i|smooth belzune pestle carved in relief with a howling wolf}}''
* {{sloot|i|rasp with an azurelle grip}}
* ''{{sloot|i|smooth tonfa instructions}}''
* {{sloot|i|rifflers with azurelle handles}}
* ''{{sloot|i|stirring rod with decorative platinum accents}}''
* {{sloot|i|scissors with glaes cutting edges and decorative finger rings}}
* ''{{sloot|i|svidaw sis instructions}}''
* {{sloot|i|sewing needles inlaid with lustrous shell}}
* ''{{sloot|i|white granite mortar shaped like an open-top monkey skull}}''
* {{sloot|w|shadowy ka'hurst carving knife with a midnight onyx hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|i|wirework sieve with polished marble handles}}''
* {{sloot|i|sharpened chisels with azurelle handles}}
* {{sloot|i|smooth belzune pestle carved in relief with a howling wolf}}
* {{sloot|i|smooth tonfa instructions}}
* '''{{sloot|i|steel wire-bristled brush acid-etched with a stylized dragon}}'''
* {{sloot|i|stirring rod with decorative platinum accents}}
* {{sloot|i|svidaw sis instructions}}
* '''{{sloot|i|violet canvas deed register cover stamped with a healing herb}}'''
* {{sloot|i|white granite mortar shaped like an open-top monkey skull}}
* {{sloot|i|wirework sieve with polished marble handles}}

* ''{{sloot|i|cambrinth tailband inlaid with jade}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|amber cylinder}}''' - ''summoned creature identification''
* ''{{sloot|i|chakrel fist hung from a thick rope}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cambrinth fist amulet with black gold veins}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|chakrel goat hung from a length of red cord}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cambrinth knot made from braided metals}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|chakrel rat hung from a braided leather strap}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cambrinth savannah bull gazing over tall grass}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|cloud turquoise pendant suspended from a braided onyx-hide cord}}'' - ''anti-locate''
* {{sloot|i|chakrel door pendant hung from a length of white leather}} - neck-worn [[chakrel]]
* ''{{sloot|i|engraved tablet}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|chakrel necklace with a morgawr-shaped pendant}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|face-shaped tablet}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|chakrel pebble hung from a braided loop of rough twine}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|ferocious chakrel boar with sharp tusks}}''
* {{sloot|i|cloud turquoise pendant suspended from a braided onyx-hide cord}} - ''anti-locate''
* {{sloot|i|delicate damite ring set with a brilliant bloodmist garnet}} - ''anti-locate''
* ''{{sloot|i|glass octahedron}}''
* {{sloot|i|dirty inkpot}}
* ''{{sloot|i|mummified rock troll hand clutching a fire opal the size of its own palm}}''
* {{sloot|i|engraved tablet}}
* ''{{sloot|i|polished deep green muracite ring set with a fire agate carved like a tulip blossom}}'' - ''anti-locate''
* {{sloot|i|face-shaped tablet}}
* ''{{sloot|i|red pouch embroidered with a pork chop}}''-''generates [[Ranger companion]] meat''
* ''{{sloot|i|sanowret crystal set in a golden brooch}}''
* {{sloot|i|ferocious chakrel boar with sharp tusks}}
* ''{{sloot|i|sanowret crystal inset in a platinum brooch}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|glittery scroll}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|sanowret crystal inset in a silver brooch}}''
* {{sloot|i|green pouch embroidered with flowing grass}}
* ''{{sloot|i|small featherstone painted with a blood-shot eyeball}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|mongoose-shaped tablet}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|snarling wolverine carved from chakrel}}''
* {{sloot|i|moonshine jug with five painted X's}}
* '''{{sloot|i|moss-haired cambrinth thornkin effigy with serrated wing edges}}'''
* {{sloot|i|polished deep green muracite ring set with a fire agate carved like a tulip blossom}} - ''anti-locate''
* '''{{sloot|i|rainbow-hued scroll}}'''
* {{sloot|i|red pouch embroidered with a pork chop}}
* '''{{sloot|i|sanowret crystal inset in a fang-shaped brooch}}'''
* {{sloot|i|sanowret crystal inset in a platinum brooch}}
* {{sloot|i|sanowret crystal inset in a silver brooch}}
* {{sloot|i|sanowret crystal set in a golden brooch}}''
* {{sloot|i|small featherstone painted with a blood-shot eyeball}}
* {{sloot|i|snarling wolverine carved from chakrel}} - belt-worn [[chakrel]]
* '''{{sloot|i|vulture-shaped tablet}}'''
* {{sloot|i|white waterskin embroidered with a crashing wave}}
* '''{{sloot|i|wire bound glass cylinder}}''' - ''summoned creature identification''
* '''{{sloot|i|wolf-shaped tablet}}'''
* {{sloot|i|yellow pouch embroidered with many ears of corn}}

* ''{{sloot|i|brilliant green jaspe sack embroidered with tiny rats}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|Adamantia steel chanfron endowed with a radiate crown}}''' - ''horse head plate armor''
* ''{{sloot|i|dark purple farandine bag with a polished purple gold clasp}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|Adamantia steel crupper marred by the Bloodworm Comet}}''' - ''horse armor''
* ''{{sloot|i|felted wool skull stitched with a pair of thick black X's}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|Adamantia steel flanchards gilded with images of Throne City}}''' - ''horse armor''
* ''{{sloot|i|large blue-grey plush shark secured with a black leather strap}}''
* '''{{sloot|a|crenelated plate crinnet of Adamantia steel}}''' - ''horse armor''
* {{sloot|i|braided nightsilk harness with a black onyx clasp}} - ''[[Vanity pet]] home''
* {{sloot|i|dark purple farandine bag with a polished purple gold clasp}} - ''{{ilink|i|monkey}}'' home''
* '''{{sloot|a|reinforced Adamantia steel peytrel gilded with an Imperial star}}''' - ''horse armor''

