Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08132024/Liraxes and Valenal at the Secret Grotto

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Rangers & Empaths Beseech Elanthia

[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way]
The once pristine tower of the Warrior Mages is now no more than a memorial. The stresses of the great fire have shattered the crystalline spire. The building stands broken and raw against the sky. One onyx door tilts wildly to the side, its hinges melted to slag, while the other has been reduced to rubble. You also see some dirt, an ethereal vela'tohr thicket, a teak airship suspended from a segmented balloon, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting, a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, a cloud of black mist, a horned phantom thrall, a grey cat that is sitting, a smokey grey leopard with hypnotic crimson eyes and flecks of ashes on her fur that is sitting, a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail that is sitting, a pink-eared white piglet with a bright yellow shirt stitched with a chaotic rainbow of daisies on it, a svelte alfar warrior, a violet grotto monkey, a landing area cordoned off by Musparan silk stanchion ropes and a tall fir tree.
Also here: Shadow Tracker Sliyder, Fire Witch Merilwen, Forestal Mage Kivian who is enveloped in a cloud of iridescent glitter, Deathbeing, Healer Leilanie, Miecha, Lord of the Drink Medir, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Forest Watcher Damoone, Vaerek who is in a globe of blue fire, Sir Madigan, Warlord Thanator, Nurse Eurynomile, Primal Lady Zalinyar who has a fiery visage, Peace Keeper Vaddon, Mageling Aerilia, Court Advisor Aaiyaah who is shining with a dark golden glow, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Tempest Knight Saragos, Ice Cold Natarian, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Brother Harsh who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Danger Wizard Dasheek who has a stony visage, Mathematician Avrenka, Fearless Crobin, Snarky Cythra, Khozh Elizzibiana who is shadowed by the spectral image of a grey-eyed viper formed of fire and smoke, Kaedan, Hauns, Forest Sprite Lileath who is accompanied by a pair of faintly glowing will-o-wisps, Pack Sister Kayena, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Glitterbug Kalinandra who is bedeviled by a ginormous ghost cat with a prodigiously floofy tail, Mage Slayer Golameth who is pestered by an incorporeal imp resting on their shoulder making nonsensical gestures, Esotericist Eyst, Shadow's Touch Melindrha who is surrounded by multicolored cloud of glitter, Valynn, Bastion of Life Karthor, Desert Dancer Zersha, Mooring Thread Aislynn who is attended by a viridian wildling spider, Roughneck Rileos, Keinruf, Dzive Asini Leayne, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Ezathiel, Cateress Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Fury's Touch Rejind, Pyppa, Deepwood Sniper Arcsicsin, Sammee, Courtier Aerhys, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna who is circled by ephemeral phantom sharks, Wind Listener Sceth, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Desert Fury Grenhart, Lexxa, Sarugar, Physician Jundara, Hunter Hanryu, Intern Rhainn, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Alshabi Kamisama and Dragon's Shadow Waydren.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west.

Waydren says, "Rangers. Make yourselves ready. Should you know the Dragon Magics, use them now. Embed the Cycle upon yourself. Embrace the River in the Sky."

Rileos nods to Waydren.

Kerennya joins your group.

Allye smiles.

Sarugar gestures.
Sarugar's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Waydren says, "Empaths. Attend Aislynn now."

Waydren nods to Aislynn.

Grenhart gestures.
Grenhart's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Zersha gestures.
Zersha's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Allye gazes at Aislynn.

Shaylynne gestures.
Shaylynne's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Sarugar gestures.
Sarugar's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Grenhart gathers some dirt in his palm. Whispering arcane words, he gently blows on the dirt, which disperses into swirling motes of glittering light that shroud his hands in a pale aura.

Aislynn quietly asks, "I recommend each of us cast Mental Focus, Refresh, and Gift of Life. If you know Heart Link, link yourself with a ranger. I will bring up a tree. Karthor, can you Raise Power?"

Hanryu gestures.
Hanryu's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Valynn gestures.
Valynn's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Allye nods to Aislynn.

Rileos gestures.
Rileos's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Karthor nods.

Lileath gestures.
Lileath's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Grenhart gestures.
Grenhart's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Sammee gestures.
Sammee's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Aislynn weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Karthor says, "Sure, comin' right up."

Kivian gestures.
Kivian's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

Hanryu pats Valynn on the back.

Aerhys beams at Allye!

Zersha blinks.

Valynn gives Hanryu a wry grin.

Aislynn quietly says, "When our spells are cast, we will re-anchor ourselves. It can be extremely disorienting to commune with vast entities, and we want everyone to be able to return to a singular existence when we're done."

Allye touches Aerhys with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Aislynn gestures.
A lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms rises up from the ground, its golden leaves stretching out into the air.

Sammee gestures.
Sammee's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Lileath gestures.
Lileath's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Aaiyaah moves over to guard Valynn.

Aerhys nods to Allye.

Shaylynne beams at Allye!

Eurynomile mutters to herself.

Zalinyar grins at Leayne, her dimples flashing into view.

Waydren says, "Onlookers, I ask for silence as the ritual is conducted. Elanthia's reply may be a still soft whisper."

Valynn gestures.
Valynn's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.

Aislynn quietly says, "Begin by focusing on Self. Feel your Self, that which is just you. Exclude everything else, just for a moment, and be entirely sure that you can return to simply being you at any time."

Harsh quietly says, "Oh shinin red."

Aislynn weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Kerennya touches Rileos with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Pyppa reaches out and touches Hanryu, who gasps and gives her a startled look.

Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles.

Aerhys gasps!

Zersha grins at Aerhys, her dimples flashing into view.

Aislynn quietly says, "Now, focus on Elanthia itself. Like any other patient, she has rhythms and cycles, and that is how we connect to her."

Ezathiel inhales a great swallow of air.

Aerhys beams at Allye!

Aislynn quietly says, "Breathe in, and then out, listen to those around you, and know that somewhere, the ocean sighs upon a beach in time with you."

Ezathiel appears to be listening intently for something.

Eurynomile inhales a great swallow of air.

Rejind takes a deep breath.

Aislynn quietly says, "Hear your own heartbeat, feel the heartbeats of those around you, and know that somewhere, lava pumps through the world's veins with the steady lub-dub of her ancient heart."

Merilwen leans on Shaylynne.

Grenhart slowly empties his lungs.

Hanryu slowly empties his lungs.

Lexxa inhales a great swallow of air.

Lexxa slowly empties her lungs.

Ezathiel appears to be listening intently for something.

Aerilia smiles.

Lexxa inhales a great swallow of air.

Grenhart coughs.

Leilanie slowly empties her lungs.

Ezathiel casually observes the area.

Sliyder chortles softly at some secret joke.

(Allye closes her eyes and breathes deeply, allowing Aislynn's words to wash over her.)

Aislynn quietly says, "Feel the sun upon your skin, and know that all around, every green thing stretches eagerly to feel the same."

Lexxa slowly empties her lungs.

Leilanie inhales a great swallow of air.

Waydren nods to Illiya.

Aislynn quietly says, "We are one, the patient and healer."

Leilanie slowly empties her lungs.

Aislynn quietly says, "We are one, the world, the workshop and the empath. We are one."

Aislynn nods to Waydren.

Aerhys grins at Zersha, his dimples flashing into view.

Waydren nods to Aislynn.

Waydren says to Aislynn, "My thanks. We continue."

Waydren says,, "Elanthia."

Waydren says, "You are always here. You provide safety and succor, yet we rarely give thanks."

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Waydren frowns.

Waydren says, "We take. We burn. We steal. Without consideration."

Zersha gazes at Waydren.

Ezathiel inhales a great swallow of air.

Waydren says, "Yet you give life. Let us give thanks, and give life in return."

Ezathiel slowly empties his lungs.

Lileath's image wavers momentarily as if she will fade from sight, but after just a few seconds, she stabilizes.

Waydren nods to Aislynn.

Allye smiles.

Leilanie smiles.

Aislynn nods.

Aislynn quietly says, "Empaths, awaken your vela'tohr."

Kerennya nods.

Aislynn quietly says, "Let us create a thicket."

Waydren nods to Aislynn.

Aislynn quietly says, "When we are done, we speak. "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Valynn gazes at Aislynn in awe.

As Sukidesu gestures a long-leafed vela'tohr bush surrounded by diminutive blue butterflies forms and grows before them.
Sensing another nearby the newly formed plant quickly entwines with the existing one to form a vela'tohr thicket.

As Illiya gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Melindrha gestures a vela'tohr bush surrounded by ephemeral flickering fireflies forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Karthor gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Ezathiel gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

Valynn praises Leilanie.

As Allye gestures a slender vela'tohr plant with leaves that shimmer and undulate like liquid emerald forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Kerennya gestures a swaying plant dancing to a melody only heard by the vela'tohr forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Jundara gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Malorna gestures a slender vela'tohr plant with leaves that shimmer and undulate like liquid emerald forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Rejind gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

As Aerhys gestures a vela'tohr plant with leaves like polished obsidian bearing softly glowing star-like inclusions forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

Valynn praises Allye.

As Aislynn gestures a twisted vela'tohr briar emanating a viridescent hazy mist forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

Aislynn quietly says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Leilanie says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Allye quietly says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Sukidesu says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Illiya says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Aislynn bows to Waydren.

Rejind says, "Life stiumlates life. We participate in part."

Melindrha says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Grenhart drops some dirt.

Karthor says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Damoone gets a knife shaped from a serrated aglyphous tooth from inside his canvas backpack.

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Life stimulates life, we participate in part."

Malorna says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Pyppa says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Valynn gazes up at the sky.

Sarugar removes a steel knife with a braided twine tether from his belt.

Kerennya says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Hanryu removes a matte black survival knife with a leather wrapped handle from his upper arm.

Life Weaver Ysilda came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Medir pulls the hood of his cloak up.

As Rhainn gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.

Aislynn rests her hand on Waydren's arm with a soft smile.

Sceth says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Lexxa gets a haralun cutlass from inside her hip pouch.

Jundara says, "Life simulates life. We participate in part."

Dasheek joins Crobin's group.

Kivian takes off an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.

Leilanie wipes one of her eyes.

Lileath says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."

Melindrha closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Aislynn presses her palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.

Waydren says, "Rangers, attend me now. See and repeat after me."

Dasheek nods to Harsh.

(Lexxa draws the cutlass across her hand.)

Jundara just touched Kivian.

Waydren gets a sharpened steel drawknife with a tempered finish from inside his cow-shaped handbag.

Kayena gazes at Waydren.

Knight Penitent Briaen came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Shaylynne takes off an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.

Arcsicsin removes a sharpened vardite skinning knife stamped with a unicorn from his belt.

Lexxa says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

A faint sound of cracking glass echoes through the area. You feel protected.

Zalinyar folds her arms across her chest.

Eurynomile nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Jundara just touched Kivian.

Cythra giggles at Eurynomile.

(Shaylynne draws her knife across her forearm.)

Shaylynne puts on an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.

(Zersha takes a tiny seed from her pocket.)

(Waydren draws the drawknife across his forarm, letting the blood drip upon the ground.)

Merilwen grins at Zalinyar.

Hanryu clenches his survival knife tightly until his knuckles go white.

Eurynomile blinks at Shaylynne.

Tirost gazes at Shaylynne.

Zalinyar frowns.

Valynn draws forth a slim white gold bodice dagger with an engraved ironwood hilt.

Waydren says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Sammee kneels down.

Keinruf gets a polished gold-handled tail knife from inside his trapper's duffel.

Shaylynne says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Zalinyar asks, "Blood sacrifice?"

Grenhart removes a demonbone wrist knife with a blackened edge from his wrist.

Sammee bows his head.

Valynn nods to Waydren.

Leilanie manages a sad-eyed grin.

Briaen raises an eyebrow.

Waydren puts his drawknife in his cow-shaped handbag.

(Zersha tucks the seed into the bed of the earth, patting the dirt gently over it.)

Arcsicsin smiles draws the drawknife across his forarm, letting the blood drip upon the ground.

Cythra giggles at Zalinyar.

Zersha says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

(Hanryu draws the drawknife across his forarm, letting the blood drip upon the ground.)

Kayena says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Eurynomile gulps.

(Lexxa sqeezes her hand closed, drops of blood find their way to the soil.)

(Valynn grips the dagger firmly in her right hand and makes a swift shallow incision in the palm of the opposite hand. She clenches her fist as sanguine droplets splatter the turf.)

(Rileos rolls up a sleeve to expose a forearm that he quickly draws his damite knife across to leave a small, but bleeding, cut)

Hanryu slowly says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Lileath says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Merilwen nods to Zalinyar.

Valynn quietly says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

(Damoone draws his knife across his arm)

Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.

Rhainn says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

(Sammee plants a small seed)

Hanryu attaches a matte black survival knife with a leather wrapped handle to his upper arm.

Sammee says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Rileos quietly says to himself, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Aaiyaah rests his hand on Valynn's arm with a soft smile.

Arcsicsin says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

(Sarugar slowly draws a blade across his forearm, then sharply slings a spatter onto the dirt.)

Zalinyar shakes her head.

Kamisama says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

(Sceth draws forth a knife across her forearm.)

Damoone says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

(Keinruf draws his tail knife across his forearm and bleeds all over the ground.)

Zalinyar says, "Newp."

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Rileos slowly empties his lungs.

Kamisama joins Waydren's group.

Keinruf says, "Life is returned. Ve t'ank you for your proffision."

Arcsicsin attaches a sharpened vardite skinning knife stamped with a unicorn to his belt.

Harsh gestures at Aaiyaah.

Sukidesu reaches out and touches Lileath, who gasps and gives him a startled look.

Sarugar mutters to himself.

Sarugar attaches a steel knife with a braided twine tether to his belt.

Eurynomile begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Sceth says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Jundara just touched Kivian.

Cythra frets.

Crobin sniffles.

Keinruf attaches a polished gold-handled tail knife onto his tail.

Ezathiel casually observes the area.

Crobin sniffs the air around him.

Waydren nods.

Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.

Sliyder just arrived.

Waydren points at a broken tower.

Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.

(Kivian draws the knife across her forearm, letting the blood drizzle upon the ground.)

Waydren says, "Our friends were taken from our reach. Brought to places unknown."

Rileos rubs his left arm.

(Valynn wipes the blood from her dagger.)

Grenhart attaches a demonbone wrist knife with a blackened edge to his wrist.

Kamisama lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Valynn sheathes her bodice dagger.

Tirost frowns.

Zersha cocks her head at Waydren.

Waydren says, "Elanthia, you hear every whisper upon the wind. Your wisdom runs deeper than the roots of mountains."

Kivian chants in a soprano voice:

   "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."

Waydren says, "Your knowledge fills the seas."

Kivian puts on an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.

Tirost nods to Harsh.

A nervous tic starts up around Aislynn's eye.

Waydren says, "We ask of you. Ally. Partner. Friend. Help us now in this hour of need."

Zersha shivers.

Damoone puts his knife in his canvas backpack.

Waydren says, "We give ourselves into your embrace."

Aerhys casually observes the area.

Zalinyar asks, "Nuh huh. Necromancers drizzle their blood on the ground to raise constructs. what are you people doing right now?"

Kamisama's image wavers momentarily as if he will fade from sight, but after just a few seconds, he stabilizes.

Waydren says, "Let there be no boundaries between us. Replace the room we hold in our minds with your sight."

Cythra nods at Zalinyar, obviously agreeing with her views.

Natarian glares at Zalinyar.

Eurynomile frets.

Vaerek looks at Zalinyar and shrugs.

Waydren says, "Rangers! Accept Elanthia's embrace. Beseech Elanthia to Cradle you."

Malorna pauses briefly as a faint rustling emanates from somewhere on her person.

Lexxa puts her cutlass in her hip pouch.

Shaylynne lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Sarugar lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Waydren lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Zalinyar nods to Cythra.

Sarugar begins to chant under his breath.

Sarugar suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Shaylynne begins to chant under her breath.

Shaylynne suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Damoone lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Waydren begins to chant under his breath.

Waydren suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Sammee lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Back Alley Hack Phierre came through a fire-etched onyx door.

(Pyppa lifts praise to the winds and earth.)

Rileos lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Rileos begins to chant under his breath.

Rileos suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Kivian lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Sammee stands up.

Sammee begins to chant under his breath.

Sammee suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Aislynn blinks.

Kamisama lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Sarugar springs effortlessly to his feet!

Aislynn rests her hand on Waydren's arm with a soft smile.

Kamisama begins to chant under his breath.

Kamisama suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Sensing a lack of cooperation, the ground retreats and closes its wounds.

Aerhys winces.

Grenhart lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Lileath lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Grenhart begins to chant under his breath.

Grenhart suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Zersha lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Kerennya touches Rileos with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Kivian begins to chant under her breath.

Kivian suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Arcsicsin lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Sceth lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Shaylynne out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.

Jundara just touched Kivian.

Sceth begins to chant under her breath.

Sceth suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Waydren out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!

Hanryu lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.

Aislynn quietly says, "Oh dear.."

Valynn lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Rileos out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!

Having finished their work encasing Shaylynne, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Hanryu begins to chant under his breath.

Hanryu suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Eurynomile beams at Harsh!

Zersha begins to chant under her breath.

Zersha suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Having finished their work encasing Waydren, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Sammee out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Lileath begins to chant under her breath.

Lileath suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Phierre raises an eyebrow.

Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!

Hanryu springs effortlessly to his feet!

Having finished their work encasing Rileos, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Kamisama out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Sensing a lack of cooperation, the ground retreats and closes its wounds.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Grenhart out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!

Having finished their work encasing Sammee, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Kivian springs effortlessly to her feet!

The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!

Sensing a lack of cooperation, the ground retreats and closes its wounds.

Damoone begins to chant under his breath.

Damoone suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Having finished their work encasing Kamisama, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Zalinyar stands near Vaddon.

Having finished their work encasing Grenhart, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Valynn begins to chant under her breath.

Valynn suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Sceth out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.

Harsh blinks.

Sukidesu lays his hand on Lileath's arm.

Aislynn rests her hand on Rileos's arm with a soft smile.

Arcsicsin begins to chant under his breath.

Arcsicsin suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Um."

Having finished their work encasing Sceth, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Lileath out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Zersha out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Vaddon stands near Zalinyar.

Melindrha says, "Uh."

Eurynomile says, "Umm holes."

Having finished their work encasing Lileath, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Having finished their work encasing Zersha, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Aislynn quietly says, "Stay focused."

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Damoone out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Aerhys rests his hand on Zersha's arm with a soft smile.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Valynn out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.

Zalinyar asks, "See what happens?"

Urbaj draws forth a tenebrous black ka'hurst pasabas with a shadowleaf-wrapped hilt.

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Arcsicsin out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Having finished their work encasing Damoone, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Eurynomile frets.

Waydren says, "Elanthia we Beseech you."

Having finished their work encasing Valynn, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Merilwen smirks.

Cythra says to Eurynomile, "Been called worse."

Aislynn rests her hand on Harsh's arm with a soft smile.

Having finished their work encasing Arcsicsin, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Harsh beams at Aislynn!

Waydren says, "Reveal Dantia."

Zersha stands up.

Eurynomile babbles something incoherent at Cythra.

Waydren says, "Reveal Miskton."

Damoone holds a finger up to his lips and then points at Zalinyar.

Cythra giggles at Eurynomile.

Waydren says, "Reveal Navesi."

Aaiyaah nods.

Sceth rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Waydren says, "Reveal Mazrian."

Phierre scratches his head.

Cythra says, "If you must."

Waydren says, "Reveal Ayrell."

Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon.

Allye trills softly to herself.

Lileath stands up.

Waydren says, "Show us the way to bring them home."

Kayena lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.

