Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08252024/Party at the End of the World with Drake Invasion

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It has been 450 years, 68 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 2nd month of Ka'len the Sea Drake in the year of the Golden Panther.

Vision Received by Saragos and Ezerak

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light.

A hooded figure in darkest midnight black stands before you holding a tall staff that crackles with energies. You cannot see his face, though you hear a growl as a huge black wolf steps forward and cocks its head at you. The dog pants excitedly a moment, and vanishes. The figure nods, and vanishes.

You hear Him, encouraging you to listen. To observe. There is chaos coming, and it is necessary, and will break those that would do us harm. You only have to listen.

Arrival and Introduction

[Arhat's Tower, Workshop]
Very little is recognizable from the workshop's original contents. The walls are broken off at half their intended height and the area lies open to the elements. The only obvious sign of the room's prior function, odd glowing stains marking the floor, are most likely the result of past experiments gone awry. You also see a large fiery fissure, a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood, an uncannily attentive void-black owl with a ghostly white mask, a viridian plant grinder, a viridian dry press and a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting.
Also here: Khozh Elizzibiana who is shadowed by the spectral image of a grey-eyed viper formed of fire and smoke, Firehawk Casari, Mage Slayer Golameth who is pestered by an incorporeal imp resting on their shoulder making nonsensical gestures, Black Fox Xionara who has a stony visage, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna who is circled by ephemeral phantom sharks, Lexxa, Lady Knight Elurora who is kneeling, Sylventos, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Pilgrim Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Elemental Aegis Tekhelet who has a stony visage and Blessed of Katamba Laureh who is sitting.
Obvious paths: down.

As Sukidesu gestures a long-leafed vela'tohr bush surrounded by diminutive blue butterflies forms and grows before them.

(Elurora tries to intercept the energy of the dissipated sphere of light and channel it into the shield.)

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Nawain gets a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain reverently lays her prayer mat at her feet, smoothing out its corners.

Nawain humbly kneels in the center of the prayer mat.

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Darkling Blackgeist just arrived.

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles down.

Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived, leading his group.

Tekhelet turns to face a large fiery fissure and claps his hands forcefully.

The fiery fissure collapses in on itself, winking out of existence.

Illiya waves.

Casari waves to Illiya.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Illiya just hugged Casari.

Dasheek says, "Good evening, folks."

Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Sofina just arrived.

Casari hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Casari smiles.

Nawain nods.

Elurora blinks.

Illiya says to Golameth, "Haven't seen you in awhile."

Harvest Daughter Lasan just arrived.

Elurora smiles at Illiya.

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya just hugged Nawain.

Xionara rubs her neck.

Malorna chuckles at Sofina.

Nawain hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles down.

Candy Pirate Akeiro just arrived, leading his group.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Akeiro waves.

High Lord of Justice Imroth just arrived.

Selame wraps her arms around Illiya, giving Illiya a great big bear hug!

Akeiro wraps his arms around Illiya, giving Illiya a great big bear hug!

Ruea just arrived.

Imroth raises his Imperial spear in a quick salute.

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived.

Akeiro exclaims to Illiya, "Hug sammich!"

Illiya hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Dasheek waves.

Selame waves to Imroth.

Illiya hugs Akeiro, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Selame giggles at Akeiro.

Malorna chuckles.

Illiya exclaims, "I do like sammiches!"

Akeiro waves to Imroth.

Akeiro waves to Malorna.

Imroth loudly exclaims, "Greetings to the Bold and the Brave!"

Malorna smiles at Akeiro.

Selame wraps her arms around Malorna, giving Malorna a great big bear hug!

Malorna hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Malorna says, "Hello."

Illiya begins chortling at Imroth.

Selame bops Golameth over the head.

Dasheek nods to Imroth.

Casari shakes her head.

Sofina grins at Malorna.

Selame stands near Akeiro.

Ears tilted forward, Akeiro curls his tail around Selame's waist loosely.

Akeiro kisses Selame on the nose.

Malorna chews on Sofina's shoulder. Weirdo.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Akeiro closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

(Saragos moves to stand near Stone 139, to cover it with his body.)

(Elurora glances up briefly then returns to her work of attempting to shield the stone.)

Selame closes her eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

Illiya gazes at Elurora.

Imroth says, "I hope everyone is doing well on this fine day."

Casari stands near Elurora.

Elurora smiles at Casari.

Selame nods to Imroth.

Casari nods to Elurora.

Illiya gazes at some blunt stones with blood-red banding.

Akeiro says to Imroth, "Peachy."

Imroth says, "There is a stone here of particular importance to some people, I would ask everyone to respect that."

Elurora smiles at Imroth.

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Imroth.

Saragos nods to Imroth.

Nawain nods to Imroth.

Elurora bows to Imroth.

Akeiro quietly says to Selame, "Must be like Gola with the dirt."

Selame nods to Akeiro.

Death's Messenger Buzan just arrived.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Tezirite Luna just arrived.

Ezerak squints.

Buzan whistles low.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Buzan flirts with Sofina. Sofina smiles demurely, giving Buzan her full attention.

Luna casually observes the area.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Buzan.

  • Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.
  • Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Intern Souhei just arrived.

Golameth says to Akeiro, "Dirt is serious business."

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Elurora nods at Nawain, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Selame nods at Golameth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sclerotia just arrived.

Peace Keeper Vaddon just arrived, leading his group.

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Illiya nods to Imroth.

Imroth smiles at Illiya.

Raven Queen Chelinde just arrived.

Chelinde steps towards Akeiro to join him, but Akeiro steps away.

Chelinde grabs Akeiro by the shoulders and shakes him!

Malorna chuckles.

Casari nods to Ezerak.

Saragos kneels down.

Ezerak joins Casari's group.

(Elurora remains kneeling near the stone and Saragos' prone form still keeping most of her focus on gathering the energy from the light and mana around her and channeling it into a shield around the stone.)

Chelinde whispers something to Akeiro.

Selame says to Chelinde, "Give it one more go, for good measure."

Chelinde nods to Selame.

Chelinde says to Selame, "Good idea."

Chelinde grabs Akeiro by the shoulders and shakes him!

Chelinde grabs Akeiro by the shoulders and shakes him!

Voksrig Lucky Object just arrived.

Lexxa bows to Malorna.

Tinkerer Olinslag just arrived.

Chelinde hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Chelinde with a warm smile.

Malorna just hugged Lexxa.

Chelinde hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Akeiro clasps Chelinde's hand tenderly.

Selame wraps her arms around Chelinde, giving Chelinde a great big bear hug!

Lexxa hugs Malorna, getting a smile in return.

Chelinde squints at Golameth.

Illiya just hugged Chelinde.

Golameth squints at Chelinde.

Akeiro yells, "HELLO CHELINDE!"

Chelinde yells, "HELLO AKEIRO."

Elizzibiana snorts, loudly.

Zalinyar waves.

Breath of the Heralds Asildu just arrived, leading his group.

Zalinyar says, "Hello everyone."

Imroth glances at Asildu.

Akeiro waves to Zalinyar.

Lexxa bows to Zalinyar.

Elurora bows to Asildu.

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

(Nawain flexes her fingers and buries them into the air around her, inhaling deeply.)

Elurora bows to Miraena.

Dasheek casually observes the area.

Akeiro holds his hand out towards Golameth for a highfive.

Zalinyar asks, "Rum anyone?"

Zalinyar smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Sukidesu pats Nawain on the back.

Miraena smiles at Elurora.

Selame stretches out a hand imploringly to Zalinyar.

Golameth and Akeiro highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps. Sassy!

Casari waves to Miraena.

Imroth grins at Zalinyar.

Asildu looks a bit tired as he enters the workshop.

Miraena beams at Casari!

Vaddon taps Zalinyar lightly on her shoulder and waits expectantly.

Riverlynn just arrived.

Luna says to Zalinyar, "Please."

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Vaddon says to Zalinyar, "Yes please."

Zalinyar grins, revealing her dimples.

Brisknite smiles.

Zalinyar offers Vaddon a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames.

Casari says to Miraena, "Be careful. They're going to... do something dangerous."

Vaddon accepts Zalinyar's darkefire rum.

Imroth chuckles.

Zalinyar offers Luna a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames.

Miraena nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Luna accepts Zalinyar's darkefire rum.

Tekhelet gestures.
The air around Tekhelet shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
Raw energies rupture near Laureh, leaving her looking pale and drained.

Malorna concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on her face.
A strong mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Illiya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Vaddon takes a sip of his rum.

Miraena quietly says to Casari, "Yes... that is why we have come."

Luna says, "Thank you."

Casari nods.

Nawain gestures.
An instant rush of black and blue fire explodes into being, consuming Nawain's left hand and turning it into ash!

Imroth politely says, "Thank you all for coming. I am honored by your attendance."

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

Luna takes a sip of her rum.

Sukidesu takes a seat near Saragos.

Malorna says, "Lightning reflexes."

Nawain mutters to herself.

Malorna preens. Someone's pleased with herself!

Illiya beams at Malorna!

Asildu says, "There is much I feel I must say before this... can go on."

Zalinyar says, "Just let me know if annyone would like some rum. I come well stocked."

Ezerak coldly says to Imroth, "I just want you to know that, if this thing endangers the missing in any way, that I will rain infinite hells upon everyone that participates. So tread carefully here."

Akeiro nods to Golameth.

Chelinde giggles at Selame.

Lexxa sharply asks, "To put a stop to all of us?"

(Saragos tenses, bracing for any impact.)

Luna gazes at Asildu.

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Imroth says to Ezerak, "You and a lot of others."

Imroth nods.

Casari nods emphatically.

Riverlynn leans on Ezerak.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Illiya lays her hand on Nawain's arm.

Asildu says, "During the Elven-Human war, the Heralds provided a warning to the Sraan Mehath to refrain from casting their sorcerous, destructive magic. But the Sraan Mehath didn't listen. They destroyed themselves with their disobedience. With their recklessness."

Dasheek says to Asildu, "It is rude to interrupt."

Zfora just arrived.

Chelinde appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Buzan waves to Zfora.

Selame appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Ezerak blinks.

Chelinde nods to Selame.

Asildu says, "This... this is the Heralds providing us ALL a warning. Cautioning us to cease this dangerous, unstable casting. The message Miraena and I bring is no different from the message the Heralds brought back then. This... this is the Heralds providing us ALL a warning. Cautioning us to turn away from this path. To stop this sorcerous, unstable casting."

Chelinde gasps!

Back Alley Hack Phierre just arrived.

Ezerak appears to be listening intently for something.

Phierre smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Fire Witch Merilwen just arrived.

Buzan waves to Phierre.

Phierre gazes at Golameth.

Imroth says to Asildu, "And yet here we stand."

Asildu asks, "The only difference is that we are not just facing down a single, defiant mage, as what caused the eradication of the S'Kra Wind Clan. No, today... tonight... you have gathered a *tower* full of defiant mages. Have you even considered the amount of destruction your actions could cause? The potential that this grave error you are about to make could wipe out, not only those within a quarter mile, but the span of the entire province? The innocent lives of those who rely on you to protect them?"

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Object winces.

Elizzibiana says, "Ehh, I dont mind joining my ancestors in the Sraan. I'd be honored to actually."

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

Phierre catches Selame up in a fierce embrace, swinging her around exuberantly.

Phierre gives Akeiro a smooch.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Akeiro gives Phierre a smooch.

Asildu exclaims, "You are here to seek a means of solving the issue of wild magic. A desperate attempt to find the friends and loved ones you've lost. But this is wrong. This is not the answer. If you care at all for yourselves - your missing friends - or the safety of the world around you, I beg you reconsider this madness!"

Zalinyar quietly says, "Or the Iron clan."

Miraena frowns.

Selame wraps her arms around Phierre, giving Phierre a great big bear hug!

Selame gives Phierre a smooch.

Imroth says to Asildu, "The door is one floor down."

Chelinde praises Akeiro.

Selame appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Miraena glances at Imroth.

Phierre smiles at Chelinde, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Phierre waves.

Merilwen just hugged Elizzibiana.

Nawain gazes down at the ground.

Chelinde nods politely to Phierre.

Selame pulls Phierre towards her!

Brisknite stands near Saragos.

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Phierre grins at Selame, his dimples flashing into view.

Imroth matter-of-factly says, "As you all probably know, we have had a few visitors around town recently that have told us many things. I am not certain who is trustworthy and who is not. I don't know -and I don't think anyone here does- what exactly is causing this imbalance or how to fix it. But what I do know is that sorcery is the key."

Phierre joins Akeiro's group.

Elurora sighs softly.

Akeiro just tried to take Golameth's hand, but he politely pulled away.

Miraena sighs.

Wharf Wolf Khearkrash just arrived.

Imroth succinctly says, "Either we try to silence as much sorcery as possible, or we blast as much sorcery as possible."

Xionara coughs.

Imroth boldly says, "I for one, cannot choose to wait in silence. It is time for action."

Xionara mutters something into the air about hard.

Xionara rolls her eyes.

Saragos says, "If any of you get kidnapped by the Heralds, I'll try to rescue you too."

Observer Eyuve just arrived.

Illiya smiles at Saragos, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nawain nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

(Elurora shakes her head slightly but instead of talking simply continues with her task of trying to channel her golden mana and the golden light from the spheres around her into building a shield around the stone.)

Asildu glances about with concern on his face.

Imroth says, "Liraxes and Valenal have tried a sort of "sorcerous flooding", and I know at least some of you have assisted in those ongoing projects. I have high hopes for the progress being made with them."

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Akeiro appears to be whispering to those in his company.

Imroth discerningly says, "But, these visitors are focused on a much greater scale, and I don't believe that they will spend any effort on rescuing our comrades. The lives of five are small compared to the fate of the world."

Chelinde nods to Akeiro.

Phierre grins at Akeiro, his dimples flashing into view.

Sofina looks at Imroth and applauds!

Imroth enthusiastically exclaims, "Perhaps we can use their methods to attempt it ourselves though!"

Lexxa coldly says, "The Heralds, don't care about us."

Zalinyar stands near Vaddon.

Xionara nods at Lexxa, obviously agreeing with her views.

Luna says, "I believe we are the solution to problem."

Lexxa stands near Saragos.

Vaerek just arrived.

Imroth firmly says, "This is not a measured operation. I am not some keeper of secrets with a perfect answer. I am not even an outstanding mage. Make no mistake, this is a perilous scream of defiance."

Tekhelet jabs an elbow into Nawain's ribs. The honeymoon must be over.

Miraena glances at Avrenka.

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Saragos nods to Brisknite.

Imroth righteously says, "But it is our best hope against this unknown enemy."

Vaerek bows to Miraena.

Avrenka looks at Miraena and shrugs.

Vaddon takes a sip of his rum.

Dasheek nods to Imroth.

Nawain winces.

Vaerek bows to Asildu.

Imroth slowly says, "This enemy..."

Nawain stands up.

Miraena nods to Vaerek.

Chelinde gazes at Vaerek.

A tear runs down Chelinde's face.

Nawain carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels.

Vaerek strides down.

Nawain puts her mat in her slender rugursora.

Nawain kneels down.

Imroth warily says, "This enemy seems to have primal control over the realms of magic. Able to teleport huge groups of people perhaps across the planes. Able to modulate the streams of mana from completely null to phenomenally bright. Able to capture some of our most skilled companions..."

Nawain nods to Tekhelet.

Selame rubs Chelinde gently, massaging her muscles.

Asildu nods.

Imroth loudly says, "But this enemy is not without weakness! We heard it say "Enough. We demand silence for one minute." in frustration before stifling magic for a brief time."

Xionara shakes her head.

Imroth intensely exclaims, "If they want magical silence, then I will shout every sorcerous incantation as loud as I can, and I petition everyone to join me!"

Dasheek nods to Imroth.

Akeiro offers Selame a rich chocolate volcano cake drizzled with a melted glaze.

Imroth intensely exclaims, "I want an unharnessable mana surge that will tear down the planar shadows where our enemy hides!"

Luna takes a sip of her rum.

Xionara softly says, "No."

Akeiro quietly says to Selame, "Closest thing I have to a brownie."

Miraena fidgets nervously.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Zalinyar grins, revealing her dimples.

Zalinyar rubs her hands together.

Imroth truthfully exclaims, "There is a good chance that we will fail. There is a good chance this enemy will strike us down with barely a thought. There is a good chance that we will become captives of the Null Prison ourselves!"

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Phierre leans on Akeiro.

Luna takes a sip of her rum.

Akeiro rubs some chocolate volcano cake on Selame's nose.

Imroth loudly says, "I do not fault those too afraid to take action! I protect that choice with my life."

Selame stretches out a hand imploringly to Akeiro.

Phierre grins, revealing his dimples.

Akeiro offers Selame a rich chocolate volcano cake drizzled with a melted glaze.

Imroth profoundly says, "But my soul burns with righteous tenacity."

Selame accepts Akeiro's volcano cake.

Selame beams in loving admiration at Akeiro!

Xionara softly says, "More likely to get white fire from Heralds for doing something unguided and unwise."

Nawain snorts, loudly.

Xionara shakes her head.

Imroth righteously exclaims, "I will not let this enemy escape the consequences of their transgressions. I demand JUSTICE!"

Phierre softly asks Selame, "You going to eat that?"

Elurora looks at Imroth and sighs.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Zalinyar lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Imroth!

Malorna says, "Does anyone need a heal."

Xionara softly says to Malorna, "Check that one for sanity? Think has none left."

Sclerotia goes down.

Selame softly asks Phierre, "Of course, do you want a bite?"

Akeiro raises his hand.

Luna takes a sip of her rum.

Imroth proudly exclaims, "And now, let the wild rumpus start!"

Let the Sorcery Begin

Akeiro nods to Malorna.

Illiya gets a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar from inside her lunchbox.

(Ezerak dives for the stone, shielding it with his body.)

Merilwen raises her hand.

Malorna chuckles.

Imroth gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Ezerak falls over.

Selame takes a bite of the cake.

Malorna says, "Cant take that."

Illiya takes a bite of a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar and chews carefully on it.

Phierre nods.

Urbaj says, "I will soon. Gonna blast these hands to smithereens."

(Saragos leans over and covers Stone 139 with his body.)

Storm Maiden Silene just arrived.

Zalinyar grins at Vaddon, her dimples flashing into view.

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Asildu quietly says to Miraena, "This is bad, young Miraena."

Miraena fidgets nervously.

Casari tightens her grip on her Phelim shell.

Souhei frowns.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Selame takes a bite of the cake.

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Chelinde takes a bite of the sandwich.

Xionara softly says, "Sorcery not meant to be done unguided in such way."

Imroth exclaims, "If you need a target for sorcery you may use my body!"

Selame accepts Akeiro's butter sandwich.

(Sukidesu helps protect the stone from the sorcery)

Malorna rests her hand on Merilwen's arm with a soft smile.

Merilwen beams at Malorna!

Lasan puts her almanac in her canvas satchel.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Illiya chortles softly at some secret joke.

Dasheek laughs at Imroth.

Selame offers Phierre a rich chocolate volcano cake drizzled with a melted glaze.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

(Nawain tenses and harnesses every bit of mana she can glean into her cocoon, gritting her teeth.)

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

The large, transparent image of a tilted almond-shaped cat-slitted amber eye wavers in the sky above.

Phierre takes a bite of the cake.

Dasheek gestures.

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Urbaj gestures.

Urbaj lifts his fist toward the heavens and with a mighty shout displays his righteous wrath.

Xionara loudly says, "You will cause harm. Do not."

Zalinyar says, "I've never cast a sorcerous spell."

Zalinyar ponders.

The wounds afflicting Nawain gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Sukidesu's flesh.

Merilwen ponders.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Avrenka raises his palms skyward, chanting.

Avrenka gestures.

Blackgeist gestures at Imroth.

Something Notices

The world about you jolts to a sudden stop. Light and shadows glide over the surroundings but nothing moves, nothing changes, nothing ages. The weight of millennia presses down on you, and you are overcome by a great ennui.
...and then the world moves on as if oblivious to what just happened.

Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Olinslag assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.

Illiya nods to Dasheek.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Elizzibiana utters a few arcane words and orange flames abruptly begin to blaze between her fingertips!

Lasan raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Sukidesu gestures.

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Akeiro nods at Selame, obviously agreeing with her views.

Olinslag gestures.

Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Chelinde nods to Selame.

Urbaj gestures.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

A soft surge can be felt, pushing at you. You feel momentarily disoriented.

Xionara softly says, "Liraxes not here. This is not way."

Lasan gestures.

Elurora frowns.

Malorna says, "Hmm."

Brisknite frowns.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Silene blinks.

Tekhelet wobbles, looking a bit faint.

A pained expression crosses Saragos's face.

Riverlynn says, "Gross."

Buzan cackles!

Ruea frowns.

Lexxa blinks.

Illiya blinks.

Imroth throws his head back and lets out a fierce roar of pride!

Trajan bows his head and chants a psalm.

Nawain shudders.

Sukidesu gestures.

(Ezerak clenches his eyes shut, curling his body tighter around the stone.)

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Xionara softly says, "Do not do without Liraxes."

Lexxa coldly exclaims, "Keep casting!"

Dasheek gets a distant look on his face.

Xionara shakes her head.

Brisknite moves over to guard Ezerak.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Xionara frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

Zalinyar traces an angular sigil in the air.

Imroth exclaims, "MORE MANA!"

Elurora clucks her tongue and shakes her head.

Luna asks Malorna, "Can you get me?"

Olinslag assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.

Nawain desperately says, "Please don't..."

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Brisknite moves into position to block attacks against Saragos!

Malorna rests her hand on Luna's arm with a soft smile.

Blackgeist gestures at Imroth.

Lasan raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Dasheek gestures.