* ''{{sloot|i|miniature carnivorous plant in a glazed ceramic pot}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|abode voucher}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|miniature ironwood log}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|ball of stringy cobwebs}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|miniature wooden barricade of sharpened stakes}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|bloodwood guitar-shaped doorbell}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|pair of crossed swords}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|brown stump-shaped parchment painted with fake bark}}''' - ''chairs''
* ''{{sloot|i|pile of weapons and shields}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|bundled lumber}}''' - ''freestanding home''
* ''{{sloot|i|rusty swords and shields}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|darkstone doorbell}}''' - ''door decoration''
* ''{{sloot|i|zeltfish-bone statuette of a kraken sundering a ship in twain}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|death-black termite voucher}}''' - ''freestanding home''
* '''{{sloot|i|dirty vegetables}}''' - ''freestanding home''
* '''{{sloot|i|door-shaped voucher (4)|door-shaped voucher}}''' - ''door home''
* '''{{sloot|i|green succulents}}''' - ''freestanding home''
* '''{{sloot|i|magma cobra}}'''
* {{sloot|i|pair of crossed swords}} - ''door home''
* {{sloot|i|pile of weapons and shields}} - ''freestanding home''
* {{sloot|i|rusty swords and shields}} - ''tree home''

* ''{{sloot|i|abyssal black stampbook inked with a large sprawling kraken}}''
* {{sloot|i|abyssal black stampbook inked with a large sprawling kraken}}
* ''{{sloot|i|arena warrior's braided training cord}}''
* {{sloot|i|arena warrior's braided training cord}}
* ''{{sloot|i|black crystal ball}}'' - ''toy''
* '''{{sloot|i|azure silk jousting pennant ostentatiously embroidered with a golden shield}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|black leather textbook embossed with a white skull and crossbones}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|belzune censer sculpted into the shape of a standing dolphin}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|blood-red paintstick}}''
* {{sloot|i|blood-red paintstick}}
* {{sloot|i|ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale}} - ''[[Challenger's beverage]]''
* ''{{sloot|i|braided nightsilk harness with a black onyx clasp}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale}}'' - ''[[Challenger's beverage]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|clockwork dragonwood galleon with a prominent beakhead}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|colorful parchment rainbow with its ends resting atop billowing clouds}}''' - ''[[mail]] card''
* ''{{sloot|i|collapsible fishing pole fashioned from juniper branches}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|copper flagon of mead etched with scenes of glorious arena combat}}''
* {{sloot|i|copper flagon of mead etched with scenes of glorious arena combat}}
* ''{{sloot|i|cracked mirror with a demonscale-wrapped handle}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dark grey tower-shaped card with a heavy outline}}''' - ''[[mail]] card''
* ''{{sloot|i|dirty inkpot}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dark iron flask shaped like a bone wyvern skull}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|Dwarven iron fife with bands of luminous moonsilver knotwork}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|delicate hourglass set within a blue crystalline frame}}'''
* {{sloot|i|double-sided grey whetstone}}
* ''{{sloot|i|fanciful rat puppet formed from rainbow-colored segments of ialalhe}}''
* {{sloot|i|Dwarven iron fife with bands of luminous moonsilver knotwork}}
* ''{{sloot|i|fiery paintstick}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|floppy faeweave goat puppet dusted with colorful glitter}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|ebony camp stool with an embroidered mint green steelsilk seat}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|glass sun filled with yellow liquid}}''
* {{sloot|i|elegantly pleated peony-shaped parcel of pale pink silk}}
* ''{{sloot|i|glittery red jar dappled with shimmery hearts}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|faded green parchment frog with a painted red bowtie}}''' - ''[[Mail]]-system paper''
* ''{{sloot|i|glossy grey jar painted with a thick black stripe}}''
* {{sloot|i|fanciful rat puppet formed from rainbow-colored segments of ialalhe}}
* ''{{sloot|i|golden crystal ball}}''
* {{sloot|i|fiery paintstick}}
* ''{{sloot|i|goldweave phoenix with fire whirl ruby eyes}}''
* {{sloot|i|floppy faeweave goat puppet dusted with colorful glitter}}
* ''{{sloot|i|heart-shaped ruby framed mirror with an oval haon handle}}''
* {{sloot|i|furred mask}}
* ''{{sloot|i|heavily faceted blood ruby rose}}''
* {{sloot|i|glass sun filled with yellow liquid}}
* ''{{sloot|i|ialalhe silver-backed bear with dark blue honeycomb opal claws}}''
* {{sloot|i|glittery red jar dappled with shimmery hearts}}
* ''{{sloot|i|inanimate raven with a bent beak and missing eye}}''
* {{sloot|i|glossy grey jar painted with a thick black stripe}}
* ''{{sloot|i|kertig cowbell etched with an arena}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|glossy sky-blue storybook illustrated with playful woodland creatures}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|kertig mirror with a mikkhalbamar handle}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|glossy wyndewood game wheel inlaid with a myriad of gems}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|large glass bottle of Bobcat's blood rum}}''
* {{sloot|i|goldweave phoenix with fire whirl ruby eyes}}
* ''{{sloot|i|mahogany puzzle box with cleverly carved joinery masking a simple looking lock}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|grimwood pipe with a thin silver band}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|matte grey paintstick}}''
* {{sloot|i|heavily faceted blood ruby rose}}
* ''{{sloot|i|miniature toy katana carved from e'erdream}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|heavy Dwarven iron codex enriched by uthamar knotwork}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|miniature winged boggle wielding a tiny elder wood staff}}''
* {{sloot|i|hefty exposed-spine cookbook with a lacquered applewood cover}}
* ''{{sloot|i|opalescent glass phoenix with red-tinged wings}}''
* {{sloot|i|inanimate raven with a bent beak and missing eye}}
* ''{{sloot|i|painted zingana prize wheel painted with various designs}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|ironrot camp stool with a dark leather seat}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|piece of striated foil}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|jungle-green notebook with a tooled leather cover}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|sanguine paintstick}}''
* {{sloot|i|kau leather bota resembling a desiccated ghoul}}
* ''{{sloot|i|seasoned goatherd's braided training cord}}''
* {{sloot|i|large glass bottle of Bobcat's blood rum}} - ''[[Challenger's beverage]]''
* ''{{sloot|i|shark-shaped glass eye}}'' - ''eye-shape changer''
* {{sloot|i|leathery mask}}
* ''{{sloot|i|small book bound in helei leather}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|long stemmed burlwood pipe shaped to resemble a snarling dragon's head}}''' - ''smoking pipe''
* ''{{sloot|i|smoke-grey owl-shaped pinata with vibrant turquoise-ringed eyes}}''
* {{sloot|i|miniature toy katana carved from e'erdream}}
* ''{{sloot|i|smooth porcelain mask with artfully painted features}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|octagonal glass jam jar painted with plump taffelberries}}'''
* {{sloot|i|opalescent glass phoenix with red-tinged wings}}
* ''{{sloot|i|soft brown leather book cover splotched with waterstains}}'' - ''vault book cover''
* ''{{sloot|i|songsilk nightingale with cosmic zircon eyes}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of comically overexaggerated berrybomb bast gidii wings}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|steel salt shaker}}'' - ''holds {{ilink|i|coarse salt}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of downy winterweave snow hawk wings}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|subterranean ratcatcher's braided training cord}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|piece of dappled foil}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|tiny pearlescent vial}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|piece of matte foil}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|toy sword painted with blood-hued streaks along the blade}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|piece of scaled foil}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|translucent crystal chalice inset with meticulously cut garnet hearts}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|piece of sparkling foil}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|vault prowler's braided training cord}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|piece of speckled foil}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|verdigris paintstick}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|plain roundel medallion carved from dragonwood wood}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|weapon strap of braided rat tails}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|polished copper pin shaped like a slender boot}}''' - ''kick trap enchantment''
* ''{{sloot|i|weathered textbook with a tattered cover}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|polished golden chalice set with a pair of godsmarked turquoise cabochons}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|winterweave snow hawk with frostflare opal eyes}}''
* {{sloot|i|sanguine paintstick}}
* '''{{sloot|i|scorched blackwood volcano with a tiny handle tucked beneath a rocky crag}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|scorched parchment card with crumbling edges}}'''
* {{sloot|i|seasoned goatherd's braided training cord}}
* {{sloot|i|serpentine-hide bota}}
* '''{{sloot|i|silvery fish-scaled parchment with a ship's profile in one corner}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|small hinged rosewood cask secured by a complex ivorene latch}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|smooth icethorn perfume bottle fit with a dewdrop diopside stopper}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|smooth monotone acenite mask}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|smooth plum faradine pouch with a wolf-shaped crystal clasp}}'''
* {{sloot|i|smooth porcelain mask with artfully painted features}}
* {{sloot|i|soft brown leather book cover splotched with waterstains}}
* {{sloot|i|songsilk nightingale with cosmic zircon eyes}}
* '''{{sloot|i|square glass inkpot painted with indigo swirls}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|steelsilk storm goose with stormfire topaz eyes}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|sturdy canvas apron depicting a trio of puppies frolicking in a grassy meadow}}'''
* {{sloot|i|subterranean ratcatcher's braided training cord}}
* '''{{sloot|i|tapered cassava root nestled in a purple gold brooch}}'''
* {{sloot|i|toy sword painted with blood-hued streaks along the blade}}
* {{sloot|i|vault prowler's braided training cord}}
* {{sloot|i|velvety white spectral mask set with a godsmarked turquoise}}
* {{sloot|i|verdigris paintstick}}
* {{sloot|i|vibrant red indurium cowbell delicately engraved with amaranth blossoms}}
* {{sloot|i|winterweave snow hawk with frostflare opal eyes}}
* '''{{sloot|i|wolfsoul amber censer sculpted into the shape of a howling predator}}'''

