Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08022024/Ayrell Vigil and Asildu Visit

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Ayrell Vigil and Asildu Visit
Event Date: 08/02/2024
Event Instance: Prime

[Temple of Light, Alcove of Albreda]
The floor is inlaid with a massive seven-pointed star. At each point, there is a small stone table with a statuette representing one of the seven races. In the middle of the inlaid star there is a large sculpture representing all races, their hands reaching towards the heavens. From the ceiling, a painting of Albreda smiles down at the figures. Padded benches line the walls for those who wish to rest here. You also see a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood and a silver arch.
Also here: Bioenchantress Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Roughneck Rileos, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, High Priestess Maraisel who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Pilgrim Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Truthseeker Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Mageling Aerilia, Kintryn, Knight of Meraud Tirost who has a stony visage, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Firehawk Casari, Bastion of Life Karthor, Riverlynn, Intern Rhainn, War Healer Rejind, Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma, Heart Tender Kethrai and Sublime Mender Kerennya who is sitting.
Obvious exits: none.

Rhainn accepts Ezerak's violet rose.

Kerennya says, "But I'll take a rose as well."

Ezerak gets a pale violet rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Rhainn says, "Thank you."

Ezerak offers Elurora a pale violet rose.

Elurora accepts Ezerak's violet rose.

Illiya says to Ezerak, "I would like one please."

Elurora says to Ezerak, "Thank you."

Ezerak gets a pale violet rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Kethrai a pale violet rose.

Kethrai accepts Ezerak's violet rose.

Allye smiles at Ezerak.

Ezerak gets a fragrant yellow rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Kerennya waves to Allye.

Allye waves to Kerennya.

Ezerak offers Kerennya a fragrant yellow rose.

Kerennya accepts Ezerak's yellow rose.

Kintryn asks, "Please may I have one Ezerak?"

Ezerak gets a lush pink rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Maraisel quietly says to Ezerak, "She would have approved of that color..."

Ezerak offers Nawain a lush pink rose.

Nawain accepts Ezerak's pink rose.

Nawain nods to Ezerak.

Aerilia asks Ezerak, "I made a totem to offer. I hope that's fine?"

Ezerak says to Maraisel, "I got a bunch of those, but mixed in a few others."

Ezerak smiles at Aerilia, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ezerak nods to Aerilia.

Ezerak gets a black rose from inside his rucksack.

Maraisel nods to Ezerak.

Tirost says to Ezerak, "I will take one as well, if you have enough."

Ezerak offers Kintryn a black rose.

Kintryn accepts Ezerak's black rose.

Depth Preserver Shaylynne came through a silver arch.

Illiya smiles at Ezerak, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kerennya smiles at Shaylynne.

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Maraisel says to Ezerak, "If you have a spare, I'd like one as well. It's perfect for her."

Kintryn grins at Ezerak.

Ezerak asks Kintryn, "Actually, will you trade that one for a different one?"

Vaerek came through a silver arch.

Tirost smiles at Shaylynne.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Kintryn ponders.

Ezerak gets a pink-tipped silver rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Kintryn asks, "Can I keep it?"

Shaylynne hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Kintryn giggles.

Shaylynne says to Tirost, "Thank you."

Tirost chuckles at Nawain.

Gridaksma rummages about his person, looking for something.

Ezerak nods to Kintryn.

Tirost nods to Nawain.

Ezerak says to Kintryn, "If you'd prefer."

Kintryn nods to Ezerak.

Rhainn sniffs at a pale violet rose.

Ezerak asks, "Did I miss anyone?"

Kethrai says, "I think we can fairly say there have never been this many Empaths in Shard at once before."

Kerennya sniffs at a fragrant yellow rose.

Illiya says, "Me."

Ezerak offers Illiya a pink-tipped silver rose.

Illiya accepts Ezerak's silver rose.

Ezerak gets a large red rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Rhainn nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Karthor closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Ezerak.

Tirost grins at Kethrai.

Ezerak offers Tirost a large red rose.

Nawain chuckles.

Karthor grins at Kethrai.

Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Tirost accepts Ezerak's red rose.

Kerennya says, "That pink-tipped silver one is striking."

Tirost says to Ezerak, "Thank you, Lord."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Riverlynn opens her pink lunchbox.

Ezerak says, "I've more, if I missed anyone else."

Riverlynn closes her pink lunchbox.

Riverlynn says, "I will take one as well."

Kintryn sniffs at a black rose.

Ezerak says, "I tried to err on the side of too many rather than not enough."

Ezerak gets a Hodierna's blush rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Rejind a Hodierna's blush rose.

Rejind accepts Ezerak's blush rose.

Ezerak gets a fragrant yellow rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Riverlynn a fragrant yellow rose.

Riverlynn accepts Ezerak's yellow rose.

Ezerak gets a pink-tipped silver rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Maraisel a pink-tipped silver rose.

Maraisel accepts Ezerak's silver rose.

Maraisel nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak gets a large red rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Shaylynne a large red rose.

Shaylynne accepts Ezerak's red rose.

Ezerak searches around for a moment.

Shaylynne smiles at Ezerak.

Maraisel says to Ezerak, "Thank you."

Ezerak gets a pale violet rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Vaerek a pale violet rose.

Tirost gazes at Maraisel.

Vaerek accepts Ezerak's violet rose.

Ezerak gets a Hodierna's blush rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Maraisel sighs sadly.

Riverlynn went through a silver arch.

Ezerak offers Ysilda a Hodierna's blush rose.

Vaerek bows to Ezerak.

Kerennya puts her almanac in her mariner's rucksack.

Ysilda accepts Ezerak’s Hodierna’s blush rose.

Ysilda curtsies to Ezerak.

Vaerek says to Ezerak, "Thank you."

Ezerak rummages about his person, looking for something.

Shh'oiyvh-ur Ograth Elizzibiana came through a silver arch.

Tirost says to Maraisel, "Quietly I am certain your sister is alright."

Ezerak says, "I've a few more, if anyone else would like one to leave as an offering."

Kethrai nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Maraisel smiles at Tirost.

Maraisel says to Tirost, "I have to believe she is."

Ezerak nods at Maraisel, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost nods to Maraisel.

Maraisel says, "I can't let myself think otherwise."

Casari nods in agreement.

Vaerek hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Vaerek smiles.

Ezerak asks, "Would anyone else like a rose to leave as an offering before we start?"

Tirost shakes Karthor's hand.

Karthor nods to Tirost.

Kerennya gets a pine dove bead from inside her suede seabag.

Rhainn asks Maraisel, "Oh my, is your sister one of the taken?"

Maraisel nods to Rhainn.

Rhainn pulls Maraisel to her in a tight hug.

Rhainn says, "I'm so sorry."

Maraisel pulls Rhainn to her in a tight hug.

Maraisel smiles sadly.

[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "the juxtaposition of the paths of understanding is amusing. Some are dancing with bells and praises to the gods while Liraxes is a ... for the lack of better terms. A rigid, precise entity"

Maraisel quietly says, "Thank you."

Rhainn says, "We'll get them back."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril came through a silver arch.

Anuril takes his rightful place beside Kethrai.

Rhainn nods to Maraisel.

Tirost nods to Anuril.

Ezerak gets a fragrant yellow rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Anuril nods to Tirost.

Ezerak offers Anuril a fragrant yellow rose.

Kethrai places his hands on Anuril's shoulders and directs a soft, rumbling purr in his direction as Kethrai presses his forehead against Anuril's.

Anuril accepts Ezerak's yellow rose.

Anuril nods to Ezerak.

Nawain gazes at her rose.

Rileos stretches out a hand imploringly to Ezerak.

Ezerak gets a wild rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak offers Rileos a wild rose.

Rileos accepts Ezerak's wild rose.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "That one seems fitting."

Rileos chuckles.

Riverlynn came through a silver arch.

Nawain chuckles.

Vaerek indicates his violet rose with a smile.

Tirost smiles at Rileos.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Ezerak says, "Okay then, we will get started."

Maraisel nods to Ezerak.

Elizzibiana takes a bite from her icy snowball.

Ezerak says, "I chose this particular shrine for several reasons."

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Ezerak.

Allye gazes at Ezerak.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Ezerak.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Anuril sniffs at a fragrant yellow rose.

Anuril sighs.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "The one thing I do understand is that it doesn't seem to be the cause of wild magic, and while it admitted it had incomplete information and could certainly be mistaken, I got the feeling that it wasn't the sort of thing that could lie."

Tirost nods to Illiya.

Tempest Knight Saragos came through a silver arch.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Rhainn curtsies to Saragos.

Elurora bows to Saragos.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his surveyor's case.

Ezerak says, "The first, Albreda is Ayrell's chosen goddess. Whether it is because Albreda is the patron of orphans, or as a representation of lasting peace, Albreda was the one that Ayrell was drawn to the most."

Kerennya tips her cap to Saragos with a courteous nod.

Vaerek smiles at Saragos.

Saragos glances at Vaerek.

Tirost searches around for a moment.

Nawain smiles at Ezerak.

Ezerak gets a large red rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Vaerek holds a blue iris high into the air for all to see.

Ezerak offers Saragos a large red rose.

Kerennya nods.

Vaerek puts his iris in his surveyor's case.

Kethrai trills softly at Saragos.

Illiya smiles at Saragos, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Saragos accepts Ezerak's red rose.

Illiya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "i'd agree but there's always some that understand better than others. You may be a lover, but you ain't no dancer..."

Mother Jaelia came through a silver arch.

Jaelia smiles.

Kerennya waves to Jaelia.

Nawain hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Tirost gazes fondly at Jaelia.

Kethrai hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.

Elurora smiles at Jaelia.

Anuril nods to Jaelia.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Rhainn waves to Jaelia.

Rhainn smiles.

Ezerak says, "Next, as she is the cementer of alliances and marriages."

(Jaelia offers warm greetings with hugs and blessings and waves of acknowledgement as others prefere.)

Kethrai quietly says, "Oh, thought he meant Ayrell for a second. I'd believe it though."

Maraisel smiles at Kethrai.

Elurora looks at Kethrai, obviously trying not to grin.

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Nawain nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain chuckles.

Tirost smiles at Kethrai.

Ezerak quietly says, "I am sure most of you have heard that Ayrell and I were...separated still, at the time of her disappearance. But we do both love each other very much, and had been trying to work through a few things."

Anuril nods.

Kerennya gazes thoughtfully at Ezerak.

Jaelia gazes upward.

Nawain gazes at Ezerak.

Elurora sniffs at a pale violet rose.

Tirost smiles at Kintryn.

Ezerak says, "And so, I thought this the most appropriate place to begin our prayers. I will begin, then will open the floor for others that wish to speak or add a prayer."

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak says, "And should we have time, and feel it appropriate, we can visit other shrines for additional prayers."

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak gets a pale violet rose from inside his shoulder sack.

Ezerak puts his sack in his rucksack.

Kethrai coughs.

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Jaelia nods to Ezerak.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Jaelia gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia gets a small silver dragon from inside her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia points her silver dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Ezerak says, "Alright, I shall begin."

Ezerak kneels down.

Jaelia puts her dragon in her dragonar haversack.

Riverlynn gazes down at the floor.

Rhainn kneels down.

Ezerak says, "Please feel free to join me, if you'd like."

Ezerak prays fervently.

Kerennya stands up.

Tirost kneels down.

Saragos kneels down.

Casari kneels down and begins to pray.

Kerennya kneels down.

Elurora kneels down.

Aerilia kneels down.

Tirost continues praying.

Shaylynne kneels down.

Saragos puts his coffee in his leather rucksack.

Allye joins Ezerak's group.

Nawain gets a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels from inside her slender rugursora.

Rileos kneels down.

Saragos removes his wide-brimmed hat while looking around casually.

Kethrai kneels down.

Maraisel joins Ezerak's group.

Shaylynne prays fervently.

Vaerek joins Ezerak's group.

Karthor makes a reverential grunting noise.

Nawain puts her rose in her slender rugursora.

Vaerek kneels down.

Nawain reverently lays her prayer mat at her feet, smoothing out its corners.

Allye kneels down.

Kethrai joins Ezerak's group.

Kethrai continues praying fervently.

Kerennya continues praying.

Nawain humbly kneels in the center of the prayer mat.

Rhainn prays fervently.

Nawain gets a lush pink rose from inside her slender rugursora.

Saragos joins Ezerak's group.

Jaelia joins Ezerak's group.

Rhainn joins Ezerak's group.

Jaelia kneels down.

Jaelia prays fervently.

Kerennya joins Ezerak's group.

Shaylynne joins Ezerak's group.

Nawain intones serenely, "Albreda send us peace and prosperity, and grant long life to our nation. May her gentle blessings bring healing to our lands."

Shaylynne prays fervently.

Illiya joins Ezerak's group.

Kerennya prays fervently.

Elurora joins Ezerak's group.

Rhainn continues praying fervently.

Aerilia joins Ezerak's group.

Jaelia waves some altar candle over herself.

Rhainn prays fervently.

Gridaksma nods to a weasel skeleton.

Nawain joins Ezerak's group.

Elurora prays fervently.

Kerennya prays fervently.

Maraisel kneels down.

Rejind kneels down.

Jaelia intones:

   "Mother Albreda - We reaffirm our vows to you. In these times of chaos, we realize that Peace never really exists except that which we find within ourselves. This is the truth you teach us."

Jaelia looks up and sighs, smiling.

Rhainn continues praying.

Rejind continues praying fervently.

Kethrai prays fervently.

Ezerak chants in a baritone voice:

   "Albreda, bringer of peace, patroness of orphans and fosterlings,
    Please watch over Ayrell, and our other missing friends,
    Please aid us in freeing them, so that our families may be reunited and whole."

Elizzibiana leans back.

Jaelia's altar candle crackles as a spark rises from it.

Rhainn appears to steel herself, her large eyes mournful yet resolute.

Ezerak chants in a baritone voice:

   "Please guide us to Lady Ayrell, and our other friends,
    And look after their children, families, and friends in their time of need and grief."

A tear runs down Kerennya's face.

Ezerak rubs his right eye.

Kintryn smiles at Tirost.

Elurora gazes at Ezerak.

Maraisel gazes at Ezerak with a sympathetic look on her face.

A tear runs down Rhainn's face.

A pained expression crosses Maraisel's face.

Nawain gazes at Ezerak with a sympathetic look on her face.

Kethrai frowns as he realizes he's clutching a pale violet rose so tightly that its thorns have drawn blood from his fingerpads.

Knight Penitent Briaen came through a silver arch.

Rhainn examines a pale violet rose.

Ezerak chants in a baritone voice:

   "We make offerings of roses, your divine flower,
    And pray for the safety and swift return of our missing friends and family."

Nawain nods to Briaen.

Ezerak drops a pale violet rose.

Briaen gazes down at the floor.

Ezerak continues praying.

A golden flame wavers across the tip of Jaelia's altar candle.

(Kethrai carefully lays the rose down at the center of the seven-pointed star with a murmured prayer.)

Kethrai drops a pale violet rose.

Casari drops a pale violet rose.

Nawain drops a lush pink rose.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Rhainn drops a pale violet rose.

Maraisel drops a pink-tipped silver rose.

Shaylynne drops a large red rose.

Ezerak quietly asks, "Allye Would you like to go next?"

Nawain intones serenely, "Albreda send us peace and prosperity, and grant long life to our nation. May her gentle blessings bring healing to our lands."

Rejind drops a Hodierna's blush rose.

Maraisel continues praying.

Riverlynn takes a deep breath.

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Rileos drops a wild rose.

Rileos prays fervently.

A bright flash of flame erupts from Anuril's hand, vaporizing the yellow rose that he is holding into fine grey ash!

Riverlynn drops a tiny Elamiri rose of soft blue tones.

Vaerek drops a pale violet rose.