A faint sound of cracking glass echoes through the area. You feel protected.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Ruea glances at Maraisel.

Blackgeist takes a sip of her draught.

Luna grins at Malorna.

Tekhelet moves over to guard Nawain.

Zalinyar gestures at Imroth.

Trajan says, "This seems a bit... wreckless."

Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.

Chelinde asks Selame, "What are we supposed to be doing?"

Luna says, "Thanks, my lady."

Trajan gestures.

Xionara softly says, "Suggest all doing such leave. This is not way."

Nawain screws her eyes shut and winces.

Lasan gestures.
Geysers of uncontrolled mana suddenly erupt from Lasan's flesh, illuminating the surroundings in an excruciating display of blue-black fire!

Malorna says, "Im not casting tonight.. so if need heals let me know."

Phierre observes Selame with fascination.

Lexxa gestures.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Urbaj gestures.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Imroth exclaims, "Cast sorcery wildly!"

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Elizzibiana utters a few arcane words and orange flames abruptly begin to blaze between her fingertips!

Imroth exclaims, "Anything!"

Xionara softly says, "No."

Selame says to Chelinde, "I don't have the foggiest. I am out of mana."

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Phierre grins at Selame, his dimples flashing into view.

Golameth waggles his fingers mystically at Selame. How nice.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Illiya says, "I felt a surge earlier."

Selame gasps at Golameth!

A ripple of unreality surges outward, leaving behind no-color afterimages.

Chelinde asks Selame, "Do you want to borrow some of mine?"

Selame wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Xionara loudly says, "Do NOT do unguided. This not adviseable."

Urbaj gestures.

Elurora rubs her eyes.

Riverlynn moseys down.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Selame beams at Chelinde!

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Sukidesu says, "I've got you, Nawain, keep harnessing."

Akeiro gestures.

Sofina gestures.
A sizzling sound briefly emanates from Sofina's direction.

A faint thrum of energy courses through the air around Asildu. Reflexively, he blinks, his eyes going somewhat glassy, weaving unsteadily on his feet.

Chelinde waggles her fingers mystically at Selame. How nice.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Illiya says, "No-color surges.."

Luna takes a sip of her rum.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Harvest Daughter Lasan goes down.

Nawain nods to Sukidesu.

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Elurora glances at Asildu.

Souhei glances at Asildu.

Sukidesu reaches over and holds hands with Nawain.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Selame wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Urbaj gestures.

Merilwen gazes at Asildu.

Illiya gazes at Asildu.

Phierre observes Asildu with fascination.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Selame stands near Akeiro.

(Elurora puts out a hand to try and steady Asildu.)

Imroth gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

A louder surge echoes, coursing outward, and you feel utter contempt and rage from *elsewhere*. Several clawing hands rake across the sky, strangely forgotten as soon as they are perceived.

What little color remains in Asildu's face drains away, leaving him a sickly shade of white.

Akeiro gestures.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Urbaj gestures.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Jerking slightly, Asildu grimaces, his hand rising to press against his temple, struck by some inexplicable pain.

Phierre says, "Well this just got interesting."

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Shield of Death Heartsfyre just arrived, leading her group.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Selame softly says to Akeiro, "That one looks sick."

Illiya lays her hand on Asildu's arm.

Miraena frowns.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Selame points at Asildu.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Heartsfyre cackles!

Vaddon moves into position to cover Zalinyar from harm.

Akeiro nods to Selame.

Malorna says, "Not the same messaging as when we did this with val and liraxes."

Elizzibiana ponders.

Trajan bows his head and chants a psalm.

Vaddon grins at Zalinyar.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her left hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Buzan leans on Heartsfyre.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Akeiro quietly says to Selame, "I'd touch em but it might be catching."

Illiya says, "Poor Asildu has been through a lot today."

Olinslag gestures.

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Zalinyar says, "An empath? heal him."

Selame pulls Akeiro towards her!

The discomfort seems to travel through Asildu, the agony in his eyes a sign of the lingering pain in his head though his hands move to clutch at his stomach, a tortured groan escaping his now-colorless lips.

Urbaj gestures.

Malorna gestures.

Phierre just touched Asildu.

Dasheek nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Xionara softly asks, "Can't see are hurting him?"

Malorna rests her hand on Asildu's arm with a soft smile.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

The large, transparent image of a tilted almond-shaped cat-slitted amber eye wavers in the sky above.

It builds, an intense pressure, and you swear you see a black wolf watching you, its tail wagging. Odd -- the wolf is gone.

Illiya lays her hand on Asildu's arm.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Chelinde says to Akeiro, "I don't think they make a cream that cures that."

Akeiro asks, "Hurting who?"

Elurora looks with concern at Asildu.

Zalinyar says, "Link."

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Silene blinks at Asildu.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Trajan gestures.

Vaddon bows his head and chants a psalm.

Elurora casually observes the area.

Xionara points at Asildu.

Selame blinks.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Elizzibiana asks, "Meraud?"

Nawain nods.

Imroth throws his head back and lets out a fierce roar of pride!

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Akeiro gestures.

Illiya says, "A wolf.."

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Selame throws her head back and howls!

Urbaj says, "And now we see why Asildu dislikes sorcery. Not because it's bad for us, or Elanthia, because it's bad for him."

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Urbaj gestures.

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Something tears, a rending light that shudders across the area, smelling of brine and sage. You hear a furious roar in the distance, though, it quickly fades and you cannot recall what it sounded like.

Elurora snorts at Urbaj.

Asildu painfully exclaims, "You must stop!"

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Vaddon gestures.

Sukidesu cries out in pain.

Asildu's mouth opens in preparation to present another plea to the assembly, his words cut short by the strange thrum of energy still charging the air, the intensity of it building at an alarming rate. Like a strong gust of wind, it whips around and seemingly *through* Asildu, the sheer strength of it stealing his voice as his expression twists into an anguished grimace.

Elizzibiana's crest flares to an intimidating height as she throws up her head to shriek a terrible, rattling war cry!

Ezerak shakes his head.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.

Imroth darkly says, "More."

Saragos quietly says, "Navesi, I'm coming for you, no matter what."

Dasheek gestures.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Urbaj gestures.

Vaddon bows his head and chants a psalm.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Nawain gazes at Asildu.

Sukidesu gestures.

Miraena's form beisde Asildu grows rigid, her muscles tensed as if seized by an unseen force. Her eyes glaze over, pupils dilated, as she stares blankly into the distance, her gaze fixed on something far beyond the immediate area.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Sukidesu glances at Asildu.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Elurora glances at Miraena.

Chelinde appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Vaddon gestures.

Blackgeist gestures at Imroth.
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for some flickering threads of purple light around Blackgeist.
Blackgeist staggers, momentarily dazed.
Color returns to the world in a rush, yet you are left with an unconscious sense that something horribly wrong just happened.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Urbaj gestures.

Casari gazes at Miraena.

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Golameth looks over Asildu very closely.

Urbaj gestures.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

You feel a surge of unbridled confidence, and a strong hand grips your shoulder lending support. You look back, but no one stands behind you.

A sudden, unseen force appears to rack Asildu's body from within, causing him to lurch slightly, unsteady on his feet. Reaching his hands up, he grasps his head, eyes screwed shut, crying out in a mix of surprise and pain.

Buzan says, "And this is how the world breaks."

Selame appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Elizzibiana says, "Could be the Heralds in guide, they did it before."

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

(Ezerak opens his eyes, taking the the sights of Asildu and Miraena.)

Akeiro places his hands on his temples.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Chelinde appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Nawain pulls Tekhelet towards her!

Urbaj gestures.

Chelinde nods emphatically.

Sukidesu gestures.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Nawain enfolds Tekhelet in a warm embrace.

Xionara softly says, "Hrm."

Ruea slowly empties her lungs.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

As whatever it is releases it's hold on her, Miraena's body jerks violently, her chest heaving as she gasps for air like someone breaking the surface after a deep dive. Her eyes dart wildly around the room, her hands trembling uncontrollably at her sides.

Illiya lays her hand on Asildu's arm.

Luna exclaims, "THIS IS RIGHT!!!!"

Tekhelet pulls Nawain to him in a tight hug.

Dasheek yells, "Do we have your attention now?"

Avrenka raises his palms skyward, chanting.

Urbaj gestures.

Elurora gazes at Miraena.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Asildu painfully says, "No... no, this is wrong... this is bad..."

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Urbaj gestures.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Urbaj scoffs.

Avrenka gestures.

Miraena fearfully exclaims, "No, please. They see what is being done here. They tell us to stop!"

Merilwen ponders.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Dasheek says to Asildu, "Or it's right, and you're bad."

Miraena just hugged Asildu.

Zfora cackles!

Elurora firmly says, "I think we need to listen to them."

Dasheek says, "We don't know."

Stumbling forward, Asildu falls to his knees, the tips of his fingers digging into his hair, desperately attempting to fend off the unexpected affliction that continues to plague him.

Malorna lays her hand on Lexxa's arm.

Vaddon bows his head and chants a psalm.

Urbaj gestures.

Blackgeist gestures at Imroth.
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for some flickering threads of purple light around Blackgeist.
Blackgeist staggers, momentarily dazed.
Color returns to the world in a rush, yet you are left with an unconscious sense that something horribly wrong just happened.

Zalinyar says, "They're telling us they are afraid."

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
He manages to get out of the way of the first arcing blast of electricity!
He manages to get out of the way of the final arcing blast of electricity!

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Trajan bows his head and chants a psalm.

Sofina gestures.

Zalinyar says, "Of what we can accomplish as a group."

Lexxa reaches out toward Imroth with her right hand.
Two blasts of electricity arc from Lexxa to Imroth!
Imroth deflects the first blast with his small shield!
Imroth deflects the final blast with his small shield!

Xionara softly says, "They're connect to our world."

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Vaddon gestures at Imroth.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Urbaj gestures.

Casari says, "They're telling you they're pissed."

Asildu painfully says, "They're so angry..."

Vaddon bows his head and chants a psalm.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Xionara softly says, "Hurt this place, hurt them."

Lexxa sharply says, "And now we'll see your true colors."

Vaddon begins to focus intently on Imroth.

Dasheek gestures.

Lexxa assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Ruea quietly asks, "Are we sure this is how we want to kill a man we don't know to be guilty?"

Imroth exclaims, "Good!"

No longer able to bear the torture, Asildu collapses to the floor, writhing in agony that seems to worsen with every powerful rush of the energy around him until he finally falls still, gazing absently up at the ceiling, alive though teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

Miraena quietly says, "So angry..."

Phierre gestures.

Illiya says, "This is looking a bit scary."

A gong is struck, massive, deafening, and you feel something *snap*. The worn floor stone expands wildly, pulverizing adjacent blocks!

Elizzibiana says, "Uh, actually I think this is going bad."

The large, transparent image of a tilted almond-shaped cat-slitted amber eye wavers in the sky above.

Xionara softly says, "Stop, are hurting our world."

Sukidesu exclaims, "Guard the stone!"

Elurora gasps!

Asildu falls over.

Dasheek moves over to guard Illiya.

Vaddon gestures at Imroth.

Elurora frowns.

Merilwen ponders.

Chelinde closes her marnet pouch.

Urbaj gestures.

Illiya blinks.

Zfora leans over and licks Xionara.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Selame gasps!

Phierre closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Blackgeist gestures at Imroth.
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for some flickering threads of purple light around Blackgeist.
Blackgeist staggers, momentarily dazed.
Color returns to the world in a rush, yet you are left with an unconscious sense that something horribly wrong just happened.

Selame stands near Akeiro.

(Ezerak scrabbles to make sure the stone is covered with his body.)

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

They have noticed, and they are not pleased. Time slows, and you feel your fearlessness like a cleansing fire. You feel free and aloof, your muscles and mind singing with potential.

Malorna rests her hand on Asildu's arm with a soft smile.

Everything changes.

Illiya blinks.

Saragos yells, "Guardians! Come to the table and bargain! Return my wife and my friends!"

Buzan chuckles.

Trajan gestures.

Trajan lifts his fist toward the heavens and with a mighty shout displays his righteous wrath.

Merilwen raises an eyebrow.

Urbaj gestures.

A faint sound of cracking glass echoes through the area. You feel protected.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Maraisel stands near Ruea.

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Khearkrash seems to be trying to talk, but is having severe difficulty.

Asildu groans.

Guild Visions Received

(Moon Mage) (Vision One)
You see it again, the familiar vision, a potter standing before a wheel, splattered in wet clay, the wheel spinning faster and faster, its edges gouging a deep groove into the shop floor. The potter watches for a moment, but this time, grabs a long wooden rod and rapidly pushes on the edge of the wheel, increasing its speed! The potter grabs a lump of clay, and begins to work.

(Warrior Mage)
The laws and the symbols that define the value and characteristics of all that you know blur, reconfigure. Fire is cold, Water flows upward, Earth is a gas. Everything is made of the elements, and the elements are whatever you want them to be. You feel yourself blending pure substances, redefining its base nature, crushing opposing forces together and pulling attractive pairs apart, until everything is a smooth metal, responsive and malleable, full of potential. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

The old prayers and rituals return, and you remember what it was to be a God, a bound and crafted being serving you, idolizing your will and way. The feeling is simultaneously sickening and exhilarating - they belong to you, and they heed your every whim. Life is yours to mold, creation yours to craft, nothing is impossible, for you, and only you, decide what is and will be. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

A melody plays at the edge of your hearing, the symphony of magics arranging themselves into a strange concerto. The tune is haunting, tempting, and for a fleeting moment, you demand silence, relishing in the peaceful emptiness, the song of your heart echoing in the absence. What joyous silence, cleansed of distraction. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

For a fleeting moment, you realize a new application of your Empathy, a forcing of your will onto others to bend *them* to your will. Swimming upstream, you feel the vine growing, choking the tree, but before the tree dies, the vine tightens, bending the trunk and shaping the branches. Life is malleable, a garden to be controlled, and you are the gardener. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

You hear the Negotiants chiming along your avtalia array, reminding you of the contract. Several loopholes stand out, claims and clauses that bear, perhaps, a bit of interpretation? And why not -- the flow of energies, the exchange of currency, it remains nothing more than a process you can draw from, utilize. Though mere profit falls short. For what good is profit in the face of dictating the terms of the market itself? You could remake it, control the parameters themselves. Your array chimes again, sterner. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

(Moon Mage) (Vision Two)
Everything blurs, a thousand deviations spreading outward, creating possibilities within possibilities. A gust of wind catches a bird, and sends it north, or west, and a hunter shoots it down, or goes hungry. You trace these outcomes, these worlds within worlds, and place yourself in the path of opportunity, never-were's dying on the vine. A pale red-haired man screams in impotent rage, but you cycle past his bound and useless will, for you are the spider and all of time is your web. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

For a fleeting moment, you feel a sense of... boredom? with the pace of the growing vine, the opening bud, the ripening fruit. You can will it faster, slower, to stop entirely. You can stop disease from taking the flock, make the grass grow year round, instruct the trees to bear fruit when you say so. And why not? Are you not the better steward? Life is malleable, a garden to be controlled, and you are the gardener. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

Brilliant law and codified order stretches before you, a banner proclaiming all that must be, all that is just. For a fleeting moment you find yourself reconsidering, and feel uncomfortable as you consider means to utilize the Bulwark to protect yourself against harm. Your shield arm spasms, and you dream of the evils you could slay with the entire Bulwark as your shield. Your array chimes again, sterner. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.

(Necromancer)<br It works. Everything you imagined neatly falls into place, and as your mind opens, you see it, the pattern, the perfect solution for capturing all of creation and purifying yourself of these mortal shortcomings. The Immortals are nothing more than one of the answers, and each cut of your knife traced the lines of yet another answer, yet another outcome. You feel your body fixing itself of blemish as the Precipice calls, and hear Demon and Immortal alike cowering from your epiphany. You will sit before the edge of it all and watch the final star gutter to ash. The feeling does not quite pass, and you remain drunk with hubris.


Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Illiya asks, "What... just happened?"

Miraena sobs.

Khearkrash waves.

Chelinde appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Ruea rubs Maraisel gently.

A voice roars "You dare!" and you are momentarily overwhelmed with a strange feeling of disgust. You cannot recall what the voice sounded like, though it echoes all around you.

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Sukidesu gasps!

Madigan gets a mug of iced coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Merilwen says, "Wow."

A thunderous clamp ratchets around you, crushing your senses as reality seems to contort. A migraine begins to build, your nerves sing, and your legs give out as you fall!

Nawain shivers.

The large, transparent image of a tilted almond-shaped cat-slitted amber eye wavers in the sky above.

Ezerak makes a grunting noise.

Nawain whimpers softly.

Tekhelet makes a grunting noise.

Brisknite winces.

Madigan quietly says, "Bloody..."

Xionara yells, "Some of us here trying to stop it!"

Phierre leaps to his feet!

Luna stands up.

Tekhelet stands up.

Vaddon stands up.

Madigan stands up.

Malorna stands up.

Elizzibiana stands up.

Imroth lets out a roar of frustration as he attempts to regain his footing.

Imroth stands up.

Buzan stands up.

Zalinyar screams!

Asildu painfully says, "They are angry... they warned... we warned..."

Lexxa rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Madigan makes a grunting noise.

Casari stands up.

The expanded stone block suddenly slams back to size, leaving the adjacent blocks cracked.

Selame appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Luna exclaims, "You DARE!!"

Ruea groans.

You feel rather than hear a heavy rumble, a massive thud shaking the land.

Chelinde stands up.

Comfrin stands up.

Golameth springs to his feet in a sudden burst of vicious strength!

Olinslag stands up.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Zalinyar thrashes around on the ground.

Object stands up.

Elurora sits up.

Merilwen sits up.

Tekhelet tries to pull Nawain to her feet, but cannot.

Souhei stands up.

Xionara leaps to her feet!

Sofina stands up.

Urbaj stands up.

Merilwen stands up.

You hear some loud thumpings coming from somewhere nearby.

Selame stands up.

Malorna rests her hand on Xionara's arm with a soft smile.

Sofina gestures.

Sofina winces in pain!

Buzan says, "Something comes."

Sukidesu stands up.

Heartsfyre stands up.

Illiya stands up.

Avrenka stands up.

Tekhelet tries to pull Nawain to her feet, but cannot.

Zalinyar leaps to her feet!

Akeiro leaps to his feet!

Khearkrash stands up.

Xionara nods.

Sukidesu tries to pull Nawain to her feet, but cannot.

(Nawain hurries over to a very particular stone, kneels, and cups her hands around her mouth as she shouts at the flagstone for some reason.)

Brisknite leaps to his feet!

Black Fox Xionara slinks down.

Ruea stands up.

Trajan leaps to his feet!

Golameth visibly churns with an inner rage!

Zalinyar growls ferociously!

Akeiro says, "Interesting."

The aftershock races across the land, throwing you off balance!

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Zalinyar traces an angular sigil in the air.

Sukidesu tries to pull Nawain to her feet, but cannot.

Zfora stands up.

Nawain rises to a kneeling position.

Olinslag gestures.

Elurora kneels.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Everything continues to shake, a deafening roar as the land roils!

Akeiro gazes at Selame.

Heartsfyre frowns.

Urbaj says, "Cast."

Dasheek stands up.

Sylventos stands up.

Lexxa gets a haralun robe sword from inside her hip pouch.

Zfora fixes Madigan with a serene, lofty stare.

Trajan bows his head and chants a psalm.

Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.

Selame pulls Akeiro towards her!

Miraena rises to a kneeling position.

Miraena crawls on her knees to Asildu's side, leaning him against her own body.

Urbaj gestures.

Blackgeist raises her palms skyward, chanting.

Ruea rubs her head.

Sylventos strides down.

Eyuve rises to a kneeling position.

The land calms, and everything goes quiet!

Chelinde scoffs.

Nawain exclaims to Tekhelet, "I can't!"

(Elurora moves herself back near the stone, trying to help protect it and the people around it.)

Sukidesu blinks.

Asildu painfully says, "Their message was clear... We tried to protect you."

Phierre grins at Chelinde, his dimples flashing into view.

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Asildu groans.

Drakes Attack

A cloud of winged creatures can be seen approaching from the distance, heading right for the Crossing!

Nawain winces.

Khearkrash sighs.

Sukidesu says, "They're coming."

Malorna says, "Winged creatures."

Sofina says, "Hmmm."

Buzan says, "And it begins."

Miraena fearfully exclaims, "We tried!"

Elizzibiana says, "Funny, no effect in Fang Cove."

Dasheek settles into a comfortable position and closes his eyes.
A painful ripping sensation erupts through your abdomen! You seem unharmed, but something terribly... wrong just happened.

Vaddon assesses his combat situation.

Sofina gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Sofina's eyes.

Dasheek squints.

Silene stands up.

Tekhelet clasps Nawain's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Dasheek stands up.

Luna weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.

Ruea glances at Maraisel.

Zalinyar traces an angular sigil in the air.

Vaddon kneels down.

Vaddon prays fervently.

A mass peels off from the cloud, heading straight for the tower!

Luna gestures.
Luna's face grows stoic, her body steady and vigilant.

Merilwen gazes up at the sky.

Elurora quietly says, "Please stop casting sorcery."

Tekhelet says, "Be ready."

Zalinyar ducks her head.

Dasheek glances up at the sky.

Maraisel says to Ruea, "This... is bad..."

Saragos stands up.

Zfora cackles!

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Sukidesu rests his hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Selame appears to be whispering to those in her company.

Casari sighs.

Buzan says, "Duck and cover."

Blackgeist gestures at Imroth.
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for some flickering threads of purple light around Blackgeist.
Blackgeist staggers, momentarily dazed.
Color returns to the world in a rush, yet you are left with an unconscious sense that something horribly wrong just happened.

Buzan gestures.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Casari says, "You imbeciles."

Sofina giggles at Zfora.