Along with the unique gems below, which are usually required for [[alterations]], standard gems of various sizes, often being large or huge, can be found.
Along with the unique gems below, which are usually required for [[Alteration#Gems|alterations]], a [[Drathrok's Duskruin/Incidental loot/Standard gems|set of standard gems of various sizes]], often being large or huge and of moderate to high value, can also be found.
* ''{{sloot|n|bearclaw emerald}}''
* {{sloot|n|bearclaw emerald}}
* ''{{sloot|n|bloodmist garnet}}''
* {{sloot|n|bloodmist garnet}}
* ''{{sloot|n|blue hawkseye|cabochon-cut blue hawkseye}}''
* {{sloot|n|blue hawkseye|cabochon-cut blue hawkseye}}
* ''{{sloot|n|amber|burnished sphere of amber}}''
* {{sloot|n|forest fire jasper}}
* ''{{sloot|n|forest fire jasper}}''
* {{sloot|n|howlite|chunk of howlite}}
* ''{{sloot|n|howlite|chunk of howlite}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|dragon's scale sapphire}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|dragon's scale sapphire}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|drake's heart amber}}''
* {{sloot|n|drake's heart amber}}
* ''{{sloot|n|Gemfire ruby}}''
* {{sloot|n|Gemfire ruby}}
* ''{{sloot|n|black opal|glossy black opal}}''
* {{sloot|n|pink pearl|huge pink pearl}}
* ''{{sloot|n|lilac diamond|large lilac diamond}}''
* {{sloot|n|eldring|light champagne eldring}}
* ''{{sloot|n|eldring|light champagne eldring}}''
* {{sloot|n|sea-green sapphire|large sea-green sapphire}}
* ''{{sloot|n|lightning amethyst}}''
* {{sloot|n|lightning amethyst}}
* ''{{sloot|n|idopun pearl|lustrous black idopun pearl}}''
* {{sloot|n|rainbow sapphire}}
* ''{{sloot|n|rose beryl|pale purple rose beryl}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|rainbow sapphire}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|scorpion diamond}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|scorpion diamond}}''
* ''{{sloot|n|scoundrel's diamond}}''
* {{sloot|n|scoundrel's diamond}}
* ''{{sloot|n|spiderweb jasper}}''
* {{sloot|n|spiderweb jasper}}
* ''{{sloot|n|amber|sun-spangled sphere of amber}}''
* {{sloot|n|twilight sapphire}}
* ''{{sloot|n|twilight sapphire}}''
* {{sloot|n|viperscale alexandrite}}
* ''{{sloot|n|viperscale alexandrite}}''

These are items only found in Vault runs.<br/>
These are items only found in Vault runs. In most instances, they are not eligible to be traded in to the [[grizzled Dwarven veteran with a large pack]].<br/>
'''Note:''' This is a collective work in progress. If something listed here is also found in the arena or labyrinth, it should get moved from this list to the general loot list above.
'''Note:''' This is a collective work in progress. If something listed here is also found in the arena or labyrinth, it should get moved from this list to the general loot list above.

