Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09072024/Liraxes Completes the Device

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Liraxes Completes the Device
Event Date: 09/07/2024
Event Instance: Prime
  • Steward of Recursion Liraxes joins the adventure.

Steward of Recursion Liraxes just arrived.

Steward of Recursion Liraxes went through a complex crystalline machine.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Firehawk Casari went through a complex crystalline machine.

[Inside the Machine]
The room is vast and angular, its deep blue crystal walls scattering light into a spectrum of hues. The smooth surfaces reflect and refract, casting intricate patterns across the floor. Embedded in the walls are complex metallic patterns wrought in nickel, icesteel, niniam, and zinc, occasionally glowing with heat in rhythmic pulses. Thin crystalline rods connect the mechanisms, shifting and changing smoothly. The air hums with a subtle vibration, punctuated by the occasional metallic click. Thin, translucent tubes filled with glowing blue liquid pulse gently, in sync with the mechanisms. You also see a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room and an opening in the wall.

Casari holds a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The crystal growth is nearly complete."

The uneven crystal nodule bears veins of blue pulsing along its structure. It is slowly expanding and solidifying, and emits a faint hum.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril came through an opening in the wall.

Anuril casually observes the area.

The humming from the crystal nodule in the center of the room increases in intensity as it glows from within with alternating blue and white light.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "A few more moments."

Urbaj casually observes the area.

Casari examines a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room.

Anuril seems to be waiting for something.

The slow growth of the crystal nodule finally ceases as it takes the form of a crystalline pedestal in the center of the room. A series of metallic clicks echo around the chamber and the increased humming fades away along with the glow from the pedestal's interior.

Urbaj stands near a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room.

(look) The crystalline pedestal bears veins of blue pulsing along its structure. It emits a faint hum, and several strange glyphs slowly float over its surface. You believe you could STUDY it to learn more.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Please take care to examine the pedestal before interacting with it."

Urbaj approaches the pedestal.

Urbaj puts his hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

(study) You believe you could TOUCH the pedestal to indicate that you support pure mana casting, or TAP the pedestal to indicate that you support mixed mana casting. Something about the flow of energies tells you that you must be familiar with manipulating mana, and it will require all your attunement to inform the machine, and based on the directionality of the patterns, you are confident you may only do this once.

Anuril approaches the pedestal.

Anuril puts his hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

[Inside the Machine]
The room is vast and angular, its deep blue crystal walls scattering light into a spectrum of hues. The smooth surfaces reflect and refract, casting intricate patterns across the floor. Embedded in the walls are complex metallic patterns wrought in nickel, icesteel, niniam, and zinc, occasionally glowing with heat in rhythmic pulses. Thin crystalline rods connect the mechanisms, shifting and changing smoothly. The air hums with a subtle vibration, punctuated by the occasional metallic click. Thin, translucent tubes filled with glowing blue liquid pulse gently, in sync with the mechanisms. You also see a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room and an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The purpose of this section of the device is to record sentiment on the usage of mixed mana versus pure mana casting."

Anuril gives a slight nod.

Storm Forged Milja came through an opening in the wall.

(Casari steps back from the pedestal without interacting with it.)

Sister Seef came through an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Any individual interested in having their feelings on the matter recorded may do so, if they have the ability to manipulate mana."

Seef approaches the pedestal.

Seef puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Seef nods.

Milja nods.

Sister Seef went through an opening in the wall.

Cateress Allye came through an opening in the wall.

Allye puts her map in her tapestry carpetbag.

Sofina approaches the pedestal.

Sofina puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Anuril asks, "Liraxes, what have you done to ensure that a sudden influx in the arrival of new adventurers to the crossing who, coincidentally, are able to manipulate mana, does not result in shall we say, unrepresentative data?"

Anuril smirks.

Allye gazes at a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room.

Milja approaches the pedestal.

Milja puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Sofina says, "Suppose I should have asked what I was doing..."

Sofina gazes at Liraxes.

Anuril grins at Sofina.

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya came through an opening in the wall.

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Sofina, "You were recording your feelings on the usage of mixed mana casting in attempts to restore the Balance."

Allye whispers something to Casari.

Sofina nods to Liraxes.

Wind Listener Sceth came through an opening in the wall.

Casari shakes her head at Allye.

Illiya asks Liraxes, "How does a device record sentiment?"

Sceth chews on Sofina's shoulder. Weirdo.

Sofina says to Liraxes, "Without it, I'd be unable to cast."

Casari whispers something to Allye.

Allye nods to Casari.

Anuril mournfully says to Sofina, "Wouldn't that be a shame.."

Sofina smiles at Anuril.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Anuril, "There are separate facilities for recording the actual levels of sorcerous casting being undertaken."

Black Fox Xionara came through an opening in the wall.

Anuril gives Liraxes a slight nod.

Illiya approaches the pedestal.