Ruea nods at Maraisel, obviously agreeing with her views.

Malorna gestures.

Trajan bows his head and chants a psalm.

Silene says, "It's too late."

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Vaddon.

Dasheek gestures.
Swirls of ash, dust and vapor begin to erupt from the ground as the temperature quickly increases.

Vaddon continues praying.

(Tekhelet shields nawain with his body)

Akeiro casually observes the area.

Nawain stands up.

Zalinyar enfolds Vaddon in a warm embrace.

Trajan gestures.

Avrenka raises his palms skyward, chanting.

Avrenka begins to focus intently around himself.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Maraisel.

Madigan begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Brisknite gestures.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Ezerak blinks.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Ruea.

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Heartsfyre.

The immaculate drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Nawain and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Nawain deftly pirouettes away from the worst of the blast, smoothly stepping into a safe position.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Phierre.

A column of deep grey ash suddenly explodes skyward with an ominous rumble, darkening the immediate area!

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Nawain draws forth a viridian whip from the ties on her thigh straps.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zalinyar.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Maraisel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Olinslag.<

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Avrenka gets a glaes javelin with a tempered blade from inside his black backpack.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Zalinyar traces an angular sigil in the air.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles down.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Tekhelet.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Olinslag.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Khearkrash.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Heartsfyre.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Urbaj gestures.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Vaddon.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Khearkrash draws forth a wickedly spired loimic awl pike atop a pure-white carved spiritwood shaft.

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Heartsfyre.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Lexxa.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Heartsfyre. The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Eyuve.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Lexxa.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Tekhelet.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Ruea.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Merilwen.
The ground shudders slightly as a dark column-like cloud spreads out, mushrooming in all directions from its center. Swirling cinders begin to drift lazily downward from this pyroclastic cloud as it swells in size. The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Ruea.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Nawain.

Madigan quietly says, "On me please."

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Merilwen.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Khearkrash.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Ruea.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Selame.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lexxa.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Maraisel.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Vaddon.

Miraena screams!

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Phierre.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Madigan closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.

The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Maraisel.

Lexxa begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Elurora stands up.

Eyuve stands up.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Elurora.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lexxa.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Phierre.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Heartsfyre.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Ruea.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes down.

The descent of fist-sized flames from the sky changes into the pattering of small, candle-sized droplets as the ash cloud slowly ceases its deluge.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Selame.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Tekhelet.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Eyuve.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Maraisel.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Phierre.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Madigan.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Maraisel.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Zalinyar.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Tekhelet.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Olinslag.

Nawain joins Madigan's group.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Dasheek.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Olinslag.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Merilwen.

Trajan draws forth a serrated golden war blade with a sapphire-inset sculpted ivory hilt.

Maraisel blinks.

Madigan closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Madigan stops an immaculate drake from advancing any farther.

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Maraisel.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Heartsfyre.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Khearkrash.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Olinslag.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Lexxa.
The immaculate drake stops Lexxa from advancing any farther.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Heartsfyre.

Lexxa begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Heartsfyre says, "Jees."

Urbaj joins Madigan's group.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Olinslag.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zalinyar.

The pristine drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Eyuve and beating the air violently, the pristine drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Eyuve deftly pirouettes away from the worst of the blast, smoothly stepping into a safe position.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Sofina.

The immaculate drake extends her wings and beats the air, generating a gust of wind! Finding her footing, the immaculate drake folds her wings against her body once more.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Nawain.

Akeiro yells, "DANDELION!"

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Tekhelet.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Phierre.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Lexxa.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Eyuve.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Heartsfyre.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Heartsfyre.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Ruea.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Vaddon.

Imroth says, "JOIN ME."

Merilwen gestures at a pristine drake.
A large ball of flame flies at a pristine drake!
A pristine drake blocks the ball of fire with her thick-scaled forearm which explodes on contact.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zalinyar.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Khearkrash.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Nawain.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Ruea.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Merilwen.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Maraisel.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Zalinyar.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Ruea.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Tekhelet.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Olinslag.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Eyuve.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Nawain!

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Maraisel.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Lexxa.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Selame.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Ruea.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Khearkrash.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Merilwen.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Heartsfyre.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Khearkrash.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Olinslag.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Heartsfyre.

Lexxa closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.
Lexxa stops an immaculate drake from advancing any farther.

Heartsfyre slings a ceremonial vardite aegis bristling with kertig spikes off from over her shoulder.

The immaculate drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Heartsfyre and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
The powerful gale coming from the immaculate drake slams into Heartsfyre's left eye! The currents continue to swirl about Heartsfyre, leaving her unbalanced and hindering her movements!
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Nawain.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Tekhelet.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Urbaj.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Phierre.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Eyuve.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Heartsfyre.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Vaddon.

Golameth lowers his head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Zalinyar puts her rum in her firesilk backpack.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Merilwen steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. A pristine drake deftly sidesteps Nawain's viridian whip.

Akeiro says, "La."

The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Lexxa's sword lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.

Comfrin begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

A pyroclastic ash cloud thins out and dissipates completely.

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Selame visibly churns with an inner rage!

Malorna steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Sukidesu steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Black Fox Xionara just arrived.

Vaddon assesses his combat situation.

Zalinyar gets a blackened icesteel scimitar with a lapis lazuli dragon charm from inside her weapon harness.

Avrenka gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!

Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting.

Trajan begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Urbaj gets a braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle from inside his war belt.

Brisknite draws forth a gloomwood-hafted serrated spear etched with worn symbols.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Illiya steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Ezerak stands up.

Lexxa's sword lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right hand.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back.

Vaddon stands up.

Comfrin slips a kertig robe sword with a tempered blade out of his backsheath.

Malorna steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Sofina gestures.
The air about Sofina begins to bleed with bilious, deep green hues that oddly strain the eye.

Olinslag retreats from combat.

Avrenka gets a coil of heavy rope from inside his black backpack.

Comfrin closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Olinslag retreats from combat.

Phierre holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Tinkerer Olinslag stomps down.

Lexxa's sword lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left hand.

Imroth exclaims, "JOIN MEE!"

Selame steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Akeiro holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Xionara shakes her head.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that tears a small piece of skin from the left calf.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Comfrin closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Trajan closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

A sound not unlike distant thunder escapes the pristine drake as he slumbers.

Dasheek steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.

Lexxa's sword lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Selame maneuvers about with supernatural grace!

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's left hind claw.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Eyuve is engulfed in a ripple of light and shadow, and vanishes, only to reappear some distance away!

Trajan closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Akeiro gets a glass egg inlaid in rencate with a magnificent rooster from inside his entangling brambles.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Malorna steps towards Imroth to join him, but Imroth steps away.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Lexxa's sword lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Buzan ponders.

Urbaj gestures.
Bright points with luminous tails are strewn across the evening sky, falling.

Zalinyar retreats from combat.

A sound not unlike distant thunder escapes the immaculate drake as he slumbers.
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Avrenka drops a coil of heavy rope.

Xionara mutters something into the air about idiots.

Zalinyar retreats from combat.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that bites deeply into the left calf, lightly stunning her.

Sofina makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!

Selame draws forth a rapier.

Avrenka moves over to guard a coil of heavy rope.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Heartsfyre seems less sluggish.

Vaddon moves a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames to his left hand.

Vaddon moves a hazy glass gyre prominently inscribed with esoteric runes to his right hand.

Lexxa's sword lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Trajan begins to advance on a pristine drake.

Elurora assesses her combat situation.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Khearkrash.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zalinyar.

Avrenka gestures.
An ominous rustling comes from all around as debris takes flight of its own accord!
A coil of heavy rope jumps into the air and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The heavy rope is partially blocked as it glances off his thick-scaled forearm.
The heavy rope lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his scaly chest!
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward a pristine drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.
A coil of heavy rope circles back in midair and zips toward an immaculate drake!
The heavy rope impacts harmlessly with his thick-scaled forearm.

Selame lowers her head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's left hind claw.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the drake's collection!).

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Ezerak shakes his head.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Phierre.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Ruea retreats from combat.

Alternating waves of hot and cold swirl through the area in abnormal patterns as greenish acid falls in a horizontal rain all around Sofina!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's face as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's face as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across him.
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across him.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!

Ruea retreats from combat.

Zalinyar begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Tekhelet.

A sound not unlike distant thunder escapes the immaculate drake as she slumbers.

Lexxa's sword lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.

The strong smell of ozone accompanies a bolt discharging through an immaculate drake.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes growls and shakes off the fear that was holding it frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
An immaculate drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.
A pristine drake growls and shakes off the fear that was holding him frozen.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's left hind claw.

Selame begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Eyuve.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Imroth.
The immaculate drake regains her footing with a strong beat of her wings, smoothly standing on a blast of air!

The pristine drake extends her wings and beats the air, generating a gust of wind! Finding her footing, the pristine drake folds her wings against her body once more.
The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
The pristine drake spots something nearby, and with a short hop, she pounces! Carefully opening her clawed paws, the pristine drake studies her catch, momentarily surprised to discover nothing was captured.
The pristine drake glances around as if embarrassed.
The immaculate drake settles her wings back into place.

Illiya joins Imroth's group.

An icy mare's-tail with a crystal megalith for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts a pristine drake's muscular left leg in passing.

An icy mare's-tail with a crystal megalith for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts a pristine drake's scaly abdomen in passing.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!

Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes down.

Merilwen retreats from combat.

Akeiro waves his egg at a champion immaculate drake.
A spiraling purple light arcs from the egg toward a champion immaculate drake! The light is absorbed into his body, leaving him somehow stronger!

The pristine drake shakes his head in frustration, trying to regain his senses!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The immaculate drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Phierre holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that pierces through the shoulder of the right arm and forces it and the arm to separate in a painful bloody display.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) that cuts deeply into the drake's groin.

The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

An immaculate drake wakes up.

An immaculate drake wakes up.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

The large, transparent image of a tilted almond-shaped cat-slitted amber eye wavers in the sky above.

A pristine drake wakes up.

A pristine drake wakes up.

Eyuve is engulfed in a ripple of light and shadow, and vanishes, only to reappear some distance away!

Trajan closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.

Selame closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Lexxa's sword lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Golameth's eyes drip with tears as he unleashes an execrable sound from deep within!

Heartsfyre holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Dasheek joins Imroth's group.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.

Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

Asildu painfully says to Miraena, "You must save yourself, young Miraena."

Intern Souhei goes down.

(Ezerak covers the stone once again.)

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's neck.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's right hind claw.

Xionara joins Malorna's group.

Akeiro exclaims to Selame, "I made a champion one!"

An immaculate drake wakes up.

Ezerak falls over.

Sukidesu screams!

Vaddon puts his gyre in his multi-strapped carryall.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Sofina begins to focus intently on an immaculate drake.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Akeiro puts his egg in his entangling brambles.

Zalinyar closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Lexxa's sword lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left hand.

The immaculate drake shakes her head in frustration, trying to regain her senses!

Nawain begins to focus intently on an immaculate drake.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. A braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle is deflected by a pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Comfrin begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Vaddon gets an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike from inside his kirmiko pocket.

An immaculate drake wakes up.

A pristine drake wakes up.

Snow and light burnish the white descent of a crystal megalith, which partially connects with a pristine drake's slitted left eye in a forceful strike.

An icy mare's-tail with a crystal megalith for its core streaks diagonally across the air, and its contrail frosts an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen in passing.

Golameth draws forth a flame-bladed zweihander with a blade of firestained agonite.

Casari moves over to guard Miraena.

A sound not unlike distant thunder escapes the pristine drake as he slumbers.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Lexxa's sword lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Selame lets out a hearty cheer for Akeiro!

Maraisel stands up.

Miraena sobs.

Malorna joins Imroth's group.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's right hind claw.

Illiya says, "Oh man."

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left hand.

The immaculate drake teeters and nearly falls over.

The pristine drake slowly tips over and falls down.

A crystal megalith flies by at a tangent to an immaculate drake, icing her scaly chest.

A crystal megalith falls as a hammer wreathed in streamers of vapor, crashing upon a pristine drake's slitted left eye and clapping it into oblivion! The impact throws her body aside like a toy drake.

A torrent of sizzling, bile-green acid sprays outward from Sofina!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across him.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across him.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across him.

Golameth sheathes his flame-bladed zweihander.

Dasheek thrusts his arms forward, fingers splayed.

A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from Dasheek's fingertips!

An immaculate drake cringes slightly for no apparent reason.

Madigan claps his hands once in an august gesture.

A bright golden light surges from Madigan's skin, soon spreading to the whole of his body and his massive zweihander. Spectral shadows continuously pass through the aura, causing it to flicker like candlelight.

You hear a series of snaps and crackles as the air discharges.

The immaculate drake slowly tips over and falls down.

The immaculate drake slowly tips over and falls down.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right arm.

Vaddon's pilum lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Lexxa's sword lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.

Golameth draws forth a worn dictionary with a wolfish man towering over a witch on the cover.

Nawain closes her eyes, drawing her closed fist toward her chest.
Seconds later she swings her arm outward, pointing at an immaculate drake as her eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Comfrin closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Imroth draws himself to full height, rallying his comrades with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

An oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike suddenly leaps toward Vaddon! The pilum slides to Vaddon's right hand, reuniting him with his lost belonging.

Malorna rests her hand on Xionara's arm with a soft smile.

The immaculate drake slowly tips over and falls down.

Akeiro holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A champion immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that slides the Imperial spear deeply into the stomach.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.

A pristine drake wakes up.
A pristine drake wakes up.
A pristine drake wakes up.

Illiya puts her cupcake in her encompassing shadows.

Xionara gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
A pristine drake gasps in shock as his body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
An immaculate drake gasps in shock as his body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
An immaculate drake collapses to the ground!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers his body!

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as his lifeforce fades.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.

The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

Selame moves about with magnified violence!

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Trajan's blade suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

A champion immaculate drake wakes up.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Urbaj.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.

Ruea draws forth a smokewood-hafted haralun axe inlaid with icesteel leaves.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes down.

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Eyuve.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Elurora.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Xionara.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that turns the quadricep to mush and crushes the femur in a mighty strike across the left leg, lightly stunning him.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Trajan's blade suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Vaddon's pilum lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left arm.

The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

Sibilant jets of vile acid spout from around Sofina, dyeing the vicinity an obscene shade of green!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across him.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across him.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Lexxa's sword lands a solid hit (4/23) that scratches her in a slash from behind.

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Saragos asks Asildu, "Can you get them to talk?"

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

The champion drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The champion drake begins to advance on Phierre.

Khearkrash sighs.

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left hand.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Tekhelet yells, "Nawain is gone!"

Golameth's dictionary lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.
The worn dictionary lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ruea's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.
The haralun axe lands at Ruea's feet.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a vicious strike (13/23) that shatters every bone in the left arm, ripping it from its socket.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that embeds the ka'hurst pasabas into the top of the drake's left foot.

Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Trajan's blade suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

In a blazing fountain of red-gold sparks, a sanguine Moongate with unnaturally seeping edges blazes into life.

Saragos asks Asildu, "Can you get them to talk?"

Madigan's zweihander lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's chest.

Lexxa gets an ash Nisha shortbow from inside her hunting pack.

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) that scratches the right forearm.

Bioenchantress Allye came through a sanguine Moongate with unnaturally seeping edges.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.

Heartsfyre's aegis lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.
Heartsfyre grimaces in obvious pain, stunned.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that severs the webs between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Chelinde says, "Oh no."

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Akeiro touches Selame on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

The greenish radiation around Sofina burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's slitted left eye as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across him.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across him.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across him.
The immaculate drake is stunned!
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles down.

Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right leg.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Xionara gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
An immaculate drake gasps in shock as his body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
An immaculate drake collapses to the ground!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers his body!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Dasheek thrusts his arms forward, fingers splayed.
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from Dasheek's fingertips!
An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
A bolt glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into an immaculate drake's scaly chest like a blast from Firulf's staff.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as his lifeforce fades.

Golameth's dictionary lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that blasts hard into the left arm and causes purple welts to appear almost immediately, lightly stunning her.
The worn dictionary lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the drake's collection!).

You notice Vaerek peering through the other side of the sanguine Moongate.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a massive strike (11/23) that punches the Imperial spear through the drake's left palm, spraying red liquid everywhere.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Sofina peers through the sanguine Moongate.

Asildu painfully says to Saragos, "It is too late now. Their wrath is here."

[General] Your mind hears Nevali thinking, "There's like... a bunch of dragon-shaped things in the skies over Crossing!"

Ruea's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!
The haralun axe lands at Ruea's feet.

Lexxa loads her Nisha shortbow with some blunt-tipped arrows with snowy white stripes.

Allye touches Asildu with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Luna exclaims, "Come to me!!!"

Heartsfyre rests her hand on Asildu's arm with a soft smile.

Lexxa's arrow lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.
The blunt-tipped arrow lands at Lexxa's feet.
Lexxa's arrow lands a solid hit (4/23) that blasts hard into the left arm and causes purple welts to appear almost immediately.

Ruea's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right hand.
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!
The haralun axe lands at Ruea's feet.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Urbaj.
The pristine drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Sliyder's target shield, causing a shower of sparks.
Sliyder flinches as a bolt grazes his left leg and scorches the skin.
Sliyder is lightly stunned!
An immaculate drake's attack seems to falter just before it reaches Avrenka!
A bolt glances off Avrenka's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Avrenka, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his back.
Sofina deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt glances off Khearkrash's abyssium skull, causing a shower of sparks.
Khearkrash flinches as a bolt grazes his head and scorches the skin.
Khearkrash is severely stunned!
Madigan deflects a bolt with his round sipar!
Comfrin deflects a bolt with his war shield!
The immaculate drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!

A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Sliyder's target shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A bolt strikes Sliyder in the left arm, blasting away flesh and exposing bone!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Allye!
Zalinyar deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt glances off Xionara's small shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Xionara, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her abdomen.
Xionara is lightly stunned!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Akeiro!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Sliyder's target shield, causing a shower of sparks.
Sliyder stares in shock at the remains of his right leg as it is blown completely off his body by a lightning bolt.

* Sliyder is slain before your eyes!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Imroth deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Zalinyar deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt glances off Blackgeist's round sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
A bolt grazes Blackgeist's chest, briefly surrounding her body in brilliant white glow.
Blackgeist is severely stunned!
Madigan deflects a bolt with his round sipar!
Brisknite deflects a bolt with his pavise shield!
Heartsfyre deflects a bolt with her ceremonial aegis!

The immaculate drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Maraisel and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
The powerful gale coming from the immaculate drake slams into Maraisel's left hand! The currents continue to swirl about Maraisel, leaving her unbalanced and hindering her movements!
The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

Urbaj sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Urbaj makes an agile leap towards an immaculate drake, attacking it with a mighty cleave!

Urbaj's ka'hurst pasabas lands a solid hit (4/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout!
Urbaj swings his whip and follows through with a second attack!

Madigan calmly says, "Paladins, get your shield on someone."

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an awesome strike (12/23) that leaves him with a short bloody stump of a left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Nawain exclaims, "I'm here! So many... It's alright!"

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest, lightly stunning him.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

Ruea's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.
The haralun axe lands at Ruea's feet.

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "they're attacking everyone in the tower"

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Brisknite!
Merilwen deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus!
The veil of ice surrounding Tekhelet's face swirls and twinkles as it absorbs the pristine drake's spell pattern.
Akeiro deflects a bolt with his exoskeletal shield!
Object jerks his right hand back as a bolt narrowly misses it!
Object is lightly stunned!

The immaculate drake flicks one wing and then the other towards Maraisel, unleashing uneven bursts of air!
Maraisel pales for a brief moment.

The pristine drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Ruea and beating the air violently, the pristine drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Ruea deftly pirouettes away from the worst of the blast, smoothly stepping into a safe position.
The pristine drake inhales sharply, her throat expanding and her scales crackling with electricity, and she lets out a series of aggressive hoots and trills!

Golameth's dictionary lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that shatters bone and rends flesh of the right arm, leaving it pretty much useless, severely stunning her.
The worn dictionary lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Heartsfyre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
An immaculate drake lands a hard hit (5/23) to Heartsfyre's right leg.

Mathematician Avrenka goes down.

The immaculate drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Phierre and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts him with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
The powerful gale coming from the immaculate drake slams into Phierre's chest! The currents continue to swirl about Phierre, leaving him unbalanced and hindering his movements!

Zalinyar gets a blackened icesteel scimitar with a lapis lazuli dragon charm from inside her weapon harness.

Merilwen retreats from combat.

Black Fox Xionara slinks down.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

An immaculate drake lands a strong hit (6/23) that swats at Khearkrash's left hand but not really hurting it.

Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Heartsfyre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
An immaculate drake lands a good strike (3/23) to Heartsfyre's right leg.

The immaculate drake spots something nearby, and with a short hop, he pounces! Carefully opening his clawed paws, the immaculate drake studies his catch, momentarily surprised to discover nothing was captured.
The immaculate drake glances around as if embarrassed.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

You hear the ghostly voice of Sliyder say, "Conyo."

Grimacing suddenly, the immaculate drake begins to retch, and with a dramatic hork, coughs up a half-digested leg of some hooved creature. Licking his chops with his forked tongue, the immaculate drake considers the leg a moment before scooping it up and swallowing it again.

Golameth's dictionary lands a heavy strike (7/23) that rips the right arm clean off at the shoulder.
The worn dictionary lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

[General] Your mind hears Tirost thinking, "Are they in the city?"

Chelinde gets a glittery diamond-hide whip dangling with heart-shaped rainbow sapphire charms from inside her leather satchel.

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Heartsfyre!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside a pristine drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Heartsfyre!