* ''{{sloot|w|badly rusted steel surgical saw with a simple oak haft}}''
* {{sloot|w|agonite judge's gavel wrapped in pale crimson kirmiko}}
* ''{{sloot|w|bloodwood nightstick shaped like a group of entwined snakes}}''
* {{sloot|w|blackened demonbone flatbow inlaid with a line of duskbloom sapphires}}
* ''{{sloot|w|blackened steel war club topped with a stylized centaur's head}}''
* {{sloot|w|blackened steel war club topped with a stylized centaur's head}}
* ''{{sloot|w|blade-bone throwing club with a sandskin-wrapped grip}}''
* {{sloot|w|blade-bone throwing club with a sandskin-wrapped grip}}
* ''{{sloot|w|blackened demonbone flatbow inlaid with a line of duskbloom sapphires}}''
* {{sloot|w|bloodwood nightstick shaped like a group of entwined snakes}}
* ''{{sloot|w|cherrywood-handled greathammer with a blackened steel head}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|blunt bolt with trimmed flights|blunt bolts with trimmed flights}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|demonbone cudgel with a handle wrapped in crude strips of rawhide}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|broad glaes mambeli with a wire-wrapped hilt}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|demonbone-handled steel spatha with a blood ruby inset in the pommel}}''
* {{sloot|w|cherrywood-handled greathammer with a blackened steel head}}
* ''{{sloot|w|dragon-headed diacan mace with a birch handle dyed scarlet}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|dark steel ball and chain forged to resemble a jawless skull}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|dragonwood cane with a polished steel knob}}''
* {{sloot|w|demonbone-handled steel spatha with a blood ruby inset in the pommel}}
* ''{{sloot|w|Dwarven iron igorat axe tied with ornamental samite tassels}}''
* {{sloot|w|double-strung spiritwood latchbow with a reinforced stock}}
* ''{{sloot|w|forgeheart iron scimitar with a grimwood hilt}}''
* {{sloot|w|dragon-headed diacan mace with a birch handle dyed scarlet}}
* ''{{sloot|w|haon latchbow with an engraved silver boltplate}}''
* {{sloot|w|dragonwood cane with a polished steel knob}}
* ''{{sloot|w|icesteel cutlass with an azurite hilt}}''
* {{sloot|w|Dwarven iron igorat axe tied with ornamental samite tassels}}
* ''{{sloot|w|icesteel hanger with a lapis lazuli hilt}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|finely-honed forgeheart iron hawkbill wrapped with a blood-red leather-wrapped handle}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|icesteel mambeli with a lapis lazuli hilt}}''
* {{sloot|w|forgeheart iron scimitar with a grimwood hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|w|icesteel scimitar with a lapis lazuli hilt}}''
* {{sloot|w|glaes halberd with a dragonwood haft}}
* ''{{sloot|w|icesteel-tipped lance with an ebony shaft}}''
* {{sloot|w|gleaming windsteel akabo}}
* ''{{sloot|w|improvised parry stick made from patinaed pipe}}''
* {{sloot|w|golden scepter topped with a jewel-encrusted crown}}
* ''{{sloot|w|ironrot savannah bow with bleached skulls dangling from its grip}}''
* {{sloot|w|haon latchbow with an engraved silver boltplate}}
* ''{{sloot|w|lirisan parry stick engraved with a stylized maze pattern}}''
* {{sloot|w|icesteel cutlass with a lapis lazuli hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|w|oak parry stick with various faces swirling across its surface}}''
* {{sloot|w|icesteel hanger with a lapis lazuli hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|w|steel greathammer with a dragonwood handle}}''
* '''{{sloot|w|icesteel kythe with an ice sapphire pommel}}'''
* ''{{sloot|w|steel parry stick made to resemble the ulna and radius bones of the arm}}''
* {{sloot|w|icesteel mambeli with a lapis lazuli hilt}}
* ''{{sloot|w|symmetrical double-headed hammer with a thorny icethorn handle}}''
* {{sloot|w|icesteel scimitar with a lapis lazuli hilt}}
* {{sloot|w|icesteel-tipped lance with an ebony shaft}}
* {{sloot|w|improvised parry stick made from patinaed pipe}}
* {{sloot|w|ironrot savannah bow with bleached skulls dangling from its grip}}
* '''{{sloot|w|ironrot-handled serrated flaying knife}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|ironwood glaive edged with diacan and bound in electroweave}}'''
* {{sloot|w|lirisan parry stick engraved with a stylized maze pattern}}
* '''{{sloot|w|maple-handled cosh with black gold inlay in the haft}}'''
* {{sloot|w|oak parry stick with various faces swirling across its surface}}
* '''{{sloot|w|polished steel maul with a smokewood handle}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|polished vardite scimitar with a midnight black leather-wrapped hilt}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|spiked footwraps made of onyx-hide leather and kuwinite spikes}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|stamped diacan spatha with a sprite bone hilt}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|steel allarh with a zingana haft}}'''
* {{sloot|w|steel greathammer with a dragonwood handle}}
* '''{{sloot|w|steel hanger embellished with engraved scorpions along the blade}}'''
* {{sloot|w|steel parry stick made to resemble the ulna and radius bones of the arm}}
* '''{{sloot|w|steel scimitar with a flamethorn hilt}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|sweeping glaes mambeli with a wire-wrapped hilt}}'''
* {{sloot|w|symmetrical double-headed hammer with a thorny icethorn handle}}
* '''{{sloot|w|uthamar thrusting blade engraved with a jackal}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|vardite military fork with a smokewood handle}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|wicked obsidian-tipped bolt with boobrie feather flights|wicked obsidian-tipped bolts with boobrie feather flights}}'''
* '''{{sloot|w|zingana mace with darkstone flanges}}'''

