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Weapon:Bogbirch hunter's shortbow with a tanned morgawr leather grip

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bogbirch hunter's shortbow with a tanned morgawr leather grip
Look: The leather's greenish-black scales nearly blend in against the fine-grained of the pallid ecru-hued wood. The bogbirch is polished to best display the inky black streaks naturally running through it.
Ammo: 1 arrow(s).
Type: Short Bow (3/4 RT)
Range: ranged
Draw Strength: average (4/8)
Adjustable Draw: no
Force of Impact: reasonably (7/17)
Balance: excellently (12/17)
Suitedness: well (9/17)
Construction: highly protected (13/18)
Metal: No
Weight: 20 stones
Appraised Cost: 450200 Kronars360,160 Lirums <br />324,864.32 Dokoras <br />450.2 LTBpoints <br />450.2 Tickets <br />450.2 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the shoulder slot.
Dimensions: 13 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Drathrok's Duskruin 452/Incidental loot