Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08162024/Liraxes at Asemath Academy

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It has been 450 years, 32 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 1st month of Akroeg the Ram in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently winter and it is sunset.
You're positive it's 5 roisaen before the Anlas of Meraud's Cloak.


[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Connection established. Liraxes asserts itself."

[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "how is the constuction of your device coming along Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Ysilda thinking, "Good evening, Liraxes."

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Construction of the device proceeds, though additional materials are still required."

[General] Your mind hears Atuen thinking, "what is a Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "Where are you, Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Presently Liraxes is at one of your centers of learning, accumulating additional reference information."

[General] Your mind hears Atuen thinking, "Liraxes is a fool then, I require no learning."

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "Library! With the candle holder..."

[Asemath Academy, Central Fountain]
A fountain gurgles cheerfully somewhere nearby and the scent of plants and flowers fills the night air. You stand in a large open space but you can sense the presence of buildings nearby. You also see a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes that is sitting.
Also here: Tempest Knight Saragos, Vaerek and Steward of Recursion Liraxes.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

[General] Your mind hears Saragos thinking, "Asemath Academy, Central Fountain."

Liraxes pauses for a few moments, then with a grinding noise slowly moves its head down and then up in something like a nod.

Saragos asks Liraxes, "Did you receive the contract from Parkons?"

Brother Harsh just arrived.

A horned phantom thrall hobbles in with a yip, tailing after its master.

Harsh gives a courteous nod and tips his blob politely.

Thinker Couri just arrived.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Not yet."

Vaerek casually observes the area.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Saragos nods to Liraxes.

Vaerek asks Liraxes, "What is it that you're studying here?"

Vaerek taps a large fountain.

Vaerek examines a large fountain.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "When you receive it, you should check in with him and negotiate. Or agree. Whichever."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes is prepared to review the document when presented, however."

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Kerennya waves to Liraxes.

Death's Messenger Buzan just arrived.

Harsh takes a deep breath and then raises his hands, murmuring prayers under his breath. A strong white light fills him, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Harsh seems to be floating a few inches above the ground while descending slowly to a standing position, looking exhausted but happy.

Harsh quietly says, "The area has been blesse."

Harsh smiles.

Harsh glances heavenward a moment and utters a desperate prayer.

Kerennya takes a seat.

Harsh quietly asks, "Wood stone and metal is needed?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Correct. Processed materials for use in constructing the measurement device."

Hunter Hanryu just arrived.

Harsh nods.

Saragos says to Harsh, "Would caution you to hold back on giving things until the contract is signed. You never know what you're agreeing to."

Harsh nods to Saragos.

Harsh quietly says, "I agree."

Urbaj says, "I've acquired approximately 22,000 mechanisms made from iron, steel, tin, copper, and bronze. I'm prepared to hand them over, and many more, once the deal is signed."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Vaerek, "Various data is being reviewed. Primarily for attempts at refinement of communication protocols."

Urbaj taps a large sack that he is holding.

Vaerek nods to Liraxes.

Saragos glances at Liraxes.

Kerennya says to Liraxes, "I have been busy making both rods and mechanisms, and will have some for you once the contract is agreed to."

Urbaj puts his sack in his silk backpack.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "If you're looking to learn about how we communicate, steer clear of those labeled, 'romance novels', or you're going to get unpredictable results."

Blood Channeler Allye just arrived.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Do you have any requirements as far as quality, quantity, and timing for these materials?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Understood. The concept of 'fiction' has been noted."

Wild Card Elore just arrived, leading her group.

You notice Anino trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Anino say, "I would personally send out a few more requests for proposal before paying anything - someone maybe could acquire it for less."

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Saragos searches around for a moment.

Saragos points at Anino, ruining his hiding place.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Quality for mundane purposes should not be relevant. For quantity, larger amounts will result in better results, though with eventual diminishing returns. Acquiring materials as soon as possible is ideal, to refine probability analysis."

Harsh ponders.

Harsh quietly says, "Feels like we arent askin the right things."

Harsh beams at Allye!

Allye touches Harsh with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Phierre nods to Elore.

Harsh grins.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Of primary interest is having an assortment of materials with differing physical properties."

Urbaj says, "Ask the right things then."

Harsh quietly says to Allye, "Thank you so much."

Buzan ponders.

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "We have heard that you assemble yourself. Will this device you are assembling be part of yourself?"

Allye nods to Harsh.

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Allye ponders.

You notice Anino trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Anino say to Liraxes, "You need anything rare? Because I'm definitely a quantity over quality kinda guy."

Back Alley Hack Phierre saunters east, leading his group.

Harsh ponders.

Allye gets some aloe unguent from inside her moonspun silk duffel.

Harsh quietly asks, "Liraxes built itself?"

Harsh scratches his head.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Portions of the device will be created with the same crystalline substrate as this form, but will not be directly connected to it."

Hanryu scans the area briefly.

Harsh quietly says, "Only see one aura, sofrina."

Allye asks Liraxes, "Would something like this be useful?"

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Allye offers Liraxes some aloe unguent.

Harsh quietly says, "Two."

Liraxes accepts Allye's aloe unguent.

Harsh nods to Hanryu.

Harsh ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "On examination, this substance can likely be incorporated."

Allye nods to Liraxes.

Liraxes puts his unguent in his indeterminate space.

Black Fox Xionara just arrived, leading her group.

Vaerek opens his leather lootsack.

Xionara leans back.

Anino asks Liraxes, "Or you need the good stuff?"

Anino gets a kertig throwing hammer from inside his scavenger's pack.

Anino offers Liraxes a kertig throwing hammer.

Xionara folds her arms across her chest.

