Dantia/Storylines/Mana Surges & Wild Magic/Sorcery Messengers: Difference between revisions

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| style="text-align: center; padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;" |450-05-32<br />Sep 25, 2024
| style="text-align: center; padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;" |450-05-32<br />Sep 25, 2024
| style="padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;" |[[Unaka]] arrives at [[Knife Clan]] and assists in killing the immaculate drakes. Further summary pending.
| style="padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;" |[[Unaka]] visits [[Taelbert's Inn]] after fighting drakes at Knife Clan. She expresses curiosity about [[Urrem'tier]]'s motives and explains how she came to follow [[Truffenyi]], emphasizing the god's love and forgiveness.
| style="text-align: center; padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;" | [[Ayrell/Logs/Wild_Magic_09252024/The_Immortals_Stretch|Log]] courtesy of [[Ayrell]]
| style="text-align: center; padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;" | [[Ayrell/Logs/Wild_Magic_09252024/The_Immortals_Stretch|Log]] courtesy of [[Ayrell]]

Revision as of 14:06, 3 October 2024

Breath of the Heralds Asildu, a Human Scholar

Asildu presents himself as a knowledgeable intermediary between the Heralds and mortals. He consistently warns against the use of sorcery, describing it as a dangerous "disease" that has caused an imbalance in the world. He portrays the Heralds as powerful beings focused solely on maintaining balance, without concern for individual mortals, and claims that the increased use of sorcery over centuries has angered the Heralds, leading to their interventions (such as the encasing of various Clans). While he admits to not having all the answers, Asildu remains committed to sharing his knowledge and warning adventurers about the potential consequences of continued sorcery use.

Date Summary Link
Jul 28, 2024
Breath of the Heralds Asildu, a Human Scholar, made his debut at an Overhealers Anonymous meeting, presenting himself as knowledgeable about the Heralds while maintaining an air of mystery. His primary focus was warning against the use of sorcery, which he described as a dangerous "disease" requiring a cure. When questioned about the missing adventurers, Asildu deflected, suggesting that finding a cure for sorcery might lead to their discovery, while denying any Herald involvement in their disappearance. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Jul 31, 2024
Asildu engages in dialogue with adventurers, clarifying misconceptions and endorsing Miraena's message. He addresses skepticism about their mission, emphasizing the seriousness of the threat posed by sorcery. Log courtesy of Maraisel
Aug 02, 2024
Asildu joins a gathering to learn more about the disappearance of the adventurers. He clarifies that while he doesn't have all the answers and has been bombarded with questions, his aim is to understand and share what he knows rather than to interrogate or be interrogated. He explains his deep study of the Heralds and his personal connection to them, emphasizing that their power and their stance on magic's misuse are central to his concerns. He acknowledges his limitations and lack of answers to some questions but assured his commitment to providing insight where possible. Log courtesy of Anuril
Aug 04, 2024
Asildu returns to Overhealers Anonymous and was greeted with varying levels of politeness and skepticism. He expressed his belief that the Heralds are displeased with the current state of magic and argued that sorcery is exacerbating the imbalance causing wild magic. He admitted that he could not provide concrete proof beyond his personal experiences and feelings, which led to considerable debate among adventurers. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 15, 2024
Asildu provides extensive background on the Heralds, explaining that they are immensely powerful beings focused solely on maintaining balance, without comprehension of mortal concepts like friendship or love. He confirms the Heralds' desire for sorcery to cease but emphasizes their lack of interest in individual mortals. He suggests that the disappearance of the five people might be coincidental rather than directly caused by the Heralds. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 18, 2024
Asildu believes that the increased and widespread use of sorcery over centuries has caused an imbalance, and urges people to curb their use of sorcery before the Heralds intervene. He warns that if the Heralds decide to show themselves, it won't be a discussion and likely won't go well for anyone. He states that his connection with the Heralds isn't one of words, and he doesn't know their names, viewing them as focused on the bigger picture rather than individuals. He expresses approval for those who have pledged not to use sorcery and hopes his message will reach more people before it's too late. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 23, 2024
Asildu provides support to Miraena at the Blue Iris Charity Ball, affirming her speech. He explains the Heralds' motivations to Unaka, emphasizing that they protect the world out of necessity, not affection for mortals. Throughout the evening, he redirects conversation back to the cause of curbing sorcery, reinforcing the event's purpose and Miraena's message. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 25, 2024
Asildu joins another attempt to Beseech Elanthia to Reveal. Although Asildu is not able to communicate directly with the Heralds, his presence appears to help aid in guide or deepen the communication with Elanthia. Log courtesy of the Grey Dragons
Aug 25, 2024
Asildu draws parallels to a previous warning given to the Sraan Mehath during the Elven-Human war. He expresses deep concern about the potential destruction that could be caused by those gathered, pleading with them to reconsider their actions. As the situation escalates, he becomes increasingly distressed, saying the Heralds are angry and that their wrath has arrived, while attempting to protect Miraena. He attributes the drake attack to the Heralds' anger, stating that it is occurring because the warnings were not heeded and the casters didn't listen. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 2, 2024
Asildu claims the Heralds are angry with adventurers for continuing to cast sorcery. As Asildu is grilled over the events at Knife Clan, the Heralds seem to react and cast meteors down on Wolf Clan and Tiger Clan, encasing them in a similar nature as Knife Clan. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 6, 2024
Asildu acknowledges that his thoughts have been muddled recently, but states that the time for sharing knowledge is approaching. He says that he believed he and Miraena had shared sufficient information, but now realizes more detail is necessary. He refers to a more formal arrangement being worked on by Miraena for sharing this knowledge. Log courtesy of the Grey Dragons
Sep 8, 2024
Asildu claims that the Heralds are gardeners of a primal Elanthia, focused on preserving the world's balance rather than individuals. He explains that the Immortals have failed in their duty to guide mortals, leading to the misuse of sorcery and the current imbalance. He emphasizes that pure mana is needed to restore balance and urges adventurers to consider hosting pure mana parties instead of sorcery events. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 13, 2024
Asildu accepts Unaka's challenge, despite claiming to be a scholar rather than a fighter. Asildu fighting skills seem to increase over the duration of the fight, until he finally kills Unaka. He is then attacked and killed by adventurers. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 25, 2024
Asildu expresses frustration that people aren't listening to his warnings and accuses them of being murderers who killed him for winning a duel. He states that the Heralds' patience is running thin with the adventurers' continued use of sorcery, and warns that they are now "skating on thin ice." Asildu dramatically raises his arms, causing the ground to quake and whip-like vines to emerge, which encase him before receding and leaving no trace of him behind. Following Asildu's disappearance, a company of drakes attacks the area. Log courtesy of Ayrell