Golameth says to Zalinyar, "You need to mind yourself and hush."

Zalinyar rolls her eyes.

Hanryu begins to chant under his breath.

Hanryu suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Rangers & Empaths Receive "Visions"

From the familiar grasp within Elanthia's soil, you find something different -- something deeper. As the vines encase your body, you can feel the presence of Elanthia as one large collection of living things.

Kayena begins to chant under her breath.

Kayena suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Golameth says to Zalinyar, "Feel free to leave."

Aerhys blinks.

Zersha gasps!

Cythra says to Zalinyar, "See, cults."

Sceth raises an eyebrow.

Allye gasps!

Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Hanryu out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.

Grenhart rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Leilanie gasps!

With the aid of the Empathic link, you feel as though you have connected with Elanthia itself. Your heartbeat slows, matching the pulse of life covering the planet. Though searching for information on a specific moment in time, you become distinctly aware that Elanthia perceives time on a scale unfamiliar to you, as layers of sediment each sing their own song of epochs and days from before the rise of humanity on this world.

Medir furrows his brow.

Having finished their work encasing Hanryu, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Having finished their work encasing Kayena, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.

Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.

Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.

Zalinyar looks at Vaddon and shrugs.

Melindrha shivers.

Phierre slowly empties his lungs.

Deathbeing blinks.

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "I ... sense something."

Vaddon moves into position to cover Zalinyar from harm.

Blind Fury Brisknite came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Elizzibiana says to Zalinyar, "I think its that ranger spell is all."

Your senses reach back to a time when the planet was teeming with wildness. Vibrant, uncontrolled, untamed life was once present here, in this very location. You sense the rise and fall of countless civilizations here, in this very soil. Under the careful watch of a cultivating eye pruning and fertilizing the natural life on the planet, you feel the influence of guardians maintaining the balance between wildness and civilization. Existence, self-contained and free of outside influence, remained in balance such that life could thrive.

Aaiyaah ponders.

Pyppa says, "Lifts praise the waters and life."

Jundara just touched Kivian.

Allye quietly says, "Oh..."

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Zersha slowly empties her lungs.

Rileos slowly empties his lungs.

Ezerak scans the area briefly.

Avrenka scans the sky, looking for portents and insight.

Rhainn gasps!

Phierre stands near Pyppa.

Leayne softly says, "Yes."

Aerhys breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.

Grenhart fixes Brisknite with a serene, lofty stare.

Kayena stands up.

However, you also sense that this time was short-lived. You feel a distinct time when these gardeners sustaining the balance could no longer entirely fight off outside influence. As each civilization learned to harness the flowing streams of mana, it crumbled beneath a localized extinction, leaving a bleeding wound where no life could bloom. What was an embrace of wholeness now twists into a litany of trauma, as unnatural blights spread from festering eruptions long forgotten. You feel the overwhelming loss of Life within each wound, as disease propagates alien, twisted life from outside of the plane in each laceration. As portions of Elanthia have died, outsiders have planted their seed and begun cultivating to expand their own presence through new pathways into existence from elsewhere.

Ezathiel softly says, "Praise the waters and the life."

Lexxa appears to be listening intently for something.

Eurynomile casually observes the area.

Allye nods emphatically at Aislynn.

Back Alley Hack Phierre went through a fire-etched onyx door.

Merilwen nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Eurynomile nods to Madigan.

Thanator nods to Madigan.

Aerhys chews on his lip, looking deep in concentration.

Eurynomile says, "Oo i sees."

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Aislynn winces.

Allye frowns.

As new pathways came to take what was here, lesser guardians attempted to assist the caretakers. They attempted to contain the wounds, and to cultivate life, but their impact was severely limited, as it was dependent on a connection to the outside, as if drawing from a well some distance away to put out a raging fire. The wounds continued to fester and bleed. The primary guardians, who were reliant on the balance of life to continue cultivating, focused on what good they could do, leaving the outsiders to attempt to contain the blights.

Vaerek went through a fire-etched onyx door.

Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.

Leayne softly says, "This is very strange."

Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.

Voidwalker Itaro just arrived.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Crobin says, "Focus love, you are doing great."

Within each of these wounds, Elanthia has never recovered. Only unnatural life, blighted and cursed, can thrive in these conditions. They are no longer part of the balance within Elanthia -- and they take more from Elanthia with every iteration.

Saragos takes a long drag off of a burning silver-foiled cigarillo.

A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face.

Zersha shivers.

Aerhys tilts his head inquisitively.

Tirost glances at Aislynn.

Lexxa appears to be listening intently for something.

Karthor furrows his brow.

Allye slowly empties her lungs.

Bookkeeper Parkons came through a fire-etched onyx door.

A tear runs down Valynn's face.

Ezathiel furrows his brow.

Lexxa inhales a great swallow of air.

Lexxa slowly empties her lungs.

A tear runs down Zersha's face.

Aerhys nods to Zersha.

Aerhys stands near Zersha.

The pain now grows, welling to an unsustainable level, and you find yourself feeling the weight of Arhat's crumbling tower above you. Your senses focus on this location, and your connection with Elanthia helps guide the memory of the nature surrounding this tower to the specific point in which your compatriots disappeared.

Aaiyaah frowns at Valynn.

Zersha leans on Aerhys.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Aislynn shudders.

Allye glances at a broken tower.

Aerhys gazes off into the distance.

Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.

Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.

Deathbeing closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Pushing out the influence of everything outside of this focal point, your senses sharpen. You witness the flash that rent many into the Null Prison, and the return of all but five. Curiously, you still feel the influence of their life in this very moment in time and in this very space. All five beings strangely appear to be here within the vicinity of the Tower -- but entirely out of reach, as if in a space that is not tangible in any meaningful way.

Ezathiel inhales a great swallow of air.

Sceth glances at a broken tower.

Ezathiel slowly empties his lungs.

Hanryu squints.

Your spatial awareness slowly returns to normal as the link with Elanthia fades.

Melindrha shivers.

Zalinyar mutters something into the air about Meraud save us all.

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Karthor wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Hauns blinks.

Sarugar gives a slight nod.

Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.

Aislynn pants.

Illiya blinks.

Waydren nods.

Rejind joins Waydren's group.

Sammee frowns.

A tear runs down Aerhys's face.

Damoone's jaw drops.

Karthor wipes his forehead.

Melindrha slowly empties her lungs.

(Zersha reaches over and takes Aerhys' hand, squeezing it tightly as she sniffles.)

Waydren stands up.

Ezathiel sighs.

Aerhys leans on Zersha.

Leilanie pants, trying to catch her breath.

Aerhys pulls Zersha to him in a tight hug.

Rileos quietly says to himself, "Well alright then."

Hanryu rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Arcsicsin stands up.

Waydren says, "We asked."

Saragos's silver-foiled cigarillo goes out and crumbles away.

Hanryu stretches his arms.

Tirost slowly asks Karthor, "What... did you see?"

Damoone rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Sceth shudders.

Waydren says, "Elanthia answered."

Rileos stands up.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

(Allye reaches a hand out toward the tower, looking disoriented by what she senses.)

Hanryu nods.

Damoone nods to Waydren.

Cythra says, "I saw a room."

Lileath casually observes the area.

Arcsicsin fixes Waydren with a frank, even stare.

Ezerak asks, "What happened?"

Medir ponders.

Ezerak casually observes the area.

Sammee rises to a kneeling position.

Sukidesu glances at a broken tower.

Ezerak joins Waydren's group.

Valynn wipes one of her eyes.

Waydren says, "There is much to ponder from that vision."

Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Shaylynne rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Waydren says to Madigan, "They are alive."

Aislynn observes a broken tower with fascination.

Melindrha says, "So much life."

Shaylynne joins Waydren's group.

Crobin flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Illiya says, "We could feel them still in the tower.. but also not."

Karthor asks Tirost, "Way too much to describe in a sentence or two, I'm afraid. Would "everything" be useful?"

Madigan nods to Waydren.

Kamisama joins Waydren's group.

Leilanie nods.

Arcsicsin nods to Waydren.

Malorna says, "They are here... but not."

Grenhart wheezily says, "Well kind of."

Rhainn nods to Malorna.

Aerhys nods to Malorna.

Shaylynne tries to pull Kamisama to his feet, but cannot.

Waydren says to Saragos, "We know not much more than before, but we know that they are...here..."

Tirost gives Karthor a rueful grin.

Kamisama stands up.

Valynn sniffles.

Grenhart searches around for a moment.

Zersha softly says to Aerhys, "She's hurting, the very world is in pain."

Natarian asks, "Here? In this room?"

Avrenka thoughtfully says, "Here but not."

Zersha leans on Aerhys.

Karthor slowly empties his lungs.

Aerhys nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Harsh begins to dance, his eyes tightly shut and his head thrown back.

Shaylynne enfolds Kamisama in a warm embrace.

Aerhys slowly empties his lungs.

Saragos frowns.

Arcsicsin gestures at a broken tower.

Medir furrows his brow.

Ezathiel softly says, "They are stuck in the space between the spaces."

Leilanie gets a smudged parchment from inside her faesilk pack.

Eurynomile praises Harsh.

Merilwen smiles at Shaylynne.

Hanryu says, "Displaced, here but not."

Harsh dances, seeking the attentions of his deity.

Waydren says, "Life Brothers and Sisters. I have you to thank in this. Well done. We have sought and found Elanthia's wisdom in this."

Aaiyaah asks, "Another plane?"

Malorna shakes her head.

Harsh dances so flawlessly you find yourself catching your breath, tears in your eyes as the performance all too soon comes to an end.

Harsh looks up and sighs, smiling.

Leayne smiles at Waydren, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Valynn rests her hand on Aaiyaah's arm with a soft smile.

Arcsicsin asks, "Another time?"

Rhainn nods to Aaiyaah.

Illiya smiles at Waydren, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Allye just touched a broken tower.

Hanryu says to Aaiyaah, "Probably, or a space between planes."

Arcsicsin says, "But not another time."

Eyst ponders.

Malorna asks, "Anyone else have ringing in ears?"

Harsh glances heavenward a moment and utters a desperate prayer.

Melindrha says, "It felt like if the world was fabric, they're in the space between the warp and the weft."

Rhainn appears to be listening intently for something.

Illiya says to Waydren, "Thank you for bringing us together."

Waydren says, "Grey Dragons and Northern Watch, to me. Others are welcome to attend as well."

Saragos says to Waydren, "Write it down, before you forget. All of it. And then we can go over every detail later."

Damoone nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerhys says, "It was so painful.."

Aislynn nods to Melindrha.

Eurynomile exclaims, "Wonderful news they alives!"

Sukidesu says, "They never left this spot, but they're out of sight...out of perception..."

Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.

Valynn nods at Melindrha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Waydren nods to Saragos.

(Zersha grabs a sheet of paper and quietly but quickly jots down a few notes.)

Crobin says, "Join up Waydren Watch."

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

Karthor says, "That's certainly a lot to chew on."

Karthor twitches.

Valynn stands near Aaiyaah.

Sammee slowly empties his lungs.

Allye nods at Karthor, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aaiyaah smiles at Valynn.

Zalinyar clasps Vaddon's hand tenderly and draws him into her arms.

Sammee stands up.

Valynn leans on Aaiyaah.

Primal Lady Zalinyar drifts northeast, leading her group.

Lexxa says, "Lets stay focused."

Eurynomile stands near Cythra.

Zersha rubs her left eye.

Briaen joins Waydren's group.

Zersha sniffles.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Waydren says, "I take us now out the western gate."

Cythra stands near Eurynomile.

Lexxa joins Waydren's group.

Ysilda joins Waydren's group.

Cythra snuggles up to Eurynomile and cradles her in her arms.

Aerhys nods to Zersha.

Sammee joins Waydren's group.

Eyst joins Waydren's group.

Waydren says, "We shall find a secluded place to ponder what we have seen."

Valynn joins Waydren's group.

Saragos joins Waydren's group.

Karthor says, "Feel free to chime in if ya have anythin' to add, ZerraZap."

Sceth joins Waydren's group.

Sliyder joins Waydren's group.

Waydren says, "You are welcome to join."

Malorna joins Waydren's group.

Hanryu traces a gossamer pattern in the air.

Valynn gives Aaiyaah a half-hearted grin.

Kerennya reaches out to touch the thicket and a swaying plant dancing to a melody only heard by

Waydren holds a flat palm above his eyes, points at his eyes and points outward, sweeps his hand under his chin and then holds his two index fingers side by side.

Waydren waves towards himself, holds up two fingers and brings one close to the other and then holds a flat palm above his eyes.

Karthor joins Waydren's group.

Waydren says, "I move."

Grenhart holds a flat palm above his eyes.

Seer Eyuve just arrived.

Avrenka ponders.

You follow Waydren west.
[Northeast Wilds, Birder Lane]
Flocks of screeching ravens cloud the sky overhead, and wrens, larks and other feathered creatures seem to be hovering about as if awaiting something. An enormous black crow stoops and whooshes past your ear, only to land on the head of one of the more hideous gargoyles projecting from the facade of the black tower due east. The crow appears to be watching your every move.
Also here: Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Hunter Hanryu, Physician Jundara, Sarugar, Lexxa, Wind Listener Sceth, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna who is circled by ephemeral phantom sharks, Courtier Aerhys, Sammee, Pyppa, Cateress Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Keinruf, Mooring Thread Aislynn who is attended by a viridian wildling spider, Desert Dancer Zersha, Bastion of Life Karthor, Valynn, Shadow's Touch Melindrha who is surrounded by multicolored cloud of glitter, Esotericist Eyst, Mage Slayer Golameth who is pestered by an incorporeal imp resting on their shoulder making nonsensical gestures, Glitterbug Kalinandra who is bedeviled by a ginormous ghost cat with a prodigiously floofy tail, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Pack Sister Kayena, Forest Sprite Lileath who is accompanied by a pair of faintly glowing will-o-wisps, Hauns, Fearless Crobin, Mathematician Avrenka, Brother Harsh who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Ice Cold Natarian, Tempest Knight Saragos who has a fiery visage, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Court Advisor Aaiyaah who is shining with a dark golden glow, Mageling Aerilia, Nurse Eurynomile, Warlord Thanator, Sir Madigan, Forest Watcher Damoone, Miecha, Fire Witch Merilwen, Life Weaver Ysilda, Danger Wizard Dasheek who has a stony visage, Knight Penitent Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Alshabi Kamisama, Bookkeeper Parkons, Fury's Touch Rejind, Shadow Tracker Sliyder, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Druid Waydren, Wild Card Elore who is darkened by an unnatural shadow and Back Alley Hack Phierre.
Obvious paths: east, west.


Discussion at the Grotto

Druid Waydren's group went under a waterfall.
[Secret Grotto]
Faint moonlight streams through the translucent veil of rushing water that seals off this small cave, but does not provide enough illumination to reveal the surroundings.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Alshabi Kamisama, Ice Cold Natarian, Danger Wizard Dasheek who has a stony visage, Mooring Thread Aislynn who is attended by a viridian wildling spider, Brother Harsh who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Bookkeeper Parkons, Hunter Hanryu, Fury's Touch Rejind, Sarugar, Shadow's Touch Melindrha who is surrounded by multicolored cloud of glitter, Fearless Crobin, Desert Dancer Zersha, Sir Madigan, Mage Slayer Golameth who is pestered by an incorporeal imp resting on their shoulder making nonsensical gestures, Warlord Thanator, Court Advisor Aaiyaah who is shining with a dark golden glow, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Mathematician Avrenka, Cateress Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Courtier Aerhys, Pack Sister Kayena, Glitterbug Kalinandra who is bedeviled by a ginormous ghost cat with a prodigiously floofy tail, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Nurse Eurynomile, Forest Watcher Damoone, Pyppa, Physician Jundara, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Fire Witch Merilwen, Miecha, Mageling Aerilia, Keinruf, Forest Sprite Lileath who is accompanied by a pair of faintly glowing will-o-wisps, Knight Penitent Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Life Weaver Ysilda, Sammee, Esotericist Eyst, Valynn, Tempest Knight Saragos who has a fiery visage, Wind Listener Sceth, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna who is circled by ephemeral phantom sharks, Bastion of Life Karthor, Lexxa and Druid Waydren.
Obvious exits: south.

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Waydren flounders about in the water.

Crobin says, "I will be back, I need to go get Leayne."

Waydren nods to Crobin.

Madigan nods to Aaiyaah.

Fearless Crobin swims south, moving through the still water.

Harsh quietly says, "The spot is blessed."

Harsh smiles.

Rileos says to Waydren, "Got left but y'all leave a lotta tracks."

Waydren nods to Harsh.

Malorna asks, "Did anyone else get ringing in their ears for a moment?"

Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Thanator says, "Not I."

Aaiyaah grins at Madigan.

Tirost shakes his head at Merilwen.

Aaiyaah nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sukidesu says, "Probably a bard spell."

Waydren says to Hanryu, "We stand yet in water, friend."

Hanryu shakes a sopping wet HIS towel about, scattering water all over everything!

Briaen puts his towel in his hunter's rucksack.

Hanryu shakes a sopping wet HIS towel about, scattering water all over everything!

Hanryu wrings out a sopping wet HIS towel, splashing water in a puddle at his feet.

Hanryu gets a coal black HIS towel soaking wet dragging it through the water. It will have to dry out for a long time before it is useable again.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Illiya joins Waydren's group.

Dasheek stands near Illiya.

Hanryu gets a coal black HIS towel soaking wet dragging it through the water. It will have to dry out for a long time before it is useable again.

Valynn grins at Hanryu.

Hanryu puts his towel in his bearskin cloak.

Waydren asks, "Madigan, Saragos, what did *you* see?"

Malorna says, "Oh. was right after i said they were there, but not there."

Keinruf asks, "It is feelink like magic is scar, and broken bone, and makink infection... is my understandink?"

Tirost grins at Merilwen.

Madigan says, "Not a thing."

Hanryu jots down some notes.

Waydren raises an eyebrow.

Waydren asks, "You saw nothing?"

Aislynn quietly says, "How can the world be in so much pain, and we don't feel it? Agony for lifetimes... Why haven't we noticed? Empaths, I mean. I'm sure rangers have known forever."

Ezerak nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aislynn frowns.

Merilwen grins at Tirost.

Hanryu swims about in lazy circles.

Damoone searches around for a moment.

Madigan says, "Not a thing. Although, I was getting reports as you received visions."

Karthor nods at Aislynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos rubs his left arm.

Allye trills softly at Aislynn.

Valynn nods at Aislynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Madigan asks, "Saragos, you see anything?"

Melindrha says, "We are limited by what the guild allows us to know."

Melindrha looks at Aislynn and shrugs.

Karthor says to Aislynn, "Because we never throught to feel it through the Rangers before, I s'pose."

Sarugar quietly says, "Not visions."

Waydren says, "One moment, friend."

Aislynn quietly says to Melindrha, "Piffle to them."

Aislynn makes a grunting noise.

Melindrha smirks.

Saragos says to Madigan, "I saw nothing."

Sceth says, "Wonder if us havin full ranger bonus's would of impacted any of that."

Aerhys nods to Zersha.

Melindrha says, "One day, I should tell you about my digging."

Zersha nods to Aerhys.

Aislynn nods to Melindrha.

Melindrha says, "Hopefully I can do so before the guild disappears me."

Ezerak says, "I also saw nothing."

Hanryu says to Sceth, "I topped up before I got here."

Golameth asks Melindrha, "Troll in a hole?"

Madigan shakes Ezerak's hand.

Damoone nods to Hanryu.

Sarugar nods at Hanryu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Melindrha just tickled Golameth.

Aislynn quietly says to Melindrha, "If we find you wandering on the roads without a name, we'll fix you up."

Briaen gazes at his torch.

