Tuesday Tidings

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Revision as of 14:59, 10 May 2023 by CRYPTODYNAMIC (talk | contribs) (Getting caught up on latest TT updates)
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A voluntary development strike team composed of GameMasters Zadraes, Koror, Ulerith, Cordulia, and Haros. Their goal is to push out regular small updates each week, usually on Tuesdays.

GM Tullie was an founding member of this team, but has stepped back to focus on some other awesome projects for a while.




January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

  • Tuesday Tidings 159: Bonded couples can disable/enable the special bonded messaging in a number of verbs. This can be toggled on a verb-by-verb basis, and there's a new TOGGLE BOND tool![10]
  • Tuesday Tidings 160: There's a whole slew of new interactions with the LUCK stat -- chance to win over a judge, find more treasure, save a botched skinning attempt, and more! [11]
  • Tuesday Tidings 161: Six communication verbs (CHANT, INTONE, LECTURE, PREACH, RECITE, and SING) will now also echo to the Conversation window![12]
  • Tuesday Tidings 162: The dusk ogre tunnels outside the west gate of Riverhaven has been split into two zones, one section now containing some stunted undead gerbils.[13]

April 2023

  • Tuesday Tidings 163: Part two of a total refresh of Iprilu’s Emporium, the Crossing Paladin shop.[14]
  • Tuesday Tidings 164: More verbs that can have their special messaging disabled/enabled for bonded couples. [15]
  • Tuesday Tidings 165: More bulk metal purchase options available, at the Ratha and Aesry forging societies. [16]
  • Tuesday Tidings 166: Introduction of avtalia scuttlers, a high level designed to be fought by Empaths. [17]

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023


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