===Armor & Shields===
===Armor & Shields===
* ''{{sloot|s|blackened steel shield embossed with a stylized centaur's head}}''
* {{sloot|s|blackened steel shield embossed with a stylized centaur's head}} - ''fire flare''
*''{{sloot|s|dark steel sipar forged to resemble a stylized rat's head}}''
* '''{{sloot|s|dark everdusk damite ceremonial shield inlaid with star sapphires}}'''
*''{{sloot|a|icesteel bar-mail hauberk marked with dark crimson slashes}}''
* {{sloot|s|dark steel sipar forged to resemble a stylized rat's head}}
*''{{sloot|a|icesteel mail balaclava layered with dark crimson wool and ice-veined leather}}''
* '''{{sloot|s|dragonwood buckler banded on the exterior by crimson leather}}'''
*''{{sloot|a|icesteel mail gloves interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather}}''
* '''{{sloot|s|gleaming tower shield with a godsmarked turquoise centered in silversteel rays}}'''
* ''{{sloot|a|rusty chain shirt backed with tattered and stained leather}}''
* {{sloot|a|icesteel bar-mail hauberk marked with dark crimson slashes}} - ''living flare''
* {{sloot|a|icesteel mail balaclava layered with dark crimson wool and ice-veined leather}}
* {{sloot|a|icesteel mail gloves interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather}}
* '''{{sloot|s|kertig oval shield crisscrossed with demonbone bands}}'''
* '''{{sloot|a|smooth tursa mask with exaggerated eyeholes rimmed by demon gaze agates}}'''

===Clothing & Jewelry===
===Clothing & Jewelry===
* ''{{sloot|i|alabaster armure tunic emblazoned with a black ship}}''
* {{sloot|i|alabaster armure tunic emblazoned with a black ship}}
* ''{{sloot|i|bear-pelt leather mantle clasped with a jagged immola tooth}}''
* {{sloot|i|bear-pelt leather mantle clasped with a jagged immola tooth}}
* ''{{sloot|i|billowy robes of scintillating electroweave}}''
* {{sloot|i|billowy robes of scintillating electroweave}}
* ''{{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a purple gold clasp}}''
* {{sloot|i|black leather belt studded with miniature silver forging tools}}
* ''{{sloot|i|cuffed black boots adorned with fanciful embroidery}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|black smokewhorl greatcloak}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|firestained pilgrim's badge hammered into a flaming anvil}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|brightly dyed berrybomb bast rantija with a radiant sunburst pattern}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|glittering pair of rhinestone-spangled spectacles}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|chalk-white fractalline robe belted with a dark grey braided silk cord}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|green gold necklace with a forest's heart garnet pendant}}''
* {{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a purple gold clasp}}
* ''{{sloot|i|ice-blue woolen scarf with a silver snowflake pattern}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloudlake leather cloak with polished brass toggles and upright collar}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|ice-veined leather hat with an embossed design}}''
* {{sloot|i|cuffed black boots adorned with fanciful embroidery}}
* ''{{sloot|i|indigo woolen scarf with a white snowflake pattern}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|deeply cowled pale grey kirmiko cloak embroidered with a fantastical underwater scene}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|iron pilgrim's badge forged into a crossed spear and greatsword}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|delicately shaped green gold earcuff dappled in dewdrop diopsides}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|kor'athi pilgrimage robe emblazoned across the back with a multi-hued dragon}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|demonsbane leather greatcloak}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|marbled silk dancing skirt embellished with temptress beryl charms}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dove-grey poplin shirt with carved felwood buttons}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|oath ring of polished green jade that holds captive a tiny hourglass}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|earthy brown ruazin wool cloak}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|pair of spiraled windsteel nose rings}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|filigreed platinum brooch centered with a large flawless damaryn pearl}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|pair of sword-shaped gold cufflinks hilted in black onyx}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|flowing sundress of diaphanous sky-blue fractalline}}'''
* {{sloot|i|glittering pair of rhinestone-spangled spectacles}}
* ''{{sloot|i|palladium cage pendant featuring an onyx and indurium cinnabar moth}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|sanguine glaes pilgrim's badge wrought into a burning torch}}''
* {{sloot|i|green gold necklace with a forest's heart garnet pendant}}
* ''{{sloot|i|sleek speed skates with firestained blades of icesteel}}''
* {{sloot|i|ice-blue woolen scarf with a silver snowflake pattern}}
* ''{{sloot|i|striking worry beads carved out of demon gaze agates}}''
* {{sloot|i|indigo woolen scarf with a white snowflake pattern}}
* ''{{sloot|i|stylish velvet riding hat adorned by a trio of frilly plumes}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|intricate loveglass tiara adorned with faceted rainbow sapphires}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|temptress beryl pendant}}''
* {{sloot|i|ka'hurst oath ring set with a marquise-cut vengeance ruby}}
* {{sloot|i|kor'athi pilgrimage robe emblazoned across the back with a multi-hued dragon}}
* ''{{sloot|i|warm honey-mustard watered silk cloak}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|weathered leather sandals with burnished brass buckles}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|kuwinite ring set with a black inkdrop agate}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|white silk surcoat with the crest of the Traders' Guild on the front}}''
* {{sloot|i|marbled silk dancing skirt embellished with temptress beryl charms}}
* {{sloot|i|oath ring of polished green jade that holds captive a tiny hourglass}}
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of grimwood clogs padded with gravecloth}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of helei leather fighting pants adorned with tursa buckles}}'''
* {{sloot|i|pair of niniam earrings set with black opals}}
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of pewter earrings set with cerise opals}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|pair of silver earrings set with umber opals}}'''
* {{sloot|i|pair of spiraled windsteel nose rings}}
* {{sloot|i|pair of sword-shaped gold cufflinks hilted in black onyx}}
* {{sloot|i|palladium cage pendant featuring an onyx and indurium cinnabar moth}}
* '''{{sloot|i|savage war belt composed of etched bloodmarrow plates}}'''
* {{sloot|i|sleek speed skates with firestained blades of icesteel}}
* {{sloot|i|stylish velvet riding hat adorned by a trio of frilly plumes}}
* '''{{sloot|i|tempestuous dusky blue featherlette ballgown laced with moonsilk ribbons}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|trio of thin uthamar bangles inlaid with tiny faceted iceblink peridots}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|vibrant aurora opal shaped like a stylized sun}}'''
* {{sloot|i|warm honey-mustard watered silk cloak}}
* {{sloot|i|weathered leather sandals with burnished brass buckles}}
* {{sloot|i|white silk surcoat with the crest of the Traders' Guild on the front}}
* '''{{sloot|i|winter emerald earring carved into a snowman}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|woven girdle formed from Elven gold wire with fire agate beads}}'''