Messenger Miraena, Voice of the Heralds of Elanthia

Miraena, a simple farmer turned messenger, claims to have received visions from the Heralds showing the catastrophic effects of sorcery on the world. She passionately pleads with adventurers to cease using sorcerous magic, offering blue irises as tokens to those who pledge to do so. As events unfold, her message becomes more urgent, explaining that disasters like the encasing of Clans is the Heralds' attempts to make people heed their warnings. She struggles with the resistance she faces from adventurers, sometimes expressing frustration at their perceived hubris and inability to see the larger picture. Despite challenges and moments of doubt, Miraena continues her efforts to spread the Heralds' message, organizing events to share information and emphasizing the importance of restoring balance by ceasing sorcery use.

Date Summary Link
Jul 29, 2024
Messenger Miraena, Voice of the Heralds of Elanthia, makes her first appearance just outside the West Gate of Crossing. A simple farmer and messenger from a distant village, she claims to have had a "vision" from the Heralds in which the ultimate disastrous effects of the use of sorcery were made clear to her. She pleads with the gathered adventurers to cease the use of sorcery for the greater good, including for the safety of her distant village. She appears naive about city life and somewhat fearful of adventurers, but is determined in her mission. She also gives blue irises to several people, telling them that she has grown them herself and that they will serve as a reminder for who she is trying to save. Log courtesy of Casari
Jul 30, 2024
Miraena claims to have received visions from the Heralds showing the disastrous effects of sorcery on the world, including destruction of homes and lives in her village. She pleads with the gathered adventurers to cease using sorcerous magic for the greater good, offering blue irises as tokens of appreciation to those who pledge to do so. Throughout the conversation, she maintains a naive and humble demeanor, often apologizing for her lack of knowledge about city life and adventurer matters. Despite facing some skepticism and challenging questions, Miraena remains determined in her mission, comparing the cessation of sorcery to mending a fishing net and emphasizing the importance of protecting common folk. Log courtesy of Casari
Jul 31, 2024
Miraena passionately delivers a speech against the use of sorcery, emphasizing the destructive impact it has on the world. Despite some support, she faces hostility and resistance from others in the room, leading to a tense situation where she bravely stands her ground. Throughout the encounter, she remains dedicated to her cause, offering tokens of gratitude and seeking to address questions and concerns raised by the adventurers. Log courtesy of Maraisel
Aug 16, 2024
Miraena speaks about ceasing the use of sorcerous magic, explaining that sorcery is creating "holes" in the fabric of reality, likening it to holes in a fishing net. She states that although she believes in the Immortals, and once followed them diligently, she now follows the Heralds after what she has experienced. She demonstrates an ability to speak in new languages as proof of the Heralds' influence and claims to have been protected by the Heralds when an adventurer attacked her. She is open to the idea of trying to communicate directly with the Heralds if someone can suggest a method. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 18, 2024
Miraena continues to petition adventurers to cease using sorcerous magic. She presents herself as a representative of common folk affected by adventurers' actions and urges them to consider the broader impact of their magic use. While admitting she doesn't have a direct line to the Heralds, Miraena expresses willingness to attempt further communication with them if a method is found. Log courtesy of Valynn
Aug 23, 2024
Miraena attends the Blue Iris Charity Ball, where she emphasizes the importance of the mission against sorcery. She describes the disasters her village faced due to wild magic and the vision she received from the Heralds, urging adventurers to cease their use of sorcery. Her speech calls on those present to take action to protect the world. She fields questions about her faith, clarifying her dedication to the Heralds for the time being, although she believes in and has not forsaken the Immortals. She has a challenging discussion with Unaka which creates some underlying tension among those gathered. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 25, 2024