The lion slashes at Heartsfyre with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged red-orange lines branded upon her!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

The champion drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a champion immaculate drake!
Elurora deflects a bolt with her octagonal aegis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Nawain!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zalinyar!
A bolt glances off Khearkrash's abyssium skull, causing a shower of sparks.
Khearkrash jumps as a lightning bolt grazes his neck.
The air around Akeiro reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Akeiro's exoskeletal shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Akeiro, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his back.
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Casari!
An immaculate drake lands a solid hit (4/23) to Maraisel's right hand.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Eyuve.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Tekhelet says to Nawain, "I see you now."

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
The branded lines of fire on Heartsfyre burn with a dim red-orange color!
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Heartsfyre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her abdomen.
Heartsfyre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A bolt glances off Khearkrash's abyssium skull, causing a shower of sparks.
A bolt strikes Khearkrash in the left leg, blasting away flesh and exposing bone!
Khearkrash screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
A bolt glances off Trajan's war shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Trajan, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his back.
Trajan is lightly stunned!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Allye!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Comfrin!

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Brisknite deflects a bolt with his pavise shield!
A bolt glances off Laureh's gladiator's shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Laureh, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.
Laureh is lightly stunned!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Saragos!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Selame!
Madigan deflects a bolt with his round sipar!
A bolt glances off Trajan's war shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Trajan, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his back.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right arm.

Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Khearkrash screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

The greenish radiation around Sofina burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across him.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across him.
The champion drake sweeps its tail along the ground near his talons. A fiery glow begins building.

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
The branded lines of fire on Heartsfyre burn with a dim red-orange color!
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Heartsfyre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.
Heartsfyre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A bolt glances off Lexxa's small shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Lexxa, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her right hand.
Zalinyar deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Allye!
A bolt glances off Silene's round sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
Silene flinches as a bolt grazes her left arm and scorches the skin.
Silene is lightly stunned!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Comfrin!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Merilwen deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt glances off Sofina's ceremonial shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Sofina, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.
Sofina is lightly stunned!
The air around Ezerak reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
A bolt glances off Ezerak's small shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Ezerak, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his abdomen.
The veil of ice surrounding Tekhelet's face shatters with a loud *CRACK* as it absorbs some of the immaculate drake's spell pattern.
Tekhelet deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!
Illiya deflects a bolt with her cupcake-shaped targe!
Comfrin deflects a bolt with his war shield!

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Lexxa's arrow lands a good strike (3/23) that thumps painfully on the toes of the left foot.
The blunt-tipped arrow lands at Lexxa's feet.
Lexxa's arrow lands a solid hit (4/23) that rips into the skin of the left arm in a strong swipe, lightly stunning her.

[General] Your mind hears Nevali thinking, "Yes."

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
The branded lines of fire on Heartsfyre burn with a dim red-orange color!
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Heartsfyre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her left arm.
Heartsfyre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A bolt glances off Laureh's gladiator's shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Laureh's back like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Laureh is slain before your eyes!

The immaculate drake flicks one wing and then the other towards Zalinyar, unleashing uneven bursts of air! Zalinyar suddenly turns pale and begins to look unsteady.

The immaculate drake flicks one wing and then the other towards Vaddon, unleashing uneven bursts of air! Vaddon pales for a brief moment.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a powerful strike (10/23) that pokes a nasty hole in the drake's neck.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ruea's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!
The haralun axe lands at Ruea's feet.

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Trajan!
Flickering embers drift from a pristine drake's fingertips, cascading to the ground where they land in a rough circle. Suddenly a pillar of white-hot flame bursts skyward from the embers! Stepping out of the column of flame, a majestic fiery lion shakes its burning mane, snarls, and springs toward Trajan!

The lion slashes at Trajan with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged yellow-white lines branded upon him!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

The pristine drake tosses his head back and lets out a roar as the flames from his tail grow and lash out towards Heartsfyre!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside a pristine drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Heartsfyre!

The lion slashes at Heartsfyre with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged red-orange lines branded upon her!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zalinyar!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Casari!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Tekhelet!
Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus!
A lightning bolt strikes Object in the back, leaving a hideous smoking hole!
Object falls down!
Object's in shock and dying!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Urbaj!
A bolt glances off Maraisel's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
Maraisel flinches as a bolt grazes her chest and scorches the skin.
Maraisel is lightly stunned!
Vaddon deflects a bolt with his ceremonial shield!
The branded lines of fire on Heartsfyre burn with a dim red-orange color!
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Heartsfyre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her abdomen.
Heartsfyre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A bolt glances off Khearkrash's abyssium skull, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt blasts away Khearkrash's neck, cauterizing the jugular and trachea while shorting out the spinal column.

* Khearkrash is slain before your eyes!

Vaddon's electrified sand lands a slight static-charged dusting to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
Vaddon's pilum lands a solid hit (4/23) that scratches the left elbow.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "it's going splendidly"

Druid Waydren just arrived.

Saragos says to Asildu, "They don't want to leave this plane. That will become increasingly difficult unless they're willing to speak with us."

Urbaj's pasabas shakes hunter-green, lashing out with rough shoots and lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Tekhelet asks Nawain, "DO you have magic?"

Golameth's dictionary lands a strong hit (6/23) that shatters bone and rends flesh of the right arm, leaving it pretty much useless.
The worn dictionary lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!

Ruea's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.
The haralun axe lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Sliyder twitches feebly, the cold, claylike corpse apparently mimicking the undead before it decays.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Sukidesu exclaims, "I can't see a thing!"

Darkling Blackgeist goes down.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an awesome strike (12/23) that drives the Imperial spear deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs, dealing her a vicious stun.
The Imperial spear lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!

Storm Maiden Silene goes down.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.

Dasheek assesses his combat situation.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a solid hit (4/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

Vaddon's pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) that lightly pierces the left forearm, lightly stunning him.
The legionary's pilum lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
The champion drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along his scales as it builds in intensity!

[General] Your mind hears Nevali thinking, "The city does not have a roof."

Malorna says, "They arent attacking who arent attackign them."

The immaculate drake tosses his head back and lets out a roar as the flames from his tail grow and lash out towards Sofina!
A whirlwind of fire erupts around an immaculate drake's body, sending tongues of reddish flame flashing in all directions. Pulling away from him, the raging inferno coalesces into the shape of a crouching fire-maned lion. The elemental beast gazes at Sofina, then races toward her, leaping suddenly at the last moment to attack!

The lion slashes at Sofina with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged red lines branded upon her!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Nawain says, "Yes."

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a devastating hit (17/23) (That'll leave a mark!) that skewers a perfect hole between the shoulder blades (Heart Burn!).
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Ezerak stands up.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Vaddon's pilum lands a hard hit (5/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
The legionary's pilum lands at Vaddon's feet.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.

Ezerak makes a grunting noise.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Casari!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Sofina!
Vaddon deflects a bolt with his ceremonial shield!
Waydren deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Urbaj deflects a bolt with his triangular sipar!
A bolt glances off Allye's gais lotus, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Allye, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her head.
Allye is stunned!

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!
A bolt glances off Buzan's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
Buzan flinches as a bolt grazes his left leg and scorches the skin.
Buzan is lightly stunned!
A bolt glances off Luna's ceremonial shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt blasts away Luna's neck, cauterizing the jugular and trachea while shorting out the spinal column.

* Luna is slain before your eyes!

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Maraisel's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Maraisel's chest like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Maraisel is slain before your eyes!

Asildu groans.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!
Allye deflects a bolt with her gais lotus!
A lightning bolt strikes Object in the abdomen, leaving a hideous smoking hole!
Object is knocked completely senseless!

Saragos says to Asildu, "At a certain point, pride must yield to simple self-preservation."

Knocking Nawain aside, Madigan deflects the pristine drake's attack with his round sipar!

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!
Buzan deflects a bolt with his triangular sipar!
Ezerak deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Waydren deflects a bolt with his small shield!
A bolt glances off Allye's gais lotus, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Allye's abdomen like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Allye is slain before your eyes!

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that slides the ka'hurst pasabas deeply into the stomach.

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Merilwen!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside a pristine drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Merilwen!

The lion slashes at Merilwen with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged red lines branded upon her!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Vaerek came through a sanguine Moongate with unnaturally seeping edges.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Ezerak deftly removes the glaes pasabas from his belt.

Madigan halts the pristine drake's assault on Nawain with his round sipar!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Golameth!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Heartsfyre!
Miraena deflects a bolt with her subdermal keratosis!
Vaddon deflects a bolt with his ceremonial shield!
Tekhelet deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Asildu deflects a bolt with his subdermal keratosis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Lexxa!
Vaerek deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Elurora!
Imroth deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Ezerak deflects a bolt with his small shield!

You hear the ghostly voice of Khearkrash say, "Well, this went well."

An immaculate drake lands a hard hit (5/23) to Ruea's left arm.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
The branded lines of fire on Sofina burn with a faint red color!
A bolt glances off Sofina's ceremonial shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Sofina's chest like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Sofina is slain before your eyes!

Sofina twitches several times as the ridges encompassing her form recede and vanish.
Sofina grimaces as the pallid mask upon her face falls away, returning color to her skin.
Something pops in Sofina's eye and discharges a sickly lime-yellow fluid that runs down her face.
Sofina subtly reels as a pained expression crosses her face.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Ruea's small shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Ruea, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.
Ruea is lightly stunned!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Akeiro!
Zfora deflects a bolt with her ka'hurst shield!
Waydren deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Ezerak deflects a bolt with his small shield!

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Merilwen deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Nawain!
A lightning bolt tears into Object's chest like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Object is slain before your eyes!

Madigan says, "Nice work whomeever is sleeping them, well done."

Madigan halts the pristine drake's attack with his round sipar, harboring Nawain from danger!

The champion drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a champion immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Buzan's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Buzan's abdomen like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Buzan is slain before your eyes!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Asildu!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Brisknite!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Illiya!
Zalinyar deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Waydren!
Saragos deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that thumps painfully off the side of the neck.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

The corpse of Sofina shudders and twists!

The immaculate drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Ezerak and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts him with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Ezerak deftly pirouettes away from the worst of the blast, smoothly stepping into a safe position.

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Ruea deflects a bolt with her small shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Tekhelet!
Chelinde deflects a bolt with her cupcake-shaped targe!
Vaerek deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Golameth!
A bolt glances off Sukidesu's gold shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A bolt strikes Sukidesu's right eye, blasting it right out of its socket.

* Sukidesu is slain before your eyes!

Phierre holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
The blunt-tipped arrow lands nearby!

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt glances off Ruea's small shield, causing a shower of sparks.
Ruea jumps in surprise as a bolt strikes her back and leaves a patch of blackened flesh.
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Heartsfyre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her right arm.
The branded lines of fire on Trajan burn with a bright yellow-white color!
A bolt glances off Trajan's war shield, causing a shower of sparks.
Trajan stares in shock at the remains of his left arm as it is blown completely off his body by a lightning bolt.
Trajan falls down!
Trajan's in shock and dying!

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that scratches the right hamstring in a light blow barely worth mentioning.

You hear the ghostly voice of Sofina say, "Goodness."

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that slides the Imperial spear deeply into the stomach.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

Illiya asks, "Why are we attacking them at all?"

Golameth's dictionary lands a vicious strike (13/23) that explodes the chest in a shower of blood and splintered ribs.
The worn dictionary lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Brisknite's spear lands a vicious strike (13/23) that cuts deeply into the left tricep, lightly stunning him.
The serrated spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

You hear a voice say, "Drakes from the Heralds, intended to stop this use of sorcery."

Elurora draws forth a loimic war scythe with starry white blossoms strewn across its crescentic blade.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
The branded lines of fire on Trajan burn with a bright yellow-white color!
A bolt glances off Trajan's war shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Trajan's chest like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Trajan is slain before your eyes!

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that amputates the left arm and a good deal of the shoulder in a crippling blow.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Illiya deflects a bolt with her cupcake-shaped targe!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Miraena!
Tekhelet deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Saragos!
Golameth deflects a bolt with his berserker's shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Asildu!

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's abdomen.

A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
Heartsfyre flinches as a bolt grazes her abdomen and scorches the skin.
Heartsfyre falls down!
Heartsfyre's in shock and dying!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Miraena.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Merilwen deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Brisknite!
Saragos deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Vaerek!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Asildu!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Miraena.
The immaculate drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Casari.
The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Heartsfyre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Heartsfyre's ceremonial aegis, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Heartsfyre's back like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Heartsfyre is slain before your eyes!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Asildu!
Saragos deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
Madigan deflects a bolt with his round sipar!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Dasheek!
Vaerek deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
Miraena deflects a bolt with her subdermal keratosis!
The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!

Imroth rebukes a pristine drake with his small shield.
Waves of shimmering silver light shine from the shield which crash over the pristine drake.
A pristine drake manages to deflect some of the first wave with her thick-scaled forearm.
The first wave inflicts a hard hit (5/23) to a pristine drake's dragonlike snout.
A pristine drake manages to deflect some of the second wave with her thick-scaled forearm.
The second wave inflicts a strong hit (6/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.
The staggering force drives her to her knees!
A pristine drake manages to deflect some of the third wave with her thick-scaled forearm.
The third wave inflicts a strong hit (6/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.
The overwhelming force crushes her to ground!
A pristine drake manages to deflect some of the fourth wave with her thick-scaled forearm.
The fourth wave inflicts a massive strike (11/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.
A pristine drake manages to deflect some of the final wave with her thick-scaled forearm.
The final wave inflicts an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.

Ezerak closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Madigan swings his round sipar, obstructing the pristine drake's strike from reaching Nawain!

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.

The corpse of Sofina shudders and twists!
The corpse of Sofina ceases its undead twitching.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes an immaculate drake!
The immaculate drake is enraged by Ezerak's attack.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's back.

Allye runs into the area and abruptly comes skidding to a stop on her heels.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Nawain's silver glow flares.
A bolt glances off Nawain's diamond-hide shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Nawain, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her neck.
The air around Phierre reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Phierre's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Phierre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his back.
Brisknite deflects a bolt with his pavise shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Waydren!
The air around Asildu reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
A bolt glances off Asildu's subdermal keratosis, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Asildu, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his right leg.
Elurora deflects a bolt with her octagonal aegis!

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.

Brisknite's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's right arm.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Miraena.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Vaerek protects Miraena from being engaged.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Vaerek.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

You hear a voice say, "Grey Dragons, stand down."

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that bruises the left forearm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Miraena.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

The immaculate drake tosses his head back and lets out a roar as the flames from his tail grow and lash out towards Miraena!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside an immaculate drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Miraena!

The lion suddenly yowls and shies away from Miraena.
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Lexxa's arrow lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.
The blunt-tipped arrow lands at Lexxa's feet.
Lexxa's arrow lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.
The blunt-tipped arrow falls to the ground!

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that temporarily knocks away the drake's breath with a light blow to the chest.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that bloodies the drake's lip.

You hear the ghostly voice of Sliyder say, "Damn."

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Asildu deflects a bolt with his subdermal keratosis!
Waydren deflects a bolt with his small shield!
Vaerek deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!

Vaddon gets a massive Dwarven greataxe with a bearded silversteel blade from inside his kirmiko pocket.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's neck.

Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that bites deeply into the left calf.

Akeiro holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Dasheek's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles, stunning her.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

The immaculate drake flicks one wing and then the other towards Saragos, unleashing uneven bursts of air!
Saragos pales for a brief moment.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles, stunning him.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that pokes the Imperial spear into the drake's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.

Golameth's dictionary lands a hard hit (5/23) that shatters bone and rends flesh of the right arm, leaving it pretty much useless.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna just arrived.

Dasheek's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left arm.

The immaculate drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Ruea!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside an immaculate drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Ruea!

The lion slashes at Ruea with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged red lines branded upon her!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Lexxa deflects a bolt with her small shield!
Malorna's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Malorna's ka'hurst shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Malorna, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.
Malorna does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Asildu deflects a bolt with his subdermal keratosis!
Miraena deflects a bolt with her subdermal keratosis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Waydren!
Selame deflects a bolt with her smokewhorl shield!

Golameth's dictionary lands a heavy strike (7/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage, lightly stunning him.

A pristine drake lands a heavy strike (7/23) that gouges Ruea's forehead.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning her.

Ruea falls down!
Ruea's in shock and dying!

Urbaj's pasabas creaks hunter-green, lashing out with abrasive vines and lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left hand.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that scratches her in a slash from behind.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that cuts deeply into muscle on the right thigh.

Golameth's dictionary lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that rips into the skin of the left arm in a strong swipe.
Golameth's worn dictionary spins back towards him, returning safely to his outstretched hand.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna goes down.

Dasheek thrusts his left arm forward, fingers splayed.
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from Dasheek's fingertips!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
A bolt glances off a pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses a pristine drake, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her scaly abdomen.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
A bolt glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses an immaculate drake, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her scaly abdomen.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
A bolt glances off a pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses a pristine drake, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his scaly chest.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!

Positioning himself in front of Saragos, Brisknite absorbs the force of the pristine drake's attack against his serrated spear!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
The branded lines of fire on Ruea burn with a faint red color!
A bolt glances off Ruea's small shield, causing a shower of sparks.
A lightning bolt tears into Ruea's abdomen like a blast from Firulf's staff.

* Ruea is slain before your eyes!

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

The immaculate drake rears up, his throat expanding dramatically as he unfurls his wings! Thrusting his snout at Nawain and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Madigan completely fails to hinder the attack!
Nawain deftly pirouettes away from the worst of the blast, smoothly stepping into a safe position.
The pristine drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!

Madigan hoists his round sipar, absorbing the immaculate drake's attack intended for Nawain!

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!), lightly stunning him.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Brisknite hurls himself in front of Saragos, taking the brunt of the pristine drake's blow against his pavise shield!

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that ruptures the artery under the left bicep.
The Imperial spear lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Lexxa deflects a bolt with her small shield!
Zalinyar deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Phierre!
Asildu deflects a bolt with his subdermal keratosis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Ezerak!
Tekhelet deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Dasheek's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.

Lexxa loads her Nisha shortbow with some blunt-tipped arrows with snowy white stripes.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes an immaculate drake!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a strong hit (6/23) that nicks the drake's neck, lightly stunning him.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that temporarily knocks away the drake's breath with a light blow to the chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that tears the skin over the left elbow.

The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts deeply into the drake's right tricep.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the Imperial spear in the heart.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Zfora cackles!

You hear the ghostly voice of Khearkrash say, "Be careful when standing down."

Golameth's dictionary lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.

Madigan hurls himself in front of Nawain, taking the brunt of the pristine drake's blow against his round sipar!

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zalinyar!
Brisknite deflects a bolt with his pavise shield!
Chelinde deflects a bolt with her cupcake-shaped targe!
Asildu deflects a bolt with his subdermal keratosis!
Vaerek deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
Madigan deflects a bolt with his round sipar!

Asildu rises to a kneeling position.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!).
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) that pokes the glaes pasabas into the drake's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back.

Vaerek's greatsword shines white, striking out with an exploding ball of ice and lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's left leg.

Golameth's dictionary lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.
Golameth's worn dictionary spins back towards him, returning safely to his outstretched hand.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that pokes the tip of the ka'hurst pasabas into a nerve on the drake's left arm (Yeowch!).

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that cleaves the right arm from the shoulder.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that spurts blood everywhere as the glaes pasabas is inserted and then withdrawn from the right hamstring.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

You hear the ghostly voice of Sukidesu say, "They don't care if you're fighting them or not, they're killing indiscriminately."

Zalinyar says, "If we win this battle, it is one step closer to getting our friends back."

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.

Madigan says, "Good work. Keep at them."

An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger turns to face a pristine drake.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's back.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that scratches the left elbow.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right arm.

Miraena tries desperately to draw Asildu to his feet.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that shreds away skin and exposes the muscles of the abdomen, lightly stunning her.

Golameth's dictionary lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Lexxa deflects a bolt with her small shield!
Miraena deflects a bolt with her subdermal keratosis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!
Merilwen deflects a bolt with her ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Dasheek!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Chelinde!

Vaerek gets a grimwood longbow with gais symbols nestled among tendrils of blackened moonsilver from inside his thigh bag.

Golameth's dictionary lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the left forearm.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) that barely breaks the skin of the drake's right leg.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes a pristine drake!
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with a blinding maelstrom of fire and lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that skewers a perfect hole between the shoulder blades (Heart Burn!).
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest, stunning him.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts the neck deeply with the end of the weapon.

Brisknite's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's right leg.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that nearly tears the entire left quadricep clean from the bone, stunning him.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that nearly tears the entire left quadricep clean from the bone.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Imroth exclaims, "Tonight we drink drake blood!"

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's right hind claw.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that cleaves off the tips of several of the drake's fingers.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a massive strike (11/23) that pierces the bones of the upper arm and gets temporarily stuck (Wipe the marrow off!).

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes an immaculate drake!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a heavy strike (7/23) that cuts deeply into the left tricep, stunning her.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at an immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's serpentine neck.

Brisknite's spear lands a solid hit (4/23) that scratches the left elbow.

Asildu struggles to stand, leaning heavily on Miraena.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

Brisknite's spear lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right hand.

As Vaerek draws back the string of his grimwood longbow, an incandescent ethereal mist coalesces into a shadow shot, loading the weapon!

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right hand.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that drills the ka'hurst pasabas through the left hamstring, lodging it in the bone.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Brisknite's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) that barely breaks the skin of the drake's right leg.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.

Lexxa retreats from combat.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's left leg.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that scratches the right hamstring in a light blow barely worth mentioning.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that scratches the left elbow.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left hand.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Asildu painfully says to Miraena, "I must protect you. We must get you out of here."