* ''{{sloot|i|black leather belt studded with miniature silver forging tools}}''
* {{sloot|i|elegant mahogany grooming kit with sturdy black leather straps}}
* ''{{sloot|i|dark titanese quiver with thick ruazin wool padding}}''
* {{sloot|i|heartname leather quiver secured by gleaming windsteel buckles}}
* ''{{sloot|i|elegant mahogany grooming kit with sturdy black leather straps}}''
* {{sloot|i|helei leather sword belt}}
* {{sloot|i|jonquil yellow silk moneybelt embroidered with brightly colored slices of fruit}}
* ''{{sloot|i|heartname leather quiver secured by gleaming windsteel buckles}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|helei leather sword belt}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|kau leather back harness}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|jonquil yellow silk moneybelt embroidered with brightly colored slices of fruit}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|kau leather weapon harness carved with a battle scene}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|midnight-blue drum pouch embossed with a pattern of demonscales}}'' - ''contains an {{ilink|i|ornamented demonbone drum with a demonscale drumhead}}, {{ilink|i|scraggly demonbone drum stick}}''
* {{sloot|i|midnight-blue drum pouch embossed with a pattern of demonscales}} - ''contains an {{ilink|i|ornamented demonbone drum with a demonscale drumhead}}, {{ilink|i|scraggly demonbone drum stick}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|plain linen vanity case painted with a wide-eyed bunny}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|ornately swagged rose-shaped parcel of vermilion brocade}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|soft white sailcloth woodwind pouch}}'' - ''contains an {{ilink|i|penguin egg ocarina}}''
* {{sloot|i|plain linen vanity case painted with a wide-eyed bunny}}
* ''{{sloot|i|twilight-pink lotusweave arm pouch dangling a wire-wrapped Syrin's heart}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|rich peacock-blue bitterweave knapsack with tooled leather straps}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|sandskin belt frog}}'''
* {{sloot|i|sea-green backpack of supple leather clasped with an ivory starfish}}
* {{sloot|i|sleek sword belt}}
* '''{{sloot|i|smokewhorl belt frog}}'''
* {{sloot|i|soft white sailcloth woodwind pouch}}
* {{sloot|i|twilight-pink lotusweave arm pouch dangling a wire-wrapped Syrin's heart}}
* '''{{sloot|i|witchweft gem pouch in shades of darkened forest-green}}'''

===Crafting & Instructions===
===Crafting & Instructions===
*''{{sloot|i|e'erdream register cover pressed with windsteel mechanisms}}''
* {{sloot|i|e'erdream register cover pressed with windsteel mechanisms}}
* ''{{sloot|i|glaes wrist blade with a wide hilt}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|engraved skinning knife with a twisted bog oak handle}}'''
*''{{sloot|i|jadeleaf sigil booklet with pounded vilt reed pages}}''
* {{sloot|i|glaes wrist blade with a wide hilt}}
*''{{sloot|i|silver wrist blade with a wickedly sharp edge}}''
* {{sloot|i|jadeleaf sigil booklet with pounded vilt reed pages}}
*''{{sloot|i|silversteel register cover inlaid with a Dwarven iron anvil}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|plain design codex with a crimson leather cover}}'''
*''{{sloot|i|steelsilk register cover stamped with an animite needle and spool}}''
* {{sloot|i|silver wrist blade with a wickedly sharp edge}}
* {{sloot|i|silversteel register cover inlaid with a Dwarven iron anvil}}
* {{sloot|i|steelsilk register cover stamped with an animite needle and spool}}
* {{sloot|i|white lotusweave register cover adorned with a blood-red mortar and pestle}}