Buzan shrugs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Anino, "Economic value is not a relevant factor."

Basteht rubs Xionara gently, massaging her muscles.

Anino looks at Liraxes and shrugs.

Vaerek gets an immaculate rarefaction sigil-scroll comprised of thick strands from inside his leather lootsack.

Anino puts his hammer in his scavenger's pack.

Anino says, "I meant beacause it's good-er."

Hanryu whispers something to Urbaj.

Couri asks, "So liquid and semi solids with the hardened matierials?"

Couri ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Metal, wood, and stone are the primary substances of interest, though other substances may have some use."

Hanryu nods to Urbaj.

Allye nods to Liraxes.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "Can someone remind me what this device of Liraxes' is?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Please note that any provided materials will be incorporated into the device, and will not be retrievable."

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "And you want as many different types of wood, stone, and metal as possible?"

[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "supposed to help collect data. I have my doubts"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Correct, though quantity can also make up for diversity to some extent, with proper placement."

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Can you tell us about the last time this sort of imbalance has occurred?"

Liraxes examines the waermodi stones in its hand for a moment.

Harsh nods to Couri.

Liraxes puts his stones in his indeterminate space.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes does not have records pertaining to a prior instance of this sort of threat to Balance."

Saragos says to Urbaj, "Good question."

Kerennya asks, "Liraxes Can you estimate a number of mechanisms and rods total at which you will start to reach the point of diminishing returns?"

Mageling Aerilia just arrived.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Parkons will be here when he can with the proposed contract."

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Vaerek puts his sigil-scroll in his leather lootsack.

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "If the previously stated number of 22,000 mechanisms is correct, that should be more than sufficient."

Vaerek gets a deed register from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "What is the purpose of the device you wish to construct?"

Urbaj gets a large sack from inside his silk backpack.

Urbaj rummages through a large sack but it's clear he hasn't a clue if what he is looking for is there.

Urbaj says, "22,000 yes. But very common, mundane materials. We'll need to find more diversity."

Vaerek turns the pages of his deed register.

Urbaj says, "I assume, at least."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The purpose of the device is to record more accurate measurements of parameters applicable to the current imbalance."

Medir ponders.

Rileos asks Liraxes, "What sort of parameters?"

Kerennya says, "I will try to avoid common metals in the mechs I'm making, then."

Ozursus walks quietly into the area.

Atuen just arrived.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Rileos, "Atmospheric conditions, state of mana flow, presence of particulate matter, movement of biological entities, among many others."

Medir whistles low.

Kerennya stands up.

Liraxes puts his stone in his indeterminate space.

Liraxes puts his stone in his indeterminate space.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "Do you believe we will be able to discern the source of the imbalance with that information?"

Atuen frowns.

Atuen looks over Liraxes very closely.

Medir says, "Sounds like there are a finite number a'variables to be measured at least."

Liraxes gazes at Atuen.

Couri asks, "On how many planes will this work?"

Atuen gazes at Liraxes.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "It is possible that the source of the imbalance can be calculated, but even without that steps to regain Balance can be determined."

Medir scratches his head.

Hanryu stretches his arms.

Hanryu says to Saragos, "I'm going go hit the forge and make some parts. If you think the contract is good, let me know where to drop off the rods."

Tirost asks Liraxes, "What steps have you determined will result in regaining balance?"

Saragos nods to Vaerek.

Allye nods amiably.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Direct action will be taken in this plane, as Liraxes has limited ability to act in most planes."

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Vaerek nods to Saragos.

Medir asks, "Y'mean to suggest that at each step, y'can know the combination o'parameter changes that will lead to a reduction o'probability?"

Blood Channeler Allye goes east.

Hunter Hanryu pads south.

Medir says, "Once y'have the capacity to measure them..."

Aerilia ponders.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Medir, "Correct. Many small actions can have larger effects over time if performed at the correct time and location."

Medir gives a slight nod.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "It would make the Balance a lot easier to maintain if someone isn't wrestling you over it all the time. I would argue that figuring out who is behind it and letting us kill it is the most efficient way to maintain the balance long-term."

Harsh quietly asks, "Has Liraxes been to the spot where our friends all vanished from?"

Ozursus walks out of the area, robes shuffling along the ground.

Medir quietly says, "I wonder if we are... mechanical... enough t'be so precise."

Kethrai quietly says, "So... I'm guessing this is Liraxes."

Rileos nods to Kethrai.

Couri shakes her head at Medir.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Removal of the entities taking advantage of this situation is likely to improve outcomes, yes, though not necessarily sufficient."

Rileos asks Kethrai, "First time?"

Kethrai nods to Rileos.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "It likes big words."

Harsh quietly says, "Seems to me if that's where whatever happened to pull them from here perhaps something specific about that area needs to be measured."

Tirost grins at Rileos.

Xionara softly says to Kethrai, "It interesting thing."

Xionara nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai ponders erudition

Xionara sniffs at Liraxes.

Harsh shrugs.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "One thing to learn about us - we punch well above our weight when it comes to killing extraplanar beings."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Forgive if I'm asking a question you have already answered, but what plane are you from exactly?"

Atuen folds his arms across his chest.

Xionara frowns at Saragos.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Saragos.

Atuen smirks to himself.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "Liraxes is from the plane known to you as the Plane of Probability."

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Aerilia says, "I assumed as much, but thank you for confirming."

Medir says, "This plan seems t'involve a lot of things goin' exactly right at exactly th'right time."

Medir sighs.

Kethrai says to Liraxes, "I'm told that you are invested in maintaining the Balance of the Plane of Abiding."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "That is correct."

Saragos asks Liraxes, "Don't know if we've ever gotten the answer - why is the Balance of our Plane of Abiding important to you?"