Illiya puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Xionara nods to Liraxes.

Sofina says to Anuril, "You know you would grow bored if I was unable to raise myself."

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Xionara smirks.

Shaylynne came through an opening in the wall.

Shaylynne casually observes the area.

Shaylynne gives Illiya a smooch.

Anuril says, "Perhaps."

Shaylynne gives Allye a smooch.

Illiya says, "The pedestal will take all your mana if you touch it."

Allye gives Shaylynne a smooch.

Illiya snuggles up to Shaylynne.

Allye frowns at Illiya.

Anuril says, "Oh I encourage people to touch it..."

Sofina says, "Be sure you study it first."

Allye asks, "Why?"

Xionara softly says, "Must tap it."

Shaylynne approaches the pedestal.

Shaylynne puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Sofina says, "You want to tap it."

Urbaj says, "Hmm...can we discern from watching which action they are taking? Or does it look the same from afar."

Illiya says, "Oh I see it's a polling device."

Sofina nods to Illiya.

Illiya chortles softly at some secret joke.

Sofina says, "It would seem of sorts."

Shaylynne grins at Illiya.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Correct."

Sceth says, "What happens if i lick it? sorry odd things i do."

Xionara softly asks Liraxes, "What purpose of poll, please?"

Sceth's feet are soaked.

Xionara gazes at Liraxes.

Allye rubs her left arm.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Sceth, "Relatively little. It should not be poisonous."

Sceth says, "Should..."

Sceth ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Xionara, "Recording public sentinment on the usage of mixed-mana casting for restoring the Balance, to use in ongoing calculations as to best approaches."

Xionara nods to Liraxes.

Sceth says, "You first."

Sceth just nudged Sofina.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Liraxes.

Sofina says to Sceth, "I already tapped it."

Xionara softly asks Liraxes, "And still advise sorcerous casting as best way to accomplish return of balance, correct?"

Sofina smiles at Sceth.

Sofina says, "It didnt hurt."

Sceth says, "But did you lick it."

Casari says, "I suspect those aligned with Liraxes's interests are more likely to be willing to interact with the device, either way."

Sofina smirks.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Xionara, "Correct."

Xionara nods.

Xionara approaches the pedestal.

Xionara puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Sofina shakes her head at Sceth.

Xionara softly says, "Have tapped pedestal."

Xionara nods.

Illiya asks, "Can you change your response or vote multiple times?"

Illiya says, "I mean, not that one would do that."

Illiya whistles a merry tune.

Xionara begins chortling at Illiya.

Sofina says, "As I've seen so far Liraxes nor Valenal have given any doubt to not believe them. They've been forthcoming of infomation, mostly."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "At present the device will only record once for an individual."

Allye asks Liraxes, "If enough people indicate they support pure mana casting, will you prioritize pure mana casting solutions to the imbalance?"

Shaylynne paces back and forth, smiling slightly to herself.

Xionara groans.

Illiya gazes at Shaylynne.

Xionara softly says, "Mostly do cast pure mana at all times."

Allye nods to Xionara.

Shaylynne studies the area, intently looking for signs.

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Shaylynne hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Anuril squints at Sofina.

Illiya joins Shaylynne's group.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Allye, "Liraxes has not determined any direct solution to the imbalance that does not involve sorcerous casting, but if there is a high degree of interest in avoiding that, Liraxes may have to put more focus on other activities which have indirect improvements when used for calculating the probability of an acceptable outcome."

Allye hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Shaylynne's group went through an opening in the wall.

Allye looks thoughtfully at Liraxes.

Stargazer Mistanna came through an opening in the wall.

Milja leans on Allye.

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril went through an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will continue to monitor incoming data, and provide further updates on activities to undertake."

Allye nods to Liraxes.

Milja nods to Liraxes.

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Allye quietly says, "I'm still trying to suss out if that was a yes or a no."

Sofina squints.

* Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Allye chuckles.

Milja grins at Allye.

Milja says, "And just like that, he is gone."

Mistanna asks, "Could someone regale me on what it said?"

Xionara softly says, "Think was saying it would also find other solutions."

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Xionara softly says, "If people unwilling to use sorcery as solution are enough in number."

Xionara scowls.

Firehawk Casari went through an opening in the wall.

Allye says, "But not sure what those other solutions would look like."

Sofina grins.

Sofina nods.

Xionara softly says, "As if those of us wanting solution don't wish there was easier way."

Allye gazes at a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room.

Xionara grumbles.

Shield of Death Heartsfyre came through an opening in the wall.

Sofina points at a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room.

Xionara rubs her stone gwethdesuan.

Mistanna approaches the pedestal.

Mistanna puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Allye gulps.

Milja continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Milja raises an eyebrow in Allye's direction.

Allye approaches the pedestal.

Allye ponders.

Heartsfyre approaches the pedestal.