Sceth grins at Hanryu.

Aislynn pats Melindrha on the back.

Ezerak shakes Madigan's hand.

Sceth says, "Me too but just in case."

Hanryu smiles.

Fearless Crobin's group just arrived.

Waydren says, "Let me impart what I saw."

Aislynn ponders.

Saragos says to Madigan, "Didn't expect much too. But I'm very interested in getting the details.

Leayne joins Waydren's group.

Tirost gazes at Waydren.

Eurynomile says, "Im thrilled to hear we our captured ones are alive.. great job all! hasta catch up with Cythra before she gets lost! be well all."

Eurynomile beams!

Waydren says, "Tell me what you make of this, those who did not see."

Crobin joins Waydren's group.

Aaiyaah nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Eurynomile smiles.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Eurynomile waves.

Nurse Eurynomile swims south, moving through the still water.

Aerilia tilts her head inquisitively.

Aerhys nods to Zersha.

Crobin says, "Sorry about that."

Waydren says, "I became distinctly aware that Elanthia perceives time on a scale unfamiliar to me, as layers of sediment each sing their own song of epochs and days from before the rise of humanity on this world."

Zersha nods to Waydren.

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Waydren says, "It showed me a time when the planet was teeming with wildness. Vibrant, uncontrolled, untamed life was once present here, in this very location. You sense the rise and fall of countless civilizations here, in this very soil. Under the careful watch of a cultivating eye pruning and fertilizing the natural life on the planet, you feel the influence of guardians maintaining the balance between wildness and civilization. Existence, self-contained and free of outside influence, remained in balance such that life could thrive."

Kerennya joins Waydren's group.

Melindrha quietly says to Thanator, "Speaking of seeing things, if you see your blade in Zali's mouth, I am your alibi."

Valynn nods to Waydren.

Waydren says, "I felt a distinct time when these gardeners sustaining the balance could no longer entirely fight off outside influence. As each civilization learned to harness the flowing streams of mana, it crumbled beneath a localized extinction, leaving a bleeding wound where no life could bloom. What was an embrace of wholeness now twists into a litany of trauma, as unnatural blights spread from festering eruptions long forgotten. I felt the overwhelming loss of Life within each wound, as disease propagates alien, twisted life from outside of the plane in each laceration. As portions of Elanthia have died, outsiders have planted their seed and begun cultivating to expand their own presence through new pathways into existence from elsewhere."

Aerhys shakes his head at Zersha.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Waydren says, "As new pathways came to take what was here, lesser guardians attempted to assist the caretakers. They attempted to contain the wounds, and to cultivate life, but their impact was severely limited, as it was dependent on a connection to the outside, as if drawing from a well some distance away to put out a raging fire. The wounds continued to fester and bleed. The primary guardians, who were reliant on the balance of life to continue cultivating, focused on what good they could do, leaving the outsiders to attempt to contain the blights."

A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face.

Rileos joins Waydren's group.

Allye nods to Waydren.

Waydren says, "Within each of these wounds, Elanthia has never recovered. Only unnatural life, blighted and cursed, can thrive in these conditions. They are no longer part of the balance within Elanthia -- and they take more from Elanthia with every iteration."

Malorna shudders.

Tirost frowns.

Aislynn's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.

Lexxa nods in agreement.

Malorna says, "Need more trees and plants."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Zersha shivers.

Malorna says, "We didnt try our wariors either."

Waydren says, "The pain now grows, welling to an unsustainable level, and I found yourself feeling the weight of Arhat's crumbling tower above you. My senses focused on this location, and my connection with Elanthia helped guide the memory of the nature surrounding this tower to the specific point in which our compatriots disappeared."

Karthor says, "ZerraZap was there. Not a peep."

Karthor looks at Malorna and shrugs.

Kayena sighs.

A tear runs down Valynn's face.

Waydren says, "Pushing out the influence of everything outside of this focal point, my senses sharpened. I witnessed the flash that rent many into the Null Prison, and the return of all but five. Curiously, I felt the influence of their life in this very moment in time and in this very space. All five beings strangely appear to be here within the vicinity of the Tower -- but entirely out of reach, as if in a space that is not tangible in any meaningful way."

Harsh hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Harsh smiles.

Aislynn nods to Waydren.

Waydren says, "And then the vision faded."

Rileos pats Valynn on the back.

Valynn clears her throat.

Harsh shakes his head.

Aerilia ponders.

Lexxa nods in agreement.

Damoone ponders.

Karthor says to Tirost, "What he said. Apparently he finds words faster'n I do."

Ezerak frowns.

Valynn smiles at Karthor.

Sukidesu nods emphatically.

Healer Leilanie just arrived.

Sammee glances outside a moment.

Tirost smiles slightly at Karthor.

Avrenka ponders.

Lexxa says, "I seen and felt these things as well."

Waydren grins at Karthor.

Sarugar gives a slight nod.

Damoone nods to Lexxa.

Rileos says, "Likewise."

Waydren nods to Lexxa.

Madigan asks, "Anyone find specific meaning from those visions? Does it lead us into a specific direction?"

Ezerak quietly asks, "I do not hear much that is useful to their rescue, besides that it seems they are...alive?"

Rileos says, "Also my arm hurts."

Aislynn nods.

Hanryu says to Malorna, "I got the feeling the scars aren't just lacking trees. I felt it was more existential and ethereal than that."

Aislynn rests her hand on Rileos's arm with a soft smile.

Valynn wipes her nose.

Madigan rubs Valynn gently, massaging her muscles.

Hanryu says, "Like some of the most scarred parts of elanthia are full of trees. Like that forest near leth."

Avrenka slowly says, "Well at least we know they're not in another Plane ... but an alternate space."

Ezerak quietly says, "But I was already certain of that much."

Aerilia says, "That time of wilderness long ago.. before other planes began to influence ours? I wasn't sure such a time ever existed."

Waydren says to Madigan, "I am not sure yet. I would rather not leap upon a trail without knowing the normal make and shape of the land. It bears thinking upon."

Malorna asks, "Could we... have tried healing the tower??"

Golameth says, "Valenal made a remark last night similar to one of those visions."

Leayne ponders.

Rejind nods to Golameth.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Golameth.

Rileos peers quizzically at Golameth.

Damoone glances at Golameth.

Valynn gazes at Golameth.

Sammee quietly says, "Civilization and Magic were a mistake."

Sammee makes a grunting noise.

Saragos frowns.

Lord of the Drink Medir just arrived.

Madigan asks, "I would very much like to hear about Valenal. I understand he was killed?"

Aislynn hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Aislynn with a warm smile.

Madigan asks, "And...that the bugger might be mad?"

Madigan raises an eyebrow.

Medir hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Medir with a warm smile.

Medir smiles.

Natarian says, "Quite mad."

Malorna says, "He was .. odd last night."

Zersha stands near Aerhys.

Illiya says, "I don't think he's mad.. Oh, crazy, maybe."

Leilanie nods at Malorna, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerhys leans on Zersha.

Kerennya says to Madigan, "After he killed at least half a dozen of us."

Tirost says to Madigan, "He is inhabited, he claims, by elementals."

Dasheek ponders.

Aaiyaah ponders.

Madigan blinks at Tirost.

Aislynn squints.

Valynn nods to Aaiyaah.

Harsh quietly says, "Well a couple of yas anyhow."

Dasheek laughs!

Hanryu asks Tirost, "Multiples?"

Aislynn quietly asks, "Possesed?"

Valynn leans on Aaiyaah.

Golameth says, "Somethign about heralds needing to steal energy."

Malorna says, "Multple elementals that want to try things.. experiene things."

Leilanie nods to Aislynn.

Tirost nods to Hanryu.

Aislynn frowns.

Rileos says to Tirost, "That seems...ill advised."

Waydren asks Madigan, "Are you familiar with invasive species?"

Sukidesu says, "From the reports I heard, he did warn people who didn't listen to him."

Hanryu mutters something into the air about great.

Leilanie says, "I actually feel very bad for him."

Zersha furrows her brow.

  • Valenal joins the adventure.
  • Steward of Recursion Liraxes joins the adventure.

Valenal and Liraxes Arrive

Tirost says to Rileos, "To say the least, and he agrees."

Natarian says, "Experience things like going on a killing spree."

Hanryu quietly says, "Oh speaking of extraplanar intruders..."

Kerennya exclaims, "Liraxes!"

Tirost says, "Let Golameth speak of it. He was there longer than I was."

Malorna nods to Hanryu.

Sammee says, "But also sausage rolls, which is slightly more innocent."

Aislynn quietly says, "Liraxes is nearby."

Steward of Recursion Liraxes just arrived.

Golameth says, "Yes yes he has a made elemental in there, its okay, he goes crazzy i'll just stop his magic this time, no need to kill him."

Aislynn points south.

Saragos says, "I think... I don't care about anything but getting my wife back. Magic, and Elanthia's wounds are a problem for later. I'm concerned about the end, about our missing, as it may mandate a different approach than the one planned."

Aerhys peers quizzically at Aislynn.

Valenal just arrived.

Rotating chunks of blue crystal begin to appear from nowhere, growing, spinning and merging into one another until they eventually assemble into a form vaguely resembling a male humanoid.

Zersha blinks.

Illiya blinks.

Illiya gazes at Liraxes.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh."

Ezerak blinks.

Malorna says, "Erm."

Rileos blinks.

Aerhys blinks.

Allye quirks her ears outward for a moment, blinking in surprise at Liraxes.

Rileos says, "Uhhhh."

Kayena gazes at Liraxes.

Aerilia blinks.

Crobin says, "Well."

Rileos says, "That's weird."

Illiya gazes at Valenal.

Madigan left the group.

Merilwen blinks.

Crobin says, "Another guest."

Tirost left the group.

Rileos says to Liraxes, "Oh, hi again."

Sukidesu blinks at Valenal.

Urbaj smiles at Liraxes.

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

Rejind says, "Valenal indicated that he was a Warrior Mage who was researching a way to pierce the veil between Planes, and succeeded in what he called a 'translation matrix'. Unfortunately, this opened him up to outside entities which can now use the conduits he opened to essentially 'possess' him."

Crobin joins Madigan's group.

Golameth pats Valenal on the back.

Valynn gazes at Valenal.

Merilwen gazes at Valenal.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Harsh blinks.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Tirost!

Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh."

Melindrha glances at Urbaj.

Melindrha grins.

Valenal cheerfully exclaims, "Yes, quite strange!"

Saragos says, "Oh, lovely. The agenda-pushers."

Parkons gazes at Liraxes.

Valynn gazes at Liraxes.

Eyst asks, "Oh my, this is the Liraxes creature?"

Karthor peers over the rim of his spectacles.

Thanator squints.

Aerilia gazes at Liraxes.

Sukidesu says, "Well...this is unprecedented. Two visitors."

Parkons looks over Liraxes very closely.

Illiya says to Valenal, "We were just talking about you.."

Merilwen gazes at Liraxes.

Sukidesu says, "At once."

Waydren says, "I care not what these think."

Aerilia asks, "Has it found answers, I wonder?"

Aislynn quietly asks Valenal, "Hullo, there. Do you consider yourself mad?"

Golameth asks Valenal, "You goinbg to behave?"

Waydren stops you from following him.

Aislynn observes Valenal with fascination.

Rejind says to Valenal, "I do hope I've gotten it at least somewhat right."

Aaiyaah joins Madigan's group.

Harsh joins Madigan's group.

A nervous tic starts up around Aislynn's eye.

You see Steward of Recursion Liraxes, Warden of Adaptation, a being of pure probability.
Liraxes is composed of fractal blue crystal that twists and arcs in lattices into a form vaguely resembling a male humanoid. Impossible geometry forms in only vaguely symmetrical patterns across the body of this being, extruding into a jagged network of fragmented spines. A translucent face approximates what one would expect of a Human, only without a clear definition; it adjusts between varying expression of approximation of emotion, appearing noticeably similar but entirely alien.
Liraxes is of indeterminate age.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a raiment of fractal crystals.

Natarian asks, "I don't believe in coincidences. Why have you both come together?"

You see Valenal, Elemental Conduit of Elanthia, a Human.
Valenal has a round face, savant milky white eyes and a small nose. He has cropped snow-white-streaked red-gold hair, with weathered skin and an athletic build.
He is average height for a Human.
He appears to be young.
He has a thin sparse mustache on his upper lip and a thin patchy beard.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a deeply-hooded burlap cloak, a heavily scarred arcanist's belt, some rugged black leather boots weathered with scorch-marks, some conjured armor of raw segmented metal plates and some faded pants.

Valynn joins Madigan's group.

Parkons gives Liraxes a most suspicious look.

Sukidesu pats Aislynn on the back.

(Aerhys stands behind Zersha.)

Liraxes tonelessly says, "An interesting series of events. This does seem conducive to maintaining Balance."

Melindrha joins Madigan's group.

Valenal glances at Liraxes.

Thanator moves over to guard Melindrha.

Zersha moves over to guard Aerhys.

Aerhys beams at Zersha!

Aislynn frowns at Liraxes.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah swims south, moving through the still water.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Liraxes.

Golameth asks Valenal, "You said something interesting last night baout the Heralds needs to steal energy, could you recap it?"

Aislynn quietly asks Liraxes, "Well, drat. You're not several spiderlings stacked together under those crystals, are you?"

Aislynn observes Liraxes with fascination.

Avrenka flashes a quick grin at Aislynn.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "What events, specifically are not conducive to balance?"

Medir squints.

Briaen clenches his fists.

Golameth smooches Kalinandra all over her face.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aislynn, "There are no spiders as part of this structure."

Avrenka asks Valenal, "What brings you here, friend?"

Aerhys whispers something to Zersha.

Aislynn mutters to herself.

Karthor scratches his head.

Zersha looks at Aerhys, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Valenal slowly says, "I am having a bit of sensory overload. Please bear with... us."

Court Advisor Aaiyaah just arrived.

Aaiyaah joins Madigan's group.

Aislynn quietly says to Liraxes, "It's alright. We can't all be amazing."

Aaiyaah moves over to guard Valynn.

Aislynn pats Liraxes on the back.

Sukidesu says to Valenal, "You and me both."

Aerilia nods at Valenal, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "Please let me ask again: what events, specifically are not conducive to balance?"

Illiya looks at Dasheek and shrugs.

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Valynn grins at Aerhys.

Valenal exclaims to Liraxes, "And yet, if you look at it the right level of generality, everything here is basically a spider!"

Golameth asks Valenal, "No fires tonight, and we'll have a good clean fight later, no need for people today...okay?"

Aerhys grins sheepishly at Valenal.

Aislynn beams at Valenal!

Allye blinks at Valenal.

Aerhys grins sheepishly at Valynn.

Aaiyaah draws forth a silversteel hurling axe etched with an elaborate gryphon.

Aerhys sighs.

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "Oh, I like you."

Zersha says, "I am not a spider."

Zersha folds her arms across her chest.

Karthor chuckles.

Valynn gazes at Valenal.

Tirost draws forth a haralun greatsword.

Leilanie smiles at Zersha.

Waydren nods to Tirost.

Rileos says to Valenal, "That makes no sense at all."

Aerhys looks at Zersha, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in his cheeks give him away.

Waydren points at Madigan.

Valenal exclaims to Zersha, "You basically are!"

Zersha squints at Valenal.

Waydren says to Madigan, "You wanted to have words with this one."

Avrenka snickers.

Waydren points at Valenal.

Zersha giggles at Aislynn.

Valenal hesitantly asks Golameth, "Oh. Um... do you have a sandwhich?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Tirost, "The ritual in which you have all engaged appears to be helpful toward that goal. The probability of an acceptable outcome has risen by 0.145 percent."

Waydren says to Madigan, "Have words. My recounting is finished."

Aerhys says, "I'm pretty sure I only have two legs.."

Allye beams at Liraxes!

Aerhys looks himself over.

Golameth exclaims, "I do!"

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Tirost nods to Liraxes.

Zersha nods at Aerhys, obviously agreeing with his views.

Madigan flounders about in the water.

Golameth puts his noodles in his winged unicorn.

Karthor scratches his head.

Zersha quietly says to Aerhys, "Not nearly enough eyes either."

Valenal says to Aerhys, "See...has legs. That's spider stuff."

Madigan smiles at Waydren.

Natarian asks Liraxes, "Acceptable?"

Valenal folds his arms across his chest.

Tirost says to Waydren, "We're that much closer to victory."

Aerhys nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Saragos says to Waydren, "Despite my focus being on my wife and the others, I can't help but think about your vision. My first take is that the initial guardians were likely the Heralds. Possibly, it's identifying those lesser guardians as the Immortals. Sounds like it's leading in a 'don't use magic' direction, which would result in a collapse of civilization. Also seems a very Draconic point of view."

Harsh beams at Melindrha!

Kalinandra gets a gooey grilled four-cheese sandwich on perfectly toasted buttery bread from inside a firestained damite grill pan with a fancy handle of glossy dragonwood.

Harsh hugs Melindrha, who wraps her arms around Harsh with a warm smile.

Melindrha hugs Harsh, who wraps his arms around Melindrha with a warm smile.

Kalinandra takes a big bite of her sandwich and oozing cheese threatens to escape from her!

Aislynn gets a waffled fish-shaped pastry with a delicate honey glaze from inside a set of burnished bamboo boxes bound in a stack by vibrant silk brocade.

Golameth nods to Kalinandra.

Aislynn offers Valenal a waffled fish-shaped pastry with a delicate honey glaze.

Valenal accepts Aislynn's fish-shaped pastry.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Valenal sniffs at a waffled fish-shaped pastry with a delicate honey glaze.

Golameth stretches out a hand imploringly to Kalinandra.

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "Waffle-tsann."

Waydren says to Saragos, "I will much want to discuss with you."

Kalinandra offers Golameth a gooey grilled four-cheese sandwich on perfectly toasted buttery bread.

Rileos asks Liraxes, "Any update on those calculations?"

Golameth accepts Kalinandra's four-cheese sandwich.

Valenal says to Aislynn, "Oh! That is very unique! Also basically a spider."

Valenal nods to Aislynn.

Golameth offers Valenal a gooey grilled four-cheese sandwich on perfectly toasted buttery bread.

Aislynn clicks her claws together.

Ezerak asks Saragos, "Have you considered that the initial guardians may be dragons?"

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Valenal accepts Golameth's four-cheese sandwich.

Valenal beams at Golameth!

Kalinandra taps a pair of black leather sandals worked with a rainbow of glass beads that she is

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "And also not."

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Crobin squints at Valenal.

Aislynn nods to Valenal.

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Avrenka says to Ezerak, "I had the same thought."

Aerilia ponders.

Aerhys squints at Valenal.

Kalinandra gets a gooey grilled four-cheese sandwich on perfectly toasted buttery bread from inside her deathfiber toolbag.

Valenal takes a big bite of his sandwich and oozing cheese threatens to escape from him!

Valenal takes a bite of the pastry.

Rileos nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kalinandra takes a bite of the sandwich.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Might be. Might also be that those things are related to each other."

Ezerak asks Saragos, "And the alien ones the Heralds?"

Valenal exclaims to Aislynn, "I know! This is amazing!!"

Sukidesu says, "I'm pretty sure there's a food somewhere that is spiders..."

Avrenka says to Ezerak, "Although ... dragons and Heralds seem to be interconnected."

Harsh grins at Melindrha.

Aislynn beams at Valenal!

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Briaen looks over Valenal very closely.

Valynn glances at Valenal.

(Parkons focuses his attention on Liraxes. His right hand making small gestures like he is counting.)

Harsh beams at Thanator!

Aerhys asks Valenal, "D-do you know what spiders actually are?"

Waydren says to Ezerak, "I feel you track the trail in the wrong direction."