Kethrai asks Liraxes, "Why? What impact would that have on the Plane of Probability?"

Kethrai nods to Saragos.

Xionara softly says, "Because effects things there too."

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes serves what your scholars might call a Concept. That is Balance."

Kethrai ponders.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Liraxes.

Tirost says to Liraxes, "You said that steps to regain balance can be determined. Please list actions that would help to achieve balance in this plane."

Aerilia ponders.

Medir scratches his head.

Medir says to Tirost, "It sounds like we'd have t'build this machine first."

Medir furrows his brow.

Kethrai asks Liraxes, "So... When you say you serve Balance, and you're trying to preserve Balance. You're referring to a specific... conceptual entity, that resides in your home plane?"

Couri asks, "And what import does this have with the Arbiter?"

Xionara raises her hand.

Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Liraxes.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Tirost, "Calculations are ongoing, but at present one approach that appears both effective and practicable will involve sorcerous casting at particular locations."

Tirost glances at Saragos.

Harsh quietly says, "Here we go again."

Harsh sighs.

Urbaj ponders.

Xionara softly says, "Ah, answered question of myself."

Couri frowns.

Xionara bows to Liraxes.

Xionara softly says, "As expected."

Harsh quietly says, "Just wiped the stink of the last time off me."

Kethrai touches Harsh with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Harsh beams at Kethrai!

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "Yes, but also the Balance of this plane."

Harsh quietly says to Kethrai, "Thank you so much my friend."

Medir gets an applewood wand topped with an autumn jasper pumpkin from inside his cartographer's cloak.

Medir waves the applewood wand through a complicated series of gestures. A goblet of Glythtide's merry wine appears in his left hand!

Saragos says to Tirost, "Not terribly surprising."

Medir puts his wand in his cartographer's cloak.

Medir moves a goblet of Glythtide's merry wine to his right hand.

Medir offers Harsh a goblet of Glythtide's merry wine.

Medir pats Harsh on the back.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "What locations would sorcerous casting have the highest probability of improving balance?"

Harsh accepts Medir's Glythtide's wine.

Harsh quietly says to Medir, "Thank you so much."

Harsh takes a sip of his wine.

Saragos says to Tirost, "Been thinking about the problem. Seems like we either stop doing all Sorcery and hope things fix themselves, or we take matters in our hands to fix it on our terms."

Medir winks at Harsh.

Medir nods.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Couri, "Liraxes does not have information to share on the Arbiter."

Couri nods.

Couri says, "Nae surprised."

Urbaj says to Liraxes, "As you perform your calculations, I'd like to offer support. You've said that you need physical materials from this plane to conduct a complete analysis. We here, being physical beings of this plane, have been doing a lot of analysis as well."

Urbaj says to Liraxes, "And through that, we've solved one equation: returning the 5 missing people will improve the odds at maintaining balance. To reduce processing time, please assume that in all future calculations."

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Is the concept of Balance that you serve known by any other name to us? If you don't know, please go through records and see if you may answer that."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Tirost, "Specificity will improve with completion of the measuring device, but at present one seems to be located west of this city."

Kethrai gazes off to the west.

Tirost nods to Liraxes.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Kethrai quietly says, "Journalai, maybe? Can't think of other... notable places to the west."

Xionara softly asks Liraxes, "Must casting be done at all locations at same time, or can do one at time?"

Atuen says to Liraxes, "You are aware that there are others who have turned up, since this .... imbalance has gotten so acute, that tell us to swing directly from one way or another."

Atuen fixes Liraxes with a cold, reptilian stare.

Life's Enforcer Karthor just arrived.

Vaerek says to Liraxes, "I've may have met a friend of yours in the Astral Plane you might know. Pelag, I ended up in the grey expanse. Terrible experience."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Liraxes does not currently have any records indicating that is the case."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Anuril takes his rightful place beside Kethrai.

Xionara smiles at Anuril.

Kethrai gently kisses Anuril on the cheek.

Karthor waves.

Anuril nods to Xionara.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Vaerek, "Defiler, for the sake of preserving the Balance, Liraxes will work with you."

Tirost grins at Medir.

You hear someone snickering.

Vaerek ponders.

Rileos mumbles something unprintable.

Rileos says, "Gotta run, good luck with that thing."

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Rileos just left.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Atuen, "Liraxes is aware that other beings have taken an interest in current activities. Analysis of their impact is ongoing."

Kethrai asks Liraxes, "Another question for you. You seek to preserve the Balance of the Plane of Abiding. However, Balance generally refers to one thing weighed against another. Gold in one pan of the scales, known weights in the other. That sort of thing. What are you trying to balance against what?"

Saragos says to Liraxes, "I'd also be interested in knowing if there aree other names that you have been known by in the past, if you're willing. We've had some information that implies this is a new name for you."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "Balance is better understood in this instance as a system of homeostasis. It is not a static state, but a number of ever changing factors which push against each other."

Kethrai says to Liraxes, "So less like a scale, and more like an ecosystem or biological process. Multiple factors all weighing against each other in different directions."

Saragos asks Liraxes, "Related to the question of Balance - is any balanced system tolerable, as long as it's in homeostasis? Or is there a specific one?"

Couri says, "Ye would think stasis across planes would be of concern."

Xionara rubs her head.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Liraxes is Liraxes."

Xionara winces.

Xionara nods at Liraxes, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh ponders.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Fair."

Harsh quietly says, "Harsh isn't harsh, so i get it."

Harsh smiles.

Karthor chuckles.

Medir looks at Harsh, obviously trying not to grin.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Maintaining the system prior to the current mana fluctuations is the ideal scenario."

Tirost nods to Liraxes.