Karthor just left.

Allye softly says, "In these confusing and dangerous times, we feel the loss of our friends keenly. Their wisdom, kindness, and guidance has ever served as a light to lead the way for us."

(Elurora places a hand over the dove trinket pinned to her chest and gently places her rose at the foot of the sculpture.)

Elurora drops a pale violet rose.

(Kerennya puts her rose and dove bead on the star as a tear trickles down her cheek.)

Kerennya drops a fragrant yellow rose.

Allye says, "I pray for their well-being, that they be sheltered from harm wherever they may be."

Ezerak nods to Jaelia.

Kerennya drops a pine dove bead.

Allye says, "Most of all, I pray for their safe return."

Elurora continues praying fervently.

Rhainn prays fervently.

Allye says, "Albreda, please hear our prayers and cradle our friends in your protective embrace."

Ezerak prays fervently.

Maraisel prays fervently.

Kerennya continues praying fervently.

A tear runs down Ezerak's face.

Allye drops a pale violet rose.

Ezerak quietly says to Allye, "Thank you."

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Rhainn stands up.

Allye trills softly to herself.

Ezerak quietly asks Jaelia, "Would you like to go next?"

A tear runs down Kerennya's face.

Jaelia nods to Ezerak.

Jaelia says, "Please forgive me a bit - I do not mean to be insensitive as I am just catching up a bit, my apologies, but -."

Jaelia says, "It is good to see you all again."

Illiya smiles at Jaelia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Rhainn nods to Jaelia.

Kerennya nods to Jaelia.

Riverlynn closes her silverweave lootsack.

Kethrai stands up.

Jaelia intones:

   "Gooddess Albreda - I follow my Patron in all things - but in this mortal world I follow Albreda, Tamsine, and Harawep to preserve the most important of all things - community and civilization
     Without it, we lose so much and balance and being better cannot exist
     We know that peace cannot ever exist in the chaos of these worlds
     It is something we can only truely find within and we must fight for it
     Help us to find this peace within so that we may grow stronger outside and rise to the challenge of the war path
     To fight the chaos, find peace in these moments and find our friends and loved ones
     Let the Albatross of Lemicus Sing, Let all her knoweldge flow to the oceans and back
     Let us find them and both of you light our way"

Kintryn smiles at Tirost.

Kerennya nods at Jaelia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Jaelia's altar candle burns with a comforting glow.

Elurora smiles at Jaelia.

Ezerak nods to Kethrai.

Jaelia intones:

   "Individually we are nothing, together we are everything
     Let us walk into this chaos as a force
     A force of strenght steadfast within our peace and knoweldge
     That we serve and devote ourselves to you and your path
     May you grant this community their most cherished
     For without them others will rise up to help take their positions
     But they are our lights to help us inspire to be better
     Let us find them and bring them back"

Jaelia nods.

Jaelia says, "THank you."

Ezerak quietly says to Jaelia, "Thank you."

Ezerak quietly asks Tirost, "Would you like to go next?"

Tirost nods to Ezerak.

Tirost stands up.

Kintryn gazes at Tirost.

Tirost drops a large red rose.

(Tirost places his rose at the foot of the sculpture, beneath the painting of Albreda.)

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:

   "Albreda, watch over our friends.
    Keep them safe beneath your wings.
    Guide them to hope and comfort,
    And send them all our love."

Tirost stands near Kintryn.

Tirost kneels down.

Tirost continues praying fervently.

Ezerak quietly says to Tirost, "Thank you."

Ezerak quietly asks Kethrai, "Kethrai, would you like to be next?"

Kethrai gives a slight nod.

(Kintryn sets her hand gently on Tirost's shoulder)

Jaelia smiles at Kintryn.

Kintryn smiles at Jaelia.

Jaelia gets a pale silver-edged rose from inside her dragonar haversack.

Kethrai says, "Um, I'm afraid I don't really know the proper prayers for Albreda, and all. But I can say what Lady Ayrell means, to me. She's shown me through her humility and through her warmth that she shows to everyone, from an aristocrat to a Zoluren farmboy, that every person matters, and we all can rise to greatness."

Anuril smiles.

Riverlynn smiles at Kethrai.

Ezerak smiles at Kethrai, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Kerennya smiles at Kethrai.

Elurora smiles at Kethrai.

Maraisel smiles at Kethrai.

Kethrai asks, "So, Albreda, your faithful is making a good impression on you. Watch over her, yeah?"

Rhainn nods in agreement.

Anuril nods in agreement.

Ezerak quietly says to Kethrai, "Thank you for your kind words and prayer."

Kethrai says, "And Dantia, Mazrian, Miskton, and Navesi too... We need them all home."

Kethrai gives a slight nod.

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai stands near Anuril.

Kerennya nods in agreement.

Kerennya prays fervently.

Rhainn nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Maraisel nods in agreement.

Ezerak quietly asks Illiya, "I believe you are next, if you are ready?"

Jaelia continues praying fervently.

Maraisel continues praying.

Jaelia waves some altar candle over herself.

Jaelia drops a pale silver-edged rose.

Illiya nods to Ezerak.

(Illiya reverently approaches the statue)

Illiya kneels down.

Illiya quietly says, "Albreda, Bringer of Peace, we come to you with heavy hearts. We offer these roses as a symbol of our hope. With each bloom, we lift the names of our missing friends: Ayrell, Navesi, Miskton, Dantia, and Mazrian."

Ezerak nods to Casari.

Illiya quietly says, "You who cement alliances and foster bonds, guide them safely back to us. You who watch over the lost and forgotten, protect them from harm."

Illiya quietly says, "May they be watched over and protected. Grant them strength and courage as they navigate this uncertain time. Lead them back to us safely, reunited with those who love them dearly. We hold onto faith and trust in your care."

(Illiya gently lays her rose atop the pile at the base of the statue)

Illiya drops a pink-tipped silver rose.

Illiya prays fervently.

Illiya stands up.

Ezerak quietly says to Illiya, "Thank you."

Jaelia gazes upward.

Tirost nods to Illiya.

* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Ezerak quietly says, "Saragos, then Casari."

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Jaelia's altar candle burns with a comforting glow.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder came through a silver arch.

Sliyder casually observes the area.

Saragos says, "Albreda. I haven't prayed much to you, as I have little hope of a peaceful solution. Peace is a state between parties that recognize the mutual capability to harm each other, amd choose not to. If there's no fear, the lack of conflict is just benevolence. Or indifference."

Saragos says, "I pray that you help those who have taken those dear to us that we are more canny, more stubborn, and more invested in those we love than they can possibly imagine. I pray that you teach them to fear us, and through that fear, allow us to negotiate a peace that we can all live with, and the return of our loved ones."

Nawain intones serenely, "Albreda send us peace and prosperity, and grant long life to our nation. May her gentle blessings bring healing to our lands."

Briaen nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Riverlynn gives a slight nod.

Allye gazes at Saragos.

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Anuril ponders.

Ezerak quietly says to Saragos, "Thank you."

Ezerak quietly asks, "Casari?"

(Casari gazes up at the painting on the ceiling.)

Casari recites:

   "I beseech of Albreda her hand of peace,
    Return Ayrell from a place unknown.
    But if her dove cannot fly so far,
    Then let righteous Phelim's fist be thrown."

Jaelia smiles at Casari.

Nawain nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Maraisel smiles at Casari.

Ezerak dimples at Casari.

Tirost nods to Casari.

Ezerak praises Casari.

Casari gives a slight nod.

Ezerak quietly asks, "Would anyone else like to say a few words, before I subject you to a few more of mine?"

Nawain praises Casari.

Aerilia nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak nods to Aerilia.

Ezerak quietly says to Aerilia, "Go ahead."

Ezerak smiles at Aerilia, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Jaelia smiles at Aerilia.

(Aerilia sets her totem down amidst the roses and holds her hands together in prayer.)

Aerilia drops a rosewood dove totem.

Saragos nods to Tirost.

Aerilia recites:

   "Mother of Peace, please grant your soothing succor
    To the friends and family of those who are lost
    And hold them close until the day they are reunited at last."

Jaelia taps something inside her dragonar haversack.

(Aerilia bows her head to the sculpture and to the painting above.)

Jaelia's altar candle goes out and crumbles away.

Aerilia nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak quietly says to Aerilia, "Thank you."

Anuril nods.

Ezerak quietly asks, "Have I missed anyone else?"

Shaylynne raises her hand.

Shaylynne nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak quietly says to Shaylynne, "Please, go ahead."

Ezerak smiles at Shaylynne, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Breath of the Heralds Asildu came through a silver arch.

Anuril glances at Asildu.

Asildu casually observes the area.

Kerennya tips her cap to Asildu with a courteous nod.

Ezerak blinks.

Asildu nods politely.

Rhainn nods to Asildu.

Kintryn nods to Asildu.

Ezerak gazes at Asildu.

Rileos stands up.

Asildu says, "Pardon."

Shaylynne quietly says, "There's not much I can add that hasn't already been said, about what the taken mean to us both as societal pillars, and friends. They are family, and loves ones, and I pray for their safe return."

Elurora stands up.

Asildu says, "Don't let me interrupt."

Elurora bows to Asildu.

Asildu gestures.

Sliyder says, "Hello Asildu."

Nawain observes Asildu with fascination.

Tirost glances at Asildu.

Asildu nods politely.

Anuril nods to Shaylynne.

Vaerek stands up.

Vaerek bows to Asildu.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Sliyder kneels down.

Rhainn asks Asildu, "Are you joining us in prayer?"

Jaelia stands up.

Shaylynne nods to Ezerak.

Saragos places his wide-brimmed hat upon his head.

Ezerak says to Shaylynne, "Thank you."

Asildu says, "I am joining you to learn, yes."

Ezerak asks, "Briaen?"

Saragos stands up.

Anuril glances at Saragos.

Vaerek kneels down.

Briaen nods to Ezerak.

Jaelia kneels down.

Rhainn scrutinizes Asildu through half-lidded eyes.

Asildu says, "I've heard much of the missing. I'm hoping to gain a better understanding by observing for a while."

Briaen says, "Beloved congregation, gathered under the watchful gaze of the Immortals, we come together in a time of turmoil and grief. Our hearts are heavy with the knowledge that some among us, faithful followers of the divine path, have been kidnapped and torn from our midst."

Illiya nods politely to Asildu.

Nawain gazes at Briaen.

Riverlynn opens her silverweave lootsack.

Briaen says, "Some wounds are endured as a lesson. Some scars serve as reminders - - these are the words spoken to me when once I attempted to heal the Great Tree."

Briaen says, "Each member of our sacred community is a precious vessel of the Immortals' light. The abduction of our brethren is not merely an affront to our earthly bonds but a desecration of the divine order itself. The perpetrators of these vile acts have chosen a path of darkness, one that stands in direct opposition to the grace and guidance of the Immortals."

Briaen says, "In the face of such egregious acts, we must embrace the righteous path of retribution. This is not a call for wanton violence, but a solemn duty to restore balance and justice. It is an expression of divine will, a force that drives us to protect and preserve the light within us. As Berengaria, the Mother of Dawn, illuminates our path, so too must we illuminate the path of justice, even when it leads us into conflict."

Soul Surgeon Zynell's group came through a silver arch.

Briaen says, "Wisdom lies in knowing when peace is no longer an option."

Leayne beams!

Jaelia beams at Zynell!

Leayne waves.

Jaelia beams at Leayne!

Leayne softly says, "Hello."

Briaen nods to Ezerak.

Zynell grins at Leayne.

Jaelia beams at Sothios!

Jaelia beams at Crobin!

Zynell grins at Jaelia.

Nawain nods to Briaen.

Leayne hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Tirost smiles at Leayne.

Shaylynne nods to Briaen.

Saragos quietly says to Briaen, "Thank you."

Riverlynn drops a fragrant yellow rose.

Kethrai gazes silently at Briaen.

Ezerak says to Briaen, "Thank you."

Briaen just touched Saragos.

Leayne just hugged Kintryn.

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Vaerek bows.

Rileos nods to Briaen.

Vaerek stands up.

Kintryn hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Kintryn with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Nawain hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Kintryn smiles at Leayne.

Allye stands up.

Ezerak says, "If that is everyone who would like to speak, I have a few more things I would like to say."

Briaen says to Saragos, "I would go to the ends of this life and the next to support you, my friend."

Allye hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Vaerek kneels down.

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Leayne grins, revealing her dimples.

Vaerek nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak stands up.

Briaen just touched Ezerak.

Briaen nods emphatically.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Saragos nods to Briaen.

Maraisel stands up.

Vaerek says, "Oh, to us now."

Vaerek nods to Ezerak.

Saragos just hugged Briaen.

Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Vaerek stands up.

Tirost stands up.

Casari stands up.

Shaylynne stands up.

Leayne rests her hand on Kintryn's arm with a soft smile.

Aerilia stands up.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Ezerak says, "First, I would like to thank you all for coming. I am humbled by the turnout and support."

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Elurora smiles at Ezerak.

Crobin pats Vaerek on the back.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Crobin just hugged Nawain.

Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Jaelia stands up.

Kintryn says, "Thank you leayne."

Vaerek pats Crobin on the back.

Nawain hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Leayne smiles at Kintryn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin pats Anuril on the back.

Tirost says to Ezerak, "We are with you."

Anuril nods to Crobin.

Crobin waves to Kintryn.

Sothios smiles.

Jaelia rummages about her person, looking for something.

Kintryn nods to Crobin.

Jaelia gets a lavender Secret rose from inside her dragonar haversack.

Rhainn says to Ezerak, "Praying for you."

Jaelia puts on a lavender Secret rose.

Rhainn smiles at Ezerak.

Kintryn leans on Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Kintryn.

Leayne stands near Crobin.

Ezerak says, "I cannot speak for the rest of the missing, but if Ayrell could see all of you here, praying on her behalf, and hear your kind words, her cheeks would be stained a beautiful shade of crimson for at least a month."

Tirost nods to Zynell.

Casari grins.

Maraisel chuckles.

Ezerak rubs his right eye.

Nawain smiles at Ezerak.

Anuril smirks.

Rileos looks at Ezerak, obviously trying not to grin.

Maraisel nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Vaerek grins at Ezerak.

Jaelia gazes upward.

Tirost smiles at Ezerak.

Kerennya smiles softly.

Gridaksma nods to Ezerak.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Crobin smiles.

Ezerak says, "I chose this particular shrine for the reasons I mentioned earlier, and the roses as a symbol of Albreda and love, but also one of Ayrell. I often call her my Rose of Elamiri in private."

Ezerak blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.

Nawain chuckles.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Ezerak.

Kerennya smiles at Ezerak.

Aerilia smiles.

Kethrai trills softly at Ezerak.

Illiya smiles at Ezerak, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Rhainn pats Ezerak on the back.

Vaerek begins to listen to Tirost teach the Enchanting skill.

Allye smiles at Ezerak.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Crobin smiles.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Jaelia asks, "Do we all assume that this abductions are only for evil, and that nothing good can come of this?"

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Gridaksma raises an eyebrow in Jaelia's direction.

Kerennya says, "I don't."

Ezerak says, "That concludes what I had planned, but feel free to stay and mingle, or offer additional prayers in the various shrines here. I know I have a few that I will say later, in private."

Saragos says to Jaelia, "Would be nice if they'd talk to us in person and explain their reasoning. Apparently we don't rate that."

Rileos pats Ezerak on the back.

Elurora looks at Nawain, obviously trying not to grin.

Anuril observes Crobin with fascination.

Crobin says, "Kidnapping for any reason is...never good."

Sliyder leaps to his feet!

Kerennya says, "They might be meant for evil, but that can't stop good from coming out of it."

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sliyder says, "Especially as long as this has gone on."

Zynell quirks one ear sideways, glancing at Crobin in confusion.