* ''{{sloot|i|carved jade tortured soul charm with cambrinth stones for eyes}}''
* {{sloot|i|burning topaz sun charm set upon a pewter backing}}
* ''{{sloot|i|demon gaze agate pendant}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|carved jade tortured soul charm with cambrinth stones for eyes}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|fiery red vellum cut into the shape of a flame}}'' - ''[[Flame Shockwave]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|chakrel scarab hung from a length of purple cloth}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|illuminated scroll of pure white vellum}}'' - ''[[Aspects of the All-God]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|chakrel seed hung from a braided loop of dark silk}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|rectangular vellum shaded a vivid purple}}'' - ''[[Sovereign Destiny]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|chakrel ship hung from a length of braided mistsilk}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|ripped grey papyrus streaked with red}}'' - ''[[Icutu Zaharenela]]''
* {{sloot|i|demon gaze agate pendant}}
* ''{{sloot|i|simple tablet of glossy porcelain}}'' -''[[Adaptive Curing]]''
* {{sloot|i|fiery red vellum cut into the shape of a flame}} - ''[[Flame Shockwave]]''
* ''{{sloot|i|staff-lined vellum manuscript bordered by musical notation}}'' - ''[[Beckon the Naga]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|fine parchment scroll blemished by wine stains}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|thin glass tablet with a delicate moonsilk overlay}}'' - ''[[Tezirah's Veil]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|ghostly white ostracon of opaque quartz}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|gold monocle with a lengthy chain}}''' - ''[[Backtrace]] enchantment''
* '''{{sloot|i|horn-rimmed silver monocle with a short chain}}''' - ''[[Backtrace]] enchantment''
* {{sloot|i|icy blue tablet of frosted glass}} - ''[[Absolution]]''
* {{sloot|i|illuminated scroll of pure white vellum}} - ''[[Aspects of the All-God]]''
* {{sloot|i|moonsilk manuscript illustrated with a map}} - ''[[Saesordian Compass]]''
* {{sloot|i|pair of orichalcum earrings dangling brilliant fireballs of carved amber}}
* {{sloot|i|pair of orichalcum earrings dangling sparkling snowballs of carved diamondique}}
* {{sloot|i|pair of orichalcum earrings set with large cherry opals}}
* '''{{sloot|i|pale blue moonsilk scroll covered in soot}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|pearl-white silk scroll with singed edges}}'''
* {{sloot|i|rectangular vellum shaded a vivid purple}} - ''[[Sovereign Destiny]]''
* {{sloot|i|ripped grey papyrus streaked with red}} - ''[[Icutu Zaharenela]]''
* {{sloot|i|rippled papyrus parchment pressed from twisted pith}} - ''[[Tangled Fate]]''
* {{sloot|i|shorn linen scroll with frayed edges}} - ''[[Sever Thread]]''
* {{sloot|i|simple tablet of glossy porcelain}} - ''[[Adaptive Curing]]''
* {{sloot|i|staff-lined vellum manuscript bordered by musical notation}} - ''[[Beckon the Naga]]''
* {{sloot|i|temptress beryl pendant}}
* {{sloot|i|thin glass tablet with a delicate moonsilk overlay}} - ''[[Tezirah's Veil]]''
* {{sloot|i|warped parchment of twisted linen fibers}} - ''[[Spite of Dergati]]''
* {{sloot|i|white marble ostracon marked by a chiseled handprint}} - ''[[Hand of Tenemlor]]''

* ''{{sloot|i|wine-colored bitterweave thigh pouch with an electrum clasp}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|dense ironrot crate lined with stoneskin tweed}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|rickety sprite-bone crate with a tattered bitterweave lining}}'''
* {{sloot|i|wine-colored bitterweave thigh pouch with an electrum clasp}}

* ''{{sloot|i|battlefield painting framed in blackened hickory}}''
* {{sloot|i|battlefield painting framed in blackened hickory}}
* ''{{sloot|i|door voucher}}''
* {{sloot|i|door voucher}}
* ''{{sloot|i|glaes statuette of the Elothean Empress Surleerik}}''
* {{sloot|i|knoll-shaped voucher}}
* ''{{sloot|i|heavy palladium statuette of Keogath clasping an alexandrite}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|layered bundle fashioned from fine copper wiring}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|uthamar statuette of the Elven Empress Therithien}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|miniature wooden cart}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|replica pony-drawn cart}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|tidy stack composed of slender copper pipes}}'''