Harsh scratches his head.

Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Harsh.

Kethrai asks, "Because the system is approaching a point of instability, where balance will be lost permanently? And this would have detrimental effects on the Concept of Balance in your home plane?"

Harsh blinks.

Tirost whispers something to Saragos.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "That seems to be a sufficiently accurate summarization."

Atuen says to Liraxes, "And what of those who oppose your ideal scenario, such as those other recent visitors."

Songbird Mendira just arrived.

Kethrai nods to Liraxes.

Kethrai says to Liraxes, "Thank you for clarifying."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Was it a coincidence that you first appeared to us during an encounter with the Negotiants or do you have some manner of relationship with those entities?"

Reriyn just arrived.

Harsh smiles.

Xionara peers quizzically at Harsh.

Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Harsh nods to Xionara.

Xionara nods to Harsh.

Atuen directly asks Liraxes, "How would you see us handle those who oppose balance?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Atuen, "There is some room for fluctuation. Acts that are likely to cause actual impairment to the Balance must be opposed."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "Liraxes is aware of the Negotiants, but is a separate entity."

Saragos nods to Tirost.

Couri says, "But crystalline and changin like them...."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "What made you determine that was the.. best moment to appear?"

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts east.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Couri, "Crystal is an efficient medium for constructing a form on this plane."

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Mendira smiles.

Urbaj says to Couri, "We're fleshy and hairy just like badgers. But...y'know. Not a badger."

Couri ponders.

Couri says, "Jest seems convenient fer denyin."

Couri shrugs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "Establishing a presence on this plane was a process that took time to initiate and complete."

Harsh smiles.

Xionara mutters something into the air about badger.

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Xionara stares blankly into the distance.

Medir scratches distractedly at his stubble.

Aerilia says, "I'm certain I can't imagine what that involves, precisely. Just curious if there was some underlying significance to that point of time."

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "About how much time, if I may ask?"

Saragos asks Liraxes, "Would the Negotiants be something like your peers? Both servants of a greater Concept?"

Atuen says to Liraxes, "You know you are talking to sheep, here, they will do follow anything that hands out attention like bundled wheat. Balance is a falicy to this lot."

Kethrai says to Liraxes, "You are aware of Valenal? The Warrior Mage in contact with Elementals? He says that energy is being stolen from our Plane by some entity whose identity is uncertain. That there is a net outflow of energy, and that sorcerous casting can pull energy back in and delay the loss of balance."

Kethrai asks, "Does that match your understanding of our situation?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Saragos, "Liraxes does not have full data on the Negotiants, but that scenario is likely accurate."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Atuen, "Assistance in maintaining the Balance is paramount."

Medir ponders.

Bookkeeper Parkons just arrived.

Xionara gazes at Liraxes.

Urbaj adds to Parkons's praises.

A charming laborer enters the area and approaches Parkons.

A charming laborer speaks briefly with Parkons.

A charming laborer glances around for a moment before walking off.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "Liraxes is aware of the entities referred to as Valenal."

Parkons gives Urbaj a firm and hearty handshake, holding his gaze for a moment.

Parkons gives Urbaj an enthusiastic handshake.

Medir nods to Parkons.

Aerilia nods to Parkons.

(Parkons enters the area quietly to observe what's going on.)

Parkons glances up at the sky.

Xionara looks at Liraxes and applauds!

Harsh quietly says, "Oh good job dim orange, cant even tell its you."

(Kethrai gazes at Liraxes expectantly.)

Ozursus walks quietly into the area.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "As to the accuracy of their theory, Liraxes does not have sufficient data to speak to the precise mechanisms at play, but rather an analysis based on gathered parameter data and probability calculation."

Harsh ponders.

Xionara nods to Liraxes.

Parkons rummages about his person, looking for something.

Xionara nods to Kethrai.

Medir rubs his head.

Harsh takes a sip of his wine.

Kethrai asks, "Understood. I'm less interested in precise mechanisms. Is the description of the energy flow accurate?"

Anuril quietly asks, "What's this guy need again, gizmos? Can someone show me how to make gizmos later?"

Parkons looks over Liraxes very closely.

Harsh quietly says, "I only know whirlygigs sorry pal."

Harsh sighs.

Mendira grins at Anuril.

Atuen sternly says to Liraxes, "Prosperity to the strong and pure is paramount. Then you will attain balance."

Anuril looks at Harsh and sighs.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Vaerek chants a few words in a low voice, gesturing at the shadows.

A shimmering eye appears out of nothingness, but quickly fades.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "Liraxes does not have sufficient supporting evidence to validate the claim, though the proposed solution of sorcerous casting does appear to have merit."

A shimmering eye appears out of nothingness, but quickly fades.

Harsh narrows his eyes.

Liraxes tonelessly asks Parkons, "Liraxes has been told that you have arranged a potential agreement?"

Parkons nods.

Vaerek searches around for a moment.

(Parkons steps forward towards Liraxes while producing a sheet of paper.)

Kethrai quietly says, "What in the gods' name is that eye..."

Medir nods to Harsh.

Parkons says, "Many of us have gathered to compose a contract. We would like to arrange an agreement between Liraxes and ourselves."

Xionara softly says to Liraxes, "Have question regarding rate of flow of energy drain."

Harsh searches around for a moment.

Atuen directly says to Liraxes, "That one does not speak for everyone."

Atuen motions to Parkons.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Atuen, "Understood."

Parkons says, "You may be able to calculate a measure of hesitation on our side. It would go far if we can find common ground."

Parkons says, "You want balance. Perhaps a balance in our relationship can be created to suit both sides."

(Parkons passes the paper to Liraxes.)