Allye says, "If it was a nice abduction, though, they should have maybe said so at the time."

Crobin asks, "Good may come of it...but why kidnap if you can come and ask?"

Shaylynne nods to Allye.

Asildu ponders.

Illiya says, "We had assumed Liraxes was for bad, and it seems we may have been wrong about that."

Ezerak nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says to Crobin, "To get attention? Well, they've gotten it..."

Vaerek blinks at Asildu.

Crobin pats Ezerak on the back.

Anuril frowns.

Crobin says, "Yeah, but I don't think they understand the attentiont hey have gotten."

Jaelia says, "Not that we should not beseach and seek their return - but I don't think - there may be reasons and maybe it is worth asking and seeking. I do believe that even when our threads of fate seem to be pulled in horribly twisted directions, sometimes beauty and more blooms from those moments."

Ezerak quietly says to Kethrai, "They certainly have."

Aerilia says, "The worry and stress their actions have caused, whoever is responsible, is still worthy of condemnation, whatever their intentions are."

Anuril nods to Aerilia.

Jaelia says, "For Example, Ezerak held this Vigil and you all came. They mean so much to us. And you all turned out to show their support and recognize their importance and light. But don't forget you carry a light too - and if they can be returned, you light together will light a fire."

Crobin says, "I believe everyone here is willing to walk through hellfire and brimstone to bring back those that are missing."

Jaelia nods.

Kerennya says to Jaelia, "The kidnapping is like manure - stinky and smelly - but manure, properly utilized, can be fertilizer and help things grow."

Kerennya nods.

Leayne nods.

Saragos nods to Crobin.

Rhainn says, "I wonder if it's a play against our beloved immortals by another being."

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Rhainn shrugs.

Ezerak quietly says to Crobin, "Whatever it takes."

Tirost gazes at Asildu.

Jaelia says, "I do not celebrate their lost - don't mistake that. But for a moment, you all matter just as much too. Let us see what we can accomplish and regardless of what comes, honor them, but also honor their lights that made you rise to these challenges."

Crobin says, "If attention they wanted...attention they have...and when they do show the face again...I do not think it will be pretty."

Crobin chuckles.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Allye's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Kethrai says to Rhainn, "So far, those who claim to speak for all the higher beings in this have all blamed an outside force, but not their own."

Vicar Bronxrian came through a silver arch.

Briaen edges away from Allye.

Elurora glances at Allye.

Allye squints at Briaen.

Casari asks Asildu, "So are you learning something?"

Shaylynne grins at Briaen.

Rhainn nods to Kethrai.

Asildu nods to Casari.

Asildu says, "Some."

Ezerak asks Asildu, "I am curious, where do you come from? Do they have vigils? Prayers?"

Allye glances at Asildu.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "I'm sure they did."

Jaelia asks Illiya, "Who is the person everyone keeps talking to who is observing this?"

Saragos says to Asildu, "Come to preach to us more about not using Sorcery? Curious. Apparently doing that bidding still doesn't protect you from getting kidnapped."

Asildu says to Saragos, "I came to observe and learn."

Allye asks Asildu, "Why observe and learn, when you can join us in prayer for their safe return?"

Saragos says, "Sure."

Asildu says, "I've been asked a great many questions, but without more of an understanding, it's difficult to speak to them."

Briaen says to Saragos, "This one cannot preach, save for proclaimations of herasy."

(Jaelia looks around with great confusion and stares at the being who "is observing and learning.")

Crobin glances at Briaen.

Crobin nods.

Asildu says to Allye, "I pray differently than all of you."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Asildu.

Anuril squints.

Kerennya asks Asildu, "Can you say more about what you feel you do not understand as well as you would like?"

Tirost nods to Kintryn.

Rhainn asks Asildu, "How do you pray?"

Saragos nods to Asildu.

Rhainn peers quizzically at Asildu.

Vaerek nods to Rhainn.

Kintryn glances at Asildu.

Ezerak ponders.

Saragos says to Asildu, "I bet you do."

Asildu says to Kerennya, "I only learned of this... kidnapping... after I attended a meeting in Zoluren. Yet I have been bombarded with questions about it. I wanted to learn what happened."

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Oh, I think we can help with that."

Riverlynn glances at Asildu.

Anuril says, "Perhaps the kidnapping is a distraction."

Rhainn says to Asildu, "We're simply curious about you as well."

Asildu nods to Rhainn.

Asildu says to Rhainn, "You don't know me. That's to be expected."

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Kintryn smiles at Tirost.

Rhainn nods to Asildu.

Kintryn nods to Tirost.

Crobin ponders.

Kerennya gnaws on her lip.

Crobin rubs Leayne's back.

Anuril thoughtfully says, "It has certainly caused confusion among our best and brightest, and a shift in focus from mana to our friends."

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Many of us were gathered for some experimentation on the subject of...whatever it is that is happening with magic."

Rileos nods to Anuril.

Nawain stands up.

Elizzibiana asks Asildu, "Are you a follower of Sh'kial's path? Or another path? Or just interested in general about dragons?"

Vaerek says to Asildu, "I'm Vaerek, a simple man. Nice to meet you."

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his surveyor's case.

Jaelia asks, "I am very confused why everyone is assaulting questions and statements towards this one being - what did they do for such a verbal onslaught?"

Kethrai says to Anuril, "And robbed us of the ones who can coordinate all our efforts most effectively."

Asildu turns his attention to Ezerak, listening.

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Vaerek sniffs at a blue iris.

Asildu nods to Vaerek.

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Asildu blinks at Elizzibiana.

Riverlynn nods at Jaelia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says to Elizzibiana, "I'm no Dragon Priest."

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Kintryn smirks.

Rhainn grins.

Rhainn clears her throat.

Rileos says to Jaelia, "A scholar focusin on the heralds shows up right after, presumably, the heralds kidnapped five people. The timing alone is suspicious as hell."

Briaen whispers something to Nawain.

Jaelia exclaims to Rileos, "Oh! The Heralds!"

Briaen nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Well, let me lay out the arrows that point to the Heralds for you. The biggest is that the perpetrators were very concerned with how we were using magic, and were able to turn off magic at will. Never heard of anyone but them doing that. The letter I got back when I sent one to the Lord of the Void confirmed that this seemed like their signature. Well, that is, before the letter burned up in front of me, cutting off the warning he was giving."

Jaelia beams at Asildu!

Elizzibiana says to Asildu, "One does not need to be a dragon priest to follow Sh'kial's path, although you are not s'kra'ur so I expected that answer."

Nawain glances at Saragos.

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Elizzibiana says to Asildu, "So just one interested in dragons, interesting."

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Forgive me, as I may get the details out of order here, but I recall a voice from somewhere, demanding silence, and we were temporarily unable to access magic. And then...we were all...moved to a place, a prison, of sorts. And when we were able to leave it, some of us...didn't."

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak says, "They were not in the same space that we were."

Asildu says to Elizzibiana, "Heralds."

Asildu nods to Elizzibiana.

Asildu nods to Ezerak.

Anuril asks Saragos, "What if magic being turned off was a reaction to what was done to our friends?"

Elurora says, "Other way around, they were taken, then magic was shut off after we got back and tried to save our friends."

Ezerak says, "But it seemed like a very similar one."

Sir Madigan came through a silver arch.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "Other way around, but you got it right. We got thrown in planar prison before they took our magic."

Rhainn nods to Madigan.

Kintryn nods to Madigan.

(Jaelia carefully adjusts the skirts of her gown before kneeling before the human scholar of the Heralds, lowering her head into a deeply respectful bow. "It is an honor to parlay with one who is a scholar of the Heralds. I at least am very grateful you decided to come and speak with us. I am sorry if you were not greeted with the respect you deserved.")

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Tirost looks over Asildu very closely.

Crobin nods to Madigan.

Ezerak quietly says, "Forgiveness on the order, so much happened that night."

Rileos nods to Ezerak.

Casari says to Asildu, "You say you pray differently. There are creatures on an island to the east who pray differently, too."

Rileos says to Ezerak, "I wouldn't even bring it up, but the details could matter on this, so."

Rileos waves dismissively.

Asildu says to Casari, "I'd say there are many people who pray differently."

Ezerak nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

(Jaelia rises and moves back towards a wall and takes on her own observations.)

Casari says, "Or perhaps their ways are familiar to you."

Asildu says, "I would venture that not even everyone in this room prays the same... other than me, of course."

Nawain nods to Asildu.

Kintryn ponders.

Nawain smiles at Asildu.

Madigan gets some Kygar's roast coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Crobin asks, "And yet...how do you pray?"

Ezerak asks Asildu, "Do you pray to our immortals? Or the Heralds? Or something else?"

Rhainn says to Asildu, "I agree with that, but I'm still very curious about you specifically."

Asildu says to Crobin, "Reverently."

Riverlynn casually observes the area.

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Kerennya asks Asildu, "Would you be willing to show us how you pray?"

Saragos rolls his eyes.

Briaen whispers something to Rileos.

Crobin says, "Right."

Asildu says to Ezerak, "I have dedicated my life to the Heralds."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu says, "Again, with all the questions."

Anuril frowns.

Casari says, "You don't really answer any of them."

Kerennya says, "We are curious, that is all."

Allye nods to Casari.

Sliyder nods to Casari.

Jaelia asks Crobin, "I spent many decades trying to learn how goblins and ogres and the like pray. I have sense given up on those attempts. If they wish to speak on them, they will tell us in time. I find most people don't even know how to pray to their own divine beings available to them - have you taken up prayer yourself?"

Crobin says, "You do seem to like to dip and dodge questions."

Ezerak nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Madigan asks Rileos, "Someone asked him if he knew anything about our folks right?"

Asildu says to Casari, "I don't always have the answers to them."

Ezerak ponders.

Illiya asks Asildu, "So you worship the Heralds..?"

Sliyder says, "Dip duck dodge dip dodge."

Kintryn says to Asildu, "Many of us are learning ourselves. So the questions are welcomed and answers even more so."

Rileos says to Madigan, "Yeah, the first time he turned up."

Madigan nods to Rileos.

Ezerak asks Asildu, "Perhaps you have questions for us, then?"

Elizzibiana says, "Not everyone choses to show how they worship what they worship, thats a bit personal."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu says, "I feel like more can be learned from discussion than interrogation."

Briaen says, "I disagree."

Saragos says to Asildu, "Do you care about anyone in this life? Because if you were faced with a follower of someone you believe took them away, I bet you'd have questions."

Briaen smiles politely.

Jaelia asks, "I agree - what should we discuss in general that can move this forward a bit?"

Riverlynn whispers something to Gridaksma.

Jaelia asks, "Maybe we can discuss something not quite so pointed on one person - there are five people missing and I thought the point was to attempt to find them?"

Saragos glances at Jaelia.

Allye's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Asildu says to Saragos, "I have never had a wife, nor loved anyone to such a degree. So you'll have to forgive me my ignorance in these emotions."

Riverlynn smiles at Jaelia.

Anuril says, "Perhaps the act of... placing us all in that prison... was noticable enough that the Heralds acted in response? And that's why magic ceased? Not to stop our efforts to free out friends..."

Tirost nods.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril.

(Crobin leans against the wall next to Leayne watching the group)

Saragos says to Asildu, "Look, I'm willing to answer whatever questions you have, if it might open up some talk. Though I've learned a few things in studying what happened that might shake your faith in them a bit."

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Jaelia asks, "The Heralds are much like the Immortals in that they are going to do what they are going to do and sometimes it makes no sense and sometimes its downright ridiculous and may make sense in retrospect. If we want them back - how do we do that, and if we start talking, Perhaps the scholar will join in - What was going on when they were taken. Was sorcery being used>?"

Asildu says, "I've said before that the Heralds have no reason to kidnap anyone. Who did, however - I don't know."

Elizzibiana says to Jaelia, "Funny how nothing is said to or from that high priestess person over there though."

Shaylynne ponders.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Riverlynn cocks her head at Jaelia.

Briaen says to Asildu, "Not having a cause to do a thing and not doing a thing still remain vastly different."

Jaelia asks, "You were investigating Wild Magic? What were you doing at the time? What was going on?"

Anuril joins Ezerak's group.

Crobin nods.

Ezerak nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu says to Saragos, "I'm here to learn. I will listen to anything you wish to say."

Kerennya says to Jaelia, "I believe they were doing wild magic research when the manure hit the air-blowing device."

Vaerek gets a gold-edged ivory parchment from inside his treasureweave cylinder.

Riverlynn nods to Gridaksma.

Vaerek moves a blue iris to his left hand.

Vaerek moves a gold-edged ivory parchment to his right hand.

Nawain sneezes.

Elurora nods to Kerennya.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Elurora rubs Nawain in a friendly manner.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Elurora quietly asks Nawain, "Would you like my cloak?"

Kintryn asks Asildu, "You say you are here to learn. What exactly are you wanting to learn about?"

(Elizzibiana nods towards Maraisel direction)

Saragos says, "Fine. Let me lay out a few things I was going to say publicly anyway. And I don't care of you're watching."

Vaerek asks Asildu, "Would you like to peruse an agreement?"

Saragos casually observes the area.

Jaelia asks Kerennya, "Was it the research of Wild Magic, Spells, or something else that happened prior to the event?"

Allye asks Jaelia, "There's been quite a lot that's happened in recent times. Would you like to take some tea with me after this, and we can discuss it all?"

Nawain shakes her head at Elurora.

Vaerek offers Asildu a gold-edged ivory parchment.

Aerilia glances at Saragos.

Asildu raises an eyebrow.

Briaen smirks.

Crobin glances at Saragos.

Kethrai glances at Saragos.

Allye says to Jaelia, "I assure you, people have justifications for their mistrusts and attitudes here."

Vaerek says, "Might help with your desire to learn."

Asildu asks Vaerek, "An agreement?"

Anuril quietly says, "What if Daervlan is behind it..."

Vaerek says, "Between the Arbitor and the Traders guild."

Rejind stops listening to Kethrai.

Riverlynn raises an eyebrow.

Rejind begins to listen to Kethrai teach the Empathy skill.

Tirost raises an eyebrow in Anuril's direction.

Jaelia asks Allye, "Indeed that would be fantastic. I just don't really understand the anger and focused on one being when perhaps they are an insight and a resource that would be nice to nicely use to exchange information to help get them back and find out the reason. They are the best lead we may have, yes?"

Allye smiles at Jaelia.

Elurora quietly asks Allye, "Might I sit in and listen?"

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Asildu asks Vaerek, "I'm certainly curious. If you'd like to share?"

Allye says to Jaelia, "As I said, a lot has happened."

Vaerek says, "If you seek questions you might find and answer there."

Sliyder nods to Allye.

Allye says to Elurora, "Of course. You may be able to speak better to some of it than I could."

Jaelia asks Allye, "I do agree, but - did they do something bad?"

Ezerak says to Anuril, "Interesting idea. I do not suppose any of us knows him enough to know if he could, or if he would and would lie about it."

Elurora smiles at Allye.

Kerennya says to Jaelia, "Actually Liraxes showed up recently. It is analyzing data."

Anuril nods to Ezerak.

Elurora softly says to Allye, "Maybe, it's all rather jumbled in my head."

(Kintryn slips her arm through Tirost's as she leans her head on his shoulder and listens.)

Allye nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos says to Kerennya, "Entirely not what I was expectin."

Rileos chuckles.

Saragos says, "If it's not the Heralds, we'd need to find someone else who could turn off magic, and explain why the Lord of the Void seemed to think this seemed like their 'signature'. But if this IS the Heralds... when our people disappeared, there was a sphere of abject blackness that gave a no-color flash. I've only seen a few instances of a no-color flash before."

Kethrai nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Shaylynne whispers something to Allye.

Kerennya says to Rileos, "Oh, agreed."

Vaerek ponders.

Allye nods emphatically at Shaylynne.