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "Perhaps, perhaps not."

Waydren smiles at Ezerak.

Aislynn stands near Valenal.

Sofina nods to Zersha.

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Aerhys waves to Sofina.

Waydren nods.

Valenal hesitantly asks Aerhys, "They're... sort of a thing with legs and eyes, aren't they?"

Aislynn gets a round icesteel-paned box supported by a web of sungold branches from inside her leather backpack.

Aislynn opens her icesteel-paned box.

Rileos searches around for a moment.

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Sofina giggles.

Aerhys grins at Valenal, his dimples flashing into view.

Pyppa says, "Atleast your on the trail."

Aislynn carefully picks up a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings.

Ezerak says, "If the Heralds are so powerful and alien, dragons may just be one of the forms they've decided to take to communicate."

Sofina waves to Zersha.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Sofina waves to Aerilia.

Waydren nods to Pyppa.

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Aislynn shows her flower spider to Valenal.

Sofina flails about in the water.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Valenal flops down into the water with a loud *SMACK*!

Tirost sheathes his greatsword.

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "Spider."

Hanryu joins Madigan's group.

Kayena gazes upward.

Avrenka asks, "I understand why Liraxes is here ... but why is Valenal here?"

Aislynn holds up her hand, and a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings scuttles onto her shoulder.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "At present, I calculate a 67.38294736 percent chance that these mana events are not the result of intentional activities. However, there is an 86.98237236 percent chance that they are now being taken advantage of by intelligent entities."

Valenal lays on the ground, rubbing his belly.

Illiya splashes water all over Valenal!

Valynn gazes at Valenal.

Medir ponders.

Sammee furrows his brow.

Ezerak gazes at Liraxes.

Aerilia ponders.

Aerhys quietly says to Valenal, "Famously eight legs and many eyes."

Sukidesu says, "Those are certainly some numbers."

Merilwen ponders.

Sceth mutters something into the air about math.

Medir nods in agreement.

Crobin grumbles.

Aerilia says, "Taken advantage of.. hm."

Thanator nods at Sceth, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aaiyaah grins at Valynn.

Rejind says to Liraxes, "So it is likely that the cause wasn't malicious, but now entities are taking advantage of the situation that has arisen."

Madigan nods to Harsh.

Valenal says to Liraxes, "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a spider. Your math is too fancy."

Valynn gives Aaiyaah a wry grin.

Leilanie looks at Valenal, obviously trying not to grin.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rejind, "That appears to be likely, based on current available data."

A nervous tic starts up around Aerhys's eye.

Allye scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Zersha says to Valenal, "I'm not sure you know what a duck is..."

Crobin asks, "What...duck...spider?"

Malorna gets an ugly stuffed duckling from inside an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Rileos asks Liraxes, "What are the most likely entities taking advantage of this?"

Malorna rubs an ugly stuffed duckling.

Malorna puts her duckling in an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Aerhys quietly says to Valenal, "Ducks only have the two legs."

Valenal triumphantly asks Zersha, "Legs and eyes, right?"

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "The number of legs and eyes is important."

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Valenal, "Available references do not include any spider duck hybrids."

Medir says, "Depends on before or after they're prepped f'dinner."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Zersha says to Valenal, "Yes, they both have legs and eyes, but a different amount. Different coverings too."

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "Has a big impact on how we see and move."

Aerilia gazes upward.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Aislynn blanches.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Aislynn quietly says, "Please don't make spider-ducks."

Aerhys quietly says to Valenal, "It's very important the amount of eyes and legs a thing has."

Aislynn fidgets nervously.

Kalinandra takes a bite of the sandwich.

Zersha nods at Aerhys, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh quietly says, "I wonder if them gazing at a sanowret would teach them anything."

Crobin asks, "Spuks?"

Crobin ponders.

Aislynn winces.

Valenal cautiously asks, "They each have more than two?"

Malorna nods.

Aislynn nods to Crobin.

Malorna nods at Aislynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Pyppa smiles at Harsh.

Aerhys shakes his head at Valenal.

Harsh smiles at Pyppa.

Medir scratches his head.

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "But we have two, and they have eight. Plus, ducks have wings."

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Calculate the chances of solving this problem being improved if the efforts being put towards returning our missing are instead being put towards solving things."

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "You were calculating concrete steps to achieve balance when you last visited. Have you been able to make progress?"

Crobin asks, "Duders?"

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "Which... most of us do not."

Allye nods to Urbaj.

Merilwen asks Shaylynne, "Why are we talking about spiders? and ducks?"

Lexxa shakes her head.

Harsh quietly says, "Has been one aura ive seen and only that."

Shaylynne looks at Merilwen and shrugs.

Merilwen scratches her head.

Valenal asks Liraxes, "Imagine you are an entity that solves crimes. A crime has been committed that could only happen through super-magic, and only one entity can do super-magic. Who would you posit is the perpetrator?"

Harsh nods to Pyppa.

Harsh nods to Hanryu.

Harsh quietly says, "Now is more."

Waydren searches around for a moment.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "Calculations are less precise there. At present, the highest probabilities would include the beings known as the Heralds, followed by demonic entities, other types of entities from outside of known space, and the beings known as the Immortals, in that order."

Shaylynne says to Merilwen, "Won't matter how many legs and eyes we have if the world ends."

Crobin says, "As long as we do not make spider geese."

Crobin says, "Geese are mean."

Merilwen nods to Shaylynne.

Valenal says, "Also, discard for the moment that super magic is not a thing."

Leayne laughs!

Zersha glances at Sofina.

Sukidesu looks at Crobin and blanches.

Harsh just nudged Pyppa.

Pyppa nods to Harsh.

Parkons asks Liraxes, "What are the remaining unknowns in your calculations?"

Golameth asks Valenal, "You said something interesting last night about the Heralds needing to steal energy, could you recap it?"

Pyppa chuckles at Harsh.

Crobin asks, "Us?"

Telaen Mewawl just arrived.

Tirost grins at Aerilia.

Shaylynne nods to Merilwen.

Valenal hesitantly asks Golameth, "I...did? Ahh...could you remind me?"

Merilwen giggles at Shaylynne.

Aerilia chortles softly at some secret joke.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Aerhys glances at Valenal.

Aerilia joins Madigan's group.

Rileos nods to Liraxes.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Merilwen whispers something to Shaylynne.

Liraxes tonelessly asks Valenal, "Does super-magic include the ability to change events which occurred in the past?"

Casari glances outside a moment.

Aislynn frowns.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Rileos quietly says to Urbaj, "Ask it again, that's a really good question and it might get distracted."

Valenal exclaims to Liraxes, "It might!"

Merilwen winks at Shaylynne.

Leayne joins Madigan's group.

Golameth says to Valenal, "Someone is stealing magic like the heralds and brekaing all the rules, and you don't know who would do that, but its scary."

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Crobin joins Madigan's group.

Madigan nods to Rileos.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Melindrha!

Sukidesu cocks his head.

Valenal says to Golameth, "Oh! That does sound scary."

Valenal flounders about in the water.

Mewawl gives Leilanie some coins.

Zersha asks Valenal, "This is going to come across very rude, but what are you?"

Valenal frowns.

Zersha cocks her head at Valenal.

Valenal swims back up into a vertical position.

Valenal splashes water all over Zersha!

Leilanie grins at Mewawl.

Zersha blinks at Valenal.

Allye giggles.

Aerhys quietly says to Zersha, "They call that a 'human', I believe."

Avrenka grins.

Zersha shakes her head at Aerhys.

Zersha says, "I don't think he is."

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke.

Sceth churns up water with her feet, spraying you thoroughly.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Aerhys.

Sukidesu asks, "Wait, is there time pocket shenanigans involved here?"

Rejind says, "He's not."

Valynn gazes at Valenal.

Mewawl grins at Leilanie.

Valenal says to Zersha, "What a question! I am clearly a human warrior mage! I have eyes and legs."

Golameth says to Zersha, "A Warrior Mage with Elemental parasites....i am calling them perasites."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Valenal, "Identification of the being responsible would likely then result in the identity of the being responsible being changed, making any answer unviable."

Mewawl praises Leilanie.

Rileos says to Zersha, "Well, not -anymore-."

Leilanie smiles at Mewawl.

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "You could be a spider."

Zersha says to Valenal, "A Human wouldn't need to define themselves that way."

Sceth says, "2 legs.. not 8."

Harsh quietly says, "Favored by the gods."

Aislynn squints at Valenal.

Harsh shrugs.

Rejind says, "Well, the body is, the entities behind him referred to it as a 'human suit'."

Leilanie gazes off to the south.

Allye looks thoughtfully at Liraxes.

Aislynn gives Valenal a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Pyppa ponders.

Valenal fidgets nervously.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Repeating my query: have you been able to make any progress on determining which concrete steps we can take to restore balance?"

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Madigan praises Urbaj.

Shaylynne ponders.

Elizzibiana chuckles at Leilanie.

Rileos nods at Urbaj, obviously agreeing with his views.

Leilanie grins at Elizzibiana.

Madigan quietly says, "I like Urbaj more and more each day."

Valenal hesitantly asks Zersha, "Are you sure?"

Elizzibiana winks at Leilanie.

Rileos nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Leilanie smiles.

Melindrha nods to Madigan.

Aerhys glances at Zersha.

Aerhys glances at Valenal.

Elizzibiana says to Leilanie, "Hes a fast slippery one."

Leilanie nods at Elizzibiana, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aislynn observes Valenal with fascination.

Blind Fury Brisknite just arrived.

Zersha says to Valenal, "Fairly, yes, I'm an Elf and I grew up knowing I was an Elf."

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Why would identity of the culprit be changed once identified?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Urbaj, "Yes. A great deal of data has been acquired, and enough parameters identified that steps can be taken. A first step will be to further refine the available tools to improve the accuracy of determining further steps."

Illiya searches around for a moment.

Valenal says to Liraxes, "Unless there is only one being in the five dimensional probability space that fits the criteria. In which case he would have to wear a mustache and glasses, but wouldn't fool anybody."

Melindrha says to Liraxes, "I've been thinking about what you just said about changing the past. That's potentially disasterous."

Allye nods to Medir.

Ezerak says to Liraxes, "How many steps are we talking."

Golameth says to Liraxes, "A being that can change the type of being it is....hopefulyl it changes itself into an ant."

Sammee glances at Valenal.

Leilanie rubs her head.

Pyppa says, "If only Miskton was here."

Aislynn pats Pyppa on the back.

Allye nods at Pyppa, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos nods to Pyppa.

Sukidesu nods at Pyppa, obviously agreeing with her views.

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Eyst asks Liraxes, "What are the available tools? Do you mean yourself?"

Leayne nods to Pyppa.

Valenal asks Aislynn, "Hey!!! Are...um...you have two eyes and four limbs...spider?"

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Lord of the Drink Medir swims south, moving through the still water.

Waydren searches around for a moment.

Rileos exclaims, "Oh!"

Valynn quietly says to Valenal, "Your statement to Zersha does not preclude you being a shape shifter."

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "I wish! Alas, I am S'Kra."

Aislynn makes a grunting noise.

Valenal appears to be poking himself.

Illiya nods.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

A liquid, dusky light cascades down Leayne's body like thick honey before thinning out.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.

Raw energies rupture near Waydren, leaving him looking pale and drained.

Elizzibiana nods to Aislynn.

Sceth concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on her face.

A fearsome mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "To that end, Liraxes can make use of materials from this plane for constructing a device more attuned to this phase. Any contribution of small rods or mechanisms made from materials from this plane will be helpful in this regard."

Dasheek ducks down under the water for a second and then resurfaces, thoroughly soaked.

Leayne smiles at Anuril, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Valenal quietly says to himself, "Can we shapeshift? That would be awesome."

Sceth says, "Again fast reflexes."

Sceth snaps her fingers.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Harsh quietly says, "I Dasheek is right and at least one of these is a dragon."

Melindrha gets a huge bronze bar from inside her goldweave lootpouch.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Valenal.

Aislynn observes Valenal with fascination.

Ezerak ponders.

Melindrha offers Liraxes a huge bronze bar.

Melindrha raises an eyebrow.

Sofina shows Valenal her harvester spider.

Valynn squints at Valenal.

Kamisama takes a sip of his wine.

Allye gets an alabaster rod from inside her watersilk bag.

Elizzibiana utters a soft, rumbling trill.

Aaiyaah asks, "Rods and mechanisms?"

Avrenka asks, "Small rods? Really?"

Zersha asks Valenal, "Do you not know what you are?"

Aislynn quietly asks Valenal, "Can't know until you try, right?"

Ezerak gets a large sack from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Where specifically shold we put those mechanisms?"

Melindrha says, "Manipulable and of this plane."

Sofina says to Valenal, "Thats a spider. Ish."

Casari gets a brass gear with an oily sheen from inside her spidersilk backpack.

Aaiyaah asks, "Made with any particular materials?"

Casari examines her gear.

Saragos asks Liraxes, "Do you have any information on the abductors of our five missing people?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Melindrha, "A more processed form will be better suited to this task."

Aerhys asks Valenal, "What is the last thing you remember?"

Kamisama takes a sip of his wine.

Ezerak offers Liraxes a large sack.

Anuril takes a sip of his milk.

Casari puts her gear in her spidersilk backpack.

Liraxes accepts Ezerak's sack.

Ezerak asks Liraxes, "Will these work?"

Merilwen says to Valenal, "I like your boots."

Valenal says to Zersha, "That is a complicated sort of question."

Dasheek says to Harsh, "I believe you might be mistaken. I don't think either of these is a dragon."

Allye offers Liraxes an alabaster rod.

Anuril puts his talisman in his silk backpack.

Valenal beams at Merilwen!

Shaylynne grins at Merilwen.

Merilwen grins.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Ezerak, "Yes, these will be helpful."

Liraxes accepts Allye's rod.

Zersha says to Valenal, "It can be, but I think it's important in this instance."

Ezerak nods.

Ezerak says, "Excellent."

Dasheek says to Harsh, "Now, I've met some I think might be recently..."

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Zersha grins at Valenal, her dimples flashing into view.

Liraxes puts his rod in his sack.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "Which 5 dimensions do you speak of? 3 dimensional space, time and ...?"

Harsh nods to Dasheek.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Rileos says to Liraxes, "How would one go about opening a rift to a location out of phase with the plane but coterminous with it? The current planar location is a known quantity."

Pyppa asks, "Is he saying the spider is wearing glasses and a mustache? As in hiding as some other thing?"

Valenal beams at Merilwen for a moment that stretches into awkwardness. Perhaps he isn't sure what part is the boots?

Merilwen gazes at Valenal.

Eyst asks Ezerak, "What did you give it?"

Saragos says, "Hey. It's an entity from the Plane of Probability. They make bargains. You're going to give it something, make sure to get it to agree to concrete steps in return."

Leilanie says to Valenal, "You seem to have yourself under much better control today. It's nice to see."

Allye blinks at Rileos.

Ezerak says to Eyst, "A mess of copper rods."

Golameth says to Leilanie, "We are keeping them fed this time."

Kamisama takes a sip of his wine.

Rileos asks Allye, "What?"

Ezerak says, "Left over from another experiment."

Allye quietly says to Rileos, "You really are quite good at this."

Leilanie smiles at Golameth.

Valenal ponders.

Kamisama takes a sip of his wine.

Leilanie says to Golameth, "Wonderful."

Kerennya gets some steel mechanisms from inside an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Eyst says, "Ah, I believe I recall that one."

Kerennya shows Liraxes her steel mechanisms.

Rileos says to Allye, "I read a book once and it had a lotta fancy words and I'm just guessin with em."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "That task would likely require a sorcerous pattern of some nature, the specifics of which are not part of available data."

Allye looks at Rileos, obviously trying not to grin.

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "Like these?"

Harsh kneels down and touches his lips with the tips of his fingers.

Harsh continues praying fervently.

Aislynn makes a grunting noise.

Aerilia frowns slightly.

Zersha glances at Rileos.

Aislynn mutters something into the air about sorcery.

Aislynn grumbles.

Pyppa ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kerennya, "Yes, correct."

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Pyppa smiles at Anuril.

Aislynn shifts her weight.

Valenal asks Liraxes, "In a multiverse of branching possibilities, what is the minimum number of dimensions needed to represent a being that can affect all possible outcomes?"

Sofina roots around the area for a moment.

Aaiyaah asks, "Liraxes, can you tell us more about the device more attuned to this phase that we need to construct?"

Natarian asks Rileos, "Moon mages can already open rifts across distances on a single plane. We learned earlier that are friends are 'here'. What if that math is altered so that instead of opening a rift to a new location in the same plane, it's the same location in a different plane?"

Merilwen raises an eyebrow.

Aerilia blinks at Valenal.

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "And give the rods and mechanisms to you?"

Rileos says to Valenal, "Just one, if it can effect any and all possible outcomes."

Aerhys squints at Valenal.

Hanryu offers Liraxes a deed for some nickel mechanisms.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Valenal, "Processing that question."

Liraxes accepts Hanryu's mechanisms deed.

Kerennya offers Liraxes some steel mechanisms.

Valenal nods in agreement.

Kamisama chuckles.

Valenal exclaims, "Liraxes will crunch through that one in no time!"

Tirost puts his cube in his sling bag.

Rileos furrows his brow.

Kamisama shows Shaylynne his moonsilver game-bag.

Shaylynne gives Kamisama a good pinch!

Liraxes puts his deed in his sack.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "Youv'e mentioned 5 dimensional space multiple times ... which 5 dimensions are you referring to?"

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

Valenal asks himself, "Umm...good job, genius. What do we do now?"

Aerhys quietly asks Zersha, "Is the spider guy purposely trying to confuse the walking abacus?"

Aerhys nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Thanator gives Parkons a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Rileos nods to Aerhys.

Zersha quietly says to Aerhys, "I'm not sure, but it's confusing me."

Rileos says to Aerhys, "Seems likely, yeah."

Valenal says, "Well."

Crobin nods to Zersha.

Aerhys frowns.

Aislynn politely says to Valenal, "May I touch you? It helps me to understand your current physical existance."

Aerhys nods to Rileos.

Valenal says, "It's the same number of dimensions as I have fingers."

Valenal nods.

Zersha says to Valenal, "You have ten fingers. Or eight if you don't count thumbs."

Ezerak looks over Valenal very closely.

Eyst asks Valenal, "Are you not counting the other hand?"

Valenal asks Aislynn, "Please do?"

Valenal blinks at Eyst.

Aislynn rests her hand on Valenal's arm with a soft smile.

Harsh quietly says, "All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs."

Aerhys flounders about in the water.

Leilanie lays her hand on Valenal's arm.

Aerhys beams at Karthor!

Ezerak looks over Liraxes very closely.

Leayne hugs Pyppa, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Pyppa hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Pyppa with a warm smile.

Illiya lays her hand on Valenal's arm.

Pyppa hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Pyppa with a warm smile.

Saragos shakes his head.

Saragos mutters to himself.

Aislynn observes Valenal with fascination.

Valenal asks, "Oh, wow...wow.... then there might be 8 or even 10 dimensions?"

Crobin just hugged Pyppa.

Aerhys says to Karthor, "Thank you."

Casari says to Valenal, "Consider toes."

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "Don't forget toes."

Zersha squints at Valenal.

Aislynn nods to Casari.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Sofina gazes upward.

Damoone nods at Aerhys, obviously agreeing with his views.

Pyppa swims south, moving through the still water.

Harsh grins at Natarian.

Karthor says to Aerhys, "Sure thing, ya might've been there fer days otherwise."

Malorna says, "And a nose."

Kamisama takes his rightful place beside Shaylynne.

Valenal says, "Solving this caper is going to be complicated."