Kerennya exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Atuen asks Parkons, "You are a Trader, yes?"

Liraxes looks at the paper for a moment, then reaches out one hand. The crystal fingers snap shut on the paper, then draw it back.

Parkons says, "Many of us welcome your thoughts on the agreement and are willing to adhere to it."

Saragos searches around for a moment.

Parkons says, "Certainly some may not, that is their business."

Parkons glances at Atuen.

Saragos searches around for a moment.

Atuen says to Parkons, "I will take that glance as a yes."

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Liraxes appears to be reviewing the contents of the document.

(Parkons passes a copy to Atuen.)

Medir nods to Madigan.

Xionara leans back.

Xionara folds her arms across her chest.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Saragos searches around for a moment.

Harsh quietly says, "That your dim orange Sonfrina? or someone else has shown up."

Atuen asks Parkons, "Selfishness is a nighly recomended trait of your guild, no?"

Ozursus walks out of the area, robes shuffling along the ground.

Kethrai whispers something to Anuril.

Saragos nods to Harsh.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "On reviewing this document, Liraxes must raise several points."

Harsh searches around for a moment.

Parkons says, "Please."

(Atuen Glances down at the paper, scoff, and stuffs it in his Gamatang)

Harsh tips his blob to Madigan with a courteous nod.

Madigan nods to Harsh.

Xionara nods politely to Madigan.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "First: At present, Liraxes has no visibility to the missing individuals. Their current state can not be ascertained with certainty."

Madigan smiles at Xionara.

Parkons says, "Understood."

Aerilia nods.

(Parkons takes notes.)

Harsh nods to Saragos.

Medir squints.

Harsh smiles.

Kethrai formally says something in S'Kra.

Harsh applauds.

Kethrai nods to Atuen.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Probability calculations to the level of individual beings are difficult to make with precision, though the measurement device will help. But at present

Liraxes can say that calculations do indicate a pathway to their return alive."

Couri ponders.

Aervyn scans the area briefly.

Harsh quietly says, "That is the only acceptable result."

Harsh quietly says, "Returned alive and unharmed."

Harsh nods.

Madigan praises Harsh.

Parkons says, "It is our hope to impress upon you that our willingness to aid by taking part in your tasks is founded on your understanding that actions increasing the probability of being reunited with the missing is a key factor."

Couri nods to Harsh.

Atuen says to Liraxes, "My parting comments to you, Just as there are those who have come here offering opinions of outcomes, just so there are those here who will offer their support. One thing they all have in common is a motivation."

Atuen says to Liraxes, "I will be interested in this device of yours."

Atuen goes east.

Madigan chuckles.

Harsh takes a sip of his wine.

Kethrai asks Liraxes, "Does their safe return have a higher probability than one in two? Or are we simply discussing 'possible' in the case where the world still exists, and 'impossible' in the case where it ends?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Second: Informing parties to the contract of any actions which alter the Balance, and refraining from action towards restoring Balance have practical issues."

Harsh takes a sip of his wine.

Madigan gets some Kygar's roast coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Attempting to construct an appropriate analogy... Asking Liraxes to refrain from taking actions toward restoring the Balance without permission would be like asking you to refrain from having your heart beat without permission."

Anuril smirks.

Basteht snickers.

Madigan asks Harsh, "I see the negotiations are tedious?"

Harsh quietly says, "I have made hearts beat without permission before."

Harsh raises his hand.

Harsh smiles.

You hear a voice say to Madigan, "Merely getting started."

Basteht shakes her head.

Basteht frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

Mendira smiles at Liraxes.

Basteht pokes Harsh in the ribs.

Basteht pokes Harsh in the ribs.

Basteht pokes Harsh in the ribs.

Harsh blinks.

Saragos says to Liraxes, "Counterpoint - people on this Plane are destructive and chaotic. Reassuring them that you won't do something to take over the plane is not just the most efficient way, it may be the only way to avoid them working against you."

Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls east.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Madigan gets some Kygar's roast coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Parkons says, "Your analogy makes sense. It is not lost on us that your motivations are perfectly capable of being indifferent to our cause."

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Harsh quietly says to Basteht, "I dont always ask if they want to live."

Harsh blushes a bright red color.

Basteht begins chortling at Harsh.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "It is not a matter of indifference. Every action that Liraxes takes is for the purpose of maintaining Balance."

Kethrai says to Liraxes, "Would you be able and willing to agree to, say... A waiting period? You will inform us of planned actions to correct the Balance, say 5 andaen in advance? Surely you have some predictive ability."

You hear a voice say to Parkons, "Might I make recommendations on an amendment to the contract? Designating Balance as a reserved word with a mutually agreed to definition might avoid some of the vagarities naturally stemming from the arrangement as currently written."

Parkons says, "One point I hope the contract makes clear, is that we are willing to support your efforts to restore Balance. As long as you can understand that we ourselves are variables in your calculations. We also have the ability to decide if we're going to be a negative or positive factor."

Harsh takes a sip of his wine.

Medir asks, "Sounds like we'd all be both th'variables and the agents, nae?"

Parkons says, "The contract can c ertainly be amended. This is an effort not be one, but many."

You hear a voice say to Parkons, "As it stands at present, Liraxes' definition of "balance" and yours might be radically different, though using the same word to define both."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Parkons says, "I acknowledge, we have a severely limited definition of the term "Balance"."

Talokai says to Parkons, "A reserved word status should clear that issue up in its entirety."

Couri says, "I do think we are more destined ta do what it wants because of emotions, it nae hae that barrier ta what it wants."

Talokai smiles at Parkons.

Basteht kindly says to Parkons, "Balance means stability."