Anuril says, "The heralds may have turned off magic and still not be the ones who performed the abduction."

Asildu looks thoughtfully at Saragos.

(Crobin an ear flicks towards Saragos as he speaks taking mental notes)

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Saragos says, "No-color flashes come from Blackfire. We saw no-color when the Lich Jeihrem was opening his rift. I saw a no-color flame burning the letter I received from the Lord of the Void. And we've seen them come from the Colossi from the Plane of Electricity. I've come to associate no-color with Sorcery that exposes the Planar Void."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Saragos.

Nawain ponders.

Asildu nods.

Shaylynne nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Leayne frowns.

Kintryn ponders.

Ezerak says to Anuril, "You know, I do not believe that we have discussed that possibility, that everything that happened that night may have been...mostly unrelated, besides relating to the experiment."

Anuril nods to Ezerak.

Shaylynne nods to Ezerak.

Anuril frowns.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu nods to Ezerak.

(Jaelia starts counting off points on her fingers. "So Point 1: It may or May Not Involve the Heralds. So Point 2: We probably want to know more To Point 3. We have a Scholar of the Heralds here who wants to have a Discussion to Point 4. We have an exchange of information over tea or such to Point 5. We all win and no chaotic verbal assaults?")

Shaylynne says, "They could have interfered with magic to stop the abduction..."

Shaylynne says, "And it failed."

Asildu says to Saragos, "That is an intriguing connection as well."

Jaelia gets a porcelain cup of currant tea from inside her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu says, "Multiple forces at play, all pointing the finger at each other."

Jaelia nods to Saragos.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Sliyder says, "That's a good point Shay."

Aerilia ponders.

Saragos says, "Furthermore, in the Null Prison, we saw a mixture of Elemental, Lunar, and Life mana. No holy. Used together, but separated. Whoever took our people uses that Sorcery, but I think in a better, more effective way than we do. No clashes of mana types. So it may be that the Heralds use this magic, but are just better at it than we are, and what they hate isn't Sorcery itself, but messing up."

Jaelia asks, "So who is the force who isn't pointing a finger who is the one hiding so we blame all the other ones and they get away unseen and we don't come after them?"

Leayne pours herself a chilled glass of strawberry champagne tea from her teapot.

Vaerek puts his parchment in his surveyor's case.

Saragos says, "That, or they're hypocrites."

Nawain gets an itsy-bitsy Ilithic applewood keg reinforced with howlite-studded leather straps from inside her slender rugursora.

Ezerak says, "Certainly seems possible. Nearly everything does, for that matter."

Vaerek moves a blue iris to his right hand.

Grinning, Nawain pulls a swig from an itsy-bitsy Ilithic applewood keg reinforced with howlite-studded leather straps.

Leayne puts her teapot in her tea tote.

Nawain puts her keg in her slender rugursora.

Nawain rubs her right eye.

Kethrai says, "Whoever it was turned off mana, they demanded 'silence' from us before they did it. That seemed related to their reason to do it."

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Jaelia takes a sip of her tea.

Jaelia gets a porcelain cup of currant tea from inside her tea caddy.

Jaelia takes a sip of her tea.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Saragos says, "If I'm to believe it's not the Heralds, then I need to know who else can turn off magic. If it IS the Heralds, then there needs to be a serious talk about why they forbid the use of what they're fine flinging around themselves."

Asildu asks Kethrai, "My knowledge of this timeline is fresh, but... am I mistaken that the demand for silence came after the abduction?"

Anuril sighs.

Nawain nods to Asildu.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Kethrai nods to Asildu.

Allye nods to Asildu.

Illiya nods to Asildu.

Elurora asks, "This timeline?"

Kintryn smirks.

Illiya grins at Elurora, her dimples flashing into view.

Asildu says to Elurora, "Of events."

Elurora says, "Ah."

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Asildu smiles.

Illiya says, "Sure."

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu nods to Saragos.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Rileos quietly says to Elurora, "I felt that way for a moment too."

Rileos pats Elurora on the back.

Saragos says to Asildu, "They said the experiment was, 'Unacceptable', before the abduction as well."

Elurora grins sheepishly at Rileos.

Illiya nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Asildu ponders.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "Yes, the order of things that happened in the order that they happened, not in the way that makes sense in my tired mind."

Leayne rubs Crobin gently, massaging his muscles.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Allye smiles at Ezerak.

Elurora says to Ezerak, "I can imagine with how difficult of a night it was."

Elurora touches Ezerak with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Kerennya smiles at Ezerak.

Aerilia asks Asildu, "Are you learned in magic? Can you see the flow of mana, make spell patterns?"

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Asildu stands silently a moment, clearly deep in thought, considering the information presented.

Kethrai says to Saragos, "Well... Slightly after. The five of them disappeared first, and then we heard 'unacceptable' as WE were taken elsewhere."

Asildu nods to Aerilia.

Riverlynn ponders.

Vaerek smiles.

Illiya asks, "I think an interesting question that we haven't asked yet is, why did they let us out?"

Nawain gets an applewood wand topped with an autumn jasper pumpkin from inside her jadeleaf cloth rucksack.

Ezerak says, "I am quite thankful that you all remember the order better than I. It could very well be important, those details."

Elurora asks Illiya, "Did they?"

Illiya exclaims to Elurora, "Exactly!"

Elizzibiana says, "They didnt, we were spit out."

Nawain zigzags the applewood wand through a complicated series of gestures. A toasted bacon sandwich appears in her left hand!

Illiya asks, "How did we get out though, and those 5 are still in there?"

Nawain moves an applewood wand topped with an autumn jasper pumpkin to her left hand.

Nawain moves a toasted bacon sandwich to her right hand.

Kethrai says, "I say that because I'm not certain whether they were responding to acts they considered unacceptable, or if the rest of us besides those five were the ones who were unacceptable."

Nawain offers Madigan a toasted bacon sandwich.

Rileos says, "There didn't -have- to be a rift there."

Anuril ponders.

Madigan accepts Nawain's bacon sandwich.

Aerilia asks Asildu, "If you were to examine the place where this happened - our friends were taken - do you suppose you might learn something about the means?"

Madigan bows to Nawain.

Madigan takes a bite of the sandwich.

Jaelia says to Saragos, "If the Heralds were responsible, their faithful would not have felt similar effects as we did with our Immortals. I really think we are experiencing a parallel where both forces are being attacked. I really don't think the Heralds are behind this."

Rileos says, "I think we were caught and thrown back, why I got no idea."

Elizzibiana says to Illiya, "Again, we were tossed out."

Rileos waves dismissively.

Saragos glances at Aerilia.

Rhainn gazes thoughtfully at Kethrai.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Aerilia.

Asildu looks thoughtfully at Aerilia.

Anuril quietly says to Kethrai, "I think the word was first, then the abductions."

Riverlynn asks, "Of the five that were taken, were any of them primary holy magic users?"

Illiya says, "Right but I'm asking the why."

Illiya says to Riverlynn, "None."

Ezerak says to Aerilia, "I had not considered that."

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Elurora says to Anuril, "Word, abductions of the five, then us, I think."

Rileos says to Illiya, "Hell we don't even know what yet, much less why."

Asildu says to Aerilia, "I'm not opposed to taking a look around. I have nothing to hide, at any rate."

Anuril nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Illiya.

Asildu says, "Despite what many may think."

Anuril says to Elurora, "I concur."

Riverlynn nods to Illiya.

Aerilia nods to Asildu.

Saragos says, "I'm not sure I'm ok with that."

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Elizzibiana says to Illiya, "No idea, as Rileos said I dont thjink we were wanted or meant to be captured."

Nawain observes Asildu with fascination.

Briaen gazes at his fingernails.

Nawain nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sliyder looks over Asildu very closely.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Kintryn says to Tirost, "Im glad I dont use magic."

Kintryn smiles at Tirost.

Kerennya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Madigan takes a bite of the sandwich.

Vaerek grins at Kintryn.

Asildu says, "I wish I had answers to all of your questions, but the truth of it all is that I don't. I can only answer those I know, and provide what knowledge I can that might lead you to answers for those I'm unsure of."

Madigan ponders.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his surveyor's case.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Vaerek moves a blue iris to his left hand.

Vaerek moves a blue iris to his right hand.

Madigan gets some Kygar's roast coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Aerilia says to Saragos, "I know why. I only suggest it out of a hope of cooperating instead of talking in circles."

Vaerek offers Kintryn a blue iris.

Madigan gets a copper ring from inside his traveler's pack.

Kintryn accepts Vaerek's blue iris.

Madigan chants as he raises his ring above his head.

Madigan makes a grunting noise.

Madigan puts his ring in his traveler's pack.

Tirost asks Asildu, "And what are those answers? Is there anything you can tell us that you believe would be useful for us in seeking the return of our friends?"

Illiya gazes at Madigan.

Kintryn smiles at Vaerek.

Vaerek says to Kintryn, "It's a promise to not use sorcery."

Vaerek moves a blue iris to his right hand.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Illiya asks Asildu, "If you don't believe the Heralds were involved in our friends' disappearance, what is your interest in coming to this vigil?"

Madigan says to Illiya, "That ring is linked to all those taken, or so I am told."

Sliyder asks, "Can we just reset and maybe you tell us what you do know?"

Vaerek says to Kintryn, "Good luck."

Kintryn grins at Vaerek.

Jaelia says, "Is a vow not to use sorcery such a bad thing? I would love to take this vow."

Asildu says to Aerilia, "My preference is to not talk in circles, either. But when you walk into a room and are immediately interrogated, it can make one less keen on providing direct answers."

Illiya nods to Madigan.

Ezerak quietly says to Saragos, "What could it hurt? I cannot imagine if there was anything there that we could find, that you would not have found it by now."

Sliyder nods to Asildu.

Elurora shifts her weight.

Kethrai asks Asildu, "Well, here's a different question, that maybe you'd know. Are the Heralds always in accord with each other and working toward the same purpose? Or do they disagree sometimes?"

Aerilia nods to Asildu.

Sliyder says, "Just alot of folks looking for answers."

Saragos shakes his head at Asildu.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Asildu asks Kethrai, "As in the Heralds in conflict with each other?"

Allye nods to Ezerak.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Rileos joins Crobin's group.

Tirost joins Crobin's group.

Rileos peers quizzically at Crobin.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "Hypothetically."

Madigan joins Crobin's group.

Kintryn joins Crobin's group.

Kintryn gazes at Crobin.

Nawain glances at Crobin.

Kintryn puts her iris in her encompassing shadows.

Kintryn puts her rose in her encompassing shadows.

Asildu says to Kethrai, "My knowledge, as a scholar on the matter, is that they work in unison."

Nawain ponders.

Kintryn squints at Crobin.

Elurora asks Asildu, "Do you know how many of them there are?"

Elurora smiles at Asildu.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu shakes his head at Elurora.

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Casari says, "I think we're assuming that he has any kind of connection to the Heralds. But he probably doesn't, and so he's telling the truth when he says he has no answers."

Elurora says, "We always seem to see them in threes, so I was curious."

Vaerek says to Casari, "He's right here."

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Vaerek chuckles.

Illiya grins at Vaerek, her dimples flashing into view.

Saragos asks, "As a scholar, does the information - the turning off magic, the no-color flashes, the words they spoke - does that sound like the Heralds to you?"

Casari looks at Vaerek and shrugs.

Sliyder grins at Vaerek.

Kintryn laughs at Crobin.

Kintryn pats Crobin on the back.

Asildu says to Casari, "I have a connection, but not in a sense of an ability to know their thoughts."

Elizzibiana chortles softly at some secret joke.

Asildu says, "They don't tell me things."

Nawain shakes her head as if clearing it.

(Jaelia begins flipping through her journal an reading some notes. "There are some scholars who claim they know much and want to just observe and learn. Book was once one of those Scholars. We are certain of this one's intentions as well?")

Casari says, "Sounds like your only connection is that you have spent your life trying to learn about them and coming up short."

Asildu says, "I am but a mortal. My mind would never survive a constant connection of that nature."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Allye nods to Elurora.

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Casari.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Asildu says to Casari, "I could explain more, but I feel like now is not the time, as there are other matters at hand."

Illiya asks Asildu, "You said before that you didn't think the Heralds had any part in our friends' disappearance. Why did you come to the vigil then?"

Saragos asks, "But you're a scholar. You study their actions. Does this sound anything like what you've read about them acting in the past?"

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Asildu says to Illiya, "To learn about the disappearance."

Elurora nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says to Saragos, "Not in the least."

Asildu says, "Heralds don't kidnap."

Rileos says, "Maybe we're using the wrong word, then. Jailed. They're jailed."

Saragos asks, "How do you know that?"

Sliyder nods to Rileos.

Crobin says, "Without a trail might I add."

Jaelia says, "I would agree with that statement. The Immortals don't abduct mortals either. They are a bit beneath their notice. The Heralds have to be assumed to be of a same magnitude."

Illiya asks Asildu, "Why do you want to learn about the disappearances?"

Sliyder says, "Detained, imprisoned, whatever you want to call it."

Ezerak says, "It would certainly be the first time we know of. In our histories, when they found something...unacceptable...they destroyed it."

Allye nods to Elurora.

Nawain nods to Madigan.

Asildu says to Saragos, "Heralds are the most powerful beings in existence. More powerful than the Immortals. If they want something done, they merely think it, and it happens. Kidnapping is outside their realm of... I'd even go so far as to say understanding."

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Crobin sighs.

Kethrai says to Ezerak, "Or merely prevented it."

Zynell winks at Leayne.

Vaerek asks Rileos, "What if they're held captive in the most unnacceptable conditions in our eyes but in reality they're having the time of their lives and don't want to come back?"

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Briaen gazes at Asildu.

Kintryn smiles at Tirost.

Elurora nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Leayne grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Zynell snuggles up to Leayne.

Anuril says, "Assuming the scholar is correct and the heralds wouldn't kidnap, then we must assume that it wasn't them who did the kidnapping. But, someone definitely stopped all magic, and that someone used the word 'we', as in 'we demand silence' so that may have been the heralds. It could have been two different actors."

Crobin laughs at Zynell.

Asildu says to Illiya, "Because every time I set foot in a public space, people ask me about it."

Rejind says to Asildu, "Most powerful beings that we know of, at any rate."

Briaen grips the Berengaria dawnblade hanging from his sword belt and surveys the area with a hint of malice in his eyes.

Casari asks, "What evidence is there that the Heralds have so much power?"

Riverlynn smirks at Asildu.

Saragos asks Asildu, "Ok. In all of your studies, have you ever found reference to someone else turning off magic besides the Heralds?"

Illiya quietly says to herself, "Alright that was a good answer."

Riverlynn says, "Good as reason as any."

Anuril says, "The stopping of magic happened after the kidnapping, and could have been prompted by the kidnapping, or by our attempts to free our friends."

Rileos says to Vaerek, "Then sign me up for planar jail, way nicer than regular jail."

Sliyder joins Crobin's group.

Saragos says, "Or something else, I suppose."

Vaerek grins at Rileos.

Elurora softly asks Asildu, "I don't want this to come across as hostile, but might I ask what brought you to us when you came? Were you sent to us? Was it chance?"

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Vaerek says to Rileos, "Sign us all up."

Jaelia says, "And it could have been someone who wanted to make it look like the Hearlds to cause more Immortal vs Herald infighting - which seems to have been what the winds are wanting for awhile now. Making it clear the Immortals and Heralds have divions and issues."

Illiya says to Vaerek, "I did at first hypothesize they had found the Plane of Island Resorts."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "There are the stories of the Lord of the Void, but that was just Elemental, to my knowledge."

Rejind stands up.

Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Sliyder.

Jaelia says, "Make people pick sides, fight it out, and cause chaos while whatever is causing the real issue goes about freely doing more destruction."

Vaerek grins at Illiya.