Vaerek squares up his feet, draws his longbow and begins to search for a target.
Vaerek's shot lets out a loud twang as it fires!

Vaerek's shadow shot lands a solid hit (4/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg!
The shadow shot lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Casari nods emphatically at Asildu.

An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that splinters bones and nearly severs the left arm.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a pristine drake's slitted left eye.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Brisknite halts the pristine drake's assault on Saragos with his serrated spear!

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that pokes the tip of the Imperial spear into a nerve on the drake's left arm (Yeowch!).
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Urbaj's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that scratches the right forearm.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Brisknite's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that embeds the serrated spear into the top of the drake's left foot, lightly stunning her.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Madigan swings his round sipar, obstructing the pristine drake's strike from reaching Nawain!

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Golameth's dictionary lands a light hit (1/23) that thumps painfully off the side of the neck.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that embeds the ka'hurst pasabas into the top of the drake's left foot.

Zalinyar's scimitar lands a good strike (3/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a pristine drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Elurora positions herself to intercept the pristine drake's strike against Miraena!

Golameth's dictionary lands a solid hit (4/23) that rips into the skin of the left arm in a strong swipe.

Brisknite's spear lands a good strike (3/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!).

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that launches the Imperial spear straight through the left thigh.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

Lexxa appears to be aiming at an immaculate drake with her Nisha shortbow.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Asildu.

Merilwen says, "Bleeding."

Urbaj's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that scratches the right forearm.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Dasheek says, "Careful what you're hitting with what element."

Casari says to Miraena, "He's right. Flee."

Brisknite's spear lands a solid hit (4/23) that punctures clean through the right kneecap and out the other side (Several necessary ligaments now seem to be missing!).

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a powerful strike (10/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Miraena!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside a pristine drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Miraena!

The lion suddenly yowls and shies away from Miraena.
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Miraena asks Asildu, "Where do we go?"

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left arm.

The immaculate drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Asildu!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside an immaculate drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Asildu!

The lion suddenly yowls and shies away from Asildu.
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Vaerek's shot lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right leg.
The shadow shot lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Asildu.

Elurora positions herself to intercept the pristine drake's strike against Miraena!

Miraena stands up.

Zfora leans over and licks the face of Buzan's dead body. Someone obviously skipped dinner.

Brisknite's spear lands a solid hit (4/23) that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm.

Asildu's robe flares, sending a red flame wave towards an immaculate drake!
Asildu's flame wave lands a roasting strike to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that scratches an eyebrow after nearly poking out an eye, stunning her.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Madigan rushes the pristine drake with his round sipar, thwarting the blow aimed at Nawain!

Dasheek says, "Lightning is revitalizing the immaculate ones."

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at an immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Brisknite's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) that drills the serrated spear through the left hamstring, lodging it in the bone.

Vaerek puts his longbow in his thigh bag.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at an immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Lexxa's arrow lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's neck.
The blunt-tipped arrow falls to the ground!
Lexxa's arrow lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.
The blunt-tipped arrow falls to the ground!

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the rapier deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Asildu painfully asks Miraena, "Mayhap the Empaths will help us?"

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right hand.

Brisknite's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at an immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Reap the whirlwind that you'."

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at an immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Golameth sheathes his flame-bladed zweihander.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at an immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Lexxa's arrow lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
The blunt-tipped arrow falls to the ground!
Lexxa's arrow lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.
The blunt-tipped arrow falls to the ground!

Golameth's spear lands an awesome strike (12/23) that launches the Imperial spear straight through the left thigh, lightly stunning her.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

You hear a voice say to Asildu, "Escape while you can, Dragonkin."

Vaerek exclaims, "Empaths!"

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Reap the whirlwind that you've brought on with arrogance."

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that blasts the left cheekbone and causes the eye to fill with blood.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Dasheek's axe lands a good hit (2/23) that scratches the right hamstring in a light blow barely worth mentioning.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right leg.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's left hind claw.

Dasheek's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that savages the belly to expose the intestines.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Lexxa appears to be aiming at an immaculate drake with her Nisha shortbow.

Golameth's spear lands an awesome strike (12/23) that drives the Imperial spear deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.
The Imperial spear lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!

Miraena asks Asildu, "Yes, I will go there. Are you coming with me, or staying here?"

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left leg.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left arm.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right hand.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Golameth's spear lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Illiya lays her hand on Asildu's arm.

Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left hand.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a massive strike (11/23) that punctures clean through the right kneecap and out the other side (Several necessary ligaments now seem to be missing!).
The Imperial spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger turns to face an immaculate drake.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Miraena deflects a bolt with her subdermal keratosis!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!
Tekhelet deflects a bolt with his diamond-hide shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Vaerek!
Illiya deflects a bolt with her cupcake-shaped targe!
Waydren deflects a bolt with his small shield!

Brisknite's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's right leg.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Asildu painfully says to Saragos, "You should consider whose arrogance caused this. As it was certainly not my own."

An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's left hand.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a light hit (1/23) that embeds the bone spine the entire length of the drake's left arm (Messy!), severely stunning him.
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!

Golameth grabs Asildu and drags him down with him.

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Miraena!
Flickering embers drift from a pristine drake's fingertips, cascading to the ground where they land in a rough circle. Suddenly a pillar of white-hot flame bursts skyward from the embers! Stepping out of the column of flame, a majestic fiery lion shakes its burning mane, snarls, and springs toward Miraena!

The lion suddenly yowls and shies away from Miraena.
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) that exposes bone along the entire left arm and spatters blood everywhere, severely stunning him.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that rips into the right calf.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes a champion immaculate drake!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that lightly cuts the drake's forearm.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that wounds her deeply across the upper left arm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Brisknite's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left hand.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Miraena.

Lexxa loads her Nisha shortbow with some blunt-tipped arrows with snowy white stripes.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that cuts deeply into the drake's right tricep.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that nicks the neck with a light scratch.

The immaculate drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Casari deflects a bolt with her triangular sipar!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Illiya!
The air around Phierre reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
A bolt glances off Phierre's triangular sipar, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Phierre, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his chest.
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Miraena!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Saragos!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Madigan!

Elurora positions herself to intercept the pristine drake's strike against Miraena!

Dasheek's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Selame takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly.
Selame makes an agile leap towards an immaculate drake, attacking it with a mighty cleave!

Selame's rapier lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) that amputates the left arm and a good deal of the shoulder in a crippling blow.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right hand.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that bruises the drake's lower back (More of a love tap than an attack!).

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Miraena.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right hand.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right hand.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger lands a light hit (1/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning her.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zfora.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes a champion immaculate drake!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's neck.

Madigan's zweihander lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage.

Urbaj takes a step back and readies his pasabas behind him.
Urbaj swiftly attempts to cleave through a champion immaculate drake!

Urbaj's ka'hurst pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's scaly back!

Dasheek's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Madigan's zweihander lands a hard hit (5/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Brisknite's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side, lightly stunning him.
The serrated spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Vaerek deflects a bolt with his diamondwood shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Comfrin!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Golameth!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Miraena!
A pristine drake's spell flies wildly off course!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zalinyar!
The immaculate drake shakes his head in frustration, trying to regain his senses!

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's neck.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Vaddon's greataxe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the champion drake!

Madigan's zweihander lands a strong hit (6/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

Elurora positions herself to intercept the pristine drake's strike against Miraena!

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
Miraena deflects a bolt with her subdermal keratosis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Tekhelet!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zalinyar!
Nawain deflects a bolt with her diamond-hide shield!
Madigan deflects a bolt with his round sipar!
Elurora deflects a bolt with her octagonal aegis!

Vaerek asks, "What did you all do?"

Madigan's zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

Mage Slayer Golameth skips down.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Lexxa appears to be aiming at an immaculate drake with her Nisha shortbow.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Brisknite's spear lands a good strike (3/23) that scratches the right forearm.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Brisknite's spear lands a solid hit (4/23) that draws a light scratch across the drake's right wrist.

Zfora cackles!

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that tears a small piece of skin from the left calf.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right arm.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that scratches the right forearm.

Lexxa loads her Nisha shortbow with some blunt-tipped arrows with snowy white stripes.

Selame's rapier lands a light hit (1/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Brisknite's spear lands a good strike (3/23) that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left arm.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that scratches the right forearm.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's serpentine neck.

Miraena steps towards Vaerek to join him, but Vaerek steps away.

Selame's rapier lands a good hit (2/23) that drives the rapier deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs, dealing her a vicious stun.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side, lightly stunning him.

Breath of the Heralds Asildu just arrived.

The pristine drake swishes his tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Miraena!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Urbaj!
Elurora deflects a bolt with her octagonal aegis!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Asildu!
Phierre deflects a bolt with his triangular sipar!

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that painfully mashes the right arm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Elurora's scythe suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

You hear the ghostly voice of Buzan say, "Angered something."

Asildu grabs Miraena's arm and drags her down with him.

Comfrin's sword suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart, severely stunning her.

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Urbaj's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm.

Chelinde whips her diamond-hide whip at a champion immaculate drake. The diamond-hide whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a champion immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.


[Arhat's Tower, Foyer]
Scorched walls span the tower, and faint reflections of emerald green onyx are visible beneath the ash. A long steep staircase has been cut into the walls, spiraling its way up the tapering interior. A soot-blackened door, hanging precariously from one hinge, leads out. You also see a white dog that is sitting.

[General] Your mind hears Anuril thinking, "Cleric to The Healerie, The Blue Area, please"

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Miraena pants.

Merilwen gestures at an immaculate drake.
A large ball of flame flies at an immaculate drake!
The fireball glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball explodes a few feet away from her, the wash of heat drying the fluids of her slitted right eyeball.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

Asildu reaches over and holds hands with Miraena.

Merilwen looks healthier and Malorna appears to weaken.

Golameth points at Asildu.

Merilwen looks healthier and Malorna appears to weaken.

Golameth says, "Stay put you."

Malorna says, "Someon take that drake off me."

Merilwen begins to focus intently on an immaculate drake.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Merilwen looks healthier and Malorna appears to weaken.

Miraena glances at Golameth.

Merilwen gestures at an immaculate drake.
A huge ball of flame flies at an immaculate drake!
The fireball glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball explodes close to her, singeing her serpentine neck.

Casari assesses her combat situation.

Asildu painfully says to Miraena, "We must get you to safety."

Casari moves over to guard Miraena.

Golameth begins sprinting forward, eyes closed, like a wind spirit too fleet to be bound to earth. He whips through the air, vaulting over an immaculate drake and hurtling behind her with a double kick! Driving in like a master combatant, Golameth stomps an armored right foot at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The foot lands a light hit (1/23) to her left arm!
Moving with dominating grace, Golameth stomps an armored left foot at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake badly fails to block with a razor-sharp talon. The foot lands a light hit (1/23) to her left hand!

Black Fox Xionara came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Golameth lunges a serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a good strike (3/23) to her right arm!

Khozh Elizzibiana came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Vaerek just arrived.

Merilwen gestures at an immaculate drake.
A huge ball of flame flies at an immaculate drake!
The fireball glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball blasts into her scaly back, nearly tearing her in half!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

Malorna rests her hand on Merilwen's arm with a soft smile.

Xionara shakes her head.

Merilwen looks healthier and Malorna appears to weaken.

With a wave of Malorna's hand, she looks much better.

Casari joins Asildu’s group.

Vaerek sighs.

Golameth bends over the drake's corpse briefly.

Merilwen says, "There you go."

Malorna rests her hand on Xionara's arm with a soft smile.

Miraena beams at Casari!

Xionara softly says, "Oh, helping. Nice."

Miraena gazes upward.

Merilwen smiles.

Vaerek asks Miraena, "Do you need a lift to the empaths?"

Xionara smiles at Miraena.

Asildu painfully says to Golameth, "Thank you."

Golameth says, "You have some explaining when this dies down."

Golameth says, "And it does you no good to be dead."

Asildu nods.

Merilwen leans on Elizzibiana.

Mathematician Avrenka came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Malorna says, "I cant heal you.. pleas ele tme."

Malorna says, "Let me."

Golameth moves about with magnified violence!

Golameth says, "So sit and wait."

Malorna nods to Miraena.

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "Alright, who's shaking my bed? And... um... floor?"

Miraena says to Vaerek, "Yes, we want to go to the Empaths Guild."

Golameth fixes Asildu with a serene, lofty stare.

Miraena nods to Malorna.

Test Subject Kalyndara came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Malorna rests her hand on Miraena's arm with a soft smile.

Malorna says, "She good."

Malorna rests her hand on Asildu’s arm with a soft smile.

Miraena beams at Malorna!

Vaerek says, "Join me."

Avrenka asks, "Should we start dragging?"

Miraena joins Vaerek's group.

Asildu joins Vaerek's group.

Casari joins Vaerek's group.

Golameth shakes his head at Vaerek.

Golameth says, "Don't move."

Malorna rests her hand on Avrenka's arm with a soft smile.

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Laureh behind him.

Malorna says, "If your in this room i will be touching you."

Avrenka says, "Gonna start dragging."

Golameth says, "They are almost done up there."

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Sukidesu behind him.

Golameth visibly churns with an inner rage!

Xionara softly says, "Tell them dismiss their drakes."

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Maraisel behind him.

Malorna rests her hand on Sukidesu's arm with a soft smile.

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Buzan behind him.

Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Vaerek asks, "Are they?"

Casari frowns at Maraisel.

Xionara softly says, "Simple could stop magic instead of this."

Fire Witch Merilwen sashays up.

Vaerek says, "I just came from there. It's a mess."

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Mage Slayer Golameth skips up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Trajan behind him.

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Buzan twitches feebly, the cold, claylike corpse apparently mimicking the undead before it decays.

Miraena gazes upward.

Xionara frowns at Miraena.

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Sliyder behind him.

Miraena quietly says, "We tried to warn them..."

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Luna behind him.

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Sister Severei just arrived.

Fire Witch Merilwen just arrived.

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Heartsfyre behind him.

Xionara softly says, "As did myself."

Xionara softly says, "But could just shut magic off. Have done before."

Vaerek says, "We're not under sky or I would open a portal."

Merilwen says, "I can't see much to help."

You hear the ghostly voice of Maraisel say, "I can help with raising once I'm... alive."

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles up.

Avrenka says, "That's everyone."

You hear the ghostly voice of Heartsfyre say, "Heh."

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Avrenka says, "Except Ruea who isn't draggable."

You hear the ghostly voice of Buzan say, "Hey thanks."

Fire Witch Merilwen sashays up.

Golameth says, "If you please."

Malorna says, "Im partial healing empaths and clerics first."

Trajan twitches feebly, the cold, claylike corpse apparently mimicking the undead before it decays.

Golameth points up.

Avrenka says, "And Sofina cuz ... you know."

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Kalyndara just touched Heartsfyre.

Sofina just arrived.

Sofina chortles softly at some secret joke.

Avrenka says, "Hey there she is."

Golameth smiles at Asildu.

Fire Witch Merilwen just arrived.

You hear the ghostly voice of Sliyder say, "Heh that was intense."

Elizzibiana says, "Gads Ruea is heavy."

Malorna chews on Sofina's shoulder. Weirdo.

You hear the ghostly voice of Buzan say, "See Heart! First row seat to chaos."

Mathematician Avrenka goes up.

Vaerek says, "I think it's worse outside."

You hear the ghostly voice of Luna say, "You all did good."

Avrenka just arrived, dragging the body of Ruea behind him.

Avrenka says, "Got her."

Vaerek's group went through a fire-etched onyx door.

You hear the ghostly voice of Ruea say, "Thank you."

Mage Slayer Golameth went through a fire-etched onyx door.

Elizzibiana pokes Ruea to see if she will move.

Avrenka asks, "Should I look for more healers and clerics?"

Kalyndara just touched Heartsfyre.

Sofina went through a fire-etched onyx door.

Sofina came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Fire Witch Merilwen sashays up.

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles up.

Avrenka asks, "Or are you guys good?"

Sofina rubs her jadeite gwethdesuan.

Sofina's gwethdesuan snaps in two places as its jadeite stones crumble into a fine powder.

Holy Titan Barelai came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Sofina grumbles.

Malorna says, "Boo."

Sofina asks, "Anyone have a spare gweth?"

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Asildu and Miraena at the Empath Guild

[Empaths' Guild, Courtyard Garden]
Open to the sky, this spot is sheltered from the worst of the weather and elements by a rich cedar arbor. In the center of the courtyard, a small fountain, filled with the darting forms of tiny fish, babbles to itself. Several elaborately-carved cedar benches are placed at one edge of the garden, directly across from a cushioned swing hanging from the arbor by wrought iron chains. A riot of seasonal plants compete for the attention of those who pass here, and a whispering willow tree looms overhead as if creating a protective mantle. You also see Didior's grave, a blue moonbeam, Didior's grave, a ghostly white banner, a pile of rocks, a long-leafed vela'tohr bush surrounded by diminutive blue butterflies, a silver tea cart with several things on it, a large vela'tohr plant, a marble statue of an elegant Elven woman carrying a shallow basin in her arms, some shallow stone stairs, an Empath renown scroll, a simple covered sideboard with several things on it and a small stone firepit.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Lushk says, "I'm feeling daring."

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Vaerek says, "Here we are."

Miraena says to Vaerek, "Thank you, Adventurer Vaerek."

Leilanie lays her hand on Miraena's arm.

Knight Templar Marwen came up some shallow stone stairs.

Miraena curtsies to Vaerek.

Hunnibelle gets a plain mahogany strongbox from inside her cloth lootpouch.

Vaerek nods.

Knight Templar Marwen goes out.

Asildu nods to Vaerek.

Vaerek says, "You should be safe here."

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

Asildu haggardly says to Vaerek, "Yes, thank you."

Miraena quietly says, "As long as those hre are not also casting sorcery."

Miraena frowns.

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "And we've got drakes in the city. Joy. Someone care to ballpark their toughness compared to the standard-ish lava drake?"

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "I'm sorry I couldn't do more to protect you."

Miraena hugs Asildu.

Vaerek says to Miraena, "Thank you. Be safe."

Asildu hugs Miraena, getting a smile in return.

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Miraena says to Vaerek, "You as well."

Varagoth says, "Well yeah, that hurt."

[General] Your mind hears Zfora thinking, "Ballpark you're doing to die"

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Varagoth chuckles.

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Vaerek holds a blue iris high into the air for all to see.

Vaerek strides out.

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light stands before you, rippling slightly.

Mage Slayer Golameth skips out.

Eyuve just came through a fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light, dragging the body of Ershal behind her.

Observer Eyuve went through a fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light.

Couri asks, "What happened?"

Miraena says to Asildu, "It is okay, you were not responsible for that. You did everything you could."

Lushk says, "There's so much stuff going on I'm dizzy."

Miraena frowns.

Druid Waydren just arrived.

With a waver like a mirage, Shaylynne fades into view.

[General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "I warned you cleric. You didn't want to listen"

Waydren searches around for a moment.

Couri peers quizzically at Miraena.

Shaylynne casually observes the area.

Shaylynne peers through the shifting Moongate.

Waydren asks Asildu, "Are you well?"

A fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light collapses in on itself.

Waydren pats Miraena on the back.

Couri says, "We are dyin here without knowledge of why."

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light stands before you, rippling slightly.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Eyuve just came through a fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light, dragging the body of Luco behind her.

Miraena says to Couri, "A group of people were casting sorcery in great quantities. The Heralds told them to stop, but they would not listen."

Couri says, "Or who."

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "I tried to stop them."

Daring peers through the shifting Moongate.

A fractured and shifting Moongate of howling wintry light collapses in on itself.

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Death's Messenger Amaci just arrived.

Miraena rubs Asildu in a friendly manner.

Waydren says to Couri, "The hubris of those who chose to defy wisdom and provoke the Guardians."

Couri asks, "That be the Geralds?"

Death's Messenger Amaci saunters out.

Leilanie says, "We need a Cleric."

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

Waydren asks Asildu, "Do you have need?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Ershal say, "I was just out for a stroll."

Leilanie says, "This is so disorganized."

Animal Wanheda just arrived.

Leilanie lays her hand on Ershal's arm.

Lushk works carefully at binding Ershal's wounded right arm.

Wanheda takes a seat.

Miraena gazes at Ershal.

Couri says, "It killin so much more than the ones castin sorcery."

Knight Templar Marwen just arrived.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Asildu haggardly says to Waydren, "At this time, there is little to do but wait for their wrath to calm."

Knight Templar Marwen goes out.

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Waydren nods to Asildu.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes down.

Miraena nods.

Asildu nods.

Lushk rests her hand on Ershal's arm with a soft smile.

Waydren asks Asildu, "Will pruning the provokers sate their anger more quickly?"

Casari says, "Thank goodness Allye evacuated people earlier."

Miraena gazes out.

Healer Leilanie walks out.

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "If any empaths are free, we could use another at Arhat's tower "

Healer Leilanie just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "great whatever you all have done, now even my butler is hiding."

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Working our way from the Paladin Guild, moving South."

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Asildu’s direction.

Couri frowns at Leilanie.

Asildu haggardly says to Waydren, "It is difficult to tell. My connection... it is so full of rage... I can barely make out anything more."

Concek just arrived.

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Leilanie says to Couri, "I was only seeing if the fighters outside the door needed healing."

Shaylynne leans on Illiya.

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Waydren says to Asildu, "Then I Hunt those who provoked Their wrath."

Illiya asks, "Does anyone need healing here?"

Casari says to Waydren, "Good luck."

Miraena fidgets nervously.

Illiya lays her hand on Miraena's arm.

Waydren says to Illiya, "Little Life Sister, if you'd please."

Miraena nods to Illiya.

Illiya lays her hand on Waydren's arm.

Asildu haggardly says to Waydren, "Thank you."

Illiya says to Waydren, "Anytime."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes down.