Urbaj firmly says, "Liraxes' definition of balance is, universally, the correct one. By definition. By is existence. The very concept of balance."

Parkons says to Talokai, "I'll be grateful if you can mark up this copy with your revisions."

(Parkons passes a copy to Talokai.)

Xionara nods at Basteht, obviously agreeing with her views.

Kethrai says, "It seems that Balance refers to a Concept in the Plane of Probability, but one that is tightly bound to existence of homeostasis in our Plane. And the ideal homeostasis would be the one that existed before the wild magic started to affect us."

Xionara's ears perk up happily.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Xionara leans on Basteht.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Sliyder nods.

Medir rubs his head.

Sir Madigan goes south.

Talokai asks Urbaj, "And what, Urbaj, is Liraxes' definition of balance? In plain common words that are readable so that any educated reader could draw the same conclusion from the word's usage?"

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Xionara chuckles at Talokai.

Kethrai ponders.

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Talokai says to Urbaj, "I believe that presently our understanding on what Liraxes *actually* means by Balance might be flawed."

Parkons asks Liraxes, "Are there any other points you have for consideration?"

Talokai says, "But that is one humble businessman's thoughts."

Talokai smiles.

Talokai bows to Urbaj.

Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived.

Madigan smiles at Rejind.

Kethrai says, "Homeostasis is... It's like how your body maintains how much water is in it, or how hot it is. The further away from the desired state, the stronger corrective actions happen. If you have too little water, you become thirsty. If you have too much, your bladder fills. If you are too hot, you pant or sweat. If you are too cold, you shiver."

Urbaj says to Talokai, "As Liraxes already said: Balance is better understood in this instance as a system of homeostasis. It is not a static state, but a number of ever changing factors which push against each other. So, to put it more simply: balance is a planar system where things can CONTINUE to push agains each other."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Parkons, "The other terms of the agreement appear to be acceptable."

Urbaj says, "Liraxes didn't show up until the universe was tearing itself apart at the seams. It's just continued existence."

Harsh quietly says, "The only un natural thing to plague us, meaning something not gifted by the gods but a direct insult to them, is necromancy. Necromancy is our source of unbalance. Creating false life all the time. Life without death is not balance."

Harsh ponders.

Kethrai gives Harsh a slight nod.

Talokai says to Urbaj, "Should that be his word-for-word definition of the term, such would need to be amended into the contract as a reserved term so that all future usage of the word "Balance" would point back to said verbiage. Failure to do so would interject uncertainty into the interpretation of contractual obligations at a future point."

Kethrai says to Harsh, "That's a good point."

Parkons gets an animite rod from inside a rugged backpack.

Xionara nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh quietly says, "I highly suspect we have a three gnomes in a large coat situation goin on."

Harsh quietly says, "But i have no real proof."

Xionara laughs at Harsh.

Xionara chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai giggles.

Parkons says, "I know we are all eager to move forward with this arrangement."

Saragos nods to Mendira.

Couri nods to Harsh.

Karthor says to Harsh, "Undead such as plague wraiths."

Kethrai says, "I did wonder that myself, when it started talking about building mechanisms..."

Mendira nods to Saragos.

Parkons says, "I propose we take some time to revise the contract and return to Liraxes with a final proposal. The considerations brought forth make sense to me."

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Saragos nods to Parkons.

Songbird Mendira goes east.

Parkons says, "I'd also like to offer a contribution in good faith. Also in hopes of gaining new information."

Saragos says, "Works."

Parkons offers Liraxes an animite rod.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived, leading her group.

Xionara softly says, "Not surprising myself. Some kind of.. device.. itself.. not surprising would suggest device as solution."

Xionara beams at Gwenddolyn!

Xionara waves to Gwenddolyn.

Saragos says, "I'm heading to Arhat's Tower to prepare for our attempt to Evoke the kidnapping. All Bards, and anyone else who wishes to observe are welcome. About 30 roi until we start."

Gwenddolyn waves.

Harsh nods to Saragos.

Aerilia nods to Saragos.

Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.

Harsh quietly says, "I will attend and observe and bless the area."

Saragos gets a lynx talisman from inside his firesilk tote.

Parkons asks, "I believe you have already received some components. Does this one heave any greater or less impact on your ability to construct the device compared to those?"

After a moment's silence a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes appears, lands, and glances up at Saragos expectantly.

Saragos acquires a look of intense concentration.

The storm-grey lynx begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Harsh quietly says, "Unless perhaps the blessins interfere."

Harsh ponders.

Kethrai asks Liraxes, "You mentioned a location to the west of here, one location you think we should cast sorcery. Are you referring to the Journalai ruins?"

Parkons offers Liraxes an animite rod.

Liraxes accepts Parkons's rod.

Tempest Knight Saragos strides east.

Harsh shrugs.

Gwenhwyfach shifts her weight.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Parkons, "This should be suitable for an improvement to measurement, yes."

Kerennya says to Parkons, "He said it wasn't monetary value that mattered so much as just many materials with different properties."

Parkons gets an electrum rod from inside a rugged backpack.

Parkons offers Liraxes an electrum rod.

Parkons asks, "This one any more so than the last?"

Liraxes accepts Parkons's rod.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Is there a reason they must be rods instead of ingots?"

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Parkons gets a lead rod from inside a rugged backpack.

Harsh analyzes every minute detail of the bobcat rod while smiling to himself.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kethrai, "Liraxes does not have the specific local name, but will be able to narrow down the location soon."

Kerennya gets some niniam mechanisms from inside an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Kerennya offers Liraxes some niniam mechanisms.

Kethrai sighs.

Kethrai nods to Liraxes.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Parkons, "They are not more or less helpful. Having different physical attributes makes them helpful."