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Shaylynne gives Illiya a playful poke in the ribs.

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Asildu says to Saragos, "The Immortals have abilities to do such. Demons, possibly, depending on their strength. I can't speak for other entities, however, as my studies didn't include extraplanar beings."

Madigan blinks at Sliyder.

Crobin squints.

Illiya leans on Shaylynne.

Shaylynne looks at Illiya, obviously trying not to grin.

Tirost glances at Sliyder.

Kerennya says to Jaelia, "That is certainly one possibility."

Ezerak ponders.

Kintryn glances at Asildu.

Nawain curiously asks Asildu, "Oh! I'll bet you know. What are the Heralds.. heralding for? The heralds I know about are for jousting events, and they're heralding for someone. Who are the Heralds heralding for?"

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Shaylynne.

(Elizzibiana whispers to herself "as always it comes back to discord and discontent and who is the ruler of that, yes, Ushnish" then chuckles)

Anuril says to Ezerak, "Some have said that elemental mana is being used to somewhat balance the imbalance, if one were trying to conceal the imbalance for as long as possible one might use vast amounts of elemental energy in one's control to do that."

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Interesting that you included demons, if you are excluding extraplanar beings."

Zynell pulls Leayne towards her!

Zynell sticks out her tongue at Crobin and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from her lips!

Crobin pats Sliyder on the back.

Kethrai says, "I think every time we've asked that question of everyone, we've heard... The Heralds, the Immortals, some demons, maybe some other extra-planar beings."

Kethrai sighs.

Asildu asks Elurora, "That, I can explain. But I may need a moment, and I don't want to miss too many questions. Unless everyone was willing to hold their thoughts a moment?"

Leayne grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Jaelia says to Kerennya, "I really am not certain why everyone seems focused on the Immortals or the Heralds when both are under attack. I would assume what party or greater being would have the most to gain by those two powers losing standing or fighting each other."

Nawain nods.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Asildu.

Elurora says to Asildu, "I don't mind waiting for the others."

Rhainn says, "The Liraxes mentioned the Defiler was free."

Crobin chuckles at Sliyder.

Elurora smiles at Asildu.

Sothios snickers at Zynell.

Tirost says to Asildu, "No, please answer that question first."

Sliyder snickers.

Shaylynne nods to Elurora.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Tirost!

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "Demons are in a bit of a class of their own, at times."

Crobin moves over to guard Leayne.

Nawain frowns.

Illiya quietly says to Elurora, "I am interested to know that too."

Ezerak says to Asildu, "I see."

Jaelia nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Riverlynn assesses her combat situation.

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Illiya.

Elurora nods to Illiya.

Kintryn glances at Rileos.

Zynell nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain rubs her left eye.

Nawain squints.

Asildu says, "Okay... so, I know others asked questions already. If you want to hold onto them, we can circle back, as it seems everyone has an interest in the one asked by this young lady."

Asildu gestures at Elurora.

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Kethrai nods to Asildu.

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Aerilia nods to Asildu.

Ezerak nods to Asildu.

Allye nods to Asildu.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Rileos says to Asildu, "I'd like one after you explain, please."

Asildu nods to Rileos.

Rileos says, "A question, that is."

Rileos nods.

Zynell rolls her eyes.

Zynell nods to Sothios.

Asildu says, "To answer the question, I'll need to explain a few things."

Elurora gazes at Asildu.

Sothios nods to Zynell.

Rhainn gazes at Asildu.

Asildu says, "And maybe those things will answer other questions."

Illiya gazes at Asildu.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her cocktail.

Riverlynn says, "Can someone repeat the question as well? So much has been said."

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Allye smiles at Asildu.

Tirost says to Riverlynn, "We want to know why he has come."

Kethrai quietly says to Riverlynn, "Why he came now of all times."

Riverlynn nods to Kethrai.

Illiya nods.

Riverlynn says, "Perfect."

Asildu says, "As you all have become aware, I am a scholar. My area of expertise and interest is the Heralds."

Madigan gets some Kygar's roast coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Kethrai jots down some notes.

Sliyder chortles softly at some secret joke.

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Elurora looks at Jaelia and blushes.

Madigan stops listening to Crobin.

Jaelia grins at Elurora.

Asildu says, "I have been fascinated with them for as long as I can remember. When my mother first told me the story of Lanival and his "dragons," I couldn't get the thought out of my mind that these beings of such immense power were out there, somewhere."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Asildu.

Rhainn nods to Asildu.

Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Anuril gets a white ash pipe with a raven-shaped bowl from inside his silk backpack.

Asildu says, "I began studying. The usual books, at first. Your standard libraries, with the information about the War of Tears and the Resistance War. These only piqued my interest more. It wasn't enough. I needed to know more."

Anuril gets some Gold Crown tobacco from inside his tobacco pouch.

Anuril puts his tobacco in his ash pipe.

Anuril touches some Gold Crown tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Anuril puffs away on his ash pipe.

Nawain gazes at Asildu.

Anuril moves a white ash pipe with a raven-shaped bowl to his left hand.

(Kerennya leans forward, listening intently to Asildu's story.)

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Kerennya stands up.

Kerennya sits down on the padded bench.

Asildu says, "So I embarked on a mission. I left my family. I left society. I spent my years searching for some sign of the Dragons from the history books. But the ones said to have taken on a form here in this world weren't enough. I wanted to know about the others."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Briaen grumbles at Rileos.

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Kerennya acts puzzled.

Jaelia smiles at Asildu.

Anuril puffs away on his ash pipe.

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Asildu says, "Every clue I found, every place of history I examined, it's... over time, I began to feel different. As if my time around these locations with residual energy, artifacts, the more I learned... the more connected I felt to the Heralds. Much like Miraena spoke of visions, I feel... a connection. Something deeper than a vision."

Elurora raises an eyebrow.

Anuril takes a long drag off of his ash pipe.

Anuril exhales some tobacco smoke. A rich scent of strong tobacco fills the air, carrying mysterious hints of spice.

Ezerak gazes at Asildu.

Aerilia ponders.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Rhainn ponders.

Asildu says, "And through this connection, I could feel their displeasure with the way of magic. This extensive use of sorcery. What they find an abuse."

Vaerek holds a blue iris high into the air for all to see.

Kethrai observes Vaerek with fascination.

Jaelia nods emphatically at Asildu.

Asildu says, "I realized I needed to spread this message. To let everyone know that their ire is rising."

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Crobin puts his parazonium in his multi-strapped carryall.

Leayne takes a sip of her tea.

Tirost glances at Saragos.

Jaelia takes a sip of her tea.

Anuril dryly asks, "Why is your name an anagram of one of Lanival's dragons? Did your mother do that, too, or did you start calling yourself that aspirationally?"

Illiya chuckles at Anuril.

Anuril puffs away on his ash pipe.

Kintryn coughs.

Asildu says to Anuril, "That credit goes to my mother, though I'm fond of it."

Asildu smirks.

Kethrai gives Anuril a friendly nudge as he brushes his tail against his waist.

Nawain giggles.

Anuril gives Asildu a slight nod.

Madigan asks Rileos, "Isn't this the convenient messenger and scholar that told us last time tht his memories were replaced in his head? Or, was that a different one?"

Kintryn says, "Question answered."

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Nawain covers her mouth with her hand.

Asildu says, "I've lost memories, yes."

Rileos says to Madigan, "No that's this guy who just told us all about his past."

Kintryn glances at Asildu.

Illiya asks Asildu, "Oh? What kind of memories?"

Asildu says, "I don't remember where I came from."

Illiya ponders.

Saragos says, "Except your mother."

Asildu says, "If you ask me from which city I hail, I don't know."

Rileos nods to Saragos.

Nawain observes Asildu with fascination.

Illiya asks Asildu, "What is your earliest memory?"

Madigan grunts at Asildu.

Vaerek shows Asildu his blue iris.

Asildu says to Saragos, "My mother is the one who taught me of the Heralds. I can't forget her."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Vaerek puts his iris in his surveyor's case.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Kintryn with a crisp hand salute.

Kintryn snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Tirost nods to Kintryn.

Tirost hugs Kintryn, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Kintryn says, "More important duties call."

Crobin waves to Kintryn.

Kintryn hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Kintryn with a warm smile.

Kintryn gently kisses Tirost on the cheek.

Tirost smiles at Kintryn.

Sliyder says, "Perhaps the hills above knife clan."

Kintryn smiles at Tirost.

Tirost nods to Kintryn.

Asildu says to Illiya, "Vague memories of bedtime stories about the Heralds. Beyond that, I remember little of my schooling, outside that which I took on as an adult through my guild."

Kintryn glances at Asildu.

Allye ponders.

Elurora says to Asildu, "Did your memory loss happen all at once or over time? If that isn't too personal."

Shaylynne ponders.

Crobin steps towards Zynell to join her, but Zynell steps away.

Asildu says to Elurora, "Over time. As my connection grew. The longer I was away from society."

Crobin squints.

Kintryn curtsies to Asildu.

Allye asks Asildu, "Do many memories remain that aren't linked to the Heralds in some way?"

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Sliyder nods to Asildu.

Asildu nods to Kintryn.

You are distracted for just a moment by a sharp whistle from the shadows. You look back towards Kintryn, but she is simply no longer there.

Asildu shakes his head at Allye.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Zynell clasps Crobin's hand tenderly.

Rileos says to Asildu, "That seems real convenient you forgettin that stuff except what you just told us now that you can't walk it back. What's being a big dragon like? It seems pretty fun."

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Asildu says to Allye, "My life has become the Heralds."

Riverlynn gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Allye says to Asildu, "I see."

Illiya says to Asildu, "That is what it sounds like.."

Crobin chuckles.

Zynell playfully tilts her ears toward Crobin.

Jaelia says to Asildu, "If it helps, I do understand. The closer you become to the object of your devotion, the more you become a being of idea and their nature and sometimes the mortal shell seems all that really tethers us, and the rest does fall away."

Crobin pulls Leayne towards him!

Crobin cackles!

Zynell gasps at Crobin!

Briaen shakes his head.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Zynell snuggles up to Crobin.

Asildu says to Rileos, "I'm not sure what I would need to walk back. I told you what I recall. As it pertains to my experience in my studies with the Heralds."

Zynell snuggles up to Leayne.

Elurora softly says to Asildu, "It is good of you to answer what questions you can. I know we have had many."

Asildu says, "Had I spoke of siblings, or my favorite toy as a child, I would understand questioning."

Casari asks, "You said the dragons weren't enough and you needed the others. So you found the dragons, then?"

Anuril takes a long drag off of his ash pipe.

Anuril allows a line of smoke to rise from his mouth. The scent of Gold Crown follows the image.

Ezerak nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

A crooked line of smoke dissipates into the air.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "It is all I can do to not just list all of mine."

Asildu says to Casari, "I realized those dragons were no longer fully Heralds. I sought the ones who retained their power to the highest extent."

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Kethrai asks Asildu, "You've answered why you came in a general sense, but not why you came specifically now, of all times. Sorcery has been overused for... ages and ages. What was it about the current moment that incited you to come spread your message?"

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Sir Madigan went through a silver arch.

Elurora quietly says to Ezerak, "I can only imagine."

Illiya nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos asks Asildu, "If you experience your knowledge of the Heralds as a 'connection', and their will as a feeling, then having lost your memories, how do you know this isn't something else that someone has filled you with?"

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Leayne chews on Crobin's shoulder and follows it up with a kiss on his cheek.

Asildu says to Kethrai, "The sense I feel has been getting worse. Rather than let it get... even more worse - I felt it necessary to come forward."

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Tirost asks Asildu, "I hear you, but with respect, your message is not a new one: that the Heralds disdain sorcery. Yet they did not step in to stop Lyras or other threats that would have erased us from the Book of Life. Is there more you can tell of us of wild magic, or where our friends are being held?"

Asildu says to Saragos, "One does not mistake the power of the Heralds."

Briaen says, "I will stand for the proclamation of heresy in this temple no longer. I advise this audience give this deceiver no further of their rapt attention."

Tirost glances at Briaen.

Briaen says to Asildu, "Be thankful we stand in a place of peace."

Aerilia glances at Briaen.

Briaen says to Asildu, "But I grant you no further boons should we cross paths again."

Elurora glances at Briaen.

Nawain glances at Briaen.

Asildu says to Tirost, "This, I'm afraid, falls into the realm of what I don't know. The Heralds have their reasons, but they don't speak of them. So I can't know them."

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Kethrai observes Briaen with fascination.

Kethrai observes Asildu with fascination.

Asildu nods to Briaen.

Anuril observes Briaen with fascination.

Crobin grumbles.

Knight Penitent Briaen went through a silver arch.

Nawain ponders.

Jaelia says to Saragos, "To be fair - there are only a few outcomes: They really are a being who is a scholar and communes with an understanding and devotion to the Heralds, they are something else and are disguising themselves to lead us astray, or they are completely mad or a charlatan or combination of those. I do understand these things as I am often in those states myself."

Elizzibiana says, "Gunny words com ing from a supposedly redeemed necromancer."

Saragos says to Asildu, "I don't know if you should call yourself a scholar. More a mystic. Your knowledge of them seems not to be based on scholarship at all, but sensation."

Elurora rubs her head.

Rhainn nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Leayne gestures at Sothios.

Illiya says to Asildu, "Do you think that the Heralds are behind the wild magic we'."

Asildu says to Saragos, "If we're discussing my connection, sure. But when discussing my reading and scholarly research, that's different."

lliya asks Asildu, "Do you think that the Heralds are behind the wild magic we're experiencing?"

Asildu shakes his head at Illiya.

Asildu says to Illiya, "This is where I come back to my message, that people are reluctant to hear."

Rhainn gazes at Asildu.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Well, please, share some of your scholarly research with us. Because all I've heard is The Resistance War this, and the War of Tears that. All things we know already."

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Asildu says, "The Heralds watch over magic because of its unstable tendencies."

The Gold Crown tobacco in Anuril's ash pipe goes out and crumbles away.

Anuril is gnawing on his pipe.

Casari says, "We're reluctant to hear it because it seems like your Heralds are the most likely culprit in the abductions. Like I said before: Priorities."

Elurora slowly asks Asildu, "Do you know if the Heralds and the Immortals are odds, not only when it comes to this but in general?"

Elurora shifts her weight.

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Sliyder sighs.

Asildu says, "The Heralds have no reason to be at odds with beings to which they have no need to pay mind."

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Apologies if this seems like it is turning into an interrogation again."

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Zynell grins at Asildu.

Zynell chortles softly at some secret joke.

Jaelia says, "You all are reluctant to hear it in the way you are sometimes reluctant to hear the words of the Immortals when they are not kind and what we want to hear. I want to hear what he has to say, and I serve Phelim. If the Heralds have any issue with particular Immortals, Those involved with the World Dragon rank high on that list. But I've been seeking any who can speak more of the Heralds."

Asildu nods politely to Ezerak.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "The questions have slowed, at least."

Asildu chuckles.

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Allye gazes at Jaelia.

Anuril softly asks himself, "Is there some way everyone could be correct?"

Anuril ponders.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Anuril.

Saragos glances at Anuril.

Saragos asks Anuril, "What are you thinking?"

Riverlynn cocks her head at Anuril.

Aerilia whispers something to Saragos.

Nawain glances at Anuril.

Jaelia smiles at Anuril.

Vaerek says to Anuril, "We are all correct. I know I am always correct."

Elurora asks Anuril, "Like sorcery helps with the balance but too much hurts it? Or did you mean something else?"

Saragos casually observes the area.

Vaerek says to Anuril, "Until I'm not."

Tirost nods to Ezerak.

Vaerek looks at Anuril and shrugs.

Crobin chuckles at Vaerek.

Kethrai says, "There could be yet a... fourth?... faction at play who's responsible, that the Heralds, the Immortals, and Liraxes aren't aware of."