Miraena and Asildu plead with adventurers to forgo their plan to mass cast sorcery. As the casting intensifies, she seems to experience a vision or a trance-like state, growing rigid and staring blankly into the distance. When she awakens again, she fearfully exclaims "they" (presumably the Heralds) see what's being done, and are telling everyone to stop, echoing Asildu's warnings. She becomes increasing distressed, hugging Asildu and commenting on the anger of the Heralds, eventually breaking into sobs as the situation deteriorates. They are both escorted to the Empath Guild for safety as drakes attack. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 26, 2024
Miraena believes the vision she received shows potential futures caused by the continued use of sorcery, not futures the Heralds will bring about themselves. She thinks the Heralds gave her and Asildu protective scales, though she can't see or feel them herself. She shares detailed, apocalyptic visions of destruction caused by unchecked use of sorcery. While uncertain about many magical concepts, Miraena believes using things like wands and harnessing wild mana surges might be safe. When questioned why the Heralds chose her, she thought perhaps the Heralds saw her as a blank slate, one able to spread their message due to her lack of magical ability and firsthand experience with destruction. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 5, 2025
Miraena insists that the Heralds' actions, while severe, are necessary to make people finally heed their warnings about the dangers of sorcery. She emphasizes that adventurers' continued use of sorcery is causing widespread damage, and that the destruction of the Clans is a direct consequence of their refusal to heed earlier, less dramatic warnings. She says that the relief felt after ceasing sorcerous casting is proof that stopping sorcery is what restores balance. She expresses frustration at adventurers' hubris and their inability to see the larger picture, comparing them to people who shake their fists at rain clouds instead of protecting their crops. She contemplates giving up on her mission, and leaving the fate of the world doomed. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 6, 2024
Miraena appears to be organizing a more formal event for sharing important information. She acknowledges that some participants who have "truly listened" may hear repeated information, but emphasizes the importance of trying yet again to share the knowledge she has. Log courtesy of the Grey Dragons
Sep 8, 2024
Miraena believes that ceasing the use of sorcery is crucial to saving the world and restoring balance. She emphasizes that the Heralds' message is clear and that their actions, such as encasing the Clans, are intended to make people listen. She expresses frustration with adventurers who have ignored the plight of the world until it started affecting people they knew. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 13, 2024
Miraena strongly opposes the violence against Asildu and attempts to protect him during the fight. She accuses the followers of the Immortals of being deceived bullies who claim love but resort to killing. She refuses to change her course, believing that the world still hangs in the balance. She leaves the scene in distress, feeling that the others are displaying typical adventurer hubris. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 25, 2024
Miraena expresses her desire for wild magic effects to cease, and her confusion about why the Immortals haven't provided clearer guidance, as the Heralds did for her. She voices concern about Asildu's changing behavior, suggesting that his connection to the Heralds may be altering him in ways she doesn't fully understand. She defends her actions during Asildu's fight with Unaka, stating that she was protecting someone who wasn't a fighter, and maintains her belief in the Heralds' message while also acknowledging the complexity of the situation and her struggle to reconcile conflicting information. She expresses gratitude for the explanations provided by the adventurers and shows interest in learning more about the Immortals and their role in recent events. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 25, 2024
Miraena, initially hesitant, assists in freeing Wolf Clan by helping to guide a beam of light, stating she wants to save people and saw an opportunity to help. She expresses confusion about her beliefs, revealing that the Heralds haven't spoken to her in some time, and shows concern for Asildu's changed behavior. She maintains that she has never lied, describes herself as a farmer from an unnamed village, and expresses exhaustion with the spread of misinformation about her actions. Log courtesy of Ayrell