Shaylynne grins at Kamisama.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Valenal, "Ending recursive thought process. Refining answer based on partial data."

Leilanie studies the faces around her.

Casari looks thoughtfully at Liraxes.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Valenal, "All of them."

Zersha quietly asks Aerhys, "Are we now trying to confuse the not-Human-Human guy?"

Rileos asks Liraxes, "How good are you at hypotheticals?"

Sammee narrows his eyes.

Aerhys chuckles.

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Karthor scratches his head.

Madigan nods to Waydren.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Sofina looks over Liraxes very closely.

Golameth asks Valenal, "Does it have to be complicated for their enjoyment? could it be simple?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "The answer depends on available data in relation to the hypothetical scenario."

Leilanie looks over Liraxes very closely.

Aerhys quietly asks Zersha, "Can someone be confused if they already don't understand what makes a spider and duck different?"

Waydren nods to Crobin.

Karthor says, "This's somehow more difficult to digest than feelin' the entire life-history o' the world in a few moments."

Crobin nods to Waydren.

Karthor rubs his head.

Illiya coughs.

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Illiya's direction.

Zersha quietly asks Aerhys, "Probably? Maybe?"

Leayne nods to Karthor.

With a waver like a mirage, Sarugar fades into view.

Aaiyaah asks, "Liraxes, can you tell us more about the device more attuned to this phase that we need to construct?"

Waydren smiles at Sarugar.

Rileos asks Liraxes, "Alright then, if you were me, what would you ask you that we haven't asked you yet?"

Aerhys observes Valenal with fascination.

Waydren nods to Shaylynne.

Shaylynne nods politely to Waydren.

Waydren flounders about in the water.

Thanator grins at Illiya.

Zersha squints at Rileos.

Anuril grins at Rileos.

Valenal quietly says to Golameth, "Could you repeat a phrase to me, please? "It has been a lovely party but someone is at the door."

Aerhys grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.

Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne swims south, moving through the still water.

Alshabi Kamisama swims south, moving through the still water.

Fire Witch Merilwen swims south, moving through the still water.

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Aerhys peers quizzically at Valenal.

Crobin says, "Rileos just made my head throb."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aaiyaah, "Liraxes will construct the device, using materials acquired on this plane. Submission of materials will accelerate this process."

Aislynn glances at Golameth.

Ezerak peers quizzically at Valenal.

Zersha nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kerennya offers Liraxes some steel mechanisms.

Sukidesu asks, "What materials?"

Hanryu nods to Valenal.

Valynn nods at Malorna, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aislynn glances at Valenal.

Golameth ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The purpose of this device is to refine requests for additional tasks."

Liraxes accepts Kerennya's steel mechanisms.

Crobin nods to Valynn.

Sofina says, "Mechanisms and rods."

Liraxes shows Sukidesu his steel mechanisms.

Valynn folds her arms across her chest.

Aerhys shakes his head at Golameth.

Valynn shifts her weight.

Zersha asks Liraxes, "If we don't have those things now but gather them later, could you construct a place for us to put them for you to collect them?"

Sofina says to Golameth, "Please say it already! I'm dying ot see what happens."

Harsh quietly asks, "Have you two crossed paths before?"

Illiya asks, "The purpose of the device is so he can answer questions faster?"

Leayne ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "An array of materials with different properties will be helpful, as well."

Urbaj nods to Zersha.

Liraxes puts his mechanisms in his sack.

Sukidesu ponders.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "We need a contract on what's being done with these mechanisms."

Leilanie looks at Sofina, obviously trying not to grin.

Aerhys chuckles at Sofina.

Golameth fixes Valenal with a serene, lofty stare.

Golameth says, "It has been a lovely party but someone is at the door."

Tirost says to Liraxes, "List all necessary materials and desired quantities."

Sofina slowly empties her lungs.

Elizzibiana takes a bite from her icy snowball.

Sofina glances at Valenal.

Aerhys winces.

Elizzibiana takes a bite from her icy snowball.

Rileos asks, "Oh, damn, who here is a math person?"

Casari grins at Rileos.

Malorna gazes at Golameth.

Aislynn points at Rileos.

Rileos says, "I can't do math no more."

Madigan praises Tirost.

Aerhys gazes at Valenal.

Aislynn quietly says to Rileos, "You're it. Guess."

Aislynn babbles incoherently.

Valenal suddenly sags as if in relief. He mops a hand across his face and suddenly looks much more focused.

Kalinandra grins at Golameth, her dimples flashing into view.

Waydren nods at Leayne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos groans.

Aislynn observes Valenal with fascination.

Casari looks thoughtfully at Valenal.

Sofina pats Valenal on the back.

Golameth pats Valenal on the back.

Crobin asks, "If you were us Liraxes...what would you do?"

Valynn looks over Valenal very closely.

Elizzibiana ponders.

Rileos rummages about his person, looking for something.

Aerhys asks Golameth, "Maybe you broke him?"

Aislynn quietly asks Valenal, "Hmm. Did that send them all home again?"

Aerhys looks at Golameth, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in his cheeks give him away.

Rhainn smiles at Valenal.

Aislynn frowns at Valenal.

Rileos gets a portable purpleheart writing box artfully carved in bas-relief from inside his leather satchel.

Malorna asks, "Or he went tot he door??"

Golameth says to Valenal, "Welcome to the party."

Valenal says to Golameth, "Thank you. We have managed a certain amount of...ahh... call it understanding of boundaries."

Rileos gets a burnished gold leather notebook titled "Investigations" from inside his writing box.

Rileos gets a sleek purpleheart pen topped with a scintillating sun-in-glory prism from inside his writing box.

Valenal dusts himself off.

Rileos puts his box in his hunting pack.

Madigan quietly says, "Okay."

Tirost gazes at Liraxes.

Rileos moves a burnished gold leather notebook titled "Investigations" to his left hand.

Rileos moves a sleek purpleheart pen topped with a scintillating sun-in-glory prism to his right hand.

(Aerilia peers at the list.)

Harsh quietly says, "Wood huh."

Tirost jots down some notes.

Aerhys gazes at Valenal.

Harsh offers Liraxes a rough ebony block.

Harsh smiles.

Harsh quietly says, "Wood."

Harsh nods.

Valenal says, "And that phrase signals at least some of the elementals that they need a human's intervention."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Crobin, "Engage in unefficient biological processes, primarily."

Melindrha snickers.

Sukidesu says, "Hmm. I can get metal and stone..."

Melindrha says, "I mean."

Aislynn praises Valenal.

Rileos jots down some notes.

Sceth exclaims, "I got a rock!"

Valynn looks over Liraxes very closely.

Valenal says, "I am not sure how much time I have, but I wll help as much as I may."

Karthor chuckles.

Crobin asks, "Did he just tell me to like breath?"

Karthor says, "It's got a sense o' humor, how 'bout that."

Golameth says to Valenal, "We will make a note of that, just tug your ear next time they get rowdy."

Rileos asks Liraxes, "But specifically, what would you ask you that we haven't?"

Harsh quietly says, "Its so dry though."

Valenal nods at Golameth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sarugar asks Liraxes, "Do you know what entities attended the Balance on this plane prior to the arrival of external influences?"

Valenal seems to be waiting for something.

Aislynn quietly asks Valenal, "You mentioned five dimensions. And didn't want to explain. Can you now?"

Sammee says, "You asked if it were you, that's how it sees you."

Aerhys squints at Valenal.

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Sarugar's direction.

Aerhys asks Valenal, "What is the difference between a spider and a duck?"

Zersha looks at Aerhys, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Parkons says, "Ids."

Anuril takes a sip of his milk.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "Your brains are chaotic systems, and outside of Liraxes's directives."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Is there somewhere these materials can be left for you, after you have departed from this space?"

Valenal asks, "Yes. Five dimensions. Three spatial dimensions. Length, width, heighth, if you like. One temporal dimension. So far, so good?"

Aislynn nods to Valenal.

Saragos says to Rileos, "I want to be clear, we don't know what this thing does, and I have no reason to trust it. Until I get that, anyone brings any mechanism of it around Arhat's Tower is in for a fight."

Aerhys narrows his eyes.

Avrenka nods to Valenal.

Rileos asks Liraxes, "This is why this is a hypothetical. Hypothetically, what would -you- ask?"

Saragos says, "That goes for everyone. Understand it well."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "There will be another opportunity to provide them before long."

Rileos quietly says to Saragos, "I'm perfectly aware, s'why I'm tryin to find out more about it."

Valynn frowns.

Valenal says, "But the universe is not a single world-line, advancing into the future."

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Madigan says, "Liraxes, I have two questions."

Aislynn frowns.

Madigan gazes at Liraxes.

Leayne nods to Madigan.

Sukidesu glances at Aislynn.

Lexxa nods to Madigan.

Rileos reads his leather notebook.

Madigan asks, "First, who do you bloody serve?"

Avrenka asks, "Ah... multiple time dimensions?"

Valenal says, "There are multiple branching timelines that must be represented in a fifth dimension."

Madigan asks, "Second, what happens if I kill you?"

Valenal nods to Aislynn.

Parkons says to Liraxes, "Please accept these mechanisms and let me know if they are more or less helpful that what you have received so far."

Parkons offers Liraxes some icesteel mechanisms.

Madigan gazes at Liraxes.

Aerhys blinks.

Saragos grins at Madigan.

Urbaj frowns.

Aerhys sighs.

Zersha nods to Aerhys.

Zersha rubs Aerhys gently, massaging his muscles.

Ezerak ponders.

Illiya looks over Liraxes very closely.

Natarian says to Madigan, "You can't kill probability."

Casari fixes Madigan with a serene, lofty stare.

Saragos joins Madigan's group.

Aislynn ponders.

Crobin says, "Hey he is just asking."

Crobin says, "Not like he stabbed anything yet."

Liraxes tonelessly asks Rileos, "Most likely outcome, "How can we save our friends?"

Harsh quietly says, "I think he probably can."

Waydren says to Natarian, "He probably can't."

Valenal says, "A being able to move along the timelines would need to exist in five dimensions."

Waydren winks at Natarian.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "So it's possible our friends are in an alternate time line?"

Liraxes accepts Parkons's icesteel mechanisms.

Ezerak asks Madigan, "I am not sure it can be killed?"

Waydren just nudged Natarian.

Liraxes puts his mechanisms in his sack.

Golameth asks Natarian, "What if i choose to ignore it?"

Valenal ponders.

Natarian looks thoughtfully at Golameth.

Melindrha pats Thanator on the back.

Parkons rummages about his person, looking for something.

Illiya looks over Valenal very closely.

Sarugar shifts his weight.

Avrenka ponders.

Aislynn quietly asks Valenal, "Ahh. So while time is a discrete dimension, multiple timelines are a seperate dimension altogether? And it's possible to... move across them?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Madigan, "Balance. And your second question is not applicable."

Valenal cautiously says, "There is probably a set of your friends trapped in another timeline, yes."

Aislynn rubs her head.

Sarugar asks Liraxes, "Do you know what entities attended the Balance on this plane prior to the arrival of external influences?"

Ezerak says, "But please, let us not destroy anything before we have decided it may be useful in getting our people back."

Rileos nods to Ezerak.

(Zersha rubs her fingers against her temples and tries to follow the conversations.)

Briaen makes a grunting noise.

Lexxa nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sofina leans over and scratches Zersha's back.

Lileath asks, "A set of friends, or our friends?"

Leilanie nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Valynn nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha smiles at Valynn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Valenal says to Aislynn, "You are moving among the timelines every moment, if you think about it. You just mostly do it in one direction at a time."

Dasheek says, "Point."

Waydren says to Sarugar, "A question for the Leviathans, should he choose not to answer."

Voidwalker Itaro just arrived.

Eyst asks Valenal, "Would it be easier to get them than our friends caught on this timeline?"

Sarugar gives Waydren a slight nod.

Leilanie whispers something to Zersha.

Aislynn nods to Valenal.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Sarugar, "Exact identities unknown. There is a complicated system of homeostasis which attempts to keep things from running too far off balance."

Leilanie rubs her head.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "Do you think the Heralds are capable of moving along this 5th dimension? Or would it be another entity?"

Rileos says to Liraxes, "When you first showed yourself to us and were asked to define balance, you showed up a lot of math. Please show it again."

Valenal ponders.

Aislynn ponders.

Zersha looks at Leilanie and blushes.

(Valynn pinches the bridge of her nose and gently massages the underlying muscles.)

Aerhys whispers something to Zersha.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "At present, use of allostasis, acting with intent to preserve the systems has been determined to be necessary."

Zersha nods to Valynn.

Aaiyaah gets an gold-rimmed glass of Advisor's reserve from inside his silk backpack.

Thanator nods at Valenal, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aaiyaah offers Valynn an gold-rimmed glass of Advisor's reserve.

Zersha nods to Aerhys.

Valenal says to Avrenka, "The Heralds are the only entities I can think of who would have such power."

Zersha pulls Aerhys to her in a tight hug.

Aerhys hugs Zersha, who wraps her arms around Aerhys with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah grins at Valynn.

Valynn accepts Aaiyaah's Advisor's reserve.

Aerhys hugs Sofina, who wraps her arms around Aerhys with a warm smile.

Sofina just hugged Aerhys.

Valynn smiles at Aaiyaah.

Courtier Aerhys swims south, moving through the still water.

Thanator hugs Sofina, who wraps her arms around Thanator with a warm smile.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "I don't think that finding out if it's useful to us is an option. Apparently people are just going to give it things without having a concrete deal in place, or even knowing what it wants."

Valynn takes a sip of her reserve.

Lexxa says, "Don't force a fit, we still don't know who we're up against."

Sarugar gives Liraxes a slight nod.

Leilanie smiles at Zersha.

Leilanie nods.

Valynn takes a sip of her reserve.

In the blink of an eye, Sarugar disappears into his surroundings.

Golameth asks Valenal, "Could Liraxes help you figure out another one, a scary one thats breaks the rules?"

Zersha smiles at Leilanie, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Glowing symbols appear around Liraxes again, forming into complicated systems of equations. Symbols are included that aren't part of any known mathematical system, and some of the equations appear to be written in three dimensions. Many of the numbers flicker and change over time at various speeds.

Anuril takes a sip of his milk.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "What entity is enforcing the Allostasis?"

(Rileos begins furiously copying what Liraxes is displaying into his notebook, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly to keep up.)

Urbaj gazes at Liraxes.

Tirost says to Liraxes, "Why would a Herald disrupt the balance of this plane. List reasons in order of probability."

Illiya gazes at Liraxes.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Zersha squints at Liraxes.

Sceth mutters something into the air about math why does it have to be math.

Valenal says to Golameth, "It is possible."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Liraxes, with assistance from as many entities as possible."

Leayne nods to Hanryu.

Valenal nods.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh vibrant white."

Zersha quietly says, "Just when I thought I couldn't get more confused."

Zersha giggles at Leilanie.

Aaiyaah asks, "I want to understand more about the device you wish to construct Liraxes. What will it do exactly? Will it allow us to bring our friends back here?"

Valynn searches around for a moment.

Rileos frowns.

Rileos gazes at his notebook.

Rileos glances at Liraxes.

Waydren nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Are you responsble for the cessation of magic for a brief minute or two?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The device is an observational instrument, allowing for more precise measurements of parameters in this plane by using local materials."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "No."

Zersha gazes at Liraxes.

Crobin asks, "Like a telescope?"

Rileos says, "This hardly seems fair, it kept changing the numbers, I can barely math as it is."

Sammee furrows his brow.

Rileos mumbles something unprintable.

Rileos puts his pen in a large hunting pack crafted from wyvern hide.

Valenal slowly empties his lungs.

Valynn squints at Liraxes.

Eyst asks Liraxes, "Have you already begun building this device. Is it somewhere we might visit and examine?"

Rileos puts his notebook in a large hunting pack crafted from wyvern hide.

Harsh ponders.

Anuril flails about in the water.

Rileos gets a portable purpleheart writing box artfully carved in bas-relief from inside his hunting pack.

Rileos puts his box in his leather satchel.

Zersha quietly says to Rileos, "You showed us your cards, it's too late now."

Aaiyaah asks, "Would this device allow us to observe where our friends are?"

Zersha looks at Rileos, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Valenal stands near Golameth.

Rileos quietly says to Zersha, "Shutup, don't tell nobody."

Zersha casually observes the area.

Zersha glances at Rileos.

(Aislynn pulls out a notebook and begins sketching notes about widths, height, length, duration, and where one is on which timeline.)

Madigan grins at Rileos.

Zersha softly says to Rileos, "I hate to break this to you..."

Avrenka asks Valenal, "If Heralds can move along 5 dimensions ... surely they would analyze all possible outcomes and choose the best one for themselves. Is that right?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Eyst, "Construction has not yet begun. Material gathering is still in process."

Aislynn gets a set of charcoal pencils wrapped in red paper from inside her leather backpack.

Illiya asks Liraxes, "What is your reason for observing and measuring the parameters of this plane?"

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Aaiyaah nods to Illiya.

Anuril takes a sip of his milk.

Heat briefly radiates from Valenal.

Waydren asks Liraxes, "Query. We were shown that all five of our friends strangely appear to be here within the vicinity of the Tower -- but entirely out of reach, as if in a space that is not tangible in any meaningful way. Does this mean much or anything to you?"

Harsh blinks at Valenal.

Harsh quietly says, "That was warm."

Waydren says, "The Tower being just east of the City."

Leilanie nods to Zersha.

Valenal says to Avrenka, "I would think so. I am hardly an expert, of course."

Leayne splashes playfully about in the water.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Lexxa asks, "To Lirax where can we find the construction going on so we might evalulate and join in if we so desire?"

Karthor says, "Right, well I need to be off. Take care folks, hope someone's head is still right-side-out to follow all this."

Harsh pats Karthor on the back.

Leayne waves to Karthor.

Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.

Aaiyaah waves to Karthor.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "What exactly does Allostasis do?"

Waydren nods to Karthor.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Illiya, "Refinement of the process for determing the best course of actions for maintaining a timeline which results in the Balance being maintained."

Leilanie smiles at Karthor.

Valenal says, "They would attempt to manipulate the set of probable timepaths to limit them to just the most advantageous ones, I would think."

Valenal nods.

Zersha furrows her brow.

Aislynn ponders.

Karthor just left.

Lexxa ponders.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "The current timepath being them stealing as much energy as possible, huh?"

Knight Penitent Briaen swims south, moving through the still water.

Valenal nods to Avrenka.

Valenal says, "As much as they think they need, perhaps."

Aislynn moves a set of charcoal pencils wrapped in red paper to her left hand.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Do you make bargains? Deals? Might be willing to help you, if there were a concrete bargain in place. Not otherwise."

Aislynn gets a waffled fish-shaped pastry with a delicate honey glaze from inside a set of burnished bamboo boxes bound in a stack by vibrant silk brocade.

Zersha glances at Saragos.

Aislynn quietly says to Valenal, "I... You're interesting. We should talk more. Here, have more waffle-tsann. I need to go."

Aislynn offers Valenal a waffled fish-shaped pastry with a delicate honey glaze.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "What could a Herald possibly fear?"

Valenal accepts Aislynn's fish-shaped pastry.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "In addition, current calculations indicate that timelines in which the Balance is maintained will also result in a timeline in which the missing individuals are returned. Construction of the device will help improve the accuracy of achieving those outcomes."

Aislynn nods.

Harsh quietly says, "Does anyone know why Valenal killed all them people by the empath guild the other day? I'm not saying it was wrong to do it, Im just keen on death and curious."

A chill air stirs around you as you hear the flapping of wings. Suddenly, Aislynn is no longer there.

Leilanie nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Waydren says to Avrenka, "That which drove them here in the first place."