In the blink of an eye, Waydren disappears into his surroundings.

Leilanie nods at Couri, obviously agreeing with her views.

Lupdels sighs.

Couri snorts, loudly.

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Druid Waydren goes out.

Lushk rests her hand on Luco's arm with a soft smile.

Lupdels asks, "Sounds like the festivities planned by some didn't go too well?"

Asildu moves over to guard Miraena.

Miraena nods to Lupdels.

Lupdels sighs.

[General] Your mind hears Xionara thinking, "not sure how targeted special casting guided by Liraxes turned into burn world at Arhat's Tower, but that what happened."

Miraena quietly says to Lupdels, "We tried to tell them not to do it, but they insisted."

Riverlynn just arrived.

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "You should be safe here. I hope."

Lupdels nods to Miraena.

Leilanie lays her hand on Riverlynn's arm.

In the blink of an eye, Shaylynne disappears into her surroundings.

Riverlynn moseys out.

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Cultivator Shaylynne wanders out.

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

Miraena quietly says, "Sorcery is the root of this all, and must be stopped."

Lupdels asks, "How bad is it outside?"

[General] Your mind hears Xionara thinking, "next time maybe listen to myself. Said No."

Lupdels nods to Miraena.

Casari says, "Looks... cloudy. Drakes blotting out the sun."

Lushk nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Battle Dancer Hunnibelle patters west.

Lupdels sighs.

Couri joins Leilanie's group.

Casari says, "Could just be night time, but impossible to say right now."

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Miraena fearfully says to Casari, "Please be careful, friend."

Lupdels asks, "Could the drakes have been sent by the Heralds?"

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

Casari says to Lupdels, "They absolutely were."

Lupdels nods to Casari.

Lupdels says, "Then they may be punishment we collectively deservve."

Lupdels sighs.

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived.

Lushk says to Leilanie, "Can't muster up the strength to cast Innocence."

Casari says to Miraena, "I want to make sure you're safe. This is... insane."

Miraena nods to Casari.

Binu just arrived, dragging the body of Phierre behind him.

World Killer Binu goes out.

Miraena says, "Asildu kept my safe, and Adventurer Vaerek brought us here."

Miraena gazes out.

Candy Pirate Akeiro's group just arrived.

Chelinde and Selame highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps. Sassy!

Akeiro runs his fingers through Phierre's hair.

Candy Pirate Akeiro drifts out, leading his group.

Vaddon just arrived, dragging the body of Kidrith behind him.

Peace Keeper Vaddon strides out.

Lupdels says, "People were warned."

Lupdels frowns.

[Trade] Your mind hears Leilanie thinking, "We need raising Clerics to the Empath guild please."

Casari says, "My Sanctuary couldn't stop the drakes from reaching us. Talk about a helpless feeling."

Leilanie babbles incoherently.

Miraena frowns at Casari.

[General] Your mind hears Leilanie thinking, "We need raising Clerics to the Empath guild please."

Miraena pats Casari on the back.

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Coming"

You hear the ghostly voice of Phierre say, "I've already been healed whenever someone has a moment."

[General] Your mind hears Malorna thinking, "theres a few rezzing at tower still"

Miraena says to Casari, "It cannot be helped. You did what you could, and for that I thank you."

Pilgrim Nawain's group just arrived.

Casari gives a slight nod.

Nawain nods.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Leilanie says, "I am taking the bodies to the healerie."

Tekhelet moves over to guard Nawain.

Leilanie asks Nawain, "Or is here better for you?"

Asildu haggardly says to Casari, "Yes. Thank you for your assistance."

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Nawain says, "Ershal coming up."

Soul Surgeon Zynell came up some shallow stone stairs.

Tekhelet asks, "Anyone need buffs?"

Miraena tries to stand towards the side of the room, out of the way of those working so diligently.

Casari gives Asildu a slight nod.

Nawain says, "Here works."

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

Leilanie nods.

You hear the ghostly voice of Ershal say, "Many thanks."

Saragos says, "You know what I find interesting about all of this. The ritual, which I was not a part of, happened in a small area. But the drakes are rampaging throughout the Crossing. Looks like the gardener is ripping out anything that sort of looks like a weed."

Nawain sheathes her viridian whip and ties it to her thigh straps.

Lifeguard Lushk slinks out.

Concek nods.

Casari says, "Big hand, big handprint."

Leilanie frowns.

As Zynell intones a quiet prayer to Damaris, her hands begin to glow faintly silver. She extends a glowing hand towards the body of Ershal.
Dark crimson bands of light flow about the body of Ershal, pulsating with a heartbeat rhythm. Silvery-grey tendrils twine around the red bands, seeping into the corpse. As the last tendril vanishes from view, the bands explode with a brilliant flash and Ershal blinks dazedly, wobbling on his feet.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Couri says, "And it nae matters what folks believe or try ta do...this is jest killin indiscriminately."

Mathematician Avrenka goes out.

Miraena says, "So many Adventurers have refused to see what is happening all around them. Perhaps this will finally make them take notice."

Swift Claw Daring slinks out.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Miraena frowns.

Saragos says to Casari, "I've met big people who were careful, because they cared about not hurting people."

As Zynell intones a quiet prayer to Damaris, her hands begin to glow faintly silver. She extends a glowing hand towards the body of Phierre.
Dark crimson bands of light flow about the body of Phierre, pulsating with a heartbeat rhythm. Silvery-grey tendrils twine around the red bands, seeping into the corpse. As the last tendril vanishes from view, the bands explode with a brilliant flash and Phierre blinks dazedly, wobbling on his feet.

Abost chuckles at Miraena.

Phierre smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Candy Pirate Akeiro's group just arrived.

Nawain sadly says, "I can't help. The godling is intervening. I'll go back to violence."

Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.

Nawain nods.

Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls down.

Phierre says to Zynell, "Thanks much."

Akeiro clasps Phierre's hand tenderly.

Dasheek just came up some shallow stone stairs, dragging Illiya behind him.

Akeiro exclaims to Phierre, "You're alive!"

Leilanie says to Miraena, "We do not rejoice this. Death should not be punishment."

Pilgrim Nawain skips out, leading her group.

Dasheek says, "There we go."

Illiya says, "Thank goodness."

Dasheek clasps Illiya's hand tenderly.

Illiya laughs!

Phierre asks Akeiro, "Buffs would have been a good idea, huh?"

Chelinde says, "Looks questionable."

Illiya says, "I couldn't retreat from the champion."

Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls out, leading his group.

Casari says to Saragos, "Maybe they can't. Or at least they can't right now. But even if it's just because it's not important, this was all very avoidable."

Healer Leilanie's group just arrived.

Lupdels glances up at the sky.

Leilanie says, "Oh my goodness."

Lupdels ponders.

Selame rubs Phierre gently, massaging his muscles.

Zynell points at Kidrith.

Casari asks Saragos, "Were you able to tell if the stone was okay after... all that?"

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

Saragos says to Miraena, "Somehow, I don't think the heaps of bodies of commoners who have never cast a spell in their lives is going to quite land that message the way you'd like it to."

Wizard Varagoth just arrived.

Lupdels frowns.

Miraena says to Leilanie, "Adventurers either start heading the message of the Heralds, or the entire world will come to end. This will be... nothing, compared to that."

Miraena gazes out.

Lifeguard Lushk just arrived.

Saragos gets a distant look on his face.

Zynell asks, "Someone able to heal this body?"

Vaerek just arrived.

Zynell points at Kidrith.

Phierre grins at Chelinde, his dimples flashing into view.

Vaerek shakes his head.

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

Chelinde says to Selame, "You do it so well."

Chelinde gazes at Selame.

Raven Queen Chelinde traipses out.

Selame winks.

[General] Your mind hears Miraeven thinking, "I'm stuck with my research team, doing controlled research in Ilithi. Curious how the sorcery gathering at Arhat Tower went...."

Asildu rubs his head.

Heart Tender Kethrai came up some shallow stone stairs.

Kethrai pants.

Miraena fidgets nervously.

Vaerek asks Miraena, "I tried to watch from afar but I could only get snapshots of what was happening. What did they do?"

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Zynell gives Kethrai a gentle poke in the ribs.

Saragos says to Casari, "Frankly, I don't care. This is the same heavy-handed complete disregard for mortals that caused them to take my wife from me."

Zynell points at Kidrith.

Miraena frowns at Vaerek.

Vaerek puts his gavel in his thigh bag.

Asildu sighs.

Couri nods.

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "They will never understand."

High Lord of Justice Imroth just arrived.

Miraena says to Vaerek, "We begged them not to do it, but they continued anyway. Many of them started casting sorcerous spells over and over and over."

The black dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Saragos nods to Miraena.

Golameth points at Asildu.

Vaerek shakes his head at Miraena.

[General] Your mind hears Notocar thinking, "someone give a thought once the town is cleared please"

Selame gazes at Golameth.

Vaerek peers quizzically at Golameth.

Miraena glances at Golameth.

Dzive Asini Leayne came up some shallow stone stairs.

Imroth says, "I think we got to them."

Casari glares at Imroth.

Phierre grins at Imroth, his dimples flashing into view.

Zynell nods to Kethrai.

Vaerek asks Imroth, "Got who?"

Selame asks Golameth, "What did that one do?"

Selame gazes at Asildu.

Phierre says, "That may be the understatement of the year."

Saragos says, "Your Heralds aren't as smart as they'd like to think. They've also just broughtcast to all of Kermoria what it's going to take to get them really upset. You get that upset... looks like you've got something to lose."

Kethrai asks, "Anyone else need healing?"

Imroth chuckles.

Golameth says to Asildu, "Speak plainly, where did they come from."

Asildu haggardly says to Golameth, "We warned that the sorcery would anger the Heralds."

Asildu haggardly says, "They didn't listen."

Miraena nods.

[General] Your mind hears Miraeven thinking, "Hmm, that doesn't sound like it went...or is going...well."

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "thanks for the grand showing Imroth"

Casari says to Imroth, "You got a lot of people killed. Most of them won't just get up again. Your soul should be shattered and sank into a mire of blackness you can never clean."

The black dog growls, "Well if the Heralds are the ones that are attacking us and taking our people, then their anger doesn't bother most of us."

High Priestess Maraisel's group just arrived.

Vaerek says to Golameth, "Sorcer is tearing a hole between our world and another."

Zynell gestures at Luco.

Quindora hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Quindora with a warm smile.

Vaerek says, "Sorcery."

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

Golameth shakes his head at Asildu.

Leayne smiles at Quindora, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides down.

Quindora says, "They seem to be mostly gone."

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

The earth around Luco's body seems to awaken, opening up and curling around him, pulling the lifeless form downward, covering him until all that is left is a slowly fading gravesite.

Asildu haggardly says, "They would not have attacked had the casters listened and refrained from using that awful magic."

Ruea dryly asks, "So. Everyone feeling good about that?"

Heart Tender Kethrai came up some shallow stone stairs.

Vaerek laughs at Ruea.

Asildu winces.

Vaerek chuckles.

Avrenka waves to Eyuve.

Phierre grins at Ruea, his dimples flashing into view.

Selame says to Imroth, "I am proud of your bold actions. The others I am quite certain knew of the dancers."

Asildu clutches at his stomach, still seemingly in pain.

Miraena cringes.

Selame softly says, "And dangers too..."

Miraena rubs Asildu in a friendly manner.

Kethrai blinks at Asildu.

Imroth nods to Selame.

Quindora rests her hand on Asildu's arm with a soft smile.

Kethrai touches Asildu with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Avrenka says, "Someone's losing all their stuff."

Phierre says to Selame, "Dancers sort of works."

Imroth says, "Something very strange about this one."

Imroth points at Asildu.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Knew a man when I was a kid who would get drunk all winter, beat his wife and kids the whole time. He said the same sorts of things - I wouldn't have had to do it if they hadn't made me so angry."

Selame gazes at Saragos.

Legendary Empath Quindora goes out.

Miraena shakes her head sadly.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "Do you feel ill? I can't sense anything amiss..."

Selame says to Kethrai, "I am surprised they are alive. After the color left their lips I was certain they were a goner."

Asildu haggardly says to Kethrai, "It is... the pain I feel through my connection to the Heralds. It is... strong and they are... powerful."

Akeiro nods at Selame, obviously agreeing with her views.

Imroth says, "He is not what he claims to be."

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Saragos asks Asildu, "Do you think the connection strong enough to send a message?"

Golameth asks Asildu, "Do they care for you?"

Asildu haggardly asks Saragos, "You are welcome to tell me the message, but the connection has never worked that way before. At this point, however, anything is worth a try, eh?"

Ershal stands up.

Imroth ponders anything

Mage Slayer Golameth skips west.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides down.

Brother Harsh runs out.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "Some poke and poke and poke, demanding proof and answers, and when they finally poke too hard they cry that it was undeserved."

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Dzive Asini Leayne glides down.

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "And deny the proof in front of them."

Miraena nods in agreement.

Dzive Asini Leayne came up some shallow stone stairs.

Selame softly asks Akeiro, "Did you hear anyone crying about anything being undeserved?"

Danger Wizard Dasheek's group came up some shallow stone stairs.

Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls out, leading his group.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Return my wife and friends, and I'll fight to stop things like this from happening again. They NEED mortals to help them. There are too many casters for them to use outbursts like this to control us. Most of the casters who were killed will just come back and do this all over again."

Miraena gazes at Saragos.

Heart Tender Kethrai's group came up some shallow stone stairs.

Three trumpet blasts sound, and a guard shouts "All clear, we have beaten back the invaders! Patrols will resume shortly!"

Cultivator Shaylynne just arrived.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "They refuse to see anything that does not align with what they have already decided."

Shaylynne scans the area briefly.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Make them listen - heavy-handed violence will only ruin their chances."

Asildu nods to Ezerak.

Akeiro quietly says to Selame, "I heard a lot of things."

Imroth glances at Asildu.

Medir just arrived.

Vaerek says to Asildu, "I have a message if you think it might make it."

Leayne softly says, "Empaths tree is up."

Couri says, "And the casters that nae use sorcery and even hae an iris are wonderin what they did to deserve it."

Three trumpet blasts sound, and a guard shouts "All clear, we have beaten back the invaders! Patrols will resume soon!"

Saragos says to Miraena, "You too, if you've got a connection."

Medir blinks.

Saragos shrugs.

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Medir nods politely.

Mageling Aerilia came up some shallow stone stairs.

Anuril dryly says, "In future let's not allow any drakes down the ramp."

Knight Templar Marwen goes out.

Leilanie nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu haggardly says to Vaerek, "I make no promises, but I'll keep the messages in my head, just in case."

Leayne softly says, "Can't find Crobin."

Lushk asks, "Anyone need healing?"

Leilanie says, "I went to go to the healerie and thought it best just to stay here."

Asildu nods to Saragos.

Imroth narrows his eyes.

Lushk studies the faces around her.

Medir says, "Well this has been an evenin'."

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Knight Templar Marwen just arrived.

Medir joins Shaylynne's group.

Leayne softly says, "Touch the tree Empaths."

Ezerak says to Leayne, "He was with Tirost and company fighting the drakes, last I saw of him."

Kethrai says to Leayne, "He might be at the tower."

Phierre asks Leayne, "Did he abandon you, again?"

Selame says to Leayne, "Last time I saw him he was on Magen Road."

Druid Waydren just arrived.

Leayne nods.

Vaerek says to Asildu, "Please tell them thank you for trying to help us. I'm sorry some of us don't listen but the few who do listen are worth it."

Saragos gets a distant look on his face.

Three trumpet blasts sound, and a guard shouts "All clear, we have beaten back the invaders! Patrols now resume!"

Imroth says to Asildu, "I think we should see if the Heralds can bring you back like the immortals can bring me back."

Leayne softly says, "He never abandons me."

Asildu nods to Vaerek.

Leayne gives Phierre a gentle poke in the ribs.

A refreshing calm washes over the land, and you feel a sense of pervasive balance. Everything feels more stable.

Vaerek nods to Asildu.

Medir rubs his head.

Waydren bows to Asildu.

Casari says to Asildu, "Listen... despite everything else, I think this made it pretty clear that They were who took our friends. So if you want to send them a message... tell them about that, and ask them to send our people back."

Aerilia frowns slightly.

Asildu nods politely to Waydren.

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Medir blinks.

Phierre appears to be whispering to those in his company.

Ruea leans on Maraisel.

Asildu haggardly asks Imroth, "You threaten me when your casting caused this?"

Miraena gazes at Imroth.

Imroth asks, "You think I summon drakes from the sky!?"

Gragnel raises an eyebrow.

Casari says to Imroth, "You are a murderer and your soul is forever unclean."

Waydren gets an azurelle battle longbow sporting seventeen forged ka'hurst raven feathers from inside his war belt.

Waydren loads his azurelle longbow with some Void's sting arrows.

Couri blinks.

Ezerak joins Casari's group.

Miraena angrily exclaims to Imroth, "This was your fault! You angered the Heralds by not only ignoring their warnings, but throwing it in their face!"

Brutish Miscreant Mahe just arrived.

Amaci hugs Couri, who wraps her arms around Amaci with a warm smile.

Selame says to Imroth, "If you have that sort of power. I would like a new pet please."

Gamalon just arrived, dragging the body of Rhhush behind him.

Binu just arrived, dragging the body of Helro behind him.

Imroth says, "And I would do it again."

Miraena gasps at Imroth!

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Imroth's direction.

Imroth says, "Bring your armies of drakes."

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu's group just arrived.

You hear the ghostly voice of Rhhush say, "An empath a day keeps the cleroc away."

You hear the ghostly voice of Rhhush say, "Thabks for the drag."

Imroth says, "Bring your worst. I will not fall for your lies."

Vaerek peers quizzically at Imroth.

Binu waves.

Waydren asks Imroth, "You would provoke calamity a second time? To what end?"

World Killer Binu goes out.

Asildu frowns at Imroth.

Gamalon says, "Welcome."

Aerilia frowns at Imroth.

Scout Gamalon goes out.

Brutish Miscreant Mahe strides out.

Vaerek sighs.

Imroth exclaims, "You mean to fool us into submission!"

Leilanie says, "I believe it may be clear."

Avrenka says, "This is not productive."

Waydren says to Imroth, "Stand down."

Aerilia says, "Were it just you that suffered, fine. But everyone got caught up in it."

Imroth glares at Waydren.

Akeiro giggles at Selame.

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Golameth pats Waydren on the back.

Medir raises an eyebrow.

Rhhush says, "This is a bit of a party here."

Dark crimson bands of light flow about the body of Helro, pulsating with a heartbeat rhythm. Silvery-grey tendrils twine around the red bands, seeping into the corpse. As the last tendril vanishes from view, the bands explode with a brilliant flash and Helro blinks dazedly, wobbling on his feet.

Golameth says to Waydren, "Let him walk his path, it is his struggle."

Asildu rests a gentle, protective hand on Miraena's shoulder.

Imroth says to Waydren, "History will remember you as a fool seduced by pretty lies."

Waydren says to Imroth, "Stand down, Paladin. Elanthia itself validated his message."

Kethrai says to Golameth, "And all of ours, if he doesn't stop."

Helro exclaims, "Thank you!"

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Imroth says, "Elathia said no such thing. He was a conduit for you vision."

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "It may not be safe for you here after all."

Imroth says, "You brought in evil as your looking glass."

Avrenka wearily says, "We've tried the all out sorcery route ... perhaps we should try the no sorcery route."

Waydren says to Imroth, "Elanthia has been called upon twice. Twice it has answered."

Leayne grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Imroth says, "Tell me about when he was not there."

Kethrai nods at Waydren, obviously agreeing with his views.

Vaerek says, "I can't watch any more bloodshed over this."

Vaerek sighs.

Medir nods in agreement.

Miraena places her hand on Asildu's arm with marked familiarity.

Waydren says to Imroth, "The first vision from Elanthia occured when Asildu was nowhere to be found. Elanthia reponds when Rangers call."

Vaerek says, "Take care everyone. Listen to your hearts and eyes."

Vaerek waves.

Vaerek strides out.

Miraena nods.

Miraena asks Medir, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Anuril adjusts his light iris boutonniere into place.

Shaylynne raises an eyebrow in Medir's direction.

Imroth glares at Asildu.

Riverlynn's group just arrived.

Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer.

Riverlynn moseys out, leading her group.

Medir says to Miraena, "Simply wonderin' if you're now well. I heard there were some... injuries."

Sir Madigan's group just arrived.

Medir frowns.

Miraena nods to Medir.

Lexxa growls ferociously!

Merilwen leans on Shaylynne.

Sukidesu asks, "I too saw the vision of the perfect Elanthia. It was too perfect. Much too perfect. I am willing to cast some doubt that it was really Elanthia showing us that. And even if it did, it would seem we are the problem. What would you have us do? Die?"

Riverlynn's group just arrived.

Miraena says to Medir, "I am well, thank you. Asildu and Adventurer Vaerek kept me safe."

Medir gives a slight nod.

Allye trills softly at Miraena.

Lady Knight Elurora just arrived.

Saragos asks Waydren, "Got a question for you - if the Gardeners wanted you to wipe out everyone who's attuned to something other than Life, would you do it? How many are you willing to kill for that vision?"

Miraena smiles at Allye.

Karthor says, "Ah, well here's everyone."

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles.

Kethrai says to Sukidesu, "We are not the problem. We saw people in our visions."

Danger Wizard Dasheek's group just arrived.

Madigan smiles at Karthor.

Dasheek says, "Alright alright."

Medir zigzags the diamondwood wand through an elaborate series of gestures. A generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch appears in his left hand!

Medir puts his wand in his linen khandur.

Medir moves a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch to his right hand.

Pilgrim Nawain's group just arrived.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna's group just arrived.

Gragnel stands near Nawain.