Allye approaches the pedestal.

Allye puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Xionara chortles softly at some secret joke.

Sofina asks Allye, "I'm assuming you did one mana stream?"

Sceth just nudged Xionara.

Allye nods to Sofina.

Milja quietly says, "We need I voted stickers."

Xionara just nudged Sceth.

Sofina says, "I'm just trying to see if there is a difference in the lighting when someone touches it compared to tapping."

Heartsfyre approaches the pedestal.

Heartsfyre puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Allye asks Sofina, "Did it look different?"

Sofina says to Allye, "You caused a bright white-blue light."

Allye nods.

Sceth taps a blackened steel badge etched with "Beyond Help" that she is wearing.

Sceth looks at Xionara and shrugs.

Sofina says, "Wait and see."

Zfora puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Urbaj says, "I haven't seen a difference. No way to coerce people into voting one way or another."

Allye slowly empties her lungs.

Sofina says, "All the same color."

Allye nods to Urbaj.

Jape came through an opening in the wall.

Allye says to Mistanna, "I think I missed the beginning of what it said. But essentially the pedestal will collect data that will help it determine future courses of action."

Sceth approaches the pedestal.

Sceth puts her hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Allye says, "Anyone please correct me if I missed anything."

Sofina says, "I believe that is all of it."

Sofina nods to Allye.

Allye nods.

Jape approaches the pedestal.

Jape puts his hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Milja wistfully says, "I bet that thing is a good gambler."

Milja nods to Allye.

Mistanna chuckles.

Allye gives Milja a wry grin.

Xionara nods at Milja, obviously agreeing with her views.

Shield of Death Heartsfyre went through an opening in the wall.

Milja hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye nods to Milja.

Jape went through an opening in the wall.

Allye just hugged Milja.

Allye says, "Safe paths, everyone."

Paff came through an opening in the wall.

Mistanna waves.

Allye waves to Mistanna.

Storm Forged Milja went through an opening in the wall.

Medir came through an opening in the wall.

Allye leans over and scratches Medir's back.

Medir casually observes the area.

Medir grins at Allye.

Paff approaches the pedestal.

Medir joins Allye's group.

Haxen came through an opening in the wall.

Allye nods to Medir.

Cateress Allye went through an opening in the wall.

Medir went through an opening in the wall.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj went through an opening in the wall.

Haxen doffs his top hat.

Sofina looks at Haxen and applauds!

Sofina says, "Welcome. Stop up to the pedestal and tap it."

Sofina smiles at Haxen.

Haxen smiles at Sofina.

Sofina says, "You can step up too if you desire."

Paff approaches the pedestal.

Mistanna says to Sofina, "That's not fair."

Mistanna chuckles.

Haxen grins.

Sofina says to Mistanna, "I called my guildmates for a reason."

Sofina giggles.

Paff approaches the pedestal.

Paff puts his hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Trustii puts his hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Haxen approaches the pedestal.

Haxen puts his hand on the pedestal and after a few moments it briefly glows with a bright white-blue light.

Sofina says, "Trustii, we thank you."

Haxen says, "Interesting machine."

You hear a voice say, "My pleasure."

Paff glances up at the sky.

Mistanna says, "|Sofi I have to say, I love all your piercings."

Paff went through an opening in the wall.

Sofina says, "If something where to happen with sorcery, we'd be doomed. Rest assured what you do today matters."

Mistanna says to Sofina, "I have to say, I love all your piercings."

Sofina looks at Mistanna and blushes.

Xionara chuckles at Mistanna.

Sofina says to Mistanna, "Thats very sweet of you, thank you."

Mistanna flashes a quick grin.

Sofina smiles at Mistanna.

Mistanna nods politely to Sofina.

Mistanna rubs a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room.

Haxen grins at Trustii.

Sceth rubs Sofina's head.

Sofina giggles at Sceth.

Sceth winks.

Mistanna exclaims, "Ooo, someone has a challenger drink for me. I am off!"

Mistanna waves.

Haxen asks, "Do we know how long this thing will be collecting votes?"

Haxen says, "Also as a Gnome I should get 3 votes."

Trustii approaches the pedestal.

Haxen throws the sides of his smoking jacket back and struts about.

Stargazer Mistanna went through an opening in the wall.

Haxen smirks.

Sofina shakes her head at Haxen.

Sofina says, "He didnt mention how long it'd take."

Haxen nods.

Xionara softly says, "Back to temple."

Xionara softly says, "Tap pedestal.. if brave enough."

Xionara smirks.

Haxen grins.

Black Fox Xionara went through an opening in the wall.

Haxen kicks the back of his smoking jacket out of the way and bows deeply from the waist.

Haxen went through an opening in the wall.

Trustii tips his farmer's hat.

Gardener Trustii went through an opening in the wall.

(Everyone departed. Log ended.)