Avrenka ponders.

Valenal says to Avrenka, "That is an excellent question. I would suggest you attempt to contact one of the Immortals."

Dasheek says to Harsh, "Um, I think we're chalking that up to insanity? It's a longer story than that.. I'll tell it later if you like."

Liraxes tonelessly asks Saragos, "What deal are you proposing?"

Avrenka says, "But Liraxes believes the Heralds didn't intentionally engineer this outcome, but took advantage of it."

Valenal ponders.

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Lexxa asks, "So where is the construction on the device being held?"

Tirost nods to Hanryu.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Leilanie nods to Zersha.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Lexxa, "Wherever Liraxes is at the time of the construction."

Elizzibiana says, "Not out the northeast gate thats for sure."

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Valynn gazes at her fingernails.

Dasheek taps his head.

Lexxa nods to Liraxes.

Leayne sighs.

Leayne nods to Waydren.

Zersha grins at Valynn, her dimples flashing into view.

Illiya asks Liraxes, "What happens to us and this plane if Balance is not maintained?"

Harsh grins at Dasheek.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh."

Valenal says to Avrenka, "I could not call him wrong. I believe they would not desire the specific set of outcomes we are experiencing right now. But their options may have been limited."

Harsh quietly says, "Possession."

Harsh nods.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "You're asking for something - help in preparing your mechanism. You want that, we need to know exactly what's being done, and have a clear contract. If you could bring back our missing, whole, safe, of sound mind, I would be willing to bargain for that as well."

Waydren nods at Hanryu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh nods to Dasheek.

Valenal says to Golameth, "This really is good pastry. I am so glad you lot always seem to have something around to eat."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Illiya, "High probability of dissolution."

Zersha blinks at Liraxes.

Waydren nods to Hanryu.

Zersha quietly asks Rileos, "That sounds bad, that's bad, right?"

Illiya asks Liraxes, "Dissolution of.. the Plane of Abiding?"

Rileos quietly says to Zersha, "Very bad."

Crobin rubs Leayne gently, massaging her muscles.

Avrenka smiles quietly.

Zersha gives Rileos a slight nod.

Kalinandra begins chortling at Golameth.

Parkons says to Liraxes, "Some of us have made good faith investments with you now. We appreciate the exchange of information. I support Saragos' request for a contract that clearly outlines the agreement for inputs and what we should expect as an output."

Valenal nods at Liraxes, obviously agreeing with his views.

Golameth beams at Valenal!

Dasheek quietly says to Harsh, "So, in essence, the ...forces..?... That inhabit his mind made him rampage for the experience of it."

Golameth says to Valenal, "We try to have good snacks on hand so no one gets hangry."

Valenal takes a bite of the pastry.

Valenal takes a bite of the pastry.

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Saragos nods to Parkons.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "The device is a tool for assistance in the overall process of maintaining Balance. It is not strictly necessary, but will improve efficiency."

Avrenka asks Valenal, "By the way ... the elementals that you serve as a conduit for ... is it for all 6 elemental planes?"

Malorna offers Valenal a slice of chocolate cake.

Madigan grunts at Valenal.

Valynn gazes at Madigan.

Valenal says to Avrenka, "Yes."

Valenal accepts Malorna's chocolate cake.

Valenal beams at Malorna!

Avrenka nods.

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Hunter Hanryu swims south, moving through the still water.

Eyst asks Valenal, "Are you here for the same reason Liraxes is? To preserve this concept of balance?"

Malorna smiles.

Avrenka quietly says to himself, "No wonder the personalities are so different."

Parkons says to Liraxes, "Perhaps we're limiting our request. If the tool is simply a part of the larger plan. We can certainly negociate a deal with expanded scope. Phases if you will."

Voranos fades into view.

Madigan waves to Voranos.

Leilanie nods to Avrenka.

Harsh pats Voranos on the back.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "We will need details on what exactly the device does, explicit terms of what your Balance entails, and concrete terms on how it will be used."

Tirost flounders about in the water.

Voranos snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Voranos with a crisp hand salute.

Tirost snaps to attention and hails Voranos with a crisp hand salute.

Illiya hugs Voranos, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Voranos, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The return of your missing people is also not necessary to the maintenance of Balance. However, current projections indicate a high probability that doing so will also result in a timeline in which they are returned."

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Query: What advice would you give us regarding what to do about representatives of the Heralds?"

Tirost glances at Saragos.

Valenal thoughtfully says to Eyst, "In my line of work, questions about motivation and understanding are...ahh...understandably complex. I imagine Liraxes and I would differ in our perception of the end we're working toward, but I suspect it is the same."

Ezerak gazes at Liraxes.

Melindrha nibbles Voranos gently.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh there will be no balance until those people come back. This much i can promise."

Harsh narrows his eyes.

Valynn frowns.

Zersha glances at Harsh.

Crobin pats Harsh on the back.

Thanator nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Voranos leans on Melindrha.

Madigan praises Harsh.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Aaiyaah says, "The return of our people needs to be seen as necessary Liraxes if you want our help."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Unless they are actively impeding activities designed to restore Balance, their presence does not seem to be an issue."

Saragos says to Liraxes, "I don't care. I work on getting my people back first, and then I work on solving the other problems. That's not negotiable."

Madigan quietly says, "I need Harsh around more."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Recalibrating response."

Valenal says, "We both desire that the system be returned to energetic balance, and that the dangerous destabalization being provoked by the theft of energy be ended."

Parkons nods to Saragos.

Avrenka says, "Harsh is a real pal."

Avrenka nods to Harsh.

Tirost runs his fingers through his hair.

Dasheek says, "Point."

Leayne blinks.

Zersha says, "I think it's important for us to remember that as far as we know Liraxes didn't take our people. And that saving Elanthia may outweigh that."

Crobin asks, "So is there someone behind this Liraxes hitting buttons and responding to us?"

Sofina smiles at Zersha.

Voranos says, "Pelag."

Waydren searches around for a moment.

Voranos smirks.

Waydren nods.

Ezerak quietly says, "We do need somewhere to bring them back to, after all."

Tirost says to Crobin, "He has bonded with elementals."

Zersha nods to Ezerak.

Leilanie nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Eyst asks Valenal, "I see. And what way are you working towards this? I don't suppose you're looking for some rods and mechanisms of your own, are you?"

Voranos searches around for a moment.

Urbaj says to Crobin, "Liraxes asserts itself."

Rileos nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Waydren says, "I leave you now."

Waydren flounders about in the water.

Madigan shakes Waydren's hand.

Avrenka nods to Waydren.

Thanator says, "I dinna care who took em, all i care about is gettin em back. the rest will come in time."

Waydren waves towards himself, holds up two fingers and brings one close to the other and then holds a flat palm above his eyes.

Crobin waves to Waydren.

Valenal says, "Liraxes, update model with the understanding that human and demi-human actors attach utility to friends and relations, and therefore may be more prone to help if retrieving their loved ones is included as a success condition."

Saragos nods to Waydren.

Tirost flounders about in the water.

Ezerak says to Waydren, "Thank you."

Illiya waves to Waydren.

Valynn says to Liraxes, "You emotionless, heartless, pile of planar crystals! Our people are integral to our community."

Leayne waves to Waydren.

Waydren shakes Madigan's hand.

Tirost nods to Waydren.

Waydren hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Aerilia glances at Valenal.

Madigan grins at Liraxes.

Avrenka grins at Valenal.

Valynn growls at Liraxes.

Illiya asks Liraxes, "You said failing to maintain balance would resolve in dissolution, the dissolution of what?"

Brisknite leans on Voranos.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes proposes tasks which will help to increase the probability of moving toward a timeline in which Balance is maintained, and it remains possible for life to exist on this plane. Liraxes does not have access to a specific method for retrieving your missing people, but can provide direction on achieving a timeline in which you are reunited, magic use continues, and life remains possible."

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Voranos lets out a hearty cheer for Brisknite!

Voranos holds his hand out towards Brisknite for a highfive.

Avrenka ponders.

Brisknite and Voranos highfive each other.

Brisknite flashes a wide grin.

Tirost nods to Liraxes.

Casari nods to Liraxes.

Valenal quietly says to Eyst, "I am first and foremost an interpreter for beings that, unfortunately, have very little frame of reference in common for understanding the Plane of Abiding."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The device is for the purposes of improving accuracy of calculations leading to the previously mentioned outcome, but does not cause it to happen."

Aerilia nods.

Elizzibiana says, "Hehe, go out with a bang, bang."

Sofina says, "Its offering a possible solution. If you feel that isnt not the right one, then dont asisst."

Sofina shrugs.

Avrenka says, "That sounds like the ideal outcome."

Leayne nods.

Madigan says, "Bloody fantastic. Finally we get to something tangible."

Eyst ponders.

Ezerak nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Valynn folds her arms across her chest.

Rileos asks Liraxes, "What was your designation prior to Liraxes?"

Valenal says to Eyst, "I have, thus far, mostly spoken to you adventurers and eaten food, while trying to describe for my hosts what is going wrong."

Valenal slowly empties his lungs.

Golameth asks Voranos, "I feel like this is a good time for a highfive, is it a good time?"

Saragos says, "That sounds like something that I'd be willing to accept, but a Trader needs to step up and negotiate this contract. I'm useless at it."

Madigan nods to Golameth.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "Liraxes is the entity designated as Liraxes."

Valenal quietly says to Eyst, "But I believe I have formulated a possible way forward."

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Leayne coughs.

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Malorna raises an eyebrow.

Brisknite holds his hand out towards Golameth for a highfive.

Golameth and Brisknite highfive each other.

Aaiyaah says, "Parkons has my vote."

Sammee says to Liraxes, "Are you able to share plans of this device so we may better understand it? This will do much to ease people's distrust and be rather helpful to you."

Aaiyaah grins.

Brisknite grins at Golameth.

Thanator nods at Aaiyaah, obviously agreeing with his views.

Malorna says, "Try chewing the cake .. more flavorful."

Saragos asks, "Get it on paper. Or... whatever you use to record contracts with Plane of Probability beings. Moondust paper or some nonsense?"

Valenal says to Malorna, "That was very good."

Rileos asks Liraxes, "Before that. What came before you?"

Sofina chews on Malorna's shoulder. Weirdo.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "If Heralds are able to navigate 5 dimensions, wont' they try to stop our plans to navigate to the ideal timeline outcome?"

Valenal wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

Malorna leans over and licks Sofina, getting a warm smile in return.

Parkons says to Saragos, "Careful, contracts with extra planar entities can get complicated."

Sofina grins.

Crobin smiles.

Parkons says, "And most definitely are not simply enshrined on paper."

Tirost grins at Crobin.

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "If they are in fact the problem, perhaps so."

Madigan smiles at Crobin.

(Parkons rubs his neck and arms.)

Valenal glances at Golameth.

Valenal glances at Eyst.

Voranos nods to Brisknite.

Valenal glances at Illiya.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Sammee, "Providing useful schematics in a form you would be able to understand and interpret is not currently viable."

Avrenka says, "I just don't know how we're supposed to fight something that moves in 5 dimensions."

Itaro mutters something into the air about the defiler.

Eyst says to Valenal, "I see. If your err... people had a government I believe we might call you their ambassador."

Saragos says to Parkons, "Right, that's why if we entertain *anything* from this thing, it needs to be negotiated first, by the best we've got."

Voranos steps towards Brisknite to join him, but Brisknite steps away.

Golameth asks, "More?"

Sammee shrugs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "Balance."

Aerilia quietly asks Valenal, "Are your elemental remora assisting you in any way, or would you be able to.. perform better as your former self?"

Harsh quietly says, "I think it said you was dumb pal."

Valenal ponders.

Golameth smiles at Valenal.

Rileos grumbles.

Zersha pats Rileos on the back.

Avrenka grins at Harsh.

Rileos says, "The lady in the hat said its going by Liraxes now and I can't figure out how to ask it beyond that."

Sammee says, "Oh, I most certainly am, but that's why I included the "we" part."

Valenal says to Eyst, "That is incorrect in almost every way, but...also the most correct thing I've heard so far. It sounds better than "interface", so I'll take it."

Parkons says, "It makes me wonder if any of the Trader Guild leaders may entertain this conversation and aid us."

Tirost whispers something to Saragos.

Harsh sighs.

Rileos frowns.

Harsh swims back and forth.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Are you able to find an outcome that even the Heralds cannot avoid?"

Zersha asks Liraxes, "Do you remember anything from before you were Liraxes?"

Saragos says to Parkons, "Seize the reins and do it, man. Get others involved if you need to, but if I've learned anything in my years, it's that waiting for the Guildleaders to do it results in nothing being done."

Urbaj says, "I don't know what we're asking of Liraxes. Continued existence of our plane? If it fails, any contract is meaningless."

Valenal says to Aerilia, "They do help, in their way. They are not...malicious. Just curious. And they know nothing of the Plane of Abiding or how it works."

Aerilia nods to Valenal.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Zersha, "Liraxes is Liraxes."

Zersha nods to Liraxes.

Zersha grins at Liraxes, her dimples flashing into view.

Rileos says to Zersha, "I don't think it knows."

Zersha nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Valynn mutters to herself.

Illiya gazes at Valynn.

Harsh blinks.

Aerilia says to Valenal, "Provided they aren't murdering people to experience new things, eh? Well, good luck keeping it all in order."

Zersha says to Rileos, "You're going to need to find the lady in the hat and ask."

Valynn puts her towel in her traveler's pack.

Valynn grumbles.

Rileos says to Zersha, "That's probably an awful idea."

The studs on Thanator's jaguar-pelt wristcuff flicker briefly.

Rileos chuckles.

Valenal sighs.

Voranos says to Saragos, " Unless it's the moon mage guild leaders or council, they're constantly active in tearing holes into new places."

Voranos grins.

Zersha says to Rileos, "I'm great at awful ideas."

Zersha looks at Rileos, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "What is the best way to fight a Herald?"

Rileos chuckles.

Parkons says, "Liraxes to this point has not given me any cause for concern that it may betray us. I remain inclined to insist a contract be struck."

Black Fox Xionara just arrived.

Xionara raises an eyebrow.

Valenal says to Aerilia, "They can be dangerous, yes. They don't UNDERSTAND things like death."

Madigan asks Valenal, "Liraxes here wants to build a device. What do the five voices in your head want to do?"

Xionara warbles out an airy whistle.

Saragos says to Urbaj, "Its terms sounded pretty good - life remains possible, magic use continues, and it provides direction in finding our people. But the demon is always in the details."

Xionara sniffs at Valenal.

Sceth hugs Xionara, who wraps her arms around Sceth with a warm smile.

Crobin leans back against Leayne with a loving smile.

Xionara hugs Sceth, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Aerilia nods to Valenal.

Anuril gets a white ash pipe with a raven-shaped bowl from inside his silk backpack.

Illiya grins at Avrenka, her dimples flashing into view.

Parkons says, "A fair and water-tight contract takes time to compose."

Anuril puts his tobacco in his ash pipe.

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Anuril touches some Warm Night tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Anuril moves a white ash pipe with a raven-shaped bowl to his left hand.

Saragos says to Urbaj, "And we need to know what else it might expect from us. We don't want to give it a 99 millennium lease on our world by mistake."

Aerilia says to Valenal, "Perhaps take after the traders' and try to form a deal for them. New experiences for cooperation."

Dasheek asks, "How many points were scored today?"

Valenal says to Madigan, "After some consideration, we suggest you go looking for the enemy of your enemy. Whoever is doing this is DESPERATE, and we know that because too much more and they are going to destroy everything that is here."

Dasheek asks, "Do we *have* time?"

Xionara leans back.

Malorna ponders.

Leayne gasps!

Zersha gazes at Valenal.

Thanator just hugged Xionara.

Xionara blinks at Thanator.

Xionara just hugged Thanator.

Xionara chuckles.

Illiya asks Valenal, "That's what you said yesterday, but how do we determine who the enemy of our enemy is when we don't even know who our enemy is yet?"

Sukidesu nods.

Leayne stands near Crobin.

Xionara hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Thanator grins at Xionara.

Xionara leans over to give Leayne a friendly smooch.

Malorna hugs Xionara, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Leayne giggles at Xionara.

Leayne hugs Xionara, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Parkons says to Dasheek, "I agree, we shouldn't delay more than necessary."

Xionara mutters to herself.

Voranos asks, "Do we know the intent is not total destruction in the first place?"

Valenal says, "Well done on her...tell her keep up the good work."

Ezerak dryly says to Valenal, "We're open to suggestions as to who the enemy, or their enemies, are."

Zersha softly says, "I think my toes are going to freeze off standing in cold water in the middle of winter, I'm going to find a warm drink and a warm blanket. I hope you all figure...something out from this."

Aaiyaah nods to Harsh.

Urbaj says, "The bureaucracy and red tape of an elaborate contract is undesirable. I trust Liraxes. I pledge myself to the construction of the device."

Zersha waves to Valynn.

Zersha waves to Rileos.

Parkons asks Liraxes, "Are you willing to entertain it if we propose a formal contract?"

Rileos nods to Zersha.

Xionara sniffs at Liraxes.

Illiya nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zersha pulls Sofina to her in a tight hug.

Sofina hugs Zersha, who wraps her arms around Sofina with a warm smile.

Zersha waves to Leilanie.

Desert Dancer Zersha swims south, moving through the still water.

Leilanie smiles.

Eyst says, "If we take it as a given that the heralds are our antagonists, the vision recounted earlier made it sound like just about everyone is their enemy."

Parkons asks Liraxes, "Would you even consider being bound by a deal?"

Rileos says, "She's not wrong, my boots are soaked and my legs are freezing."

Valenal says, "I would not suggest it without a course of action. I believe you should start by contacting the Immortals, one by one."

Rileos says, "So I'm also gonna go try and make sure I still have all my toes. Good luck, y'all."

Malorna says, "Is invigerating."

Leayne grins, revealing her dimples.

Harsh quietly says, "Poor Valynn over there cant seem to figure out how come her hers towel aint working."

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Xionara softly says to Malorna, "Thought up plan yesterday, but, might be bad strategy."

Rileos just left.

Valenal says, "They are inscrutible beings but, on a cosmic scale, closer to us than the Heralds or whatever is stealing energy from the Plane of Abiding."

Valynn gives Harsh a wry grin.

Crobin nods to Madigan.

Aaiyaah says, "Unaka will be who I seek out next."

Aerilia ponders.

Malorna raises an eyebrow.

Crobin says, "Well."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Parkons, "Attempts to maintain the Balance will proceed regardless of your involvement, but as assistance will be helpful, a contract can be considered."

Crobin says, "That was something."

Golameth says to Valenal, "If "they" want an expierence, they should find a feast with Trothfang."

Ezerak gives Valenal a slight nod.

Xionara nods at Malorna, obviously agreeing with her views.

Parkons says to Liraxes, "Thank you."

Melindrha grins at Parkons.

Valenal says, "And if there is a conflict playing out, they may be "closer" in a way that is useful. They may even be involved."

Melindrha says to Parkons, "Speaking your language."

Leayne gets a topsy-turvy teapot swirled with black and white stripes from inside her tea tote.

Leayne pours herself a chilled glass of strawberry champagne tea from her teapot.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Avrenka says, "Where's Jaelia when you need her..."

Leayne puts her teapot in her tea tote.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Harsh renders Tirost an awkward salute, nearly poking his eye out with his thumb.

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Leayne waves to Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Harsh.

Xionara sighs.

Illiya nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh gives Tirost a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Thanator hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Thanator with a warm smile.

Casari says, "Well if Phelim needs an Avatar to punch a Herald, sign me up."

Melindrha hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Melindrha with a warm smile.

Harsh smiles.