Miraena says, "Hello Adventurer Karthor and Allye."

Miraena smiles at Karthor.

Nawain hugs Gragnel, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Medir leans on Allye.

Karthor waves to Miraena.

Imroth says, "I will stay my hand for now. But mark my words: Asildu is an enemy of Elanthia."

You hear a voice say to Saragos, "That's a trail that has no trailhead. Speculation to false ends does not become you, friend."

Allye nods to Miraena.

Leayne softly says, "Tree is up for Empaths."

Karthor says to Miraena, "Heya."

Elizzibiana fixes Medir with a cold, reptilian stare.

Nawain fixes Imroth with a solid, steady stare.

Gragnel says to Nawain, "Sister, good to see you."

Waydren reveals himself.

Elurora shakes her head at Imroth.

Asildu looks at Imroth and sighs.

Akeiro whispers something to Golameth.

Shaylynne blinks at Elizzibiana.

Casari says to Imroth, "You are an enemy of the people of Elanthia."

Allye asks Miraena, "Are you well?"

Illiya asks Asildu, "Are you doing alright?"

Miraena nods to Allye.

Asildu nods to Illiya.

Allye lets out a long sigh of relief.

Imroth fixes Casari with a solid, steady stare.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Elurora says to Imroth, "I believe it is your foolish choice that brought it upon us."

Golameth says to Waydren, "Let him walk his path, it is his struggle."

Miraena says to Allye, "Yes, we are well. Although I think Asildu is still recovering from the events in the tower."

Miraena frowns at Asildu.

Asildu haggardly says to Illiya, "I am fatigued and pained, but otherwise well. It should... pass, eventually."

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Medir offers Asildu a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch.

Asildu accepts Medir's scotch.

Medir says to Asildu, "It may help."

Sothios just arrived.

Asildu nods politely to Medir.

Allye nods to Medir.

Tirost asks Asildu, "Why do you think the drakes attacked?"

Shaylynne says to Asildu, "It's his cure all."

Crobin waves to Sothios.

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Asildu haggardly says to Medir, "Thank you."

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Merilwen grins at Shaylynne.

Medir looks at Shaylynne and shrugs.

Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Dasheek shrugs.

Chelinde leans on her whip.

Medir smiles at Asildu.

Imroth says, "I beg of you, everyone, to think through the lies brought before you by this deceiver."

Asildu haggardly says to Tirost, "Because the warnings of the Heralds were not heeded."

Miraena gazes at Imroth.

Aerilia frowns at Imroth.

Imroth points at Miraena.

Abost ponders.

Malorna nods to Imroth.

Riverlynn leans on her hammer.

Riverlynn grins at Chelinde.

Elurora moves into position to cover Miraena from harm.

Leayne waves to Sothios.

Imroth says, "And maybe this one too."

Nawain says to Imroth, "You are a fool. I wanted to believe better of you, but you are just an ignorant fool."

Elurora frowns at Imroth.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Sothios's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Xionara's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Malorna's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Tekhelet's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Nawain's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Seltzer's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Illiya's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Dasheek's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Elizzibiana's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Kidrith's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Elurora's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Maltris's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Chelinde's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Riverlynn's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Crobin's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Allye's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Karthor's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Tirost's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Merilwen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Lexxa's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Madigan's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Marwen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Urbaj's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Gradreck's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Lelly's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Severei's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Sukidesu's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Waydren's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Aerilia's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Gragnel's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Medir's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Shaylynne's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Anuril's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Kethrai's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Leayne's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Golameth's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Luco's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Ezerak's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Avrenka's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Ruea's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Maraisel’s body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Amaci's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Imroth's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Couri's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Leilanie's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Selame's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Akeiro's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Zynell's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Phierre's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Saragos's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Briarios's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Eyuve's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Abost's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Ershal's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Miraena's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Asildu's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Casari's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Kuudo's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Shoon's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Zentarias's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Xenxeth's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!

A strong mana surge slowly makes its way to the out, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

Allye blinks.

Stalker Luco hobbles out.

Leayne rests her hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile.

Aerilia blinks.

Leilanie frowns.

Abost says, "Oww."

Kethrai frowns.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Abost says, "I hate those things."

Abost grumbles.

Elurora grumbles.

Kethrai touches Anuril with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Allye shudders.

Miraena cringes.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, shooting forth and exploding into a ball of flames and lands a strong hit (6/23) to Imroth's neck.

Karthor says to Asildu, "Oy, methinks we're goin' to need to try an' do somethin' about their aim then. There was a lot o' collateral damage."

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Wild Card Elore just arrived.

Phierre just touched Chelinde.

Kethrai touches Anuril with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Gragnel scowls.

Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Ezerak unleashes his maul to crash upon Imroth

Ezerak's kertig maul lands a good strike (3/23) to Imroth's left arm!

Medir frowns.

Imroth retreats from combat.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Malorna rests her hand on Xionara's arm with a soft smile.

Phierre just touched Chelinde.

Imroth retreats from combat.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Ezerak begins to advance on Imroth.

Chelinde says, "I've cast pyre harder than that."

Ezerak sheathes his kertig maul.

Phierre just touched Maltris.

Ezerak draws forth a crimson glaes flamberge with a viperine hilt.

Ezerak lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.

Illiya lays her hand on Asildu's arm.

Ezerak comes out of hiding.

Ezerak sheathes his glaes flamberge.

Ezerak deftly removes the glaes pasabas from his belt.

Riverlynn smirks.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Waydren says, "I felt a pervailing sense of Balance in the wake of the Drakes attacking. Everything felt more stable in their wake."

Severei says, "Many died who weren't even fighting or casting sorcery."

Imroth turns his greatcloak.

Imroth fades from your very sight!

Akeiro asks, "Someone playing with matches?"

Appearing to have lost sight of his target, Ezerak stops advancing.

Ezerak begins to advance on Imroth.

Phierre nods to Maltris.

The black dog pads off.

Selame assesses her combat situation.

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on someone.

Madigan raises an eyebrow in Waydren's direction.

Aerilia stands near Tirost.

Nawain joins Saragos's group.

Riverlynn searches around for a moment.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Imroth is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a hard hit (5/23) to Imroth's back.

Dasheek says, "See what happens? The Heralds don't care, and kill wontonly when angered. When we attract their attention.."

Malorna lays her hand on Lexxa's arm.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Waydren.

Riverlynn points at Imroth, ruining his hiding place.

You notice as a black dog pads into the area.

Imroth throws a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip directly at Ezerak, who seems to blur for a moment as the spear flies through the air. When Ezerak returns to focus you notice the spear safely in his hand.
Ezerak's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to Imroth's right leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Imroth!

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Avrenka says, "One does get the sense the Heralds aren't very nuanced in their approach to things."

Abost says, "Oh dear."

Akeiro touches Imroth on the wrist with two fingers.

Tekhelet joins Saragos's group.

Malorna lays her hand on Lexxa's arm.

Tekhelet nods to Nawain.

Phierre just touched Imroth.

Imroth retreats from combat.

Imroth retreats from combat.

Imroth shivers briefly as wounds and traces of battle abruptly vanish from his body.

Malorna says, "Who needsa heal."

Ezerak begins to advance on Imroth.

Stalker Luco hobbles out.

Tirost asks Asildu, "Were the drakes sent by the Heralds? Or was it a consequence unrelated to the Heralds, amnd more related to failing to cease the casting of sorcery?"

Elurora joins Casari's group.

Illiya grins at Avrenka, her dimples flashing into view.

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Riverlynn searches around for a moment.

Malorna says, "Whisper to me if nee a heal."

Ezerak slips out of the shadows behind Imroth! Displaying controlled ferocity, he draws back before smoothly slicing Imroth's leg with swift and elegant precision.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Imroth says, "I was being civil."

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Severei says, "They just want us all to die, they don't care about those who were innocent."

Xionara groans.

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with a wall of flames and lands a solid hit (4/23) to Imroth's head.

Avrenka says, "Seems like the Heralds solution to things is usually pretty ... ah blanket approached."

Elurora draws herself to full height, rallying her comrades with righteous confidence as she charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!

Urbaj nods to Severei.

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Imroth's right arm.

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Imroth's direction.

Kethrai says to Tirost, "Failing to cease? There was a sorcery festival going on."

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Imroth's chest.

Asildu haggardly says, "I spoke of the destruction caused by the defiance of the Sraan Mehath and how that was caused by only a single mage."

With a friendly smile, Elurora holds Ezerak's hand.

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Imroth looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Dasheek asks Ezerak, "Why are you attacking?"

Allye nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Allye frowns.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a solid hit (4/23) to Imroth's right arm.

Akeiro touches Imroth on the wrist with two fingers.

Avrenka says, "Hey hey, take it outside guys, we're in a hospital."

Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Ezerak dashes quickly at Imroth, attacking him with blows meant to impale!

Ezerak's errant spear results in nothing more than a sharp cling against Imroth's Imperial spear.

An almost visible connection between Akeiro and Imroth seems to thrum through the air.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to Ezerak's back.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Ezerak!

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Ezerak deftly removes the glaes pasabas from his belt.

Avrenka says, "Come on, not in here."

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Ezerak moves a blue-black glaes pasabas with a silversteel swept hilt to his right hand.

Xionara softly says, "Yes yes, Wind Clan taken out by white fire. Is in books."

Akeiro says to Ershal, "You broke it."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Imroth's back.

Xionara nods to Asildu.

Nawain lays her open palm over Saragos's head.

Imroth exclaims, "Tell him!"

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a hard hit (5/23) that pricks Imroth's back (Get your needle work out!), lightly stunning him.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Merilwen says, "Haven't been here to this Empath guild in ages and got a rash already."

Malorna rests her hand on Avrenka's arm with a soft smile.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Imroth's neck.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Shaylynne grins at Merilwen.

Imroth waves a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart at Ezerak.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Ezerak!
Ezerak slips and falls forward, slamming his face on the ice.

Xionara chuckles at Merilwen.

Merilwen grins at Shaylynne.

Illiya grins at Merilwen, her dimples flashing into view.

Avrenka says to Malorna, "I'm fine, thank you."

Ezerak is able to move once again.

Medir nods to Merilwen.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) to Ezerak's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Ezerak!

Ezerak stands up.

Dasheek moves over to guard Illiya.

Sukidesu yells, "This is a place of healing, why do you threaten it? I don't condone what he did, but attacking him isn't the answer."

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a solid hit (4/23) to Imroth's neck.

Merilwen grins at Karthor.

Casari gestures at Imroth.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Imroth!
Imroth slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.
Imroth becomes enraged by Casari's spell!
Imroth gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a powerful strike (10/23) that pokes a clean hole right through the back, narrowly missing vital organs.

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Merilwen gently kisses Karthor on the cheek.

Dasheek nods at Sukidesu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Couri says, "We need a banner."

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Imroth's abdomen.

Illiya gestures.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands an awesome strike (12/23) that pokes a nasty hole in Imroth's neck, knocking him completely senseless.

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Karthor says to Merilwen, "There y'are, one un-rashed skin."

Merilwen praises Karthor.

Medir squints.

Chelinde whispers something to Selame.

Phierre asks Akeiro, "Does Ezerak really think he can out pace your healing?"

Elurora says, "I don't think the best Paladin in the world could cast a banner with all these people."

Akeiro looks at Phierre and shrugs.

Malorna says, "Whisper to me if need a heal."

Madigan says, "No banner is going up here."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Imroth's head.

Dasheek gestures at Ezerak.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Ezerak!
Ezerak slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.
Ezerak is able to move once again.

Akeiro asks Phierre, "Want some heal training?"

Merilwen says to Karthor, "Szarevar will appreciate that."

Ezerak stands up.

Waydren gestures at Dasheek.
Small globes of blue and orange light appear and dart upward like fireflies.
Creating an ominous shadow, a chunk of debris falls from above!
The debris slams heavily into Dasheek, knocking him completely out!
Dasheek says something, but his unconscious babble is too faint to be heard.

Eyuve gives Malorna some coins.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Imroth!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) that pricks Imroth's back (Get your needle work out!).

Dasheek says something, but his unconscious babble is too faint to be heard.

Leayne rests her hand on Elurora's arm with a soft smile.

Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer.

Couri sighs.

Karthor grins at Merilwen.

Zentarias gestures.

Imroth stands up.

Imroth retreats from combat.

Ezerak gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Waydren says to Dasheek, "Stay out of this, Mage."

Imroth retreats from combat.

Maltris says, "Couri Why, all this chest thumping and posturing is normal at times like these."

Elurora smiles at Leayne.

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Elurora says to Leayne, "I'm barely hurt but thank you."

Crobin sighs.

Scout Gamalon just arrived.

Illiya gestures toward Dasheek's head.

Dasheek slowly opens his eyes.

Dasheek stands up.

Riverlynn nods at Waydren, obviously agreeing with his views.

Xionara rolls her eyes.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Dasheek says, "QUit it."

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Gamalon leans on Waydren.

Imroth says, "I am not trying to fight."

Crobin says, "ANd this is what was going to happen...they just want us at each others throats."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Akeiro!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a solid hit (4/23) to Akeiro's left arm.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Abost says, "Making me nervous to stay in the Empath's guild, seems dangerous."

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to Ezerak's right leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Ezerak!

Elizzibiana chuckles at Merilwen.

Crobin says, "They want us to war with ourselves."

Phierre frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.

Leayne rests her hand on Tirost's arm with a soft smile.

Casari gestures at Imroth.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Imroth!
Imroth slips and falls forward, slamming his face on the ice.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Akeiro!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas flares red, striking out with tendrils of wicked fire and lands a strong hit (6/23) to Akeiro's back.

Imroth gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Chelinde says, "Oh no, Not the Keiro."

Ruea rubs her head.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Akeiro grabs hold of Ezerak in a tight grip.

Xionara softly says, "No, that not what they want."

Imroth asks, "Someone stop him?"

Akeiro draws forth a lifesculpted sledgehammer guarded by an inferno's heart dragon.
Akeiro takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
The air around Ezerak reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Akeiro dashes quickly at Ezerak, attacking him with crashing blows!

Akeiro's lifesculpted sledgehammer lands a good strike (3/23) to Ezerak's right arm!
Akeiro sheathes his lifesculpted sledgehammer.

Imroth gestures at Ezerak.
A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps toward Ezerak from Imroth, which warps into a spiraling force as it slams into him!
Ezerak is blasted back, reeling backwards in complete disarray from the blow!
The light silently explodes.

Elurora says, "Mister Ezerak, your attacks are fruitless, please enough is enough."

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Akeiro draws forth a glittering icesteel pike staff with a blade of hiromin.

Imroth throws a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip directly at Ezerak, who seems to blur for a moment as the spear flies through the air. When Ezerak returns to focus you notice the spear safely in his hand.
The Imperial spear lands nearby!

Akeiro takes a step back and sets his staff into a twirling motion.
The air around Ezerak reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Akeiro dashes quickly at Ezerak, attacking him with twirling blows!

Akeiro's pike staff lands a good strike (3/23) to Ezerak's chest!

Casari gestures at Akeiro.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Akeiro!
Akeiro slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.
Akeiro grimaces in obvious pain, stunned.

Tirost says to Leayne, "Thank you."

Xionara loudly says, "Everyone saying wrong thingses."

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Akeiro tremors suddenly and rouses from his stupor.

The air around Ezerak reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to Ezerak's left arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Ezerak!

Nawain says, "Ezerak. Please. Your daughter wouldn't approve."

Merilwen waves her hand distractedly.

Maraisel winces.

In the blink of an eye, Waydren disappears into his surroundings.

Selame draws her arms together in a sinuous, flowing motion before sounding out a roar of deadly warning.

Casari gestures at Selame.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Selame!
Selame slips and falls backward, slamming her head on the ice.

Medir shakes his head.

Ruea glances at Maraisel.

Merilwen says, "They always cause infighting to distract."

World Killer Binu just arrived.

Casari begins to focus intently on Selame.

Anuril frowns.

Binu nibbles Chelinde gently.

Akeiro gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Kethrai blinks.

Akeiro appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Couri says, "It maeans nothin and makes nae difference but adds ta the divisveness that already hurtin us more than the visitors and the drakes and Heralds alike."

Chelinde grins at Binu, her dimples flashing into view.

Maraisel nods politely to Leayne.

Casari gestures at Selame.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky toward Selame!
The bolt grazes her head, sending tendrils of electricity to caress her cheek!
Selame is dealt a vicious stun!

Chelinde says to Binu, "You goof."

The wounds afflicting Selame gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Selame appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Akeiro touches Selame on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Casari begins to focus intently on Selame.

Chelinde hugs Binu, who wraps his arms around Chelinde with a warm smile.

The wounds afflicting Akeiro gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Akeiro appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Xionara nods at Couri, obviously agreeing with her views.

Binu says to Chelinde, "You earned it."

Kethrai blinks at Casari.

Wharf Wolf Khearkrash just arrived.

Selame gasps and regains control of her breathing.

Medir says, "Fightin' each other seems like a waste of time when th'world is melting around us."

Golameth asks Asildu, "Have you ever been to themountain these drakes came from?"

Selame appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Medir shrugs.

Malorna says to Binu, "You, sir, are a queasy, plume-plucked snowbeast-lover!"

Phierre produces a coin and begins rapidly rolling it across his knuckles.

Binu hugs Chelinde, who wraps her arms around Binu with a warm smile.

Chelinde says, "What did I do now."

Casari gestures at Selame.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky toward Selame!
Selame jumps in surprise as the bolt strikes her abdomen and leaves a patch of blackened flesh.

Selame stands up.

Casari begins to focus intently on Selame.

The wounds afflicting Akeiro gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Akeiro appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Couri nods to Medir.

Binu says to Malorna, "You, madam, are a puny, earth-vexing minnow!"

Saragos says, "For what it's worth, I didn't support what Imroth did. I also think he's wrong - Asildu and Miraena are not deceivers. They're perfectly honest about the Heralds being willing to kill a whole town full of people just because they were mad at a few mages."

Akeiro leaps to his feet!

The wounds afflicting Selame gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Selame appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Akeiro begins to advance on Casari.

Xionara softly exclaims, "Binu!"

Akeiro holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.

Casari wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Akeiro's actions quickly stir up a ruckus in the area, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way. One mentions to his friend that he's off to report Akeiro for disturbing the peace.

Malorna says, "Why thank you."

The wounds afflicting Akeiro gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Akeiro appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Xionara hugs Binu, who wraps his arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Akeiro closes to pole weapon range on Casari.

Binu says to Chelinde, "Blamed me for...something, not sure what exactly."

Binu waves to Xionara.

Akeiro closes to melee range on Casari.

Avrenka grins at Malorna.

Chelinde says, "I swear I'm always in troubble for something."

Akeiro grasps out at Casari, but misses.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Selame begins to advance on Casari.

Sukidesu nods to Saragos.

Selame draws forth a lifesculpted sledgehammer guarded by a whiskey quartz spider.

Akeiro grabs hold of Casari in a tight grip.

Zynell blinks in consternation as her brilliant gaze dims slightly, and she focuses on her immediate surroundings. The spectral glow intensifies, shifting her attention from the physical world once more.

Crobin moves over to guard Leayne.

Selame closes to pole weapon range on Casari.

Casari yawns and stretches, coming out of her sleep.

Casari hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!

Binu exclaims, "Hey Xionara, Malorna!"

Selame closes to melee range on Casari.

Phierre gazes at his fingernails.

Chelinde says to Binu, "Because it probably was your fault."

Allye rubs her head.

Akeiro takes a step back and readies his zweihander behind him.
Akeiro makes an agile leap towards Casari, attacking her with a mighty cleave!

Akeiro's flame-bladed zweihander lands a light hit (1/23) to Casari's right arm!

Casari stands up.

Selame lowers her shoulders and steadies her weapon.
Selame swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of her sledgehammer!

Selame's lifesculpted sledgehammer lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Casari's abdomen!

Binu hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Binu with a warm smile.

Malorna hugs Binu, who wraps his arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Casari briefly spreads her arms outward and begins to chant. The sounds intensify, burgeoning with cold savagery.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

The wounds afflicting Selame gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Selame appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "I do hope we live long enough to see me able to return to my village, away from nonesense such as this."

Binu says, "Definitely possible."

Casari grows flushed as she segues to the new verse of her song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about her.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Imroth's abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Selame's abdomen!
Selame is lightly stunned!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Akeiro's abdomen!
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Akeiro sheathes his flame-bladed zweihander.

Xionara flashes a wide grin at Binu.

Eyes blazing with an intense rage, Casari unleashes a single, prolonged shout directed at Selame. A wave of sound lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) on Selame, driving her across the area with irresistable force!
Unable to keep her balance, Selame lands in a heap on the ground!

Binu nods to Chelinde.

Akeiro lowers his shoulders and draws back his arm.
Akeiro dashes quickly at Casari, attacking her with a palm strike!

Akeiro's palm lands a light hit (1/23) to Casari's left arm!
Akeiro grimaces in obvious pain, stunned.

Xionara nods at Malorna, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye says to herself, "What a mess."

Selame begins to advance on Casari.

Akeiro flings Casari around, spinning and throwing her completely off balance.

Leilanie nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Medir nods to Allye.

Imroth gets a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart from inside his kelpzyte phylactery.

Imroth waves a twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart at Casari.

Casari gestures at Selame.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Selame!
Selame slips and falls forward, slamming her face on the ice.

The wounds afflicting Selame gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a strong hit (6/23) to Imroth's right arm!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Selame's right arm!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Akeiro's left arm!
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Akeiro draws forth a lifesculpted sledgehammer guarded by an inferno's heart dragon.
Akeiro sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Akeiro dashes quickly at Casari, attacking her with crashing blows!

Akeiro's lifesculpted sledgehammer lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Casari's left leg!