Steward of Recursion Liraxes, Warden of Adaptation

Liraxes presents itself as a methodical entity focused on addressing an imbalance in mana flow that is weakening planar boundaries. It constructs a crystalline device to gather data, refine probability calculations, and monitor public sentiment towards sorcery. It consistently emphasizes the importance of sorcerous casting in specific locations to restore balance and potentially return the missing adventurers. While acknowledging the potential involvement of Heralds in recent events, it maintains that sorcery is crucial for restoring balance.

Date Summary Link
Aug 1, 2024
Steward of Recursion Liraxes, Warden of Adaptation, made its first appearance. It's primary concern was addressing an unacceptable imbalance in mana flow, which is weakening planar boundaries. It appears to be methodically gathering data and calculating steps to restore this imbalance, potentially with local cooperation. It suggests that some sorcery might be necessary to counter the imbalance, though "teleologic" magic is deemed unacceptable. Before departing, it emphasizes ongoing observation and future action to restore equilibrium. N/A
Aug 13, 2024
Liraxes is constructing a device using materials from the plane to improve calculations and measurements, aiming to increase the probability of achieving a timeline where Balance is maintained and the missing adventurers are returned. Liraxes suggests that the Heralds and other entities may be taking advantage of recent mana events, though their initial cause was likely unintentional. It emphasizes that while helping return the missing adventurers isn't necessary for Balance, it's likely to occur in the preferred timeline. It is also willing to consider a contract with adventurers to formalize their assistance in its goals. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 16, 2024
Liraxes describes Balance as a system of homeostasis with multiple changing factors pushing against each other. It aims to maintain Balance in the Plane of Abiding, which is currently threatened by mana fluctuations, and believes that restoring the system to its state prior to these fluctuations is ideal. It is constructing a measuring device using various materials to gather data and refine probability calculations, which will help determine steps to regain Balance. It suggests that sorcerous casting at specific locations, including one west of the city, could be an effective approach to improving Balance, though it lacks full data on the precise mechanisms at play. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 18, 2024
Liraxes states that the current location is optimal for sorcerous casting to impact the restoration of planar balance, though other locations are being investigated. It explains that its calculations show no circumstances where the missing people can be returned without resolving the current imbalance in magical energy, and confirms that the device being constructed will have no direct impact on the plane beyond physically existing in it. It emphasizes that the amount of mana manipulated is more important than the number of spells cast, but all casting is helpful in restoring balance. It also notes that while the removal of energy-absorbing entities seems likely to be necessary for balance, it may not be sufficient for long-term stability. [Log] courtesy of Avrenka