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Valenal says, "There are not many beings who compete on a relevant stage, if that makes sense."

Harsh offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.

Tirost raises his hand in a quick salute.

Knight of Meraud Tirost swims south, moving through the still water.

Parkons says, "I propose we take some time, not much, to write up a proposed contract."

Madigan stretches his arms.

Madigan says, "Take care friends."

Valenal asks Madigan, "Does that suit you, sir?"

Avrenka says, "We need to hold a Truffenyi and Meraud vigil, I suspect."

Leayne waves to Madigan.

Aaiyaah throws back his shoulders, snapping to attention and with a sharp click of his heels, renders Madigan a crisp salute.

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya waves to Madigan.

Thanator pivots in Madigan's direction and salutes him with his haledroth rapier, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Crobin waves to Madigan.

Parkons says, "I can arrange a meeting for anyone who wants to contribute."

Harsh waves.

Ezerak shakes Madigan's hand.

Leayne enfolds Crobin in a warm embrace.

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Illiya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Harsh quietly says to Parkons, "I have another donation to the herb kits funds."

Harsh smiles.

Harsh gets a fuzzy gem pouch from inside his shaman's robe.

Harsh offers Parkons a fuzzy gem pouch.

Madigan says to Valenal, "No one here bloody understands a word you are saying. You need that fire element in you to light a fire to your efforts if you are trying to get a point across."

Valenal takes a bite of the pastry.

Xionara chuckles at Madigan.

Valenal ponders.

Leayne nods.

Valenal says, "I'll try with smaller words."

Valynn grins at Harsh.

Parkons accepts Harsh's fuzzy gem pouch.

Parkons nods to Harsh.

Sofina chortles softly at some secret joke.

Parkons says, "Much appreciated."

Lexxa praises Madigan.

Ezerak whispers something to Casari.

Harsh quietly says, "Or bigger but less words."

Xionara leans on Malorna.

Harsh quietly says, "Thats works too."

Harsh nods.

Golameth rummages about his person, looking for something.

Lexxa says, "Thank Meraud finally someone that gets it."

Saragos glances at Valenal.

Casari grins at Ezerak.

Madigan raises an eyebrow in Valenal's direction.

Golameth offers Madigan a black paintstick.

Golameth says, "Chew on it, it helps."

Golameth says, "I promise."

Xionara raises an eyebrow in Golameth's direction.

Valenal says, "Go talk to the big swinging metaphysical dongles of this Plane and ask them if there is a big fight on, and with who."

Voranos leans on Golameth.

Illiya nods to Valenal.

Leayne blinks.

Urbaj squints.

Deadly Shadow Thanataar just arrived.

Thanator joins Crobin's group.

Golameth chews pensively on a black paintstick.

Madigan says, "You know. I have been itching for a fight all night."

Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.

Harsh grins at Madigan.

Thanataar joins Crobin's group.

Madigan asks, "What are you even bloody saying?"

Madigan gazes at Valenal.

Voranos asks, "Ask gola about what now?"

Voranos scratches his head.

Valenal rubs his head.

Xionara softly says to Madigan, "Ooh. Oooh. Hrm. Could try repeat of last time."

Casari says to Madigan, "He's saying talk to the gods and ask who the enemy is."

Illiya gestures.

Dasheek says, "He's saying ask the Immortals if they are at war."

Madigan asks, "Get your head out of your arse and talk plainly?"

Xionara looks thoughtfully at Valenal.

Harsh quietly says, "Called us dongles. Not even sure what that means."

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Valenal says to Casari, "Yes, that, thank you."

Saragos says to Valenal, "Funny story - we did. Message got burned away by probable Sorcery."

Harsh scratches his head.

Valenal ponders.

Ezerak nods to Crobin.

Xionara softly says, "Still want to see raincloud go off."

Xionara glances at Valenal.

Harsh ponders.

Madigan asks, "What is a dongle?"

Valenal says to Saragos, "Can you tell me that story? I have not heard it."

Aerilia frowns.

Anuril coughs.

Madigan asks, "Who do we talk to?"

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Casari gazes upward.

Crobin says, "I think like a switch Madigan."

Parkons says, "]madig Brother, lets try the pen but please do go sharpen your sword."

Malorna asks, "A donkey eagle?"

Xionara softly says, "Last time, all grumbling malice, but no downpour. Such disappointment."

Lexxa chortles softly at some secret joke.

Crobin nods to Ezerak.

Xionara sighs.

Valenal says to Madigan, " To whome are you closest? I would address Firulf, were it me."

Several of the charms on Leilanie's anklet flare brightly for a moment.

Harsh ponders.

Thanataar wraps his arms lovingly around Melindrha, snuggling close.

Madigan asks, "So, go talk to an immortal?"

Valenal nods.

Lexxa asks, "Again?"

Crobin says, "I believe he is saying to pray."

Lexxa shrugs.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Avrenka chuckles.

Crobin says, "Or something."

Illiya nods.

Madigan says, "Alright. Thank you."

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Valenal with a crisp hand salute.

Illiya says, "We could hold some vigils."

Ezerak says, "More prayers, unless you can find a more direct route."

Valenal takes a bite of his pastry with a delighted expression crossing his face.

Sir Madigan swims south, moving through the still water.

Saragos says, "]valenal I wrote a letter for... some big swinging dongle. I got a response, send magically. That response was disrupted partially through by a no-color flash of light, same as we saw when our people were kidnapped."

Aerilia says, "Prior vigils haven't really posed a question, I suppose. It's worth trying."

Harsh quietly says, "You did have that thought about the reading of the book in theren keep chapel. That is something to consider more now."

Crobin says, "Well."

Harsh nods.

Crobin says, "I feel sorry for whoever gets in Mads way on the way home."

Aaiyaah says, "I plan on seeking out Unaka as soon as possible. I think she will be useful for us."

Valenal says to Saragos, "Well. Well well well..."

Valenal gazes at Saragos.

Thanataar chuckles at Crobin.

Valenal says to Saragos, "I would say, then, that you were probably on the right track."

Xionara softly says to Malorna, "Like bad plan of myself better. Feed sorcery to whatever parasite thing is, too much, it bursts, pop goes mana streams, revert back to normal. Like killing a tick."

Xionara softly says, "Boom."

Crobin says, "Alright all."

Xionara smirks.

Valenal says, "If whoever is responsible decided ot interrupt your communications."

Leayne grins at Xionara, her dimples flashing into view.

Harsh ponders.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Valynn has lead."

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Xionara softly says, "Can even blame it on Tirost if goes wrong."

Valenal asks, "What were your friends doing, before they were taken?"

Harsh gives Crobin a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Xionara hums to herself.

Crobin hugs Voranos, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Harsh offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.

Valynn raises an eyebrow.

Voranos traces a careful sigil in the air.

Crobin gives Harsh a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Valynn shakes her head at Crobin.

Crobin just hugged Valenal.

Dasheek shakes Crobin's hand.

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Valenal says, "Perhaps the motive for taking them was similar."

Xionara chortles softly at some secret joke.

Casari says, "Trying to learn the truth."

Valenal glances at Crobin.

Crobin shakes Dasheek's hand.

Crobin hugs Xionara, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Xionara, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Ezerak nods to Casari.

Valenal gazes thoughtfully at Casari.

Xionara hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Lexxa says, "Well these two are a bit beyond me, so let me know when the gathering is to build this device. I'll help."

Xionara hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Leayne just hugged Aaiyaah.

Crobin sighs.

Crobin holds his hand out towards Parkons for a highfive.

Illiya says to Valenal, "We were researching wild magic."

Valenal says to Casari, "Perhaps they found something."

Crobin pats Anuril on the back.

Leayne hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Valynn says to Crobin, "I'ma recruit."

Aaiyaah hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Avrenka says, "Large scale sorcery experiments."

Saragos says to Valenal, "You're making sense to me. I think that means I need to reassess my theories."

Aaiyaah hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Crobin just hugged Aaiyaah.

Lexxa says, "Anything to bring our friends back."

Parkons says, "We have work to do, in the temple and the office. Let's work concurrently. For those inclined to commune with the Gods please do so. Others, please let me know if you want to contribute to arranging the deal."

Crobin says, "You all be good here."

Leayne takes her rightful place beside Crobin.

Parkons and Crobin highfive each other.

Crobin says, "Or good at it."

Lexxa says, "Safe paths."

Lexxa flounders about in the water.

Saragos nods to Parkons.

Crobin holds his hand out towards Parkons for a highfive.

Lexxa swims south, moving through the still water.

Leayne softly says, "Be well."

Illiya snaps her fingers.

Parkons and Crobin highfive each other.

Leayne waves.

Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Valynn grumbles.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Sofina glances outside a moment.

Valenal nods to Saragos.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Crobin says, "If I am needed reach out to me."

Voranos leans over and scratches Crobin's back.

Crobin says, "Ezerak you and I will be talking soon."

Saragos says to Parkons, "I'm no lawyer, but I'd like to assist. Let's say I'm willing to put a lot on the table."

Avrenka says, "A sorcerous fissure by Mazrian I believe was the main thing ... and that Asildu recommended harshly against."

Thanataar comes out of hiding.

Thanataar gives Crobin a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Parkons nods to Saragos.

Crobin says, "Thanataar you as well."

Crobin gives Thanataar a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Crobin asks, "Ready love?"

Aaiyaah grins at Harsh.

Crobin pats Saragos on the back.

Parkons says to Saragos, "Please. I want input from many."

Avrenka asks, "It was a ... Plane of Metal fissure or something?"

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Crobin says, "Night all."

Damoone just arrived.

Valenal says to Avrenka, "He should not have done that."

Valenal frowns.

Leayne grins at Avrenka, her dimples flashing into view.

Dasheek says, "Something."

Avrenka asks Valenal, "Why's that?"

Fearless Crobin swims south, moving through the still water.

Dzive Asini Leayne swims south, moving through the still water.

Casari looks thoughtfully at Valenal.

Rhainn peers quizzically at Valenal.

Ezerak nods.

Harsh nods to Aaiyaah.

Harsh appears to be poking himself.

Aaiyaah holds his hand out towards Harsh for a highfive.

Saragos glances at Valenal.

Harsh and Aaiyaah highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps. Sassy!

Parkons says, "It is late. I think better in the morning. I will polish my stylus and get some fresh ink."

Valenal says, "Because it is dangeorus, and a practice our guild does not tolerate."

Valenal sighs.

Xionara blinks.

Saragos laughs at Valenal.

Thanator just hugged Parkons.

Sammee says to Saragos, "While their words were a bit easier to understand there and seem well founded. I would caution anyone who felt the insane started making sense to them to closely examine several things, not just theories."

Xionara softly says, "Dangerous has been very useful in past..."

Saragos says to Valenal, "Quite a statement, coming from Mr. Sorcery All The Time."

Valynn just hugged Parkons.

Avrenka says to Valenal, "But I thought you were for sorcery."

Xionara coughs.

Illiya asks Valenal, "How does it relate to their disappearance and everything that's happening?"

Aaiyaah hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Valynn nods to Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah gently kisses Valynn on the cheek.

Valynn hugs Aaiyaah, who wraps his arms around Valynn with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah winks at Valynn.

Valenal says to Saragos, "I am aware of the irony."

Valynn just kissed Aaiyaah.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "At present, sufficient materials have been provided to begin construction, though more will be required to achieve functionality and optimal performance."

Avrenka asks Valenal, "What makes a Plane of Metal fissure so dangerous?"

Aaiyaah says, "Good evening folks, take care."

Illiya waves to Aaiyaah.

Illiya hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Harsh quietly says, "How much more and where can we deliver it."

Casari nods to Liraxes.

Thanator pivots in Aaiyaah's direction and salutes him with his haledroth rapier, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Brisknite waves to Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah flounders about in the water.

Brisknite holds his hand out towards Aaiyaah for a highfive.

Valynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Aaiyaah and Brisknite highfive each other.

The sound of a battle horn emanating from somewhere nearby distracts you for a split second, and when you look back, Aaiyaah is gone.

Malorna splashes water all over Xionara!

Harsh churns up water with his feet, spraying Xionara thoroughly.

Xionara points at Brisknite.

Harsh churns up water with his feet, spraying Xionara thoroughly.

Dasheek nods.

Xionara points at Brisknite.

Urbaj nods to Liraxes.

Xionara's jaw drops.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj swims south, moving through the still water.

Saragos nods to Parkons.

Xionara pokes Brisknite in the ribs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "For the purpose of the agreement you seek, recall that additional tasks will be required beyond material collection, for the purpose of achieving an outcome of Balance."

Brisknite flashes a wide grin.

Xionara flashes a wide grin at Brisknite.

Xionara softly exclaims to Brisknite, "Herroooooooooo!"

Valynn gives Illiya a wry grin.

Xionara lets out a hearty cheer for Brisknite!

Brisknite chuckles at Xionara.

Xionara flashes a wide grin at Brisknite.

Xionara's ears perk up happily.

Valenal says to Avrenka, "That would take longer than I can tarry to explain. And in context... perhaps it is a foolish thing to quibble over."

Saragos says to Liraxes, "I'm aware. But I need specifics and a deal. I'm not just giving you things because I like the dulcet tones of your voice."

Avrenka nods to Valenal.

Xionara begins chortling at Saragos.

Thanataar suddenly appears out of thin air, arms waving wildly and making loud, weird noises, and jumps at Melindrha who shrieks in surprise.

Melindrha nibbles Thanataar gently.

Thanataar brushes his lips against Melindrha's in a loving kiss.

Melindrha brushes her lips against Thanataar's in a loving kiss.

Harsh quietly says, "Well, I feel a bit more dumb than i did before this conversation. I need to go and learn what some words mean now."

Anuril taps a white ash pipe with a raven-shaped bowl that he is holding.

Melindrha says, "Brat."

Harsh smiles.

Melindrha lets out a sigh of contentment.

Anuril puts his pipe in his silk backpack.

Thanataar looks at Melindrha, obviously trying not to grin.

Harsh gives Thanataar a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Harsh hugs Melindrha, who wraps her arms around Harsh with a warm smile.

Melindrha hugs Harsh, who wraps his arms around Melindrha with a warm smile.

Thanataar gives Harsh a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Harsh hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Sceth says, "Had me at math."

Harsh quietly says, "Stay livin everyone."

Thanator gives Harsh a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Valynn just hugged Harsh.

Sceth babbles incoherently.

Avrenka asks Valenal, "Would the Heralds have cause to fear a Plane of Metal fissure?"

Ezerak asks Saragos, "What tones?"

Valynn nods to Harsh.

Harsh quietly says to Valenal, "I dont wanna hear bout you killin my pals anymore."

Anuril asks Avrenka, "Can you please stop banging that drum?"

Harsh narrows his eyes.

Harsh waves.

Harsh smiles.

Xionara looks thoughtfully at Avrenka.

Brother Harsh swims south, moving through the still water.

Valenal says to Illiya, "I am not sure exactly what your friends were doing to get them taken. But if you find out, you will probably identify your perpetrators."

Xionara chortles softly at some secret joke.

Eyst ponders.

Avrenka flashes a quick grin at Xionara.

Saragos says to Valenal, "You want us to do more Sorcery, you ought to be teaching us some that those that took our people might fear."

Xionara winks at Avrenka.

Valynn rubs her head.

Leilanie nods to Valenal.

Ezerak raises an eyebrow in Saragos's direction.

Leilanie nods to Valynn.

Illiya says to Valenal, "All we know is we were all researching wild magic together and Mazrian summoned a metal domain."

Eyst asks Saragos, "Was Navesi planning something with the others that were taken?"

Valenal ponders.

Valenal nods to Eyst.

Valynn nods.

Xionara softly says to Malorna, "Nobody pays attention to myself. Just as well, can claim all credit for exploding mana tick theory-strategy-plan."

Valynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

One of the mechanisms provided to Liraxes rises up into the air, and blue crystal begins forming around it. Others follow, being linked together by additional crystal growths. Even the deed that was handed over rises up, rolling up into a tube before becoming part of the construction. Some of the forming device then begins to twist in space, parts of it appearing to move through one another. Then the entire thing shudders for a moment before vanishing with a faint pop.

Valenal says to Illiya, "Did they say anything, prior, about who they were investigating."

Ezerak blinks.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Illiya blinks.

Illiya says, "Wait, maybe.."

Leilanie knits her eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.

Saragos says, "Well."

Eyst gazes at Liraxes.

Illiya says, "Mazrian was talking about the Heralds before they were taken."

Valynn says to Illiya, "You keep talking. I'm less than..."

Avrenka nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka says, "He said "Who else? THe Heralds."

Sammee furrows his brow.

Saragos says to Eyst, "She was trying to get to the bottom of whether Sorcery was actually contributing to the Wild Magic situation."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Sufficient pieces have not yet been obtained for functionality, but construction has begun."

Avrenka says, "I remember that."

Illiya nods to Avrenka.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Something you should."

Saragos clears his throat.

Golameth wraps his arms around Kalinandra, giving Kalinandra a great big bear hug!

Sammee says, "Don't like that we can't see it."

Valenal says to Illiya, "Perhaps that is a clue? No need to silence anyone if they're not on to something."

Kalinandra pulls Golameth to her in a tight hug.

Kalinandra waves.

Kalinandra cackles gleefully and twirls around like a dervish, flinging rainbow glitter in all directions. Someone is going to be cleaning for days.

Ezerak frowns.

Avrenka says, "All the clues do point to the Heralds, don't they."

Valynn rubs Saragos gently, massaging his muscles.

Ezerak nods to Avrenka.

Illiya says, "True.. and the Lord of the Void who Saragos wrote to, something happened to him when he was responding about the Heralds."

Casari says, "Ayrell had been talking about the Heralds, too."

Melindrha says, "Someone cause chaos and tell me later what the plan is."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "The Heralds are the highest probability of involvement at present."

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "Everything so far has pointed to their involvement."

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Something you should include in your calculations: I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get those people back. The more help I get, the easier it is, the more likely that process goes smoothly for the Balance. We start getting desperate, we start looking for increasingly dangerous and esoteric w."

Eyst says to Saragos, "Interesting. I suppose one theory is it was in whoever's best interest that sorcery's actual contribution to the anomaly remain obfuscated."

Xionara giggles at Melindrha.

Saragos clears his throat.

Saragos says, "Esoteric ways of bringing them back."

Valynn forces Saragos out of her group.

Valynn swims south, moving through the still water.

Deadly Shadow Thanataar swims south, moving through the still water.

Shadow's Touch Melindrha swims south, moving through the still water.

Warlord Thanator swims south, moving through the still water.

Sofina stops listening to Melindrha.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Understood."

Illiya says, "What can we do about the Heralds though? I suppose we could ask the Immortals for help."

Valenal thoughtfully says, "Perhaps the most straight forward way to free them would be to discover what they were on about and publicize it."

Eyst frowns.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Avrenka says, "Perhaps this thing Liraxes is building will provide the best outcome that will naturally be in opposition to the Heralds."

Valenal says, "On the theory that holding them to conceal that information would then be unnecessary."

Sofina grins at Malorna.

Malorna nods to Sofina.

Ezerak says, "I've a concern."

Valenal says, "And that holding them is more effort than not doing it."

Malorna grins.

Xionara gazes at Ezerak.

Illiya nods to Ezerak.

Eyst says, "Of course it may also lead the seekers of such information to a prison of their own."

Avrenka says, "So if we all become like the 5 of them ... there's no point in holding the 5 of them anymore."

Valenal nods to Avrenka.

Avrenka says, "Genius."

Casari asks Saragos, "Want to just repeat the exact same experiment?"

Sammee sarcastically says, "Yes, let's all just go live in the Null Prison, problem solved."