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Merilwen stands near Shaylynne.

Khearkrash asks, "Why are we fighting now?"

Akeiro sheathes his lifesculpted sledgehammer.

Ruea nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Akeiro draws forth a glittering icesteel pike staff with a blade of hiromin.

Akeiro lowers his shoulders and begins to twirl his staff.

Akeiro angles his twirling staff down upon Casari.

Akeiro's errant staff results in nothing more than a sharp cling against Casari's blade spider leg.

Shaylynne leans on Merilwen.

Elurora loudly asks, "Please, much we fight each other too?"

Selame gasps and regains control of her breathing.

Akeiro sheathes his pike staff.

Casari juts her chin at Selame.

The air bubbles in a line between Casari and Selame, intensifying as it travels forward. A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lurches into visibility, tatters of pastel colors wrapped around its serpentine length like a second skin. A sublime, sibilant melody fills the area.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a good strike (3/23) to Selame's left leg.

Miraena assesses her combat situation.

The wounds afflicting Selame gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Imroth appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Imroth's back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Selame's left arm!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Severei asks, "All we are doing is tearing each other apart?"

Akeiro flings Casari around, spinning and throwing her completely off balance.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "Perhaps we should get you away from here, for now."

Casari breaks away from Akeiro.

Kethrai says to Khearkrash, "No idea at this point."

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a hard hit (5/23) to Selame's right hand.

Selame stands up.

Casari weaves around the area, moving in time with her song.

The wounds afflicting Akeiro gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Akeiro appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Casari gestures at Akeiro.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Akeiro!
Akeiro slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.

Medir walks out.

Merilwen asks Shaylynne, "Why they all fighting each other?"

Casari begins to focus intently on Akeiro.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a good strike (3/23) to Selame's left leg.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Imroth's abdomen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Selame's chest!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Briarios goes northeast.

Xionara softly says to Miraena, "Would love go back West to old hunting grounds myself, lovely escape from it."

Saragos says to Miraena, "If your village still lives after the drakes invaded. They might all be dead."

Zynell says to Sothios, "I missed the bin fights, this is entertaining."

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a solid hit (4/23) to Selame's neck.

Nawain says, "Now it's just a general brawl."

Elurora says, "We need to fight to restore balance not each other..."

Selame begins to advance on Casari.

Nawain frowns.

Akeiro holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.

Casari wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Akeiro's actions quickly stir up a ruckus in the area, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way. One mentions to his friend that he's off to report Akeiro for disturbing the peace.

Elurora sighs softly.

Deep, resonant tones enter Casari's voice as she raises it in the chorus of her chant, her voice steady and disciplined.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Imroth's back!
Imroth is lightly stunned!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Selame, but she is unharmed.
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Akeiro's neck!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a strong hit (6/23) to Selame's right arm.

Zynell playfully tilts her ears toward Sothios.

Akeiro pushes against Casari with modest force. Despite appearing unharmed, Casari reels and seems positively out of sorts.

Selame closes to pole weapon range on Casari.

Casari stands up.

Nawain says, "Because the drakes weren't enough."

Casari begins to focus intently on Akeiro.

Xionara smirks at Saragos.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a hard hit (5/23) to Selame's chest.

Briarios makes a grunting noise.

Casari shoves at some air in front of Akeiro.

Imroth stands up.

Selame closes to melee range on Casari.

Akeiro gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Akeiro draws forth a flame-bladed zweihander with a blade of firestained agonite.

Akeiro sheathes his flame-bladed zweihander.

Sothios grins.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Imroth's chest!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Selame's right arm!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good hit (2/23) to Akeiro's head!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Selame's sledgehammer creaks jade-green, stinging with pointed burrs and lands a good strike (3/23) to Casari's right arm.

Tirost asks Asildu, "Please answer Golameth's question first: where did the drakes come from? Did the Heralds send them?"

Eyes blazing with an intense rage, Casari unleashes a single, prolonged shout directed at Akeiro. A wave of sound lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) on Akeiro, driving him across the area with irresistable force!

Imroth looks grim, but his wounds seem better.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Casari gestures at Akeiro.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky toward Akeiro!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The worst of the bolt misses, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his chest.
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.

Akeiro stands up.

Riverlynn nods at Zynell, obviously agreeing with her views.

Akeiro begins to advance on Casari.

Riverlynn smirks.

Allye says to Saragos, "That seems needlessly cruel."

Shaylynne rubs her head.

Miraena quietly says to Saragos, "It's just as much risk as they were facing from the effects of sorcery. Until Adventurers cease using it, everyone is at risk."

Anuril takes a sip of his coffee.

Selame takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly.
Selame swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of her sledgehammer!

Selame's lifesculpted sledgehammer lands a good hit (2/23) to Casari's right leg!

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a hard hit (5/23) that temporarily knocks away Selame's breath with a light blow to the chest.

Selame sidesteps and adjusts her footing.
Selame makes an agile leap and thrusts her open palm towards Casari!

Selame's palm lands a good strike (3/23) to Casari's left arm!

The admixture of flames and frost lands an awesome strike (12/23) to Imroth's right leg!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Selame's left leg!
Akeiro is revealed!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Akeiro, but he is unharmed.
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.
Imroth screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!

Akeiro gestures at Casari.
Red tendrils shoot from Akeiro's fingertips and arc towards Casari, wrapping themselves about her limbs.

Casari retreats from combat. Casari retreats from combat.

Asildu haggardly says to Tirost, "I'm certain that question has been answered thrice over."

The wounds afflicting Selame gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

The wounds afflicting Imroth gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Akeiro begins to focus intently on Casari.

Golameth asks Asildu, "Have you ever been to the mountain these drakes came from?"

Selame draws forth a dragon-headed hobbyhorse with red nightsilk fins and glittery platinum horns.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a solid hit (4/23) that bruises the right hamstring.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Selame lowers her shoulders and begins to twirl her hobbyhorse.

Selame begins to advance on Casari.

Akeiro gestures at Casari.
A stream of translucent, golden energy shoots from the palm of Akeiro's hand towards Casari!
The stream of energy snakes around Casari for a moment before suddenly constricting, splashing into her!
Casari stops suddenly, as if frozen in place.
She looks like she just might fall over!

Casari begins to move again, the anesthetic effect having obviously worn off.

Selame lowers her head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Akeiro closes to pole weapon range on Casari.

Casari growls and shakes off the fear that was holding her frozen.

Akeiro draws forth a glittering icesteel pike staff with a blade of hiromin.

Couri asks, "It nae goin ta happen, so what is the next remedy ta save us?"

Akeiro grabs hold of Casari in a tight grip.

Selame closes to melee range on Casari.

Selame takes a full step back and plants her feet firmly while twirling her hobbyhorse.

Selame's rage at her wounds boils over.

The air around Casari reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.

Selame unleashes her twirling hobbyhorse down upon Casari!

Selame's dragon-headed hobbyhorse lands a good strike (3/23) to Casari's right arm!

Asildu haggardly says to Golameth, "I am not a drake, nor a Herald."

Akeiro pushes against Casari with modest force. Despite appearing unharmed, Casari reels and seems positively out of sorts.

Selame sheathes her dragon-headed hobbyhorse.

Lexxa yells, "STOP!"

Elurora gazes up at the sky.

Eyes blazing with an intense rage, Casari unleashes a single, prolonged shout directed at Selame. A wave of sound lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) on Selame, driving her across the area with irresistable force!
Unable to keep her balance, Selame lands in a heap on the ground!

Akeiro's spike lands a light hit (1/23) to Casari's chest. Akeiro grimaces in obvious pain, stunned.
Akeiro tremors suddenly and rouses from his stupor.

Selame draws forth a lifesculpted glaive clutching moonsilver-inlaid stones.

Tirost sighs.

Avrenka says, "Man, Empaths fighting, not a pretty sight."

Selame stands up.

Akeiro's spike lands a glancing (0/23) blow to Casari's chest.

Casari drops her voice to a frosty whisper as she reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a heavy strike (7/23) to Imroth's chest!
Imroth is lightly stunned!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Selame's back!
Selame is lightly stunned!
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Akeiro's chest!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Casari hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!

Casari assesses her combat situation.

Medir just arrived.

Phierre rests his hand on Selame's arm with a soft smile.

Imroth stands up.

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

Brisknite stretches his arms.

Akeiro flings Casari around, spinning and throwing her completely off balance.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to Casari's left hand.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Casari!

Brisknite leans on Saragos.

Selame takes a step back and angles her glaive behind her.

Selame begins to advance on Casari.

Anuril dryly says, "I will remind the empaths present that this is their guild and they have the authority to have troublesome folk removed."

Anuril takes a sip of his coffee.

Elurora firmly says, "Enough fighting. Please."

Chelinde joins Akeiro's group.

Malorna says, "Actually watching them fiht is impressive."

Golameth says to Asildu, "I didn't ask if you were a drake or a herald."

Couri leans on Leilanie.

Akeiro draws forth a lifesculpted sledgehammer guarded by an inferno's heart dragon.

Akeiro draws forth a glittering icesteel pike staff with a blade of hiromin.

Akeiro sidesteps and adjusts his footing while twirling his staff.

Akeiro unleashes his twirling staff down upon Casari!

Akeiro's pike staff lands a glancing (0/23) strike to Casari's right arm!

Akeiro sheathes his pike staff.

Imroth gestures at Casari.
A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps toward Casari from Imroth, which warps into a spiraling force as it slams into her!
Casari is blasted back, reeling backwards in a severe daze from the blow!
The light silently explodes.

Selame sheathes her lifesculpted glaive.

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Phierre rests his hand on Selame's arm with a soft smile.

Casari gestures at Selame.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky toward Selame!
The worst of the bolt misses, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch her back.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

With a sudden cross-body move, Selame draws her diacan shotel and war hammer from her morawen.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to Casari's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Casari!

Crobin sighs.

Selame lowers her head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Miraena says to Couri, "Each and every Adventurer who stops brings us closer to correcting the imbalance."

Crobin glances up at the sky.

Zynell says to Anuril, "What fun is that though."

Selame raises her weapons before her and prepares to strike.
Selame's rage at her wounds boils over.
Selame rushes at Casari, lashing out with her shotel!

Selame's diacan shotel lands a strong hit (6/23) to Casari's left leg!
Selame's attack momentum continues with a second strike from her hammer!

Selame's war hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to Casari's right arm!

Asildu haggardly asks Golameth, "Then how do you expect me to know from exactly which mountain they came?"

Illiya says, "Guys, I don't think there's any reason to fight now."

Casari gestures at Imroth.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Imroth!
Imroth slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.
Casari continues to move with a curious lethargy, as if there was some invisible weight on her.

Zynell giggles at Anuril.

Akeiro draws forth a flame-bladed zweihander with a blade of firestained agonite.

Akeiro takes a step back and readies his zweihander behind him.
Akeiro dashes quickly at Casari, attacking her with a mighty cleave!

Akeiro's flame-bladed zweihander lands a solid hit (4/23) to Casari's left leg!

Khearkrash sighs.

Selame secures her war hammer to her morawen.

Sukidesu exclaims, "Enough!"

Elurora rubs her head.

Akeiro takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.
The air around Casari reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Akeiro dashes quickly at Casari, attacking her with a palm strike!

Akeiro's palm lands a good strike (3/23) to Casari's back!
Casari is severely stunned!

Kethrai says to Anuril, "I don't even know what's going on with them."

Casari opens her mouth, then closes it suddenly, looking somewhat like a fish.

Casari breaks away from Selame.

The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Imroth's chest!
The air around Selame reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to Selame's left eye!
Selame is lightly stunned!
The air around Akeiro reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
Akeiro's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a solid hit (4/23) to Akeiro's back!
Akeiro does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Akeiro is lightly stunned!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Casari retreats from combat.

Merilwen says, "I thought someone was gonna banner this place."

Casari retreats from combat.

Crobin says, "Nothing better then a civil war on top of it all."

Casari turns her cloak.

Casari fades from your very sight!

Karthor says, "Right then, well I should be off I s'pose. Well fought folks, methinks that could've been much worse."

Crobin chuckles.

Akeiro sheathes his flame-bladed zweihander.

Imroth stands up.

Phierre rests his hand on Akeiro's arm with a soft smile.

Madigan says to Asildu, "The drakes were from the Heralds? Sorry if you have answered this before."

Dasheek says, "Which is what I was going to say after IPing the aggressor, if I hadn't been bullied into silence, myself."

Lexxa blinks at Zynell.

Akeiro yells, "Come abck here."

Zynell winks at Lexxa.

Avrenka says, "Is this the Viper's Inn Bar or the Empath guild? Sheesh."

Asildu sighs.

Dasheek asks Waydren, "So now you're in charge of who gets to bully in the empath guild, huh?"

Selame makes a disgusting grunting noise.

Akeiro mutters something into the air about coward.

Casari is revealed.

Casari grows flushed as she segues to the new verse of her song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about her.

The elemental maelstrom crashes over Imroth, but he is unharmed.
The air around Selame reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to Selame's abdomen!
The elemental maelstrom crashes over Akeiro, but he is unharmed.
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that launches the Imperial spear straight through the left thigh.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into Casari!

Medir nods to Avrenka.

Casari stops guarding Miraena.

Firehawk Casari limps out.

Lexxa asks, "How?"

Malorna says, "Fascinatin with the unity chain."

Dasheek says to Waydren, "Who gets to jump who.. Rather."

Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.

Illiya says to Dasheek, "Dash.."

Nawain asks, "Maybe folks who want to talk should head somewhere else? How about Gaethrends?"

Selame stands near Akeiro.

Life's Enforcer Karthor plods out.

Waydren says to Dasheek, "I don't much care for outnumbered fights."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's back.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) to Phierre's left arm.

Shaylynne nods to Nawain.

Leilanie gazes silently at Couri.

Ezerak's pasabas ignites red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a good hit (2/23) to Phierre's right leg.

Asildu haggardly says to Madigan, "We warned of the Heralds rising anger. We tried to protect everyone. To stop the casting before it reached that point."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with a deadly flame and lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's left leg.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) to Phierre's chest.

Merilwen joins Shaylynne's group.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) to Phierre's right arm.

Dasheek says, "Sorry, I'll shut up."

Leayne rests her hand on Medir's arm with a soft smile.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's left leg.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) that scratches the left elbow.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Phierre's abdomen.

Nawain exclaims, "Good bye, violent people!"

Nawain waves.

Imroth gestures at Ezerak.
A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps toward Ezerak from Imroth, which warps into a spiraling force as it slams into him!
Ezerak is blasted back, reeling backwards in a severe daze from the blow!
The light silently explodes.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Ezerak!

Akeiro touches Phierre on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Trajan frowns.

Pilgrim Nawain skips out.

Dasheek says, "No... It wasn't a fight. Imroth wasn't fighting. Just getting stabbed over and over again by a psycho."

Ezerak slowly tips over and falls down.

Pilgrim Nawain just arrived.

Phierre looks healthier and Akeiro appears to weaken.

Nawain clasps Tekhelet's hand tenderly and draws him into her arms.

Medir walks out.

Imroth says, "Yep."

Nawain squints at Tekhelet.

Pilgrim Nawain skips out, leading her group.

Trajan asks, "This doesn't seem particularly constructive, does it?"

Madigan asks Asildu, "The drakes were from the Heralds?"

Waydren says to Dasheek, "You see better with eyes open, rather than shut."

Shaylynne says to Allye, "I'm going to head to Gaethrend's."

Waydren looks at Dasheek and shrugs.

Shaylynne hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Golameth nods to Madigan.

Riverlynn searches around for a moment.

Brisknite shakes his serrated spear!

Dasheek says, "They're wide open."

Allye hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Anuril takes a sip of his coffee.

Cultivator Shaylynne wanders out, leading her group.

Leayne rests her hand on Briarios's arm with a soft smile.

Asildu haggardly says to Madigan, "They had to make it stop."

Golameth says, "Suppsoedly there anger from Imroths party."

Malorna says, "I cant watch conversation and fight at same time."

Imroth says to Waydren, "You were the first to attack our own."

Ezerak fades into view.

Waydren says to Dasheek, "Good! You'll see better."

Selame moves over to guard Phierre.

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu shuffles out.

Imroth turns his greatcloak.

Imroth fades from your very sight!

Tirost gazes at Asildu.

Malorna asks, "Can you pause a few then kill each other later?"

Brisknite nods to Waydren.

Chelinde says, "What."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!

Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with a blinding maelstrom of fire and lands a hard hit (5/23) to Phierre's back.

With a wave of Phierre's hand, he suddenly looks much healthier.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Phierre's chest.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Phierre's chest.

Binu stands up.

Imroth fades into view!

Phierre retreats from combat.

Ezerak begins to advance on Phierre.

Phierre retreats from combat.

Ezerak fled to the northeast in terror!

Crobin says, "Seems odd they stopped it by sending them to the crossing where we the casting was not."

Selame makes a disgusting grunting noise.

Akeiro grins at Selame.

Trajan glances at Asildu.

Crobin nods to Illiya.

Ruea gazes up at the sky.

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "It's no longer safe here, young Miraena."

Avrenka says to Selame, "Nice."

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Dasheek says, "He was. Attacked Imroth in the streets while he was valiantly defending from the dastardly attack by the Heralds."

Waydren nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Selame smiles at Avrenka.

Couri begins to carefully examine a large mint green kunzite.

Waydren snorts at Dasheek.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Phierre assesses his combat situation.

Zynell's ears sag slightly in relaxation, a contented smile on her face.

Imroth says, "As I was defending the city, Waydren attacked me like he was one of the drakes."

Severei asks Asildu, "Running away again?"

Dasheek nods to Imroth.

Dasheek says, "I was there. I saw it."

Dasheek says, "My eyes were open."

Madigan asks Asildu, "Did the Heralds take our folks as well?"

Madigan raises an eyebrow in Asildu's direction.

Dasheek says, "Unlike some, who have chosen blinders."

Waydren says to Imroth, "You were warned. Repeatedly. By the messengers. You intentionally provoked an attack."

Asildu haggardly says to Severei, "I'm certain running occurs much faster than the pace at which I move currently."

Dasheek says, "Thinking they know "the way".."

Phierre laughs at Akeiro.

Selame laughs at Akeiro.

Miraena says to Asildu, "I will go back to my room while their anger blows over. Perhaps some will finally open their eyes."

Crobin says, "I feel if the heralds were to stop what was going at the Tower...why not send them just to the tower to take care of the problem."

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Dasheek says to Waydren, "That was the *point*. That was the *strategy*."

Trajan says, "I don't think the drakes were courtesy of the Heralds, per se."

Trajan glances at Asildu.

Phierre nods to Chelinde.

Dasheek says, "And we defeated their attack."

Asildu haggardly says to Miraena, "I will see you there safely."

Imroth says, "You chose to attack me instead of the drakes that were an obvious threat to the city of Crossing."

Crobin says, "Sorry I look at things differently."

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Miraena joins Asildu's group.

Waydren says to Dasheek, "Provoking an invasion. Sound strategy."

You hear a voice say, "You were warned what would happen."

Crobin says, "But instead they swooop into the city to kill those whoo were not there."

Tirost smiles at Aerilia.

Dasheek says, "We know more of their capabilities now than we did."

Elurora says to Asildu, "Would you like me to walk with you? I have my shield on Miss Miraena."

Imroth says, "Have a chat about it after the innocents are safe."

Miraena leans Asildu against her, helping him move more easily.

Illiya says to Asildu, "Thank you for your assistance earlier, scholar."

Waydren rolls his eyes.

Asildu nods politely to Illiya.

Dasheek says, "We knew very little, we now know more."

Leayne rests her hand on Crobin's arm with a soft smile.

Khearkrash sighs.

Anuril takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu haggardly says to Elurora, "I will see her there swiftly. But your offer is kind and appreciated."

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Chelinde appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Tirost frowns.

Tirost glances at Aerilia.

Waydren says to Dasheek, "We knew that they *created* and *sculpted* Elanthia. Anything else we learned is covered in that."

Phierre grins at Chelinde, his dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "Get there safe."

Madigan asks Asildu, "Did the Heralds also take our folks?"

Imroth scoffs at Asildu.

Dasheek says, "We don't even *know* that."

Allye says, "Safe paths to you both."

Binu says, "Did someone leave a grave? There are containers and armor and other things strewn about."

Asildu says to Madigan, "No."

Wharf Wolf Khearkrash swaggers out.

Waydren laughs!

Miraena nods to Allye.

Waydren shrugs.

Selame nods to Binu.

Dasheek says, "You've just been *told* that your whole life."

Madigan nods to Asildu.

Waydren says, "And you said your eyes were open..."

Phierre rubs his stone gwethdesuan.

Leilanie nods.

Allye nods to Miraena.

Leilanie says, "Yes, Didilor."

Asildu haggardly says, "Good eve."

Avrenka says, "Yes, Didior died and left a grave."

Brisknite nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lady Knight Elurora goes out.

Waydren asks Dasheek, "No? We've been told the Immortals created everything? Or do you follow a different history?"

Waydren grins.

Madigan says to Saragos, "Sir, we are fine. I hold no ill will or grudge in the least bit. We both have the same goal."

Asildu stops guarding Miraena.

Breath of the Heralds Asildu goes out, leading his group.

Madigan smiles at Saragos.

Madigan pats Saragos on the back.

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Leayne softly says, "I'm good hun."

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Waydren nods at Golameth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zynell sighs.

Dasheek says, "I'm watching. My eyes are open."

Maltris says to Chelinde, "This is going no where and I am bored."

* Miraena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Maltris hugs Chelinde, who wraps her arms around Maltris with a warm smile.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Leilanie smiles at Zynell.

Chelinde hugs Maltris, who wraps his arms around Chelinde with a warm smile.

* Asildu returns home from a hard day of adventuring.