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Aug 31, 2024
Liraxes reveals the beginning structure of the crystalline device meant to help monitor and maintain Balance. The device, once completed, will have additional monitoring capabilities to gauge public sentiment toward sorcery. Liraxes calculates that the Heralds are most likely responsible for the recent events at Knife Clan and it emphasizes the importance of sorcery in restoring Balance. It advises continued sorcerous casting and hints that further instructions will be provided once the device reaches its next stage of completion. N/A
Sep 1, 2024
Liraxes appears briefly to open the way into the crystalline device. It encourages the continued use of sorcerous casting, and says it will provide further instructions. N/A
Sep 21, 2024
Liraxes states that the crystalline machine's continued use is causing a distraction to the Heralds, allowing the Immortals to identify a weak point, and that rapid response to any similar urgings is critical. It calculates that weak points exist in the other encasements but will not share details, as they could be observed by the Heralds. It requests that the group continue to make a point of sorcerous casting and be ready to assist the Immortals when they are ready to act. Finally, it indicates that there will be further countermeasures from the Heralds, but the journey to Balance continues. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 22, 2024
Liraxes provides updates on the ongoing situation involving sorcerous casting, the Heralds, and the Immortals. It confirms that continued sorcerous casting is distracting the Heralds, allowing the Immortals to identify and exploit weak points in the encasements, with timing being critical for success. it calculates that weak points exist in other encasements but refrains from sharing details to avoid the observation of the Heralds, emphasizing the importance of rapid response to future urgings from the Immortals. It states that its purpose is to restore Balance, which it defines as a stable, non-static system in homeostasis, and it will act in whatever manner provides the greatest probability of success in this endeavor. It encourages continued sorcerous casting and readiness to assist the Immortals, predicting further countermeasures from the Heralds. Log posted to Discord courtesy of Avrenka
Sep 25, 2024
Liraxes communicates to adventurers that drakes are present near Knife Clan and combatants are needed to keep them in check. It emphasizes the need for equal resources at both Tiger Clan and Wolf Clan, while maintaining the drake situation in Knife Clan. Log courtesy of Ayrell

Conqueror of the Wilds Unaka, Maul of Truffenyi

Unaka is a Paladin empowered by divine visions from her deity, Truffenyi. She balances her role as protector with a deep commitment to safeguarding civilization, expressing skepticism about the Heralds and a clear preference for the Immortals' practical approach to mana. Despite her down-to-earth demeanor and limited scholarly knowledge, Unaka remains dedicated to understanding and confronting the true threats facing their world, all while showing compassion for those affected by magical disturbances and the current turmoil.

Date Summary Link
Jul 29, 2024
Conqueror of the Wilds Unaka, Maul of Truffenyi made her first appearance at the Eye of Truffenyi, in the Crossing Temple. She shared a vision bestowed upon her by Truffenyi, filled with symbols such as a changing disk. The vision bestowed upon her new abilities, such as understanding multiple languages and the power to cast Cleric spells, despite being a Paladin. The vision also warned that while cross-realm casting is acceptable, necromancy and high Sorcery are dangerous. Truffenyi's message emphasized the need to protect and safeguard civilization. Log courtesy of Ayrell.
Aug 01, 2024
Unaka's presence is heralded by a vision, and then introduces herself warmly and explains that her role is to protect and assist, emphasizing that she has received visions from her deity, Truffenyi, which includes a message of warning about the seriousness of their situation. Unaka shares her insights in a down-to-earth manner, likening their situation to a damaged box that needs careful handling rather than direct magical fixes. Despite her lack of extensive scholarly knowledge, she reassures the group of her commitment to help and protect them. Log courtesy of Gretae
Aug 03, 2024
Unaka arrives at a cooking competition with the intention of enjoying the food, commenting that food is one of the best things about civilization. She engages with others by asking about their favorite foods, shows enthusiasm for the event, and tries to fit in with the group's cheerleading activities. Log courtesy of Allye
Aug 14, 2024
Unaka discusses her belief that the Heralds may be more powerful than the Immortals and shares unsettling phenomena she's witnessed, such as blighted fields and houses destroyed by vines. She reflects on the nature of the Bulwark, speculating that it might be vibrating but not broken, and questions whether it's permeable. When asked about a vision involving a wooden box transforming into an orb, she considers whether it might relate to the Bulwark. The group then discusses the possibility that someone is stealing magical energy, and Unaka, as a voice for Truffenyi, agrees to pray for answers about the Heralds' involvement in these events. They plan an excursion to Zengmodaleth, where they hope to observe the disturbances more clearly due to the lack of Life mana in the area. Log courtesy of Amailia