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Anuril says, "We've heard that something is siphoning away energy from the overall system of the planes. We've heard that elemental energy is being used to prop up some of that loss. We've heard that low sorcery somehow also counteracts that loss. We've heard that the heralds are against all forms of sorcery. We've heard that the immortals are against high sorcery."

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Anuril says, "These things are not... strictly... contradictory."

Elurora gives Anuril a slight nod.

Jaelia nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost says to Anuril, "That is a theory worth pursuing, in my view."

Jaelia rummages about her person, looking for something.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Illiya nods.

Casari says, "It would make sense if the Heralds wanted our plane to be annihilated, yes."

Anuril says, "We've heard that Liraxes is against teleologic sorcery..."

Saragos says to Anuril, "Well, Liraxes said that what the Heralds want isn't great for the balance it's seeking. But sure, go on."

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.

Tirost says to Anuril, "Which, if he is a being a the Plane of Probability, makes sense."

Asildu says, "The Heralds watch over magic to AVOID the plane being annihilated."

Kethrai says, "If Liraxes is a being from the Plane of Probability, that would be a normal grudge to hold, I'd think."

Anuril says, "The heralds may not be concerned with preserving our existence."

Kethrai nods to Tirost.

Rhainn asks, "Admittedly, I'm very young, and ignorant. But the Liraxes said the Defiler was free. That has to fit in somewhere. What does that mean?"

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Anuril raises an eyebrow in Asildu's direction.

Rileos says, "Somebody really should've gotten Liraxes to write that math down or somethin."

Anuril nods to Tirost.

Casari says to Asildu, "So you say."

Ezerak asks Saragos, "But perhaps all of these entities have different concepts of what that balance should be?"

Asildu says to Casari, "I can't force you to believe me, but I can at least say what I know."

Tirost nods to Ezerak.

Jaelia says to Asildu, "We'd love to hear you continue as well."

Kethrai asks Rhainn, "I think they'd usually use 'defiler' to refer to Moon Mages... It said one was 'free'?"

Anuril says, "It comes back around to, we need to identify who is siphoning off the energy, or benefits from it. They have the motive to abduct those who were leading investigation into the wild magic."

Ezerak asks Asildu, "If I may?"

Asildu nods to Ezerak.

Rhainn says, "I believe that's what I heard."

Allye looks thoughtfully at Anuril.

Leayne blinks.

Tirost nods to Anuril.

Saragos gazes at Anuril.

Casari says to Kethrai, "No, it said one wasn't present. When we asked about the people who were taken and named them, including a Moon Mage. Miskton. Miskton the 'defiler' wasn't here. Because he's trapped, or at leaste we hope that's all."

Ezerak asks Asildu, "Why do the Heralds care so much about this plane? If this one were destroyed, could they not exist on a different one?"

Elurora tilts her head inquisitively.

Saragos nods to Tirost.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Allye furrows her brow.

Vaerek says, "According to some all moon mages are 'Defilers'."

Asildu asks Ezerak, "The Heralds have seen their home destroyed before. If you could prevent your home from being destroyed so you didn't have to move again, wouldn't you rather that?"

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Elurora blinks at Asildu.

Vaerek says, "The children of Grazhir."

Jaelia nods in agreement.

Rhainn asks, "Isn't Tezirah trapped in the Plane of Probability?"

Ezerak nods to Asildu.

Sliyder casually observes the area.

Ezerak asks Asildu, "Where was their home before?"

Kethrai nods to Rhainn.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Knight of Meraud Tirost went through a silver arch.

Sliyder says, "Tezirah has come up a couple times."

Asildu says to Ezerak, "History books, even the obscure ones, provide no name. Only that it was not here."

Rhainn gazes at Kethrai in bright-eyed gratitude.

Nawain frowns.

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Anuril says, "Who benefits from the failure of the system? The system maintains the bulwark, perhaps, so demons benefit. Who benefits from amassing ludicrous amounts of energy? Someone attempting some kind of ascension, perhaps."

Elurora asks Asildu, "Do you know if anything else came with them?"

Allye nods to Anuril.

Illiya gazes thoughtfully at Anuril.

Aerilia ponders.

Nawain rubs her left eye.

Vicar Bronxrian went through a silver arch.

Asildu says to Elurora, "Not to my knowledge. But if the annals of history didn't record it, we wouldn't have any way to know."

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Elurora smiles at Asildu.

Leayne frowns.

Shaylynne asks Asildu, "If you don't remember where you came from, what is the earliest place you do remember being?"

Saragos says to Anuril, "Maybe the energy has propped up the failing system, and there's a leak elsewhere."

Elurora says to Asildu, "I'm trying to figure out what other powerful being might fall into the category of something that could turn off magic or kidnap our people, so something that snuck along for the ride could fall into that."

Allye asks Anuril, "Might Asildu know if the Heralds have any cause for concern over the dragon Ael'tharaxus' recent activities?"

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Anuril nods to Allye.

Asildu says to Shaylynne, "The Crossing Bards Guild."

Asildu smiles at Shaylynne.

Casari says, "You know, you could prove some of what you're saying if you took another Bard to one of those places of the Heralds' remnant power on this plane."

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Shaylynne smiles.

Crobin nods to Zynell.

Leayne nods to Zynell.

Zynell nods to Leayne.

Asildu smiles at Casari.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "Oh, are you a Bard? I meant to ask about your guild earlier, when you mentioned it."

Ezerak blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.

Asildu nods to Ezerak.

Leayne peers quizzically at Crobin.

Jaelia says, "I am also very concerned always of Euldath, but it is Drogor who keeps reminding us about him."

Vaerek beams at Ezerak!

Soul Surgeon Zynell's group went through a silver arch.

Nawain takes a seat near Elurora.

Anuril says, "Someone trying to... monopolize magic, or gain advantage over magic users, would benefit from the situation, although someone with such concerns might not have the power to pull this off."

Allye left the group.

Elurora nods to Nawain.

Shaylynne joins Allye's group.

Elurora stands near Nawain.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Asildu asks Casari, "I could. But what fun would that be to make it so easy on you when it took me years to accomplish?"

Asildu says, "One must earn that power."

Casari narrows her eyes.

Casari asks, "Are you seriously talking about FUN right now?"

Vaerek says to Ezerak, "I think learning the guilds these visitors represent is important."

Allye nods to Anuril.

Asildu says to Casari, "A literal one, I see."

Asildu says, "Noted."

Saragos says to Anuril, "That's... the first time anyone's made me care about the bigger problems since my wife disappeared. I don't care if I never cast a spell again - if magic can limp across the finish line well enough for me to do that, I'll be happy. But now you've put that in my sights again."

Ezerak nods to Vaerek.

Riverlynn smirks.

Saragos says to Anuril, "I'm not sure if I'm happy or angry at you."

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Anuril coughs.

Anuril smirks.

Allye grins at Saragos.

Anuril says, "Ahm, if the bulwark imprisons something, as some have speculated, then the situation benefits that being. It may be released."

Asildu says to Casari, "Let me rephrase. Such knowledge requires years of dedication. I've no intention of leading anyone straight to what I spent my life working to achieve."

Rhainn gazes thoughtfully at Anuril.

Sliyder mutters to himself.

Rileos just left.

Ezerak quietly says to Saragos, "I find that when it comes to emotion, both, or any combination of all of them, is possible."

Casari says, "Even when the survival of the plane might depend on it."

Jaelia says, "The problem is it could be being we don't even know yet."

Ezerak ponders.

Asildu says to Casari, "The survival of the plane does not depend on a remnant of a time in history. It sounds like it depends on an answer to the current problem in the present."

Saragos says to Asildu, "You know, that's what makes me distrust you the most. You're the first scholar that I've ever met in my life that hasn't been overjoyed to have questions about their area of interest."

Reriyn came through a silver arch.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Anuril dryly says to Saragos, "A dragon must guard its hoard..."

Jaelia says to Anuril, "But I agree - if we keep going for the easy answers a shadow party wins easily."

Ezerak grins at Anuril, his dimples flashing into view.

Casari says, "If your aim is to get us to listen to your message, the best way to do it is to convince someone. You could convince Bards, and they could convince others. Others who you will never convince of anything because you lack credibility."

Allye's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Sliyder glances at Asildu.

Vaerek asks Asildu, "When I think of plane I think of reality. What plane do you think of?"

Anuril frowns.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Anuril gets some Warm Night tobacco from inside his tobacco pouch.

Anuril puts his tobacco in his ash pipe.

Anuril touches some Warm Night tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Asildu says, "I'm not sure there is much I could do to convince you. People don't know the Heralds the way they do the Immortals. You will naturally be more likely to trust that which you know."

Elurora nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Anuril puffs away on his ash pipe.

Casari says, "I literally gave you a path toward it, and you refused."

Ezerak nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says, "Miraena and I demonstrated the same gift the other evening that had been demonstrated by another... messenger... yet, it was not sufficient for us, the way it was for them."

Anuril says, "The heralds motives as we understand them have largely been to suppress extreme acts of sorcery, I would argue that the abduction was such an act."

Jaelia asks Asildu, "If there was something we could do to assist the Heralds, what would it be?"

Saragos says to Asildu, "I want to be clear about something. I don't know if you're lying to us or not, but I don't trust you. I'm also not interested in a fight - I'm too busy to fight. If I find you nosing around Arhat's Tower, though, I'm going to assume the worst."

Elurora slowly says, "Unaka also came with a vision of an ox..."

Anuril says, "Therefore it would make sense for the heralds to react to the abduction."

Anuril puffs away on his ash pipe.

Asildu says to Elurora, "Did she? I'd not heard."

Rhainn asks Asildu, "Does your loack of memories not concern you? That you perhaps may have been deceived?"

Asildu shakes his head at Rhainn.

Illiya nods to Elurora.

Aerilia says to Asildu, "To speak to that point - and only that point - while the gift of language is impressive, it was Unaka's ability to cast the full spectrum of holy magic that I found more convincing."

Kethrai nods at Aerilia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya asks Asildu, "And Unaka could cast Cleric magic.. do you have other abilities?"

Elurora says to Asildu, "Yes, we were getting ready to try something in the Paladin guild in Crossing when we were all struck by a warmth, we heard some words, were snuggled by an ox, then Unaka appeared with us."

Asildu asks Aerilia, "Spells serve as proof?"

Aerilia says, "When it is beyond the normal mortal means, yes."

Kethrai says, "Spells generally reserved for Clerics, being cast by a Paladin, serve as some proof of divine backing at least."

Anuril whispers something to Saragos.

Aerilia nods to Kethrai.

Asildu says, "As my connection to the Heralds has grown, I have found myself capable of casting magic beyond that of my guild. Elemental, still, of course."

Vaerek blinks.

Aerilia says, "I would love to witness that, if you would humor us."

Anuril whispers something to Saragos.

Sliyder says, "Interesting."

Riverlynn folds her arms across her chest.

Allye says, "The clerics also foresaw her coming. That led me to trust her more, personally."

Elurora slowly says, "The spells helped but two different visions helped more, at least to me."

Elurora nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Casari says, "Doing magic might prove that you've found something unusual. It won't prove that the Heralds have our best interest in mind."

Asildu says to Elurora, "Perhaps I can beseech the Heralds to aid me with a vision, then. They've little reason to listen, but."

Asildu shrugs.

Illiya says, "Unaka resembles a person image in a Cleric vision that we saw at Jaelia's last vigil."

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Anuril smiles at Asildu.

Elurora grins at Asildu.

Asildu gestures.
A faint breeze surrounds him.

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Elizzibiana says, "She of the winds, I wonder."

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Asildu gestures.
Asildu looks steadier.

Illiya says, "Swirling Winds, Sure Footing."

Vaerek blinks.

Casari says, "I can do that. Do more."

Elurora asks Asildu, "Perhaps if it is in their interest to convince us?"

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Elizzibiana says, "Its been almost a hundred years now."

Ezerak chuckles at Casari.

Asildu says, "I'll cast a mix here."

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Vaerek gasps!

Elizzibiana says, "Just a touch less than I've walked this side of the lands."

Anuril gives a slight nod.

Asildu says, "Of Bardic and Warrrior Mage, I mean."

Allye says, "Oh."

Aerilia nods to Asildu.

Allye clears her throat.

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his surveyor's case.

Asildu gestures.
A wild fervor flashes in Asildu's eyes.

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Illiya says, "Range of the Clans."

Vaerek asks, "But what about Miraena's flower?"

Asildu gestures.
The wind begins to shift until it blows gently from behind Asildu's back.

Casari says, "Show us some Dragon's Breath and a naga. And then show us some proof that the Heralds care about our survival."

Illiya says, "Tailwind.."

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Vaerek shakes his blue iris at Asildu.

Vaerek exclaims, "Our promise!"

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Illiya nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says to Vaerek, "No sorcery."

Asildu gestures.
A network of thin lines form around him, then quickly fade away.

Vaerek gasps!

Asildu says, "Merely different Elemental spells."

Anuril says, "It's all elemental, there's no sorcery."

Illiya says, "Substratum."

Vaerek blinks.

Kethrai nods.

Elurora nods to Anuril.

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Asildu gestures.

Shaylynne whispers something to Allye.

Kethrai says, "But -- it IS more than should be possible for a Bard."

Asildu traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Illiya says, "Redeemer's Pride."

Aerilia nods.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Asildu gestures.
Helixes and cross-patterns of brownish-white crystals grow rapidly across Asildu.

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kerennya looks thoughtfully at Asildu.

Jaelia says, "We already know the Heralds care about the survival of this World simply because they have not destroyed it yet, and are likely to not want to find a new home. While the Immortals probably do not like co-existing with another formidable power outside of their own - they have for a reason. That is enough proof for me."

Illiya says, "Gam Irman."

Anuril dryly says, "Although I think we've only seen two bard spells? So they could be a warrior mage with a fiddle."

Anuril smirks.

Asildu asks, "Shall I continue?"

Shaylynne nods to Anuril.

Kethrai giggles at Anuril.

Saragos says to Asildu, "If you'd be so kind as to demonstrate with spells other than what you'd use to prepare for combat, that'd be great."

Aerilia says, "He's at least proven it's not merely a collection of temporarily memorized spells."

Aerilia says to Asildu, "Thank you."

Casari says to Jaelia, "You're assuming the Heralds have the power to destroy it. I have no reason to believe that. It's just as likely they're trying to destroy it right now, and this is the result."

Asildu says to Saragos, "I'm not here to fight. I would hope there'd be no need for that."

Saragos looks at Asildu and shrugs.

Illiya nods to Casari.

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Jaelia asks Casari, "Of course they do - why else would the World Dragon have been brought into being?"

Elurora says, "We are in a place of peace."

Illiya says to Asildu, "No offense but why should we do what the Heralds want? It's not like historically they have always acted in our best interest."

Vaerek asks Asildu, "Are you saying if we all cease sorcery we could eventually, someday, maybe cast spells the way you do?"

Saragos says to Asildu, "I'd give a lot for you to be willing to beseech the Heralds for a vision, though. Don't really care what spells you can cast."

Jaelia asks, "That aside - I believe the Immortals and Heralds choose to co-exist. And that is enough for me. What can we possibly do to aid the Heralds or what do they seek?"

Casari nods to Saragos.

Elizzibiana says to Asildu, "What do you know of the one that called herself She of the Winds, or the one that was called Northeastern Sentinal? That letter was intercepted near a hundred years ago, I was there that day."

Vaerek asks, "Without blowing up?"

Asildu says to Vaerek, "I can't say that, no. But it would help restore the balance."

Vaerek ponders.

Vaerek holds a blue iris in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Anuril frowns.

Vaerek says, "Seems too good to be true."

Asildu says to Saragos, "I can try. I've never asked them for anything before. Not sure they'll even notice. But, I can meditate on it."

