Warrior Mage

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Warrior Mage Guild
Warrior Mage

Image copyright of Simutronics Corporation

Primary Skillset: Magic
Secondary Skillsets: Weapon, Lore
Tertiary Skillsets: Armor, Survival
Special Abilities: Familiars, Aethereal Pathways
Mana Type: Elemental
Barbarian - Bard - Cleric - Commoner - Empath - Moon Mage

Necromancer - Paladin - Ranger - Thief - Trader - Warrior Mage

Wielding both blade and arcane evocation, Warrior Mages are masters of combat wizardry whose origins are shrouded in the mists of an ancient past. The "Guild of Elemental Mages" traces its roots to the Age of Myths.

Despite the severe temperament often attributed to practitioners of elemental magic, down through the ages Warrior Mages have stood guard over Elanthia, protecting her towns and cities from the scourge of invaders and the forces of darkness. From this noble tradition rose perhaps the greatest hero of these realms: Lanival the Redeemer, whose roguish youth was marked by apparent impertinence that ultimately gave way to a grave and selfless sense of duty.

Official Information

Guild crest: A wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords

Information courtesy of Dragonrealms Website.

Guild Hall Locations

The Crossing
The largest of the Warrior Mage Guild halls is presided by the stern Guildleader Gauthus, who oversees the training of young mages as they take the first steps along the Path of Duty. (You can type DIR WARRIOR MAGE for directions.)
In this historic trading town stands another of the Guild's halls, where Guildmistress Karazhil keeps constant vigil.
From atop the battlements of Stormwill Tower, Guildmistress Melear holds at bay the unceasing tempest conjured long ago by the nefarious Mage of Storms.
Chyolvea Tayeu'a
This long-abandoned fortress in the Dragon Spine Mountains, the seat of an early predecessor of the Guild, has been recently reoccupied and its secrets mined by Guildmaster Augrym.
Guildmaster Tyrsan leads the Reshalia Guild contingent with an iron grip, overseeing its contributions to defense of the island.
Guildmaster Jorent handles Guild affairs in Forfedhdar.
Guildmistress Margathe provides her progressive views from her small island Guild hall.
Guildmaster Jharlan leads the wonderous Guild Hall of Musrap'i.

Skillsets and Common Races

A Warrior Mage's primary skillset is Magic. Lore and Weapon are secondary skillsets. Finally, the Survival and Armor skillsets are tertiary.

According to the DragonRealms website, Warrior Mages tend to be:

Human 31%
Elf 25%
S'Kra Mur 10%
Elothean 8%
Prydaen 7%
Kaldar 5%
Dwarven 3%
Rakash 2%
Halfling 2%
Gor'Tog <1%
Gnomish <1%

Crafting Affiliation

Guilded warrior mages receive one free technique slot in the Runecrafting discipline of the Enchanting skill, one free technique slot in the Binding discipline of the Enchanting skill and one free technique slot in the Invoking discipline of the Enchanting skill.

See: Crafting

Guild Abilities


Warrior Mages can ALIGN themselves to an element. When spells of that element are cast, Elemental Charge is gained, and if opposing elemental spells are cast, charge is lost.

SUMMON ADMITTANCE can be used to add Elemental Charge, and SUMMON IMPEDANCE can be used to reduce it.

Prior to roughly 500 ranks of Summoning, users will be tied to the typical element oppositions such as fire/water, air/earth. Afterward, warrior mages can freely pair.

Aethereal Pathways

Warrior Mages can utilize mystical pathways of aether to aid their Targeted Magic. Aethereal Pathways consume Elemental Charge. Each pathway is aligned with an element, and those that match the current charge have their costs halved, and opposing ones have cost doubled.


As Warrior Mages grow in skill and prowess, they learn to create talismans which are employed to summon aether spirits. These summoned spirits are called familiars, and they take the forms of animals. By commanding the familiar with its talisman, a Warrior Mage can see through the familiar's eyes, send a familiar to find someone, speak through the familiar, move the familiar around the area it is in, pick up items, and do other things. Each familiar has its own talisman.

There are four levels of familiar: Small familiars, Large familiars, Dark familiars, and Fir familiars. Each level contains a different set of animals, and the type of talisman created determines the level of familiar created.

Summoning familiars costs Elemental Charge and is considered to be aligned with Aether element. More powerful familiars cost more charge.

Elemental Magic

Warrior Mages channel Elemental mana streams to fuel their spells. They have access to spells from the Aether, Air, Earth, Electricity, Fire, and Water spellbooks.

Planned spells: MAB, frost scythe, rimefang, and maybe FOS.
Planned Hylomorphic Sorcery Spellbook: Sun Lance, Incinerate, and Dark Heart of Disintigration.
Air LashGeyserGar ZengStone StrikeFire ShardsElementalismZephyrTailwindPaeldryth's WrathRising MistsIce PatchArc LightTingleAnther's CallSure FootingIgniteFire BallEthereal ShieldAir BubbleSwirling WindsY'ntrel SechraVertigoThunderclapVeil of IceLightning BoltTremorWard BreakSubstratumFrostbiteRing of SpearsDragon's BreathMark of ArhatAether CloakEthereal FissureBlufmor GaraenShockwaveFortress of IceChain LightningGrounding FieldAegis of GraniteMantle of FlameFlame ShockwaveFire RainWMspelltree3.0.PNG

Sortable table: Warrior Mage Spells 3.0
Warrior Mage spell slot progression

Circle Requirements

Circle 1st magic 2nd magic 3rd magic 4th magic 5th magic TM Summon 1st weapon 2nd weapon 3rd weapon Parry 1st lore 2nd lore 3rd lore Scholarship armor defend 1st, 2nd surviv 3rd, 4th surviv
1-10 4 4 3 0 0 4 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
11-30 4 4 3 3 0 4 4 4 3 0 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1
31-70 5 4 4 3 3 4 5 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 1
71-100 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2
101-150 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2
151-200 15 15 13 13 13 15 13 13 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 10 8 8 5

Summoning is a hard requirements (does not count toward Nth skill requirements).
Targeted Magic and Scholarship are soft requirement (can be used toward Nth skill requirements).<br\> Sorcery and Thievery are restricted skills (do not count toward Nth skill requirements).<br\>

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