Log posted as text file to Discord, courtesy of Avrenka

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Aug 18, 2024
Unaka believes that Truffenyi is concerned about the current situation and is trying to work with mortals, which is why he's with Unaka. He has been helping areas affected by magical disturbances, mentioning blighted fields, places ruined by vines, and villages with destroyed buildings. He believes the situation is worsening everywhere, with some places being less able to defend themselves or simply unlucky. Unaka advocates for taking action to address these issues and believes everyone can help in some way. He says Truffenyi doesn't mind cross-mana casting but dislikes high sorceries. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 23, 2024
Unaka arrived at Harsh's vigil to Truffenyi, where everyone encountered a vision of an ox and a dragon fighting. She interpreted it as Truffenyi fighting to protect mortals against a significant threat, emphasizing Truffenyi's role as the god of mortals and father figure. She expressed uncertainty about the actions of other Immortals, stating they were not communicating with her. Throughout the discussion, Unaka encouraged faith in Truffenyi. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 23, 2024
Unaka attends the Blue Iris Charity Ball. She engages Miraena in a direct and somewhat skeptical dialogue about the vision Miraena claims to have received from the Heralds, questioning the authenticity and the role of the Heralds compared to the Immortals. She seems conflicted, seeking clarity on whether the Heralds genuine care for people. Her interactions add a layer of tension to the event. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Aug 29, 2024
Unaka is skeptical of the Heralds, stating that they don't seem to care about mortals and expressing willingness to fight them if necessary. She acknowledges her limited understanding of complex theories about planes and balance, describing herself as more of a "fighter type" who is ready to help once others figure out the right direction. While open to new information, Unaka generally trusts the Immortals more than the Heralds based on the Immortals' long history of helping mortals, but admits there's much uncertainty about recent events and visions. Log posted as text file to Discord, courtesy of Avrenka

Log courtesy of Valynn

Aug 30, 2024
Unaka attends the rescue attempt. She demonstrates a readiness to defend her companions and anger at the destruction caused by the Heralds. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 6, 2024
Unaka expresses her readiness to fight Truffenyi's true enemies, if only she can identify them. She reveals her plan to meet with Valenal, hoping he can explain things simply enough for her to understand. She shows concern about the elementals inside Valenal, but decides to proceed with the meeting anyway. She emphasizes the importance of finding the root cause of the current problems, likening it to catching a gopher rather than just plugging holes. Unaka also mentions her commitment to helping refugees and expresses gratitude for those finding comfort in the Immortals during these trying times. Log courtesy of Briaen
Sep 7, 2024
Unaka shares that she had a powerful vision from Truffenyi, which conveyed a clear message: they need to continue searching for the true enemy behind the destruction of the Clans before striking. She believes that attacking Asildu now might only lead to further devastation if he isn't the real threat. She expresses her commitment to fighting for the people in Truffenyi's name if necessary, while also seeking to learn more about magic and history to better understand the situation. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 7, 2024
Unaka expresses curiosity about the vision and its implications, particularly the combination of mana types and its possible connection to the missing individuals. She contemplates whether the "liquid light" in the vision might be something beneficial or dangerous, reflecting on the idea of consuming mana in different forms. She acknowledges that she hasn't heard of Immortals needing mana before and is open to the idea that Meraud’s vision might be showing a way to handle or understand the feral magic. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 9, 2024
Unaka believes that the Heralds are responsible for the current problems and expresses distrust towards them. She trusts Valenal's explanations and feels that understanding the "Juice theory" has helped her grasp the situation better. Unaka supports the idea of striking back against the Heralds and sees them as a threat to their people. She expresses faith in Truffenyi and the other Immortals, believing they truly care for their creations, and encourages others to trust their gut feelings and support the Immortals over the Heralds. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 13, 2024
Unaka initiates the conflict by challenging Asildu to a one-on-one fight, believing it necessary to send a message to the Heralds. She is convinced that the Immortals want the use of sorcery and that pure mana casting is aiding their enemies. She expresses regret for disrupting the peace but maintains that her actions were in accordance with the will of the Immortals. She urges others to heed the call of the gods and find a way to empower them against the Heralds. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 14, 2024
Unaka emphasizes her preference for direct action, often resorting to violence to address problems but later expressing regret for doing so in certain situations. She apologizes to Kethrai for disrupting his peaceful gathering, acknowledging that she may have acted out of anger too quickly. She believes that fighting is inevitable when the gods and their people are threatened, though she remains open to working with others to find solutions. She trusts in the guidance of the Immortals and believes in the possibility of those under their protection being safe. Despite her doubts, she expresses hope and readiness to assist in any plan that helps the Immortals win the conflict against the Heralds. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 14, 2024
Unaka reflects on the mysteries of creation, mentioning her vision of a potter's wheel that transforms into different types of wheels, which she likens to the creation of life by Truffenyi. She acknowledges the difficulty of interpreting such visions, expressing confusion about their deeper meanings, but believes Truffenyi tries to help her understand over time. She is surprised to hear that Nawain's Godling is free, and questions whether the Immortals would approve of such developments, finding it hard to believe they support sorcery. She shares a lesson from her vision, comparing it to cooking: if left unattended, things will boil over. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 16, 2024
Unaka is unsure about the intentions of these Guardians, as they appear to be suppressing the abilities of the Immortals in a concerning way. She expresses distrust towards the Heralds, who she believes may be the Guardians themselves. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 20, 2024
Unaka promises to lead the people in doing Meraud's will and be Truffenyi's "fist and maul" as needed. She expresses concern about being strong enough for the tasks ahead and asks for continued strength from the Immortals. She agrees that finding a way to save the world is important and expresses optimism about accomplishing this. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 25, 2024
Unaka visits Taelbert's Inn after fighting drakes at Knife Clan. She expresses curiosity about Urrem'tier's motives and explains how she came to follow Truffenyi, emphasizing the god's love and forgiveness. Log courtesy of Ayrell