* ''{{sloot|i|avia frostweyr bear with carved iceblink peridot claws}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|agonite and icesteel chess board}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|blank-faced rag doll}}''
* {{sloot|i|agonite statuette of the Human Emperor Hermothius}}
* ''{{sloot|i|dark-eyed bank robber puppet}}'' - ''whisper puppet''
* {{sloot|i|animite statuette of the S'Kra Mur Empress Merthamone}}
* ''{{sloot|i|dark navy book cover decorated with a pink-striped donkey}}''
* {{sloot|i|avia frostweyr bear with carved iceblink peridot claws}}
* ''{{sloot|i|dergatine shrike with temptress beryl eyes}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|black leather mask heavily draped with gravecloth}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|dreamweave dire bear with sharp duskbloom sapphire claws}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|bone white lenses}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|elm box puzzle with a simple looking lock}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|carved red and black maiden's marble censer}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|Elven silver piccolo with rose gold keys}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth eyepatch with a crude blue eye painted on the front}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|faeweave hiro bear with blunted winter emerald claws}}'' - ''wrist worn''
* {{sloot|i|copper-capped scroll tied with a faded red ribbon}}
* {{sloot|i|dark navy book cover decorated with a pink-striped donkey}}
* ''{{sloot|i|fortune cookie}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|ialalhe silver-backed bear with dark blue honeycomb opal claws}}''
* {{sloot|i|dark titanese quiver with thick ruazin wool padding}}
* ''{{sloot|i|icethorn treasure chest with bands of windsteel}}'' - ''Treasure Chest''
* {{sloot|i|dark-eyed bank robber puppet}} - ''whisper puppet''
* ''{{sloot|i|indurium statuette of the Olvi Emperor Baraliban}}''
* {{sloot|i|dergatine shrike with temptress beryl eyes}}
* ''{{sloot|i|large tome protected by a cover of fine seal pelt}}'' - ''writable''
* '''{{sloot|i|dewdrop diopside chrysanthemum supported by a muracite stem}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|oak-based glass dome}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|diacan-banded biconical crystal amulet}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|off-white bandages}}''
* {{sloot|i|dreamweave dire bear with sharp duskbloom sapphire claws}}
* ''{{sloot|i|pair of sungold zills embossed with a solar motif}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|eclipsed iolite nightflower with a damite stalk}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|plush felt scimitar with a sea-blue wooden hilt}}''
* {{sloot|i|elm box puzzle with a simple looking lock}}
* ''{{sloot|i|polished godsmarked turquoise cabochon pilgrim's badge}}''
* {{sloot|i|Elven silver piccolo with rose gold keys}}
* {{sloot|i|faeweave hiro bear with blunted winter emerald claws}} - ''wrist worn''
* ''{{sloot|i|ruby-crested mechanical penguin}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|seasick mermaid statue}}''
* {{sloot|i|firestained pilgrim's badge hammered into a flaming anvil}}
* {{sloot|i|fortune cookie}}
* ''{{sloot|i|shiny sungold cowbell etched with the face of a beaming bovine}}''
* ''{{sloot|i|silver kaleidoscope engraved with climbing roses and grape vines}}''
* {{sloot|i|glaes statuette of the Elothean Empress Surleerik}}
* ''{{sloot|i|sleek kirmiko vault book cover painted with the arched entrance of a catacomb}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|gold filigree mask haloed by brilliant glisior sunrays}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|small silversteel cowbell etched with daisy garlands along the rim}}''
* {{sloot|i|green gold statuette of the Gor'Tog Emperor Gragna}}
* ''{{sloot|i|spiny bloodfish with colorfully painted accents}}''
* {{sloot|i|heavy palladium statuette of Keogath clasping an alexandrite}}
* ''{{sloot|i|steely-eyed warrior puppet}}''
* {{sloot|i|ialalhe silver-backed bear with dark blue honeycomb opal claws}}
* ''{{sloot|i|stuffed iridescent blue bird with patches of cobalt and black}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|iceblink peridot boneflower with a black gold stalk}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|thin bank guard puppet}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|icesteel statuette of the Elothean Emperor Colvastus}}'''
* ''{{sloot|i|tiny mechanical Haramorlam horse}}''
* '''{{sloot|i|icethorn treasure chest with bands of windsteel}}''' - ''Treasure Chest''
* ''{{sloot|i|yellow pinata shaped like a bolt of lightning}}''
* {{sloot|i|indurium statuette of the Olvi Emperor Baraliban}}
* {{sloot|i|iron pilgrim's badge forged into a crossed spear and greatsword}}
* '''{{sloot|i|ironrot cane topped with a ka'hurst dragon's head}}'''
* {{sloot|i|kertig statuette of the Dwarven Empress Taraochs}}
* '''{{sloot|i|large cassava root nestled in a tiny bird's nest composed of truegold twigs}}'''
* {{sloot|i|large tome protected by a cover of fine seal pelt}} - ''writable''
* {{sloot|i|massive bone mask resembling a leviathan}}
* '''{{sloot|i|miniature treasure chest}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|nodding watermelon tourmaline kelpbell with a darkstone stem}}'''
* {{sloot|i|oak-based glass dome}}
* {{sloot|i|off-white bandages}}
* {{sloot|i|pair of sungold zills embossed with a solar motif}}
* {{sloot|i|plush felt scimitar with a sea-blue wooden hilt}}
* '''{{sloot|i|polished cobwood tambourine inlaid with chips of plum garnet}}'''
* {{sloot|i|polished godsmarked turquoise cabochon pilgrim's badge}}
* '''{{sloot|i|raven-shaped flask seemingly perched upon a grimwood stick}}'''
* {{sloot|i|ruby-crested mechanical penguin}}
* '''{{sloot|i|rugged worker's gloves}}'''
* {{sloot|i|sanguine glaes pilgrim's badge wrought into a burning torch}}
* '''{{sloot|i|sea-green stampbook artfully painted with a beautiful sea siren}}'''
* {{sloot|i|seasick mermaid statue}}
* {{sloot|i|shiny sungold cowbell etched with the face of a beaming bovine}}
* {{sloot|i|silver kaleidoscope engraved with climbing roses and grape vines}}
* {{sloot|i|silver-framed star-shaped glass piece}}
* {{sloot|i|silversteel statuette of the Elven Emperor Arcadius}}
* {{sloot|i|sleek kirmiko vault book cover painted with the arched entrance of a catacomb}}
* {{sloot|i|small silversteel cowbell etched with daisy garlands along the rim}}
* {{sloot|i|soft purple dragonfly wings inset with tiny fire agates}}
* {{sloot|i|spiny bloodfish with colorfully painted accents}}
* {{sloot|i|steely-eyed warrior puppet}}
* {{sloot|i|stuffed iridescent blue bird with patches of cobalt and black}}
* {{sloot|i|thin bank guard puppet}}
* {{sloot|i|tiny mechanical Haramorlam horse}}
* {{sloot|i|tiny mechanical red brocket deer}}
* {{sloot|i|translucent crystal chalice inset with meticulously cut garnet hearts}}
* {{sloot|i|uthamar statuette of the Elven Empress Therithien}}
* {{sloot|i|watersilk bota edged in sea-green avia cord with golden fringe}}
* '''{{sloot|i|wide-brimmed hat made of sturdy jadeleaf cloth}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|wintery cloudlake leather wings dappled with frost opals}}'''
* {{sloot|i|yellow pinata shaped like a bolt of lightning}}

Latest revision as of 21:03, 25 March 2025

  • Bold items are new.
  • Items in Italics appeared in the previous version of the event, but have not yet been confirmed in this one.
  • Duskruin bloodscrip in varying amounts are also found as a prize from each game.
  • You can also SEARCH for the puppy vanity pet in the Labyrinth.

General Pool

These items that are found in the Arena, Labyrinth, and Vault can (with some exceptions) be accepted by the grizzled dwarven veteran for trade-ins.

Collection Pieces

Moonsilver Pendant
steel nodachi (2HE) steel tachi (HE) steel wakizashi (ME) steel tanto (SE)
spiked steel shalhliwa (LS) spiked steel bamarhliwa (MS) spiked steel velnhliwa (SS)


Armor & Shields

Clothing & Jewelry


Crafting & Instructions






Along with the unique gems below, which are usually required for alterations, a set of standard gems of various sizes, often being large or huge and of moderate to high value, can also be found.


These are items only found in Vault runs. In most instances, they are not eligible to be traded in to the grizzled Dwarven veteran with a large pack.
Note: This is a collective work in progress. If something listed here is also found in the arena or labyrinth, it should get moved from this list to the general loot list above.


Armor & Shields

Clothing & Jewelry


Crafting & Instructions