Anuril says, "Liraxes said a cessation of all sorcery would accelerate the systemic issues."

Allye nods to Anuril.

Nawain yawns expansively.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Asildu says to Illiya, "It's a choice, in the end. I bring the message. All I can do is pray it is heard."

Anuril puffs away on his ash pipe.

Jaelia smiles at Asildu.

Illiya says to Asildu, "If they want us to heed it, hopefully they can provide a more convincing message that it is indeed what they want."

Saragos nods to Illiya.

Illiya says, "The Heralds don't usually send messengers with sketchy histories and vague stories to try and convince us of things. They can wipe out entire armies in one moment."

Riverlynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a mug of cinnamon mocha coffee appears in her hand!

Riverlynn offers Nawain a mug of cinnamon mocha coffee.

Nawain accepts Riverlynn's mocha coffee.

Jaelia asks Asildu, "Do you want us to pray with you, in our way, if it helps, to help open that conduit of power potentially?"

Nawain blinks.

Nawain beams at Riverlynn!

Vaerek says, "Well, I personally made a promise and I will not be so quick to break it."

Riverlynn nods to Nawain.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Asildu says to Illiya, "They didn't send me. I sent myself, due to what I felt through the connection."

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Saragos says to Illiya, "To be fair, the histories aren't clear if Sraan Mehath did that to themselves, or whether it was a punishment."

Jaelia takes a seat.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Jaelia puts her journal in her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia puts her tea in her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia kneels.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Jaelia gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia gets a small silver dragon from inside her dragonar haversack.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Indeed. The histories are so often quite unclear."

Jaelia points her silver dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Illiya says to Saragos, "Either way I think if they want us to do as they wish they should provide a more convincing message."

Jaelia drops a burning altar candle.

Ezerak sighs.

Jaelia gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia puts her candle in her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia gets a stick of fragrant incense from inside her dragonar haversack.

Jaelia points her silver dragon at a stick of fragrant incense and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the incense quickly catch fire.

Jaelia waves.

Jaelia waves some fragrant incense over herself.

Jaelia takes a seat.

Allye asks Asildu, "Apologies for another tangent. Along Anuril's previous thoughts of what else might be the source of all this: you mentioned earlier that you are no Dragon Priest. Do you sense if the Heralds have any cause for concern that their dragon emperor Ael'tharaxus is claimed to have "ascended" in some way?"

Elizzibiana says to Asildu, "I take it from your ignoring of my question then you do not know anything of them. Interesting."

Illiya hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Rhainn asks Riverlynn, "Do you have more coffee?"

Asildu says to Elizzibiana, "Apologies. I know little, beyond what is written. I've never met her."

Rhainn smiles at Riverlynn.

(Jaelia sits, folding her legs carefully and arranging the skirts of her gown before she begins a meditative prayer of her own.)

Jaelia waves some fragrant incense over herself.

A wisp of smoke settles around Jaelia, surrounding her with the scent of smoke.

Riverlynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a mug of hot creamed coffee appears in her hand!

Riverlynn offers Rhainn a mug of hot creamed coffee.

Rhainn accepts Riverlynn's hot creamed coffee.

Riverlynn says, "I do."

Elizzibiana says to Asildu, "I asked of you knew anything about her or the sentinal, that is all."

Rhainn exclaims, "Thank you so much!"

Kerennya closes her eyes and begins repeating a silly nonsense word, then shakes her head and sighs in frustration.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Riverlynn nods to Rhainn.

Elizzibiana nods.

Asildu says to Elizzibiana, "It wasn't my intent to ignore. Again, numerous questions at once. I'm only one mind and one pair of lips."

Anuril paces back and forth.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Elizzibiana says to Asildu, "I know that, it does get quite mad at times."

Ezerak nods at Elizzibiana, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye nods in agreement.

Asildu says to Kethrai, "Not to my knowledge."

Jaelia's fragrant incense glows faintly as it burns down.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Kethrai points at Allye.

Kethrai angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Anuril grins at Kethrai.

Allye exclaims, "Oh!"

Asildu says, "But, I do think I have disrupted your gathering enough for now."

Allye nods to Asildu.

Anuril says, "I think that was an answer to Allye's question."

Jaelia intones:

   "Phelim, if it be your Will - Can you Provide a Vision or Insight into the Words this Scholar speaks?: Lemicus, can you open your knowledge and flow like the rivers into our mind to reveal hidden secrets
     We ask Drogor, you of the deep seas and deeper knowledge
     And to Meraud and Eluned, so often at odds, but keepers of knoweldge each in their own domains
     Reveal the Truth of the Heralds to us so we may serve
     If this will help restore balance or fight that which harms you and them."

Jaelia looks up and sighs, smiling.

Jaelia waves some fragrant incense over herself.

A wisp of smoke settles around Jaelia, surrounding her with the scent of smoke.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Asildu says, "Ah, could be. So many new faces."

Jaelia gazes upward.

Jaelia waves some fragrant incense over herself.

A wisp of smoke settles around Jaelia, surrounding her with the scent of smoke.

Asildu nods to Anuril.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Jaelia stands up.

Kethrai says, "Highest flattery that I could be mistaken for her."

Jaelia places her hands on her thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards Asildu, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Shh'oiyvh-ur Ograth Elizzibiana went through a silver arch.

Allye grins sheepishly at Kethrai.

Illiya smiles at Kethrai, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Asildu chuckles.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Anuril gives Kethrai a gentle poke in the ribs.

Elurora bows to Asildu.

Asildu says, "It is a good looking group."

Asildu nods.

The Warm Night tobacco in Anuril's ash pipe goes out and crumbles away.

Anuril says to Kethrai, "Oh, you're going to have to step up your snack game now."

Rhainn curtsies to Asildu.

Elurora says to Asildu, "Thank you for answering our questions."

Asildu says, "I thank you all for your time and for allowing me to observe."

Kerennya smiles at Asildu.

Jaelia says, "Thank you for the discussion."

Illiya says to Asildu, "Thank you for speaking with us again."

Aerilia nods to Asildu.

Allye says, "Yes. Thank you."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Asildu nods.

Sliyder says, "Talk soon, Sildua."

Sliyder nods to Asildu.

Asildu chuckles.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Asildu bows.

Sliyder snickers.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Breath of the Heralds Asildu went through a silver arch.

Sliyder says, "Haha."

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Illiya asks Kethrai, "Will you cater my next party?"

Elurora gazes at a silver arch.

Shaylynne gazes at a silver arch.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

  • Asildu returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Riverlynn casually observes the area.

Sliyder says, "Welp."

Rhainn takes a sip of her coffee.

Saragos shakes his head.

Jaelia asks Illiya, "Are cupcakes not enough for your parties anymore?"

Kethrai says to Illiya, "Oh no, I don't have that kind of magic."

Vaerek puts his iris in his surveyor's case.

Illiya grins at Jaelia, her dimples flashing into view.

Nawain takes a sip of her coffee.

Jaelia exclaims to Illiya, "You got fancy!"

Saragos says, "I feel like I just had my time wasted."

Ezerak sighs.

Shaylynne says to Kethrai, "Take out boxes for all."

Jaelia grins at Saragos.

Shaylynne nods to Kethrai.

Illiya says to Jaelia, "Nooo the cupcakes are perfect."

Aerilia says, "Talking in circles leaves one feeling that way, yes."

Sliyder nods.

Ezerak nods at Aerilia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Riverlynn nods in agreement.

Jaelia says to Saragos, "To be fair, most of it is a game that goes nowhere but you have to poke it just in case its the threads that does go somewhere."

Vaerek says, "What a mess we've gotten ourselve's into."

Jaelia says to Saragos, "If I had lost my wife, I would have ripped out my hair and set them on fire."

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Vaerek.

Kethrai says, "He either doesn't have or won't share the specific information we'd need to understand the Heralds better."

Allye sighs softly.

Vaerek says, "Was nice seeing you all."

Illiya just hugged Vaerek.

Sliyder nods.

Allye nods to Vaerek.

Ezerak says, "It was the most we have gotten from him, though. And some interesting things at that. Though I do not feel we are any closer to finding our people."

Jaelia says to Saragos, "Temporarily of course, we will get her back."

Vaerek says, "Take care."

Vaerek waves.

Ezerak rubs his right eye.

Allye waves to Vaerek.

Saragos says to Jaelia, "I'm working on that part."

Rhainn curtsies to Vaerek.

Elurora gives Ezerak a slight nod.

Vaerek went through a silver arch.

Maraisel rubs Ezerak gently, massaging his muscles.

Allye nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain makes a grunting noise.

Illiya looks with concern at Saragos.

Aerilia says, "His spellcraft was the slightest bit illuminating, at least. He's no mere bard."

Elurora gazes at a burning altar candle.

Illiya says to Ezerak, "I don't feel that we are either unfortunately."

Illiya nods to Aerilia.

Kethrai nods to Aerilia.

Jaelia says to Saragos, "If it helps, I remember how super courteous and fawning over Book originally was. I do offer good faith if they are true, but I'm not dumb enough to not remember those things either."

A finger of flame leaps up from an altar candle on the floor.

Sliyder says, "Hopefully we can continue piecing this together so we know where to focus our energy."

Shaylynne says to Aerilia, "Or he's a warrior mage with two bard scrolls..."

Sliyder says, "Be safe all."

You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.

Anuril nods to Shaylynne.

Saragos grins at Shaylynne.

Anuril smirks.

Allye waves to Sliyder.

Jaelia waves.

Casari says to Shaylynne, "I was wondering if anyone else was paying attention."

Jaelia just skipped out.

Illiya says, "He had more than two of each guild's spells."

Aerilia says to Shaylynne, "He cast at least three warrior mage spells, and bard spells to boot. I was counting."

Illiya nods.

Illiya says, "Me too."

Nawain ponders.

Aerilia says, "But.. yes, it could be the other way around."

Aerilia nods to Shaylynne.

Saragos says, "Another day, I'd be begging him to tell how he learned that. Today, that's so far down my list I can't even see it."

Nawain asks, "Could they somehow represent types of mana? The streams themselves?"

Nawain ponders.

Ezerak says, "Well, I'm certainly not ruling out that the Heralds are behind the imprisonment of our people, but I do lean more and more to believing that we're dealing with a multifaceted issue."

Casari says, "Regardless, even if he has power from the Heralds, he didn't prove they're not trying to wipe us all out."

Shadow Tracker Sliyder went through a silver arch.

Kethrai says to Nawain, "You know, somehow I wouldn't be surprised if Valenal was able to use all kinds of Lunar magic."

Nawain nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora slowly says, "We have a Paladin with Cleric spells, a Bard with Warrior Mage spells. We just need the other two now."

Allye asks, "Though, if they wanted to do that, they could just wipe us all out? Why the games and the pleas to stop sorcery?"

Kethrai says, "Despite claiming to be a Warrior Mage himself..."

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Casari asks Allye, "Could they?"

Illiya says to Casari, "True we don't know the Heralds' motivation. But we also don't know if he really bears the message of the Heralds either."

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "Might be they can use others too, considering their stance on sorcery."

Allye says to Casari, "I've never met a Herald, so I suppose I can't say. But we've been led to believe they have such power."

Kethrai nods to Ezerak.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Casari says, "Or maybe they're stuck trying to fight the Immortals right now, and they can't do a darned thing here."

Casari shrugs.

Kethrai says, "Or it may be that everything in our plane is so... fragile right now, they can't act except through indirect means."

Kethrai says, "Direct action might make things worse faster."

Anuril gets a primrose chamois cloth from inside his leather haversack.

Anuril taps a white ash pipe with a raven-shaped bowl that he is holding.

Anuril uses his chamois cloth to meticulously clean his ash pipe.

Allye says, "Hmm, either of those could be true. I wish even one thing could be truly clear."

Illiya says, "I am leaning towards what Anuril said earlier, the elusive third party that we've yet to meet."

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Ezerak says to Illiya, "Third? I think we're up to at least five by now."

Ezerak grins, revealing his dimples.

Illiya says, "Liraxes at least is totally unlike anything I've seen before.. I don't discount that there's more weird stuff out there from other planes."

Nawain giggles.

Allye appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Illiya says to Ezerak, "Well, yeah."

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Ezerak.

Riverlynn slowly says, "I am pretty ignorant to all of this, but if something had the power to turn off magic and didn't want people to use certain magics, couldnt they just keep magic off..."

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Riverlynn.

Rhainn nods to Riverlynn.

Elurora says, "Maybe they can't keep it off."

Kethrai says to Riverlynn, "Unless they can't. They might only be able to suppress it."

Kethrai nods to Elurora.

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

Saragos says to Riverlynn, "Clearly the Heralds want magic on, for some reason. Or they'd have left it off a long time ago."

Anuril says to Riverlynn, "A parent can douse all the candles in a home to make a child sleep, but the parent is still sitting in the dark."

Saragos says to Kethrai, "Or that, yeah."

Ezerak says to Riverlynn, "That is a question we've asked and not found an answer to so far."

Ezerak says, "Just suspicions."

Illiya gazes thoughtfully at Anuril.

Riverlynn gives a slight nod.

Casari says, "Or Meraud told them 'no'."

Riverlynn says, "So they aren't -that- powerful."

Illiya says, "Meraud has saved us on at least one occasion."

Kethrai says, "If magic is integral to maintaining this plane, and that's what they all seem to want..."

Rhainn says, "It's dependent on us for some reason, it seems."

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

Allye ponders.

Nawain says, "I wonder if maybe magic passes through our.... plane? If magic is shut off to our plane, it can't pass downstream. Would be like daming the whole river."

Anuril puts his pipe in his silk backpack.

Anuril puts his cloth in his silk backpack.

Ezerak says to Casari, "Could he tell them no? If the Immortals are to the Heralds what we are to the Immortals, I cannot imagine they have much say in the matter."

Allye nods to Nawain.

Casari says to Ezerak, "I have literally no reason to belive that."

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora rubs her nose.

Ezerak says to Nawain, "That is one of the more interesting theories I have heard."

Saragos nods to Nawain.

Saragos says to Nawain, "I like that."

Kethrai says, "Well, one thing that Asildu said that was interesting, depending on whether it's true..."

Nawain says, "Can only shut it off for so long before it either finds another way, or damages something more important downstream."

Nawain blushes furiously!

A golden flame wavers across the tip of an altar candle on the floor.

Elurora touches Nawain with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Ezerak gazes at Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "That the Plane of Abiding is 'home' to the Heralds. Their previous home was destroyed, and they don't want to lose this one too."

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

Illiya nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Allye says, "Hmm, true."

Kethrai says, "As opposed to the Immortals, who don't live on this plane, they have their own."

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "It was also interesting that he did not lump demons in with other extraplanar entities."

Kethrai nods to Ezerak.

Riverlynn frowns.

Illiya says, "But we are all at least somewhat religious, I think we are more prone to believe a messenger from the Immortals."

Nawain nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerilia nods to Illiya.

Anuril says, "Well, there's extraplanar as in, from another nearby plane, and there's extraplanar as in, from the Void beyond the planes."

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Anuril says, "A fire elemental and a demon are wildly different."

Kethrai says, "I interpreted the extraplanar entities to mean things like the Arbiter in Darkness, Emperor of the Line... Liraxes now, I suppose... Powerful Elementals..."

Ezerak says to Anuril, "But so is a fire elemental and say, whatever Liraxes is, exactly."

Kethrai asks, "The Lord of the Void, maybe...?"

Kethrai glances at Anuril.

Anuril shakes his head at Ezerak.

Illiya says, "If only Ayrell were here to host a Rooftop lecture about extraplanar entities."

Elurora nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ezerak nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora says to Illiya, "When she gets back."

Anuril smiles at Illiya.

Kerennya chuckles.