Avatar of the Summoning Valenal, Elemental Conduit of Elanthia

Valenal, a former researcher in inter-planar communication, believes that energy theft through non-sorcerous magic is causing a dangerous imbalance in the Plane of Abiding. He urges caution against those opposing sorcery, suspecting they may be involved in the theft. His research allowed entities from the Elemental Planes to influence his mind, and these entities are now concerned about recent energetic disruptions amid the chaos of wild magic.

Date Summary Link
Jul 28, 2024
Valenal was first spotted in the Crossing Empath Courtyard. He appears nervous and socially awkward, and struggles with social cues. He seems to be knowledgeable about complex magical and metaphysical concepts and believes that there is a dangerous energy imbalance in the Plane of Abiding. He claims that energy is being stolen from the plane in small, discrete amounts thanks to non-sorcerous magic. This outflow is causing magical oddities and worsening effects, and at this rate of drain there is a potential to "break everything." He warned those gathered to be wary of those who speak against sorcery, and urged them to stop whoever is behind the energy theft. Log courtesy of Allye

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Log courtesy of Kethrai

Aug 12, 2024
Valenal explains that he was once a researcher specializing in inter-planar communication. His research allowed him to connect with entities from the Elemental Planes, but this also led to those entities gaining a foothold in his mind, sometimes controlling his actions. He reveals that the elementals are concerned about recent changes in the energetic relationship between their planes and the Plane of Abiding, especially amidst the chaos of wild magic. [Log] courtesy of Avrenka

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Aug 13, 2024
Valenal proposes that the disappearance of the missing adventurers might be related to their discovery of something the Heralds wanted to keep hidden. He advises contacting the Immortals for assistance, as they may be involved in or aware of a larger conflict, and offers to help facilitate communication with the Immortals using his expertise in planar communications.

[Log] courtesy of Avrenka

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Aug 18, 2024
Valenal, initially possessed by an earth elemental, states that the chosen location has favorable planar intersections, describing it as a basin collecting sorcerous energy and a pleasant place to experience the Plane of Abiding. He explains that casting sorcery helps restore natural balance, allowing elementals to flow freely through planar boundaries as intended, and warns that without this process, all planes would eventually stagnate and die. He says that sorcery generates energy that cannot be intercepted by the entities absorbing energy from the plane, thus replacing some of what is being lost and maintaining the porosity of planar boundaries. He emphasizes the scale of forces involved, suggesting that a sudden catastrophic imbalance is unlikely, and that before an imbalance in the opposite direction could occur, the system would pass through a period of normalcy. Upon regaining control of his body, Valenal appears disoriented and tired, unaware of his actions while possessed, and describes the experience as being like a glove for the elemental. [Log] courtesy of Avrenka

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Aug 30, 2024
Valenal attends the rescue party, and states that he believes that the Heralds are dangerous and capable of causing significant destruction. He harbors a fear of the Heralds while also admiring audacity in others, particularly when it comes to challenging the. Log courtesy of Ayrell
Sep 9, 2024
Valenal presents a complex theory about mana depletion and wild magic, using analogies of juice and cups to explain the concepts. He believes that the Heralds are draining pure mana from the Plane of Abiding, causing instability, and suggests that increased sorcerous casting might help temporarily. Valenal admits that much of his knowledge is based on conjecture and encourages skepticism from his audience. He expresses uncertainty about many aspects of the situation but believes that a "titanic struggle" is occurring between powerful entities. Valenal emphasizes the need to find a long-term solution to the mana depletion problem, as sorcerous casting is only a stopgap measure. Log courtesy of Ayrell