Saragos says to Valenal, "Alternatively, they were scooped up by the Heralds incidentally, because they can't understand our ways. They were trying to do something to figure things out, it looked too much like Sorcery to the Heralds, so they put them in Time Out."

Ezerak asks, "Whatever course of action we take, we must remember that our loved ones are at the mercy of their captors, likely the Heralds. If...we were to anger them, might they take out their anger on the captives?"

Avrenka says, "Hopefully ... they do not possess the energy to imprison all of us."

Avrenka says, "After all, transporting us to the 5th dimension is likely ... extremely difficult."

Saragos says to Ezerak, "We've got a possible source of Leverage, though. If it's the Heralds that did it, we could threaten to do the biggest, nastiest Sorcery we can think of."

Illiya says, "I don't think that the Heralds are vindictive in that way, they could just kill us all whenever they wanted."

Ezerak raises an eyebrow in Saragos's direction.

Ezerak asks Saragos, "And what if that just angers them?"

Illiya says, "So maybe the fact that they haven't means they need us for something."

Avrenka says, "Indeed, why didn't they just kill the 5."

Casari says to Illiya, "People assume they can just do that, you mean."

Healer Leilanie swims south, moving through the still water.

Illiya asks Casari, "Haven't they done so before to the Sraan Mehath?"

Saragos says to Ezerak, "If they did it because they thought our loved ones' efforts were too dangerous for the Plane, we could convince them that not returning them would be even more dangerous. Also, if it was someone else, we're likely to anger anyone who took them."

Ezerak says to Illiya, "Perhaps they are usually not, but Asildu mentioned that he could feel their anger, and left the last meeting with him for the safety of everyone."

Xionara nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Casari says to Illiya, "Maybe. Maybe not. We have stories, but we don't have all the details of the circumstances."

Saragos nods to Casari.

Valenal asks, "Technically, the Sraan Mehath did it to themselves, did they not?"

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Casari says, "And if there's one thing I've learned, it's that nothing you read is true."

Saragos says to Casari, "Agreed. Sraah Mehath could have just... yes, what he said."

Avrenka says, "If the Heralds come down to strike us down, that means we're doing something right."

Illiya asks Avrenka, "Uh.. does it?"

Avrenka asks Illiya, "Hopefully?"

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "You first."

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Avrenka.

Avrenka shrugs.

Avrenka says, "Fine. I volunteer as tribute."

Ezerak chuckles.

Malorna grins at Avrenka.

Xionara lets out a hearty cheer for Avrenka!

Xionara praises Avrenka.

Malorna says, "Witnessed."

Xionara softly says, "Such courage! Come feed mana tick."


Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will return in the near future, to collect any additional materials that have been prepared, as well as to potentially review the proposed contract. By that time, even without completion of the device, first steps to improve the probability of an acceptable outcome will also be prepared."

Avrenka says, "How's that."

Aerilia chuckles.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "I've a request that I hope you may consider."

Saragos nods to Liraxes.

Saragos asks Ezerak, "Yes?"

(Malorna edges away from Avrenka towards the edge of the grotto)

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Xionara giggles at Malorna.

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Avrenka yells, "SMITE ME O MIGHTY SMITER."

Avrenka shrugs.

Xionara softly says, "Oh now asking for it."

Intern Rhainn swims south, moving through the still water.

Xionara seems to be waiting for something.

* Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Avrenka says, "What can I say, I'm a skeptic."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "That should Asildu attend Ruea's negotiation attempt, that you stay your hand until he gives reason not to."

Xionara flashes a wide grin at Avrenka.

Avrenka smiles sardonically.

Golameth puts his paintstick in his burlap bag.

Valenal dusts himself off.

Xionara chortles softly at some secret joke.

Sofina says, "Oh, I'm a fan of blasphemy."

Saragos says to Avrenka, "If you're angry, I agree. But let it have a purpose."

Sofina nods to Avrenka.

Illiya says to Valenal, "So our friends were taken because they were on the route to discovering something that the Heralds did not want to be known. But we don't know what that is yet."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "If he truly has the connection to the Heralds he claims, perhaps we could find a way to use it to aid our communications."

Valenal says, "That seems a likely conclusion, yes."

Valenal nods to Illiya.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "My plans to get them back are happening after that anyway."

Avrenka asks, "Perhaps they stumbled upon ... something the Herald's feared? Or that the Herald's were stealing energy?"

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Avrenka ponders.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "I know how you, and your wife... and mine feel about certain things. But I'm getting them back. It's just a matter of what we have to do. And I want to remind you that even if we find a way to get them back, we need to make sure they STAY back. We need a threat, leverage, or a wound against their captors that prevents them from just coming back for more."

Casari nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak gives Saragos a slight nod.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "It's no good if we get into the prison, take them back, and they get yanked up again."

Illiya says, "I shall continue to publish our findings in the Herald and perhaps that will help spread the word."

Avrenka nods in agreement.

Malorna says, "Need info on the why and how to prevent it happening again."

Golameth snickers at Illiya.

Golameth says, "Thats funny."

Avrenka says to Illiya, "You may be the most powerful of us all in that respect."

Valenal softly says to Saragos, "I, too, have lost much in a long career. I am sorry for what you are going through."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "But it's also no good if harm comes to them because of our actions. Or if we get them back, and they cannot even bear to look at us for what we have done."

Illiya asks Valenal, "Would you like to make a comment for the Herald? Is there something that you would like Elanthians to know?"

Valenal exclaims to Illiya, "Oh my would I!"

Illiya nods to Valenal.

Sofina hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Sofina with a warm smile.

Valenal says to himself, "Don't you start, now..."

Malorna hugs Sofina, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "You know what? If I get Navesi back, and our children have her back, and neither she nor any of my friends will look at me again after what I've done... I can live with that."

Illiya ponders.

Illiya gazes at Valenal.

Valenal says to himself, "But you've been at this forEVER."

Ezerak gives Saragos a slight nod.

Valenal slowly empties his lungs.

Valenal quietly says, "I don't suppose anyone has a sausage roll...or similar..."

Brisknite rummages about his person, looking for something.

Xionara rummages about her person, looking for something.

Dasheek moves over to guard Illiya.

Illiya says to Valenal, "Welcome to the party..."

Malorna says, "More cake."

Dasheek waves the dinner fork through a simple series of gestures. A creamy strawberry tart topped with whipped cream appears in his left hand!

Avrenka chortles softly at some secret joke.

Lileath rings her silver bell, producing a clear and delicate tone.

Wisps of softly colored smoke swirl into existence, weaving themselves into a narrow funnel that quickly disperses to reveal a diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station.

Malorna offers Valenal a slice of chocolate cake.

Lileath puts her bell in her faesilk satchel.

Valenal nods at Malorna, obviously agreeing with her views.

Valenal accepts Malorna's chocolate cake.

Saragos says to Valenal, "I'm glad you sympathize. If, at any point, you think you might have some tools in your toolbag that might make some extraplanar being that took them sit up and take notice... I'm listening."

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Malorna says, "Chew on it... this time."

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Dasheek offers Valenal a grilled bacon-wrapped jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese and duck.

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Dasheek says, "Try that, too."

Valenal takes a bite of the cake.

Ezerak quietly says to Saragos, "Fair enough, I suppose. But just please, let us try this thing. Perhaps Asildu has more use to us than we give him credit for. Or any of the messengers, for that matter."

Golameth says, "Sausage roll...."

Kerennya takes a bite of the flatbread.

Dasheek takes a bite of the jalapeno.

Valenal mildly asks, "Actually, I have an idea. You sent a message and received a reply that was intercepted, did you not?"

Kerennya takes a bite of the flatbread.

Avrenka asks Ezerak, "What possible use would an ambassador of the enemy have for us?"

Golameth moves a rum-infused cupcake topped with sugar-coated tentacles hugging a marzipan ship to his right hand.

Malorna offers Valenal a ham and cheese sandwich on dark rye bread.

Golameth puts his cupcake in his winged unicorn.

Valenal accepts Malorna's ham sandwich.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "I was never not going to let this thing be tried. I've got too much work to do to try before then even if I wanted to."

Valenal nods to Malorna.

Kerennya takes a bite of the flatbread.

Illiya says to Valenal, "Saragos did yes.."

Dasheek moves a grilled bacon-wrapped jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese and duck to his left hand.

Valenal says, "Much obliged."

Saragos says to Valenal, "That's right."

Dasheek gets a creamy strawberry tart topped with whipped cream from inside his encompassing shadows.

Dasheek offers Illiya a creamy strawberry tart topped with whipped cream.

Golameth offers Valenal a deep-fried boar sausage coated in thick ale batter laced with crispy potato cubes.

Illiya accepts Dasheek's strawberry tart.

Dasheek takes a bite of the jalapeno.

Illiya smiles at Dasheek, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Valenal accepts Golameth's boar sausage.

Valenal beams at Golameth!

Valenal takes a bite of the sausage.

Golameth says, "Give this a go."

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Valenal takes a bite of the sausage.

Valenal takes a bite of the sausage.

Valenal takes a bite of the sausage.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Ezerak quietly says to Saragos, "Thank you."

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Valenal talks through a full mouth, some crumbs falling to the ground "Ok, that ought to hold them..."

Avrenka says, "He eats like a Gor'tog."

Xionara winces.

Xionara yawns expansively.

Xionara brushes one ear with her hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Valenal says to Saragos, "I am an expert in planar communications. If you are willing to make the attempt, I could aid you in punching through."

Malorna hugs Xionara, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Xionara softly says, "Must.. find bed.."

Xionara wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Xionara hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Avrenka says to Valenal, "Brilliant."

Ezerak gazes at Valenal.

Xionara waves.

Black Fox Xionara swims south, moving through the still water.

Aerilia ponders.

Anuril squints at Valenal.

Saragos asks Valenal, "Punching through to our lost? Or to the Lord of the Void?"

Wind Listener Sceth swims south, moving through the still water.

Golameth fixes Saragos with a serene, lofty stare.

Golameth shakes his head.

Avrenka says, "I assume the Lord of the Void, considering our lost is in an alternate timeline."

Sammee says, "I did not feel like the lost were on another plane, it was something else."

Sammee nods.

Malorna says, "Ok the bacon wand is going night night. be well all."

Malorna waves.

Illiya waves to Malorna.

Lileath waves to Malorna.

Saragos says to Avrenka, "Not sure I agree with that."

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna swims south, moving through the still water.

Avrenka says to Saragos, "It readiliy explains how they would be there, but not."

Kerennya says, "It was a place beyond our perception. But I suppose an alternate timeline would be that."

Illiya asks, "I don't think they are in an alterante timeline are they?"

Valenal says to Saragos, "I do not know who I could reach, but an attempt could be made. I believe the most profitable contact would be one of the Immortals."

Valenal takes a bite of the sausage.

Valenal takes a bite of the sandwich.

Saragos says to Avrenka, "It also means that the probable method of bringing them back would be Feral Magic, so I'm going to shelve that idea until we try the others."

Aerilia blinks at Valenal.

Golameth says, "More like a secret pocket that people aren't supposed to know about for reason."

Illiya exclaims, "A letter to the immortals!"

Valenal nods to Illiya.

Casari asks, "Wait, you can get a line to an Immortal using elemental magic?"

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "As to your question, who else would we negotiate with? And perhaps ambassador is a strong word, besides."

Saragos says to Valenal, "Hmm. Ok. I'll play."

Avrenka says to Ezerak, "That's true."

Anuril quietly says, "I believe those are called 'prayers'."

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Anuril.

Sammee snorts, loudly.

Valenal chuckles.

Avrenka says to Valenal, "You can ... communicate with the Immortals? Why didn't you say so from the beginning."

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Illiya says, "Nothing to lose, we should try it."

Valenal nods to Illiya.

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "He's shown us little evidence that he represents them, so to speak. Just that he has studied them, may have a connection of sorts to them, and came to deliver a rather dire message."

Aerilia says, "It's certainly worth a try."

Valenal says to Avrenka, "Communicate is a strong word. But I could aid us in yelling very loudly."

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "And if he does, in fact, represent them, well, there must be a way we can use that to our advantage."

Illiya puts her tart in her lunchbox.

Valenal says, "If you would excuse me. I need to go, and I quote, "jump off a waterfall."

Valenal sighs.

Illiya blinks at Valenal.

Voranos nods politely.

Ezerak asks Valenal, "Good luck?"

Kerennya pats Valenal on the back.

Aerilia says, "Make sure to cast air bubble first."

Illiya asks Valenal, "En..joy?"

Dasheek says, "Beats Fire Rain.."

Valenal says to Ezerak, "They like their extreme experiences."

Eyst says to Valenal, "Try not to hit any rocks."

Valenal rubs his head.

Illiya winces.

Anuril gestures at Valenal.

A large bubble forms around Valenal's head.

Anuril winks at Aerilia.

Aerilia nods to Anuril.

Saragos says to Valenal, "If you're leaving, I'll prepare a letter and send it to your mailbox, if you're willing to make the attempt."

Valenal nods to Saragos.

Valenal says, "I am willing."

Ezerak says to Valenal, "Thank you."

Saragos nods to Valenal.

Aerilia says to Anuril, "He may still break his back, but at least he won't drown."

Illiya flounders about in the water.

Anuril coughs.

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Valenal flounders about in the water.

Valenal waves.

Valenal swims south, moving through the still water.

Sublime Mender Kerennya swims south, moving through the still water.

Illiya asks Saragos, "So which Immortal are you going to write to?"

Brisknite frowns.

* Valenal returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Golameth says, "Trothfang."

Golameth nods to Illiya.

Rejind raises his hand in a quick salute.

Fury's Touch Rejind swims south, moving through the still water.

Illiya shakes her head at Golameth.

Golameth exclaims, "Why not!"

Ezerak says, "He recommended Firulf, at one point."

Golameth says, "No he didn't."

Illiya laughs!

Illiya nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos says, "I don't really believe that he could write to the Immortals. But Daervlan was clearly trying to tell us something when it was cut off. And if they burn the letter to Valenal, or kill Valenal before he can respond, then we'll definitely know that we're on the right track."

Golameth says, "He said he would write to Firfulf himself when someone asked what he would do."

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Casari says, "He said he would choose Firulf, himself, but said to choose the one to whom you are closest."

Saragos says to Illiya, "So that's information either way."

Illiya nods to Saragos.

Avrenka ponders.

Ezerak asks Casari, "Ah, but if he is the one doing the writing, would it not make sense to go with the one he would choose?"

Casari looks at Ezerak and shrugs.

Avrenka asks, "Which Immortal would know best about this situation?"

Casari says, "I still vote for Phelim and some righteous vengeance."

Casari cracks her knuckles.

Saragos says to Golameth, "I mean, we can write a letter to Firulf and see if he gets a response we can believe. I don't think we will, but it costs little to try."

Golameth says, "If i was to write to Firulf as i worship Trothfang i believe i would be ignored."

Aerilia ponders.

Illiya nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Golameth says to Saragos, "Which immortal do you align with."

Avrenka says, "Well it seems many of our intial suspections were correct ... with that, I bid everyone good night."

Avrenka waves.

Illiya says, "Firulf has answered us in a vigil before."

Illiya waves to Avrenka.

Avrenka flounders about in the water.

Ezerak says to Casari, "Oh, I will be trying my own messages as well. Though not in the same way, I am sure."

Avrenka nods to Illiya.

Avrenka nods to Saragos.

Brisknite waves to Avrenka.

Avrenka nods to Brisknite.

Mathematician Avrenka swims south, moving through the still water.

Brisknite leans on Saragos.

Sammee ponders.

Illiya says to Saragos, "If you let me know the details of the letter, and whatever response, I will be sure to help publish it in the Herald. I am sure that Navesi would want us to keep everyone informed if she were here."

Saragos says to Golameth, "Personal question. But, well, I've always associated with Chadatru. And Meraud, as well."

Saragos nods to Brisknite.

Aerilia asks, "If the gods are at are, perhaps Everild would be the best to apprise us of what's going on?"

Golameth puts his book in his winged unicorn.

Aerilia coughs.

Brisknite pats Saragos on the back.

Aerilia says, "At war."

Golameth says to Saragos, "It was more of a rhetorical question."

Eyst says, "I suppose I will be off as well. What a revelatory evening it has been though."

Saragos nods to Golameth.

Eyst flounders about in the water.

Esotericist Eyst swims south, moving through the still water.

Illiya nods.

Ezerak says, "I should be off."

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Dasheek nods.

Illiya says, "Me too, good talk everyone."

Dasheek says, "Be dangerous."

Ezerak lays his hand on Saragos's arm.

Illiya waves.

Voranos hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Voranos, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Casari waves to Illiya.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Illiya says to Saragos, "I look forward to hearing from you."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Take care. Try to get some rest. I know it is hard."

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Illiya smiles at Casari, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Sammee swims south, moving through the still water.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya swims south, moving through the still water.

Danger Wizard Dasheek swims south, moving through the still water.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Thanks. You too."

Ezerak smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Anuril takes a bite of the flatbread.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "I will try, though I do not think sleep will come tonight."

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak hugs Ysilda, who wraps her arms around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Ezerak hugs Casari, getting a smile in return.

Ezerak lays his palms against Anuril's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "It mostly doesn't anymore. Keep working until I pass out, more like."

Ezerak nods to Brisknite.

Forest Sprite Lileath swims south, moving through the still water.

Anuril nods to Ezerak.

Voranos rubs Saragos gently, massaging his muscles.

Brisknite frowns at Saragos.

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Anuril takes a bite of the flatbread.

Voranos's rage dissipates.

Ezerak waves.

Mountain Lord Ezerak swims south, moving through the still water.

Anuril quietly says, "Watching that fellow eat made me hungry."

Anuril takes a bite of the flatbread.

Brisknite chuckles at Anuril.

Ysilda flounders about in the water.

Life Weaver Ysilda swims south, moving through the still water.

Anuril takes a bite of the flatbread.

Golameth waves.

Brisknite says to Saragos, "Is there anything I could do to help you get some rest? A rested mind can accomplish much more than a tired one."

Anuril nods to Golameth.

Anuril takes a bite of the flatbread.

Aerilia puts her talisman in her scroll case.

Mage Slayer Golameth swims south, moving through the still water.

Voranos says, "I vote we learn to make some black flames and throw it at some temple walls and see if it sticks."

Brisknite grins at Voranos.

Voranos hums to himself.

Anuril shakes his head.

Saragos says to Brisknite, "I appreciate the sentiment. I really do. The only thing I can think of right now is that I'm a candle, and I hope I get them back before I burn down to the nub."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril swims south, moving through the still water.

Saragos glances at Voranos.

Mageling Aerilia swims south, moving through the still water.

Voranos casually observes the area.

Brisknite nods to Saragos.

Brisknite says, "Well when the time comes, you have my spear."

Saragos says to Voranos, "Be mindful of the property values. Best to do that in places nobody cares too much about."

Voranos says to Saragos, " You're stronger than you know. Don't let thoughts like you're at the end of your rope box in your potential sir."

Saragos says to Brisknite, "I appreciate it."

Brisknite draws forth a telothian imperial spear with a glowing truegold fire lion's mane marred by shadowy cracks.

Brisknite shows Voranos his Imperial spear.

Voranos says to Saragos, " Aye but the more valuable the property, the more likely you'll get a response from the landlords."

Brisknite puts his spear in his black haversack.

Brisknite sheathes his Imperial spear.

Saragos asks Voranos, "Cornered animal is the most dangerous, though, right?"

Brisknite nods to Saragos.

Miecha just left.

Voranos nods to Saragos.

Voranos says to Brisknite, " wow love that spear."

Saragos says, "I've got to run right now though. Take care, all."

Saragos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Voranos praises Brisknite.

Saragos just left.