Nawain nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ezerak quietly says to Illiya, "Her lectures are one of the things I miss most."

Maraisel smiles.

Maraisel pats Ezerak on the back.

Illiya gazes at Ezerak with a sympathetic look on her face.

Illiya nods to Ezerak.

Shaylynne says, "Before she was gone she was worried about two lectures in one night, when she gets back we'll have to tell her now we need even more than that."

Shaylynne nods to Ezerak.

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Elurora nods to Shaylynne.

Ezerak nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora grins at Shaylynne.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Illiya says, "I guess I shall have to do some reading, which is not usually what I like to do."

Elurora pats Illiya on the back.

Shaylynne begins chortling at Illiya.

Kethrai asks, "But if the Heralds are from elsewhere, and that elsewhere isn't any of the nearby Planes, ARE they of the same... category, as demons? They just got in, while we've managed to keep the demons out?"

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Kethrai.

Saragos says to Kethrai, "You know..."

Saragos says, "When we killed Maelshyve, we got some of her memories as well."

Nawain frowns.

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Saragos.

Kerennya tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Ezerak gazes at Saragos.

Saragos says, "She fled away from something else. Something that destroyed her former home."

Saragos says, "She was also a migrant."

Aerilia ponders.

Elurora quietly says, "I wonder if we could use the Bulwark to push something out if wanted..."

Illiya says to Saragos, "Interesting.."

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Nawain ponders.

Nawain asks Elurora, "In what condition?"

Nawain grins at Elurora.

Anuril left the group.

Kethrai left the group.

Elurora asks Nawain, "I'm not sure, but they were able to use it to close that one crack and keep something out. In theory, couldn't we kind of...nudge it against something?"

Elurora shifts her weight.

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Saragos recites:

   "Expanding as you focus upon the fall mosaic, it branches between possibility and history, a slim distinction between her manifest will and her accomplished action.  Flickers of images of her domain evaporating, an entire plane unraveling at the edges, the inexorable unmaking of all things tugging at everything, waiting at the end of eternity.  As she fled, the undoing followed, each plane falling in turn, and she was forced from each haven."

Anuril asks Elurora, "You want to shield bash a herald with the bulwark?"

Aerilia peers quizzically at Saragos.

Ezerak stops you from following him.

Nawain gazes at Saragos.

Elurora says to Anuril, "Basically? Though maybe not a Herald, but whatever we needed."

Kethrai says, "So although Asildu said he wasn't aware of any others who 'came along' when the Heralds left their original home... maybe there were some others, and they're out on the doorstep still trying to get in."

Saragos says, "That was from inside Maelshyve's Pith."

Anuril grins at Elurora.

Ezerak asks Anuril, "I mean, if we have to?"

Allye says to Saragos, "Interesting."

Kerennya asks Elurora, "If it's like a box, then one has to wonder exactly how sturdy a box is it?"

Elurora looks at Anuril and shrugs.

Aerilia ponders.

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Ezerak nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain frowns.

Illiya says, "I wonder what destroyed her plane."

Nawain asks, "A great undoing?"

Nawain ponders.

Aerilia asks, "So you think maybe the same thing was responible for the destruction of the heralds' world?"

Illiya asks, "Could be. And maybe it's related to what's happening to ours now?"

Elurora asks Kerennya, "Hopefully very?"

Allye asks, "What if it was sorcery? Wouldn't that be ironic?"

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Kerennya.

Aerilia nods to Illiya.

Kerennya grins at Elurora.

Ezerak says, "This is all...terrifying."

Elurora nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos looks at Aerilia and shrugs.

Riverlynn nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos says to Aerilia, "I don't know, but it's awfully similar."

Aerilia nods to Saragos.

Illiya nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says to Allye, "It could explain the Heralds' insistence against it, if it was responsible for unraveling their previous plane."

Allye nods to Kethrai.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Aerilia says, "It is. But maybe all plane-destroying things sound similiar from the outside."

Kethrai says, "And, it would make some sense why it follows Maelshyve everywhere she goes, in that case..."

Allye gnaws on her lip.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Illiya asks Kethrai, "Does it follow her?"

Elurora rubs Nawain in a friendly manner.

Nawain says, "Well. At least it won't go any further, then."

Kethrai says to Illiya, "Based on what Saragos related, at least."

Kethrai says, "As she fled from plane to plane, the undoing followed."

Illiya ponders.

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "No less terrifying, but interesting, too."

Illiya asks Saragos, "What caused you to kill Maelshyve in the first place?"

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Saragos says to Illiya, "Demons seek only to destroy, devour, to pervert. Them getting what they want results in our plane not working the way we want it to. We die, or we become something alien."

Nawain shudders.

Casari says, "The Immortals would have to be blind to the threat in order for their message to be different from the Heralds' message."

Kethrai nods to Saragos.

Nawain rubs her nose.

Saragos says to Illiya, "Where I've said that you can maybe trust some extraplanar beings to at least want things to stay the way we want them to? Demons are the opposite."

Saragos says, "And they oppose the Immortals besides."

Ezerak says to Casari, "Perhaps they are, again assuming the Heralds are so above them."

Casari says to Ezerak, "Stressing the IF, but IF they were above the Immortals, then maybe."

Ezerak nods to Casari.

Casari says, "Okay, well, the Heralds won't talk to us, but the Immortals sometimes will. So let's ask."

Ezerak says to Casari, "Yes, I am just speculating, of course."

Ezerak says to Casari, "You know, you may be on to something."

Saragos says, "Sounds like a good idea."

Kethrai says, "Or maybe the Heralds are simply... erasing the nuance. Maybe they understand that basic cross-realm casting isn't dangerous, but they think it's a kind of... slippery slope, if you relax on that, then high sorcery is sure to follow."

Aerilia nods to Kethrai.

Casari says, "I don't know, maybe someone can convince Unaka to get Truffenyi to tell us if the Heralds are more powerful and have greater perspective than the Immortals."

Illiya says, "I don't know if there's any way for us to guess what the Heralds really want, big picture wise."

Shaylynne declares her sudden desire to take a hike as she blends into her surroundings.

Kethrai says, "You don't tell your child only to eat one or two sweets before bedtime, you tell them none."

Elurora blinks at Kethrai.

Riverlynn ponders.

Allye quietly says to Kethrai, "I don't advise trying that one with Alma."

Kethrai giggles at Allye.

Elurora giggles at Allye.

Anuril smirks.

Illiya grins at Allye, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai says to Allye, "Lucky for me, I'm not a Mom."

Ezerak chuckles at Allye.

Allye says to Kethrai, "Never say never."

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Nawain leans on Elurora.

Kerennya smiles softly to herself.

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

Saragos says, "That's what I was thinking about."

Casari says, "Don't get me wrong, I'm still willing to burn them all down."

Elurora smiles down at Nawain and changes her stance slightly for a more sturdy base to rest against.

Casari cracks her knuckles.

Aerilia says, "Hopefully Liraxes completes its observations before long and can tell us more. If we're inclined to believe it, that is."

Allye nods to Aerilia.

Illiya says, "Assuming Liraxes doesn't decide we're the threat and wipe us out too."

Saragos says, "Ok, let's assume that I'm right, and that the Heralds did kidnap them. That was clear Sorcery that we saw. But it was better - the mana streams remained separate. The problem we have with Sorcery is that we're groping blindly, because we can only sense one type."

Aerilia nods to Illiya.

Kethrai says, "I'm inclined to listen to what it has to say and wonder what its motivations are to say that, same as with all the rest of these visitors so far."

Casari nods to Saragos.

Allye nods to Saragos.

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Saragos says, "What if what they hate is really the backlash, and they're just saying Sorcery is bad because they're not concerned with that nuance. Tell us it's ok if we do it just right, we'll keep doing it."

Kerennya nods to Kethrai.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Kethrai ponders.

Aerilia ponders.

Anuril says to Saragos, "Well, some have noted that in that place we could all seem to perceive all types. Which was... inconsistent with our everyday lives."

Casari says, "Well it was either that or they don't want to share 'their' power."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Us mortals do tend to overestimate our own intelligene."

Saragos says to Anuril, "All types but Holy."

Anuril says, "All types that were present."

Saragos nods to Anuril.

Illiya grins at Ezerak, her dimples flashing into view.

Anuril says, "Perhaps the place had something to do with that."

Anuril frowns.

Riverlynn nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Kethrai sighs.

Elurora rubs her head.

Elurora gazes upward.

Kerennya asks, "Or what if they just had a way to mask the holy mana?"

Saragos says, "Well, if that's what's going on, it might be that they'd not want us to learn more. Because that would encourage us to keep trying, doing more backlashes.,."

Riverlynn asks, "Do you think they could be being held captive by their own magic? The absent of holy with them and in them? Or is that dumb because like I said, who knows?"

Kethrai says, "Just once, would love to come out of one of these with more answers than new questions."

Aerilia says, "Even if we could perfectly manipulate all mana, that only further incentivises high sorcery. And so far everyone has agreed that's bad."

Elurora nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos asks, "And they might yank some people they felt were inadvertently getting close?"

Casari says to Saragos, "Figure out how they do it, do it BETTER because there are more manas available to us...."

Rhainn gazes thoughtfully at Casari.

Rhainn nods.

Ezerak says to Riverlynn, "Interesting idea, but it certainly felt like there must be more to it than that."

Elurora says to Riverlynn, "I was in one of the Null Prisons and I felt no holy magic in it."

Ezerak says, "Certainly seemed like some sort of...intention."

Riverlynn nods to Elurora.

Kerennya asks Elurora, "So was your attunement gone, or...?"

Saragos says, "I don't care to learn their tricks. I just want my wife back."

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Casari nods.

Elurora says to Kerennya, "None of us could access our magic but we could sense the 'prison' around us and that it was made up for three mana types."

Casari says to Saragos, "Whatever it takes."

Allye nods in agreement.

Riverlynn stifles a yawn.

Illiya nods to Elurora.

Ezerak nods at Riverlynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora softly says, "We will get them all back. I don't know how, but I have faith that we will."

Elurora gazes upward.

Kethrai nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya says to Elurora, "We have to."

Ezerak nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rhainn nods to Elurora.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "We must."

Kethrai's ears droop sleepily as he lets out a huge yawn.

Elurora nods emphatically at Ezerak.

Kerennya says, "Just wish we could get to the bottom of at least a piece or two of this puzzle."

Elurora nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye nods to Kerennya.

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Kerennya.

Ezerak quietly says, "I thank you all again for coming, and for your kind words and prayers."

Elurora says, "We have so many pieces, but figuring out how they fit..."

Elurora shakes her head.

Casari nods to Ezerak.

Elurora smiles at Ezerak.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Aerilia smiles at Ezerak.

Ezerak nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Anuril grins at Kethrai.

Rhainn nods to Ezerak.

Rhainn smiles.

Allye nods.

Nawain yawns expansively.

Elurora looks at Allye, obviously trying not to grin.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "Yes, I think I agree with your puzzle analogy, that we've got multiple puzzles, and the pieces are all mixed together."

Elurora nods to Nawain.

Kethrai says to Anuril, "Gonna need an inn room in town, I think."

Rhainn says, "I will continue to pray on their behalf."

Anuril nods.

Elurora nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Nawain rubs her head.

Nawain stands up.

Saragos says, "I think it's time to try something I've been holding back on."

Saragos says, "Not now, but soon."

Nawain carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a verdant jadeleaf prayer mat graced with golden butterflies and wildlace tassels.

Elurora cocks her head at Saragos.

Kerennya asks, "What's that?"

Ezerak gazes at Saragos.

Rhainn gazes at Saragos.

Nawain observes Saragos with fascination.

Anuril observes Saragos with fascination.

Nawain puts her mat in her slender rugursora.

Elurora says to Saragos, "If I can help, I will."

Saragos gets a small black pearl from inside a crackling eddy of seething blue light arcing from a lumium torus.

Nawain nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aerilia blinks.

Saragos says, "Can't talk about it. They might be watching. Probably are."

Casari nods to Saragos.

Casari asks, "The carpet, right?"

Allye looks thoughtfully at Saragos.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Ah, I think I see."

Saragos says, "But it's worth a try."

Saragos says, "At least learn something."

Saragos puts his pearl in a crackling eddy of seething blue light arcing from a lumium torus.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "I was worried for a moment that you might be planning something...particularly rash."

Nawain quietly says, "To know how to use what you learned is Enelne's best gift."

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Kerennya says to Saragos, "And I thought for a moment you were starting to sound the way everyone described Mazrian before he disappeared."

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Rash? No. Risky? Sure. But I tried rash, and it didn't work. So now it's risky, but calculated."

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Riverlynn went through a silver arch.

Saragos says to Kerennya, "Well. You're right. But you know what... if you know they're watching you, I could see how that could break a man down."

Saragos says, "I can feel their eyes on me, even now."

Kerennya nods.

Nawain frowns.

Elurora furrows her brow.

Kethrai just tried to take Anuril's hand, but he politely pulled away.

Anuril takes his rightful place beside Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "All right, I'm going to find an inn room in this city to curl up in before I fall asleep standing up..."

Elurora nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Maraisel nods.

Rhainn nods.

Kethrai stops teaching.

Illiya says, "Sounds good.. I should rest as well."

Saragos says to Kerennya, "You know what it's like to be more worried about anything than you've been in your life, and you can't even talk to your friends about it? They didn't just steal my wife. They stole my pride. My dignity. The warmth of friendship."

Elurora says, "I should feed Dog, my boots are suffering from these late nights into early mornings."

Elurora grins wryly.

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Illiya says, "Good to see you all again."

Elurora hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Elurora waves to Anuril.

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Saragos says, "Now it's all got to be up in here. Until it's ready."

Nawain winces.

Saragos taps his head.

Rhainn says, "Goodbye, friends."

Illiya just hugged Nawain.

Elurora hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Nawain hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Elurora touches Ezerak with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Allye hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Elurora just hugged Nawain.

Intern Rhainn went through a silver arch.

Elurora bows to Gridaksma.

Nawain hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Ezerak lays his hand on Saragos's arm.

Gridaksma bows his head, acknowledging Elurora.

Truthseeker Elurora went through a silver arch.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya went through a silver arch.

Kethrai says, "Be safe, everyone."

Aerilia says, "Take care."

Kethrai asks Saragos, "Safe and smart, yeah...?"

Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma went through a silver arch.

Kerennya says to Saragos, "Not in exactly that way, but I know what it is to be separated from one I love dearly for a heartbreakingly long period of time."

Nawain casually observes the area.

Kerennya softly says, "I know the pain of loss all too well."

Nawain says, "The janitor has been kind."

Nawain just touched a fragrant yellow rose.

Heart Tender Kethrai's group went through a silver arch.

Allye nods to Nawain.

Rejind says to Saragos, "One of our mutual friends has marshalled their group to the task we spoke of, and I have spread the word wider still. It will have to do."

Rejind nods to Saragos.

Saragos says, "Anyway, I've been up all night. Time to get some rest."

Allye asks Nawain, "Do you have a moment to spare for some remedies before I head back north? Or would you prefer I mailed them to you?"

Aerilia nods to Saragos.

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.

Casari nods to Saragos.

Nawain exclaims to Allye, "I can take them now!"

Tempest Knight Saragos went through a silver arch.

Allye nods to Nawain.

Ezerak says, "Yes, I should see to my other prayers, and get home to the children."

Ezerak hugs Maraisel, who wraps her arms around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Rejind nods.

Allye gets some ithor tonic from inside her dreamweave unicorn.

Ezerak hugs Casari, getting a smile in return.

Aerilia says, "I ought to go as well. Stay safe."

Casari pats Ezerak on the back.

Aerilia bows.

Allye says, "Take care, everyone."

Maraisel hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Maraisel with a warm smile.

Rejind says, "I should get back up to Crossing myelf. Y'all take care."

Nawain waves.