Parkons asks, "And this one, better or worse than the last?"

Harsh quietly asks, "West of here?"

Harsh scratches his head.

Liraxes puts his rod in his sack.

Liraxes puts his rod in his sack.

Liraxes accepts Kerennya's niniam mechanisms.

Parkons nods.

Kethrai says to Harsh, "S'what it said."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Correct."

Harsh quietly asks, "Wasnt there a tower out west that blew up?"

Harsh scratches his head.

Harsh quietly says, "Like forever ago."

Parkons offers Liraxes a lead rod.

Kerennya says, "I think so, yeah."

Liraxes accepts Parkons's rod.

Liraxes puts his mechanisms in his indeterminate space.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Does Liraxes have a list of what is needed the most? Specific kinds of metals?"

Kerennya gets some zinc mechanisms from inside an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Kerennya offers Liraxes some zinc mechanisms.

Liraxes accepts Kerennya's zinc mechanisms.

Liraxes puts his mechanisms in his indeterminate space.

Parkons says, "At this point, we have clues that indicate a variety of materials is good. One particular type not necessarily better than others. Simply variety."

Kethrai says to Harsh, "There's an old destroyed tower, yeah. Out near Wolf Clan."

Gwenhwyfach chortles softly at some secret joke.

Urbaj asks, "So are we good to make the material donations for the device, or holding off?"

Harsh nods.

Parkons asks Liraxes, "Would you agree with my statement?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Parkons, "That is correct."

Parkons nods.

Harsh quietly says, "Seems a place that blew up from magic may house some angry mana still."

Harsh shrugs.

Parkons says, "Everyone is of course free to help or hold. I personally would like to take Liraxes' points into consideration to make one final draft."

Kethrai says, "I mean, I dunno if it was ruined by magic, or just... time. Seems pretty old."

Kethrai says, "But it could've been."

Kerennya says to Urbaj, "I think the contract needs a bit more tweaking. Giving a few is good, but hold off on the bulk of the offering until that is completed, I think."

Urbaj nods.

Urbaj puts his sack in his silk backpack.

Parkons says, "This conversation seems to established that LIraxes is willing to enter a contract. I think we should take advantage of that."

Harsh quietly says, "I thought some moonie exploded it or a warmage or something. I dunno was so long now and im just a memory void."

Vaerek nods to Parkons.

Gwenhwyfach nods at Parkons, obviously agreeing with his views.

Fury's Touch Rejind goes east.

Couri says, "Aye, when two parties want somethin both should give good grace."

Kethrai says, "You might be thinking of Arhat's tower, east of Crossing. Old Warrior Mage guildhall, I think. That's where Saragos is doing his thing shortly."

Parkons nods to Couri.

Harsh quietly says, "Ah right."

Harsh quietly says, "So many towers and crazy moonies and mages."

Gwenddolyn says, "Where Mibgluc blew it up."

Harsh quietly says, "Hard to keep up."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Vaerek gets a jadeite stone from inside his leather lootsack.

Kerennya says, "I think there's a different tower out the west gate, though."

Vaerek offers Liraxes a jadeite stone.

Vaerek nods.

Kethrai nods to Kerennya.

Liraxes accepts Vaerek's jadeite stone.

Couri nods to Kerennya.

Illiya waves.

Liraxes puts his stone in his indeterminate space.

Parkons says, "I am going to relocate to the Trader's Guild foyer after a brief break. I'll be grateful for anyone to join me there to finalize the contract."

Harsh waves to Illiya.

Vaerek's shadow paces about a bit, acting independently of its source.

Anuril gently kisses Kethrai on the cheek.

Gwenddolyn says, "Perhaps they were moved to that tower for some reason."

Parkons says to Liraxes, "Thank you for continuing negotiations."

Anuril whispers something to Kethrai.

Vaerek says to Liraxes, "Keep that one in mind when researching communications."

Harsh quietly says, "Oh Parkons before you leave I have another donation."

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Kethrai says to Liraxes, "Thank you for answering our questions."

Parkons nods to Harsh.

Kethrai gently kisses Anuril on the cheek.

Harsh smiles.

Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne just arrived.

Anuril just left.

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Gwenddolyn grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Kerennya says to Liraxes, "Thank you for continuing to talk with us."

Parkons blinks.

Parkons gives Harsh a firm and hearty handshake, holding his gaze for a moment.

Parkons gives Harsh an enthusiastic handshake.

Madigan says, "I think I will join you for a bit Quartermaster."

Parkons nods to Madigan.

Bookkeeper Parkons goes east.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The current materials may be sufficient to start refining calculations. Liraxes will return with initial steps toward maintaining the Balance, and to acquire additional materials. Based on current discussions, sufficient materials for effective operation of the device will be available."

Medir grins at Shaylynne.

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Illiya smiles at Liraxes, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Who will operate it, us or Liraxes?"

Gwenhwyfach peers quizzically at Liraxes.

Medir nods to Shaylynne.

Kerennya gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside her mariner's rucksack.

Kerennya studies her diamond-hide almanac closely.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Gwenhwyfach, "Liraxes. You will not be capable of interpreting the results."

Illiya asks, "So.. I guess we have completed contract discussions?"

Kerennya puts her almanac in her mariner's rucksack.

Madigan says, "Parkons is going to make some revisions."

Kethrai says to Illiya, "For now. They want to do some amendments."

Gwenhwyfach says, "Parkons is nearly done."

Illiya asks, "What exactly are we asking for in return for providing materials to Liraxes?"

Gwenhwyfach says, "I saw the draft, he is making changes now."

Madigan says, "Now, whether we sign the bloody thing or not...that is going to be the question."

Vaerek gets a bone shard from inside his leather lootsack.

Vaerek examines a bone shard.

Madigan says, "Or, whether we let this pile of mechanics build it, that is another question."

Vaerek concentrates intently on a bone shard.

Madigan gestures at Liraxes.

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Madigan.

Gwenhwyfach says, "It is a very good contract."

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Vaerek puts his shard in his leather lootsack.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Couri frowns.

Medir sighs.

Medir says, "So many issues."

Madigan says, "Just so. The question then becomes whether it is wise to do it or not. Of that, we probably need to make a decision in the near future."

Vaerek says, "I gotta learn to do that."

Kethrai says, "I wish they wouldn't all keep doing that."

Vaerek wiggles around a bit.

Couri says, "I dinnae trust it."

Illiya asks, "What are we getting in return for supplying materials?"

Gwenhwyfach says, "The risk appears to be not doing ot."

Medir nods to Couri.

Harsh quietly says, "Its makin a door to let the bad in."

Xionara nods at Gwenhwyfach, obviously agreeing with her views.

Harsh nods.

Medir asks, "There are other Concepts, are there not?"

Madigan looks at Gwenhwyfach and shrugs.

(Vaerek focuses himself to become a tiny dot.)

Couri says, "Nothin but calcculations we nae understand."

Illiya grins at Vaerek, her dimples flashing into view.

Vaerek blinks.

Madigan says, "Maybe. I sure don't know."

Vaerek sighs.

* Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Vaerek appears to be poking himself.

Gwenhwyfach says, "At least Liraxes can see a possible solution that will work."

Madigan says, "But, we need to find a path and run down it soon."

Kethrai says, "The Arbiter in Darkness, the Emperor of the Line... others, I'm sure. I dunno 'em all."

Harsh quietly says, "It needs to find the only solution that works."

Medir says, "A solution that serves its ends."

Medir nods.

Urbaj says, "If anyone has access to rare materials but is hesitant to use them, I'll pay above market rates for mechanisms and rods constructed from them for this cause."

Harsh quietly says, "Hundred percent works."

Gwenddolyn says, "I plan to make some."

Gwenddolyn says, "Which I will do tonight."

Medir scratches his head.

Illiya smiles at Gwenddolyn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vaerek gets a deed register from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Madigan says, "Good to see everyone. I am going to sit down with Parkons in the foyer for a bit if anyone cares to discuss Liraxes."

Madigan smiles warmly.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Illiya says, "Wait."

Harsh renders Madigan an awkward salute, nearly poking his eye out with his thumb.

Kethrai says, "There was one question I was getting ready to ask right before it vanished..."

Illiya joins Madigan's group.

Shaylynne joins Madigan's group.

Illiya says, "I want to ask him about the contract too."

Medir joins Madigan's group.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes east, leading her group.

Harsh quietly says, "Im gonna go to the tower and observe the bards singing."

Kethrai asks, "Which was, Liraxes, do you have the capacity to lie?"

Madigan says, "Alright, moving that way."

Couri joins Madigan's group.

Medir grins at Kethrai.

Aerilia ponders.

Karthor ponders.

Harsh quietly says, "Yes i wanted to ask this too."

Harsh nods to Kethrai.

Urbaj joins Madigan's group.

Madigan says, "Moving quickly. Meet up at the Trader's Guild Foyer if we get separated."

Kethrai says, "Somehow I think if it said 'yes' that would be more trustworthy than if it said 'no.'."

Bennedict joins Madigan's group.

Kerennya says, "I wanted to ask something, too."

Kerennya chuckles.

Medir says, "I think it would happily lie to us t'ensure probabilities end up where it needs them to be."

Sir Madigan goes east, leading his group.

Harsh quietly says, "Gotta ask a tricky way."

Harsh quietly says, "So its forced to answer honest."

The last of the stars above disappears behind a thick sheaf of clouds.

Harsh quietly says, "About lieing."

Harsh ponders.

Vaerek turns the pages of his deed register.

Vaerek removes a deed for a telothian ingot from his deed register.

Kethrai says, "If I asked your brother which door led to certain death, what would he say..."

Vaerek puts his deed in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Aerilia says, "There are riddles to that effect, I think? I was never good at them."

Vaerek turns the pages of his deed register.

Xionara chuckles.

Harsh quietly says to Kethrai, "Thats a gooder."

Harsh nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "Problem is, those riddles rely on beings that either always tell the truth or always lie."

Harsh nods.

Vaerek turns the pages of his deed register.

Vaerek removes a deed for a dragonwood log from his deed register.

Kethrai says, "A being that can choose to do either is the most dangerous."

Harsh sighs.

Vaerek puts his deed in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Harsh quietly says, "Really wish i was smarter sometimes."

Harsh sighs.

Vaerek puts his register in his treasureweave cylinder.

Life's Enforcer Karthor plods east.

Vaerek says, "You all take care and be safe."

Vaerek points up.

Sublime Mender Kerennya glides east.

Vaerek points down.

Vaerek waves.

Kethrai says to Harsh, "You're smart enough not to trust this thing. That counts for a lot, far as I'm concerned."

Vaerek strides east.

Harsh quietly says, "I just dont understand, it created itself."

Harsh quietly says, "Seems highly suspicious."

Harsh shrugs.

Harsh smiles.

Aerilia says, "Or the concept of Balance did? At least we learned what it serves, sort of."

Kethrai says, "Well, people think time magic is involved in all this. Maybe it's a grandfather paradox."

Harsh quietly says, "Has anyone spoken to the timekeeper then. Perhaps find out if they notice any strangeness."

Kethrai shakes his head at Harsh.

You go east.

(Left for next event. Log ended)